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Displaying Results 841 - 860 of 1009

- English
The Model Rules facilitate the financing and acquisition of railway rolling stock leading to a reduced cost for those wishing to invest in the railways. They are issued under the auspices of SC.2 and implement a key requirement of the Luxembourg Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on International
… are issued under the auspices of the Working Party on Rail Transport and are to be referred to as the Model Rules on … sont publiées sous les auspices du Groupe de travail des transports par chemin de fer et ont pour dénomination …
- English
25th Anniversary brochure on the Convention and its Protocols  
… for Europe (UNECE) region1 to work cooperatively on the transport of pollutants through the atmosphere and over … be- tween 1972 and 1977 that confirmed the long-range transport of pollut- ants and pointed to the damage they do …
- English
The free, non-editable electronic version of the Model Regulations, Rev.23 is available here for consultation purposes. Printed versions and electronic
TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS Recommendations on the Volume I … Model Regulations 23rd revised edition … The …
- English
The present publication contains the Revised Guidelines on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context for Central Asian Countries, which have been developed as a tool for the consistent practical implementation of transboundary environmental impact assessment procedures and to
… (no changes suggested) 8. Large-diameter pipelines for the transport of oil, gas or chemicals. (no changes suggested) …
- English
The Model Rules on the Permanent Identification of Railway Rolling Stock facilitate the financing and acquisition of railway rolling stock leasing to a reduced cost for those wishing to invest in the railways. The Model Rules lay down the methods and responsibilities for the affixing of the URVIS
… on the Model Rules are issued by the Working Party on Rail Transport and updated by the Revisions Committee established … ferroviaire sont publiées par le Groupe de travail des transports par chemin de fer et mises à jour par le Comité …
- English
The aim of this bi-lingual Publication (ECE/TRADE/424) is to help bring voluntary standards into the toolbox of disaster risk reduction, including both by encouraging their use by business and by
… of the essential infrastructure – such as hospitals, transport and communication networks, power and other …
- English
Quality infrastructure is the unsung hero of trade; it is essential for market access whilst promoting essential regulatory objectives such as safety, quality and sustainability in industrial goods. But it is not well known by the general public. This publication provides a baseline understanding
… increased, for example accurate timing in the field of transport and also to ensure that components manufactured in …
- English
Commercial quality standards for agricultural produce are developed and approved by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe through its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards. These international standards facilitate trade, encourage high-quality production, improve profitability
… with any progressive defects will deteriorate during transportation and distribution. A. Minimum requirements In … This provision applies to pineapples stored or transported under poor conditions, which has consequently …
- English
This policy brief synthesizes the main findings and recommendations from the assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus in the Syr Darya River Basin, shared by Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The methodology employed was developed specifically for assessing the nexus in
… agriculture. Strategically located, the basin also hosts transport routes for oil, coal and natural gas reserves — …
- English
The Protocol on Water and Health specifies that in pursuing the aims of providing access to drinking water and the provision of sanitation for all, special consideration should be  paid to ensure equitable access to these services for all members of the population. This policy brief aims to support
… This is calculated using data from the national statistics institute (INSTAT) on the distribution of family …
- English
The introduction of a reporting monitoring mechanism under the Water Convention and the adoption of the SDG framework (SDG indicator 6.5.2) mark an important step in supporting transboundary water cooperation. This Guide to reporting under the Water Convention and as a contribution to SDG indicator
… organization such as the Ministry of Water, the National Statistical Office and/or an agency responsible for … Water uses or sectors Industry ❏ Agriculture ❏ Transport (e.g. navigation) ❏ Households ❏ Energy: …
- English
The Strategic Framework for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Dniester River Basin brings together the data available today on the current and possible future trends in climate change in the Dniester basin. It offers a set of measures, the joint and coordinated implementation of which will make
… use of water resources, agriculture, energy, construction, transportation, emergency response and public health). …
- English
Commercial quality standards for agricultural produce are developed and approved by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe through its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards. These international standards facilitate trade, encourage high-quality production, improve
… provision applies to whole dried chilli peppers stored or transported under poor conditions, which have consequently … peppers must be such as to enable them: - to withstand transportation and handling; - to arrive in satisfactory …
- English
The Explanatory Brochure on the Standard for Sweet Peppers has been developed to harmonize the interpretation of the Standard, thereby facilitating international as well as national trade. It addresses producers and traders, as well as inspection authorities. It corresponds to the latest edition
… with any progressive defects will deteriorate during transportation and distribution. A. Minimum requirements In … This provision applies to sweet peppers stored or transported under poor conditions, which have consequently …
- Pусский
Глоссарий по внутреннему водному транспорту — это трехъязычное издание на английском, русском и французском языках, содержащее обширный перечень терминов и определений, используемых в различных областях внутренних водных путей и судоходства, включая инфраструктуру, сигнализацию и судоходную
… Glossary for Inland Water Transport Glossaire des transports par voie navigable … at ECE in the areas of environment, transport, trade, statistics, energy, forestry, housing, and land management, …
- English
Commercial quality standards for agricultural produce are developed and approved by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe through its Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards. These international
… with any progressive defects will deteriorate during transportation and distribution. A. Minimum requirements In … This provision applies to chilli peppers stored or transported under poor conditions, which have consequently …
- English
Persimmons - Explanatory Brochure (ECE/TRADE/417) The Explanatory Brochure on the Standard for Persimmons (ECE/TRADE/417) has been developed to harmonize the interpretation of the Standard, thereby facilitating international as
… with any progressive defects will deteriorate during transportation and distribution. A. Minimum requirements In … This provision applies to persimmons stored or transported under poor conditions, which have consequently …
- Pусский
Доступно на английском и русском языках. (ECE/CEP/140, 120 стр.) Экологические показатели являются незаменимым инструментом при оценке состояния окружающей среды, подготовке экологических докладов и формировании природоохранной политики. Они могут показать основные тенденции и помочь в описании
… ресурсам и сельскому хозяйству. • Eurostat, Environment Statistics: Pocketbook. • … 1993). Series F, No. 2, Rev. 4. • UNECE, Annual Bulletin of Transport Statistics for Europe and North America. • United … Guidelines and Methodologies (2001). 64 ЧАСТЬ ПЕРВАЯ • “EU transport in figures”, Statistical Pocketbook, EC. • …
- Pусский
Обзор города Бишкек состоит из семи частей и содержит  описание результатов оценки города по ключевым показателям эффективности (КПЭ) для «умных» устойчивых городов (УУГ). В нем предлагаются действия, которые город должен предпринять для того, чтобы добиться прогресса в достижении Целей в области
… статистических данных «Население». URL: naselenie/. 5 Food and Agricultural Organization … и пробки на дорогах. a C40 Cities, The Future of Public Transport, Investing in a Frontline Service for Frontline …
- Pусский
ЕВРОПЕЙСКОЕ РЕГИОНАЛЬНОЕ БЮРО ВОЗ Всемирная организация здравоохранения (ВОЗ) – специализированное учреждение Организации Объединенных Наций, созданное в 1948 г., основная функция которого состоит в решении международных проблем здравоохранения и охраны здоровья населения. Европейское региональное
… поездок в пределах двух–трех километров. (House of Commons Transport Committee, 2019). В Австрии более 40% поездок на … здоровья и инклюзивным мобильности и транспорту» THE PEP Transport, Health and Environment Pan-European Programme … половины приходится на автомобили (Gössling et al., 2016; TransportShaker, 2018). В ряде публикаций сопоставляются …