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Displaying Results 881 - 900 of 1009

- English
Este glosario multilingüe (inglés, francés, ruso y español) ofrece una lista exhaustiva de términos utilizados en la práctica legislativa relacionada con la vigilancia del mercado. Las políticas de vigilancia del mercado tienen un fuerte impacto en la competitividad de las empresas, el comercio
… 26 Statistical relevance … 27 Statistically relevant market survey action … 26 Statistical relevance … 27 Statistically relevant market survey action … y es aconsejable pedir asesoramiento especializado. 27 Statistically relevant market survey action Providing best …
- English
This multilingual glossary (English, French, Russian and Spanish) provides a comprehensive list of terms used in legislative practice related to market surveillance. Market surveillance policies have a strong impact on business competitiveness, international trade and economic development. To build
… 26 Statistical relevance … 27 Statistically relevant market survey action … 26 Statistical relevance … 27 Statistically relevant market survey action … y es aconsejable pedir asesoramiento especializado. 27 Statistically relevant market survey action Providing best …
- Français
LE BUREAU RÉGIONAL DE L’OMS POUR L’EUROPE L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), créée en 1948, est une institution spécialisée des Nations Unies à qui incombe, sur le plan international, la responsabilité principale en matière de questions sanitaires et de santé publique. Le Bureau régional de
… A1. Réinventer les transports urbains : pourquoi les années 2020 seront la … ASTRA (2021). Kennzahlen Unfalldaten der Schweiz [Crash Statistics Switzerland] [website]. (https:// …
- Pусский
В настоящей публикации подчеркивается, что, как и финансовый кризис 2008 г., пандемия COVID-19 обнажила проблему неравномерного развития и неравной способности городов противостоять кризисам. Как пандемия как таковая, так и сопутствующий ей экономический кризис, вызванный мерами карантина и
… жителей менее неблагополучных районов (Office of National Statistics UK, 2020). Аналогичным образом данные из США … United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2020e). Transport Trends and Economics 2018-2019. Доступно по … eadmin/DAM/trans/main/wp5/publications/Mobility_as_a_Service_Transport_ Trends_and_Economics_2018-2019.pdf. United …
- English
The updated Recommendations on the more effective use of electronic information tools (ECE/MP.PP/2021/2/Add.2) were prepared through an open and participatory
… information systems – such as environmental, geospatial, statistical, meteorological, health, Earth observation and … machine-to-machine communication and interoperability with statistical, geospatial, health and other information … which means the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a …
- Pусский
В последние годы во всем мире наблюдается стремительное развитие сетей высокоскоростных железных дорог (ВСЖД). Опыт государств, эксплуатирующих эти системы, показывает, каким образом они устанавливают новые стандарты качества и способствуют возрождению железных дорог как одного из видов транспорта
… 143 819 666* 144 096 870* 144 342 396* 144 496 740* 16 EU Transport in figures. Statistical Pocketbook, Brussels 2018. … (продолжение) … application in India Hiroyuki TAKESHITA, Institution for Transport Policy Studies, Japan. 24 H. Takeshita, Criteria …
- English
How can governments, other public and private actors learn about and better understand the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus? How can they use a ‘nexus approach’ to address the most pressing issues in transboundary water basins? Last but not least, how can they design and implement ‘nexus’
… TDA Transboundary Diagnostic Analyses TEN-T Trans-European Transport Network UFM Union for the Mediterranean UNDP … by the government and implemented by the Georgian Gas Transportation Company. The nexus assessment also informed … SDIP will invest in the following areas: • Inland waterway transport. Upgrading the navigability of the Sava waterway …
- English
The world economy today is predominantly knowledge-driven and use of knowledge are the main drivers of growth, wealth creation and employment. The emergence of global knowledge-based value chains as the key drivers of global economic growth is both a challenge and an opportunity for businesses and
… predictable, which makes forecasting demand, especially in transport projects, a difficult exercise. PPPs allow risks - … of PPP projects rests often with the economy, finance and transport rather than the environment ministries. These …
- English
The development of information and communications technologies (ICTs) gives rise to a variety of legal and regulatory issues for policymakers, from the validity of electronic methods of contracting and the security risks associated with them, to concerns over cybercrime and the ability to protect
… previously held by a committee within the Ministry of Transport and Communications. 4 ICT Policy and Legal Issues …
- English
