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Guidelines on Developing Gender-responsive Standards (ECE/TRADE/472)

WP.6 TRADE/472 cover

The Guidelines on Developing Gender-Responsive Standards offer practical steps to establishing effective policies and practices, which support women’s equal participation as a strategic priority. The report acknowledges that standardization has traditionally been a maledominated world and seeks to offer a baseline for standards development organizations (SDOs) aiming to ensure equity in their working processes and greater efficacy in the standards they develop. The report constitutes the first attempt to develop guidelines for gender-responsive standards.

Developed by the Gender-Responsive Standard Initiative’s Project Team 2, the guidance is a product of the diverse perspectives and professional experiences of the multidisciplinary group of experts. The report distils best practice and focuses on providing understandable and informed solutions to longstanding challenges and structural impediments, which hinder women’s participation in standards development.

The guidelines encourage SDOs to take concerted action and build their commitment to gender equality. Government agencies are invited to consider standards as instruments of change, capable of supporting marginalized communities and accelerating the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Official translations are available in Frenchand Russian.

Unofficial translations are available in ArabicChineseSerbian and Spanish .