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Inception workshop and training on the development of the National State of the Environment Report (NSoER) in Turkmenistan

25 April 2024, Hotel Archabil

Simultaneous interpretation in English and Russian will be provided The Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan in collaboration with UNECE and UNEP, is developing a methodology for a National State of the Environment Report (NSoER). To initiate the process for developing NSoER, UNECE and UNEP together with the Ministry has successfully organized an introductory workshop on 26 March 2024 with the objective of proposing international methodologies and approaches for the development of NSoERs. As an outcome of this workshop, participants have agreed on the preliminary structure of the NSoER of Turkmenistan and suggested the organization of a follow-up workshop on 25 April 2024 in Ashgabat to discuss key foci, types of development challenges, data sources and concrete steps and timelines for the development of NSoER. Beyond providing data on the environment, the new edition of the NSoER for Turkmenistan aims to improve public accessibility of environmental data and raise awareness about the state of the environment in the country. By making the data on the environment available, the NSoER will also foster public participation in environmental decision-making and set up the practice of regular reporting on the status of the environment in the future. The new NSoER aims to:

- encourage public and experts’ participation and contributions: - provide high-quality assessment of the state of and impact trends for the environment; and - instigate environmental decision-making by demonstrating the contributions of current policy

efforts, gaps and potential solutions to address environmental challenges and related impacts on human well-being.

It is expected as well that once finalized, the new NSoER and information therein will be useful references to inform national planning and investment processes promoted by the Government and by development partners (including the UN System).


Time Agenda items

9:00 - 9:30 Registration of participants

9:30 - 9:50 Welcoming remarks and Introductions Moderator: Durikov Mukhammet Khudayberdyevich Durikov, Director of SIC ICSD IFAS

- Allanazar Kajarov, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Turkmenistan

- Introduction to the workshop and training on the National State of the Environment Report (NSoER) for Turkmenistan, Sarangoo Radnaaragchaa, Regional Adviser, UNECE

9:50 - 10:30 Approach to the development of the National State of the Environment Report (NSoER)

- International experience and practice of developing NSoERs, Livia Bizikova, International Consultant, International Institute for Sustainable Development

- Introduction of the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) approach with examples

Questions and answers session

10:30 - 11:00 Presentations by national experts on the current situation and trends Moderator: Mergen Kepbanov, Director of CAREC Project Office in Turkmenistan State and trends of the environment in Turkmenistan

- Land Resources Management, Sultan Veysov, Magtymguly Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly

- Problems of desertification and its impact on the environment, Muhammet Durikov, SIC ICSD IFAS

- State and quality of atmospheric air, Victoria Akopova, UNDP project

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 - 13:00 Presentations by national experts on the current situation and trends - continued Moderator: Mergen Kepbanov, Director of CAREC Project Office in Turkmenistan State and trends of the environment in Turkmenistan

- Water Resources Management, Gurbanmurad Ovezmuradov, Aarhus Centre in Turkmenistan

- Biodiversity and Protected Areas, Juma Saparmuradov, National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna

- Waste Management, Yolbars Kepbanov, Aarhus Centre in Turkmenistan

- State of the Caspian Sea Environment, Gozel Orazdurdyeva, Tehran Convention Coordinator in Turkmenistan

- State of Forests and Prospects for Forest Sector Development, Akmurad Atamuradov, independent forestry expert

Questions and answers session

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

14:30 - 15:15 Presentations by national experts on environmental conditions and trends, current situation and trends (continued) Moderator: Gurbanmurad Ovezmuradov, Aarhus Centre in Turkmenistan

Energy sector and transport: development trends - Energy Sector and Environment, Akhmed Pendjiev, Turkmen

Polytechnic Institute - Environmental impact of transport, Dovlet Dzhumakuliev, independent


Agriculture - development trends - Agriculture and its impact on the environment, land and water

resources, Ovezdurdy Jumadurdyev, Turkmen Energy Institute Questions and answers session

