Implementation Committee (Espoo Convention), 53rd session
10 - 13 May 2022
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifty-third session _ 366662 _ English _ 773 _ 351615 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifty-third session _ 366662 _ English _ 773 _ 351623 _ docx
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifty-third session _ 366662 _ French _ 780 _ 351624 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifty-third session _ 366662 _ French _ 780 _ 351613 _ docx
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifty-third session _ 366662 _ Russian _ 864 _ 351625 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/3 - Annotated provisional agenda for the fifty-third session _ 366662 _ Russian _ 864 _ 351617 _ docx
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ English _ 773 _ 370013 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ English _ 773 _ 370014 _ docx
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ French _ 780 _ 370015 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ French _ 780 _ 370016 _ docx
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ Russian _ 864 _ 370017 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/4 - Report of the Implementation Committee on its fifty-third session (Geneva, 10-13 May 2022) _ 368447 _ Russian _ 864 _ 370018 _ docx
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/5 - Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025 _ 367030 _ English _ 773 _ 352497 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/5 - Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025 _ 367030 _ English _ 773 _ 352498 _ docx
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/5 - Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025 _ 367030 _ French _ 780 _ 352499 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/5 - Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025 _ 367030 _ French _ 780 _ 352500 _ docx
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/5 - Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025 _ 367030 _ Russian _ 864 _ 352501 _ pdf
26171 _ ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2022/5 - Findings and recommendations on compliance by Serbia with its obligations under the Protocol in respect of the Energy Sector Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period up to 2025 _ 367030 _ Russian _ 864 _ 352502 _ docx