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Accession to and implementation of the Convention

28 October (10:00) - 29 October (18:00) 2013
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan


Presentations PDF
Provisional Agenda RUS
Provisional Agenda ENG
The Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents - goals, scope, man requirements and stakeholders RUS
Scope of the Convention and further development of Anenx I RUS
Benefits of acceding to the Convention RUS
Water pollution as consequence of industrial accidents - lessons learnt, synergies between the Industrial Accidents and Water Conventions and joint actions (presentation by the Industrial Accident Convention secretariat) RUS
Identification of hazardous activities, capable of causing transboundary water pollution in the event of an accident (presentation by the Industrial Accidents Convention secretariat) RUS
Safety Guidelines and Good Practices for tailing management facilities, pipelines and oil terminals (presentation by the Industrial Accident Convention secretariat) RUS
Management of tailing management facilities - past accident and lessons learnt (presentation by the Industrial Accident Convention secretariat) RUS
The assistance programme - rationale, goals, tools, projects RUS
Strategic approach for the Assistance Programme - self assessment and national action plans RUS
Industrial Accident response and mutual assistance RUS
Summary Report PDF