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Statistics Canada Census 2021 Integrated Communications Strategy

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2021 Census of Population--Collections – Integrated Communications Strategy | 0

2021 Census of Population-Collection Integrated Communications Strategy (ICS)

Plan for an Integrated Social Marketing Campaign

Prepared by: Communications Division Statistics Canada

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Contents Executive Summary ................................................................................................................. 3 Environmental considerations ................................................................................................. 6

1. SWOT analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 7 2. Operating assumptions ................................................................................................................................ 8

Research ...................................................................................................................................... 10 3. Primary research – 2016 Census of Population ................................................................................... 12

3.1 Response trends ................................................................................................................ 12 3.2 Inquiries answered by the Respondent Relations (RR) team ...................................... 13

4. Secondary research ...................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1. Attention ........................................................................................................................... 15 4.2. Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) ........................................................................... 15 4.3. Customer Brand Engagement Engagement is a key aspect of all five of the Integrated Communications Strategies developed in support of the 2021 Census. Innovative tactics will be employed to engage harder-to-reach audiences like millennials—a group that now constitutes roughly 27% of the population. Secondary research was undertaken to assist in the development of tactics. 17 4.4. Media Technology Monitor (MTM) ............................................................................... 17 4.5. News Media and Government Engagement .................................................................. 17 4.6. 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer ..................................................................................... 18 Strategic gap analysis .............................................................................................................. 19

5. Strategic gap analysis .................................................................................................................................. 21 Objectives and target audiences .......................................................................................... 23

6. Objectives ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 6.1. Campaign objectives .................................................................................................... 24 6.2. Measurable objectives ................................................................................................. 24

7 Target audiences .......................................................................................................................................... 24 7.1. Behavioral segmentation ................................................................................................. 24 7.2. Changes between 2016 approach and 2021 ................................................................... 25 7.3. Response objectives .......................................................................................................... 25 7.4. Cluster profiles ................................................................................................................. 26 7.5. Cluster profiles: behavioral and media skew assumptions .......................................... 26 7.6. User Personas ................................................................................................................... 27 7.7. PLACEHOLDER Mapping Tool ................................................................................... 29 8. Key messages ................................................................................................................ 29 8.1. Messaging approach Messaging for the 2021 Census of Population will follow a multi-level approach underwritten by Census Communications’ audience segmentation. ..................... 29 8.2. Broad key messages ......................................................................................................... 30 8.3. Phased approach to messaging ....................................................................................... 30 9. Campaign strategies ................................................................................................... 31 9.1. Key strategies ................................................................................................................... 31 9.2. ICS Main Channels .......................................................................................................... 31 9.3. Strategic alignment of earned, owned and paid media ................................................. 31 10. Planning Assumptions ................................................................................................ 33

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11. Advertising plan ........................................................................................................... 33 12. Outreach and engagement ....................................................................................... 35 12.1. Community Supporter Toolkit ................................................................................... 36 13. Tactics ............................................................................................................................. 36 Tactical issues ............................................................................................................................... 36 Tactics by ICS component........................................................................................................... 37 Real-time monitoring and adjustment of tactics ....................................................................... 37 8 Blocking Charts ........................................................................................................................... 38

8.1 PLACEHOLDER-Paid media calendar .................................................................................................. 38 8.2 PLACEHOLDER- Organic social media calendar .............................................................................. 38

9 Expected outcomes .............................................................................................................. 39 10 Evaluation ............................................................................................................................. 40

10.1 Big Picture KPIs .......................................................................................................................................... 40 10.2 Other Evaluation Criteria .......................................................................................................................... 40

Annex 1—Secondary research: works consulted ........................................................... 42 1.1 Corporate Social Performance ............................................................................................................. 42 1.2 Canadian Forces “Fight” Recruitment Campaign ............................................................................ 42 1.3 The Shattered Mirror ............................................................................................................................... 43 1.4 News media and government engagement .................................................................................... 44 1.5 Attention span .......................................................................................................................................... 44 2. Further Reading Other sources were consulted for the purposes of drafting this strategy. Further reading on these topics can be found in the Census Communications research repository. .................................................. 44

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Executive Summary The integrated communications strategy (ICS) is designed as a social marketing campaign where emphasis is placed on research, segmentation, targeting, and positioning. The targeting strategy consists of full market coverage, complimented by the use of differentiated marketing, to reach areas that have proven more difficult to enumerate. The main idea behind the ICS targeting is: anticipation vs. reaction. A key element of the 2021 Census of Population ICS is the census brand. Respondents need to understand the importance of the information that has been gathered, the authority on which the Statistics Canada’s mandate is based, and what’s ‘in it’ for them. Census Communications will use coordinated activities to encourage Canadians to complete the census online and in a timely manner. This approach is designed to reach respondents across all demographics, but especially hard-to-count respondent groups. The strategy includes the content mapping of key messages across 5 main channels: 1. outreach, public relations and events: activities organized in partnership with all levels of

government, non-government organizations, and community associations. 2. earned media: work with sources of information for the purposes of informing Canadians

about the census in a positive and credible manner 3. owned media: publicity gained through promotional efforts other than advertising 4. paid media: positive publicity gained through paid advertising 5. media relations: messaging promoted through interactions with the media

The strategy for 2021 will employ a proactive approach, using the following campaign strategies and tactics: Dynamic segmentation model Statistical analyses will guide the design, implementation and monitoring of census communications activities. This analysis will be augmented with Environics attitudinal and lifestyle data to reveal target audience interests and motivations. The ICS will employ behavioral and sociodemographic segmentation to identify hard-to-count audiences. The goal of segmentation is to understand which census units (CU) are more or less likely to self-respond, and what key sociodemographic characteristics must be considered to effectively execute communication activities.

• Based on response behaviors during the 2016 Census of Population, 88 clusters were defined; these were further grouped into 12 meta clusters comprised.

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• A mapping tool containing relevant segmentation information will be leveraged for strategy development, for planning purposes, and for reactive collection tactics in the regions.

Messaging Messaging for the census will capture the attention of target audiences and clearly explain the relationship between completing the questionnaire and the benefit to respondents. Census Communications will employ a targeted approach to messaging based on segmentation. Broad key messages will be used across all channels; large-scale messaging (e.g.: social media) will be employed at the meta cluster level; targeted tactics will be used at the cluster level.

• Messages will have direct tone and demonstrate how the census benefits Canadians through the transformation of their communities.

• Census COMM will leverage trusted voices, i.e.: community supporters, to expand the reach of census related messaging.

Census website Census Communications is responsible for the census website ( It will leverage a responsive design and be optimized for mobile. The website will remain live between the 2019 Census Test and the beginning of collection operations in 2021. This will allow outreach materials and other information about the census to be accessible to community supporters and respondents well in advance of collection. The website will:

• have a clear call to action (complete the questionnaire) • use plain language • provide information on the privacy and security of data.

Outreach and engagement A multi-step process will be developed, clearly outlining how activities are to be executed by census outreach officers in both the National Capital Region and in the regions. Outreach officers will build and maintain an extensive list of municipalities and community based organizations.

• Partnerships will be developed with Federal departments including but not limited to: Service Canada, Employment and Skills Development Canada, and Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada.

• An interactive Community Supporter Toolkit (CST) will be made available on the census website so that all interested associations and community based organizations, can access tools and resources to promote census job opportunities, as well as promote the timely completion of the census.

• The Teachers’ Kit and Adult Education Kit will be updated and include sections on data privacy and Statistics Canada’s mandate to protect personal information.

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The objectives of the Integrated Communications Strategy are to:

 Increase awareness of the 2021 Census of Population

 Increase self-response through online collection

 Influence behaviours to increase self-response rates by urging households to complete and return a census questionnaire in May 2021—especially in the first two weeks of May.

 Increase participation for groups that have traditionally been difficult to enumerate

 Increase awareness that Statistics Canada and, by extension, the Government of Canada is committed to protecting the personal information of all Canadians

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Environmental considerations



Dan Houle

 Census communications is suggesting a more proactive approach for 2021.

 There is a strong foundation for outreach activities due to the evergreening of relationships with supporters during the intercensal period.

 The 2016 Communications Strategy had many strengths, but there are many opportunities to build on for 2021.



This section provides environmental considerations for the strategy.

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The 2016 Census of Population was the most successful in Canadian history. As has been the case in previous censuses, participation to the 2021 Census of Population might be influenced by political, economic, social and/or technological factors.

1. SWOT analysis TABLE 1 SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats  Approximately 1700

community supporters asked to keep in touch with Census Communications after 2016. These groups are included in an ongoing engagement plan and

 The extensive experience of the census communications program in working with local governments, businesses and organizations to increase awareness in the census.

 A content mapping approach allows Census COMM to cross-leverage products across all channels.

 Ability to reach certain hard-to-count audiences.

 Leverage a more optimized mix of paid, owned and earned media to increase self-response from hard-to-enumerate populations.

 Strategic combination of traditional and social media channels could accelerate and increase self-response rate.

 Leverage experience with local communities and engage long-term supporters across Canada to draw attention to the census and increase response.

 Large broadcasters have signified an interest to form media partnerships to extend the reach of census messaging.

 New social media platforms and functionalities.

 Negative perceptions tied to media coverage on fines.

 Environmental factors, e.g. ice roads melting sooner, floods, brush fires, which could impact field collection activities.

 Municipal censuses that occur close to or at the same time as the Census of Population. The proximity of municipal censuses to the Census of Population may cause confusion and frustration for respondents.

 Changing levels of trust in government and increasing concern about the use of personal data.

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2. Operating assumptions

TABLE 2 Review of operating assumptions Title Description Integration of short- and long- form electronic questionnaires

 When completing their census questionnaire online, Canadians will be directed to the census website with instructions to enter their secure access code (SAC).

 There will be no visible distinction between short- and long- form questionnaires for respondents aside from the total number of questions they will be asked to complete.

Sampling rate for mandatory long- form census

 In 2021, a sample of 25% of Canadian households will receive a long-form questionnaire. The other households will receive a short-form questionnaire.

Census Help Line (CHL) – on-site experts

 For the 2021 Census, experts from the various census sub- projects will be physically located in the CHL during the Operational Readiness Test (March) and during the first two weeks of operations (May). Census Communications management will set up processes to remotely coordinate the work of the writing staff during those periods.

Written inquiries

 As in 2016, all written inquiries will be handled by the Census Communications Respondent Relations Team. These inquiries are comparable to “Tier 2” inquiries that the Statistical Information Service operators are unable to answer. In 2016, 15675i cases were registered between January and September 2011. Resources are planned to meet the demand.

Social media  Census Communications will develop and post content on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other appropriate social media vehicles, using existing Statistics Canada accounts and publication processes.

Respondent Inquiries

 Census Communications will provide written materials, by fall 2020, in anticipation of respondent inquiries to the Statistical Information Service, the Census Help Line and Field Operations (FOP), based on 2016 experience.

Designation of Early Enumeration Communities

 The names of Early Enumeration communities will be provided to Census Communications by the end of 2020.

Paid media activities for collections

 Paid media activities will commence prior to the start of collection activities in May 2021.

Earned media activities for Early Enumeration

 Earned media activities to generate awareness to early enumeration activities will begin in January 2021 with general advertising for the census starting in April 2021.

Census Wrapper  Census website Census Communications is responsible for the census wrapper, including look and feel and content.

 Much like in 2016, the 2021 wrapper will leverage a responsive design and be optimized for mobile.

 The wrapper will remain live between Behavioral Testing in 20019 and May 2021.

i This number includes 197 social media responses handled between April 4 and July 3 2016. All responses handled by the Respondent Relations team were logged into CRMS. However, there were over 27 000 inquiries and comments on social media during collection activities in 2016; most of these were handled by the social media team and are not reflected in this number.

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RESEARCH This section details the primary and

secondary research undertaken in support of

this strategy.

 Spikes in response rates were correlated with wave letters, which points to the effectiveness of the wave methodology

 Final online response rates went from 54.5% in 2011 to 68.8% in 2016 - an increase of 14.3% nationally. All targeted segments outperformed the national average increase

 Due to the overwhelming demand, over 100K calls

went unanswered by the Census help line


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3. Primary research – 2016 Census of Population Primary research was undertaken to evaluate successes and strategic gaps in 2016. Information about response trends, social media activities, and Census Help Line and Respondent Relations demand provide insights to build the strategy for 2021.

3.1 Response trends Response trends in 2016 show that response rates rose in correlation with the wave methodology. Returns were better than forecasted likely due to the use of the online questionnaire and the alignment between wave methodology and the phased approach to messaging.

0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000

1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000

1- Ma

y 2-

Ma y

3- Ma

y 4-

Ma y

5- Ma

y 6-

Ma y

7- Ma

y 8-

Ma y

9- Ma

y 10

-M ay

11 -M

ay 12

-M ay

13 -M

ay 14

-M ay

15 -M

ay 16

-M ay

17 -M

ay 18

-M ay

19 -M

ay 20

-M ay

21 -M

ay 22

-M ay

23 -M

ay 24

-M ay

25 -M

ay 26

-M ay

27 -M

ay 28

-M ay

29 -M


Daily Returns - All Segments

2011 2016 projected 2016








01 -M

ay 02

-M ay

03 -M

ay 04

-M ay

05 -M

ay 06

-M ay

07 -M

ay 08

-M ay

09 -M

ay 10

-M ay

11 -M

ay 12

-M ay

13 -M

ay 14

-M ay

15 -M

ay 16

-M ay

17 -M

ay 18

-M ay

19 -M

ay 20

-M ay

21 -M

ay 22

-M ay

23 -M

ay 24

-M ay

25 -M

ay 26

-M ay

27 -M

ay 28

-M ay

29 -M

ay 30

-M ay

Cumulative Returns - All Segments

2011 2016 projected 2016

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3.2 Inquiries answered by the Respondent Relations (RR) team All inquiries from respondents were directed to the Respondent Relations team in 2016 with the exception of social media interactions, which were intended to be handled by the social media team (Web2Social).There were approximately 27,000 social media requests in 2016 and only a few hundred—the overflow—were handled by RR. This chart details the requests received by the Respondent Relations team during census operations in 2016.

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4. Secondary research Based on best practices and lessons learned, information and knowledge of past events or similar demographics, the following recommendations can be made:

On what to say  Information needs to be simple yet informative, relevant, and clearly show the benefit in participating

for each of the targeted audience.

On how to say it  Simple and clear messages are always preferred and best understood.

On who should say it

 Findings from several rounds of testing concerning Census Communications materials tell us that among target audiences, Statistics Canada is viewed as a credible source for information.

 Inclusion of key influencers such as community, religious, non-governmental organizations has historically drawn attention to the census message. This is supported by the Elaboration Likelihood Model.

The following resources have been reviewed to support the articulation of the Integrated Communications Strategy. (Longer excerpts and other resources are included in Annex 1.)









Requests by source

07-Mail 10 - Contact Us 01 Email 02 Telephone 03 Facebook 04 Twitter

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4.1. Attention Changes in the lifestyles, day-to-day interests, behaviour and attention span of various segments of the population will play a key role in the creation and implementation of census messaging. The following tables show key areas of research done in support of the communications strategy that inform the foundation of a comprehensive approach to messaging and overall brand.

Microsoft attention span study • The Canadian attention span has declined since 2000. • In 2013 the average Canadian had an attention span of 8 seconds. • On average, 19% of online viewers defect in the first 10 seconds. • The good news: tech adoption and social media usage are training consumers to become

better at processing and encoding information through short bursts of high attention. • 49% of Canadians are more likely to pay attention to communications when they’re

delivered in the right context, at the right time. • ¾ of Canadians use multiple screens at once. Therefore marketers should look for ways

to: o Hold attention o Create opportunities to capture wandering eyes

Source: Microsoft attention spans, Spring 2015. Consumer Insights. Microsoft Canada. 2015.

4.2. Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

While the composition of the message plays an important role in the overall receptivity found in a given audience, other factors must also be considered. As such, special consideration will be given to the Elaboration Likelihood Model in the development of promotional activities, especially as they related to outreach activities.

PR strategies and changes in attention span • Attention is task-dependent • There are different types of attention. For instance

o Focused o Transient

• The appetite for long form content (e.g.: long novels) is declining; ‘skimming’ is becoming a dominant form of reading

• Not all communication requires focus: people can process content unconsciously • Exposure to information—even repeated—does not mean it has influence • Advertisers need to adopt a way of reaching consumers that will grab and hold

consumers’ attention and make sure messages are routinely embedded with emotion. Emotion creates a higher likelihood of recall.

Gallloway, Chris. “Blink and they’re gone: PR and the battle for attention.” Public Relations Review. 43 (5). 2017.

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The following research tables summarize the ELM theory and its possible applications especially with respect to the design of census website.

Different campaign strategies and promotional tactics will leverage the principles of ELM to increase effectiveness. For instance, Cyr et al. demonstrate how ELM can be applied to website design:

ELM and online persuasion

• Higher interest in a topic will result in more time processing the arguments presented. • Lower interest will result in judgements based on external cues to guide attitude

formation. • When applying ELM to website design:

o the content of the site is the ‘direct’ argument for persuasion; o and the design elements are the ‘peripheral cues’.

• Elements that contribute to online persuasion are: o Navigation i.e. ease of use o Image Appeal i.e. sensory and aesthetic visual experience o Social Presence i.e. the warmth and sociability of a website’s design o The perception of connectedness. In other words, the user’s belief that they

will benefit from a website over and above any content feature. • Quality of information is important: if a user is dissatisfied with website information they

will leave the site. Cyr, Dianne, et al. “Using the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Examine Online Persuasion through Website Design.” Information & Management, 23 Mar. 2018, doi:10.1016/

Elaboration Likelihood Model Theory • ELM suggest that important variations in the nature of persuasion are a function of the

likelihood that receivers will engage in elaboration of (that is, thinking about) information relevant to the persuasive issue.

• Depending on the degree of elaboration, two different kind of persuasion process can be engaged – one involving systematic thinking and the other involving cognitive shortcuts.

• The two persuasion processes are called the “central route” and the “peripheral route” to persuasion.

 The central route represents the persuasion process involved when elaboration process is relatively high. Where persuasion is achieved through the central route, it commonly comes about through extensive issue-relevant thinking; careful examination of the information contained in the message, close scrutiny of the message’s arguments, consideration of other issue-relevant materials, and so on. In short, persuasion through the central route is achieved through the receiver’s thoughtful examination of issue-relevant considerations.

 The peripheral route represents the persuasion process involved when elaboration is relatively low. Where persuasion is achieved through peripheral route, it commonly comes about because the receiver employs some simple decision rule (some heuristic principle) to evaluate the advocated positions. For example, the receiver might be guided by whether they like the communicator or by whether they find the communicator credible. That is, receivers may rely upon various peripheral cues (such as communicator credibility) as guides to attitude and belief, rather than engaging in extensive issue-relevant thinking.

Petty and Cacioppo

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4.3. Customer Brand Engagement Engagement is a key aspect of all five of the Integrated Communications Strategies developed in support of the 2021 Census. Innovative tactics will be employed to engage harder-to-reach audiences like millennials— a group that now constitutes roughly 27% of the population. Secondary research was undertaken to assist in the development of tactics.

Understanding Customer Brand Engagement with Virtual Social Communities: A Comprehensive model of drivers, outcomes and moderators

• Social media has become an important channel for customers to engage with brand. • Through social media customers are no longer a “passive audience”. They are co-

producers who build their identities and socialize with other customers. • Social networking brand communities (e.g. Facebook) have become a driving force for

Customer Brand Engagement (CBE). • Virtual social networking communities are so effective because they are relationship

centric and inherently participatory. • Trust plays an important role in how customers interact with virtual social networks. It

specifically determines a customer’s likelihood to maintain ties with a brand, to recommend the brand, and to participate in the social network brand communities.

Carvallo A. and Fernandes, T. “Understanding consumer brand engagement with virtual social communities: a comprehensive model of drivers, outcomes, and moderators.” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice. 26(1-2). 2018.

4.4. Media Technology Monitor (MTM) The Media Technology Monitor (MTM) is a technology survey that is conducted twice a year and covers the Canadian audience (both Anglophone and Francophone demographics). This tool allows Census Communications to be agile and make well informed decisions about how to connect with respondents effectively.

Examples from recent reports include:

• More than a third of Anglophones have four internet connected devices; the majority of Anglophones (72%) use social networks

• Facebook is the most used social network despite competition • Instagram is the fastest growing social network (among Anglophones) • Francophones are more likely to use traditional forms of radio and TV has a greater

stability in the French market.

4.5. News Media and Government Engagement

Privy Council Office funded EKOS study

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• Canadians typically get their news from a national vs. a local source. • Canadians are active users of social media. • New Canadians are active users of streaming services vs traditional television, and

spend more time online than other segments of the population. • Ads or notices in the media are Canadians’ preferred way to get information from the

government. • Canadians follow political and governmental affairs through a variety of mediums (TV,

newspapers, radio, and internet). Rethinking Citizen Engagement, EKOS Research Associates Inc. (2017)

4.6. 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer Edelman conducts an annual trust and credibility survey, producing the world’s most robust exploration of trust in business, government, NGOs and media. The 2019 online survey sampled more than 33,000 respondents across 27 global markets.

Key Canadian Findings • 53% of Canadians trust their government to do what is right. This number jumps to 74%

among the Informed Public. • Only 34% of the General Population in Canada believes that they will be better off 5 years

from now. • Canadians increasingly trust owned media channels, while social media is still the least trusted

media. 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer

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 A coordinated approach is required to make sure there is a strong issues management in place between Communications and stakeholders for 2021.

 Products to mitigate problems with condo and strata access need to be developed.

 Third language products can be prepared to help messaging reach all respondents.


STRATEGIC GAP ANALYSIS This section contains an analysis of the gaps in the 2016 Integrated Communication Strategy supporting collection.

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Strategic gap analysis

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5. Strategic gap analysis The table below outlines some of the key observations/issues derived from environmental considerations, and primary and secondary research. These issues are addressed in the overall strategy.

Issue Description Discussion Strategic consideration Global Affairs Canada (GAC)/“circular note” for Foreign Embassies in Canada wasn’t anticipated in 2016.

GAC requested a circular note, which had been done in previous censuses. Working with the Production and logistics team, the 2011 content was updated and sent to GAC for posting on their website. Calls were also received regarding the Embassy Kit that is sent to Foreign Embassies.

Similar requests for circular notes and the Embassy Kit should be expected and prepared for in 2021.

Anticipate this request for 2021 and be prepared to provide an updated versions of those products to GAC.

Corrections Canada/Memo to Wardens

In 2016 the Memo to Wardens was not sent until after enumerators began approaching correctional facilities.

Start communicating with Corrections Canada in February of 2021.

3rd Language posters

Compounding the Condo and Strata issue-- no third language products were developed so, in some cases, residents did not understand the messaging even after it was delivered

Third language messaging should be available to Crew Leaders upon request so that messaging can be understood in regions where there is a high prevalence of third language speakers.

3rd Language posters can be made available (on a by-request basis) in the regions to assist with collection. In addition, CHL information can be added to visitation cards.

Condo boards and Strata

Secure buildings have become more prevalent. Building managers and security personnel do not understand that Enumerators and Crew Leaders have the right to request access. In 2016 buildings were not able to be listed promptly and access to deliver notices was repeatedly denied to field staff.

There was limited proactive outreach in 2016 and no specific products were developed to communicate with condo and strata associations.

Early PR activities are needed to inform Condo boards that the census will be happening and that they are required to let enumerators in.

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Segmentation 8 segments were created for the 2016 Census of Population.

Census Comm has leveraged primary research about respondent behavior to identify 88 respondent clusters and grouped those into 12 meta- clusters.

Internal Communications

Internal Communications in 2016 included a “100 days to go” kick-off event and other awareness style activities.

Awareness does not equal action. One activity that helped create a lot of buzz and excitement in 2016 was the Census Selfie campaign. Rather than just generating awareness this activity allowed staff to participate in generating buzz around the census.

In 2021 rather than focusing solely on awareness-based activities, Census COMMS will focus on encouraging staff to become outreach officers by extension.

Require better process for vetting the associations list.

In 2016 associations were vetted by OID rather than Census COMMS.

A clear process for creating and maintaining lists of associations in needed.

Outreach staff in Census COMMS will vet and review associations to be contacted for outreach.

Efficient and clear issues management

There needs to be a clear process in place when issues arise during operations in 2021.

Census Communications will work with all its stakeholders in the other sub-projects to prepare clear workflows to follow in the case of unexpected issues that may arise during the 2021 Census.

Alternate format products

In 2016 alternate formats of the questionnaire were made available. Despite this many respondents wrote to Respondent Relations complaining about difficulty filling out the questionnaire (for instance the print was too small)

Even though the products were available, respondents weren’t aware they existed.

There will be a communications plan developed for the promotion of alternate formats for 2021.

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Objectives and target audiences



Increase response- especially amongst specific target audiences.

Promote the online response option.

Cross leverage segmentation analysis, messaging approach and outreach activities.



This section provides an overview of Census Communications’ operating assumptions, strategy objectives, and target audiences.

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6. Objectives

6.1. Campaign objectives

Key campaign objectives  Increase awareness to the 2021 Census  Increase self-response through online collection  Influence behaviours to increase self-response rates by urging households to

complete and return a census questionnaire in May 2021  Increase participation for groups that have traditionally been difficult to

enumerate.  Increase awareness that Statistics Canada and, by extension, the

Government of Canada is committed to protecting the personal information of all Canadians.

6.2. Measurable objectives The overall effectiveness of the 2021 Census Integrated Communications Strategy will be measured as follows:

General objectives  Increase awareness of the Census of Population  Increase self-response through the online questionnaire  Increase awareness that Statistics Canada is committed to protecting the

personal information of all Canadians

Specific objectives  Each of the 12 meta cluster audiences identified as part of segmentation will

be assigned an expected response target  Successfully promote and widely distribute outreach materials such as the

Community Supporter Toolkit

7 Target audiences

7.1. Behavioral segmentation The 2021 Census Integrated Communications Strategy will use behavioral segmentation to guide the development of promotional tactics aimed at eliciting maximum self-response. Behavioral analysis will be based on cumulative self-response rates observed on May 30, 2016. It will set a clear demarcation between:

 Easier-to-enumerate audiences (accounting for 80% of the census population)  Harder-to-enumerate audiences (the remaining 20%)

A key date

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Cumulative self-response rates for Internet, mail and call-centre reached 80% around May 30, 2016. Hard-to-enumerate audiences will include households who either responded after the May 30th date or required involvement from a field enumerator. This date will also be used to define the timing of key promotional activities in 2021, as well as outreach activities.

This behavioral information will be provided in a series of maps covering the entire country, depicting areas— crew leader districts—where response rate is in excess of 80%. Key socio-demographic characteristics for easy-to-enumerate populations will be provided so that they can be mapped out against media consumer profiles, such as the ones provided by external research houses.

7.2. Changes between 2016 approach and 2021 Element 2016 2021

Methodology • Segmentation was based on cumulative self-response rates on June 2, 2011

• Hard-to-count (HTC) scores calculated based on 16 variables

• Geographic clusters with defined sociodemographic characteristics were identified

• Municipal influence zones (MIZ) used to regroup areas with similar characteristics and behaviours

• R-studio method chooses variables that best predict respondent behaviour on May 19, 2016

Defined segments

• 8 clusters were identified, and augmented with Environics data

• 88 clusters and 12 meta clusters defined based on response behaviour

• Meta clusters and exceptional clusters profiles to be augmented by Environics data

Tactical use of segmentation

• HTC audiences and clusters informed ICS activities

• Maps illustrated hard to enumerate audiences

• At least one persona was developed for each cluster

• Profiles will be leveraged for collection and recruitment activities

• Geomatics tool being developed will encompass clusters and meta clusters

• Personas will be created based on meta cluster data

7.3. Response objectives 8. Segment the Canadian population based on demographic, geographical,

behavioural and attitudinal factors.  Achieve a 66% response rate via electronic questionnaire by May 17th.  Identify easy and hard to enumerate audiences

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 Leverage these defined segments to optimize Census communication collection and recruitment strategies and engage the Canadian population effectively.

7.4. Cluster profiles An additional cluster analysis will be conducted on the demographic, housing and socioeconomic variables used to calculate the HTC scores. From this analysis, mutually exclusive geographic clusters of the population have been identified. The characteristics of each cluster have been augmented with other data set to improvement alignment of communication activities. The chart below outlines important demographic traits that are likely to describe persons in each meta cluster.

7.5. Cluster profiles: behavioral and media skew assumptions


• An Environics Analytics contract was obtained so Census Communications can obtain reports on current behavioral and lifestyle data for target audiences.

• Environics will conduct an alignment activity to reconcile Census COMM internal segmentation with their 68 Prizm profiles.

• Media consumption and lifestyle habits identified by Environics Prizm data will be applied to cluster profiles to inform and enhance advertising and outreach activities.

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7.6. User Personas To assist with proper alignment of all communication activities, user personas will be developed for each meta-cluster. The goal is to develop one or many narratives for each meta-cluster persona to help define how they would come across elements of census messaging. User Personas

• Fictional characters created to portray realistic representations of the key audience segments • Personas give a clear picture of the user’s expectations and interaction points with brand messaging and aid in

creating effective communications strategies based on interaction points

Considerations Knowledge  About the census and its purpose  Impacts of the census on communities  Legal obligations of citizen vis-à-vis the census  The ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘how’ of self-response

Attitudes and beliefs  Civic duty to complete census questionnaire  Big brother/snooping by national/foreign agencies  Data security  Cost associated with conducting the census

Disabling factors  Literacy  Foreign language  Time constraint

Needing to look for information Benefits  Sense of duty accomplished  Doing something for the community  Sense of belonging  The idea that completing the Census is part of “Being Canadian”

Example: Anne

User persona – meta cluster 2 Demographics

• Anne is 67 years old • She earns $40, 000 annually • She has high school-level education • She is retired • She lives by himself in an apartment in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

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Reaching audiences effectively- meta cluster 2 Phase 1: Awareness (April 19 – May 2, 2021)

• Sees an ad during a TV show, on national programming • Hears an ad in a golden oldies radio station

Phase 2: Call-to-action (May 3 – May 18, 2021) • Sees census outreach materials around her neighbourhood • Reads a blurb on the census in the summer booklet from her community centre

Phase 3: Reminder (After May 19, 2021) • Continues to see census ads on TV • Receives an email from her pension reminding their members to complete the census • Notices census posters in the bulletin board of her community centre

On May 22, Anne decides to complete her census questionnaire online.

Interests • Heavy traditional media user • Part of a neighbourhood walking club • Attends aquatics classes at the community centre

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7.7. PLACEHOLDER Mapping Tool A mapping tool will be developed to enhance the Census Communications team’s ability to support field operations for both collection and recruitment activities (see the ICS-Recruitment for more information on the recruitment strategy).

