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Displaying Results 641 - 660 of 841

- English
The report looks at the current situation of women’s labour force participa­tion in Serbia, unemployment and activity rates, the gender pay gap and the linkages between women’s employment, childcare provision and family policies (including maternity and parental leave). It explores how childcare
… and engage with all stakeholders on norms, standards and conventions, its unique convening power across the region, … % Services 1,294.4 584.9 709.5 54.8 Wholesale/retail/repairs 370.8 166.5 204.3 55.1 Education 176.9 48.3 128.6 72.7 …
- English
The Trans-European North-South Motorway (TEM) Project was initiated to facilitate road traffic in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, and to assist with the process of integrating European transport infrastructure systems. Major infrastructure projects which are implemented to improve the
… For providing information and answering the questionnaire, the author would also like to thank all TEM National … and land management, many of the norms, standards and conventions developed in UNECE are used worldwide, and a …
- English
… MODIFIED ORGANISMS submitted by the Secretariat of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in … secretariat is requested to establish and maintain on the Convention’s web site an up-to-date list of web sites which …
- English
This Review focuses on knowledge and innovation as key factors for competitiveness and growth in the modern economy. Policies seeking to create an environment conducive to the generation and diffusion of innovation are increasingly taking a central role in national and international policy debates
… Foresight and Innovation Policy, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-2. 52 Alasdair Reid (2007), “Science & Innovation in the 21st Century: … economy. In collaboration with the ministry of Economic Affairs, actors within a specific key area (industry, … in a market environment characterised by the absence of conventional sources of funds and limited demand for their …
- English
In modern, competitive economies, knowledge-based innovation is the foundation for economic development. Sustained growth and improved living standards can only be obtained by increasing productivity and introducing new and better products and services that compete successfully in the global
… sectors could also be included as members, while the chairmanship role could be performed by a figure with wide … be reliable. Most small enterprises operate in “Trade, repair of vehicles, household appliances” (61.5%) and “Real … 17 S. Radosevic, Science-Industry Links in CEE and CIS: Conventional Policy Wisdom Facing Reality, Science and …
- English
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Recommendation No. 2 was originally approved at the same time as ECE Recommendation No. 1: United Nations Layout Key for Trade Documents to underline the importance of unambiguous definition of the information in documents and to recommend the use
… with the World Customs Organization, the International Air Cargo Association, and Open Applications Group Inc. (the … distinction with the commercial process. Likewise, in many conventions, the person requesting a permit is often …
- English
Report of the Regional Forum on Sustainable Development for the UNECE region on its first session The first session of the regional forum was held on 25 April 2017 and was chaired by Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, Commissioner General for Sustainable Development and Interministerial Delegate for
… 21–23 5 Annex Chair’s summary of the discussions during the Policy Segment … In particular, the major role of the Regional Seas Conventions and their related Action Plans and of regional …
- English
The UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health is an international legally binding agreement for countries in the pan-European region. Its objective is to protect human health and well-being through sustainable water management and by preventing and controlling water-related diseases. This
… AGREEMENT The Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary … rural development, education, justice and home affairs. Typically implemented through the establishment or use …
- English
The Blue Book presents an inventory of existing and envisaged standards and parameters of E waterways and ports in Europe and shows, on an internationally comparable basis, the current inland navigation infrastructure parameters in Europe as compared to the minimum standards and parameters
… with economies in transition. The norms, standards and conventions developed at UNECE in the areas of environment, … to km 2,005.0 and from km 1,921.0 to km 1,873.0 — low fairway depth (in some locations down to 2.20 m). Belarus …
- English
  Innovation has never been higher on the economic policy agenda, and features prominently in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Republic of Tajikistan has achieved strong economic and social development over recent years, and has made important steps in moving
… – Integrated Rural Development ............. 88 Box 2. Dairy firm “Molochniy Kombinat”, Dushanbe … and Technology SECO State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland SERCOTEC Technical Co-operation Service, … resources. Moreover, due to the high risk involved, many conventional financial institutions avoid financing …
- English