15:15 - 16:00 Group work Groups: Water, Air, Land and Biodiversity Discuss and identify key factors and pressures on specific environmental components and possible responses

16:00 – 16:20 Coffee break

16:20 – 16:50 Presentations of the results of group work

16:50 – 17:15 Next steps and concluding remarks - Discussing and agreeing on next steps - Concluding remarks, Ministry of Environmental Protection


Evaluation of the Project
Capacity Building for Cooperation on Dam Safety in Central Asia (July 2021)
Final Progress Report as of 31 December 2023

Languages and translations


Evaluation of the Project Capacity Building for Cooperation on Dam Safety in Central Asia (July 2021)

Final Progress Report as of 31 December 2023

# Recommendation Management response Responsibility Date of implementation/comments

1 UNECE to continue supporting national and regional capacities on hydraulic and hydro- electric structures and cooperation on dam safety, in close cooperation with relevant global and regional organizations, and donors.

UNECE partially accepts the recommendation. Depending on available funding UNECE will continue to support cooperation on dam safety if a proper regional institution willing to address the dam safety challenges is allocated. However, supporting capacities on hydro-electric structures has never been the focus of UNECE initiative. UNECE will explore cooperation opportunities with the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) which is mandated to address the dam safety challenges in the region.

Project Manager Closed without implementation in June 2023 During the reporting period efforts were made to identify a regional institution mandated to address the dam safety challenges in Central Asia. On 27 July 2021, a letter was sent to the Chair of the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) with the proposal to lead and coordinate the work on dams’ challenges in the region. A reminder was sent on 3 December 2021. As of June 2023, no response has been received regarding the letter addressed to the IFAS. In addition, the project manager raised this issue during a meeting with the Executive Director of IFAS. Despite the expressed importance of this area for the region, the Executive Director did not welcome the inclusion of this matter in IFAS’ activities. .

2 UNECE Secretariat to present the findings of this review to the Committee on Environmental Policy to continue promoting dam safety awareness across all government agencies and among general public.

UNECE accepts the recommendation. The results of the evaluation and the management response will be presented at the next CEP meeting in November 2021.

Programme Manager

Implemented as of 30 June 2022 The results of the evaluation and the management response were presented at the Committee on Environmental Policy, 3-5 November 2021 12/Item_3_presentation_Dam_Safety_project.pdf

3 During the future similar project designs UNECE should include explicit provisions to address gender equality, vulnerable people and disabled in project activities, outcomes, as well as reporting. One of the directions

UNECE partially accepts the recommendation. 1. Gender assessment is part of the standard template of the concept note and it was addressed at the design stage of the project. As to the vulnerable and disable people this aspect

Project Manager and PMU

Partially implemented as of 31 December 2023 1. The updated ECE Concept Note and Project Document template includes requests to assess stakeholders’ vulnerabilities and how the intervention attempts to bridge them. It also asks an assessment of how the project addresses gender equality, human rights,


# Recommendation Management response Responsibility Date of implementation/comments could be to make a study/assessment of how gender roles, as well as situation of vulnerable/disabled people could be influenced by displacement and environmental migration as a consequence of a major dam accident. National crisis management agencies should be actively integrated in these efforts

was not part of the project template and can be added subject to amendment of the concept template.

2. Follow-up projects on dam safety will assess in the inception phase the potential impact of the project on gender equality and the situation of the vulnerable groups, as reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Leaving no one behind and disability inclusion. 2. As of 31 December 2023 there was no follow up project on dam safety. This recommendation is closed as not implemented.

5 In the future projects UNECE should systematically assess, monitor and document the usefulness and expected impact of the capacity development workshops by canvassing feedback from the participants through a well-tailored questionnaires, quiz approach application and internet based tools as e.g. Survey Monkey. These assessments should include a space for qualitative comments and improvement proposals by participants

UNECE accepts the recommendation. This recommendation will be brought to the attention of the Director of Environment Division and will apply in future Dam Safety projects if any.

Project Manager Implemented as of 30 June 2022 The recommendation was brought to the attention of the Director of Environment Division and will apply in future dam safety projects.

