The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) together with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is organizing the twelfth session of the SPECA Working Group on Trade on 19 September 2018, back-to-back with the 2018 SPECA Economic Forum and session of the SPECA Governing Council (20-21 September 2018). The Working Group supports the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda in Central Asia, in the area of sustainable trade, (notably SDGs 17.10 and SDG 17.11). The meeting will focus on four deliverables of the SPECA Working Group on Trade:
- SPECA regional strategy for trade facilitation;
- Regional cooperation for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals related to trade;
- The link between water management, trade and environment in the SPECA region;
- Non-tariff measures in trade in the SPECA region.
Participants in the meeting and SPECA participating countries are requested to contribute to the background documents on those issues, with which the Working Group will deal in the coming 3-4 years. The event will review national and regional plans and strategies of the SPECA countries for sustainable trade development and facilitation. It would strengthen cooperation among trade diplomats of the SPECA countries.
Conclusions and Recommendations English
Background Documents:
Fostering intra-regional trade within SPECA through streamlining NTMs and addressing procedural obstacles - Note by the ESCAP secretariat ENG RUS
International Trade and Sustainable Development ENG RUS
Regional SPECA Trade Facilitation Strategy ENG RUS
Progress Report of the 12th session of the SPECA WG on Trade ENG RUS