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Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation UNECE Regional Report 2021 (ECE/TRADE/467)

Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation UNECE Regional Report 2021 (ECE/TRADE/467)

The UNECE Regional Report 2021 on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation has been produced based on the results of the United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation. The Global Survey (ECE/TRADE/467) is a joint initiative under the Joint United Nations Regional Commissions’ Approach, agreed in Beirut in January 2010 by the Executive Secretaries of the five Regional Commissions. The fourth version of the Survey was conducted between February and June 2021 and resulted in responses from 44 member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).

The purpose of the United Nations Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade is to assess progress in implementing trade facilitation measures and thus help identify policy, legal, procedural, regulatory and technical gaps that affect implementation of such measures. Accelerating the pace of implementation can enable UNECE countries to harness the potential of trade as an engine for sustainable development, including in its economic, social and environmental dimensions. It is particularly relevant for the partici­pation of developing countries in global value chains, trade in manufactured goods and regional integration

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