6 The purposes of sustainability in development of legal, regulatory and technical frameworks on dam safety in Central Asia, UNECE should maintain frequent engagement with Governments and other partners through, but not limited to, advisory missions

UNECE accepts the recommendation. The challenges and the need to strengthen cooperation in the area of dam safety in the region as well as the results of the UNECE initiative will be presented at the various events (SPECA Working Group on Water, Energy and Environment, relevant regional platforms; Water MoP) conducted in the region. UNECE will also provide advisory, intermediary, mediation services to other donor and development organizations (e.g. IWAC, GIZ, AFD) interested in addressing the Central Asian countries' dam safety challenges. In addition, it will be implemented through various relevant missions including conducted by the Regional Advisor on Environment.

Programme Manager and

Regional Adviser

Implemented as of 31 December 2023 The project results, lessons learnt as well as the dam safety challenges in the region are regularly presented at the regional and national events that are conducted in Central Asia. The final results of the project were presented at the SPECA Working Group on Water, Energy and Environment, 10-11 November 2021. The project manager is regularly contacted and consulted by governments and regional organizations that are engaged or plan to engage in the dam safety activities in the region. For example, inputs were provided to the work plan of the International Water Assessment Center (IWAC). UNECE has continued to raise awareness about the project results in subsequent years. A presentation was delivered at the 25th meeting of the SPECA WG on Water, Energy and Environment. UNECE staff attended


# Recommendation Management response Responsibility Date of implementation/comments the 2nd International Training Workshop on the Safety of Hydraulic Structures ( experts-will-share-experiences-in-ensuring-the-safety-of- hydraulic-structures-at-a-workshop-in-bratislava ) organized by the International Water Assessment Center in cooperation with Government of Slovakia Cooperation on water resources and dam safety was a topic for discussion of a meeting between the UNECE ES and a staff member with the Slovak organizations dealing with these issues (23 November 2022). UNECE received a letter from the Ministry of Water Resources of Uzbekistan with a request to support addressing dam safety in the country. On 20 April 2023 the need to strengthen dam safety cooperation was discussed at the regional meeting organized by the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia (UNRCCA). Initiating new activities on dam safety was also discussed with the OSCE Office in Dushanbe on 5 May 2023.

Presentation, Abduvali Nabizoda, (Agency on Statistics under President of the Republic of Tajikistan)

Languages and translations

Agency on Statistics under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

Diagnostics of child data systems and action planning to improve child statistics in the context of

SDGs in Tajikistan


Estimated population as of 1 January 2024 10.28 million people

Annual population growth rate in the past 32 years - average of 2.0% to 2.1%

Population has nearly doubled

41.4% of the population (boys 42.1%, girls 40.6%) are children

Median age of the population is 23.4 years old


Law of the Republic of

Tajikistan on State Statistics

Regulation on the Agency on

Statistics under the President of the Republic of


National strategic documents (NDS- 2030, SDP 2021-


National Development Strategy up to


Conceptual framework

Diagnostic analysis of child-related data systems with an emphasis on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Provision of overall assessment of availability and accessibility of data on child-related SDG indicators and, in a broader sense, child rights obligations in terms of data demand, supply and usage.

More in-depth analysis of data systems on statistics on children in alternative care using the UNICEF toolkit


Document analysis

Data collection

Four rounds of workshops

Coordination with ministries

Regulatory framework Information

systems assessments Statistics

publications Strategic

documents Websites

Interviews with key informants Ministries

and agencies Academia Development


Initial (Kick-off) seminar Discussion of

scope and focus Presentation of

preliminary results of the diagnostic analysis and action plan Final incl. Results

of evaluation of alternative care data systems

Submission of the draft Roadmap for consideration to Ministries and Agencies


The analysis is not comprehensive and exhaustive No in-depth analysis of data systems for each

sector or each SDG, nor does it cover all child rights indicators. There might be imbalances between sections,

which can be addressed over time. Data quality criteria considered - availability, accessibility, accuracy, timeliness and relevance.

