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Sustainable Meat and Livestock Production

Seminar — in-person and online

29 September 2022 15:00 - 17:00
Palais des Nations, Room XXVII Geneva Switzerland

Programme of the seminar PDF  

Watch the seminar here


Background and context

In the face of climate change and growing populations, the sustainability of food systems is central to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To realize the SDGs, the global food system needs to become more productive, inclusive, environmentally sustainable, and resilient, so that it can deliver healthy and nutritious diets for all.

As a source of essential nutrients, meat has been an important part of the human diet for centuries. However, in recent years, the impact of meat production on the environment is increasingly a focus of debate. Addressing the impact of global meat production on climate change is part of this agenda.  For example, many questions remain to be answered on the overall impact of meat production on greenhouse gas emissions, and nuanced discussions could contribute to a better understanding of available policy tools to foster sustainable practices.

Held as part of the Thirtieth session of the UNECE Specialized Section on Standardization of Meat, this seminar/webinar discussed sustainability issues related to meat production, with a focus on estimates and mitigation options for carbon emissions from meat production.


Opening remarks
Elisabeth Tuerk, Director, UNECE Economic Cooperation and Trade Division
Ian King, Chair, Specialized Section on Standardization of Meat of the UNECE Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards
Sustainability of meat production – issues, considerations, and solutions  
Biomass Valorisation – The Overlooked Sustainability Function of Livestock
Prof. Peer Ederer, GOAL Sciences - Global Observatory on Accurate Livestock Sciences, Director Global Food and Agribusiness Network
How managing livestock methane can be part of a climate solution
Prof. Frank Mitloehner, Professor and Air Quality Specialist, University of California, Davis and director of the CLEAR Center
Achieving Net Zero – the role of increasing carbon stocks on farm
Prof. John Gilliland, Director of Global Agriculture & Sustainability, Devenish Nutrition
Asparagopsis seaweed: all-natural dietary solution for methane reduction in cattle and sheep
Joanne Barber, COO, FutureFeed
Verification, validation & the role of standards in ESG and SDG claims
Marg Will, CEO, Organic Systems and Solutions
Q&A and moderated panel discussion
Moderator: Ian King, Chair, Specialized Section on Standardization of Meat of the UNECE Working Party on Agricultural Quality Standards
Summary and closing