8. Key messages

8.1. Messaging approach Messaging for the 2021 Census of Population will follow a multi-level approach underwritten by Census Communications’ audience segmentation. This model demonstrates the interaction between the messaging approach and segmentation:

Messages will be developed in consideration of the elements stated below:

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Direct tone, straightforward messages that:

 Capture the attention of the targeted audiences and have an immediate impact  Have a strong call to action  Explain to respondents that completing the census impacts their community  Plain language

Using direct messaging, campaign activities will

 Let target audiences know that:  The census will be taking place shortly  Let target audiences know that Statistics Canada protects the confidentiality of their information

 Raise immediate awareness to the when, where and how to complete the census Tone, voice, approach and language

 The 2021 campaign will use a tone that:  Motivates Canadians to self-respond  Encourages Canadians to respond online  Is informative but firm (the census is not only important but also mandatory)

8.2. Broad key messages

 Census benefits Canadians through the transformation of their communities  Completing the census online is fast and easy  The census is mandatory

8.3. Phased approach to messaging There will be 3 phases to messaging in support of the 2021 Census:

Awareness phase: April 19 to May 2, 2021  In early May you will be receiving your census in the mail  Completing the census online will be fast and easy  By completing your census you will help transform your community

Call-to-action phase: May 3 to May 18, 2021  Go online now and complete your census  Completing the census online will be fast and easy  By completing your census you are helping transform your community

Reminder phase: after May 19, 2021  Completing the census is mandatory

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9. Campaign strategies

9.1. Key strategies The communications strategy for the 2021 Census will consist of an integrated social marketing campaign and activities designed specifically to raise awareness and encourage self-response.

Key strategies

 The promotional campaign will use audience segmentation analysis to define the best messages and channels.

 The campaign will leverage multiple communications channel approach while maximizing message cohesiveness and reach.

 Emphasis will be placed on PR and outreach activities when promoting the importance of the census among hard-to-enumerate audiences.

9.2. ICS Main Channels The campaign will leverage several marketing disciplines across five main channels.

9.3. Strategic alignment of earned, owned and paid media The alignment of all communication activities across the spectrum of paid, earned and owned media will increase message cohesiveness and effectiveness.

2021 ICS

Earned Media

PR & Outreach

Paid Media

Owned Media

Media Relations

2021 Census of Population--Collections – Integrated Communications Strategy | 32




Print, Television, Radio, Out-of-home, Banners, Direct mail, Digital SEM/Paid

Brochure, Census website, Web communities (e.g. LinkedIn group), Posters

Word of mouth, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Content marketing editorial segments, Media events

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Alignment consideration will take into account:

 Timing of communication activities  Targeted audience  Portability of content across messaging platforms

The cornerstone for alignment will be the ongoing maintenance and dissemination of an editorial calendar.

10. Planning Assumptions

ICS Component Planning assumptions Paid media o Census Communications will purchase advertising in the following mediums:

Television, radio, digital, newspaper, social media platforms, Out-of-Home o Purchasing decisions to support collection will be based on the prioritization of

designated geographical and/or demographic areas where collection support is both needed and likely to result in a return on investment (i.e. increased response rate, increase use of the online questionnaire)

Owned media o Leverage the owned media at our disposal: Census website, Teachers’ Kit, Print products, Q & As, Community Supporter Toolkit, Snapshot Toolkit, Small Business Hub, Adult Education Kit, Condo and Strata Toolkit

Earned media o Leverage organic Social Media, articles, radio reads, and TV segments as well as promote the Community Supporter Toolkit

o New content marketing articles will be written for use across multiple platforms, and previous articles re-used if still applicable

PR, Outreach & Events o Communication Managers in each Regional Census Centres will start in April 2020, and will develop a tailored comprehensive outreach plan

o Outreach Officers will continue to follow a multi-step outreach process more streamlined than2016.

o Partnerships will be established with other federal departments o Engagement with community organizations will be done by numerous staff in an

organized manner, with roles and responsibilities clearly outlined o Large scale and national partnerships established during non-census years, will

be spearheaded by Census COMM in Ottawa

Media Relations o Census COMM will engage in partnerships with media sources o Census COMM will employ the tiered spokespersons approach used for the 2021


11. Advertising plan The highly successful branding from the 2016 Census of Population may be maintained and leveraged in 2021 (this will be determined in collaboration with the Agency of Record and the creative agency contracted to execute the campaign. A nation-wide media strategy, the advertising campaign for the 2021 Census of Population Program, will deploy effective products to support collection activities. The campaign is part of a comprehensive communication program that will inform Canadians that the census is important, relevant, and secure. It will prompt households to complete their questionnaire, with a focus on online response.

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The advertising strategy is meant to support the wave model – a successful collection methodology that was introduced for the 2011 Census. The media strategy will be synchronised with the methodology used to communicate directly with Canadian households.

Wave Methodology Media Strategy Pre-Census Wave I Wave II Wave III Wave IV

April 2021 Initial information package for all households (May 2) Reminder letter/card for households that have not yet returned a census questionnaire (May 10) Follow-up letter and paper questionnaire for non- responding households (May 18) Non-response follow-up which could include telephone calls or personal visits to each non- responding household (June 1)

 National advertising to set the stage for collection activities.  Create awareness before the census.  Encourage online response.  Use mass media for maximum reach.

 Create awareness at the start of the census.  Use mass media for maximum reach.

 Final presence in mass media following the initial

awareness period.  Messages will underscore the importance of

completing the questionnaire online.  Encourage those who have not yet returned the

completed questionnaire to do so.  Messages will be adapted to audience segments.

 Encourage those who have not yet returned the

completed questionnaire to do so.  Messages will be adapted to audience segments.

2021 Census of Population--Collections – Integrated Communications Strategy | 35

12. Outreach and engagement A multi-step process will be developed, clearly outlining how activities are to be executed by census outreach officers in both the national capital region and in the Regions. Outreach officers will build and maintain an extensive list of municipalities and community based organizations that will be used for targeted outreach activities. An online interactive Community Supporter Toolkit (CST) will be created to help facilitate outreach activities and provide a one-stop shop for municipalities and organizations. They will have access to tools and resources to promote census job opportunities, as well as promote the timely completion of the census during collection. Additional toolkits, the Teachers’ Kit and the Adult Education Kit, will be updated, reworked and made available for teachers and other key stakeholders in order to help familiarise Canadians of all ages with the census in a fun and interactive way. While at the same time, putting emphasis on data privacy and Statistics Canada’s mandate to protect personal information. Partnerships will be developed with Federal departments including but not limited to: Service Canada; Employment and Skills Development Canada; and Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada. These partnerships will be leveraged in a variety of ways. For example: videos can be made available to Service Canada to promote recruitment or EE depending on location. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada will be provided with documents to provide to new immigrants. Federal partnerships will be sought out according to a phased approach to ensure that relevant departments can be involved in support of early enumeration and recruitment. Outreach activities will be prioritized to specifically target organizations, whose constituencies are amongst the hard-to-count. The following matrix was employed in 2016 and will be taken into consideration again in 2021. However prioritization will also consider insights provided by a partnership with Environics Analytics and corporate data analysed through the use of the ESRI mapping tool; as a result stakeholder mapping will be comprehensive in order to align outreach tactics with audience targeting.

High HL (HIGH relevance – LOW willingness) Organizations which did not promote the census in 2016, but whose constituencies will be targeted expressly by outreach activities in 2021

HH (HIGH relevance – HIGH willingness) Organizations which promoted the census in 2016 and/or signified an interest for 2021, and whose constituencies will be targeted by outreach activities in 2021

Low LL (LOW relevance – LOW willingness) Organizations which did not promote the census in 2016, whose constituencies will not be targeted by outreach activities

LH (LOW relevance – HIGH willingness) Organizations which promoted the census in 2016, but whose constituencies will not be targeted by outreach activities in 2021

Low High


2021 Census of Population--Collections – Integrated Communications Strategy | 36

Finally, all outreach officers will be trained to leverage Statistics Canada’s ESRI mapping portal to keep track of the engagement process and, perhaps more importantly, to quantify the reach of the tactics that will be executed by community supporters.

12.1. Community Supporter Toolkit Outreach officers will contacting organizations, who will be asked to support their respective communities by promoting the benefits of the census. An HTML version of this toolkit as well as an accessible PDF will be made available on the census website so that all interested associations and community based organizations, can access tools and resources to promote census job opportunities, as well as promote the timely completion of the census. For example the CST will contain products for stakeholders to use on their social media platforms. More than 3,500 associations and community-based organizations (CBOs) were contacted in 2016; nearly 600 of those organizations used the social media calendar in support of census awareness. This will continue to be a key tactic in 2021. In accordance with the newly developed Strategy for Modernization and Branding, the Community Supporter Toolkit— as well as all other toolkits—will be used a vehicle for the census brand. The creative approach developed for the 2021 Census of Population, as well as the theme developed for Indigenous and Northern Communities will be incorporated into the look and feel of the toolkit.

13. Tactics

Tactical issues The table below lists some of the tactical issues that will influence the development of each communication activity. TABLE 14 Key Tactical Issue Description, Discussion and related Considerations

Issue Description Discussion Tactical consideration Paid, Owned and Earned Media Social Media Partnerships

Ensure message cohesiveness across paid, owned and earned media platforms A social media plan is required for leveraging earned media platforms Better documentation of partner activities for post- census evaluation

This standard communication practice offers opportunities for cost savings The 2021 Census will make greater use of Social Media to increase traction of earned content. Detailed information on partnership agreements is required to accurately assess the benefits gained from such agreements

Repurpose content designed for paid media for use on earned and owned media platforms Allocate resources accordingly Use StatCan’s new Client Response Management System (CRMS) to capture more information on partnership activities.

Key recommendations

2021 Census of Population--Collections – Integrated Communications Strategy | 37

1. Harmonize paid, owned and earned media activities to enhance messaging cohesiveness and increase cost effectiveness.

2. Develop a social media plan to increase earned media for the 2021 Census. 3. Target partners effectively for harder-to-enumerate audiences, while

documenting their activities in the CRMS.

Tactics by ICS component

Component Tactics Paid media  Television

 Radio  Standard print ads  Non-traditional print ads  Transit shelter ads (TSAs)  Out-of-home (OOH)  Digital  Search engine  Social media

Owned media  Census website  Teachers’ Kit  Adult Education Kit  Community Snapshot Toolkit  Small Business Hub  Census Game  Community Supporter Toolkit  Factsheets  Email messaging  Posters

Earned media  Social Media  Content marketing, print, radio and video

PR & Outreach  Execution of a multi-step proactive outreach process  Engagement with Services Canada  Engagement with Citizenship and Immigration Canada  Engagement with Health Canada  Engagement with other departments.

Events  Media events

Real-time monitoring and adjustment of tactics Census Communications will have access to real-time data, which will be used, as required, to realign certain outreach and public relations tactics in areas that are not responding as well as expected.

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8 Blocking Charts 8.1 PLACEHOLDER-Paid media calendar

8.2 PLACEHOLDER- Organic social media calendar

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9 Expected outcomes The campaign is expected to raise awareness among Canadians about the census and the importance of their participation. It is also expected that the audience will use the information to take action and respond in a timely manner. These outcomes will be validated using the measurable objectives defined in Section 6.2.

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10 Evaluation A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) framework has been developed to guide the performance indicators of all communications activities for the 2021 Census of population.

10.1 Big Picture KPIs TABLE 18 Big Picture KPIs

KPI Description Discussion Temporal breakdown of campaign costs against observed rates Incremental response based on temporal analysis Increase in online response

The campaign costs broken down week-to- week against the number of completed census forms Identify the dates where critical benchmarks (e.g. 25%, 50%, 75%, 80%, 85%) were achieved Overall online response rate

The ROI analysis for the advertising in all stages of the campaign. The 80% response rate benchmark was achieved on May 30, 2016. The goal for 2021 is to reach this benchmark sooner. An increase in online response rate will result in direct costs savings. The objective for 2021 is to increase overall response rate via online to XX%.

10.2 Other Evaluation Criteria Evaluations will include but not be limited to the following:  Analysis of response rates  Maximize high-quality response by reducing FEFU and incomplete questionnaires  Web traffic/referral statistics  Recall rate and other evaluation results based on post-campaign evaluation using the Advertising

Campaign Evaluation Tool  Media and blog coverage analysis (unsolicited feature stories)  Review of outreach activities with stakeholders  Review of proposed partnerships  Public opinion research before and after the campaign  ACET recall rate

2021 Census of Population--Collections – Integrated Communications Strategy | 42

Annex 1—Secondary research: works consulted The following resources have been reviewed to support the articulation of the Integrated Communications Strategy.

1.1 Corporate Social Performance Why are job seekers attracted by Corporate Social Performance?

 Corporate Social Performance (CSP) is demonstrated through an organization’s apparent community involvement or other activities that show genuine care and concern for the wellbeing of others.

 There are three signal-based mechanisms that affect organizational attractiveness: anticipated pride or prestige associated with an organization, perceived value fit, and expected treatment.

o Both companies and applicants increasingly turn to websites as sources of recruitment information

o CSP sends signals that inform job seekers of the anticipated pride they will have in their jobs, the value fit, and how they will be treated

o CSP becomes less effective when job seekers attribute it to disingenuous motives

Source: Why are job seekers attracted by Corporate Social Performance? Experimental and field tests of three signal-based mechanisms, Jones et al. (2014)

1.2 Canadian Forces “Fight” Recruitment Campaign Fight Distress, Fight Fear, Fight Chaos—Fight with the Canadian Forces

 In 2001 the Canadian Forces identified recruitment as one of its top priorities, but it faced some obstacles the foremost of which was that young Canadians (aged 15-24) and adults over 25 indicated that viewed the Canadian Forces as a less- than-ideal place to work.

 With this in mind, they began doing research for the “Fight” campaign with the understanding that recruitment campaigns were one of the primary ways that Canadians viewed their military and therefore directly linked to the Canadian Forces “brand”.

 Forty-two focus groups were conducted with a total of more than 300 Canadians participating.

 The groups determined that the Canadian Forces’ brand: o was not clearly defined o had different meanings depending on viewership o was not honest or “real” enough in its portrayal of the actual jobs in the

Canadian Forces  The Canadian Forces used this feedback to develop an award-winning, successful

recruitment campaign “Fight Distress, Fight Fear, Fight Chaos—Fight with the Canadian Forces”

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 The campaign featured simulated real-world scenarios of Canadian Forces members helping during natural disasters and other military scenarios. It invited viewers to identify with the action onscreen and, further, to imagine the self- transformation they could achieve by joining the Canadian Forces.

 A key factor to the success of this campaign is that it understood that Canadians envision their military as primarily “helpers” administering aid, rather than an overtly aggressive force. The branding throughout the campaign was careful to respect those values.

 By the end of the campaign they had gone from not having enough applicants to having to turn recruits away.

Source: Fighting Change: Representing the Canadian Forces in the 2006–2008 Fight Recruitment Campaign, Canadian Journal of Communication, Goldie, J.L 2014

1.3 The Shattered Mirror The Shattered Mirror: News Democracy and Trust in the Digital Age

• A report by the Public Policy Forum on news media and advertising in Canada • The Public Policy Forum is a non-partisan, member-based organization. They operate

with the purpose of improving policy outcomes for Canadians. Their report is based on consultations with Canadians, academics, and stakeholders from across the country. Key findings include:

o The CBC’s French and English news sites, Canada’s most visited, attract 15 million people in a typical month.

o Facebook says it has 17 million active users in Canada every day. o The prevalence of local news outlets across the country is declining o A 2014 survey found that “Canada’s ethnic consumers spend comparatively less

time interacting with traditional media sources particularly cable television, and more time consuming content through online video sites, such as YouTube and Netflix.”

• New Canadians spend, on average, 20 percent more time online than other segments of the population.

Source: The Shattered Mirror: News Democracy and Trust in the Digital Age, Public Policy Forum (2017) Source: Rethinking Citizen Engagement, EKOS Research Associates Inc. (2017)

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1.4 News media and government engagement Privy Council Office funded EKOS study

• Canadians typically get their news from a national vs. a local source. • Canadians are active users of social media. • New Canadians are active users of streaming services vs traditional television, and

spend more time online than other segments of the population. • Ads or notices in the media are Canadians’ preferred way to get information from the

government. • Canadians follow political and governmental affairs through a variety of mediums (TV,

newspapers, radio, and internet). Source: Rethinking Citizen Engagement, EKOS Research Associates Inc. (2017)

1.5 Attention span Consumer Insights

• The Canadian attention span has declined since 2000. • On average, 19% of online viewers defect in the first 10 seconds. • Consumers have become better at processing and encoding information through short

bursts of high attention. • Canadians are more likely to pay attention to communications when they’re delivered

in the right context, at the right time. • 75% of Canadians use multiple screens at once. • Attention is task-dependent • There are different types of attention: focused and transient • ‘Skimming’ is becoming a dominant form of reading • Not all communication requires focus: people can process content unconsciously • Exposure to information—even repeated—does not mean it has influence • Emotion creates a higher likelihood of recall.

Source: Consumer Insights. Microsoft Canada 2015; Galloway, C. “blink and they’re gone: PR and the battle for attention” Public Relations Review 43 (5) 2017

2. Further Reading Other sources were consulted for the purposes of drafting this strategy. Further reading on these topics can be found in the Census Communications research repository.

 CBAMS III: A US Census Bureau report  Inside the Nudge Unit by David Halpern  Relevance Theory by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson

  • Executive Summary
  • Environmental considerations
    • 1. SWOT analysis
    • 2. Operating assumptions
  • Research
    • 3. Primary research – 2016 Census of Population
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 3.1 Response trends
      • 3.2 Inquiries answered by the Respondent Relations (RR) team
    • 4. Secondary research
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 4.1. Attention
      • 4.2. Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)
      • 4.3. Customer Brand Engagement Engagement is a key aspect of all five of the Integrated Communications Strategies developed in support of the 2021 Census. Innovative tactics will be employed to engage harder-to-reach audiences like millennials—a gro...
      • 4.4. Media Technology Monitor (MTM)
      • 4.5. News Media and Government Engagement
      • 4.6. 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer
  • Strategic gap analysis
    • 5. Strategic gap analysis
  • Objectives and target audiences
    • 6. Objectives
      • 6.1. Campaign objectives
      • 6.2. Measurable objectives
    • 7 Target audiences
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
      • 7.1. Behavioral segmentation
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
      • 7.1.
      • 7.2. Changes between 2016 approach and 2021
      • 7.3. Response objectives
      • 1.
      • 2.
      • 3.
      • 4.
      • 5.
      • 6.
      • 7.
      • 7.1.
      • 7.2.
      • 7.3.
      • 7.4. Cluster profiles
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 7.1.
    • 7.2.
    • 7.3.
    • 7.4.
      • 7.5. Cluster profiles: behavioral and media skew assumptions
      • 7.6. User Personas
      • 7.7. PLACEHOLDER Mapping Tool
  • 8. Key messages
    • 8.1. Messaging approach Messaging for the 2021 Census of Population will follow a multi-level approach underwritten by Census Communications’ audience segmentation.
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
    • 8.1.
    • 8.2. Broad key messages
    • 8.3. Phased approach to messaging
  • 9. Campaign strategies
    • 9.1. Key strategies
    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
    • 4.
    • 5.
    • 6.
    • 7.
    • 8.
    • 9.
    • 9.1.
      • 9.2. ICS Main Channels
      • 9.
      • 9.1.
      • 9.2.
      • 9.3. Strategic alignment of earned, owned and paid media
  • 10. Planning Assumptions
  • 11. Advertising plan
  • 12. Outreach and engagement
    • 12.1. Community Supporter Toolkit
  • 13. Tactics
    • Tactical issues
    • Tactics by ICS component
    • Real-time monitoring and adjustment of tactics
  • 8 Blocking Charts
    • 8.1 PLACEHOLDER-Paid media calendar
    • 8.2 PLACEHOLDER- Organic social media calendar
  • 9 Expected outcomes
  • 10 Evaluation
    • 10.1 Big Picture KPIs
    • 10.2 Other Evaluation Criteria
  • Annex 1—Secondary research: works consulted
    • 1.1 Corporate Social Performance
    • 1.2 Canadian Forces “Fight” Recruitment Campaign
    • 1.3 The Shattered Mirror
    • 1.4 News media and government engagement
    • 1.5 Attention span
    • 2. Further Reading Other sources were consulted for the purposes of drafting this strategy. Further reading on these topics can be found in the Census Communications research repository.

Statistics Canada Communication Plan National Consultation Day

Languages and translations

Communication plan National Consultation Day

Purpose The purpose of this plan is to establish a communication strategy for Statistics Canada’s National Consultation Day scheduled for xxxxx. Background The Government of Canada has launched a national consultation on digital and data transformation in order to better understand how Canada can drive innovation, prepare Canadians for the future of work and ensure they have trust and confidence in how their data are used. As part of this national consultation, Statistics Canada is consulting on its modernization strategy to meet the data and statistical needs of a data-driven society. The foundation of this strategy, the future national statistical system, includes five pillars that are based on Statistics Canada’s traditional values. These pillars are: user-centric service delivery; sharing and collaboration; leading-edge methods and data integration; statistical leadership and capacity building; and a modern workforce and flexible workplace. Over the past year, the Chief Statistician has undertaken consultation roundtables on modernization. Statistics Canada representatives have been engaging with the stakeholder community to better understand their data needs and share the Agency’s modernization plans. On xxxx, Statistics Canada will host a National Consultation Day with online consultations, WebEx forums, teleconferences and roundtable discussions in cities across Canada with business, academia, citizens and others on this vision. Because there is strength in diversity, these roundtables will include women, Indigenous peoples and other under-represented groups. All Canadians will be invited to have their voices heard on Statistics Canada’s modernization vision, its programs, products and services as well as their ideas on how to advance Canada’s competitiveness through the digital economy. Communication objectives

1. Inform Canadians about Statistics Canada’s vision for a modernized national statistical system. 2. Seek Canadians and stakeholder reaction to the modernization vision and respond to any

reactions. 3. Reassure Canadians about the continued protection of their information. 4. Inform stakeholders and Canadians of the benefits of using administrative data and having

access to high-quality data in useable, understandable formats.

Audiences External

• Canadians • Media • Academia • Business • Government departments

Strategic considerations

Statistics Canada has a long-standing reputation of safeguarding information and protecting the privacy rights of Canadians through its statistical programs. The new vision, increased use of administrative and big data and a whole-of-government approach, may raise questions or concerns by Canadians and stakeholders. Statistics Canada has been acquiring and using administrative data and transactional information in its statistical programs for several years. As part of its modernization agenda it will increase the use of administrative information to produce high quality information while reducing the burden on Canadians. The Government of Canada is leveraging Statistics Canada’s long-standing expertise as a data steward. Statistics Canada will play a leading role in identifying and facilitating the sharing and integration of data. In partnership with the Privacy Commissioner and central agencies, Statistics Canada will develop standards and guidelines to ensure the confidentiality and privacy requirements for data holdings are met. Communication strategy The communication approach will be proactive and high profile. Statistics Canada will respond to all enquiries. Key messages

• Data and the digital economy are rapidly driving innovation and creating economic and social benefits across Canada and around the world.

• A modernized Statistics Canada, working with partners and stakeholders, firmly positions data at the core of innovation, while ensuring that privacy and the equality of opportunity remain paramount.

• Through a modernized Statistics Canada, high-quality data are available in usable and understandable formats.

• These data break down information gaps, enabling the sharing of ideas that raise productivity, increase standards of living and foster social inclusion.

• The use of administrative information is at the forefront of leading-edge statistical methods. It is a practice used by most national statistical offices.

Expected results

1. Canadians understand the benefits of Statistics Canada’s modernization agenda as well as the Agency’s programs, products and services.

2. Statistics Canada better understands the data priorities and data gaps of, and partnership opportunities with, its stakeholder community.

3. Statistics Canada identifies challenges and opportunities to increase partnerships with government departments, academia, the private and non-profit sectors to access administrative data sources and improve data literacy.

4. Statistics Canada continues to acquire and use administrative data as part of its operations without attracting negative attention from Canadians or media.


• The National Consultation Day will be evaluated through:

o feedback from the participants of the roundtable discussions, teleconferences and WebEx forum;

o online consultation survey; o social media comments; o media coverage.


План коммуникации Национального дня консультаций

Цель Целью этого плана является разработка коммуникационной стратегии для Национального дня консультаций Статистического управления Канады, запланированного на ххххх. Справочная информация Правительство Канады запустило национальную консультацию по цифровой трансформации и преобразованию данных, чтобы лучше понять, как Канада может стимулировать инновации, подготовить канадцев к будущей работе и обеспечить их доверие и уверенность в том, как используются их данные. В рамках этой национальной консультации Статистическое управление Канады проводит консультации по своей стратегии модернизации для удовлетворения потребностей в данных и статистике общества, ориентированного на данные. Основа этой стратегии – будущая национальная статистическая система – включает пять направлений, основанных на традиционных ценностях Статистического управления Канады. Эти направления включают: ориентированное на пользователя предоставление услуг; совместное использование и сотрудничество; передовые методы и интеграция данных; статистическое лидерство и наращивание потенциала; а также современная рабочая сила и гибкое рабочее место. За последний год главный статистик провел консультационные круглые столы по вопросам модернизации. Представители Статистического управления Канады взаимодействовали с сообществом заинтересованных сторон, чтобы лучше понять их потребности в данных и поделиться планами ведомства по модернизации. Хххх (дата) Статистическое управление Канады проведет Национальный день консультаций в виде онлайн-консультаций, форумов WebEx, телеконференций и дискуссий за круглым столом в городах по всей Канаде с деловыми кругами, учеными, гражданами и иными лицами. Поскольку разнообразие является преимуществом, круглые столы пройдут с участием женщин, коренных народов и других недостаточно представленных групп. Всем канадцам представляется возможность поделиться своим мнением о видении модернизации Статистического управления Канады, его программах, продуктах и услугах, а также идеями о том, как повысить конкурентоспособность Канады с помощью цифровой экономики. Задачи коммуникации

1. Информировать канадцев о видении Статистического управления Канады по модернизированной национальной статистической системе.

2. Узнать мнение канадцев и заинтересованных сторон по поводу видения модернизации и дать отклики на любую реакцию с их стороны.

3. Заверить канадцев в постоянной защите их информации.

4. Информировать заинтересованные стороны и канадцев о преимуществах использования административных данных и доступа к высококачественным данным в удобных и понятных форматах.

Аудитория Внешняя

• Канадцы • СМИ • Научное сообщество • Бизнес • Государственные органы

Стратегические соображения

Статистическое управление Канады имеет давнюю репутацию в области защиты информации и защиты прав канадцев на неприкосновенность частной жизни с помощью своих статистических программ. Новое видение, более широкое использование административных и больших данных, а также всеправительственный подход могут вызвать вопросы или озабоченность у канадцев и заинтересованных сторон. Статистическое управление Канады собирает и использует административные данные и информацию о транзакциях в своих статистических программах в течение нескольких лет. В рамках своей программы модернизации ведомство расширит использование административной информации для формирования высококачественной информации при одновременном снижении нагрузки на канадцев. Правительство Канады использует многолетний опыт Статистического управления Канады в качестве администратора данных. Статистическое управление Канады будет играть ведущую роль в выявлении и облегчении обмена данными и их интеграции. В сотрудничестве с Комиссаром по вопросам конфиденциальности и центральными агентствами Статистическое управление Канады разработает стандарты и руководящие принципы для обеспечения соблюдения требований конфиденциальности и приватности для хранящихся данных. Коммуникационная стратегия Подход к коммуникации будет дальновидным и социально значимым. Статистическое управление Канады будет отвечать на все запросы. Ключевые идеи:

• Данные и цифровая экономика быстро стимулируют инновации и создают экономические и социальные выгоды в Канаде и во всем мире.

• Модернизированное Статистическое управление Канады, работая с партнерами и

заинтересованными сторонами, твердо ставит данные в основу инноваций, обеспечивая при этом первостепенное значение конфиденциальности и равенству возможностей.

• Через модернизированное Статистическое управление Канады высококачественные данные доступны в удобных и понятных форматах.

• Эти данные устраняют информационные пробелы, позволяя обмениваться идеями, которые повышают производительность, повышают уровень жизни и способствуют социальной интеграции.

• Использование административной информации находится в авангарде передовых

статистических методов. Это практика, используемая большинством национальных статистических управлений.

Ожидаемые результаты

1. Канадцы понимают преимущества повестки дня модернизации Статистического управления Канады, а также его программ, продуктов и услуг.

2. Статистическое управление Канады лучше понимает приоритеты данных и пробелы в данных, а также возможности партнерства с сообществом заинтересованных сторон.

3. Статистическое управление Канады определяет вызовы и возможности для расширения партнерских отношений с государственными органами, научным сообществом, частным и некоммерческим секторами для доступа к источникам административных данных и повышения информационной грамотности.

4. Статистическое управление Канады продолжает собирать и использовать административные данные в рамках своей деятельности, не привлекая негативного внимания со стороны канадцев или средств массовой информации.


• Оценка Национального дня консультация будет проводиться при помощи:

o отзывов участников круглых столов, телеконференций и форума WebEx; o обследования онлайн-консультаций; o комментариев в социальных сетях; o освещения в СМИ.

Hybrid workplace for the Future

i. Organisation, Culture & Ethics
Supriya Edwards (Statistics Canada)

Languages and translations

Building a Hybrid Work Environment Supriya Edwards

Statistics Canada

Statistics Canada modernization journey Significant pre-pandemic investments successfully put in place a foundation for transformation with increased collaboration and innovation through modern tools, technology, and workspaces, attracting diverse talent, and increased timely and in-depth outputs for Canadians. The pandemic provided an unprecedented window of opportunity to advance StatCan’s modernization journey and reshape the future of our work to provide greater value to Canadians.

Increased national presence Improve service to Canadians through a better understanding of the varying regional needs and enable more effective engagement with partners from coast to coast.

Optimize productivity of employees Increased focus on results through empowerment, rather than physical presence in a given office, resulting in a happier, healthier and more impactful workforce.

Highly competitive labour market through a national hiring strategy and provision of a modern, flexible and more attractive and inclusive work environment, equally contributing to a more diverse workforce.

Strengthening recruitment and retentionReduced physical space requirements Cost savings, efficiencies and a reduced environmental footprint as a result of relinquishing nearly 40% of our current physical building space at our Headquarter complex.

Canada’s population is aging and growing more diverse The racialized population in Canada is growing and will continue to grow




0.2% 2.9% 1.7%

Observed (1981 to 2016) and projected (2021 to 2041) number and proportion of the racialized population in Canada

Projected percentage increase in the Indigenous population, 2020 to 2040

Sources: Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 1981 to 2006 and 2016, National Household Survey, 2011; Population projections on immigration and diversity for Canada and its regions, 2016 to 2041.

Male + Female +

Age and gender pyramid, Canada, 2021

Percentage of Canadians

The Indigenous population is young and growing

Moving towards a hybrid work model

• Maximizing our value proposition to Canadians through both virtual and onsite work as complimentary to one another.

• Increased in-person collaboration, while keeping some flexibility and increased autonomy afforded by remote work.

• A cohesive culture that prioritizes collaboration, engagement and organization values. • Further strengthen and leverage our diversity while addressing barriers to meaningful


Guiding principles to a hybrid work environment

Trust Trust that employees and teams will achieve expected results in a

manner that meets organizational objectives and


Empowerment Empower managers and teams

to determine which activities are most effectively and efficiently achieved onsite based on the

nature of the activity and intended outcome.

Equity Equity in making sure employees are treated equitably and fairly in decisions, given their specific circumstances, with a view to creating diverse and inclusive


Accountability Accountability for results based on

clear objectives and direction, performance management,

provision of regular feedback through coaching and support towards the achievement of


A hybrid workplace is one in which, on any given day, there will be a mixture of employees teleworking from across Canada and working onsite at their designated worksite location.