11 agencies 8 agencies 5 agencies 1 agency 2 agencies

11-20 indicatorsUp to 6 indicators 21-30 indicators More than 30 indicators

Agencies responsible for providing 30 or more indicators: 1. Agency on Statistics – 49 indicators 2. Ministry of Health and Social Protection - 31 indicators

6 -10 indicators

Ministries and agencies responsible for providing SDG indicators


World Bank

Asian Development Bank


International Monetary Fund

CIS Intergovernmental Statistics Committee

Statistical Commission ESCAP

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

United Nations Children's Fund Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

International Labor Organization ILO

Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

United States Agency for International Development

United Nations Development Program

United Nations Population Fund

European Union


• Demography • SDG 1: Child poverty • SDGs 2 and 3. Health & Nutrition • SDG 4. Quality Education • SDG 5. Gender Equality • SDG 8. Decent Work • SDGs 6 and 4. Clean Water &

Sanitation • SDG 16. Justice for Children • No One Left Behind - Vulnerable


Continue integrating the NDS/SDG priorities related to children and CRC recommendations into national strategic documents, thereby increasing demand for statistical information among all institutional users (short term)

Promote increased demand for child rights data in the short and medium term by promoting key child rights indicators (short and medium term)

In terms of data demand:


Fill data gaps through surveys (short- and long-term)

Improve the quality of administrative data through in-depth evaluation (short- to medium-term)

Improve data interoperability and cross-sectoral data-sharing mechanisms (medium- to long-term)

Improve the availability of child-related data, in particular at the subnational level (medium term)


From data production perspective:

Promote the use of data, particularly at the subnational level, as addressing issues in regions may have a significant impact on country's achievement of the SDGs. Anticipation of potential use of data and investment in capacity

building for decision-makers, particularly in child’s rights institutions Raise awareness on child rights indicators and on the use of data for

policy development and evaluation among agencies responsible for implementation of child rights Partnerships with national institutions to conduct secondary

analysis of child data

Strategic areas

From data utilization perspective:




Possibility to apply different approaches such as general review of data systems with a focus on SDGs and an in-depth analysis of data systems for children in alternative care

Bringing together a wide range of stakeholders and highlighting statistics on children from different perspectives such as: sectoral, cross-cutting and Sustainable Development Goals.

Creating a single platform (for the circle of stakeholders) to further improve statistics on children based on the agreed Roadmap

The diagnostic analysis has laid the foundation for the development of the Roadmap for Improving Child Data and identified key areas of strategic objectives

The Roadmap will help the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, UNICEF and other partners to channel limited resources into concrete actions to improve data on children and facilitate future resource mobilization efforts

The Roadmap will help the Agency on Statistics and other ministries and agencies to implement the priorities of National Strategy for the Development of Statistics for the period up to 2030, with the objective of improving statistics on children.



Enhancing coordination of strategic system

for child’s statistics jointly with responsible

agencies and international organizations

Introducing best practices in

gathering and disseminating

statistical information on


Further harmonization

with international standards and methodologies

Objectives for statistics authorities on the implementation of


Next steps

Agency's new website



Tel: +992 37 223 18 90

+992 37 221 49 91

fax: +992 37 221 43 75

E-mail: [email protected],

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  • Ministries and agencies responsible for providing SDG indicators
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Агентство по статистике при Президенте Республики Таджикистан

Диагностика систем данных о детях и планирование деятельности по улучшении

статистики детей в контексте ЦУР в Таджикистане

КОНТЕКСТ Численность постоянного населения

Республики Таджикистан на 1 января 2024 г. составила 10,28 млн. человек

Ежегодный темп роста населения страны, за последние 32 года, остается в среднем на уровне 2,0% - 2,1%

Население выросло почти в два раза за последние 30 лет

41,4% населения составляют дети (мальчики 42,1% девочки 40,6%)

Медианный возраст населения 23,4 года года, мужчины 23,1, женщины 23,6


Закон РТ о государственной


Положение об Агентстве по

статистике при Президенте РТ

Национальные стратегические

документы (НСР- 2030, СПР 2021-2026)

Национальная стратегия развития статистики до 2030

Концептуальные рамки

Диагностический анализ систем данных, связанных с детьми, с акцентом на Цели устойчивого развития (ЦУР).

