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The 25th NPD Steering Committee meeting

11 April 2017
Chisinau Republic of Moldova
Documents EN RO
Meeting documents (Minutes, agenda and list of participants (Протокол, повестка дня и cписок участников)) PDF PDF
Presentations EN RU RO
EUWI+ project draft workplan for the Republic of Moldova, 2016-2020
EUWI+ project team (UNECE, OECD, Austria, France)
Report on implementation in 2016 of the Strategy of Water Supply and Sanitation (2014-2028)
Mrs. Serafima Tronza, Ministry of Environment
Discussion of the recommendations from the draft Final Report on Economic Regulatory System for Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) in Moldova
Mr. Dumitru Budianschi and Mr. Giel Verbeeck, consultants
Status of developing new norms for small-scale WSS systems in Moldova 
Mr. Gheorghe Croitoru, Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions
Possible measures from the National Programme on implementation of the targets set under the Protocol on Water and Health 2016-2025 that could be supported by the EUWI+ project
Mr. Ion Șalaru, Ministry of Health and Mrs. Serafima Tronza, Ministry of Environment



Protocol on Water and Health as a tool to implement Sustainable Development Goals at the national level
Ms. Nataliya Nikiforova, UNECE
ADA-SDC project on Strengthening the institutional framework in the water and sanitation sector in the Republic of Moldova – possible links and synergies with the EUWI+ project
Mrs. Inga Podoroghin, State Secretary, Ministry of Environment
GIZ project ”Inter-municipal water management along the Dniester river”
Mr. Mircea Ursu, GIZ
Portfolio of water and sanitation projects financed by EU in the period of 2017 -2020 and implemented by GIZ in partnership with Regional Development Agencies"
Mr. Igor Malai, Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions
Implementation of regional Project "Implementation of the Shared Environmental Information System principles and practices in the Eastern Partnership countries (ENI-SEIS II EAST Project)" in Moldova
Ms. Veronica Lopotenco, Ministry of Environment