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Eleventh meeting of the Working Group on Water and Health

03 - 04 April 2019
Geneva Switzerland

Salle VIII, Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

The eleventh meeting of the Working Group on Water and Health was held from Wednesday 3 April to Thursday 4 April 2019 in Geneva. The meeting was held back-to-back with the twenty-second meeting of the Bureau of the Protocol on Water and Health on 5 April 2019.

The Working Group took stock of the progress in the implementation of the water, sanitation and health related Sustainable Development Goals in the pan-European region and to discuss how to benefit from the Protocol's practical framework to facilitate their achievement. It also review the implementation of the programme of work for 2020-2022 and provide guidance on its further development, while giving particular consideration to the financial situation.


Documents ENG FRE RUS

Report of the 11th meeting of the Working Group on Water and Health

List of participants PDF    
Annotated provisional agenda for the eleventh meeting
Draft Programme of Work for 2020-2022
Item 4 (b). Fourth reporting exercise      
Protocol on Water and Health and the 2030 Agenda:
A practical Guide for Joint Implementation (advance copy)
Decision IV/1 on reporting in accordance with article 7 of the Protocol
Informal Document      
Report of the tenth meeting of the Task Force on Target Setting and Reporting PDF - PDF
Item 5 (a). Strenghtening capacity in surveillance of water-related diseases and outbreak      
Informal documents      
Brief summary of the national workshop on water-related disease surveillance and outbreak response in Armenia (Yerevan, 4-6 June 2018) PDF - -
Brief summary of the national workshop on water-related disease surveillance and outbreak response in Azerbaijan
(Baku, 9-11 October 2018)
PDF - -
Draft manuscript Technical guidance on the surveillance and management of outbreaks of water-related infectious diseases associated with water supply systems PDF - -
Item 5 (b). Strengthning capacity in uptake of risk-based approaches in drinking water quality surveillance      
Informal document      
A risk-based approach towards strengthening drinking-water quality surveillance WORD - -
Item 6 (a). Strengthening water, sanitation and hygiene in schools      
Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygience in Schools: Global Baseline Report 2018 PDF - PDF
Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in schools in the Sustainable Development Goals PDF - PDF
Informal documents      
Draft manuscript Surveillance of water, sanitation and hygiene in schools: A practical tool PDF - -
Draft manuscript Improving health and education in schools: Water, sanitation and hygience information package for school staff PDF - -
Item 6 (b). Strengthening water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities      
Core questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in health care facilities in the Sustainable Development Goals PDF - PDF
Informal document      
Meeting report on improving water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities (Bonn, 27-28 September 2017) PDF - -
Item 7. Compliance procedure      
Report of the Compliance Committee on its sixteenth meeting
Report of the Compliance Committee on its seventeenth meeting
PDF - -
Item 8. Small-scale water supplies and sanitation      
Informal documents      
Report of the sub-regional workshop on improving small-scale water supplies for better health in European Union countries (Dessau, Germany, 18-20 June 2018) see page
Costing and financing small-scale water services PDF - -
Item 9. Safe and efficient management of water supply and sanitation systems      
Informal document      
Sanitation in the pan-European region:
Draft summary of findings of a scoping study
Item 10. Equitable access to water and sanitation      
Guidance Note on the Development of Action Plans to Ensure Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation

see publication
Informal document      
Draft publication: Realising the human rights to water and sanitation in the pan-European region - Findings and lessons learned from the work on equitable access to water and sanitation under the Protocol on Water and Health PDF
- -
Item 13. Implementation of the programme of work for 2017-2019      
Programme of work for 2017-2019
Informal document      
Overview of contributions and expenditures for the period 1 September 2017 – 31 December 2018 and resources required up to the fifth session of the Meeting of the Parties compared with funds raised PDF - -
Item 14. Programme of work for 2020-2022, terms of reference for the bodies established to implement it and resources needed for its implementation      
Draft programme of work for 2020-2022
Informal document      
Overview of resource requirements for 2020-2022 PDF - -
Item 15. Preparations for the fifth session of the Meeting of the Parties      
Informal document      
Outline of the programme of the fifth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health, Belgrade,19-21 November 2019 PDF - PDF