Measuring success in a hybrid work model

 Statistics Canada continues to leverage data to drive people management.

 Transition to a hybrid work model heightens the need for quality data, both quantitative and qualitative, to drive organizational decision-making.

 Data-driven experimentation and a culture of intelligent risk-taking will be critical to answering key questions.

Key questions to support future decision-making

• How is hybrid work impacting employee wellbeing?

• Are employees appropriately equipped?

• Do we continue to attract and retain high-performing talent? Are we remaining competitive in the labour market?

• Are we delivering on cost-savings to Canadians through a reduced physical footprint ?

• Are we delivering on our commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility?

• Is hybrid work leading to increased environmental stewardship?

And, perhaps most relevant – • Does a hybrid context allow employees to more effectively build relationships and

maintain a strong organizational culture driven towards achieving outcomes, while still achieving work life balance and autonomy?

Measurement framework

Data collection tool: Measuring a performing workforce • Census of all Statistics Canada staff, most recent in April 2021

• The questionnaires cover different topics such as mental health and wellness, the current work environment, leadership and support, and the ways we will conduct work in the future.

• These surveys will help us assess the state of our workforce in near real time, provide timely information and influence the development of tools and action plans to better support our employees going forward.

• Content is currently being developed for an October 2022 survey specific to hybrid work.

Measurement framework

Data collection tool: Measuring a healthy workforce • Employee Wellness Survey – November 2021 • Covers workplace psychosocial factors (e.g., leadership, interpersonal

relationships, workload, etc.) and psychological health at StatCan. • Additional indicators pertaining to new ways of working:

o Boundary-crossing (between work and home) behaviors after hours;

o Preferences for separating work and home (i.e., integration vs. segmentation);

o Organizational norms (or expectations) for separating work and home;

o Strategies to separate work and home; and o Work-home interference.

Measurement framework

Data collection tool: Measuring a functioning workplace • Public Service Employee Survey – whole of Government

• Provides information to support the continuous improvement of people management practices in the federal public service.

• The survey results allow federal departments and agencies to identify their areas of strength and concern related to people management practices, benchmark and track progress over time, and inform the development and refinement of action plans.

"Better people management practices lead to better results for the public service, and in turn, better results for Canadians." Next collection begins November 2022 with content specific to the hybrid model of work.

High level insights o Consider family-supportive supervisor training, including how to set work/home boundaries and routines. o Regular spot check-ups with middle management on workload to ensure optimal prioritization, especially with increased horizontal collaboration. o Ensure employees know how their work contributes to agency objectives through awards and recognition, management communications, and clear

statements of direction. o Maintain multi-faceted supporting resources, such as EAP, and regularly remind employees of their availability. o Canvass best practices on combatting isolation and work to implement at the agency-wide level.

Selected questions for future insights o What coping strategies have you found effective to combat loneliness or heavy workload? o What tools or processes would help you effectively manage information, priorities, or workload? o For those working on-site, how safe have pandemic prevention measures made you feel? What can leaders do to make you feel more secure

(e.g., tenure, work environment)? o Particularly for EE groups, what mechanisms can be put in place to ensure supervisors are working to create an inclusive and respectful culture?

  • Building a Hybrid Work Environment
  • Statistics Canada modernization journey
  • Slide Number 3
  • Moving towards a hybrid work model
  • Slide Number 5
  • Guiding principles to a hybrid work environment
  • Measuring success in a hybrid work model
  • Key questions to support future decision-making
  • Measurement framework
  • Measurement framework
  • Measurement framework
  • Appendix
  • Slide Number 13

The census as a framework for business analytics, John Nelligan, Environics Analytics, Canada

Languages and translations

The Census as a Framework for Business Analytics UNECE – Census Week – September 2022

John Nelligan Chief Technology Officer Environics Analytics Toronto, ON Canada

© 2022 Environics Analytics

The Census as a framework for Business Analytics


You can’t improve what you can’t measure

You can’t measure without a framework

You can’t reference or compare without standardization

You can’t divide without a denominator

A wealth of data exists that can be put to greater use, and value, when projected into a framework established by the Census.

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Extending the Census to new products


In this presentation I will talk about the following products at Environics Analytics (EA) that leverage the Census Framework to create new value:

- Updates to population and income estimates

- Extending the household basket of goods to new products

- Commercial off-the-shelf segmentation system

- Extending the use of survey data collected for media measurement

- Applying attribution and analog techniques to other survey data

- Passively collected network-based tracking data and Big Data

- Extending to the Adtech eco-system

© 2022 Environics Analytics

The Framework


- Socio-economic concepts – Population, Households, Dwellings, Labour Force

- Dwelling and settlement pattern – Housing type, migration, urban density

- Geographic Reporting Framework – geo-unit of reporting

Building new Small Area Data using the Census framework

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Fundamental Ideas


The geodemographic approach is based on 3 ideas:

1. The attributes of persons/households that are close together are more similar that those that are far away (positive spatial autocorrelation)

2. Knowing a person’s neighborhood (at a small spatial scale) helps make good inferences about that person

3. When privacy is critical one can make use of small-area attributes as reasonable estimates of the attributes of residents of these small areas

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Built on Foundation of Geodemography


• Combines geography and demography

• Uses geographic codes (such as postal codes or ZIP+4) as a unique indicator to combine and summarize large amounts of data

L1S 5W5 64131-0721

Income$ 124K $ 56K

© 2022 Environics Analytics

From Many Sources, Using Best Methods


Data Providers (85+ Sources)

50,000 data variables available at the 6-digit Postal Code Level

Geodemography KNN Microsimulation Predictive Analytics Typological projection Machine Learning Benchmarking Control total calibration Clustering Normalization Bootstrapping

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Built to a Census-based Geographic Framework


Data Providers (85+ Sources)

50,000 data variables available at the 6-digit Postal Code Level

Geodemography KNN Microsimulation Predictive Analytics Typological projection Machine Learning Benchmarking Control total calibration Clustering Normalization Bootstrapping

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Make rich survey data actionable at the neighbourhood


Coefficient-based • Assign survey respondents to a segment code (PRIZM) based on their postal code • Tabulate the number of people or households that purchase the product at the

national segment level. So, if in segment 5, 672,931 people out of 2,301,764 purchase the product, then 29.2% of people are projected to purchase.

• Therefore, all segment 5 postal codes have the same propensity to make the purchase regardless of geography

Modeled • Data are modeled directly to the postal code level using the demographics of the

respondent and the demographic characteristics of the neighbourhood • Models can be constrained by region • There is no direct relationship to PRIZM • In theory, each postal code obtains a unique set of propensities

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Geodemography – Why it Still Works


• Uses census data so it can be used in many jurisdictions • Tied to the ground, not the individual • Privacy friendly • Easy to name, describe, and use • Segments make sense to most people as a way to describe reality • Designed for granularity so can be aggregated to larger custom groups • Ability to join disparate databases – big advantage • Provides market sizing at small geographic level – big advantage • Harnesses new types of data

Start with Small Area Demographics

©2022 Environics Analytics

• Current-year estimates for more than 750 population, education, cultural diversity and income variable

• Created with data from Environics Analytics, Statistics Canada, Oxford Economics, Equifax, CMHC and Canada Post and a combination of econometric, demographic and geographic models

• Available at postal code leve

• HouseholdSpend provides estimates of annual expenditures for almost 500 variables, across 18 categories of goods and services used by Canadian households

• Commonly used to identify trade area purchase trends, spot cross promotional opportunities and identify category spending potential

• Estimates expenditures by both average dollars per household and total dollars spent for any geographic level

• Produced using data from DemoStats, PRIZM™ and Statistics Canada’s Survey of Household Spending

• Aligned to control totals from the Canadian System of National Accounts and Statistics Canada

Add the consumer basket of goods


Group neighbourhoods into homogeneous segments


• PRIZM® is our pioneering segmentation system that classifies Canada's neighbourhoods into 67 unique lifestyle types

• Integrates data from nearly a dozen geographic, demographic, media and psychographic sources

• Provides the foundation for building custom segments for different client needs

• Ability to link to over 30,000 behavioural variables to help you better analyze, understand, and find customers and markets

• Unique assignment at 6-digit postal code level or at Census dissemination area level


©2022 Environics Analytics

PRIZM® is our pioneering segmentation system that classifies Canada's neighbourhoods into 67 unique lifestyle types

Socio Economic Status Indicator (SESI)

Segment Name

Segment Picture

Lifestag e Group

Social Group

PRIZM Segments

Data Inputs • Demographic • Psychographic • Financial • Geographic

• Shopping • Leisure • Media • Motivators

How is it Built?

Exhaustive review of

available data

Select themes and


Develop and assign


Use clustering algorithms

Create maps and reports

Evaluate, adjust and


PRIZM: Segment Dot Map

©2022 Environics Analytics

• Includes more than 5,000 behavioural profiles across a broad range of products, activities, services and media choices

• Based on Canada's leading syndicated study on cross-media audiences, consumer behaviour, product usage and lifestyles

• Derived from a rolling 52-week online survey sample of more than 34,000 respondents

• Available at the postal code level

Extend to widely used media measurement surveys


Geodemographics to Psychographics?

©2022 Environics Analytics

• Describes the mindset of Canadians to determine the best message to engage them

• Derived from the Social Values survey by Environics Research,

• 10,000 respondents measuring 250 indicators of human motivation and social relations

• Behaviour is often used as a surrogate but mindset is key – especially in digital

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Applying to Big Data sources


• Volume, Variety, Velocity... Usually with spatial and temporal attributes • Typically collected on daily cadence or in real-time, with billions or trillions of observations

per year with some form of a location association • Data sources include:

• Public Infrastructure • Cellular Devices • Network Infrastructure • Connected X (vehicles, IOT, checkout terminals, sensors, etc.)

© 2022 Environics Analytics

MobileScapes - Mobile movement data, updated daily


• Combines three sources of permission-based and anonymized data collected from location- enabled mobile devices and employs the best spatial data processing and analysis practices

• Mobile analytics help businesses and organizations enhance what they know about movement patterns using privacy-compliant mobile movement data collected from location- enabled mobile devices

• Most accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date mobile movement database available for marketing and business applications

• Can describe who’s visiting your locations or competitor locations, how often, and where they live and work to inform decisions around products, program development, marketing, messaging, recovery planning and staffing levels

• Acts as a surrogate for customer data to link to Environics Analytics PRIZM

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Emergence of Mobile Movement Data


• Timeliness • Lower cost of collection • Low respondent burden

• Bias in ping universe • Diminishing acceptance of location-based

apps • Risk of improper use • Risk of incorrect inferences

Advantages Disadvantages of Raw Data

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Converting BIG Data to Insights


• Anonymized cellular devices can be treated as a spatiotemporal sample of the population • Do not confuse "Big Data" with "Insights“ • Spatial analysis can harness Big Data to turn it into actionable insights • Smoothing, interpolation, aggregation and synthesis techniques

• protect privacy • project to General Population

• Weighted to reference population to correct for behavioural and reporting biases • Results are reported as an estimated neighbourhood population • Traditional geodemographic techniques can then be used to describe the visitors'

demographics, behaviours and psychographics

• Visitor metrics for thousands of apps and websites with Company and Interest aggregations

• Data for mobile or home internet networks • Access via the audited, secure and privacy-compliant

Environics Analytics (EA) ecosystem • Annual or monthly updates with weekly detail • Link ClickScapes to customer data or other EA data for

unparalleled visitor and geographic insight

Big Data – IoT – Clicks


• VisitorView presents neighbourhood-level estimates of overnight Canadian travellers within Canada, its provinces and territories, or one of Canada’s 85 tourism regions as defined by Destination Canada

• Estimates are provided for the total number of visitors, the number of trips and the number of nights spent in each province or tourism region

• Updated monthly so you can develop and execute marketing campaigns quickly and effectively

• Linked to our PRIZM neighbourhood classification system featuring 67 segments that capture current demographics, lifestyles and values of Canadians

Big Data – IoT – Pings


© 2022 Environics Analytics

2019 thru 2021 Visitor Trends









January February March April May June July August September October November December

M ill

io n s


2019 2020 2021

Some Questions It Helps Answer

• Which Toronto neighbourhoods generate the greatest number of visitors to the Niagara Falls and Wine Country tourism region?

• Which Ontario segments and markets produce the most visitors to the Canadian Rockies during ski season?

• What is the total number of nights spent by visitors in the in the Kootenay Rockies tourism region?

• Where do we find more off-season travellers?

• Which postal codes should I target for a direct marketing campaign?

• … all answered in a framework that comes from the Census.


60 Data Products for the Canadian Market


DemoStats CensusPlus DaytimePop CrimeStats AccultuRates


Social Vulnerability Index Frailty Index CommunityHealth VaccineInsights


MobileScapes Out & About MobileScapes ENVISION VisitorView ClickScapes

Businesses Financial Institutions Spectra Trade Areas ShoppingCentres TrafficCounts Points of Interest

BusinessProfiles BusinessProfiles Lite ResponseCanada™ Business

Opticks Powered by Vividata

Opticks Powered by Numeris

Opticks Social Powered by AskingCanadians™

Opticks Mobile Powered by AskingCanadians™

Opticks eShopper Powered by AskingCanadians™

Opticks Automotive Powered by IHS Markit™

CannabisInsights Powered by Vividata

GreenLiving CommunityLife GivingBack Homescan® Profiles AutoRank™ DonorRank™ FireScapes ShopperChoiceHouseholdSpend

FoodSpend WealthScapes WealthScapes Lite WealthScapes Daytime WealthScapes Fundraiser AgeByIncome LiquidAssets MoneyMatters Powered by Canadian Financial Monitor

Neighbourhood View™ ClickSpend™ Powered by J.C. Williams Group

WealthCare WealthTransfer Financial Vulnerability Index

Enhanced PCCF Streets & Boundaries Postal Code Boundaries

ResponseCanada™ Consumer ResponseCanada™ Movers ResponseCanada™ Pre-Movers

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Using small area estimates as a denominator to customer data


Small area data can be used to:

• Describe

• Understand

• Focus and target

• Using the Framework as the Denominator

Our Purpose-Built Platform

Target Marketing

Message Targeting

Cross Selling

Site Selection


Product Assortment

Media Planning

Segments & Personas

Putting it together - ENVISION

©2022 Environics Analytics

• Cloud-based, secure platform with more than 30,000 variables including demographics, consumer behaviour, lifestyles and values

• Allows clients to connect first- and third- party data to derive insights

• Intuitive user interface and interactive dashboard for sharing reports and maps, ENVISION is easy-to-use

• Not for the data scientist or the GIS professional

• All analyzed within a framework formed by the Census



The next step:

Execution and Attribution

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Applying the framework and data to AdTech


Media ng

One-to-one MediaOnline and Social

Media Planning and Agencies

(Response Canada)

Media Buying Platforms

A c t i v a t i o n

Tailoring to Industries

We Work Across Many Industries

©2022 Environics Analytics


• Automotive

• Banking

• Consumer Goods

• Credit Unions

• Education

• Energy

• Government

• Healthcare

• Insurance

• Not-For-Profit

• Retail

• Real Estate

• Sports and Entertainment

• Travel and Leisure

• Telecommunications

• Media

The Census as a Framework for Business Analytics UNECE – Census Week – September 2022

John Nelligan Chief Technology Officer Environics Analytics Toronto, ON Canada


Перепись как основа для бизнес-аналитики ЕЭК ООН – Неделя переписи – сентябрь 2022 г.

Джон Неллиган Технический директор Энвироникс Аналитика Торонто, Онтарио Канада

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Перепись как основа для бизнес-аналитики


Вы не можете улучшить то, что не можете измерить

Вы не можете измерить что-либо без мерила

Вы не можете ссылаться на что-либо или сравнивать что-то с чем-то без стандартизации

Нельзя делить без знаменателя

Существует огромное количество данных, которые можно использовать с большей пользой и получать от этого ценные результаты, если спроецировать их в рамки, установленные переписью.

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Расширение охвата переписи на новые продукты


В этой презентации я расскажу о следующих продуктах компании «Энвироникс Аналитика» (Environics Analytics (EA)), которые используют рамки переписи (Census Framework) для создания новой ценности:

- Актуализация оценок численности населения и размера доходов

- Расширение потребительской корзины новыми продуктами

- Готовая коммерческая система сегментации

- Расширение использования данных опросов, собранных для измерения СМИ

- Применение атрибуции и аналоговых методов к другим данным обследования

- Пассивно собираемые данные сетевого отслеживания и большие данные

- Расширение экосистемы технологий рекламы (Adtech)

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- Социально-экономические концепции: население, домохозяйства, жилища, рабочая сила.

- Структура жилища и типовая модель расселения: тип жилья, миграция, плотность городского населения.

- Географическая структура отчетности: географическая единица отчетности.

Создание новых данных о малых территориях с использованием рамок


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Фундаментальные идеи


Геодемографический подход основан на 3 идеях:

1. Атрибуты/характеристики людей/домохозяйств, которые находятся близко друг к другу, более похожи, чем те, которые находятся далеко друг от друга (положительная пространственная автокорреляция).

2. Знание того, кто проживает по соседству с человеком (в небольшом пространственном масштабе) помогает сделать правильные выводы об этом человеке.

3. Когда соблюдение конфиденциальности является критически важным аспектом, можно использовать атрибуты небольших территорий в качестве обоснованных оценок атрибутов жителей этих небольших территорий.

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Построено на базе геодемографии


• Сочетание географии и демографии

• Используются географические коды (например, почтовые коды или индекс +4 цифры) в качестве уникального индикатора для объединения и обобщения больших объемов данных.

L1S 5W5 64131-0721


$ 124 тыс. $ 56 тыс.

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Используя многие источники, применяя лучшие методы


Поставщики данных (более 85 источников)

50 000 переменных данных, доступных на уровне 6-значного почтового индекса

Геодемография Метод ближайших соседей (KNN) Микро-симуляция Предиктивная аналитика Типологическая проекция Машинное обучение Бенчмаркинг (сравнение) Общая контрольная калибровка Кластеризация Нормализация Бутстрэпинг

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На базе географических рамок переписи


Поставщики данных (более 85 источников)

50 000 переменных данных, доступных на уровне 6-значного почтового индекса

Геодемография Метод ближайших соседей (KNN) Микро-симуляция Предиктивная аналитика Типологическая проекция Машинное обучение Бенчмаркинг (сравнение) Общая контрольная калибровка Кластеризация Нормализация Бутстрэпинг

© 2022 Environics Analytics

Делая обширные данные обследования полезными для жителей района


На базе коэффициента • Присвоить респондентам обследования код сегмента (PRIZM) на базе их почтового

индекса. • Составить таблицу численности людей или домохозяйств, которые покупают

продукт на уровне национального сегмента. Так, если в 5-м сегменте продукт приобретут 672 931 человек из 2 301 764, то можно сделать прогноз, что покупку этого продукта совершат 29,2% людей.

• Следовательно, все почтовые индексы 5-го сегмента имеют одинаковую склонность к совершению покупки независимо от географического положения.

На базе модели • Данные моделируются непосредственно на уровне почтовых индексов с

использованием демографических данных респондента и демографических характеристик района.

• Модели могут быть ограничены по региону их применения. • Прямого отношения к PRIZM нет. • Теоретически каждый почтовый индекс получает уникальный набор свойств.

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Геодемография – почему она все еще работает


• Использует данные переписи, поэтому их можно использовать во многих юрисдикциях (странах).

• Привязка к земле, а не к человеку. • Соблюдение конфиденциальности личных данных. • Легко назвать, описать и использовать. • Сегменты имеют смысл для большинства людей как способ описания реальности. • Разработано для детализации, поэтому возможно объединение в более крупные

пользовательские группы. • Возможность объединения разрозненных баз данных – большое преимущество. • Определение размера рынка на небольшом географическом уровне — большое

преимущество. • Используются новые типы данных.

Начало работы с демографическими данными малых территорий

© 2022 Энвироникс Аналитика

• Оценки на текущий год в отношении более чем 750 человек: образование, культурное разнообразие и уровень доходов

• Создано на основе данных Environics Analytics, Статистического управления Канады, Oxford Economics, Equifax, CMHC и Canada Post (Почта Канады), а также путем сочетания эконометрических, демографических и географических моделей.

• В наличии на уровне почтового индекса.

• Модуль «Расходы домохозяйств» (HouseholdSpend) предоставляет оценки ежегодных расходов почти для 500 переменных по 18 категориям товаров и услуг, потребляемых канадскими домохозяйствами.

• Обычно это используется для определения тенденций совершения покупок в торговых зонах, для выявления возможностей перекрестного продвижения и определения потенциала расходов в разбивке по категориям.

• Это позволяет оценивать расходы как в среднем в долларах на домохозяйство, так и в долларах, потраченных на любом географическом уровне.

• В процессе подготовки используются данные DemoStats, PRIZM™ и Обследования расходов домохозяйств Статистического управления Канады.

• Приведено в соответствие с контрольными показателями, предоставленными Канадской системой национальных счетов и Статистическим управлением Канады.

Добавление потребительской корзины товаров


Разделение территории на однородные сегменты


• PRIZM® — это наша новаторская система сегментации, которая классифицирует районы Канады по 67 уникальным типам образа жизни.

• Объединяет данные почти из дюжины географических, демографических, медийных и психографических источников.

• Является основой для создания пользовательских сегментов для различных потребностей клиентов.

• Возможность делать привязку к более чем 30000 поведенческих переменных, чтобы помочь вам лучше анализировать, понимать и находить клиентов и рынки.

• Уникальное присвоение на уровне 6-значного почтового индекса или на уровне территории распространения результатов переписи.


© 2022 Энвироникс Аналитика

PRIZM® — это наша новаторская система сегментации, которая классифицирует районы Канады по 67 уникальным типам образа жизни.

Индикатор социально- экономического положения (SESI)

Название сегмента

Изображение сегмента

Группа этапа жизни

Социальн ая группа

PRIZM Segments

Вводные данные • Демографический • Психографический • Финансовый • Географический

• Покупка • Досуг • СМИ • Мотиваторы

Как это сделано?

Исчерпывающий анализ

имеющихся данных

Выбранные темы и


Разработка и назначение


Применение алгоритмов


Создание карт и


Оценка, корректировка и


PRIZM: карта точек сегмента

© 2022 Энвироникс Аналитика

• Включает более 5 000 поведенческих профилей, применимых к широкому спектру продуктов, видов деятельности, услуг и СМИ.

• Опирается на данные ведущего синдицированного канадского исследования кросс-медийной аудитории, потребительского поведения, использования продуктов и образа жизни.

• За основу берутся результаты выборки скользящего 52-недельного онлайн-опроса, в котором принимает участие более 34 000 респондентов.

• Детализация до уровня почтового индекса.

Расширение сферы применения на широко используемые обследования по измерению СМИ


От геодемографии к психографике?

© 2022 Энвироникс Аналитика

• Описывает образ мышления канадцев, чтобы найти подход к ним и обеспечить взаимодействие с ними.

• Опирается на данные обследования социальных ценностей, проводимого исследовательской группой Environics Research.

• 10 000 респондентов, что позволяет измерить 250 показателей мотивации и социальных отношений.

• Поведение часто используется в качестве заменителя, но образ мышления является главным фактором и особенно в цифровых технологиях.

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Обращение к источникам больших данных


• Объем, разнообразие, скорость... Обычно с пространственными и временными атрибутами (признаками).

• Обычно эти данные собираются ежедневно или в режиме реального времени; проводятся миллиарды или триллионы наблюдений в год с той или иной формой ассоциации местоположения.

• Источники данных: • Общественная инфраструктура; • Мобильные устройства; • Сетевая инфраструктура; • Подключенные к Интернету устройства (автомобили, Интернет вещей, кассовые

терминалы, датчики и т.д.).

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MobileScapes — данные о перемещениях мобильных устройств, обновляемые ежедневно


• Объединяет в себе три источника разрешенных и анонимных данных, собранных с мобильных устройств с функцией определения местоположения, и использует лучшие методы обработки и анализа пространственных данных.

• Мобильная аналитика помогает предприятиям и организациям расширить свои знания о моделях передвижения, используя для этого данные о перемещениях мобильных устройств (соответствующие требованиям соблюдения конфиденциальности), собранные с мобильных устройств с поддержкой определения их местоположения.

• Самая точная, полная и актуальная база данных перемещений мобильных устройств, доступная для маркетинговых и бизнес-приложений.

• Может описать, кто посещает ваши офисы или офисы конкурентов, как часто, где они живут и работают, чтобы давать информацию для принятия решений, касающихся продуктов, для разработки программ, маркетинга, обмена сообщениями, планирования восстановления и подбора персонала.

• Действует как заменитель данных клиентов для привязки к системе Environics Analytics PRIZM.

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Появление данных о передвижениях мобильных устройств


• Своевременность • Низкая стоимость сбора данных • Низкая нагрузка на респондентов

• Предвзятость во вселенной «пингов» (передачи данных)

• Уменьшение популярности приложений, привязанных к местоположению

• Опасность неправильного использования • Риск неверных выводов

Преимущества Недостатки необработанных данных

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Преобразование БОЛЬШИХ данных в идеи


• Анонимизированные мобильные устройства можно рассматривать как пространственно-временную выборку населения.

• Не путайте «большие данные» с «аналитикой». • Пространственный анализ может использовать большие данные, чтобы превратить их

в полезную информацию. • Методы сглаживания, интерполяции, агрегации и синтеза

• защита конфиденциальности • проект для населения в целом

• Взвешено по эталонной совокупности для исправления поведенческих и отчетных предубеждений.

• Результаты представляются как расчетное население территории. • Затем для описания демографии, поведения и психографических характеристик

посетителей можно использовать традиционные геодемографические методы.

• Показатели посещения веб-ресурсов для тысяч программных приложений и веб-сайтов с агрегированием данных по компаниям и интересам.

• Данные для мобильных или домашних интернет-сетей. • Доступ через проверенную, безопасную и отвечающую

требованиям конфиденциальности экосистему Environics Analytics (EA).

• Ежегодные или ежемесячные обновления с еженедельной детализацией.

• Привязка модуля ClickScapes (Клики) с данными о клиентах или другими данными из Environics Analytics (EA), чтобы получать ранее недоступную информацию о посетителях и географические данные.

Большие данные – Интернет вещей – клики


• Функция VisitorView представляет собой оценки на уровне районов о ночевках канадских путешественников в Канаде, ее провинциях и территориях, или в одном из 85 туристических регионов Канады согласно определению Destination Canada (портал, посвященный туризму в Канаде).

• Даются расчетные показатели общего числа посетителей, количество поездок и ночей, проведенных в каждой провинции или в туристическом регионе.

• Ежемесячное обновление, чтобы вы могли быстро и эффективно разрабатывать и проводить маркетинговые кампании.

• Есть привязка к нашей системе классификации районов PRIZM, включающей 67 сегментов, которые охватывают аспекты складывающейся демографической ситуации, образа жизни и ценностей канадцев.

Большие данные – Интернет вещей – пинги


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Тенденции посещаемости с 2019 по 2021 год









January February March April May June July August September October November December

М и л л и о н ы


2019 2020 2021

Некоторые вопросы, на которые можно получить ответ

• Какие районы Торонто привлекают наибольшее количество посетителей в туристический регион Ниагарского водопада и Виноградной страны?

• Какие сегменты и рынки Онтарио привлекают наибольшее количество посетителей в канадские Скалистые горы в лыжный сезон?

• Каково общее количество ночей, проведенных посетителями в туристическом регионе Скалистых гор Кутеней?

• Где больше всего путешественников в межсезонье?

• На какие почтовые индексы следует настроить таргетированные (адресные) кампании прямого маркетинга?

• … все ответы даны в рамках переписи населения.


60 информационных продуктов для канадского рынка


DemoStats (Демографическая статистика) CensusPlus (Перепись+) DaytimePop (Население в течение дня) CrimeStats (Криминальная статистика) AccultuRates (Частота посещения объектов культуры)


Social Vulnerability Index (Индекс социальной уязвимости) Frailty Index (Индекс хрупкости) CommunityHealth (Общественное здоровье) VaccineInsights (Вакцинирование)

SocialValues (Социальные ценности)

MobileScapes Out & About (Мобильные технологии) MobileScapes ENVISION (Мобильность) VisitorView (Обзоры от посетителей) ClickScapes (Клики)

Businesses (Компании) Financial Institutions (Финансовые учреждения) Spectra Trade Areas (Торговые зоны Spectra) ShoppingCentres (Торговые центры) TrafficCounts (Счетчик трафика) Points of Interest (Интересные места)

BusinessProfiles (Бизнес-профили) BusinessProfiles Lite (Упрощенные бизнес-профили) ResponseCanada™ Business (Реагирование канадского бизнеса)

Opticks Данные от Vividata Opticks Данные от Numeris Opticks Social (социальные аспекты) Данные от AskingCanadians™ Opticks Mobile (мобильные аспекты) Данные от AskingCanadians™ Opticks eShopper (онлайн-покупки) Данные от AskingCanadians™ Opticks Automotive (автомобили) Данные от IHS Markit™ CannabisInsights (потребление марихуаны) Данные от Vividata GreenLiving («Зеленый» образ жизни) CommunityLife (Общественная жизнь) GivingBack (Отдам даром) Профили Homescan® (Дома) AutoRank™ (Авторейтинг) Рейтинг донора™ (DonorRank™) FireScapes (Пожары) ShopperChoice (Выбор покупателей)HouseholdSpend (Бытовые расходы)

FoodSpend (Расходы на питание) WealthScapes (Профиль богатства) WealthScapes Lite (Упрощенный профиль богатства) WealthScapes Daytime (Профиль изменения богатства) WealthScapes Fundraiser (Сбор средств) AgeByIncome (Разбивка по возрасту и доходу) LiquidAssets (Ликвидные активы) MoneyMatters (Финансы)Данные от Canadian Financial Monitor Neighbourhood View™ (Вид на окрестности) ClickSpend™ (клики)Данные от J.C. Williams Group WealthCare (Обеспеченность богатством) WealthTransfer (Передача богатства) Financial Vulnerability Index (Индекс финансовой уязвимости)

Enhanced PCCF (Леса) Streets & Boundaries (Улицы и границы районов) Postal Code Boundaries (Границы почтового индекса)

ResponseCanada™ Consumer (Потребители) ResponseCanada™ Movers (Мигранты) ResponseCanada™ Pre-Movers (Планирующие мигрировать)

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Использование оценок малых территорий в качестве показателя данных о клиентах


Данные малых территорий можно использовать для следующего:

• Описать

• Понять

• Сфокусироваться и нацелиться

• Использование заданных рамок в качестве показателя / знаменателя

Наша специализированная платформа

Целевой маркетинг

Таргетинг сообщени


Кросс- продажи

Выбор объекта

Многоканаль ный

Ассортимент продуктов

Медиапла нировани


Сегменты и персоны


© 2022 Энвироникс Аналитика

• Безопасная облачная платформа с более чем 30 000 переменных, включая демографические данные, данные о поведении потребителей, об образе жизни и ценностях.

• Позволяет клиентам подключать собственные и сторонние данные для выработки идей.

• Интуитивно понятный пользовательский интерфейс и интерактивная панель инструментов для обмена отчетами и картами — система ENVISION проста в использовании.

• Не требуется специалист по данным или ГИС.

• Все проанализировано в рамках, сформированных переписью.

