Session to be held with interpretation via the web.
Sixty-eighth session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce (GE.2)
16 June (14:00) - 18 June (16:00) 2021
Geneva Switzerland
In-session documents
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/1 - GE.2 Provisional agenda and annotations _ 356503 _ English _ 773 _ 327387 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/1 - GE.2 Provisional agenda and annotations _ 356503 _ French _ 780 _ 327388 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/1 - GE.2 Provisional agenda and annotations _ 356503 _ Russian _ 864 _ 327389 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2020/2 - Chair's Note for WP.7 2020 Session _ 351426 _ English _ 773 _ 316998 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2020/2 - Chair's Note for WP.7 2020 Session _ 351426 _ French _ 780 _ 317000 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2020/2 - Chair's Note for WP.7 2020 Session _ 351426 _ Russian _ 864 _ 317001 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/INF.1 - Proposal to develop a new standard for dried persimmon _ 357432 _ English _ 773 _ 329468 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/4 - Proposal to develop a new standard for Raw and Roasted Inshell Peanuts – comments from the United States _ 357180 _ English _ 773 _ 328939 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/5 - Proposal to develop a new standard for Raw and Roasted Peanut Kernels – comments from the United States _ 357179 _ English _ 773 _ 328938 _ pdf
11992 _ DDP_InshellPecansRecommendation _ 350663 _ English _ 773 _ 315836 _ pdf
11992 _ DDP_InshellPecansRecommendation _ 350663 _ French _ 780 _ 315837 _ pdf
11992 _ DDP_InshellPecansRecommendation _ 350663 _ Russian _ 864 _ 315838 _ pdf
11992 _ DDP_PecanKernels_Recommendation _ 350665 _ English _ 773 _ 315841 _ pdf
11992 _ DDP_PecanKernels_Recommendation _ 350665 _ French _ 780 _ 315842 _ pdf
11992 _ DDP_PecanKernels_Recommendation _ 350665 _ Russian _ 864 _ 315843 _ pdf
11992 _ DDPApricotKernel_Recommendation _ 350656 _ English _ 773 _ 315825 _ pdf
11992 _ DDPApricotKernel_Recommendation _ 350656 _ French _ 780 _ 315826 _ pdf
11992 _ DDPApricotKernel_Recommendation _ 350656 _ Russian _ 864 _ 315827 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/6 - Proposed revised Recommendation for prunes _ 356996 _ English _ 773 _ 328528 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/6 - Proposed revised Recommendation for prunes _ 356996 _ French _ 780 _ 329554 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/6 - Proposed revised Recommendation for prunes _ 356996 _ Russian _ 864 _ 329555 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/8 - Proposed revised Standard for dried dates _ 356994 _ English _ 773 _ 328524 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/8 - Proposed revised Standard for dried dates _ 356994 _ French _ 780 _ 328525 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/8 - Proposed revised Standard for dried dates _ 356994 _ Russian _ 864 _ 328951 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/9 - Proposed revisions to the Standard Layout for dry and dried produce _ 356995 _ English _ 773 _ 328526 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/9 - Proposed revisions to the Standard Layout for dry and dried produce _ 356995 _ French _ 780 _ 328527 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/2 - Report of the sixty-eighth session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce _ 358683 _ English _ 773 _ 332460 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/2 - Report of the sixty-eighth session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce _ 358683 _ French _ 780 _ 340771 _ pdf
11992 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/GE.2/2021/2 - Report of the sixty-eighth session of the Specialized Section on Standardization of Dry and Dried Produce _ 358683 _ Russian _ 864 _ 340772 _ pdf
Post-session documents for consultation
15431 _ Inshell Pecan DDP2021 for consultation _ 358855 _ English _ 773 _ 332827 _ pdf
15431 _ Dried Persimmons DDP2021 for consultation _ 358858 _ English _ 773 _ 332830 _ pdf
15431 _ Prunes DDP2021 for consultation _ 358856 _ English _ 773 _ 332828 _ pdf
15431 _ Pecan Kernels DDP2021 for consultation _ 358854 _ English _ 773 _ 332826 _ pdf
15431 _ Apricot Kernels DDP2021 for consultation _ 358857 _ English _ 773 _ 332829 _ pdf
15431 _ Dried Dates DDP2021 for consultation _ 358997 _ English _ 773 _ 333207 _ pdf
15431 _ Inshell Peanuts DDP2021 for consultation _ 359218 _ English _ 773 _ 333787 _ pdf
15431 _ Peanut Kernels DDP2021 for consultation _ 359217 _ English _ 773 _ 333786 _ pdf
15431 _ Sampling plan for tree nuts and dried produce and guidelines for inspections of dry and dried produce _ 358998 _ English _ 773 _ 333208 _ pdf
Intersessional documents (5 Oct) for WP.7 meeting
Documents show changes agreed to at 5 October 2021 consultation.
18758 _ Dried Persimmon intersessional approval 6 Oct 2021 _ 360971 _ English _ 773 _ 338732 _ pdf
Documents show changes agreed to at 5 October 2021 consultation.
18758 _ Inshell Peanuts intersessional approval 6 Oct 2021 _ 360972 _ English _ 773 _ 338733 _ pdf
Documents show changes agreed to at 5 October 2021 consultation.
18758 _ Peanut Kernels intersessional approval 6 Oct 2021 _ 360973 _ English _ 773 _ 338735 _ pdf
Documents show changes agreed to at 5 October 2021 consultation.
18758 _ Sweet Apricot Kernels intersessional approval 6 Oct 2021 _ 360974 _ English _ 773 _ 338736 _ pdf
Documents show changes agreed to at 5 October 2021 consultation.
18758 _ Dates intersessional approval 6 Oct 2021 _ 360975 _ English _ 773 _ 338737 _ pdf
Documents show changes agreed to at 5 October 2021 consultation.
18758 _ Prunes intersessional approval 6 Oct 2021 _ 360976 _ English _ 773 _ 338738 _ pdf
12 Nov. 2021 Sampling Plan discussion
20090 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2021/14 - Sampling plan for tree nuts and dried produce and guidelines for inspections of dry and dried produce _ 359859 _ English _ 773 _ 335678 _ pdf
20090 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2021/14 - Sampling plan for tree nuts and dried produce and guidelines for inspections of dry and dried produce _ 359859 _ French _ 780 _ 339671 _ pdf
20090 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2021/14 - Sampling plan for tree nuts and dried produce and guidelines for inspections of dry and dried produce _ 359859 _ Russian _ 864 _ 339672 _ pdf
20090 _ ECE/CTCS/WP.7/2019/21 - Sampling plan - Illustrative Guide explanatory text _ 361858 _ English _ 773 _ 340965 _ pdf
20090 _ Sampling Plan example Walnuts_Almonds_Grapes _ 361859 _ English _ 773 _ 340966 _ pdf
20090 _ Sampling Plan example Grapes_Apricots _ 361860 _ English _ 773 _ 340967 _ pdf