This publication is a brief, practical and easy-to-read guide, explaining how to structure a programme for the formalization of informal constructions. The focus is on the formalization process itself, but there are also descriptions of the preparatory work needed to analyze problem magnitude, as
… Steven Nystrom, NewStream Companies and FIG Commission 9 Chair (2015-2018). Co-authors: Rik Wouters, Kadaster The … information: Jelena Matic Varenica, Sector of Geodetic Affairs, Serbia and Tatjana Cenova Mitrevska, North Macedonia; … commodity that will benefit their inhabitants, it is only fair that cadastral formalization of ownership rights, and …
- English
Way forward The Vienna Declaration details the priorities and focus of future work for THE PEP on the journey to the Sixth High-level Meeting in Moscow in 2025. Member States will further strengthen the commitment to work together to fulfil the new vision of THE PEP: “clean, safe, healthy and 
… national economies in the region, through: emissions of air pollutants, greenhouse gases and noise; traffic … people die prematurely in the WHO European Region due to air pollution. Transport emissions account for a significant …
- English
The Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus (EESC) sub-region (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) has considerable potential for sustainable growth and development. Innovation, or broad experimentation with new ideas, is crucial to making the most of this
… Partnerships, and Christopher Athey, UNECE Economic Affairs Officer. The IPO project was managed by Jakob Fexer, UNECE Economic Affairs Officer. The project team consisted of Immanuela Badde, … institutions (laws and regulations) and informal ones (conventions). The new institutional economics perspective …
- English
In modern, competitive economies, knowledge-based innovation is the foundation for economic development. Sustained growth and improved living standards can only be obtained by increasing productivity and introducing new and better products and services that compete successfully in the global
… by staff. The domestic business subsystem still plays a fairly limited role in the innovation process and the NIS as … role of the NAS in the innovation governance system is fairly limited: it does not administer any state programmes … use. Armenia is also a signatory to the International Convention on Investment Disputes, allowing dispute …
- English
This publication is the statistical supplement to the 80th session of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry  about the current and next year's forest products markets. The tables
… shop lumber. Wood pulp production is in metric tonnes, not air-dried, and excludes recovered fibre pulp. Wood pellets …
- English
This is a study on key aspects of land registration and cadastral legislation in the UNECE countries. This report includes replies to a questionnaire sent in 1999 to all ECE member states covering 12 key areas of legislation and 40 separate questions.
… Countries (and 43 jurisdictions) responding to the questionnaire 5 Topics covered in the study and the Key definitions 7 … co-operation of experts from the Working Party a questionnaire was prepared covering twelve key areas of legislation … meaning: - special privileges - charges, legal, judicial or conventional 51 Question 11 Is it compulsory for those …
- English
… work through its IGA Resources and Reserves Committee (Chaired by Graeme Beardsmore). UNECE and IGA have a Memorandum … Group on Resource Classification, in particular its Chair, Frank Denelle, is thanked for the support and guidance … increasing use of geothermal has a very positive effect on air quality, an annual saving of 4.5 million m3 of gas is …
- English
The Country Profiles on Housing and Land Management are intended to assist governments to improve the performance of their housing, urban development and land management sectors and, at the same time, to promote sustainable development. This Country Profile of Kazakhstan, prepared at the request of
… Batac and Regina Khanbekova Project coordination Izabel Bairamukova Intern INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS Irina Gentsler … for National Economy (MoNE) Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ministry for Investments and Development Ministry for … are no market-based mechanisms for lending to capital repairs 4 and modernization of apartment buildings. As a …
- English
The Guidelines provide practical guidance on how to develop and maintain statistical business registers to support the production of business demography and entrepreneurship statistics. The Guidelines contain definitions and compilation guidance for key demographic events and propose business
… of the members of the Task Force. The Task Force was co-chaired by René Beaudoin (Canada) and Norbert Rainer … (UNSD) conducted an "SBR Global Assessment Questionnaire Survey" aimed at collecting information on the status … to the continuity of the controlling legal unit. Thus, the convention is that continuity of controlling legal unit …
- English
The world economy today is predominantly knowledge-driven and use of knowledge are the main drivers of growth, wealth creation and employment. The emergence of global knowledge-based value chains as the key drivers of global economic growth is both a challenge and an opportunity for businesses and
… include, counterfeit drugs6, food, beverages, toys, and aircraft and automobile parts. Countries in the UNECE region … products, such as pharmaceuticals, food, beverages, toys, aircraft and automobile parts, and other products that might … region have become parties to at least one of the major conventions related to fighting corruption. The United …