Most of the world’s water resources are shared between countries. These transboundary waters create social, economic, environmental and political interdependencies that make cooperation a precondition to sustainable development and peace. SDG indicator 6.5.2 measures cooperation on both
… of national monitoring processes (often involving national statistics divisions), whereby monitoring of 6.5.2 was … 75% 73% Agriculture Nature protection Fisheries Industry Transport Households Tourism Energy (hydropower and other … as appropriate): Water uses or sectors Industry Agriculture Transport (e.g., navigation) Households Energy: hydropower …
- Pусский
Повестка дня в области устойчивого развития на период до 2030 года и установленные в ней Цели в области устойчивого развития (ЦУР) представляют собой масштабную и всеобъемлющую основу, открывающую новые перспективы для разработки политики и международного сотрудничества. Ее комплексный характер
… См .: https://www .eia .gov/energyexplained/use-of-energy/transportation .php . 45 ВЗАИМОСВЯЗАННЫЕ ОБЛАСТИ ПО ПРИРОДНЫМ … .html . 35 См .: https://seea .un .org/ . 67 ВЗАИМОСВЯЗАННЫЕ …
- Pусский
Опубликовано: Ноябрь 2020 В целях поддержки компетентных органов и операторов в практической реализации Руководящих принципов и надлежащей практики обеспечения эксплуатационной безопасности
… derived from a mining processing plant and frequently transported by hydraulic methods to and deposited and … km (see Annex C). For almost 30% of the cases, the reported transport distance exceeded 20 km indicating different … in comparison to the original method). The TMF accident statistics (Rico et al., 2008a, 2008b) show that closed and …
- English
Available in English, French, and
… nuclear policy and radioactive waste management, transport, and energy. A. Information contained in the …
- Français
 La Revue annuelle du marché des produits forestiers 2019-2020 fournit une analyse complète des marchés dans la région de la CEE et examine l’influence sur les marchés des principaux facteurs hors de la région. Elle traite des produits forestiers, depuis la forêt jusqu’à l’utilisateur final, c
… différents chapitres de la Revue s’appuient sur des données statistiques pour analyser les marchés de la matière … national de statistique, Macédoine du Nord Trond Steinset, Statistics Norway Tamar Tarashvili, Division environnement … de fret ont augmenté de façon spectaculaire en 2020 pour le transport maritime de l’Europe vers la Chine (à partir …
- English
When properly structured and implemented, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) can fulfil a range of valuable purposes and objectives for the benefit of society and the common good. They can advance the efficient and cost-effective development, provision and operation of public infrastructure and
… (xxix) The nature of any supporting infrastructure, transport linkages and/or utility supplies, and …
- English
The Guidelines on Developing Gender-Responsive Standards offer practical steps to establishing effective policies and practices, which support women’s equal participation as a strategic priority. The report acknowledges that standardization has traditionally been a maledominated world and seeks to
… significantly underrepresented in utilities (21 per cent), transportation (17 per cent), mining (12 per cent), and … was because men and women use different modes and routes of transportation. By changing snowploughing practices, the …
- English
This publication is the second and revised edition of the Statement on Social and Economic Benefits of Good Land Administration, which has the same purpose, namely to engage the continuing attention of policymakers in the ECE region to the social and economic importance of good land administration
… development Support environmental management Produce statistical data as a base for social and economic …
- Français
La Convention sur la protection et l’utilisation des cours d’eau transfrontières et des lacs internationaux (Convention sur l’eau), dont le secrétariat est hébergé par la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Europe (CEE-ONU), prescrit aux parties d’élaborer et de mettre en place des
… un point de départ incontournable pour y parvenir12. Des statistiques ventilées par genre sont indispensables pour … … Précipitations Évaporation Évaporation Évapotranspiration Transport de la vapeur d’eau Impact humain Débit du cours …
- English
… (Lake Pannon), which was gradually filled up by sediments transported by rivers, originating in the surrounding …
- Pусский
Белая книга ЕЭК ООН о прогрессе, достижении и будущем устойчивого внутреннего водного транспорта является третьим изданием программного документа о текущем положении, тенденциях и проблемах в области внутреннего водного транспорта на европейских внутренних водных путях, имеющих международное
… unit dimensions expected in ro-ro and container transport; the dimensions given being of an approximate nature. 4. Checked for container transport: 5.25 m for vessels transporting 2 layers of … trans/main/wp6/publications/2019_INLAND_TRANSPORT_STATISTICS_ru.pdf. 43 Подготовленная ЕЭК карта сети водных …