Обеспечение общей оценки наличия и доступности данных по показателям ЦУР, связанных с детьми, и в более широком смысле обязательств по правам ребенка с точки зрения спроса, предложения и использования данных.

Более углубленный анализ систем данных по статистике детей на альтернативном уходе с использованием инструментария ЮНИСЕФ


Анализ документов

Сбор даннных

Четыре раунда


Согласование с министерствами

Нормативно- правовая база Оценки

информационн ых систем Статистические

публикации Стратегичесике

документы Вебсайты

Интервью с ключевыми информантами Министерств и

ведомств Научных кругов Партнеров по


Начальный Обсуждение охвата

и фокуса Презентация

преддварительных результатов дтагностического анализа и плана действий Заключительный

вкл. Результаты оценки систем данных по альтернативному уходу

Представление проекта Дорожной карты на рассмотрение министерств и ведомств


Анализ не является всесторонним и исчерпывающим из-за ограниченности ресурсов и возможностей – он не обеспечивает углубленного анализа систем данных по каждому сектору или каждому ЦУР и не охватывает все показатели прав ребенка.

В зависимости от наличия информации между разделами может возникнуть дисбаланс, который со временем может быть устранен.

Рассматривались определенные критерии качества данных - наличие, доступность, точность, своевременность и актуальность.

11 ведомств 8 ведомств 5 ведомств 1 ведомство 2 ведомства

11-20 индикаторовдо 6 индикаторов 21-30 индикаторов Более 30 индикаторов

Ведомства, которые ответственные за предоставление 30 и более индикаторов: 1. Агентство по статистике – 49 индикаторов 2. Министерство здравоохранения и социлаьной защиты населения – 31 индикатор

6 -10 индикаторов

Министерства и ведомства ответственные за предоставлие инидикаторов ЦУР


Всемирный банк

Азиатский банк развития


Международный валютный фонд

Межгосударственный статистический комитет СНГ

Статистической комиссии ЭСКАТО

Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная

организация ООН

Международный чрезвычайный детский фонд ООН

Организация экономического сотрудничества и развития

Международная организация труда ILO

Европейская экономическая комиссия ООН (ЕЭК ООН)

Агентство США по международному развитию

Программа развития ООН

Фонд ООН в области народонаселения.

Европейский союз


• Демография • ЦУР 1. Детская бедность • ЦУР 2 и 3. Здоровье и питание • ЦУР 4. Качественное

образование • ЦУР 5. Гендерное равенство • ЦУР 8. Достойная занятость • ЦУР 6 и 4. Чистая вода и

санитария • ЦУР 16. Правосудие для детей • Никого не оставить позади -

Уязвимые дети

Продолжить включение приоритетов НСР/ЦУР, касающихся детей и рекомендаций КПР в национальные стратегические документы, тем самым повышая спрос на статистическую информацию среди всех институциональных пользователей (краткосрочный период)

Продвигать повышение спроса на данные о правах ребенка в краткосрочном и среднесрочном периоде путем продвижения ключевых показателей прав ребенка (краткосрочный и среднесрочный период)

С точки зрения спроса на данные:


Восполнить пробелы в данных посредством обследований (краткосрочный и долгосрочный период)

Повышение качества административных данных на основе углубленной оценки (краткосрочный и среднесрочный период)

Улучшить функциональную совместимость данных и механизмы межотраслевого обмена данными (среднесрочный и долгосрочный период)

Улучшить доступность данных, касающихся детей, в том числе на субнациональном уровне (среднесрочный период)


С точки зрения производства данных:

Содействие использованию данных, в том числе на субнациональном уровне, так как решение проблем в регионах может оказать существенное влияние на достижение страной ЦУР.

