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High-level awareness-raising meeting and roundtable discussion on the analysis of national air quality legislation and National Action Plan

25 September 2019
Yerevan Armenia

List of participants

Opening and welcoming statements                    
Irina Ghaplanyan, Deputy Minister of Environment    
Shombi Sharp, UN Resident Coordinator in the Republic of Armenia    
Gonzalo Serrrano de La Rosa, Head of Cooperation,EU Delegation to Armenia    
Sarangoo Radnaaragchaa, Regional Advisor, Environment Division, UNECE    
Session 1: Introduction to UNECE and its Air Convention    
UNECE’s activities in support of the 2030 Agenda and support to target countries in the implementation of UNECE multilateral environmental agreements and promotion of the ratification process
Sarangoo Radnaaragchaa, Regional Advisor on Environment, UNECE
The Air Convention and activities under the assistance programme to promote ratification and implementation in the EECCA region
Carolin Sanz Noriega, Air Convention secretariat, UNECE
Session 2: Implementation of the Air Convention    
Progress towards the implementation of the Convention and challenges and opportunities for the ratification of the protocols and on the Batumi Action for Cleaner Air (BACA) initiative
Gayane Shahnazaryan, Ministry of Environment, Armenia
Experience in the ratification and implementation of the Gothenburg Protocol
Marek Maasikmets, Air Quality Management Department, Estonian Environmental Research Centre
Gap-analysis of national air quality management policy and regulatory framework in relation with the requirements of the Air Convention and its key protocols
Olga Melnicenko, Expert
Session 3: Steps forward to ratification of the Protocols    
EU Programmes for Armenia - Environment and Climate, Energy and Energy Efficiency
Andrea Baggioli, Cooperation Section, EU Delegation to Armenia
Discussion on further steps and National Action Plan for ratification of the Conventions’ key Protocols
Olga Melnicenko, Expert