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Displaying Results 301 - 320 of 328

- Pусский
Анализ эффективности автомобильных, железнодорожных, внутренних водных и интермодальных транспортных систем Европейская экономическая комиссия Организации Объединенных Наций (ЕЭК ООН) при поддержке Экономической и социальной комиссии для Западной Азии (ЭСКЗА)
… Documentary control of a truck by the Revenue Service of Georgia at a road BCP between Georgia and Armenia © U N EC E, J U LY 2 01 9 ПОКАЗАТЕЛИ …
- Pусский
На основе оценки возможных среднесрочных и долгосрочных последствий конкретных вариантов политики и структурных изменений, составленной с использованием, по возможности, построенного на сценариях анализа, в Перспективном исследовании по лесному сектору, 2020–2040 годы, представлена информация по
… Overview of the State of Forests and Forest Management in Georgia ECE/TIM/DP/80 Overview of the State of Forests and … ECE/TIM/DP/27 Forest and Forest Products Country Profile: Georgia ECE/TIM/DP/26 Forest certification update for the …
- Pусский
… KPMG (o). (2020, April 27). Georgia: Tax developments in response to COVID-19. Retrieved … from KPMG: response-to-covid-19.html 29 …
- Pусский
Опубликовано: Ноябрь 2020 В целях поддержки компетентных органов и операторов в практической реализации Руководящих принципов и надлежащей практики обеспечения эксплуатационной безопасности
… has been amended by follow-up projects in Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia, resulting in an updated methodology. In … of Tailings Management Facilities in Armenia and Georgia. German Environment Agency, …
- Español
Understanding the interactions between water, food, energy and water-related ecosystems in river basins can be vital in ensuring different and often competing needs are met in a coherent manner. This is even more important in transboundary basins, where identifying intersectoral synergies and
… km2 1.000.000 km2 Países que comparten la cuenca Azerbaiyán Georgia Kazajstán, Kirguistán, Tayikistán, Uzbekistán …
- English
More often than not, transboundary waters can be better governed via an agreement or other arrangement which typically applies to both, surface and groundwaters. Just how can countries and other stakeholders of a shared water basin work towards an effective, adaptable and sustainable agreement?
… 2013), pp. 54-64. Mtkvari /Kura river in Uplistsikhe, Georgia
- Français
Le Protocole sur l’eau et la santé précise que, dans la poursuite des objectifs d’accès à l’eau potable et à l’assainissement pour tous, une attention particulière doit être accordée à la garantie d’un accès équitable à ces services pour tous les membres de la population. La présente note d’
… Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, …
- Français
L’Étude des perspectives du secteur forestier 2020-2040 pour la région de la CEE a pour objectif d’éclairer les décisions à prendre et met en lumière à ce titre les conséquences potentielles, à moyen et à long terme, de certains choix politiques et d’évolutions structurelles spécifiques. Elle s’
… Overview of the State of Forests and Forest Management in Georgia ECE/TIM/DP/80 Overview of the State of Forests and … ECE/TIM/DP/27 Forest and Forest Products Country Profile: Georgia ECE/TIM/DP/26 Forest certification update for the …
- Français
 La Revue annuelle du marché des produits forestiers 2019-2020 fournit une analyse complète des marchés dans la région de la CEE et examine l’influence sur les marchés des principaux facteurs hors de la région. Elle traite des produits forestiers, depuis la forêt jusqu’à l’utilisateur final, c
… Overview of the State of Forests and Forest Management in Georgia ECE/TIM/DP/80 Overview of the State of Forests and … ECE/TIM/DP/27 Forest and Forest Products Country Profile: Georgia ECE/TIM/DP/26 Forest certification update for the …
- English
… was possible. The second eTIR pilot project, between Georgia and Turkey, is still ongoing and aims as … 5,000 4,700 2,700 3,650 3,700 2,300 1,550 850 550 250 50 Georgia 4,100 4,000 4,000 4,200 7,000 8,200 10,500 7,500 … Denmark Estonia Estonia Finland Finland France France Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Greece Greece Hungary …
- Español
The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) was adopted in 1992 and entered into force in 1996. It brings together almost all countries sharing transboundary waters in the pan-European region, and is expected to achieve broader
… Sra. Anca Leroy (Francia), Sr. Ivane Shvelidze (Georgia), Sr. Alexandros Kolliopoulos (Grecia), Sra. Reka …
- Español
Al igual que las versiones anteriores, la cuarta edición del Libro azul ofrece información precisa acerca del Foro Mundial para la Armonización de la Reglamentación sobre Vehículos (WP.29) creado al amparo de la División de Transporte Sostenible de la CEPE, su historia, su marco administrativo y
… Egipto, la ex República Yugoslava de Macedonia, Georgia, el Japón, Kazajstán, Malasia, Nigeria, Nueva … 26 de enero de 2016 E 58 Túnez 1 de enero de 2008 E 60 Georgia 25 de mayo de 2015 E 62 Egipto 3 de febrero de 2013 … 27 de noviembre de 2015, adhesión 26 de enero de 2016 Georgia 6 de octubre de 2016, ratificación 5 de diciembre de …
- Español
Content The first section describes the TIR transit system, its coverage, objective and functioning and analyses possible future developments. The second section contains the complete text of the TIR Convention. The third section contains related resolutions and recommendations.  
