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The first NPD Steering Committee meeting

21 June 2013
Astana Kazakhstan

Steering Committee decided to initiate two first policy packages: analysis of benefits of Kazakhstan's potential accession to the Protocol on Water and Health (to be coordinated by UNECE) and analysis on sustainable business models for WSS in rural areas and small towns (to be coordinated by OECD).

Press release of the meeting is available in English and Russian

Documents ENG RUS
Agenda PDF PDF
Decisons PDF PDF
List of participants PDF  

European Union Water Initiative and National Policy Dialogues in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia –
main goals, direction and results

Mr. Peep Mardiste, NPD Regional Coordinator, UNECE

Organizational aspects of activities of the Interagency Coordinating Council of National Policy Dialogue in the Republic of Kazakhstan - composition, position of the work, responsibilities, obligations
Mr. Muslim Zhienbaev, Chief Expert, Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the
Republic of Kazakhstan
The Project «Sustainable models of operation and financing of water supply and sanitation systems in villages and small towns»
Mr. Alexander Martoussevich, Senior Project Manager, OECD Environment Directorate
The UNECE / WHO-Europe Protocol on Water and Health to the UNECE Convention of the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention)
Ms. Nataliya Nikiforova, Water Convention secretariat, UNECE
The organization of work under the theme of "Water and Health"
Mr. Serik Akhmetov, national expert, member of the Bureau of the Water Convention of the Central Asian region
Cooperation with the Russian Federation in the field of management and protection of transboundary waters
Mr. Muslim Zhienbayev, Chief Expert of Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Environment
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Cooperation with China in the field of management and protection of transboundary waters
Mr. Amirkhan Kenshimov, Deputy Director of the Executive Directorate, IFAS

Cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic on Chu and Talas rivers
Mr. Erlan Utegenov, Expert of Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Cooperation with countries in Aral Sea Basin
Mr. Nariman Kipshakpayev, Director, SIC Kazakh Branch, Interstate Commission for Water Coordination
Consultations on Water Resources in frame of the Global Development Agenda Beyond 2015
Mr. Peep Mardiste, NPD regional coordinator, UNECE
Water-related diseases of population
Mr. Elshibay Мustapayev, Scientific Practical Center for Sanitary-Epidemiological Inspection and Monitoring