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Guidelines for developing national strategies to use biodiversity monitoring as an environmental policy tool for countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as Interested South-Eastern European countries

Guidelines for developing national strategies to use biodiversity monitoring

Available in English and in Russian (not laid out). (ECE/CEP/176, 44 pp.)

This publication contains guidelines to help make biodiversity monitoring a practical tool for environmental policy for countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe. The guidelines offer advice on how to:

  • Develop plans and strategies for conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity;
  • Mainstream biodiversity conservation objectives across policy sectors;
  • Assess progress in achieving policy targets and the effectiveness of conservation measures;
  • Minimize health, environmental and socioeconomic risks resulting from biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation, and
  • Maximize benefits from biodiversity and ecosystems.

The guidelines are addressed to government officials and experts working for governmental bodies responsible for environmental policy, environmental monitoring and compliance monitoring.