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Fourth meeting of the Electronic Information Tools Task Force

07 - 08 November 2005
Geneva Switzerland

The 4th meeting of the Task Force took place on 7–8 November 2005 in Geneva, Switzerland. Mr. Chris Jarvis (UK) was elected chairman of the task force. The task force reviewed decision II/3 on Electronic Information Tools and the Clearing-house Mechanism (ENG FRE RUS), discussed preparation of a programme of capacity-building workshops and reviewed draft guidance for national nodes of the Clearinghouse.

The Task Force asked the secretariat to develop and circulate a questionnaire to assist with monitoring implementation of the Recommendations on the More Effective Use of Electronic Information Tools to Provide Public Access to Environmental Information, annexed to. decision II/3, before the fifth meeting.

The Task Force agreed to amend the draft guidance for national nodes and requested the secretariat to prepare a new, shortened version based on comments received at the meeting and through a follow-up electronic consultation.

As the report of the meeting and the draft guidance for national nodes are input documents to the sixth meeting of the Working Group of the Parties, these are available in English, French and Russian language verisions.

You can download copies of the documents from the fourth meeting of the Task Force:

Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional Agenda DOC    
Report of the fourth meeting of the Task Force on Electronic Information Tools PDF PDF PDF
Draft guidance for national nodes of the Aarhus Clearinghouse Mechanism (post-session version) PDF PDF PDF
List of Participants DOC    

Informal documents

Document Title ENG
The Access Initiative and Partnership for Principle 10 - Presentation by Ms. Nathalie Eddy, World Resources Institute PPT
Aarhus Clearinghouse Progress Report - Presentation by the Aarhus Convention secretariat PPT
EEA Neighbourhood Project - Presentation by Mr. Tim Hague, European Environmental Agency PPT
Draft guidance for national nodes of the Aarhus Clearinghouse Mechanism (pre-session version) DOC
UNECE activities reported to WSIS-II (Tunis), including adoption of Recommendations on the more
effective use of electronic tools to provide public access to environmental information