Примеры работы системы ENVISION


Следующий шаг:

Исполнение и атрибуция

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СМИ ng

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Перепись как основа для бизнес-аналитики ЕЭК ООН – Неделя переписи – сентябрь 2022 г.

Джон Неллиган Технический директор Энвироникс Аналитика Торонто, Онтарио Канада

Canada: country market statement 2021

The forest products country market statement provides information on forests and forest products markets in Canada in 2020 and 2021.

Languages and translations

Trends and Prospects

UNECE Committee on Forests and the

Forest Industry

October 2021

Prepared by:

Trade, Economics and Industry Branch

Canadian Forest Service

Natural Resources Canada

October 2021

October 2021



CCFM Canadian Council of Forest Ministers

CCTF Climate Change Task Force

CETA Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

CFS Canadian Forest Service

CIFFC Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre

CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

CORSIA Carbon Offsetting Reduction Scheme for International Aviation

CPTPP Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

CUSMA Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement

CWC Canadian Wood Council

ECCC Environment and Climate Change Canada

EMO Expanding Market Opportunities Program

FIP Forest Innovation Program

GCWood Green Construction through Wood Program

GHG Greenhouse Gas

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

IFI Indigenous Forestry Initiative

IFIT Investments in Forest Industry Transformation Program

ISPM International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures

LCEF Low Carbon Economy Fund

NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement

NBCC National Building Code of Canada

NDC Nationally Determined Contribution

NRCan Natural Resources Canada

OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

OSB Oriented Strand Board

PCF Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change

REDD+ Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation

SFM Sustainable Forest Management

TWB Tall Wood Building

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

WTO World Trade Organization

October 2021



I. Economic Overview

General Economic Conditions Canada’s economy slowed considerably

in Q2 2021, coinciding with the third

wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The

Canadian economy, measured by real

Gross Domestic Product (GDP),

increased 1.6% in the first quarter of 2021

and declined 0.1% in the second. This is

after notable growth in Q3 and Q4 of 2020

(9.3% and 2.0%, respectively). The

decline in Q2 this year was mainly driven

by supply-side factors. In fact, the third

wave of the pandemic affected the

operations of businesses, which led to

reduced employment, although to a lesser

magnitude compared to 2020. Moreover,

softer housing activity and supply chain issues also weighed on growth.

According to Bank of Canada, annual Canadian GDP is projected to grow 6.0% in 2021 before slowing

to 4.6% and 3.3% in 2022 and 2023 respectively. Reasons for this recovery are the return of consumer

confidence to pre-pandemic levels.

Growth in Canadian consumer spending has been slowing since the second quarter of 2017. In the first

quarter of 2020, consumer spending fell nearly 2%, and in the second quarter of 2020, consumer

spending fell more than 14%, the largest decline ever recorded. This reduction in spending was

attributable to substantial job losses, limited opportunities to spend because of store and consumer

business closures, and restrictions on travel and tourism.

However, with consumer confidence

reportedly back to pre-pandemic levels,

consumption is forecasted to significantly

contribute to the rebound of economic

activity in Q3 2021, with an increase in

spending on various services, such as

transportation, recreation, and food and

accommodation. This is complimented by

high vaccination rates, the easing of

restrictions, and the growth in foreign


The Bank of Canada’s key interest rate

was significantly lowered in response to

the pandemic. Beginning in March 2020,

Source: Statistics Canada

Source: Bank of Canada, U.S. Federal Reserve

October 2021


the Bank lowered the interest rate three

times, ultimately reducing it from 1.75%

to 0.25%. The rate has remained stable at

0.25% since March 27, 2020; however,

the Bank continued to create other

measures to provide additional support to

Canada’s financial system. The U.S.

Federal Reserve also began lowering their

key interest rate in February 2020 and it

has been sitting at 0.25% since March 15,


Following the onset of the COVID-19

pandemic, housing starts began falling,

decreasing 7% in March and 16% in April 2020. However, they began to increase significantly in May

2020 due to low mortgage rates and pent up demand following delayed housing purchases. Since June

2020, starts have stayed above 200,000 units at a seasonally adjusted annual rate. As of September

2021, housing starts are more than 18% above their 2020 level. In the near term, Canadian housing

starts are expected to remain elevated over historic levels.

The labour market in Canada has

significantly improved following the

initial shock of the COVID-19

pandemic, where the unemployment rate

ballooned to 13.7% in May 2020; the

highest rate ever recorded since

comparable data became available in

1976. Since then, the economy has been

recovering and the unemployment rate

has mostly tracked downward, with

slight upticks coinciding with the

tightening of public health restrictions.

As businesses reopened and vaccinations

became readily available to Canadians,

the unemployment rate has been falling.

As of September 2021, the unemployment rate is at the lowest rate since the onset of the pandemic

(6.9%). Going forward, the labour market continues to face a number of challenges and uncertainties,

including: some industries are still looking to fully resume activities, people in the ranks of the long-

term unemployed are seeking to find their way back to employment, and as both employers and

workers adjust to proof-of-vaccination initiatives.

Source: Statistics Canada

Source: Statistics Canada

Source: Statistics Canada

October 2021


The Canadian dollar weakened against

both the U.S. dollar and the Euro

following precipitous falls in oil prices at

the onset of the pandemic in 2020. A

rebound in oil prices, due partly to supply

cuts by the Organization of Petroleum

Exporting Countries (OPEC) since May

2020, has partly allowed the CAD to

appreciate against all other currencies,

including the Euro and the USD. In

August 2020, the CAD recovered against

the USD, reaching its pre-pandemic level.

Conversely, the CAD against the Euro has

yet to fully recover to pre-pandemic levels

by September 2021.

Canada’s forest product exports are a

major contributor to Canada’s trade

balance. While Canada’s total

merchandise trade balance has been

negative for eight of the last ten years, it

has been positive for forest products for at

least the last two decades. In 2020, forest

products accounted for 7.1% of Canada’s

total exports, totalling almost $34 billion.

Canada is the fourth largest forest product

exporter in the world, behind China, the

United States, and Germany. Canada is the

leading exporter of softwood lumber and


2008 0

Source: Global Trade Atlas

Source: Bank of Canada, U.S. Federal Reserve

October 2021


II. Policy Measures in Canada Affecting Forest Management and Forest Product Trade

Commitment to Growth, Innovation, and to Sustainable Forest Management

Canada is the third most forested country in the world, with 347 million hectares of forest. It is also a

world leader in Sustainable Forest Management (SFM), applying it across the country’s publicly

owned forests. SFM is a way of caring for forests to maintain their benefits over time. In Canada, SFM

decisions and activities are based on scientific research, rigorous planning processes and public

consultation.1 Most of Canada’s forest (90%) is publicly owned and managed on behalf of Canadians

by provincial and territorial governments. Another 2% is federally controlled, Indigenous Peoples 2%,

and the remaining 6% is under private ownership. Nearly 30 million hectares (or about 9%) of Canada’s

forests are in legally established protected areas.

Canada is strongly committed to advancing economic growth through the development of forest

resources based on long-standing SFM principles. All federal, provincial and territorial ministers

responsible for forests work cooperatively on areas of common interest via the Canadian Council of

Forest Ministers (CCFM). In May 2019, the CCFM endorsed A Shared Vision for Canada’s Forests:

Toward 2030, underlining their commitment to ensuring our forests continue to thrive over time. In

support of the Vision, the CCFM continues to prioritize work that strengthens partnerships with

Indigenous communities, increases forest resilience, fosters forest sector innovation, protects forests

and communities from wildland fire and promotes Canada’s environmental reputation.

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic had an immediate impact on major elements of the forest

sector in Canada, resulting in curtailments, employment impacts, and delaying capital investments. As

a result of the pandemic, forest sector firms also faced significant incremental costs associated with the

implementation of health and safety measures in facilities and operations necessary to keep workers

and local communities safe (e.g. sanitizing stations, additional accommodations and/or transportation,

facilities and services to maintain social distancing, personal protective equipment). In response, the

Government of Canada implemented a program providing up to $30 million to help to offset these

costs for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the forest sector, including for tree planting.

This emergency support program ended in March 2021.

Sustainable Forest Management Certification

Canada has a comprehensive legislative and regulatory framework that governs forest management in

each province and territory to provide assurances that Canada’s forests are managed sustainably. These

laws, regulations, and policies govern land use planning, forest management, public consultations,

Indigenous participation, protected areas, forest tenure, allocation of wood for harvesting, and

regeneration of forest land.

Third-party sustainable forest management certification further demonstrates Canada’s commitment

to sustainable forest management practices. As of December 2020, Canada had 164 million hectares

of forest land independently certified as sustainably managed by one or more of three globally

recognized certification systems: the Canadian Standards Association, the Forest Stewardship Council

and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. The Sustainable Biomass Program, a certification program for

woody biomass (e.g. wood chips and wood pellets) is also now well established in Canada.

1 Canadian Council of Forest Ministers. A Shared Vision for Canada’s Forests: Toward 2030. 2019

October 2021


Forests and Indigenous Communities

Forests are of tremendous value to communities across Canada – contributing not only economically

but also providing important environmental, cultural, traditional, and spiritual benefits. This is

particularly true for Indigenous communities, of which 70% are located in forested regions with a long

history of forest stewardship. Changes in the forest sector are improving Indigenous Peoples’ access

to forest resources and increasing their involvement in decisions about how forests are managed, and

by whom.

Increasing participation of Indigenous groups in the forest sector labour force offers a key opportunity

to mitigate localized labour scarcity, improve facility resiliency and support rural economic

development. The forest sector is one of the largest employers of Indigenous people in Canada, with

approximately 12, 000 Indigenous workers, accounting for 7% of the sector’s total workforce (higher

workforce representation than any other industrial resource sector).

Forest Bioeconomy Framework for Canada2

To help catalyze innovation in the forest sector, the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM)3

released A Forest Bioeconomy Framework for Canada in 2017, a comprehensive and systematic

approach to developing Canada’s forest sector. It aims to contribute to Canada’s low carbon economy

and support development of higher value forest products, services and processes. It envisions Canada

as a global leader in the use of forest biomass for developing advanced bioproducts and innovative

solutions to meet energy needs. The framework also contributes to recognition of forests for the

spiritual, cultural and recreational benefits they provide.

With new investment, more jobs, continued engagement with Indigenous Peoples, new technologies,

and better supply inventory and modeling, the forest industry can sustain its history of innovation,

sustainability, and competitiveness. The framework’s four pillars and ten objectives are designed to

address the challenges and opportunities facing the forest sector. The demand for biomass supply and

advanced bioproducts is poised to transform the industry into an active participant in the transition to

2 3

Source: The State of Canada’s Forests Annual Report 2020

October 2021


a low carbon, highly innovative, and sustainable Canadian economy. To account for advancement in

the implementation of the framework, the CCFM presented a progress report in September 2020. This

progress report affirms that CCFM members, and the CCFM as a whole, are taking action to stimulate

the forest bioeconomy as part of a Canadian effort to shift our society toward a low-carbon, sustainable,

and innovation-based economy.

Competitiveness Initiatives

The Government of Canada plays a key role in supporting the transformation and progression of the

forest sector. In recent years, the federal government has implemented a number of initiatives to

enhance the competitiveness of the forest industry by helping the sector develop new products and

processes, and take action on new opportunities in both domestic and international markets. The Forest

Innovation Program (FIP) provides funding to four main areas: FPInnovations,4 the Canadian

Wood Fibre Centre,5 Forest Biorefinery Collaboration6 and standards development.

To help Canada’s forest sector continue to innovate and grow, Budget 2019 proposed to invest up to

$251.3 million over three years, starting in 2020–21, to Natural Resources Canada to extend existing

innovation and diversification programs.

Forest Bioeconomy – Advanced Bioproducts and the circular economy

The development and deployment of advanced forest bioproducts as part of the Canadian forest

bioeconomy continues to take shape, notably as attention has increased on plastic waste and the

transition to more circular economies. In February 2020, the Government of Canada announced the

winners of another plastic challenge aiming at developing the next generation of bio-based foam

insulation. The two winners were granted $150,000 each to fulfill the development of a viable solution

for foam insulation products that are predominantly derived from Canadian forest residues while

offering similar insulation properties and comparable costs to petroleum-based products.

Reflecting the growing importance of the bioeconomy, Canada helped launch and co-chair the

International Bioeconomy Forum (IBF) since 2016 with the European Commission. The IBF is a

flexible, multilateral group that facilitates dialogue on key issues related to the development of a

sustainable, global bioeconomy. The IBF took part in the November 2020 virtual Global Bioeconomy

Summit. Plenary meetings are held annually with all members; the next IBF Plenary will be held in

November 2021.

Investments in Forest Industry Transformation7

Since 2010, the Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) program has been supporting

transformational capital projects by forest sector firms to diversify into new product streams and

implement innovative process improvements to ensure industry competitiveness. IFIT projects have

led to:

4 5 6 7

October 2021


 Improved environmental performance- production of green electricity and renewable fuels, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, increased energy efficiency, and carbon capture;

 Diversified markets with new, higher value products- new biomaterials, advanced building products and construction materials; and,

 Increased competitiveness and economic sustainability- jobs created, jobs secured, new revenue streams for companies, diversification of product portfolios.

To-date, the program has funded 43 projects involving world-first technologies, producing a range of

new bioproducts and generating new revenues for forest sector companies. These projects have secured

an estimated +5,000 jobs in the forest sector and led to the creation of 500 new direct innovation-

related jobs. Results show that for every dollar invested by the IFIT program, other sources leveraged

over 5 dollars. Budget 2021 proposed to provide $54.8 million over two years, starting in 2021-22, to

Natural Resources Canada, to enhance the capacity of the IFIT program, including working with

municipalities and community organizations ready for new forest based economic opportunities.


Expanding Market Opportunities Program8

The Expanding Market Opportunities (EMO) program helps to increase and diversify market

opportunities for Canada's forest sector by promoting the broader use of Canadian wood products, both

domestically and abroad. The EMO program supports a wide range of domestic and offshore market

diversification activities. These measures include codes and standards development, technical research,

technology transfer and training, demonstration projects, market research, and marketing. The funding

provided to forest industry associations and other stakeholders increases the market opportunities

available to the forest sector and provides the capacity to take advantage of them.

Since the inception of the EMO program, Canadian export markets have shifted away from a reliance

on the traditional U.S. market, even though U.S. remains the primary market for wood exports. In

2001, 85.5% of all Canadian wood exports were to the U.S. At the end of 2019, 76% of wood exports

were shipped to the United States, as trends saw increasing market share in China over the ten previous

years. However, in 2020, exports to the U.S. surged to 84%.9 This was due to the COVID-19 pandemic

coupled with strong housing starts and home renovations.10 Notwithstanding the pandemic, increased

exports have been mainly to Asia, with the value of Canadian wood exports to China increasing almost

8-fold between 2007 and 2020 to $950 million. In South Korea, exports grew by over 6% to $104

million during the same period. This increased growth in offshore exports has helped protect and create

an estimated 5000 direct jobs, mostly in rural areas (predominantly in British Columbia and Québec).

The EMO program has also supported industry efforts to increase wood use domestically in non-

residential buildings such as schools, health care facilities and commercial outlets, as well as mid-rise

buildings up to six storeys and tall wood buildings. As a result, industry efforts have led to wood being

used in more than 2,335 non-traditional construction projects in Canada since 2007, representing an

estimated $1.5 billion in new wood sales for the wood product sector.

8 9 Global Trade Atlas, 2021; accessed September 9, 2021. 10 Forest Economic Advisors, Lumber Advisor, 2021.

October 2021


Green Construction through Wood 11

The Green Construction through Wood (GCWood) program, launched in October 2017, supports

innovative wood demonstration projects and the adoption of tall wood buildings in Canadian building

codes in addition to advancing wood education at Canadian engineering and architectural schools.

GCWood has a budget of $39.8M over four years (2018/19 – 2022/23) and funds projects that


 Adoption and commercialization of innovative wood-based products and systems in the construction of high-rise buildings, bridges, and low-rise non-residential buildings;

 Advanced training and education and the development of design tools targeted at designers, specifiers, architects, and building officials; and,

 Research that addresses the gap in technical information needed to facilitate and support revisions to the 2020 and 2025 National Building Code of Canada to allow tall wood

buildings up to 12 storeys and become more performance-based. Currently wood buildings

are limited to 6 storeys in height under prescriptive code provisions.

Three calls for “Expressions of Interest” on tall wood buildings, low-rise non-residential construction

and timber bridges were launched starting October 2017. Over 20 demonstration projects across the

three categories have been selected for support, all of which now have funding agreements in place,

with several demonstration projects either completed or currently under construction and several others

at an advanced stage of design development.

Climate Change


The CCFM Climate Change Task Force (CCTF) undertook collaborative work across provinces and

territories on adaptation in forestry and completed its mandate after eight years of activity from 2008-

2016. The CCTF developed climate change adaptation tools and techniques designed to be readily

mainstreamed into day-to-day forest management planning and decision-making. The tools, which are

currently being field-tested, include:

 An assessment of tree species vulnerability and management options for adaptation;

 A scalable, nationally-applicable vulnerability assessment framework for sustainable management under climate change;

 A number of adaptation knowledge syntheses; and,

 A guidebook for mainstreaming climate change into sustainable forest management.

The Canadian Forest Service’s Forest Climate Change Program undertakes work on regional integrated

assessments and science-based adaptation tools, in collaboration with end-users to facilitate climate

change adaptation planning and decision-making in the forestry sector and forest-based communities.

Since 2016, scientists have been undertaking regional integrated assessments to investigate the effects

of climate change on forested landscapes in five vulnerable regions across Canada: Newfoundland and

Labrador, the Maritimes, the Eastern Boreal, the Northwest Territories and the Western Boreal. These

regional integrated assessments develop baseline data, knowledge and tools that can be used by forest


October 2021


sector decision-makers to adapt to a range of climate change impacts. The Adaptation tools developed

cover a wide range of topics, including forest composition and productivity, disturbances and extreme

weather events, forest regeneration, assisted migration, genomics and adaptive silviculture.

International Efforts

With the adoption of the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change (UNFCCC) in December 2015, countries, including Canada, committed to putting forward

their own emissions reduction targets, known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs), as well

as raising the ambition of their climate change efforts over time.

Canada actively participates in UNFCCC negotiations, including on the development of guidance for

the implementation of the Paris Agreement. In these negotiations, Canada supports the inclusion of

forest and other lands in a manner that contributes to reducing anthropogenic emissions and enhancing

carbon removals. Forests play an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation as natural

climate solutions. For example, when carefully planned, actions such as afforestation, reforestation and

sustainable forest management can increase carbon sequestration and improve forest resilience to

climate change. As well, GHG emissions can be reduced by storing carbon in long-lived wood products

that substitute for more emissions-intensive products, and using waste wood to replace fossil fuels.

Canada also participates in the development of methodological frameworks to Reduce Emissions from

Deforestation and Forest Degradation and enhance sustainable forest management in developing

countries (REDD+). Canada supports multilateral REDD+ initiatives such as the Forest Carbon

Partnership Facility, where Canada is a donor to both the Readiness and Carbon Funds.

Canada provides international climate finance in support of mitigation and adaptation actions by

developing countries. Canada has delivered on its $2.65 billion climate finance commitment from 2015

to 2020, including providing $600 million to the Green Climate Fund. At the 2021 G7 Leaders’

Summit, Canada announced a doubling of its international climate finance commitment, to $5.3 billion

over the next five years. The new commitment includes increased support for natural climate solutions

like protecting biodiversity and planting trees.

Domestic Emission Reduction Efforts

In July 2021, Canada submitted its enhanced NDC to the UNFCCC, committing the country to reduce

economy-wide emissions by 40-50% below 2005 levels by 2030. The updated NDC is a substantial

increase of ambition beyond Canada’s original NDC, to reduce GHG emissions by 30% below 2005

levels by 2030. Additionally, Canada has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Progress

towards Canada’s emission reductions targets is supported by the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean

Growth and Climate Change (PCF) and Canada’s Strengthened Climate Plan (SCP).

Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change12

The Government of Canada launched the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate

Change launched in 2016 focusing on carbon pricing; complementary (mitigation) actions to reduce

GHG emissions; adaptation and climate resilience; and clean technology and innovation. More

specifically, it had several forest-related commitments including increasing stored carbon, increasing


October 2021


the use of wood for construction, and generating bioenergy and bioproducts. Building on the PCF, the

Government of Canada released the Strengthened Climate Plan in December 2020.

Canada’s Strengthened Climate Plan (SCP)13

Canada’s Strengthened Climate Plan includes federal policies, programs and investments to accelerate

emissions reductions and build a stronger, cleaner, more resilient and inclusive economy. The plan

builds on the PCF, with $15 billion in new investments, to put Canada on a path to achieve its GHG

reduction targets for 2030 and 2050. The plan includes 64 measures falling under five pillars of action:

1. Make the places Canadians live and gather more affordable by cutting energy waste;

2. Make clean, affordable transportation and power available in every Canadian community;

3. Continue to ensure that pollution isn’t free and that households get more money back;

4. Build Canada’s clean industrial advantage; and,

5. Embrace the power of nature to support healthier families and more resilient communities.

The fifth pillar includes a commitment to advancing natural climate solutions, including investing up

to $3.2 billion over 10 years to partner with provinces, territories, non-Government organizations,

Indigenous communities, municipalities, private landowners, and others to plant two billion trees.

These trees will be planted across Canada, on provincial and federal Crown lands, in cities and

communities, on farms and on private rural and urban lands, with a focus on achieving co-benefits for

biodiversity and human wellbeing.

Federal Carbon Pollution Pricing Benchmark

The Government of Canada has established a benchmark to ensure that carbon pricing applies to a

broad set of emission sources throughout the country. Provinces and territories have flexibility to

implement their own pricing system (e.g. a carbon tax, cap and trade) or can choose the federal pricing

system. The federal benchmark has been implemented in 2019 and contains two parts – a regulatory

charge on fuel (fuel charge) and a performance-based system for industries (Output-Based Pricing

System, or OBPS). The federal fuel charge has been in effect in Saskatchewan, Ontario, Manitoba, and

New Brunswick since April 2019 and in Nunavut and Yukon since July 2019. It also applies in Alberta

as of 2020. The OBPS took effect in January 2019 in Ontario, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Prince

Edward Island, and Saskatchewan (electricity and natural gas transmission pipeline sectors only), and

in Yukon and Nunavut since July 2019. New Brunswick and Ontario have proposed provincial output-

based pricing systems that align with the current federal benchmark. Under the federal benchmark, the

carbon price started at $20 per tonnes CO2e of emissions in 2019 and will rise by $10 per year to $50

per tonnes in 2022. Canada’s SCP proposes to implement annual carbon price increases of $15 per

tonnes from 2023-2030, reaching $170 per tonnes in 2030.

A federal GHG offset system to encourage cost-effective domestic GHG emission reductions from

activities that are not covered by carbon pollution pricing, particularly activities related to forestry,

agriculture and waste, is also under development. In June 2019 and July 2020, Environment and

Climate Change Canada (ECCC) released two discussion papers to outline the general structure and



October 2021


key design considerations of the federal offset system, as well as the proposed priority project types to

be considered in the first phase of protocol development. The proposed priority project types include

improved forest management. In March 2021, the proposed Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System

Regulations14 were published in the Canada Gazette. Publication of final regulations is targeted for fall

2021. Several provincial governments have established, or are in the process of establishing, offset

systems to support their carbon pollution pricing programs and policies. The federal offset system is

intended to complement these systems.

Clean Fuel Regulations

The Government of Canada is developing a Clean Fuel Regulations to reduce the life cycle carbon

intensity of fuels and energy used in Canada. The objective of the Clean Fuel Regulations is to achieve

30 million tonnes of annual reductions in GHG emissions by 2030. In meeting its GHG reduction goal,

the Clean Fuel Regulations will aim to stimulate investments and innovation in low-carbon-intensity

fuels while enabling low-cost compliance. The Clean Fuel Regulations is one of the complementary

policies under Canada’s climate plan, which will work in concert with carbon pollution pricing to

reduce emissions across the economy.

The Clean Fuel Regulations will require liquid fossil fuel primary suppliers to reduce the carbon

intensity of the liquid fuels they produce in and import into Canada. The draft regulations are planned

for final publication in 2022.

The Low Carbon Economy Fund

To support new provincial and territorial actions under the PCF, the Canadian federal government

launched the $2 billion Low Carbon Economy Fund (LCEF) in June 2017. Enhancing carbon sinks

and reducing GHG emissions from the forest sector is one priority area. The LCEF supports projects

that meet the following criteria:

 Material reductions in GHG emissions;

 Incremental to existing actions;

 Contribute to meeting Canada’s 2030 emission reduction target; and,

 Cost-effective.

The LCEF has two envelopes. One of the envelopes, the $1.4 billion Leadership Fund, supports

commitments by provinces and territories that have adopted the PCF, with each province or territory

receiving a specific funding allocation with continuous intake running between June 2017 and March

2024. Among other things, efforts by five provinces and territories to enhance forest sinks are being

supported - bilateral funding agreements are in place, and several additional proposals have been

submitted by jurisdictions for remaining allocated funding and are currently under evaluation. A further

$450 million of LCEF funds supports the Low Carbon Economy Challenge, in which projects are

selected from among those submitted by provinces and territories, municipalities, Indigenous

governments and organizations, businesses and not-for-profit organizations.


October 2021


The Role of Forests in a Changing Climate

The UNFCCC requires countries to report emissions and removals resulting directly from human

activity such as harvesting or land-use changes. In keeping with this, Canada’s NDC focuses on the

emissions and removals that are a direct result of the management of our forests. Under this approach,

emissions and removals from managed forest stands that have been impacted in recent history by

significant natural disturbances (e.g. wildfires, insect infestations) are tracked separately from

anthropogenic emissions and removals, and only considered anthropogenic once again when the stands

have reached commercial maturity or pre-disturbance aboveground biomass, depending on the type of

disturbance. All emissions and removals from the managed forest (including those originating from

significant natural disturbances) are reported in Canada’s National GHG Inventory Report. For more

information, please refer to Section 6.3.1 and Annex 3.5 of the 2021 National GHG Inventory Report.15

Canada expects that the land sector, including forests and harvested wood products, will provide an

important contribution to its broader climate change mitigation efforts. Federal, provincial and

territorial governments are currently exploring how best to achieve forest-related mitigation, including

through changes in forest management, increased afforestation, increased use of harvested wood as a

substitute for emissions-intensive products, and increased use of harvest residues for bioenergy in place

of fossil fuels. Canada’s Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Emissions Projections 2020 report16

published in February 2021 provided emission and accounting projections for the land sector, focused

on impacts of human activities. Canada’s managed forest and associated harvested wood products are

projected to provide an accounting credit of 30 MtCO2e toward Canada’s 2030 emission reductions

target, and an accounting credit of 25 MtCO2e toward Canada’s 2050 net zero target. Mitigation actions

taken, such as the 2 Billion Trees program and provincial and territorial actions, are not included in

these estimates.

Provincial & Territorial Actions

Many of Canada’s provinces and territories are taking action to address climate change and reduce

GHG emissions, but this section only summarizes actions of the four largest provinces. More details

on provincial/territorial actions are available in Canada’s Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollutant Emissions

Projections 2020, and the third annual Synthesis Report on the Status of Implementation of the PCF

published in 2019.17

Quebec has set a target of reducing its GHG emissions to 37.5% below 1990 levels by 2030. In

addition, Quebec has announced its intention to become carbon neutral by 2050. Launched in

November 2020, the 2030 Plan for a Green Economy18 (PGE) is Quebec’s climate road map (policy

framework) for this decade. In terms of forests, in 2020 Quebec released its Timber Production

Strategy19 which includes plans to increase the forest sector’s contribution to climate change

mitigation through increasing carbon sequestration in the forest and in forest products. This includes a

$75 million government investment to restore poorly regenerated or unproductive forests areas.

Quebec’s Wood Innovation Program, announced in 2016, supports the transformation and

15 16 17 18 19

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modernization of the forest products industry, with over $95 million in government investments by

2024, as indicated in its budget plan 2019-2020.

In Ontario, the government released A Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan20 in November 2018. The

new plan indicates that Ontario will reduce its GHG emission by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. Two

core measures to achieve this goal are the Clean Fuel policy and the Natural Gas Conservation Action

in Ontario. In 2020, Ontario released Sustainable Growth: Ontario’s Forest Sector Strategy,21 a new

10-year forestry strategy to encourage economic growth while protecting Ontario’s forests. It identifies

actions related to climate change mitigation and adaptation, including: (1) seeking additional

opportunities for forests to mitigate climate change; (2) increasing climate change information to forest

managers; and (3) reducing emissions from forestry activities and increasing carbon storage. Ontario’s

50 Million Tree Program22 is continuing, now with federal support. As of 2020, more than 30 million

trees have been planted through the program, producing 16,500 hectares of new forest.

The Government of Alberta announced new measures in 2019, including regulating large emitters with

the new Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) system starting in January 2020, and

employing the Renewable Fuel Standard to enforce the use of renewable products in fuels. Alberta’s

Carbon Offset System is a regulatory program established in 2017 that continues to enable the

generation of Alberta Emission Offsets as a method of compliance under TIER. The TIER regulation

was amended in July 2020 to allow additional sectors to voluntarily opt-in to the regulation and reduce

administrative burden for regulated conventional oil and gas facilities. In terms of forests, Alberta

continues to implement its Enhanced Reforestation of Legacy Disturbance Program23 which provides

funds to reforest public lands that have been disturbed by wildfire, increasing carbon sequestration.

Alberta also continues to address mountain pine beetle outbreaks24 through early intervention and

monitoring, reforestation, and treatment of affected areas to limit the damage on forest health and


In 2018, the Government of British Columbia (B.C.) released its CleanBC Plan25 highlighting a set of

across-sector actions to help meet B.C.’s legislated emissions reduction targets, including a 40%

reduction below 2007 levels by 2030 and an 80% reduction below 2007 levels by 2050. In December

2020, B.C. released its 2020 Climate Change Accountability Report, summarizing the province’s

actions and process to date toward its emission reduction targets.26 The government is also taking

specific actions to enhance the carbon storage potential of British Columbia’s public forests. The $290

million (co-funded with the federal government via LCEF) Forest Carbon Initiative27 uses a portfolio

approach to enhance the carbon sequestration capacity of B.C.’s forests. As well, B.C.’s Wood First

Initiative28 encourages the innovative use of wood in buildings. In addition, B.C. has also developed

policies and projects to increase the use of low carbon and renewable materials in all public sector

infrastructure projects.

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 change-mitigation/forest-carbon-initiative 28

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Update on Progress

Over the past five years, an intensive national effort has been made to put in place the measures needed

to put Canada on a path to significantly reduce emissions. The PCF has guided this progress, reducing

national emissions that were on a steady upward trend prior to its implementation. While the progress

and foundation set by the PCF have been vital to Canada’s GHG emission reductions, Canada strives

to do more to address the ever-increasing impacts of climate change. Canada released its SCP to

demonstrate the federal Government’s commitment to exceeding Canada’s original 2030 target of a

30% reduction below 2005 levels.