Presentations ENG FRE RUS
Item 3: Progress in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development      
Achieving the 2030 Agenda: Regional and global review
Michael Kunz, UNECE
PDF - -
Item 4: Improving governance for water and health: support for setting targets and implementing measures      
Improving governance for water and health
Setting targets and implementing measures
Switzerland and Romania
Ana Albuquerque, ERSAR, Portugal
Carmen Neagu, Ministry Waters and Forests, Romania
Pierre Studer, Federal Department of Home Affairs, Switzerland
PDF - -
Water and Health Protocol
Ana Albuquerque, ERSAR, Portugal
PDF - -
The Protocol on Water and Health and the 2030 Agenda: A Practical Guide for Joint Implementation
Nataliya Nikiforova, UNECE
PDF - -
WASH in Health Care Facilities: Global Baseline Report 2019
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Hygiene
Rick Johnston, WHO
PDF - -
Update on UN-Water GLAAS 2018-2019 cycle
Marina Takane, WHO
PDF - -
Item 5: Prevention and reduction of water-related diseases      
Progress of work on surveillance of water-related diseases and outbreak management
Karin Nygard, Institute of Public Health, Norway
PDF - -
Drinking water quality surveillance
Alena Drazdova, Belarus
Susanne Hyllestad, Norway
PDF - -
Item 6: Institutional water, sanitation and hygiene      
Strenghtening WASH in schools
Marta Vargha, National Institute of Environmental Health, Hungary
PDF - -
Strenghtening WASH in healthcare facilities
Marta Vargha, National Institute of Environmental Health, Hungary
PDF - -
Item 7: Compliance procedure      
Major results of the Committee work and its future plans
Ingrid Chorus, Compliance Committee to the Protocol on Water and Health
PDF - -
Item 8: Small-scale water supplies and sanitation      
Progress of work small-scale water supplies and sanitation 2018-2019
Dragana Jovanovic, Institute of Public Health, Serbia
Bettina Rickert, Environment Agency, Germany
PDF - -
Small-scale water supplies and sanitation: Proposed future activities for 2020-2022
Dragana Jovanovic, Institute of Public Health, Serbia
Bettina Rickert, Environment Agency, Germany
PDF - -
Item 9: Safe and efficient management of water supply and sanitation systems      
Safe and Efficient Management of Water Supply and Sanitation
Lieke Friederichs, Netherlands
Jelena Vicanovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jela Appelman, Netherlands
PDF - -
Item 10: Equitable access to water and sanitation      
Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation: translating the human right to water and sanitation into practice
Yannick Pavageau, Ministry of Solidarities and Health, France
PDF - -
Draft publication: The Human Rights to Water and sanitation in practice: Findings and lessons learned the the work on equitable access to water and sanitation in the pan-European region under the Protocol on Water and Health
Chantal Demilecamps and Diane Guerrier, UNECE
PDF - -
Item 11: Increasing resilience to climate change      
Increasing resilience to climate change
Francesco Bignami and Luca Lucentini, National Institute of Health, Italy
PDF - -
Increasing resilience to climate change: Experience of Sweden on climate change adaptation
Par Aleljung, Sweden
PDF - -
Framework for Increasing Resilience to Climate Change in Water and Health
Eline Boelee, Ad Jeuken, Cees van de Guchte and AGWA, Deltares
PDF - -
Item 12: Assistance to support implementation at the national level      
European Union Water Initiative National Policy Dialogues: Support to the Protocol on Water and Health Activites
Alisher Mamadzhanov, UNECE
PDF - -
Item 13: Implementation of the programme of work for 2017-2019      
Financial reporting in UMOJA
Michael Sylver, UNECE
PDF - -
Item 14: Programme of work for 2020-2022, terms of reference for the bodies established to implement it and resources needed for its implementation      
Draft Programme of Work for 2020-2022 under the Protocol on Water and Health
Sergiusz Ludwiczak, UNECE
Oliver Schmoll, WHO Regional Office for Europe
PDF - -
Item 15: Preparations for the fifth session of the Meeting of the Parties      
Preparations for the fifth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health, 19-21 November 2019, Belgrade
Danijela Urosevic, Ministry of Health, Serbia
PDF - -
The 10-Step Guide to the MOP5 video campaign
Oliver Schmoll, WHO Regional Office for Europe
PDF - -

Side event

Side Event (Salle VIII, 4 April 2019 - 13:15-14:15)

The side event was an interactive discussion on practical solutions for realising the human rights to water and sanitation. It shared the winning projects from the 1st World Summit on Leaving No On Behind and highlight relevant chapters on human rights from the World Water Development Report. The side event was organized by WaterLex.

Download the programme.