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21st Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee of the National Policy Dialogue on Water Issues in Armenia

26 October 2023
Yerevan Armenia

On 26 October 2023, the 21st Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Steering Committee of the National Policy Dialogue (NPD) on Water in Armenia was held in Yerevan. It brought together a broad and engaged group of representatives from across national and sub-national authorities, academia, civil society, and international organisations. Opened by Ms Gayane Gabrielyan, Deputy Minister of Environment of the Republic of Armenia and organised with the support of the European Union, the NPD tackled challenging issues facing Armenia’s water sector, including financing water security, improving availability of water and environmental data, advancing River Basin Management Planning, transboundary cooperation, implementing key water-related EU Directives, and improving irrigation efficiency and effectiveness.

Fifty-five participants joined the NPD in person, with 23 female and 32 male participants.


58083 _ Agenda _ 388497 _ English _ 773 _ 406799 _ pdf
58083 _ Proceedings _ 388498 _ English _ 773 _ 406800 _ pdf