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Fourth meeting of Working Group on the Development

28 April (10:00) - 29 April (18:00) 2014
Geneva Switzerland

The seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties, in November 2012, requested the Working Group on the Development of the Convention to draft a revised annex I to bring it into line with the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS, ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.4) and to maintain consistency with the corresponding European Union legislation (Seveso III Directive). The meeting also requested the Working Group to evaluate the possible amendment of the Convention to address a number of other provisions and issues.

Following initial discussions at its third meeting (Geneva, 3-4 September 2013), the Working Group on Development will continue discussions on annex I and other possible amendments of the Convention. In particular, the meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the revised annex I to the Convention and to review an updated background paper on other possible amendments to the Convention.

The meeting will be held in room V, Palais des Nations, Geneva. (Note of 4 April 2014: There was a change in the room number.)

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Terms of reference, prepared by the Bureau with the support of the secretariat, of:

Resources developed by the European Commission during the alignment of the Seveso Directive with GHS (see under Special Regulatory Topics).

List of participants PDF

Official Documents


Annotated provisional agenda ( ECE/CP.TEIA/WG.1/2014/1) PDF PDF PDF
Revised Annex I to the Convention (see attached to the report of the third meeting of the Working Group on Development, pp. 5-10, (ECE/CP.TEIA/WG.1/2013/2) PDF PDF PDF
Updated background paper on possible amendments to the Convention (informal document WG.1–2014.Inf.1) PDF n/a PDF
Informal document on non-reporting (WG.1–2014.Inf.2) PDF  n/a  PDF

Report of the fourth meeting (ECE/CP.TEIA/WG.1/2014/3)




Title Eng
Information exchanged at the meeting of the Chairs of the MEA compliance and implementation bodies,
Provisions on the review of compliance,
Ms. Sandra Ashcroft, Chair of the WGI Industrial Accidents Convention
Next steps processes towards COP-8,
Ms. Franziska Ilg-Hirsch, ECE Industrial Accidents secretariat

Information exchanged at the meeting of the Chairs of the MEA compliance and implementation bodies,
Possible remedies for non-compliance with reporting obligations,
Ms. Sandra Ashcroft, Chair of the WGI Industrial Accidents Convention

Reporting Trends in the UNECE Industrial Accidents Convention,
Ms. Claudia Kamke, ECE Industrial Accidents secretariat