Canada’s latest GHG National Inventory Report29 (published in April 2021) showed that emissions

were 730 Mt CO2e in 2019. Based on the Government’s emission projections in the SCP, the proposed

actions outlined in the SCP – once fully implemented – enable Canada to exceed its previous 2030

target of 511 Mt CO2e (a 30% reduction below 2005 levels). The SCP projects GHG emissions of 503

Mt CO2e in 2030, providing a 31% reduction below 2005 GHG emission levels. In terms of the land

sector, the SCP modeling projects that land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), plus the

expected impact of its proposed natural climate solutions and the measures in the plan to reduce

emissions from fertilizer use in agriculture account for 27 Mt CO2e of this reduction.

(Source: Canada’s Enhanced NDC submission)

Canada’s enhanced NDC requires emissions to reach 401-438 Mt CO2e by 2030 – a 40-45% reduction

below 2005 levels. Factoring in the Government of Canada’s 2021 budget measures and additional

actions, such as continued alignment with the United States, Canada’s 2030 emissions would fall to

468 Mt CO2e by 2030 (equivalent to 36% below 2005 levels). Canada’s modeling likely

underestimates emission reductions because it does not capture the full range of innovative

technologies that are in early stages of the commercialization process nor does it reflect the likely


October 2021


improvements in technology performance or cost reductions. Further, additional provincial and

territorial measures will build on the impacts of the proposed federal measures in the SCP, leading to

further emission reductions. The Government of Canada is committed to continue working with its

partners to identify and support new climate actions.

Major Forest Disturbances in Canada

Wildland Fire in Canada

Canadian wildland fire agencies demonstrated their commitment to wildland fire preparedness and

response through active hiring of fire personnel, adjusting training practices to minimize contact and

slow COVID-19 spread potential, and assessing prescribed burning operations. 2021 has been one of

Canada’s busiest wildfire seasons in recent years with over 6,100 wildfires (33% more than the 5-year

average)30 impacting five provinces and territories across Canada. High level of fire activity led to

multiple wildland fire related business interruptions in the wood manufacturing industry. A

combination of factors such as unfavourable market conditions, transportation delays and limited

supply of lumber suggests that over 165 million broad feet of lumber production may have been

forgone due to wildfire related evacuations. For historical comparison, wildfires in 2017 led to the lost

production of over 98 million board feet of softwood lumber. During the 2021 wildfire season, Canada

received international resources from Mexico, South Africa and Australia. The COVID-19 pandemic

continued to be a widespread health risk that resulted in some international partners being unable to

assist due to ongoing restrictions. All parties involved undertook vaccinations, PCR testing, and all

planned precautions.

Nonetheless, Canada is experiencing the effects of climate change (warmer temperatures,

unpredictable precipitation, more lightning strikes, drier forest conditions) that are resulting in longer

fire seasons, an increase in the number of large forest fires and the total area burned. Since the 1970’s,

annual area burned has almost doubled and the number of large fires (greater than 200k hectares) has

increased significantly. Since 1990, there has been an average of 8,000 wildfires burning

approximately 2.5 million hectares per year, with these numbers trending upwards. Over the last

decade, more than half of the years saw an area burned well above the annual average and experienced

large fire events where wildfires grew to greater than 200k hectares in size. Experts predict that by

2100, the average annual area burned could double.31

This increase in annual area burned, combined with an increase in the number of people living,

working, and recreating in our forests, has resulted in rising wildland fire management costs, increased

property and economic losses and higher post-event recovery costs for governments, citizens, and

private industry. Total costs for wildfire management activities over the last decade have ranged

between $800 million and $1.4 billion per year, depending on the level of fire activity. Costs have risen

by about $120 million per decade since the 1970s, and average annual costs for the country will

continue to rise. Devastating fires like those in the province of British Columbia in 2017 and 2018, and

in the province of Alberta in 2016, are extremely expensive to manage and result in evacuations,

damage to homes and businesses, and huge losses of merchantable timber.

30 Up to August 31, 2021: 31

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Given the rising costs, impacts to communities and the need to work collaboratively on wildfire

management and research, Provincial, Territorial and Federal governments are working together to

advance the Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy32 through a range of actions. These include improving

cross-jurisdictional preparedness and response capability, increasing investments in fire research

innovation and enhancing commitments to resilient communities. Recently, the CCFM has identified

that a greater emphasis on wildland prevention and mitigation is needed to increase wildland fire

resilience in Canada and reduce future wildfire risk. Positive steps have been taken to advance on this

priority, such as CCFM endorsing the CIFFC mandate in September 2020 to include emergency

management pillars prevention and mitigation in addition to CIFFC’s current mandate on preparation

and response. The Government of Canada has recently invested additional funding to expand mapping

of wildfire risk in northern forests of Canada and increased capacity support for CIFFC to increase

wildfire risk assessment and continue to build resiliency to wildland fire.


Spruce Budworm in Eastern Canada

Spruce budworm is one of the most damaging pests in North America, with most regions of Canada

reporting defoliation damage each year. During major outbreaks, spruce budworm causes disruptions

to the forest industry and affects jobs, recreation and tourism, especially for those communities and

regions that are heavily forest-sector dependant. The last extensive outbreak of spruce budworm in

Canada reached its peak in the 1970s, and covered more than 50 million hectares across Quebec,

Ontario, and Atlantic Canada, resulting in fibre losses of about 500 million cubic metres of spruce and

fir, with a commercial value of about $12.5 billion in Quebec alone.

The most recent spruce budworm outbreak began in 2006 in Quebec. As of 2020, it had spread to cover

more than 13.5 million hectares, with the potential to spread further through Canada’s Atlantic

provinces, Ontario and the eastern United States. The Government of Quebec has led an active

management program since 2009, which has included tree foliage protection through spraying of a

biological insecticide. Quebec has earmarked $55 million for these treatments in 2021. Spruce

budworm populations are also rising in Ontario with visible damage starting to appear in northeastern

forests of the province. Ontario has delivered a treatment program for the first time in 2021, which is

expected to continue and increase in future years

Due to the potential negative effects of a larger outbreak in eastern Canada, the federal government is

working with provincial partners, industry, and academia to test and evaluate early intervention

strategies aimed at managing spruce budworm populations while they are still below an outbreak


The Government of Canada is providing funding of up to $74 million over 2019-2022 for the Spruce

Budworm Early Intervention Strategy Phase II. It leverages up to $50 million from the provinces of

New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, and industry. The

strategy aims to equip the Canadian forest sector with an innovative, science-based, and effective pest

management approach that can be applied to impending outbreaks of spruce budworm across Canada.

NRCan researchers will continue to work closely with provincial governments and the forest sector

across Canada to develop science-based solutions to protect forests and keep spruce budworm


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populations low. Research results to date are positive, indicating that an early intervention strategy

may be a viable option to manage spruce budworm.

Mountain Pine Beetle in Western Canada

The mountain pine beetle is a native insect that attacks pines in western North American forests. Since

the current beetle epidemic started in the early 1990s, mountain pine beetle has killed more than 50%

of British Columbia’s commercial pine trees and have caused widespread timber losses in dense stands

of lodgepole pine in the central interior of the province. The beetle has now spread far beyond its

historic range into northern British Columbia and eastward into the boreal forest of north-central

Alberta. In addition, the infestation in and beyond Canada’s national parks in the Rocky Mountains

creates risks for surrounding provincial forests and forest industry operations. Scientists have recently

completed a risk assessment of the risk that the beetle may continue to spread eastward across Canada’s

boreal forest.33 The Government of Alberta has led an active management program since 2006.

The Government of Canada is concerned about the impact of the beetle infestation on forest

communities and is working in collaboration with the provinces, territories, stakeholders and

communities across Canada to respond to the challenges it poses. The Government of Canada is

providing up to $68 million over three years (2020-21 to 2022-23) to help control, research and mitigate

the impacts of the mountain pine beetle on Canada’s forests. More specifically, this new funding is

helping address the outbreak in Alberta and the Rocky Mountain National Parks while mitigating

negative impacts on the forest sector and communities. Ongoing research on mountain pine beetle in

newly invaded ecosystems is also supported to assist with strategic approaches to slow the spread of

this pest eastward across Canada.

Emerging Issues

Emerald ash borer is an invasive insect introduced in some parts of Canada that represents a serious

threat to urban trees and natural forests. Emerald ash borer is now found in southern Ontario and the

City of Thunder Bay, Ontario, as well as southern Quebec, southern and western New Brunswick,

Manitoba (City of Winnipeg), and Nova Scotia (Halifax County). All native North American ash trees

are susceptible to emerald ash borer and it has killed millions of ash trees in Canada and the U.S. In

infested areas, 99% of ash trees are expected to die within 10 years from the first detection of the insect.

A study in Canada estimated that, over a 30-year time horizon, the potential costs of emerald ash borer

to Canadian municipalities could be $524 million or higher. Research helps improve the effectiveness

of detection and management response to limit the economic and ecological impact of the insect.

Trade Policy

In addition to the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) (2020) that superseded NAFTA

when it came into force, Canada has free trade agreements in force with:

 Canada-UK Trade Continuity Agreement (2021)

 Six of the parties of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) (Australia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, and Singapore and Vietnam

(2018), not yet in force for Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia and Peru);


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 The European Union through the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) (2017);

 Ukraine (2017);

 Korea (2015);

 Honduras (2014);

 Panama (2013);

 Jordan (2012);

 Colombia (2011);

 Peru (2009);

 The European Free Trade Association (2009);

 Costa Rica (2002);

 Chile (1997); and,

 Israel (1997, modernized in 2019).

Canada is also negotiating free trade agreements with Indonesia, Mercosur, the Pacific Alliance, India,

Japan, Morocco, the Caribbean Community, the Dominican Republic, Singapore, Guatemala,

Nicaragua and El Salvador. Canada is engaged in exploratory trade discussions with ASEAN, Turkey,

the Philippines and Thailand. Canada is seeking to address the trade in forest products and the

sustainable management of forests in its suite of modern trade agreements.

Phytosanitary Measures

Canadian experts take an active role in international fora related to phytosanitary measures, including:

the North American Plant Protection Organization, the International Plant Protection Convention and

the International Forest Quarantine Research Group.

Within the International Plant Protection Convention, Canada is a global leader and is active in the

development of regional and international phytosanitary standards (e.g. forest products systems

approach standard RSPM 41, wood packaging standard, ISPM 15, and the international movement of

wood standard, ISPM 39). The Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program is the

official certification system for the export of wood products to countries requiring heat treatment. The

Canadian Wood Packaging Certification Program certifies that the wood packaging materials for

export satisfies the international requirement of ISPM 15. Since 2019, the Canadian Green Sawn Wood

Program has been recognized internationally and provides the basis for phytosanitary certification of

green sawn wood through a systems approach.

Facilitating Identification of Timber in Trade

Canada’s Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade

Act and its enabling regulation (the Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulation) prohibit the import of

timber and timber products into Canada that were taken, possessed, distributed or transported in

contravention of any foreign laws.

Canada is developing science tools to better track forest commodities in trade and, through national

and international collaboration, to contribute to global efforts to address illegality in forest harvesting

and international forest products trade. Over the next three years, Canada will continue funding

domestic research to operationalize innovative tools for species identification in order to bring

efficiency and scientific robustness to the identification of CITES tree species and other species

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common in trade in Canada. This research will be done in collaboration with international partners,

such as the U.S. Forest Service, the Global Timber Tracking Network and several universities.

III. Market Drivers & Trends

The Canadian forest sector grew steadily from 2013 until 2016. In 2017, the forest sector contracted

2.4% and in 2018 by 0.6%, before a greater decline of 8.3% in 2019. In 2020 and on an annualized

basis, the forest sector has contracted 3%. By contrast, the overall Canadian economy grew 1.7% in

2019 and contracted by 5.3% in 2020. While demand for solid wood products is expected to remain

strong in 2021, further increases in production will be limited by fibre supply challenges, most notably

in British Columbia. Production of both newsprint and printing and writing paper is expected to

continue its downward trend in 2021.

The economic contribution of the sector is heavily influenced by that of traditional trading partners

(the U.S.) and on traditional uses of wood (pulp, paper and softwood lumber). However, the growth of

emerging markets had contributed to significant market diversification over the past decade. Between

2010 and 2019, exports of wood pulp to China increased 66% and exports of wood products increased

64%. However, the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted global economies and interfered with the

transportation of goods. As a result, Canada refocused its shipments of forest products to the U.S.

(share of exports to the U.S. increased to 75% in 2020, a growth of nearly 11% year/year).


Increased global focus on climate change mitigation, environmental sustainability and plastic pollution

is driving demand for new, lower impact bio-based products and technologies to substitute

conventional fossil fuel-based products or energy and carbon intensive processes and technologies. For

example: mass timber can be used as a renewable alternative to conventional building materials when

constructing tall buildings, bioplastics as a substitute for plastics derived from fossil fuels, liquid

biofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels, and wood pellets to create thermal energy.

Exchange Rates

Following the end of the 2008/09 global recession, the Canadian dollar (CAD) has been steadily

weakening against the US Dollar (USD) and returning to historical levels. This decline accelerated in

the first part of 2020 after a significant drop in oil prices which further weakened the CAD. Recently

oil prices have recovered, which has somewhat strengthened the CAD. As of August 2020, the value

of the CAD against the USD is nearly equal to what it was in 2019. Given that approximately 75% of

Canada’s forest products are exported to the U.S., a weaker CAD relative to the USD will generally

benefit the Canadian forest sector. However, there are some negative impacts of a weaker CAD. For

instance, Canadian companies holding debt in USD will have higher debt servicing costs.

Outside of the U.S. market, the exchange rate has been less beneficial to Canadian forest products’

competitiveness. In recent years, other countries’ currencies—such as the Russian Ruble and the

Euro—depreciated against both the Canadian and U.S. dollars, which gave those nations a competitive

boost in some international markets, such as China. However, this trend has somewhat reversed in


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U.S. Housing Market

The U.S. housing market is a major driver of softwood lumber and wood panel demand in North

America. While the U.S. housing market has strengthened considerably from the depths of the 2008

recession, the onset of the pandemic temporarily slowed this recovery. Housing starts fell over 40%

between February and April 2020, reaching a low of 938 thousand units at a seasonally adjusted annual

rate (SAAR). This level of housing starts was well below the long-term (20-year) average of 1.3 million

annual starts. However, between April and July 2020, housing starts climbed 60% to nearly 1.5 million

units (SAAR). Starts have remained well above the long-term average through the first half of 2021,

up 24% from the same period in 2020 driven by strong demand for housing after years of

underbuilding. The impacts of COVID-19 have increased demand for single-family homes. The share

of multi-family starts has declined from almost 35% in Q1 2020 to 28% in Q2 2021. As single-family

homes use about three times the amount of structural lumber as multi-family units, strength in the

single-family segment has contributed to increased demand for softwood lumber than would have been

seen with similar growth in multi-family starts.

National Building Code Changes

NRCan has funded critical research that led to the successful adoption of mid-rise 5- and 6- storey

wood frame construction in the 2015 Edition of the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC). These

provisions have been crucial for the construction of larger and taller wood buildings, and have been

fostering greater use of wood in public and private buildings across Canada.

Building on the successful adoption of the mid-rise provisions in the 2015 edition of NBCC, the

Government of Canada has been working closely with the Canadian Wood Council, the National

Research Council and FPInnovations to support code changes that would facilitate the construction of

even taller and larger wood buildings (up to 12 storeys). It is anticipated that the 2020 Edition of the

NBCC will be published in 2021 allowing mass timber construction up to 12 storeys. The provinces

of British Columbia and Alberta have adopted the NBCC proposed provisions for tall wood buildings

up to 12 storeys in their building codes, ahead of the NBCC. NRCan is also working closely with NRC,

provincial partners and with the design and construction industry to transition the NBCC to become

more performance-based which will support the adoption of innovative design and construction

technologies and help mitigate some of the challenges associated with the current regulatory


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IV. Developments in Forest Products Markets Sectors


In 2018 bioenergy accounted for the second largest share of renewable energy production (heat and

electricity) after hydroelectricity in Canada. The Canadian forest sector provides over 80% of biomass-

based energy in Canada, mainly for cogeneration of heat and power for use in industrial processes and

sale to third- parties.

The wood pellets industry continues to expand rapidly. Since 2011, Canada’s production capacity has

increased 37.5% with year-over-year increases between 5-10% each year since 2014. Increased

production was first driven by demand from Europe and today new markets in Asia account for

increased demand. For example, Canadian pellet exports to Japan increased 430%, from 105,640

tonnes in 2012 to 560,817 tonnes in 2019. Further, several new Canadian pellet mills are slated to begin

production within the next five years, increasing Canada’s production capacity by 27% and many of

the companies have already announced long-term contracts with utilities in Japan and South Korea.

The Canadian pellet industry was minimally impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The forest sector

was deemed essential in Canada allowing pellet mills to continue operating and since they provide fuel

for other essential industries such as heat and electricity, the industrial demand did not decrease.

Further, most of the pellets produced in Canada are under long-term contracts ensuring long-term sales

and demand for the industry. More recently, Canadian pellets are being purchased for use in combined

bioenergy and carbon capture and storage (BECCS) facilities. Notably, in 2021, Pinnacle Renewable

Energy in western Canada was acquired by Drax Group in the UK, who will begin construction of their

first BECCS facilities in 2024.

Developing liquid fuels from biomass is an important focus for Canada, including ethanol, biodiesel,

and other wood-based biofuels. Since 2010, the Federal Fuel Regulation has required a minimum of

5% ethanol in gasoline. Provincial mandates may exceed the 5% minimum requirement. The Clean

Fuel Regulations, which is planned to come into force in 2022 for the liquid stream, is expected to

further increase demand for liquid biofuels. However, the production of drop-in liquid biofuels from

woody biomass has not reached commercial-scale yet, with production in Canada still mostly from

agricultural feedstocks.

Biojet fuel could play an important role in reducing GHG emissions in Canada. In 2016, Canada

became a signatory to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Carbon Offsetting

Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). The agreement requires the aviation industry

to become carbon neutral by 2020 and reduce total carbon emissions by 50% by 2050. The forest sector

can contribute to GHG reduction efforts through innovation in clean energy as well as by providing a

source of emissions reductions/removals for trading in compliance markets such as ICAO’s CORSIA.

Bioenergy and Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the International Energy Agency, and the

International Renewable Energy Agency, all recognize bioenergy with carbon capture and storage

(BECCS) as essential for limiting global warming to 1.5 °C by 2050, reducing as much as 52% of

necessary global emissions by 2050. With decades of carbon capture and storage expertise, favourable

geological formations and an abundance of forest residues, Canada is well positioned to become a

global leader in BECCS. In 2021, the Government of Canada invested $319 million over seven years

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to advance the commercial viability of carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technologies.

This funding could support BECCS deployment in Canada through indirect advancement of CCUS

technologies and direct funding of BECCS projects. The Energy Innovation Program, with an annual

budget of $24 million, is in the process of receiving proposals for CCUS front-end engineering design

studies. The Government of Canada also introduced an investment tax credit to businesses for capital

invested in CCUS projects that will be implemented in 2022.

Value-Added Wood Products34

In 2020, Canada exported about $5.6B of value-added products, nearly exclusively to the U.S. (97%).

Exports of value-added wood products increased 18% in 2020, rebounding from a 12% decline from

the previous year, which was primarily caused by a reduction in particle board demand. Mass timber

products are part of Canada’s growing segment of value-added wood products. This growth is

exemplified by the surge in 2018 of mass timber products all across the globe and this is expected to

continue as countries (Canada included) continue to promote the use of mass timber in non-traditional

construction sectors such as tall buildings. Part of this increase in demand is attributed to recent changes

to building codes which will make it easier for builders to use mass timber in their construction

projects, as well as interest in taller and larger wood buildings due to the environmental benefits and

speed of construction. The availability of a new generation of engineered mass timber products and the

implementation of certain wood-friendly policies is also contributing to this.

To track the growth of mass timber buildings and manufacturing in Canada, Natural Resources Canada

published the first of its kind State of Mass Timber in Canada report (May 2021). This report

established a baseline dataset of nearly 500 completed or under construction projects since 2007 and

data on 21 mass timber manufacturing facilities in Canada. Some key findings include: the number of

mass timber projects has steadily increased from 2007-2019 (on average over 10% each year); and the

average size of projects is also growing steadily each year. Likewise, projects are becoming more

complex as there is more choice in mass timber products and growing market acceptance. To further

track and analyze the growth of mass timber in Canada, an interactive State of Mass Timber web-based

map35 and data dashboard was developed and published to support the report. The map is updated on

a quarterly basis and now highlights over 550 mass timber projects.

Sawn Softwood (also known as Softwood Lumber)

In 2020, Canada produced 54.7 million cubic metres36of sawn softwood. North American sawn

softwood prices showed a slight upward trend throughout 2019 and into the first quarter of 2020,

however in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, stay-at-home orders resulted in a significant increase

in demand for lumber from the repair and remodeling segment and the residential construction

segment. This increased demand, combined with North American supply constraints due to COVID-

19 related mill curtailments led to unprecedented price increases in mid-2020, with lumber prices

reaching levels never seen by experienced traders. Prices declined throughout the summer of 2021 but

remain above pre-pandemic averages.

34 In Canada, value-added wood products include wood windows and doors, factory-built homes, millwork and joinery products, shingles and shakes, containers and pallets, wooden furniture, engineered wood products such as I-beams, roof trusses, Cross-Laminated Timber and other

structural products. 35 36 Figures above have been adjusted to reflect actual volumes as opposed to nominal.

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The United States is the primary destination for Canadian sawn softwood exports. In 2020, 84% of

Canada’s sawn softwood exports, by volume, went to the U.S., an increase of almost 54% over 2019

levels. Beginning in May 2017, the U.S. Department of Commerce began levying countervailing and

anti-dumping duties on certain softwood lumber products imported from Canada. Final combined duty

rates, currently averaging 8.99%, have caused instability in softwood lumber prices and export levels.

Canada has challenged the U.S. duties before WTO, NAFTA and CUSMA panels. While victories in

these challenges put increased pressure on the U.S. to return to the negotiating table, an interest in

returning to negotiations has not yet been expressed.

China is the second largest destination for Canadian sawn softwood products. From 2000 to 2013, the

volume of sawn softwood exports to China increased on average by more than 50% per year. However,

since 2013, export volumes have decreased at an average rate of nearly 10% annually, with COVID-

19 driving steeper declines. In 2020, sawn softwood export volumes to China decreased by 32% over

2019 levels. In the first six months of 2021, exports continued to decline, falling by more than 57%

compared to the same period in 2020. Slower growth in China and increased competition from Russian

and European imports have contributed to the decline in Canada’s share of China’s import market.

With extremely strong demand from the North American housing market and high lumber prices,

producers have been exporting less sawn softwood overseas.

Oriented Strand Board (OSB)

OSB represents 83% of Canada’s total structural panel exports by value. In 2020, almost all (96%) of

Canada’s OSB exports were destined for the U.S. (up from 93% in 2019), where it is mainly used in

housing construction. OSB exports increased 55% in 2020 by value, largely as a result of improved

prices for OSB in North America, primarily from increased demand from the housing sector. As of

June 2021, North American demand for OSB is forecasted to grow 3% above 2020; a reflection of

persistent growth in the residential construction sector. This upward trend is anticipated to hold in


Paper and Paperboard

In 2020, 81% of paper and paperboard products that Canada exported (by value) were destined for the

U.S. Total exports of paper and paperboard products fell 17% in 2020, due largely to the reduction of

newsprint exports, which fell 31%. The reduction in newsprint exports is a result of declining global

demand following the rise of digital media which has led to a drop in newspaper sales and reduced

print advertising. Since the onset of the pandemic, the trend in declining demand for newsprint has


Canadian exports of paper and paperboard products will continue to face challenges going forward,

and this is especially true for newsprint. Demand across the globe continues to decline for newsprint.

Furthermore, rising protectionism puts a negative pressure on export markets. India, Canada’s second

largest newsprint market, imposed a 10% tariff in July 2019 on newsprint and some other paper

products coming from Canada. Following the imposition of these tariffs, exports of newsprint to India

declined 13% in 2019 and another 28% in 2020.

October 2021


Wood Pulp

China is the main destination for Canadian wood pulp exports; 45% of the wood pulp Canada exported

was destined for China. The U.S. is the second largest destination for Canadian wood pulp, importing

nearly 35% of Canada’s exported wood pulp in 2020. While exports of Canadian wood pulp declined

for most countries in 2020, the declines were relatively lower for China (-16%) and the U.S. (-11%)

than for the next 6 largest importers of Canadian wood pulp, where exports fell on average nearly 27%.

Similar to certain paper grades, 2020 was another challenging year for Canadian wood pulp exports,

with the total value of exports falling nearly 20% from 2019. The 2020 decrease in wood pulp exports

followed weak global demand for end-use products, combined with domestic fibre supply challenges.

Moreover, limitations in global transportation due to COVID-19 have exponentially increased shipping

prices. Thus, with the overall cost of importing wood pulp overseas elevated, global demand for

Canadian wood pulp has dampened. These logistical challenges are expected to continue into 2022.

Looking forward, the recent slowing of China’s economy in 2021 has weakened domestic

consumption, while pulp demand in the U.S. will likely remain solid for the rest of 2021. A recent

surge in COVID rates in China and land transportation challenges to the U.S. (expensive cost of trucks

and a shortage of trucks and drivers), are expected to impact at least short-term demand. Similarly on

the supply side, disrupted logistics remain a notable challenge to pulp supply. Increasing costs for

container shipments and trucking rates have resulted in elevated in-transit pulp volumes. It is

unexpected that these conditions with improve in the first half of 2022.


In Canada, the domestic market for biopolymers and bioplastics was worth an estimated $165.2 million

USD in 2019, and is projected to reach $353.2 million USD by 2025. From 2018 to 2020, the

Innovative Solutions Canada program hosted a series of Plastics Challenges ranging from sustainable

alternatives to plastic packaging to improved compostability of bioplastics. In 2021, the Government

of Canada announced $1.3M to support five projects that aim to reduce plastic waste, prevent plastic

pollution and support the transition to a national circular plastics economy.

The Canadian market for lignin is estimated to be worth $15.8 million USD, and is projected to reach

$19 million USD by 2025. The most significant application of lignin in Canada is as a concrete

additive, representing 50.9% of the domestic market. Kraft lignin is the fastest growing market segment

in Canada. Canada has one commercial lignin recovery operation, and most of this recovered lignin is

burned to provide energy for plant operations.

The nanocellulose market in Canada was estimated to be worth $10.9 million USD in 2019, and is

projected to reach $28.5 million USD by 2025. The nanocellulose product segment with the largest

and fastest growing market share (65.3%) is cellulose nanocrystals. By application, composites and

packaging are the largest segment (30.2%) of the domestic nanocellulose market, with personal care

products representing the fastest growing application.

Market Forecast Tables 2021

These tables show forest products production and trade forecasts for 2021 and 2022.  These cover roundwood (logs, pulpwood and fuel wood), sawnwood (coniferous and non-coniferous), wood-based panels (plywood, particle board, OSB and fibreboard), pulp, paper and wood pellets.  The forecast data are provided by national correspondents and approved at the meeting of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry.

Languages and translations


Economic and Social Council

Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry

22-25 November 2021



DATA FOR 2020-2022

Table 1 – Sawn Softwood Table 2 – Sawn Hardwood (total) Table 2a – Sawn Hardwood (temperate) Table 2b – Sawn Hardwood (tropical) Table 3 – Veneer Sheets Table 4 – Plywood Table 5 – Particle Board (excluding OSB) Table 5a – Oriented Strand Board Table 6 – Fibreboard Table 6a – Hardboard Table 6b – MDF Table 6c – Other Fibreboard

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 1

Table 7 – Wood Pulp Table 8 – Paper and Paperboard Table 9 – Removals of wood in the rough Table 9a – Removals of wood in the rough (softwood) Table 9b – Removals of wood in the rough (hardwood) Table 10 – Softwood logs Table 11 – Hardwood logs Table 11a – Hardwood logs (temperate) Table 11b – Hardwood logs (tropical) Table 12 – Pulpwood Table 12a – Pulpwood (softwood) Table 12b – Pulpwood (hardwood) Table 12c – Wood Residues, Chips and Particles Table 13 – Wood Pellets Table 14 – Europe: Summary of Market Forecast Table 15 – North America: Summary of Market Forecast Table 16 – Russian Federation: Summary of Market Forecast Table 17 - Europe: Trade in forest products by main product groups, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (average) and 2016 to 2020 Table 18 - Europe: Apparent consumption of selected forest products, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (average), 2016 to 2020, and forecasts for 2021 and 2022 Table 19 - United States: Apparent consumption and imports of selected forest products 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (average), 2016 to 2020, and forecasts for 2021 and 2022

Data as of November 26, 2021.

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 2

Notes Data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals thus reflect only the reporting countries of the subregion. Austrian removals data do not include trees outside the forest. Wood chip trade includes recovered post-consumer wood. German estimates of removals for 2021 and 2022 are highly sensitive to assumptions of beetle damage and drought, and significant inventory swings. Actual consumption in 2021 is higher than indicated due to use of stocks built up in 2018-2020. Actual consumption of pellets in 2020 should be approximately 300,000 mt less than the indicated figure as this amount was stored by new market participants. Italy MDF/HDF production data include only MDF. Montenegro removal figures are from Directorate of Forests, other figures are based on Statistical Office information. Slovenia trade figures are lower than actual as they do not include estimates for non-recorded trade with other EU countries. Polish trade data exclude non-reporters (estimated at 1-3% of total). Residues exclude recovered wood. Polish sawnwood data exclude shop lumber. Wood pulp production is in metric tonnes, not air-dried, and excludes recovered fibre pulp. Wood pellets production data includes briquettes and non-wood based material. United Kingdom production figures for OSB and wood pulp are secretariat estimates. Data on wood chips and residues for Turkey include those from secondary processing. For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year. Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown. Consumption figures are the sum of production and national imports minus national exports. Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous.

