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Second working meeting of the Team of Specialists on ESG Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains in the Circular Economy

27 March 2023 14:00 - 15:30
Geneva, Switzerland

This second working meeting of the Team of Specialists (ToS) on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Traceability of Sustainable Value Chains in the Circular Economy will take place on the 27 March 2023 in a virtual format. The ToS aims at contributing to better and more informed decisions for sustainable production and consumption, through ESG traceability approaches and systems for the exchange of data and information along global value chain, in priority industries for the circular transition.

At our last meetings in November and December, ToS decided to

  • explore policies for ESG monitoring and reporting along international value chains
  • identify the possible elements of a protocol to promote ESG monitoring and reporting in value chains
  • support implementation of the ESG traceability.

This meeting will provide updates on the key areas (blockchain pilots for traceability and transparency, policy paper on Enhancing traceability of products along international value chains for the circular economy and sustainable use of resources, and Product circularity data project) and focus the main discussion on the key agenda item “Policies, legislative frameworks and institutional arrangements for ESG monitoring and reporting”.

Under this agenda item, the participants will hear about:

  • ongoing OECD projects supporting sustainable value chains in the food sector regarding carbon footprint data measurement
  • GIZ EU-funded project which developed a roadmap identifying priority actions for product data traceability and transparency, that could also be extended to other industries
  • British Columbia experience in ESG and energy and mines digital trust.

This meeting is an opportunity for members of the Team of Specialists to share their views and expertise on the topic and support the ToS in its steps in developing a ESG monitoring and reporting protocol. During the meeting, inputs would be welcomed on the best practices and examples of successful collaboration for building trust and establishing incentives in the area of traceability across different value chains.



14:00 - 14:05

Opening and welcome remarks

14:05 - 14:20

Updates on the TOS activities since December 2022

♦ UNECE, Maria Teresa Pisani, Secretary of the Team of Specialists on ESG

Questions and answers

14:20 - 15:30

Policies, legislative frameworks and institutional arrangements for ESG monitoring and reporting
Moderator: Nathalie Bernasconi, Executive Director, IISD Europe; Senior Director, Economic Law & Policy

♦ OECD, Koen Deconinck, Economist/Policy Analyst  PPT
♦ GIZ, Christian Hudson, European Union G7 G20 Environmental Diplomacy Support  PPT
♦ British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, Nancy Norris, Senior Director – ESG & Digital Trust  PPT

Focused interactive discussion
Moderator: Harm Jan van Burg, Senior Policy Advisor on International Standards, OASIS
♦ How to optimize financial and non-financial incentives for data access and sharing for traceability and transparency?
♦ What are the best practices and examples of successful collaboration to create trust for data access?
♦ How can this data be used for reporting and monitoring ESG performance?

Questions and answers