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Workshop on CITES electronic Permit Information eXchange (EPIX) for Parties from the UNECE and ESCAP Region (virtual workshop)

08 - 09 April 2020
Virtual Workshop Geneva Switzerland

Virtual consultative Workshop on CITES electronic Permit Information eXchange (EPIX) for Parties from the UNECE and ESCAP region will be  organised by the UNECE, ESCAP and CITES with the support of the United Nations Network of Experts for Paperless Trade and Transport in Asia and the Pacific (UNNExT) Task Force on electronic cross border exchange of CITES permits

Dates and Time: 8 and 9 April 2020, 09:00 – 12:00 (Geneva time)

CITES parties are now stepping up efforts for electronic CITES permit processing and cross border electronic exchange of CITES permits to increase transparency, fight corruption and prevent forgery of CITES permits through use of information technologies.

These activities are summarized in the eCITES agenda which aims to establish an efficient end-to-end control of CITES listed trade by using modern eBusiness standards and technologies.

It is important to note that the implementation of Electronic Permit Information eXchange (EPIX) through which Management Authorities of different countries can directly exchange CITES permits in electronic format. EPIX prevents fraudulent use of CITES permits, facilitates legal trade and improves the annual reporting of CITES trade which is important for sustainability assessment.

Objective of the workshop and target audience
The overall objective is to provide information on the latest state of electronic cross border exchange of CITES permits (EPIX) and its implementation, and to kick-off electronic CITES permit exchange pilots between interested CITES Parties of the UNECE and ESCAP region with the support of the UNNExT.

The purpose of the Workshop is to:

  • Share experiences and lessons learned of Parties which implement EPIX
  • Explain the workflow in an electronic permit information exchange between two Parties
  • Learn about EPIX message exchange standards
  • Discuss the use of electronic equivalent of physical signatures and seals in CITES permits
  • Discuss managerial tasks in setting up EPIX exchanges with another Party
  • Learn about the readiness of other Parties from the Europe and the Asia-Pacific region to start new EPIX pilots
  • Network with other management authorities with a view to launching an EPIX pilot under the umbrella of UNNExT.

The workshop is addressed to decision makers from Management Authorities and their service providers which have already implemented electronic permit systems, and which evaluate the possibility to exchange electronic CITES permits with other Parties.
