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Fifth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information under the Aarhus Convention

10 - 11 October 2016
Salle V, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The fifth meeting of the Task Force on Access to Information of the Aarhus Convention took place from 10 to 11 October 2016 in Geneva (Palais des Nations, Salle V).

The meeting continued the exchange of information, good practices and recent legislative, policy and practical developments on promoting public access to environmental information. In particular, the Task Force continued focusing on the scope of environmental information and information on emissions; use of public registers and other electronic information tools; application of the restrictions; and the further development of the Aarhus Clearinghouse and national nodes.

The background material for the meeting included relevant information derived from 2014 national implementation reports  and the synthesis report  as well as the Implementation Guide, relevant Compliance Committee findings of a systemic nature  and jurisprudence database. The Task Force on Access to Information continued its work based on the outputs of the previous meetings.


Document Title ENG FRE RUS
Provisional agenda (AC/TF.AI-5/Inf.1) PDF    
List of speakers PDF    
Report of the fifth meeting, including the summary report  on the assessment of the implementation of the recommendations on electronic information tools (ECE/MP.PP/WG.1/2017/4)

Accompanying document to the summary report (AC/WGP-21/Inf.2)
Key outcomes of the meeting (AC/TF.AI-5/Inf.4) PDF    
List of participants PDF    
Documents relevant to the agenda items      
Findings of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee of a systemic nature on access to environmental information (AC/TF.AI-3/Inf.2) PDF    
Findings of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee of a systemic nature in the current intersessional period (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2015/10; see paras. 48-78, 92) PDF PDF PDF
Overview of case law on access to environmental information (AC/TF.AI-4/Inf.2) PDF    
The Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate (ILT) vision on public access to information (the Netherlands) PDF    
Item 4. Effective dissemination of environmental information      
Recommendations of the Meeting of the Parties on Electronic Information Tools (Decision II/3) PDF PDF PDF
Questionnaire to assess implementation of the Recommendations of the Meeting of the Parties on Electronic Information Tools (AC/TF.AI-5/Inf.2) - Submission by 1 May 2016      
- With final revisions in track changes
- Final
Summary report on the results of the survey (AC/TF.AI-5/Inf.3) and its accompanying document (AC/TF.AI-5/Inf.3/Add.1)
Electronic Information Tools: Case Studies 



Statements and Presentations

Item 2. Environmental information: scope and access      
Mr. Jaroslaw Melnik, Poland PDF    
Ms. Aida Iskoyan, Environmental Public Advocacy Center/ Environmental Law Resource Center, Armenia     PDF
Mr. Marko Van der Voort, the Netherlands PDF    
Ms. Gabrielle Somers and Ms. Audur Yr Steinarsdottir, EFTA Surveillance Authority PDF    
Ms. Geidy Lung, WIPO PDF
Item 3. Restrictions on access to environmental information in the Digital Age      
Ms. Lina Oskarsson, Sweden PDF    
Ms. Tatsiana Yeudasiova, Belarus     PDF
Mr. Daniele Franzone, European Commission PDF    
Ms. Tatiana Tökölyová and Ms. Petra Horvathova, Slovakia PDF    
Mr. Vadim Ni, Ecoforum of NGOs of Kazakhstan PDF    
Item 4. Effective dissemination of environmental information      
Mr. Olivier Garry, France   PDF  
Mr. Jakob A. Sandal, Norway PDF    
Mr. Rudolf Legat, Austria PDF    
Response to the Questionnaire by Austria PDF    
Ms. Flavia Piperno, Italy PDF    
Mr. Nicholas Duffin, Consultation Institute, UK PDF    
Ms. Maryna Yanush, UNECE Aarhus Convention secretariat PDF    
Item 5. Activities under other international forums      
Mr. Michael Nagy, UNECE Statistical Division PDF    
Mr. Filip Aggestam, UNECE WGEMA Secretariat PDF    
Mr. Marques Tomas, UNEP PDF