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2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 6 165 6 650 6 700 10 339 10 800 11 300 1 777 1 950 1 600 5 951 6 100 6 200 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 226 189 204 810 779 812 7 10 12 590 600 620 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 29 31 31 1 1 1 28 30 30 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 2 343 1 875 1 924 5 213 5 015 5 144 483 460 480 3 352 3 600 3 700 République tchèque Estonia 2 073 2 420 2 420 1 700 1 700 1 700 1 364 1 720 1 720 991 1 000 1 000 Estonie Finland 3 252 3 280 3 280 10 880 12 000 12 200 569 480 480 8 198 9 200 9 400 Finlande France 8 187 8 492 8 400 6 798 7 000 7 000 2 437 2 484 2 400 1 048 992 1 000 France Germany 20 630 22 300 22 500 25 216 27 000 27 000 5 519 6 300 6 000 10 105 11 000 10 500 Allemagne Hungary 910 858 858 120 134 134 796 768 768 7 44 44 Hongrie Ireland 492 937 997 1 012 1 312 1 397 310 375 400 830 750 800 Irlande Italy 3 714 4 412 4 412 274 342 342 3 740 4 282 4 282 300 213 213 Italie Latvia 1 383 1 600 1 300 3 311 3 000 3 000 1 106 1 600 1 300 3 034 3 000 3 000 Lettonie Luxembourg 54 54 54 39 39 39 27 27 27 12 12 12 Luxembourg Malta 7 6 7 0 0 0 7 6 7 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 32 32 32 129 129 129 9 9 9 106 106 106 Monténégro Netherlands 2 631 2 520 2 600 95 100 100 3 132 2 900 3 000 596 480 500 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 24 24 24 2 2 2 23 23 23 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 4 460 4 550 4 600 4 181 4 300 4 400 1 237 1 250 1 300 958 1 000 1 100 Pologne Portugal 770 770 780 874 880 890 133 120 130 237 230 240 Portugal Serbia 401 438 453 112 130 135 291 310 320 2 2 2 Serbie Slovakia 576 650 700 1 182 1 000 1 050 352 400 400 959 750 750 Slovaquie Slovenia 704 392 439 877 717 729 657 670 690 830 995 980 Slovénie Spain 2 436 3 446 3 712 1 813 2 773 2 940 829 977 1 044 206 304 272 Espagne Sweden 5 123 6 300 6 300 18 500 18 900 18 800 599 500 400 13 976 13 100 12 900 Suède Switzerland 1 216 1 245 1 275 1 120 1 150 1 180 293 280 275 197 185 180 Suisse Turkey 6 337 6 396 6 396 6 091 6 150 6 150 380 380 380 134 134 134 Turquie United Kingdom 9 772 10 769 11 137 3 302 3 633 3 633 6 677 7 345 7 712 208 208 208 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 83 947 90 637 91 535 103 993 108 986 110 207 32 780 35 655 35 188 52 826 54 004 53 861 Total Europe Armenia 182 182 182 0 0 0 182 182 182 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 221 221 221 2 2 2 219 219 219 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 9 127 10 145 11 250 38 918 40 086 42 090 42 42 42 29 833 29 982 30 882 Russie Total EECCA 9 530 10 549 11 653 38 920 40 088 42 092 444 444 444 29 833 29 983 30 882 Total EOCAC Canada a 13 784 20 386 22 353 39 397 42 849 44 890 631 645 704 26 243 23 108 23 241 Canada a

United States a 86 118 87 846 88 690 62 446 63 831 64 874 25 631 26 033 25 875 1 959 2 019 2 059 Etats-Unis a

Total North America 99 902 108 231 111 043 101 843 106 680 109 764 26 261 26 678 26 579 28 202 25 127 25 300 Total Amérique du Nord a converted from nominal to actual size using factor of 0.72 a convertis du dimension nominale au véritable avec une facteur du 0.72

Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays


1000 m3 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Exports - ExportationsCountry

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 4

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 273 285 295 237 265 275 165 170 180 129 150 160 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 224 1 190 1 230 1 350 1 320 1 360 129 120 130 256 250 260 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 7 9 9 0 0 0 7 9 9 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 388 385 387 145 145 146 288 290 292 45 50 51 République tchèque Estonia 131 180 180 100 100 100 146 180 180 115 100 100 Estonie Finland 47 42 42 36 36 36 31 31 31 20 25 25 Finlande France 1 143 1 183 1 240 1 336 1 400 1 450 276 281 290 469 499 500 France Germany 660 642 640 962 1 010 1 000 379 416 400 681 784 760 Allemagne Hungary 53 215 215 280 334 334 49 81 81 276 201 201 Hongrie Ireland 29 41 42 2 8 9 29 35 35 3 2 2 Irlande Italy 986 1 259 1 259 612 826 826 521 631 631 147 197 197 Italie Latvia 174 160 200 588 650 600 45 70 50 459 560 450 Lettonie Luxembourg 57 57 57 39 39 39 40 40 40 22 22 22 Luxembourg Malta 7 6 7 0 0 0 7 6 7 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro -23 -23 -23 2 2 2 3 3 3 29 29 29 Monténégro Netherlands 347 328 333 54 51 51 380 357 362 87 80 80 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Macédoine du Nord Poland 515 540 550 486 510 530 250 280 300 221 250 280 Pologne Portugal 223 219 210 148 149 150 96 100 100 22 30 40 Portugal Serbia 141 155 170 358 375 390 91 95 100 308 315 320 Serbie Slovakia 389 400 425 340 350 400 165 150 150 116 100 125 Slovaquie Slovenia 121 136 136 125 141 141 98 100 100 102 105 105 Slovénie Spain 545 609 693 487 523 544 109 113 178 51 27 29 Espagne Sweden 106 118 103 100 120 110 44 38 30 37 40 37 Suède Switzerland 74 80 85 50 55 60 44 40 40 20 15 15 Suisse Turkey 2 599 2 562 2 562 2 837 2 800 2 800 71 71 71 309 309 309 Turquie United Kingdom 555 555 555 37 37 37 541 541 541 23 23 23 Royaume-Un Total Europe 10 775 11 339 11 607 10 717 11 252 11 395 4 008 4 254 4 336 3 950 4 167 4 124 Total Europe Armenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 Arménie Moldova 12 12 12 9 9 9 4 4 4 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 1 341 1 381 1 479 2 879 2 965 3 143 6 6 6 1 544 1 590 1 670 Russie Total EECCA 1 355 1 395 1 493 2 888 2 974 3 152 12 12 12 1 545 1 591 1 670 Total EOCAC Canada 1 261 1 350 1 350 997 942 855 753 880 959 489 472 464 Canada United States 13 806 14 204 14 409 16 688 16 874 17 009 630 672 692 3 511 3 342 3 293 Etats-Unis Total North America 15 067 15 554 15 759 17 685 17 816 17 864 1 383 1 552 1 651 4 000 3 814 3 757 Total Amérique du Nord

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays

SAWN HARDWOOD (total) Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


1000 m3

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 5

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 269 281 291 237 265 275 161 165 175 129 149 159 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 219 1 186 1 226 1 347 1 318 1 358 128 118 128 256 250 260 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 5 6 6 0 0 0 5 6 6 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 381 379 381 145 145 146 279 281 283 43 48 48 République tchèque Estonia 129 177 177 100 100 100 141 175 175 112 98 98 Estonie Finland 45 41 41 36 36 36 26 27 27 17 22 22 Finlande France 1 007 1 042 1 101 1 325 1 387 1 437 148 150 160 466 495 496 France Germany 624 602 602 961 1 009 999 313 350 338 650 757 735 Allemagne Hungary 53 215 215 280 334 334 49 81 81 276 201 201 Hongrie Ireland 16 27 28 2 8 9 16 21 21 3 2 2 Irlande Italy 869 1 157 1 157 595 821 821 412 525 525 138 188 188 Italie Latvia 174 160 200 588 650 600 45 70 50 459 560 450 Lettonie Luxembourg 52 52 52 39 39 39 34 34 34 22 22 22 Luxembourg Malta 6 6 7 0 0 0 6 6 7 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro -23 -23 -23 2 2 2 3 3 3 29 29 29 Monténégro Netherlands 179 169 174 48 45 45 183 174 179 52 50 50 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 Macédoine du Nord Poland 500 524 534 483 507 527 233 262 282 216 245 275 Pologne Portugal 176 174 163 133 134 135 53 55 50 11 15 22 Portugal Serbia 138 152 167 357 374 389 89 93 98 308 315 320 Serbie Slovakia 389 397 422 340 350 400 165 147 147 116 100 125 Slovaquie Slovenia 119 135 135 125 141 141 95 98 98 102 105 105 Slovénie Spain 501 558 631 486 520 541 63 60 114 47 22 24 Espagne Sweden 105 117 102 100 120 110 42 37 29 37 40 37 Suède Switzerland 65 71 76 47 52 57 38 34 34 20 15 15 Suisse Turkey 2 563 2 526 2 526 2 832 2 795 2 795 39 39 39 308 308 308 Turquie United Kingdom 489 489 489 37 37 37 470 470 470 18 18 18 Royaume-Un Total Europe 10 051 10 623 10 882 10 650 11 195 11 338 3 239 3 486 3 557 3 838 4 057 4 013 Total Europe Armenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 Arménie Moldova 12 12 12 9 9 9 3 3 3 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 1 336 1 376 1 474 2 879 2 965 3 143 1 1 1 1 544 1 590 1 670 Russie Total EECCA 1 350 1 390 1 488 2 888 2 974 3 152 7 7 7 1 545 1 591 1 670 Total EOCAC Canada 1 242 1 350 1 354 997 942 855 728 870 950 482 462 451 Canada United States 13 691 14 076 14 275 16 688 16 874 17 009 469 500 516 3 465 3 298 3 250 Etats-Unis Total North America 14 933 15 427 15 629 17 685 17 816 17 864 1 196 1 370 1 466 3 948 3 760 3 701 Total Amérique du Nord

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays

SAWN HARDWOOD (temperate) Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


1000 m3

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 6

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 4 4 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 Bosnie-Herzegovine Bulgaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bulgarie Cyprus 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 7 6 6 0 0 0 10 9 9 2 2 3 République tchèque Estonia 2 3 3 0 0 0 5 5 5 2 2 2 Estonie Finland 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 4 3 3 3 Finlande France 136 141 139 11 13 13 128 131 130 3 4 4 France Germany 36 40 38 1 1 1 66 66 62 31 27 25 Allemagne Ireland 13 14 14 0 0 0 13 14 14 0 0 0 Irlande Italy 118 102 102 17 5 5 109 106 106 9 9 9 Italie Luxembourg 6 5 5 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 168 159 159 6 6 6 197 183 183 35 30 30 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 15 16 16 3 3 3 17 18 18 5 5 5 Pologne Portugal 47 45 47 15 15 15 43 45 50 11 15 18 Portugal Serbia 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 Slovaquie Slovenia 2 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 1 Slovénie Spain 44 51 62 2 3 3 46 53 64 4 5 5 Espagne Sweden 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Suède Switzerland 9 9 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 Suisse Turkey 36 36 36 5 5 5 32 32 32 1 1 1 Turquie United Kingdom 67 67 67 0 0 0 71 71 71 5 5 5 Royaume-Un Total Europe 724 715 725 68 57 57 769 768 779 113 110 111 Total Europe Russia 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Russie Total EECCA 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Total EOCAC Canada 19 0 -4 0 0 0 25 10 9 6 10 13 Canada United States 115 128 134 0 0 0 161 172 177 46 44 43 Etats-Unis Total North America 134 128 130 0 0 0 186 182 186 53 54 56 Total Amérique du Nord


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays


1000 m3

Exports - ExportationsCountry

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Production Imports - Importations

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 7

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 45 55 55 8 8 8 55 66 66 17 19 19 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 40 42 42 38 40 42 8 12 12 6 10 12 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 21 35 36 29 29 29 38 60 61 47 55 55 République tchèque Estonia 78 55 55 71 70 70 64 80 80 57 95 95 Estonie Finland 13 12 12 152 173 173 7 9 9 146 170 170 Finlande France 185 200 200 157 160 160 134 140 140 106 100 100 France Germany 150 147 141 100 100 100 104 90 82 55 43 41 Allemagne Hungary 83 85 85 35 43 43 69 69 69 21 27 27 Hongrie Ireland 4 4 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 Irlande Italy 254 277 277 107 107 107 174 206 206 27 36 36 Italie Latvia 120 125 125 0 0 0 148 150 150 28 25 25 Lettonie Luxembourg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte Netherlands 18 18 18 0 0 0 30 30 30 12 12 12 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 9 9 9 0 0 0 10 10 10 1 1 1 Macédoine du Nord Poland 98 101 107 39 41 45 74 75 78 15 15 16 Pologne Portugal 2 10 5 25 45 40 48 30 35 71 65 70 Portugal Serbia 21 23 24 28 30 31 13 14 15 20 21 22 Serbie Slovakia 22 25 25 21 20 20 19 20 20 17 15 15 Slovaquie Slovenia 10 3 5 19 18 18 12 14 14 22 29 27 Slovénie Spain 142 155 176 69 106 106 106 92 119 33 42 49 Espagne Sweden 21 27 23 60 65 60 12 15 13 51 53 50 Suède Switzerland 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Suisse Turkey 78 78 78 75 75 75 16 16 16 13 13 13 Turquie United Kingdom 20 20 20 0 0 0 22 22 22 2 2 2 Royaume-Un Total Europe 1 438 1 511 1 527 1 032 1 130 1 127 1 175 1 231 1 259 769 850 859 Total Europe Armenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 15 15 15 0 0 0 15 15 15 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 1 096 1 440 1 692 1 570 1 963 2 257 13 13 13 487 535 578 Russie Total EECCA 1 111 1 455 1 707 1 570 1 963 2 257 28 28 28 487 535 578 Total EOCAC Canada 178 119 111 581 565 565 145 193 203 549 639 656 Canada United States 2 668 2 778 2 851 2 284 2 370 2 445 600 629 632 215 221 226 Etats-Unis Total North America 2 846 2 896 2 962 2 866 2 934 3 010 745 822 835 764 860 883 Total Amérique du Nord Note: Definition of veneers excludes domestic use for plywood. La définition des placages exclus la conversion directe en contreplaqué.

Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays


1000 m3 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Exports - ExportationsCountry

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 8

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 102 62 62 167 167 167 234 275 275 299 380 380 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 26 25 29 28 30 32 15 12 15 16 17 18 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 17 19 19 0 0 0 17 19 19 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 207 163 167 263 257 262 129 100 105 186 195 200 République tchèque Estonia 82 88 88 165 170 170 93 125 125 176 207 207 Estonie Finland 290 320 320 990 1 170 1 140 128 120 120 828 970 940 Finlande France 550 581 620 234 240 250 477 501 530 161 160 160 France Germany 1 146 840 1 000 100 100 100 1 410 1 100 1 250 363 360 350 Allemagne Hungary 265 275 275 49 58 58 375 310 310 159 93 93 Hongrie Ireland 57 55 57 0 0 0 57 55 57 0 0 0 Irlande Italy 422 528 528 265 265 265 348 464 464 191 201 201 Italie Latvia 61 45 45 318 310 310 100 95 95 357 360 360 Lettonie Luxembourg 8 8 8 0 0 0 10 10 10 2 2 2 Luxembourg Malta 10 12 14 0 0 0 10 12 14 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 4 4 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 Monténégro Netherlands 546 585 585 0 0 0 635 670 670 89 85 85 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 27 27 27 0 0 0 28 28 28 1 1 1 Macédoine du Nord Poland 590 630 650 483 510 530 415 430 450 309 310 330 Pologne Portugal 195 115 122 91 0 0 118 130 140 14 15 18 Portugal Serbia 36 37 39 11 12 13 31 32 33 6 7 7 Serbie Slovakia 364 380 380 417 425 425 67 75 75 120 120 120 Slovaquie Slovenia 61 83 90 95 109 120 45 64 60 78 90 90 Slovénie Spain 449 501 483 508 580 590 147 202 200 206 281 307 Espagne Sweden 294 250 255 90 95 90 235 195 195 30 40 30 Suède Switzerland 202 209 214 7 7 7 198 205 210 3 3 3 Suisse Turkey 147 147 147 105 105 105 85 85 85 43 43 43 Turquie United Kingdom 1 280 1 280 1 280 0 0 0 1 362 1 362 1 362 83 83 83 Royaume-Un Total Europe 7 436 7 269 7 508 4 386 4 610 4 634 6 771 6 681 6 902 3 721 4 022 4 028 Total Europe Armenia 102 102 102 0 0 0 102 102 102 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 8 8 8 3 3 3 8 8 8 3 3 3 Moldova Russia 1 215 1 443 1 509 3 999 4 599 4 829 120 126 126 2 904 3 282 3 446 Russie Total EECCA 1 325 1 554 1 619 4 003 4 602 4 832 230 236 236 2 907 3 284 3 448 Total EOCAC Canada 2 377 2 777 2 823 1 673 1 874 1 828 1 248 1 495 1 585 543 592 589 Canada United States 14 029 14 637 14 944 9 500 9 875 10 168 5 058 5 304 5 330 528 542 555 Etats-Unis Total North America 16 406 17 415 17 767 11 172 11 749 11 996 6 305 6 799 6 915 1 071 1 134 1 144 Total Amérique du Nord


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays


1000 m3

Exports - Exportations

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Country Production Imports - Importations

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 9

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 719 798 803 2 330 2 480 2 500 308 320 325 1 919 2 002 2 022 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 168 164 165 12 13 12 157 153 155 1 2 2 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 43 42 42 0 0 0 43 42 42 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 281 400 436 774 1 010 1 040 315 320 323 809 930 927 République tchèque Estonia 170 185 185 180 210 210 73 74 74 83 99 99 Estonie Finland 144 135 135 88 88 88 76 77 77 20 30 30 Finlande France 1 592 2 160 2 508 2 233 2 633 3 033 579 591 640 1 219 1 065 1 165 France Germany 5 789 5 660 5 815 5 556 5 550 5 575 1 903 1 660 1 840 1 670 1 550 1 600 Allemagne Hungary 319 405 405 334 355 355 326 352 352 340 302 302 Hongrie Ireland 101 114 114 0 0 0 116 130 130 16 16 16 Irlande Italy 2 743 2 716 2 716 2 568 2 568 2 568 634 780 780 459 632 632 Italie Latvia 162 160 160 396 400 400 49 50 50 283 290 290 Lettonie Luxembourg 22 22 22 0 0 0 26 26 26 4 4 4 Luxembourg Malta 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 18 18 18 0 0 0 18 18 18 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 376 404 404 0 0 0 456 484 484 81 80 80 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 95 95 95 0 0 0 96 96 96 1 1 1 Macédoine du Nord Poland 6 640 6 640 6 650 5 739 5 670 5 670 1 626 1 650 1 680 724 680 700 Pologne Portugal 549 647 693 700 710 720 288 365 412 438 428 439 Portugal Serbia 349 362 364 217 220 223 193 195 197 61 53 56 Serbie Slovakia 238 235 235 598 625 625 146 110 110 506 500 500 Slovaquie Slovenia 143 163 157 0 0 0 147 168 160 4 5 4 Slovénie Spain 1 586 1 566 1 544 1 783 1 847 1 855 446 616 645 643 897 956 Espagne Sweden 874 908 895 568 580 565 386 415 410 80 87 80 Suède Switzerland 262 280 300 366 380 390 126 125 130 230 225 220 Suisse Turkey 3 234 3 234 3 234 4 075 4 075 4 075 29 29 29 870 870 870 Turquie United Kingdom 2 203 2 465 2 465 1 698 1 897 1 897 590 649 649 86 81 81 Royaume-Un Total Europe 28 830 29 988 30 569 30 215 31 311 31 801 9 162 9 505 9 844 10 548 10 828 11 075 Total Europe Armenia 122 122 122 0 0 0 122 122 122 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 93 93 93 0 0 0 93 93 93 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 5 289 6 123 6 498 6 731 7 146 7 535 299 670 789 1 741 1 692 1 825 Russie Total EECCA 5 504 6 337 6 713 6 731 7 146 7 535 514 884 1 004 1 741 1 692 1 825 Total EOCAC Canada 2 010 1 360 1 227 2 277 1 791 1 748 492 609 621 759 1 041 1 142 Canada United States 5 237 5 408 5 515 4 136 4 465 4 553 1 462 1 334 1 359 361 391 398 Etats-Unis Total North America 7 247 6 768 6 742 6 413 6 257 6 302 1 954 1 943 1 980 1 121 1 432 1 539 Total Amérique du Nord Data are calculated by subtracting OSB from the particleboard/OSB total - les données sont calculées en soustrayant les OSB du total des panneaux de particules et OSB.

Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays

PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) PANNEAUX DE PARTICULES (ne comprennent pas l'OSB)

1000 m3 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Exports - ExportationsCountry

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 10

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 177 212 212 0 0 0 182 220 220 5 8 8 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 21 27 30 9 10 12 12 17 19 0 0 1 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 20 18 18 0 0 0 20 18 18 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 335 260 282 937 745 770 155 165 175 757 650 663 République tchèque Estonia 44 45 45 0 0 0 45 46 46 1 1 1 Estonie Finland 49 49 49 0 0 0 49 49 49 0 0 0 Finlande France 450 440 442 367 367 367 118 109 110 35 35 35 France Germany 1 569 1 640 1 635 1 234 1 250 1 275 846 840 860 511 450 500 Allemagne Hungary 120 124 124 359 332 332 77 60 60 316 268 268 Hongrie Ireland 47 47 47 296 296 296 0 0 0 249 249 249 Irlande Italy 302 302 302 100 100 100 231 231 231 29 29 29 Italie Latvia 116 70 70 698 650 650 71 70 70 653 650 650 Lettonie Luxembourg 76 76 76 338 338 338 7 7 7 269 269 269 Luxembourg Montenegro 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 167 185 185 0 0 0 171 190 190 4 5 5 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 11 11 11 0 0 0 11 11 11 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 666 710 750 833 930 980 246 200 220 413 420 450 Pologne Portugal 36 33 37 0 0 0 37 35 38 1 2 1 Portugal Serbia 62 66 69 0 0 0 66 70 73 4 4 4 Serbie Slovakia 91 90 90 0 0 0 91 90 90 1 0 0 Slovaquie Slovenia 34 39 38 0 0 0 35 42 40 1 3 2 Slovénie Spain 11 4 7 2 3 3 34 37 38 25 37 34 Espagne Sweden 140 125 125 0 0 0 146 130 130 6 5 5 Suède Switzerland 90 90 90 0 0 0 90 90 90 0 0 0 Suisse Turkey 170 170 170 75 75 75 101 101 101 6 6 6 Turquie United Kingdom 852 901 901 598 598 598 414 455 455 160 152 152 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 5 659 5 737 5 808 5 846 5 695 5 797 3 260 3 286 3 344 3 447 3 244 3 332 Total Europe Armenia 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Arménie Belarus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bélarus Moldova 34 34 34 0 0 0 34 34 34 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 1 615 1 078 1 260 1 626 1 627 1 953 351 176 140 362 725 833 Russie Total EECCA 1 653 1 116 1 298 1 626 1 627 1 953 389 213 178 362 725 834 Total EOCAC Canada 1 501 1 410 1 341 6 629 7 156 7 199 123 121 120 5 251 5 866 5 978 Canada United States 18 584 19 345 19 723 13 713 14 088 14 366 5 066 5 459 5 561 195 201 204 Etats-Unis Total North America 20 085 20 756 21 064 20 342 21 243 21 565 5 188 5 580 5 681 5 446 6 068 6 183 Total Amérique du Nord

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays

ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


1000 m3

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 11

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 436 454 467 576 650 652 339 361 373 479 557 558 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 107 119 125 7 9 10 101 110 117 0 0 2 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 15 16 16 0 0 0 15 16 16 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 290 194 202 44 45 46 493 406 415 247 256 259 République tchèque Estonia 56 57 57 65 65 65 69 75 75 78 83 83 Estonie Finland 164 150 150 49 49 49 156 148 148 42 47 47 Finlande France 624 794 995 912 1 061 1 161 1 013 1 055 1 058 1 301 1 322 1 224 France Germany 4 097 4 155 4 235 5 801 5 850 5 900 1 784 1 835 1 940 3 488 3 530 3 605 Allemagne Hungary 409 409 409 451 451 451 167 167 167 209 209 209 Hongrie Ireland 168 109 109 512 512 512 102 115 115 445 518 518 Irlande Italy 1 403 1 417 1 417 827 827 827 796 926 926 220 337 337 Italie Latvia 35 32 32 0 0 0 57 53 53 22 21 21 Lettonie Luxembourg 47 47 47 147 147 147 19 19 19 119 119 119 Luxembourg Malta 6 7 8 0 0 0 6 7 8 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 14 14 14 0 0 0 14 14 14 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 463 469 469 29 29 29 541 585 585 107 145 145 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 53 53 53 0 0 0 53 53 53 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 3 676 3 855 4 055 4 844 4 960 5 110 851 875 945 2 019 1 980 2 000 Pologne Portugal 382 391 386 443 453 457 320 323 326 382 385 397 Portugal Serbia 124 133 134 24 26 27 134 143 145 34 36 38 Serbie Slovakia 201 210 210 0 0 0 224 230 230 23 20 20 Slovaquie Slovenia 23 23 23 118 128 128 49 71 60 144 176 165 Slovénie Spain 1 038 1 012 1 138 1 535 1 714 1 874 371 444 465 869 1 146 1 201 Espagne Sweden 268 307 295 0 0 0 347 390 375 78 83 80 Suède Switzerland 272 292 302 192 205 210 263 266 266 183 179 174 Suisse Turkey 4 623 4 623 4 623 4 835 4 835 4 835 74 74 74 286 286 286 Turquie United Kingdom 1 475 1 487 1 487 656 656 656 879 889 889 59 58 58 Royaume-Un Total Europe 20 470 20 828 21 457 22 067 22 672 23 146 9 238 9 650 9 857 10 835 11 494 11 546 Total Europe Armenia 63 63 63 0 0 0 63 63 63 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 37 37 37 0 0 0 37 37 37 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 2 802 3 415 3 674 3 581 4 301 4 635 459 591 637 1 238 1 476 1 597 Russie Total EECCA 2 902 3 515 3 775 3 581 4 301 4 635 559 691 737 1 238 1 476 1 597 Total EOCAC Canada 1 219 1 573 1 583 1 290 1 340 1 340 761 1 066 1 074 832 832 831 Canada United States 8 244 8 244 8 244 6 058 6 058 6 058 2 876 2 876 2 876 690 690 690 Etats-Unis Total North America 9 463 9 818 9 827 7 348 7 398 7 398 3 638 3 942 3 951 1 523 1 522 1 521 Total Amérique du Nord

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays

FIBREBOARD Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


1000 m3

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 12

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 35 30 32 66 70 72 18 17 18 49 57 58 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 11 13 16 1 1 1 10 12 15 0 0 0 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 6 55 57 0 0 0 55 67 68 49 11 11 République tchèque Estonia 26 25 25 0 0 0 28 30 30 3 5 5 Estonie Finland 33 24 24 49 49 49 21 18 18 37 43 43 Finlande France -135 -135 -135 87 87 87 225 225 225 447 447 447 France Germany 203 205 210 0 0 0 231 235 240 28 30 30 Allemagne Hungary 27 27 27 2 2 2 35 35 35 10 10 10 Hongrie Ireland 22 20 20 0 0 0 22 20 20 0 0 0 Irlande Italy 109 109 109 16 16 16 105 105 105 12 12 12 Italie Latvia 13 13 13 0 0 0 15 15 15 2 2 2 Lettonie Luxembourg 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 43 45 45 0 0 0 64 65 65 21 20 20 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland -157 -80 -10 91 110 110 151 160 180 398 350 300 Pologne Portugal 21 28 25 12 19 20 28 29 30 19 20 25 Portugal Serbia 35 39 40 24 26 27 30 33 34 19 20 21 Serbie Slovakia 22 20 20 0 0 0 23 20 20 1 0 0 Slovaquie Slovenia 1 2 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 8 7 7 Slovénie Spain -4 13 12 32 40 41 34 50 48 70 77 77 Espagne Sweden 71 70 69 0 0 0 81 82 80 10 12 11 Suède Switzerland 13 13 13 0 0 0 21 21 21 8 8 8 Suisse Turkey 7 7 7 0 0 0 57 57 57 50 50 50 Turquie United Kingdom 96 96 96 0 0 0 101 101 101 4 4 4 Royaume-Un Total Europe 517 659 736 380 420 425 1 384 1 425 1 453 1 246 1 186 1 142 Total Europe Armenia 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 16 16 16 0 0 0 16 16 16 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 322 390 350 370 450 400 100 100 100 148 160 150 Russie Total EECCA 341 409 369 370 450 400 119 119 119 148 160 150 Total EOCAC Canada 63 81 75 90 90 90 65 93 93 92 102 108 Canada United States 211 211 211 212 212 212 238 238 238 239 239 239 Etats-Unis Total North America 274 292 286 302 302 302 303 331 331 331 341 347 Total Amérique du Nord


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays


1000 m3

Exports - ExportationsCountry

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Production Imports - Importations

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 13

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 255 259 260 510 580 580 170 174 175 425 495 495 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 88 94 96 5 6 7 83 88 90 0 0 1 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 12 13 13 0 0 0 12 13 13 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 198 87 91 44 45 46 253 154 158 99 112 113 République tchèque Estonia 22 23 23 0 0 0 38 41 41 16 18 18 Estonie Finland 111 106 106 0 0 0 115 110 110 4 4 4 Finlande France 706 859 1 060 751 900 1 000 716 757 760 761 798 700 France Germany 2 314 2 325 2 375 4 600 4 625 4 650 593 600 650 2 879 2 900 2 925 Allemagne Hungary 355 355 355 430 430 430 117 117 117 193 193 193 Hongrie Ireland 74 89 89 438 438 438 80 95 95 445 445 445 Irlande Italy 1 229 1 243 1 243 809 809 809 627 757 757 207 323 323 Italie Latvia 21 18 18 0 0 0 23 20 20 2 2 2 Lettonie Luxembourg 37 37 37 147 147 147 9 9 9 119 119 119 Luxembourg Malta 5 5 6 0 0 0 5 5 6 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 6 6 6 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 318 315 315 0 0 0 399 435 435 81 120 120 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 12 12 12 0 0 0 12 12 12 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 3 209 3 300 3 400 3 178 3 250 3 350 684 700 750 653 650 700 Pologne Portugal 360 362 362 423 425 428 280 282 284 343 345 350 Portugal Serbia 85 89 89 0 0 0 100 105 106 15 16 17 Serbie Slovakia 119 120 120 0 0 0 140 140 140 21 20 20 Slovaquie Slovenia 17 16 16 118 128 128 32 54 43 132 166 155 Slovénie Spain 994 950 1 077 1 448 1 617 1 775 326 379 402 780 1 047 1 100 Espagne Sweden 181 220 211 0 0 0 238 280 270 57 60 59 Suède Switzerland 90 105 110 192 205 210 73 70 65 175 170 165 Suisse Turkey 4 669 4 669 4 669 4 775 4 775 4 775 17 17 17 123 123 123 Turquie United Kingdom 1 315 1 327 1 327 656 656 656 710 720 720 51 49 49 Royaume-Un Total Europe 16 801 17 002 17 485 18 524 19 037 19 430 5 859 6 141 6 251 7 582 8 175 8 197 Total Europe Armenia 57 57 57 0 0 0 57 57 57 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 21 21 21 0 0 0 21 21 21 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 2 448 2 993 3 292 3 199 3 839 4 223 329 461 507 1 080 1 307 1 437 Russie Total EECCA 2 527 3 071 3 371 3 199 3 839 4 223 408 539 585 1 080 1 307 1 438 Total EOCAC Canada 1 041 1 327 1 343 1 100 1 150 1 150 569 793 797 628 615 604 Canada United States 4 836 4 836 4 836 2 667 2 667 2 667 2 453 2 453 2 453 284 284 284 Etats-Unis Total North America 5 877 6 163 6 179 3 767 3 817 3 817 3 022 3 246 3 251 912 899 889 Total Amérique du Nord