… 12,300 10,000 8,200 5,000 4,700 2,700 3,650 3,700 2,300 Georgia 1,050 3,600 4,300 4,100 4,000 4,000 4,200 7,000 … Rusa Federación Rusa Finlandia Finlandia Francia Francia Georgia Georgia Grecia Grecia Hungría Hungría Indonesia - Irán …
- Español
La introducción de un mecanismo de seguimiento de la aplicación del Convenio del Agua y la adopción del marco de los ODS (indicador 6.5.2 de los ODS) marcan un paso importante en el apoyo a la cooperación en materia de aguas transfronterizas. Esta Guía para la presentación de informes sobre el
… Roger Pulwarty), Federación de Rusia (Sra. Oxana Kozlova), Georgia (Sra. Nino Janelidze), Ghana (Sr. Ben Yaw Ampomah y …
- English
Content The first section describes the TIR transit system, its coverage, objective and functioning and analyses possible future developments. The second section contains the complete text of the TIR Convention. The third section contains related resolutions and recommendations.  
… 12,300 10,000 8,200 5’000 4,700 2,700 3,650 3,700 2,300 Georgia 1,050 3,600 4,300 4,100 4,000 4,000 4,200 7,000 … Denmark Estonia Estonia Finland Finland France France Georgia Georgia Germany Germany Greece Greece Hungary Hungary …
- Pусский
Ежегодный обзор рынка лесных товаров, 2019–2020 годы, содержит всеобъемлющий анализ положения на рынках в регионе ЕЭК ООН, а также информацию о внешних факторах, влияющих на ситуацию в этом регионе. Он охватывает все этапы производственно-распределительной цепочки, от леса до конечного потребителя
… ECE/TIM/DP/27 Forest and Forest Products Country Profile: Georgia ECE/TIM/DP/26 Forest certification update for the …
- Español
El Convenio sobre la Protección y Utilización de los Cursos de Agua Transfronterizos y de los Lagos Internacionales (Convenio del Agua) se adoptó en 1992 y entró en vigor en 1996. Diseñado como un instrumento regional, en 2003 el Convenio del Agua se enmendó para permitir la adhesión de países
… CAPÍTULO 4 El río Kurá a su paso por Tiblisi, Georgia ÁMBITO 4.1 ¿Qué aguas se incluyen dentro del ámbito …
- English
Industrial accidents can have severe effects on people, the environment and economies, causing fatalities, disease outbreaks, injuries, environmental pollution, biodiversity loss, conflicts, political instability, financial loss and more. National governments and international organizations have
… reports and/or this publication: Franziska Hirsch, Georgios Georgiadis, Claudia Kamke (led the report development), …
- English
The revised fourth edition of the Blue Book continues to provide precise information about the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) as serviced by the ECE Sustainable Transport  Division: on its history, its administrative and legal framework as a guide for users, and
… San Marino 26 January 2016 E 58 Tunisia 1 January 2008 E 60 Georgia 25 May 2015 E 62 Egypt 3 February 2013 E 63 Nigeria … San Marino 27 November 2015 by accession 26 January 2016 Georgia 6 October 2016 by ratification 5 December 2016 …
- Français
Available in English, French and Russian. If you would require a hard copy of the Guide please contact the secretariat at [email protected]   
… on communication ACCC/C/2008/35 concerning compliance by Georgia (ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2010/4/Add.1), para. 46. 37 See the …