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Expert meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange

01 April 2021


The Expert Meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange in the framework of the Water Convention was held online on 1 April 2021. The meeting consisted of a morning session from 10 a.m.  to 12 p.m. and an afternoon session from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. (CEST Time).

In Spring 2021, the future programme of work under the Water Convention for 2022-2024 was developed taking into account the outcome of a devoted survey  and the outcome of discussions at relevant intergovernmental bodies under the Convention, namely the Fifteenth meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment, and Global workshop on Data Exchange and information (4-6 December 2019).

The Expert Meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange discussed in detail the proposed activities on monitoring, assessment and data for 2022-24, notably the proposed update of the Convention guidelines on Monitoring and Assessment. More specifically, the meeting aimed to: 

  1. Present the work on monitoring and assessment under the Water Convention and the outcomes of the survey on priorities of work for the 2022-2024 programme of work of the Water Convention. 
  2. Provide an overview of the existing guidelines on Monitoring and Assessment, analysing the different options for updating them and/or complementing them with collection of good practice and new guidance on cross-cutting issues. 
  3. Discuss advantages, limitations of the different options as well as needs of countries and interests of organizations and basins organizations, and cooperation opportunities with partners.


The meeting targeted, firstly, nominated experts experienced in matters related to monitoring and assessment and focal points of the Water Convention, especially those who participated at the fifteenth meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment (WGMA) and Global workshop on Data Exchange and information (4-6 December 2019); and, secondly, organizations interested in cooperating on topics in focus. The meeting was also open to participation by other interested experts from Governments, international and regional organization, civil society, academia and the private sector.  

Format of the meeting

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually, connection details will be provided to registered participants.

The working languages for the meeting were English, French, Russian and Spanish.


The agenda of the meeting (ENGFRERUS, SPA), the above-mentioned global workshop's background documents, report of the fifteenth meeting of the WGMA and the Draft Programme of Work of the Water Convention (2022-2024) are made available in the below table.


We kindly invite you to register for the Meeting using the following link: preferably by 26 March 2021. 

Please kindly ensure that the browser used is either Chrome or Firefox when registering. You can also find additional information on how to create an account and register via the links below:  

- How to create an indico account:   

- How to register for an online meeting:  

Please do not hesitate to contact the Water Convention secretariat  if you have any questions:
Ms. Sara Datturi concerning programme related and other substantive issues ([email protected])
Ms. Olga Petrova concerning administrative and logistical issues ([email protected]).







Final Agenda


Report of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment (December 2019)





Draft Programme of Work 2022-2024





Background paper- Fifteenth meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment under the Water Convention (Geneva, 4–6 December 2019) PDF      
List of Participants  PDF      


Presentation on activities carried out by the current Programme of Work of the Water Convention on Monitoring, Assessment and data Exchange, Ms. Lea Kauppi, Co-Chair of the Programme Area n.2 Monitoring and Assessment under the Water Convention.   PDF      
Outcome of the survey of the Programme of Work 2022-2024 and the proposed activities for Programme Area 2, Ms. Sara Datturi, Associate Environmental Officer, Water Convention Secretariat.  PDF      
Overview of the existing guidelines developed under the Water Convention and different options for update the guidelines and to complement them, Mr. Jos Timmerman, Waterframes.  PDF      
Situation in the Mekong River Basin regarding monitoring cooperation and data exchange, Mr. Winai Wangpimool, Director of Technical Support Division​ Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS)​ PDF      
Potential synergies between the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO) activities and the 2022-2024​ draft programme of work, Mr. Paul Haener, International Office for Water/INBO.  PDF      
Synergies with UNEP and GEMS activities, Mr. Melchior Elser, Associate Expert, Global Environment Monitoring System for Freshwater (GEMS/Water) Programme PDF      
Synergies with WMO activities, Mr. Tommaso Abrate, Scientific Officer, World Meteorological Organization.  PDF      
Outcome of the regional strategic discussion at the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment held in December 2019, Ms. Annukka Lipponen, Environmental Affair Officer, Water Convention Secretariat.  PDF      
The greater Drin Basin and data exchange and monitoring (current situation and the Strategic Action Programme), Amarildo Guri, Albania/Global Water Partnership Mediterranean  PDF      
Monitoring and Assessment as well as interest to exchange data and information in the Senegal-Mauritanian Aquifer (overview of the status and the joint action plan developed), Mr. Hilario Sanha, Senior Technician of the General Directorate of Water Resources and International Water Resources Management Focal Point, Ministry of Energy, Industry and Natural Resources of Guinea Bissau.     PDF    
Brief intervention about situations with monitoring cooperation and data exchange and discussion, Ms. Sandra Poikane, European Commission’s Joint Research Centre PDF      
Conclusions for the programme of work 2022-2024, Ms. Annukka Lipponen, Environmental Affair Officer, Water Convention Secretariat PDF