Country Production Imports - Importations

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays

1000 m3

Exports - Exportations

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 14

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 146 165 175 0 0 0 151 170 180 5 5 5 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 8 12 13 1 2 2 8 10 12 0 0 1 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 86 52 54 0 0 0 185 185 189 99 133 135 République tchèque Estonia 9 9 9 65 65 65 3 4 4 59 60 60 Estonie Finland 20 20 20 0 0 0 20 20 20 0 0 0 Finlande France 53 70 70 74 74 74 72 73 73 93 77 77 France Germany 1 580 1 625 1 650 1 201 1 225 1 250 961 1 000 1 050 581 600 650 Allemagne Hungary 28 28 28 19 19 19 15 15 15 6 6 6 Hongrie Ireland 73 0 0 73 73 73 0 0 0 0 73 73 Irlande Italy 65 65 65 3 3 3 65 65 65 2 2 2 Italie Latvia 1 1 1 0 0 0 19 18 18 18 17 17 Lettonie Luxembourg 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Luxembourg Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 6 6 6 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 102 109 109 29 29 29 78 85 85 5 5 5 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 32 32 32 0 0 0 32 32 32 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 624 635 665 1 575 1 600 1 650 17 15 15 968 980 1 000 Pologne Portugal 0 1 -1 8 9 9 12 12 12 19 20 22 Portugal Serbia 4 5 5 0 0 0 4 5 5 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 60 70 70 0 0 0 60 70 70 0 0 0 Slovaquie Slovenia 5 5 5 0 0 0 8 8 8 3 3 3 Slovénie Spain 48 49 49 55 57 58 11 15 15 18 23 24 Espagne Sweden 16 17 15 0 0 0 28 28 25 12 11 10 Suède Switzerland 169 174 179 0 0 0 169 175 180 1 1 1 Suisse Turkey -53 -53 -53 60 60 60 0 0 0 113 113 113 Turquie United Kingdom 64 64 64 0 0 0 68 68 68 4 4 4 Royaume-Un Total Europe 3 152 3 167 3 236 3 163 3 215 3 291 1 996 2 085 2 153 2 007 2 133 2 208 Total Europe Armenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 32 32 32 12 12 12 30 30 30 10 10 10 Russie Total EECCA 35 35 35 12 12 12 32 32 32 10 10 10 Total EOCAC Canada 115 165 166 100 100 100 127 180 184 112 115 118 Canada United States 3 197 3 197 3 197 3 179 3 179 3 179 185 185 185 167 167 167 Etats-Unis Total North America 3 312 3 362 3 363 3 279 3 279 3 279 312 365 369 279 282 285 Total Amérique du Nord

Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays


1000 m3 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Exports - ExportationsCountry

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 15

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 2 158 2 300 2 330 2 022 2 020 2 100 578 680 680 442 400 450 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 111 118 118 70 75 76 41 43 42 0 0 0 Bosnie-Herzegovine Czech Republic 805 831 772 594 591 611 253 240 250 42 0 89 République tchèque Estonia 81 70 70 231 250 250 47 50 50 198 230 230 Estonie Finland a 6 411 6 802 6 616 10 520 11 318 11 331 224 220 220 4 333 4 736 4 935 Finlande a

France 2 918 2 927 2 800 1 620 1 650 1 600 1 745 1 726 1 700 447 449 500 France Germany 5 015 5 167 5 178 2 255 2 267 2 278 3 952 4 000 4 000 1 192 1 100 1 100 Allemagne Hungary 195 177 177 51 33 33 147 145 145 4 2 2 Hongrie Ireland 41 45 45 0 0 0 41 45 45 0 0 0 Irlande Italy 3 416 3 416 3 416 223 223 223 3 271 3 271 3 271 77 77 77 Italie Latvia 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Lettonie Luxembourg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg Netherlands 1 137 1 057 737 37 37 37 1 782 1 900 1 500 682 880 800 Pays-Bas Poland 2 709 2 750 2 810 1 717 1 730 1 750 1 152 1 180 1 230 159 160 170 Pologne Portugal 1 506 1 615 1 650 2 683 2 700 2 750 143 145 150 1 320 1 230 1 250 Portugal Serbia 86 88 90 0 0 0 86 88 90 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 537 550 550 687 675 675 162 175 175 312 300 300 Slovaquie Slovenia 367 353 347 91 83 85 289 275 270 13 5 8 Slovénie Spain 1 847 1 837 1 933 1 730 1 798 1 923 1 047 1 088 1 209 929 1 049 1 199 Espagne Sweden 8 437 8 460 8 260 12 034 12 100 11 850 653 610 610 4 250 4 250 4 200 Suède Switzerland 171 160 160 72 70 70 99 90 90 0 0 0 Suisse Turkey 1 381 989 1 138 70 70 70 1 442 1 050 1 200 131 131 132 Turquie United Kingdom 971 924 924 220 220 220 768 721 721 17 17 17 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 40 301 40 637 40 122 36 927 37 909 37 932 17 924 17 744 17 650 14 549 15 016 15 459 Total Europe Russia 6 532 6 548 6 677 8 765 8 853 9 030 211 213 215 2 444 2 517 2 568 Russie Total EECCA 6 532 6 548 6 677 8 765 8 853 9 030 211 213 215 2 444 2 517 2 568 Total EOCAC Canada 5 731 6 411 6 547 14 109 14 198 13 702 640 1 109 1 555 9 018 8 896 8 710 Canada United States 48 726 48 750 48 763 50 871 50 895 50 907 5 661 5 664 5 665 7 806 7 809 7 809 Etats-Unis Total North America 54 457 55 161 55 310 64 980 65 093 64 609 6 301 6 773 7 220 16 825 16 705 16 519 Total Amérique du Nord

a imports exclude dissolving pulp a les importations excluent pâte à dissoudre

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays

WOOD PULP Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


1000 mt

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 16

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 2 111 2 170 2 200 4 719 5 050 5 100 1 275 1 300 1 350 3 882 4 180 4 250 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 154 160 166 167 180 182 99 100 106 113 120 122 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 46 48 48 0 0 0 46 48 48 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 1 451 1 460 1 474 893 904 924 1 436 1 447 1 480 878 891 930 République tchèque Estonia 134 140 140 72 75 75 133 140 140 71 75 75 Estonie Finland 702 740 720 8 210 8 750 8 540 319 320 320 7 827 8 330 8 140 Finlande France 7 904 8 069 8 300 6 873 7 000 7 300 4 487 4 661 4 500 3 456 3 592 3 500 France Germany 18 251 18 660 18 983 21 348 23 060 23 383 9 999 10 000 10 000 13 096 14 400 14 400 Allemagne Hungary 928 944 944 864 861 861 841 852 852 777 769 769 Hongrie Ireland 422 410 415 60 65 70 388 370 375 26 25 30 Irlande Italy 10 204 10 204 10 204 8 514 8 514 8 514 4 773 4 773 4 773 3 083 3 083 3 083 Italie Latvia 163 160 160 25 30 30 170 170 170 32 40 40 Lettonie Luxembourg 25 25 25 0 0 0 31 31 31 6 6 6 Luxembourg Malta 26 23 24 0 0 0 26 23 24 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 2 608 2 670 2 670 2 869 2 870 2 870 2 278 2 300 2 300 2 539 2 500 2 500 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 79 79 79 28 28 28 68 68 68 16 16 16 Macédoine du Nord Poland 7 332 7 400 7 500 5 129 5 250 5 350 4 677 4 700 4 750 2 474 2 550 2 600 Pologne Portugal 1 007 1 050 990 1 900 2 000 2 030 858 850 860 1 751 1 800 1 900 Portugal Serbia 727 733 737 577 580 583 452 456 459 302 303 305 Serbie Slovakia 476 600 600 758 900 950 427 400 400 709 700 750 Slovaquie Slovenia 833 730 680 706 650 600 757 710 710 630 630 630 Slovénie Spain 6 483 6 541 6 390 6 269 6 473 6 477 2 734 2 823 2 917 2 520 2 756 3 004 Espagne Sweden 1 428 1 195 1 090 9 333 9 130 8 800 656 665 650 8 561 8 600 8 360 Suède Switzerland 1 050 1 050 1 055 1 168 1 170 1 175 621 610 600 739 730 720 Suisse Turkey 4 489 4 489 4 489 2 800 2 800 2 800 2 505 2 505 2 505 816 816 816 Turquie United Kingdom 7 321 7 207 7 225 3 631 3 600 3 550 4 439 4 325 4 375 749 718 700 Royaume-Un Total Europe 76 362 76 966 77 318 86 911 89 940 90 192 44 504 44 656 44 772 55 053 57 630 57 646 Total Europe Armenia 61 61 61 21 21 21 41 41 41 0 0 0 Arménie Moldova 44 44 44 8 8 8 39 39 39 2 2 2 Moldova Russia 7 116 7 615 7 952 9 527 10 194 10 704 1 191 1 167 1 143 3 601 3 745 3 895 Russie Total EECCA 7 222 7 721 8 057 9 556 10 223 10 733 1 270 1 246 1 223 3 604 3 748 3 898 Total EOCAC Canada 4 720 4 715 4 572 8 352 8 604 8 379 2 362 2 474 2 406 5 994 6 363 6 213 Canada United States 63 567 66 128 67 399 66 239 68 536 70 152 7 642 7 832 7 870 10 314 10 240 10 623 Etats-Unis Total North America 68 287 70 843 71 971 74 591 77 140 78 532 10 003 10 306 10 276 16 308 16 603 16 836 Total Amérique du Nord

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays

PAPER AND PAPERBOARD Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


1000 mt

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 17

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 11 462 12 924 13 110 8 504 9 732 9 830 2 958 3 192 3 280 0 0 0 5 327 5 111 5 200 16 790 18 035 18 310 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 2 819 2 806 2 848 2 031 2 016 2 050 614 624 626 174 166 172 1 484 1 502 1 496 4 303 4 308 4 344 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 7 9 9 9 Chypre Czech Republic 29 152 21 353 18 590 20 678 13 107 10 325 8 359 8 133 8 150 115 113 115 6 717 7 160 7 210 35 869 28 513 25 800 République tchèque Estonia 6 502 6 100 6 100 4 134 3 900 3 900 2 316 2 150 2 150 52 50 50 4 136 3 830 3 830 10 637 9 930 9 930 Estonie Finland 51 530 56 946 57 515 22 479 25 857 25 679 29 051 31 089 31 836 0 0 0 8 893 8 893 8 893 60 423 65 839 66 407 Finlande France 24 259 25 840 25 080 15 965 17 400 16 700 7 793 7 900 7 800 501 540 580 23 444 24 500 25 700 47 703 50 340 50 780 France Germany 61 790 62 377 61 177 48 213 48 900 47 300 13 503 13 400 13 800 74 77 77 22 261 21 300 21 300 84 051 83 677 82 477 Allemagne Hungary 2 457 2 796 2 796 1 155 1 257 1 257 902 919 919 400 619 619 2 516 2 672 2 672 4 972 5 468 5 468 Hongrie Ireland 3 695 3 542 3 772 2 350 2 485 2 647 1 197 877 934 148 180 192 286 232 247 3 981 3 774 4 019 Irlande Italy 5 002 5 002 5 002 3 352 3 352 3 352 1 018 1 018 1 018 632 632 632 10 839 10 839 10 839 15 841 15 841 15 841 Italie Latvia 12 727 12 350 12 350 7 379 7 400 7 400 4 123 3 850 3 850 1 225 1 100 1 100 2 620 2 580 2 580 15 347 14 930 14 930 Lettonie Luxembourg 291 340 332 81 88 86 104 166 160 106 86 86 59 77 73 350 416 405 Luxembourg Montenegro 299 150 234 249 124 187 43 22 42 7 4 5 49 25 37 348 174 271 Monténégro Netherlands 662 725 725 214 260 260 402 420 420 46 45 45 2 323 2 325 2 325 2 985 3 050 3 050 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 125 125 125 114 114 114 0 0 0 11 11 11 610 610 610 735 735 735 Macédoine du Nord Poland 35 879 37 290 38 050 16 913 17 200 17 400 18 355 19 400 19 900 612 690 750 4 713 4 800 4 900 40 593 42 090 42 950 Pologne Portugal 11 803 12 316 12 190 1 916 2 066 1 980 9 540 9 900 9 850 347 350 360 1 618 1 500 1 560 13 422 13 816 13 750 Portugal Serbia 1 782 1 806 1 830 1 217 1 230 1 238 388 396 408 177 180 184 6 454 6 550 6 705 8 236 8 356 8 535 Serbie Slovakia 6 924 7 185 7 435 3 913 4 100 4 250 2 984 3 050 3 150 26 35 35 524 525 575 7 448 7 710 8 010 Slovaquie Slovenia 2 818 2 383 2 476 1 971 1 600 1 700 797 720 720 50 63 56 1 074 1 070 1 070 3 891 3 453 3 546 Slovénie Spain 13 881 14 462 14 848 4 114 4 241 4 438 9 431 9 740 9 901 336 481 509 1 615 1 648 1 758 15 496 16 110 16 606 Espagne Sweden 69 000 71 000 70 400 37 200 38 400 37 600 31 500 32 300 32 500 300 300 300 5 400 5 600 5 600 74 400 76 600 76 000 Suède Switzerland 2 807 2 933 3 003 2 322 2 440 2 500 482 490 500 3 3 3 1 845 1 890 1 960 4 652 4 823 4 963 Suisse Turkey 24 474 24 790 24 790 10 889 11 000 11 000 12 447 12 650 12 650 1 138 1 140 1 140 5 396 5 856 5 856 29 870 30 646 30 646 Turquie United Kingdom 8 009 8 636 8 636 5 892 6 475 6 475 1 632 1 632 1 632 485 528 528 2 429 2 429 2 429 10 438 11 065 11 065 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 390 151 396 178 393 415 223 248 224 746 219 670 159 938 164 038 166 197 6 965 7 393 7 549 122 638 123 531 125 432 512 789 519 708 518 848 Total Europe Armenia 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 546 1 546 1 546 1 550 1 550 1 550 Arménie Moldova 45 45 45 31 31 31 0 0 0 14 14 14 1 219 1 219 1 219 1 264 1 264 1 264 Moldova Russia 201 891 205 132 198 720 135 325 137 274 132 286 48 954 50 070 49 541 17 612 17 788 16 894 15 109 15 260 14 805 217 000 220 392 213 525 Russie Total EECCA 201 941 205 182 198 769 135 356 137 305 132 317 48 954 50 070 49 541 17 630 17 806 16 912 17 873 18 024 17 569 219 814 223 206 216 338 Total EOCAC Canada 130 430 125 381 125 381 116 298 111 984 111 984 12 278 11 544 11 544 1 853 1 853 1 853 1 750 1 750 1 750 132 180 127 132 127 132 Canada United States 369 175 380 381 383 613 180 237 191 345 194 529 175 722 175 805 175 846 13 215 13 230 13 238 60 525 60 588 60 622 429 700 440 969 444 235 Etats-Unis Total North America 499 604 505 762 508 995 296 536 303 330 306 513 188 000 187 349 187 390 15 069 15 083 15 091 62 276 62 338 62 372 561 880 568 101 571 367 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Bois de trituration a


Autre b Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Total PaysCountry Grumes

LogsTotal Pulpwood a Other b

Industrial wood - Bois industriels



1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 18

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 10 587 11 920 12 100 8 229 9 410 9 500 2 358 2 510 2 600 0 0 0 3 359 3 067 3 200 13 946 14 987 15 300 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 2 120 2 097 2 133 1 417 1 390 1 420 559 567 570 144 140 143 5 7 6 2 125 2 104 2 139 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 6 7 8 8 Chypre Czech Republic 28 432 20 624 17 850 20 286 12 716 9 942 8 036 7 799 7 798 110 109 110 6 165 6 615 6 675 34 597 27 239 24 525 République tchèque Estonia 4 434 4 200 4 200 3 259 3 100 3 100 1 148 1 075 1 075 27 25 25 1 426 1 330 1 330 5 861 5 530 5 530 Estonie Finland 43 228 48 622 48 806 21 593 24 690 24 512 21 635 23 931 24 294 0 0 0 4 304 4 304 4 304 47 532 52 926 53 110 Finlande France 16 361 17 840 16 860 11 669 13 000 12 000 4 479 4 600 4 600 213 240 260 2 344 2 500 2 700 18 705 20 340 19 560 France Germany 56 362 57 175 56 075 45 700 46 500 45 000 10 590 10 600 11 000 72 75 75 9 005 8 500 8 500 65 366 65 675 64 575 Allemagne Hungary 858 832 832 169 159 159 596 542 542 94 130 130 142 116 116 1 000 948 948 Hongrie Ireland 3 692 3 532 3 762 2 347 2 475 2 636 1 197 877 934 148 180 192 276 120 128 3 968 3 652 3 889 Irlande Italy 4 125 4 125 4 125 2 792 2 792 2 792 853 853 853 480 480 480 1 180 1 180 1 180 5 305 5 305 5 305 Italie Latvia 8 407 8 100 8 100 5 476 5 400 5 400 2 241 2 100 2 100 690 600 600 285 280 280 8 692 8 380 8 380 Lettonie Luxembourg 209 169 169 63 51 51 40 32 32 106 86 86 37 30 30 246 198 199 Luxembourg Montenegro 167 84 136 148 74 111 17 9 23 2 1 2 5 3 4 172 87 139 Monténégro Netherlands 446 475 475 154 180 180 255 260 260 37 35 35 423 425 425 869 900 900 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 51 51 51 41 41 41 0 0 0 10 10 10 26 26 26 77 77 77 Macédoine du Nord Poland 28 625 29 550 29 800 14 167 14 400 14 500 13 886 14 500 14 600 572 650 700 2 297 2 350 2 400 30 922 31 900 32 200 Pologne Portugal 3 974 4 316 4 190 1 696 1 866 1 800 2 130 2 300 2 230 147 150 160 422 400 410 4 396 4 716 4 600 Portugal Serbia 372 381 390 229 235 240 94 96 98 49 50 52 142 150 155 514 531 545 Serbie Slovakia 3 776 3 925 4 025 2 598 2 700 2 750 1 157 1 200 1 250 21 25 25 259 250 300 4 035 4 175 4 325 Slovaquie Slovenia 1 985 1 445 1 595 1 624 1 200 1 300 346 230 280 15 15 15 121 120 120 2 106 1 565 1 715 Slovénie Spain 6 836 7 224 7 522 3 150 3 276 3 473 3 489 3 665 3 751 197 282 298 483 516 626 7 319 7 740 8 148 Espagne Sweden 62 550 64 450 63 750 37 000 38 200 37 400 25 400 26 100 26 200 150 150 150 2 700 2 800 2 800 65 250 67 250 66 550 Suède Switzerland 2 403 2 512 2 567 2 093 2 200 2 250 308 310 315 2 2 2 786 790 810 3 189 3 302 3 377 Suisse Turkey 15 721 15 925 15 925 7 429 7 500 7 500 7 222 7 350 7 350 1 070 1 075 1 075 2 756 2 756 2 756 18 477 18 681 18 681 Turquie United Kingdom 7 896 8 523 8 523 5 829 6 412 6 412 1 630 1 630 1 630 436 480 480 1 817 1 817 1 817 9 713 10 339 10 339 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 313 618 318 097 313 962 199 160 199 969 194 471 109 665 113 137 114 386 4 793 4 990 5 105 40 770 40 456 41 103 354 388 358 553 355 065 Total Europe Armenia 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 Arménie Moldova 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 3 3 Moldova Russia 161 011 162 621 153 754 120 439 121 644 115 562 33 289 33 622 31 941 7 283 7 356 6 252 10 752 10 859 10 316 171 763 173 480 164 071 Russie Total EECCA 161 016 162 626 153 759 120 440 121 645 115 563 33 289 33 622 31 941 7 287 7 360 6 256 10 754 10 861 10 318 171 770 173 487 164 078 Total EOCAC Canada 107 661 103 728 103 728 103 717 100 117 100 117 3 804 3 470 3 470 140 140 140 805 805 805 108 466 104 533 104 533 Canada United States 293 023 296 554 299 112 147 988 151 442 153 962 133 458 133 521 133 552 11 578 11 591 11 598 26 345 26 374 26 390 319 368 322 928 325 502 Etats-Unis Total North America 400 685 400 282 402 839 251 705 251 559 254 079 137 262 136 992 137 023 11 718 11 731 11 738 27 150 27 179 27 195 427 834 427 461 430 034 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Pulpwood a Other b Industrial wood - Bois industriels



1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Bois de trituration a


Autre b Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Total PaysCountry Grumes


UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 19

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 876 1 004 1 010 275 322 330 600 682 680 0 0 0 1 968 2 044 2 000 2 843 3 048 3 010 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 699 709 715 614 626 630 55 57 56 30 26 29 1 479 1 495 1 490 2 178 2 204 2 205 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chypre Czech Republic 720 729 740 392 391 383 323 334 352 5 4 5 552 545 535 1 272 1 274 1 275 République tchèque Estonia 2 068 1 900 1 900 875 800 800 1 168 1 075 1 075 25 25 25 2 709 2 500 2 500 4 777 4 400 4 400 Estonie Finland 8 302 8 324 8 708 886 1 167 1 167 7 416 7 158 7 542 0 0 0 4 589 4 589 4 589 12 891 12 913 13 297 Finlande France 7 898 8 000 8 220 4 296 4 400 4 700 3 314 3 300 3 200 288 300 320 21 100 22 000 23 000 28 998 30 000 31 220 France Germany 5 428 5 202 5 102 2 513 2 400 2 300 2 913 2 800 2 800 2 2 2 13 257 12 800 12 800 18 685 18 002 17 902 Allemagne Hungary 1 598 1 964 1 964 986 1 098 1 098 306 377 377 306 489 489 2 374 2 557 2 557 3 972 4 520 4 520 Hongrie Ireland 3 10 11 3 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 112 119 13 122 130 Irlande Italy 877 877 877 560 560 560 166 166 166 152 152 152 9 659 9 659 9 659 10 536 10 536 10 536 Italie Latvia 4 320 4 250 4 250 1 903 2 000 2 000 1 882 1 750 1 750 535 500 500 2 335 2 300 2 300 6 655 6 550 6 550 Lettonie Luxembourg 82 171 163 18 37 35 64 134 128 0 0 0 22 47 43 104 218 206 Luxembourg Montenegro 132 66 99 101 50 76 26 13 19 5 3 4 44 22 33 176 88 132 Monténégro Netherlands 216 250 250 60 80 80 147 160 160 9 10 10 1 900 1 900 1 900 2 116 2 150 2 150 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 74 74 74 73 73 73 0 0 0 1 1 1 584 584 584 658 658 658 Macédoine du Nord Poland 7 254 7 740 8 250 2 747 2 800 2 900 4 468 4 900 5 300 40 40 50 2 416 2 450 2 500 9 670 10 190 10 750 Pologne Portugal 7 830 8 000 8 000 220 200 180 7 410 7 600 7 620 200 200 200 1 196 1 100 1 150 9 026 9 100 9 150 Portugal Serbia 1 410 1 425 1 440 988 995 998 294 300 310 128 130 132 6 312 6 400 6 550 7 722 7 825 7 990 Serbie Slovakia 3 148 3 260 3 410 1 316 1 400 1 500 1 828 1 850 1 900 5 10 10 265 275 275 3 413 3 535 3 685 Slovaquie Slovenia 833 938 881 348 400 400 450 490 440 35 48 41 952 950 950 1 785 1 888 1 831 Slovénie Spain 7 045 7 239 7 326 964 965 965 5 942 6 074 6 150 139 199 211 1 132 1 132 1 132 8 177 8 371 8 458 Espagne Sweden 6 450 6 550 6 650 200 200 200 6 100 6 200 6 300 150 150 150 2 700 2 800 2 800 9 150 9 350 9 450 Suède Switzerland 404 421 436 229 240 250 174 180 185 1 1 1 1 059 1 100 1 150 1 463 1 521 1 586 Suisse Turkey 8 753 8 865 8 865 3 460 3 500 3 500 5 225 5 300 5 300 68 65 65 2 640 3 100 3 100 11 393 11 965 11 965 Turquie United Kingdom 113 113 113 63 63 63 2 2 2 48 48 48 613 613 613 726 726 726 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 76 532 78 080 79 454 24 088 24 777 25 199 50 273 50 901 51 811 2 171 2 402 2 444 81 868 83 074 84 330 158 401 161 155 163 783 Total Europe Armenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 546 1 546 1 546 1 546 1 546 1 546 Arménie Moldova 44 44 44 30 30 30 0 0 0 14 14 14 1 217 1 217 1 217 1 261 1 261 1 261 Moldova Russia 40 880 42 511 44 965 14 886 15 630 16 724 15 665 16 449 17 600 10 329 10 433 10 641 4 357 4 401 4 489 45 237 46 912 49 454 Russie Total EECCA 40 925 42 556 45 010 14 916 15 660 16 754 15 665 16 449 17 600 10 343 10 447 10 655 7 120 7 163 7 251 48 044 49 719 52 261 Total EOCAC Canada 22 768 21 654 21 654 12 581 11 867 11 867 8 474 8 073 8 073 1 713 1 713 1 713 946 946 946 23 714 22 599 22 599 Canada United States 76 151 83 827 84 502 32 250 39 903 40 567 42 264 42 284 42 294 1 638 1 639 1 640 34 180 34 214 34 232 110 332 118 041 118 734 Etats-Unis Total North America 98 920 105 481 106 155 44 831 51 771 52 435 50 738 50 358 50 368 3 351 3 352 3 353 35 126 35 160 35 178 134 046 140 640 141 333 Total Amérique du Nord

a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration

b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc. c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées

used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Bois de trituration a


Autre b Wood fuel c

Bois de chauffage c Total PaysCountry Grumes

LogsTotal Pulpwood a Other b

Industrial wood - Bois industriels



1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 20

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 16 525 17 280 17 550 8 229 9 410 9 500 8 705 8 320 8 500 409 450 450 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 1 459 1 433 1 469 1 417 1 390 1 420 57 60 65 15 17 16 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 9 100 8 655 8 790 20 286 12 716 9 942 555 545 560 11 741 4 606 1 712 République tchèque Estonia 3 436 3 470 3 470 3 259 3 100 3 100 259 450 450 82 80 80 Estonie Finland 21 577 24 602 24 339 21 593 24 690 24 512 322 203 118 338 291 291 Finlande France 11 019 12 370 11 400 11 669 13 000 12 000 184 232 300 834 862 900 France Germany 43 600 42 000 43 000 45 700 46 500 45 000 3 900 3 500 4 000 6 000 8 000 6 000 Allemagne Hungary 169 159 159 169 159 159 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Ireland 2 397 2 525 2 686 2 347 2 475 2 636 300 320 320 250 270 270 Irlande Italy 2 792 2 792 2 792 2 792 2 792 2 792 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 6 183 6 030 6 030 5 476 5 400 5 400 897 850 850 190 220 220 Lettonie Luxembourg 336 324 324 63 51 51 524 524 524 251 251 251 Luxembourg Montenegro 148 74 111 148 74 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 134 188 188 154 180 180 65 83 83 85 75 75 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 41 41 41 41 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 13 685 14 000 14 200 14 167 14 400 14 500 1 227 1 250 1 300 1 709 1 650 1 600 Pologne Portugal 2 099 1 986 1 915 1 696 1 866 1 800 428 150 140 25 30 25 Portugal Serbia 246 254 261 229 235 240 20 22 24 3 3 3 Serbie Slovakia 2 727 3 200 3 250 2 598 2 700 2 750 898 900 900 769 400 400 Slovaquie Slovenia 1 467 1 260 1 300 1 624 1 200 1 300 367 350 320 523 290 320 Slovénie Spain 3 245 3 342 3 634 3 150 3 276 3 473 215 226 381 121 160 220 Espagne Sweden 37 054 38 279 37 479 37 000 38 200 37 400 718 743 743 664 664 664 Suède Switzerland 1 808 1 930 1 995 2 093 2 200 2 250 55 50 55 340 320 310 Suisse Turkey 7 424 7 490 7 490 7 429 7 500 7 500 15 10 10 20 20 20 Turquie United Kingdom 6 051 6 634 6 634 5 829 6 412 6 412 330 330 330 108 108 108 Royaume-Un Total Europe 194 723 200 321 200 509 199 160 199 969 194 471 20 042 19 119 19 973 24 478 18 767 13 935 Total Europe Moldova 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 108 143 109 224 108 110 120 439 121 644 115 562 0 0 0 12 297 12 420 7 452 Russie Total EECCA 108 144 109 225 108 111 120 440 121 645 115 563 0 0 0 12 297 12 420 7 452 Total EOCAC Canada 99 569 94 455 93 946 103 717 100 117 100 117 2 682 2 525 2 612 6 830 8 187 8 783 Canada United States 139 741 144 640 143 529 147 988 151 442 153 962 285 302 320 8 531 7 104 10 752 Etats-Unis Total North America 239 311 239 094 237 475 251 705 251 559 254 079 2 967 2 826 2 931 15 361 15 291 19 535 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption a

Consommation Apparente a Pays


1000 m3 Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Exports - ExportationsCountry

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 21

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 395 452 460 275 322 330 160 180 180 40 50 50 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 614 630 630 614 626 630 9 12 10 9 8 10 Bosnie-Herzegovine Czech Republic 332 320 323 392 391 383 120 120 122 180 191 182 République tchèque Estonia 893 840 840 875 800 800 42 65 65 25 25 25 Estonie Finland 988 1 306 1 167 886 1 167 1 167 103 139 1 0 0 0 Finlande France 3 384 3 499 3 830 4 296 4 400 4 700 110 119 130 1 022 1 020 1 000 France Germany 1 863 1 850 1 790 2 513 2 400 2 300 150 150 140 800 700 650 Allemagne Hungary 986 1 098 1 098 986 1 098 1 098 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Ireland 2 8 9 3 10 11 0 0 0 1 2 2 Irlande Italy 560 560 560 560 560 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 1 674 1 725 1 725 1 903 2 000 2 000 35 25 25 265 300 300 Lettonie Luxembourg 174 193 191 18 37 35 171 171 171 15 15 15 Luxembourg Montenegro 101 50 76 101 50 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 87 115 115 60 80 80 82 90 90 55 55 55 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 73 73 73 73 73 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 2 677 2 730 2 830 2 747 2 800 2 900 80 80 80 150 150 150 Pologne Portugal 885 320 290 220 200 180 696 150 140 30 30 30 Portugal Serbia 973 977 972 988 995 998 25 27 29 40 45 55 Serbie Slovakia 1 387 1 500 1 600 1 316 1 400 1 500 381 400 400 310 300 300 Slovaquie Slovenia 235 263 243 348 400 400 32 43 43 145 180 200 Slovénie Spain 1 001 1 023 1 303 964 965 965 96 102 382 59 44 44 Espagne Sweden 216 223 223 200 200 200 23 23 23 7 0 0 Suède Switzerland 114 125 135 229 240 250 50 45 40 165 160 155 Suisse Turkey 3 486 3 515 3 515 3 460 3 500 3 500 45 30 30 19 15 15 Turquie United Kingdom 120 120 120 63 63 63 66 66 66 9 9 9 Royaume-Un Total Europe 23 219 23 516 24 118 24 088 24 777 25 199 2 476 2 038 2 167 3 345 3 299 3 247 Total Europe Moldova 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 12 486 13 182 14 227 14 886 15 630 16 724 0 0 0 2 400 2 448 2 497 Russie Total EECCA 12 516 13 212 14 257 14 916 15 660 16 754 0 0 0 2 400 2 448 2 497 Total EOCAC Canada 13 545 12 981 12 948 12 581 11 867 11 867 1 018 1 190 1 154 54 76 73 Canada United States 30 257 37 792 38 330 32 250 39 903 40 567 154 159 165 2 147 2 271 2 402 Etats-Unis Total North America 43 802 50 773 51 278 44 831 51 771 52 435 1 172 1 349 1 318 2 201 2 347 2 475 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption a