Прогнозирование потенциального использования данных и инвестирование в развитие потенциала лиц, принимающих решения, в том числе в учреждениях по защите прав ребенка

и повышению осведомленности учреждений, ответственных за реализацию прав ребенка о показателях прав ребенка и использования данных для разработки и оценки политики

Партнерство с национальными институтами по вторичному анализу данных по детям


С точки зрения использования данных:




Возможность применения разных подходов - общего обзора систем данных с акцентом на ЦУР и углубленного анализа систем данных по детям, находящимся в альтернативном уходе

Собрание широкого круга заинтересованных лиц и привлечения внимания на статистику по детям с разных точек зрений - сектора, межсекторальных вопросов и по Целям устойчивого развития

Создание единой платформы (круга заинтересованных лиц) для дальнейшего улучшения статистики по детям на основе согласованной Дорожной карты

Диагностический анализ положил основу для разработки Дорожной карты по улучшению данных о детях и выявил основные направления стратегических целей

Дорожная карта поможет Правительству РТ, ЮНИСЕФ и другим партнерам направить ограниченные ресурсы на конкретные действия по улучшению данных о детях и способствовать будущим усилиям по мобилизации ресурсов

Дорожная карта помогут Агентству по статистике и другим министерствам и ведомствам реализовать приоритеты Национальной стратегии развития статистики на период до 2030 года, с целью улучшения статистики по детям



Совершенствование координации

статистической системы по

статистики детей с ответственными ведомствами и международных


Внедрение передовых методов

сбора и распространения статистической информации по


Дальнейшая гармонизация с

международными стандартами и методологиями

Задачи для органов статистики по внедрения

Дорожная карта

Дальнейшие шаги

Новый вебсайт Агентства



Телефон +992 37 223 18 90

+992 37 221 49 91

факс: +992 37 221 43 75

E-mail: [email protected],

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  • Министерства и ведомства ответственные за предоставлие инидикаторов ЦУР
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Supporting Innovative High-Growth Enterprises in the SPECA sub-region, UNECE Policy Handbook

The UNECE region, including the participating countries of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), have recently faced a number of challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn, the impact of military conflict in Ukraine, and the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. This has negatively impacted progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and made the search for effective policy solutions a priority.

Supporting Innovative High-Growth Enterprises in the SPECA sub-region, UNECE Policy Handbook

The UNECE region, including the participating countries of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), have recently faced a number of challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn, the impact of military conflict in Ukraine, and the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. This has negatively impacted progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and made the search for effective policy solutions a priority.

Supporting Innovative High-Growth Enterprises in the SPECA sub-region, UNECE Policy Handbook

The UNECE region, including the participating countries of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), have recently faced a number of challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn, the impact of military conflict in Ukraine, and the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. This has negatively impacted progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and made the search for effective policy solutions a priority.

Supporting Innovative High-Growth Enterprises in the SPECA sub-region, UNECE Policy Handbook

The UNECE region, including the participating countries of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), have recently faced a number of challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn, the impact of military conflict in Ukraine, and the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. This has negatively impacted progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and made the search for effective policy solutions a priority.

Supporting Innovative High-Growth Enterprises in the SPECA sub-region, UNECE Policy Handbook

The UNECE region, including the participating countries of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), have recently faced a number of challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic downturn, the impact of military conflict in Ukraine, and the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. This has negatively impacted progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and made the search for effective policy solutions a priority.

New Innovation Policy for transition economies in the SPECA subregion

Innovation – or the systematic experimentation with new ideas – is essential for the sustained economic growth and enhanced competitiveness of the seven countries of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), i.e., Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, to achieve sustainable development in line with the UN 2030 Agenda.

New Innovation Policy for transition economies in the SPECA subregion

Innovation – or the systematic experimentation with new ideas – is essential for the sustained economic growth and enhanced competitiveness of the seven countries of the United Nations Special Programme for the Economies of Central Asia (SPECA), i.e., Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, to achieve sustainable development in line with the UN 2030 Agenda.