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National round-table meeting: Draft Law on Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Republic of Moldova and its pilot application to urban plans and programmes

29 July 2014
Chisinau Republic of Moldova

The round-table is organized by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe with the aim to discuss the draft law on Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Republic of Moldova and to initiate its pilot application to urban plans and programmes.

With support provided by the Espoo Convention secretariat the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova developed the draft law from January - May 2014. The adoption of the law will foster accession of the Republic of Moldova to the Protocol and facilitate further harmonisation of the national legislative framework with the requirements of the appropriate EU Directives.

Representatives of relevant Ministries, local authorities, members of Parliament as well as representatives from NGOs, the consultancy community and the private sector are invited to take part at the event and express their opinion on the draft law.

The participants of the event will also get familiar with practical aspects of application of SEA to urban plans and programmes, SEA place in environmental assessment systems and will discuss SEA benefits and potential challenges.

The Orhei municipality and the Ministry of Environment will inform the participants about their intent to test the draft law through carrying out a pilot SEA for the Orhei Town Master Plan and invite them to discuss roles of various stakeholders in the process.

The Round-table will be followed by a 2 days training workshop on practical application of the SEA. The workshop, which will support implementation of the pilot SEA, is targeted for practitioners who will help develop the SEA system in the Republic of Moldova, environmental experts, representatives of the Orhei municipality and urban planners. Interested and qualified participants will be invited to become exerts on the SEA team.

The activities were carried out with support of the EU funded Programme Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood (EaP-GREEN). 

Document Title




List of participants




Background documents

Draft law on Strategic Environmental Assessment   RUS  
Resource Manual to Support Application of the SEA Protocol ENG RUS  

General guidance on enhancing consistency between the Convention and environmental impact assessment within State ecological expertise in countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

Press-release ENG   RO

Introduction to the UNECE Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context
Technical advice and capacity-building activities
Elena SANTER, UNECE Secretariat to the Espoo Convention

Development of the legal framework for the implementation of the Strategic Environmental Assessment in the Republic of Moldova
Tatiana PLESCO, Ministry of Environment
European experience and main requirements for implementation of the Protocol and the Directive 2001/42/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 June 2001 on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment
Jerzy JENDROSKA, UNECE expert, Member of the Implementation Committee to the Espoo Convention
Draft Law of the Republic of Moldova on Strategic Environmental Assessment: main provisions
Analysis of comment obtained from governmental authorities and the public during the draft law review process
Natalia ZAMFIR, UNECE expert
Practical application of the draft law: Introduction to the pilot SEA for Orhei Town Master Plan      
SEA process: Key elements and actors
Introduction of SEA process and place in environmental assessment systems; key elements and their linkages
Marina KHOTULEVA, UNECE expert
Application of SEA: benefits and potential challenges
Conducting a SEA process in practice
Michal MUSIL, UNECE expert
Pilot SEA for Orhei Town Master Plan
Project timeframe, expected content of the master plan, important stakeholders and planned consultations
Marina Khotuleva, UNECE expert
Handout ENG   RO