Consommation Apparente a Pays

HARDWOOD SAWLOGS (total) Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


1000 m3

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 22

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 395 452 460 275 322 330 160 180 180 40 50 50 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 614 630 630 614 626 630 9 12 10 9 8 10 Bosnie-Herzegovine Czech Republic 332 320 323 392 391 383 120 120 122 180 191 182 République tchèque Estonia 893 840 840 875 800 800 42 65 65 25 25 25 Estonie Finland 988 1 306 1 167 886 1 167 1 167 103 139 1 0 0 0 Finlande France 3 351 3 461 3 793 4 296 4 400 4 700 74 78 90 1 019 1 017 997 France Germany 1 857 1 846 1 784 2 513 2 400 2 300 142 141 130 798 695 646 Allemagne Hungary 986 1 098 1 098 986 1 098 1 098 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Ireland 2 8 9 3 10 11 0 0 0 1 2 2 Irlande Italy 560 560 560 560 560 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 1 674 1 725 1 725 1 903 2 000 2 000 35 25 25 265 300 300 Lettonie Luxembourg 159 178 176 18 37 35 156 156 156 15 15 15 Luxembourg Montenegro 101 50 76 101 50 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 83 102 102 60 80 80 68 70 70 45 48 48 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 73 73 73 73 73 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 2 675 2 728 2 828 2 747 2 800 2 900 78 78 78 150 150 150 Pologne Portugal 698 246 221 220 200 180 504 70 65 25 24 24 Portugal Serbia 972 976 971 988 995 998 24 26 28 40 45 55 Serbie Slovakia 1 387 1 500 1 600 1 316 1 400 1 500 381 400 400 310 300 300 Slovaquie Slovenia 235 262 242 348 400 400 32 42 42 145 180 200 Slovénie Spain 994 1 017 1 296 964 965 965 89 95 374 59 43 43 Espagne Sweden 216 223 223 200 200 200 23 23 23 7 0 0 Suède Switzerland 114 125 135 229 240 250 50 45 40 165 160 155 Suisse Turkey 3 486 3 515 3 515 3 460 3 500 3 500 45 30 30 19 15 15 Turquie United Kingdom 96 96 96 63 63 63 42 42 42 9 9 9 Royaume-Un Total Europe 22 940 23 338 23 943 24 088 24 777 25 199 2 176 1 837 1 971 3 324 3 276 3 226 Total Europe Moldova 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 12 486 13 182 14 227 14 886 15 630 16 724 0 0 0 2 400 2 448 2 497 Russie Total EECCA 12 516 13 212 14 257 14 916 15 660 16 754 0 0 0 2 400 2 448 2 497 Total EOCAC Canada 13 546 12 984 12 948 12 581 11 867 11 867 1 018 1 190 1 154 53 73 73 Canada United States 30 256 37 791 38 329 32 250 39 903 40 567 152 158 163 2 146 2 270 2 401 Etats-Unis Total North America 43 802 50 775 51 277 44 831 51 771 52 435 1 170 1 347 1 317 2 199 2 343 2 474 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption a

Consommation Apparente a Pays

HARDWOOD LOGS (temperate) Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


1000 m3

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 23

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 France -33 -38 -37 36 42 40 3 3 3 France Germany -6 -4 -6 8 9 10 2 5 4 Allemagne Luxembourg -15 -15 -15 15 15 15 0 0 0 Luxembourg Netherlands -4 -13 -13 14 20 20 10 7 7 Pays-Bas Poland -1 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pologne Portugal -187 -74 -69 192 80 75 5 6 6 Portugal Serbia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Serbie Slovenia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Slovénie Spain -7 -6 -7 7 8 8 0 1 1 Espagne United Kingdom -24 -24 -24 24 24 24 0 0 0 Royaume-Un Total Europe -279 -178 -175 300 201 196 20 23 21 Total Europe Canada 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 Canada United States -1 -1 -1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Etats-Unis Total North America 0 2 -1 2 2 2 2 4 1 Total Amérique du Nord


Net Trade Commerce Net Pays


1000 m3

Exports - ExportationsCountry

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Production Imports - Importations

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 24

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 15 114 15 232 15 570 10 110 10 642 10 980 5 798 5 730 5 630 794 1 140 1 040 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 928 911 927 881 874 891 99 87 87 51 50 51 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 8 9 9 8 8 8 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 6 297 6 778 6 889 10 087 9 823 9 900 482 558 576 4 272 3 603 3 587 République tchèque Estonia 4 050 3 280 3 280 6 316 5 850 5 850 459 270 270 2 724 2 840 2 840 Estonie Finland 53 097 56 668 56 727 43 221 46 410 47 366 11 047 11 200 10 303 1 171 942 942 Finlande France 23 342 23 959 24 580 22 195 22 900 23 300 3 083 3 093 3 280 1 936 2 034 2 000 France Germany 27 601 26 250 27 690 29 618 30 900 31 300 3 352 2 650 3 140 5 368 7 300 6 750 Allemagne Hungary 1 766 1 936 1 936 1 707 1 843 1 843 134 223 223 75 130 130 Hongrie Ireland 1 961 1 869 1 974 2 082 2 044 2 177 129 200 203 249 375 406 Irlande Italy 5 567 5 567 5 567 4 518 4 518 4 518 1 154 1 154 1 154 105 105 105 Italie Latvia 4 140 3 650 3 650 6 387 6 050 6 050 2 019 1 800 1 800 4 266 4 200 4 200 Lettonie Luxembourg 695 757 751 625 687 681 189 189 189 119 119 119 Luxembourg Malta 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 239 218 238 238 217 237 1 1 1 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 1 145 1 120 1 120 1 355 1 380 1 390 734 730 730 944 990 1 000 Pays-Bas Poland 29 967 30 985 31 835 28 035 29 200 29 800 4 609 4 460 4 410 2 677 2 675 2 375 Pologne Portugal 13 533 13 750 13 782 11 462 11 900 11 870 2 363 2 280 2 382 292 430 470 Portugal Serbia 909 947 976 892 931 958 21 20 22 4 4 4 Serbie Slovakia 3 472 3 800 4 000 4 119 4 200 4 350 1 006 1 000 1 050 1 654 1 400 1 400 Slovaquie Slovenia 834 910 880 1 877 1 870 1 920 494 700 570 1 536 1 660 1 610 Slovénie Spain 11 099 11 684 12 052 12 663 13 217 13 651 557 582 603 2 121 2 116 2 202 Espagne Sweden 59 772 59 734 59 784 52 100 53 300 53 300 8 194 7 127 7 127 522 693 643 Suède Switzerland 1 692 1 713 1 738 1 254 1 280 1 310 631 623 613 193 190 185 Suisse Turkey 13 596 14 027 14 027 13 397 13 600 13 600 202 455 455 3 28 28 Turquie United Kingdom 5 136 5 482 5 482 4 670 4 974 4 974 578 578 578 112 71 71 Royaume-Un Total Europe 285 963 291 237 295 466 269 817 278 619 282 225 47 336 45 712 45 399 31 190 33 094 32 158 Total Europe Moldova 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 58 244 60 273 64 791 73 232 75 562 76 307 104 104 104 15 092 15 393 11 620 Russie Total EECCA 58 246 60 275 64 793 73 233 75 563 76 308 105 105 105 15 092 15 393 11 620 Total EOCAC Canada 34 428 30 819 31 865 31 073 27 434 27 434 4 000 3 969 4 975 645 584 545 Canada United States 228 406 228 659 234 933 233 223 234 181 234 974 190 206 201 5 007 5 728 243 Etats-Unis Total North America 262 835 259 479 266 798 264 296 261 615 262 408 4 191 4 175 5 177 5 652 6 312 788 Total Amérique du Nord

Includes wood residues, chips and particles for all purposes Comprend les dechets de bois, plaquettes et particules pour toute utilisation a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce


Apparent Consumption a


1000 m3

Exports - Exportations



Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Production Imports - ImportationsConsommation Apparente a

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 25

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 4 999 4 750 4 840 2 358 2 510 2 600 2 749 2 500 2 400 108 260 160 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 622 625 623 559 567 570 77 68 65 14 10 12 Bosnie-Herzegovine Czech Republic 4 527 5 000 5 050 8 036 7 799 7 798 263 255 268 3 772 3 054 3 016 République tchèque Estonia 528 475 475 1 148 1 075 1 075 21 40 40 641 640 640 Estonie Finland 21 957 24 401 24 237 21 635 23 931 24 294 1 205 1 238 711 883 768 768 Finlande France 4 622 4 724 4 700 4 479 4 600 4 600 506 561 600 363 438 500 France Germany 10 290 7 600 9 000 10 590 10 600 11 000 2 200 1 500 2 000 2 500 4 500 4 000 Allemagne Hungary 596 542 542 596 542 542 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Ireland 1 117 752 801 1 197 877 934 30 50 53 110 175 186 Irlande Italy 853 853 853 853 853 853 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 1 814 1 750 1 750 2 241 2 100 2 100 306 350 350 733 700 700 Lettonie Luxembourg 40 32 32 40 32 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg Montenegro 17 9 23 17 9 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 142 140 140 255 260 260 82 80 80 195 200 200 Pays-Bas Poland 13 036 13 600 13 950 13 886 14 500 14 600 1 185 1 200 1 250 2 035 2 100 1 900 Pologne Portugal 2 205 2 350 2 272 2 130 2 300 2 230 81 80 82 6 30 40 Portugal Serbia 94 96 98 94 96 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie Slovakia 702 900 950 1 157 1 200 1 250 575 500 500 1 030 800 800 Slovaquie Slovenia 278 310 330 346 230 280 230 310 280 298 230 230 Slovénie Spain 2 931 2 905 2 952 3 489 3 665 3 751 95 100 102 653 860 901 Espagne Sweden 29 055 29 293 29 393 25 400 26 100 26 200 3 931 3 469 3 469 276 276 276 Suède Switzerland 238 240 245 308 310 315 20 20 20 90 90 90 Suisse Turkey 7 224 7 352 7 352 7 222 7 350 7 350 3 3 3 1 1 1 Turquie United Kingdom 1 885 1 885 1 885 1 630 1 630 1 630 283 283 283 29 29 29 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 109 772 110 583 112 492 109 665 113 137 114 386 13 842 12 607 12 556 13 736 15 161 14 449 Total Europe Russia 29 389 29 682 32 041 33 289 33 622 31 941 100 100 100 4 000 4 040 0 Russie Total EECCA 29 389 29 682 32 041 33 289 33 622 31 941 100 100 100 4 000 4 040 0 Total EOCAC Canada 4 432 3 984 4 267 3 804 3 470 3 470 645 518 800 17 4 3 Canada United States 133 463 133 526 133 557 133 458 133 521 133 552 5 5 5 0 0 0 Etats-Unis Total North America 137 895 137 511 137 825 137 262 136 992 137 023 650 523 805 17 4 3 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce


Apparent Consumption a

Consommation Apparente a Pays


1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Exports - ExportationsCountry Production

Softwood Conifères

Imports - Importations

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 26

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 1 210 1 382 1 380 600 682 680 680 780 780 70 80 80 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 61 62 64 55 57 56 13 10 12 7 5 4 Bosnie-Herzegovine Czech Republic 276 293 306 323 334 352 17 18 18 64 59 64 République tchèque Estonia 507 205 205 1 168 1 075 1 075 172 130 130 833 1 000 1 000 Estonie Finland 11 986 11 834 11 801 7 416 7 158 7 542 4 637 4 709 4 292 67 32 32 Finlande France 2 509 2 546 2 480 3 314 3 300 3 200 67 66 80 872 820 800 France Germany 2 663 2 650 2 690 2 913 2 800 2 800 150 150 140 400 300 250 Allemagne Hungary 306 377 377 306 377 377 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie Italy 166 166 166 166 166 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie Latvia 600 400 400 1 882 1 750 1 750 461 350 350 1 743 1 700 1 700 Lettonie Luxembourg 64 134 128 64 134 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg Montenegro 26 13 19 26 13 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 65 50 50 147 160 160 21 20 20 103 130 130 Pays-Bas Poland 4 953 5 385 5 785 4 468 4 900 5 300 560 560 560 75 75 75 Pologne Portugal 8 585 8 300 8 350 7 410 7 600 7 620 1 353 1 000 1 050 178 300 320 Portugal Serbia 293 299 309 294 300 310 0 0 0 1 1 1 Serbie Slovakia 1 788 1 900 2 000 1 828 1 850 1 900 70 150 200 110 100 100 Slovaquie Slovenia 146 140 100 450 490 440 88 130 90 392 480 430 Slovénie Spain 5 267 5 658 5 658 5 942 6 074 6 150 285 291 295 960 707 787 Espagne Sweden 8 641 8 441 8 541 6 100 6 200 6 300 2 558 2 258 2 258 17 17 17 Suède Switzerland 137 143 148 174 180 185 3 3 3 40 40 40 Suisse Turkey 5 225 5 300 5 300 5 225 5 300 5 300 2 2 2 2 2 2 Turquie United Kingdom 17 17 17 2 2 2 16 16 16 0 0 0 Royaume-Un Total Europe 55 490 55 695 56 274 50 273 50 901 51 811 11 152 10 643 10 295 5 935 5 849 5 832 Total Europe Russia 8 465 9 105 10 109 15 665 16 449 17 600 0 0 0 7 200 7 344 7 491 Russie Total EECCA 8 465 9 105 10 109 15 665 16 449 17 600 0 0 0 7 200 7 344 7 491 Total EOCAC Canada 8 112 7 871 7 870 8 474 8 073 8 073 31 28 19 393 231 223 Canada United States 42 217 42 237 42 247 42 264 42 284 42 294 42 42 42 89 89 89 Etats-Unis Total North America 50 329 50 108 50 117 50 738 50 358 50 368 73 70 61 482 320 312 Total Amérique du Nord

a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Hardwood Non-conifères 1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions


Production Imports - Importations


Apparent Consumption a

Consommation Apparente a PaysExports - ExportationsCountry


UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 27

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 8 904 9 100 9 350 7 152 7 450 7 700 2 369 2 450 2 450 616 800 800 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 245 224 240 267 250 265 9 9 10 30 35 35 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 8 9 9 8 8 8 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 1 494 1 485 1 533 1 728 1 690 1 750 202 285 290 436 490 507 République tchèque Estonia 3 015 2 600 2 600 4 000 3 700 3 700 266 100 100 1 251 1 200 1 200 Estonie Finland 19 154 20 432 20 689 14 170 15 321 15 530 5 205 5 254 5 301 221 142 142 Finlande France 16 211 16 690 17 400 14 402 15 000 15 500 2 510 2 465 2 600 701 776 700 France Germany 14 649 16 000 16 000 16 115 17 500 17 500 1 002 1 000 1 000 2 468 2 500 2 500 Allemagne Hungary 864 1 017 1 017 805 924 924 134 223 223 75 130 130 Hongrie Ireland 844 1 117 1 173 885 1 167 1 243 99 150 150 139 200 220 Irlande Italy 4 549 4 549 4 549 3 500 3 500 3 500 1 154 1 154 1 154 105 105 105 Italie Latvia 1 726 1 500 1 500 2 264 2 200 2 200 1 252 1 100 1 100 1 790 1 800 1 800 Lettonie Luxembourg 591 591 591 521 521 521 189 189 189 119 119 119 Luxembourg Malta 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 196 196 196 195 195 195 1 1 1 0 0 0 Monténégro Netherlands 938 930 930 953 960 970 631 630 630 646 660 670 Pays-Bas Poland 11 977 12 000 12 100 9 680 9 800 9 900 2 864 2 700 2 600 567 500 400 Pologne Portugal 2 742 3 100 3 160 1 921 2 000 2 020 929 1 200 1 250 108 100 110 Portugal Serbia 522 552 569 504 535 550 21 20 22 3 3 3 Serbie Slovakia 982 1 000 1 050 1 135 1 150 1 200 361 350 350 514 500 500 Slovaquie Slovenia 409 460 450 1 080 1 150 1 200 176 260 200 847 950 950 Slovénie Spain 2 902 3 120 3 442 3 233 3 478 3 750 178 191 206 508 548 514 Espagne Sweden 22 076 22 000 21 850 20 600 21 000 20 800 1 705 1 400 1 400 229 400 350 Suède Switzerland 1 317 1 330 1 345 772 790 810 608 600 590 63 60 55 Suisse Turkey 1 147 1 375 1 375 950 950 950 197 450 450 0 25 25 Turquie United Kingdom 3 234 3 580 3 580 3 038 3 342 3 342 279 279 279 83 41 41 Royaume-Uni Total Europe 120 700 124 959 126 700 109 879 114 581 116 029 22 341 22 462 22 548 11 520 12 084 11 876 Total Europe Moldova 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 20 390 21 487 22 641 24 278 25 492 26 766 4 4 4 3 892 4 009 4 129 Russie Total EECCA 20 392 21 489 22 643 24 279 25 493 26 767 5 5 5 3 892 4 009 4 129 Total EOCAC Canada 21 885 18 964 19 728 18 795 15 890 15 890 3 324 3 423 4 156 235 349 318 Canada United States 52 726 52 896 59 128 57 501 58 376 59 128 143 159 154 4 918 5 639 154 Etats-Unis Total North America 74 611 71 860 78 856 76 296 74 266 75 018 3 467 3 581 4 310 5 153 5 988 472 Total Amérique du Nord


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Pays


1000 m3

Exports - Exportations

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Country Production Imports - Importations

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 28

Imports Exports

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Austria 1 074 1 135 1 250 1 540 1 650 1 800 384 425 390 849 940 940 Autriche Bosnia-Herzegovina 90 94 94 150 162 165 1 2 3 61 70 74 Bosnie-Herzegovine Cyprus 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Chypre Czech Republic 180 182 198 477 490 502 32 34 35 329 342 339 République tchèque Estonia 572 115 115 1 630 1 400 1 400 12 15 15 1 070 1 300 1 300 Estonie Finland 427 395 420 322 345 365 112 90 90 7 40 35 Finlande France 2 075 2 101 2 200 1 760 1 800 1 850 412 410 450 97 109 100 France Germany 2 590 2 880 3 225 3 100 3 300 3 600 291 325 350 801 745 725 Allemagne Hungary 77 79 79 16 19 19 84 82 82 23 22 22 Hongrie Ireland 45 65 65 38 55 55 38 45 45 30 35 35 Irlande Italy 2 194 2 194 2 194 400 400 400 1 802 1 802 1 802 7 7 7 Italie Latvia 325 300 300 2 264 2 200 2 200 425 400 400 2 364 2 300 2 300 Lettonie Luxembourg 47 47 47 63 63 63 11 11 11 27 27 27 Luxembourg Malta 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Malte Montenegro 53 47 47 89 82 82 1 1 1 37 37 37 Monténégro Netherlands 2 442 2 609 3 180 300 300 300 2 297 2 429 3 000 155 120 120 Pays-Bas North Macedonia 91 91 91 0 0 0 91 91 91 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord Poland 818 880 900 1 353 1 450 1 500 176 180 200 711 750 800 Pologne Portugal 255 204 245 859 900 950 2 4 5 606 700 710 Portugal Serbia 406 445 450 445 455 460 40 45 50 79 55 60 Serbie Slovakia 20 20 20 206 200 200 43 45 45 229 225 225 Slovaquie Slovenia 206 165 175 148 160 165 257 215 230 198 210 220 Slovénie Spain 507 696 798 531 745 863 65 76 80 89 125 145 Espagne Sweden 1 642 1 940 1 940 1 660 2 000 2 000 119 140 140 138 200 200 Suède Switzerland 347 350 355 270 275 285 78 75 70 0 0 0 Suisse Turkey 6 6 6 20 20 20 0 0 0 14 14 14 Turquie United Kingdom 9 345 9 345 9 345 271 271 271 9 078 9 078 9 078 4 4 4 Royaume-Un Total Europe 25 840 26 388 27 743 17 912 18 743 19 516 15 854 16 023 16 666 7 925 8 378 8 439 Total Europe Moldova 32 32 32 31 31 31 2 2 2 0 0 0 Moldova Russia 509 470 540 2 800 3 220 3 703 2 2 2 2 294 2 752 3 165 Russie Total EECCA 541 502 573 2 831 3 251 3 734 4 4 4 2 294 2 752 3 165 Total EOCAC Canada 960 795 536 3 830 4 131 4 131 31 46 54 2 901 3 381 3 649 Canada United States 1 360 1 503 1 572 8 412 8 855 9 210 205 227 236 7 257 7 578 7 874 Etats-Unis Total North America 2 321 2 299 2 108 12 242 12 985 13 341 236 272 290 10 158 10 958 11 523 Total Amérique du Nord

Exports - Exportations Pays


1000 mt Apparent Consumption

Country Consommation Apparente

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

Production Imports - Importations

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 29

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 actual actual actual actual réels réels réels réels

Sawn softwood 82.76 89.42 90.28 102.87 107.84 109.03 32.51 35.40 34.94 52.63 53.82 53.68 Sciages conifères

Softwood logs a 194.72 200.32 200.51 199.16 199.97 194.47 20.04 19.12 19.97 24.48 18.77 13.94 Grumes de conifères a

Sawn hardwood 10.78 11.34 11.61 10.72 11.25 11.40 4.01 4.25 4.34 3.95 4.17 4.12 Sciages non-conifères

– temperate zone b 10.05 10.62 10.88 10.65 11.19 11.34 3.24 3.49 3.56 3.84 4.06 4.01 – zone tempérée b

– tropical zone b 0.72 0.72 0.73 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.77 0.77 0.78 0.11 0.11 0.11 – zone tropicale b

Hardwood logs a 23.22 23.52 24.12 24.09 24.78 25.20 2.48 2.04 2.17 3.34 3.30 3.25 Grumes de non-conifères a

– temperate zone b 22.94 23.34 23.94 24.09 24.78 25.20 2.18 1.84 1.97 3.32 3.28 3.23 – zone tempérée b

– tropical zone b 0.28 0.18 0.17 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.02 0.02 0.02 – zone tropicale b

Veneer sheets 1.44 1.51 1.53 1.03 1.13 1.13 1.18 1.23 1.26 0.77 0.85 0.86 Feuilles de placage

Plywood 7.44 7.27 7.51 4.39 4.61 4.63 6.77 6.68 6.90 3.72 4.02 4.03 Contreplaqués

Particle board (excluding OSB) 28.83 29.99 30.57 30.22 31.31 31.80 9.16 9.50 9.84 10.55 10.83 11.07 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)

OSB 5.66 5.74 5.81 5.85 5.69 5.80 3.26 3.29 3.34 3.45 3.24 3.33 OSB

Fibreboard 20.47 20.83 21.46 22.07 22.67 23.15 9.24 9.65 9.86 10.84 11.49 11.55 Panneaux de fibres

– Hardboard 0.52 0.66 0.74 0.38 0.42 0.43 1.38 1.42 1.45 1.25 1.19 1.14 – Durs

– MDF 16.80 17.00 17.48 18.52 19.04 19.43 5.86 6.14 6.25 7.58 8.18 8.20 – MDF

– Other board 3.15 3.17 3.24 3.16 3.22 3.29 2.00 2.08 2.15 2.01 2.13 2.21 – Autres panneaux Pulpwood a 285.96 291.24 295.47 269.82 278.62 282.23 47.34 45.71 45.40 31.19 33.09 32.16 Bois de trituration a

– Pulp logs 165.26 166.28 168.77 159.94 164.04 166.20 24.99 23.25 22.85 19.67 21.01 20.28 – Bois ronds de trituration

– softwood 109.77 110.58 112.49 109.67 113.14 114.39 13.84 12.61 12.56 13.74 15.16 14.45 – conifères

– hardwood 55.49 55.69 56.27 50.27 50.90 51.81 11.15 10.64 10.30 5.93 5.85 5.83 – non-conifères

– Residues, chips and particles 120.70 124.96 126.70 109.88 114.58 116.03 22.34 22.46 22.55 11.52 12.08 11.88 – Déchets, plaquettes et part. Wood pulp 40.30 40.64 40.12 36.93 37.91 37.93 17.92 17.74 17.65 14.55 15.02 15.46 Pâte de bois

Paper and paperboard 76.36 76.97 77.32 86.91 89.94 90.19 44.50 44.66 44.77 55.05 57.63 57.65 Papiers et cartons

Wood Pellets 25.84 26.39 27.74 17.91 18.74 19.52 15.85 16.02 16.67 7.93 8.38 8.44 Granulés de bois a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fourni des données sur le commerce b Trade figures by zone do not equal the total as some countries cannot provide data for both zones b Les chiffres du commerce par zone ne correspondent pas aux totaux

en raison du fait que certains pays ne peuvent les différencier.


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Exports - ExportationsProduction

Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022

Europe: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2021 et 2022

million m 3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)

Imports - Importations

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

prévisions forecasts prévisions

forecasts prévisions

forecasts prévisions


UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 30

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 actual actual actual actual réels réels réels réels

Sawn softwood 99.90 108.23 111.04 101.84 106.68 109.76 26.26 26.68 26.58 28.20 25.13 25.30 Sciages conifères

Softwood logs 239.31 239.09 237.48 251.70 251.56 254.08 2.97 2.83 2.93 15.36 15.29 19.53 Grumes de conifères

Sawn hardwood 15.07 15.55 15.76 17.68 17.82 17.86 1.38 1.55 1.65 4.00 3.81 3.76 Sciages non-conifères

– temperate zone 14.93 15.43 15.63 17.68 17.82 17.86 1.20 1.37 1.47 3.95 3.76 3.70 – zone tempérée

– tropical zone 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.05 0.05 0.06 – zone tropicale

Hardwood logs 43.80 50.77 51.28 44.83 51.77 52.43 1.17 1.35 1.32 2.20 2.35 2.47 Grumes de non-conifères

– temperate zone 43.80 50.78 51.28 44.83 51.77 52.43 1.17 1.35 1.32 2.20 2.34 2.47 – zone tempérée

– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale Veneer sheets 2.85 2.90 2.96 2.87 2.93 3.01 0.74 0.82 0.84 0.76 0.86 0.88 Feuilles de placage

Plywood 16.41 17.41 17.77 11.17 11.75 12.00 6.31 6.80 6.92 1.07 1.13 1.14 Contreplaqués

Particle board (excluding OSB) 7.25 6.77 6.74 6.41 6.26 6.30 1.95 1.94 1.98 1.12 1.43 1.54 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)

OSB 20.08 20.76 21.06 20.34 21.24 21.57 5.19 5.58 5.68 5.45 6.07 6.18 OSB

Fibreboard 9.46 9.82 9.83 7.35 7.40 7.40 3.64 3.94 3.95 1.52 1.52 1.52 Panneaux de fibres

– Hardboard 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.35 – Durs

– MDF 5.88 6.16 6.18 3.77 3.82 3.82 3.02 3.25 3.25 0.91 0.90 0.89 – MDF

– Other board 3.31 3.36 3.36 3.28 3.28 3.28 0.31 0.36 0.37 0.28 0.28 0.29 – Autres panneaux Pulpwood 262.83 259.48 266.80 264.30 261.62 262.41 4.19 4.17 5.18 5.65 6.31 0.79 Bois de trituration

– Pulp logs 188.22 187.62 187.94 188.00 187.35 187.39 0.72 0.59 0.87 0.50 0.32 0.32 – Bois ronds de trituration

– softwood 137.89 137.51 137.82 137.26 136.99 137.02 0.65 0.52 0.81 0.02 0.00 0.00 – conifères

– hardwood 50.33 50.11 50.12 50.74 50.36 50.37 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.48 0.32 0.31 – non-conifères

– Residues, chips and particles 74.61 71.86 78.86 76.30 74.27 75.02 3.47 3.58 4.31 5.15 5.99 0.47 – Déchets, plaquettes et part. Wood pulp 54.46 55.16 55.31 64.98 65.09 64.61 6.30 6.77 7.22 16.82 16.71 16.52 Pâte de bois

Paper and paperboard 68.29 70.84 71.97 74.59 77.14 78.53 10.00 10.31 10.28 16.31 16.60 16.84 Papiers et cartons

Wood pellets 2.32 2.30 2.11 12.24 12.99 13.34 0.24 0.27 0.29 10.16 10.96 11.52 Granulés de bois


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Exports - ExportationsProduction

North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022

Amérique du Nord: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2021 et 2022

million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)

Imports - Importations

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions

forecasts prévisions

forecasts prévisions

forecasts prévisions

forecasts prévisions

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 31

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 actual actual actual actual réels réels réels réels

Sawn softwood 9.13 10.15 11.25 38.92 40.09 42.09 0.04 0.04 0.04 29.83 29.98 30.88 Sciages conifères

Softwood logs 108.14 109.22 108.11 120.44 121.64 115.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.30 12.42 7.45 Grumes de conifères

Sawn hardwood 1.34 1.38 1.48 2.88 2.97 3.14 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.54 1.59 1.67 Sciages non-conifères

– temperate zone 1.34 1.38 1.47 2.88 2.97 3.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.54 1.59 1.67 – zone tempérée

– tropical zone 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale

Hardwood logs 12.49 13.18 14.23 14.89 15.63 16.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 2.45 2.50 Grumes de non-conifères

– temperate zone 12.49 13.18 14.23 14.89 15.63 16.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 2.45 2.50 – zone tempérée

– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale Veneer sheets 1.10 1.44 1.69 1.57 1.96 2.26 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.49 0.54 0.58 Feuilles de placage

Plywood 1.22 1.44 1.51 4.00 4.60 4.83 0.12 0.13 0.13 2.90 3.28 3.45 Contreplaqués

Particle board (excluding OSB) 5.29 6.12 6.50 6.73 7.15 7.53 0.30 0.67 0.79 1.74 1.69 1.83 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)

OSB 1.61 1.08 1.26 1.63 1.63 1.95 0.35 0.18 0.14 0.36 0.72 0.83 OSB

Fibreboard 2.80 3.42 3.67 3.58 4.30 4.63 0.46 0.59 0.64 1.24 1.48 1.60 Panneaux de fibres

– Hardboard 0.32 0.39 0.35 0.37 0.45 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.16 0.15 – Durs

– MDF 2.45 2.99 3.29 3.20 3.84 4.22 0.33 0.46 0.51 1.08 1.31 1.44 – MDF

– Other board 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 – Autres panneaux Pulpwood 58.24 60.27 64.79 73.23 75.56 76.31 0.10 0.10 0.10 15.09 15.39 11.62 Bois de trituration

– Pulp logs 37.85 38.79 42.15 48.95 50.07 49.54 0.10 0.10 0.10 11.20 11.38 7.49 – Bois ronds de trituration

– softwood 29.39 29.68 32.04 33.29 33.62 31.94 0.10 0.10 0.10 4.00 4.04 0.00 – conifères

– hardwood 8.47 9.10 10.11 15.67 16.45 17.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.20 7.34 7.49 – non-conifères

– Residues, chips and particles 20.39 21.49 22.64 24.28 25.49 26.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89 4.01 4.13 – Déchets, plaquettes et part. Wood pulp 6.53 6.55 6.68 8.77 8.85 9.03 0.21 0.21 0.22 2.44 2.52 2.57 Pâte de bois

Paper and paperboard 7.12 7.62 7.95 9.53 10.19 10.70 1.19 1.17 1.14 3.60 3.75 3.90 Papiers et cartons

Wood pellets 0.51 0.47 0.54 2.80 3.22 3.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.29 2.75 3.17 Granulés de bois


Apparent Consumption Consommation Apparente Exports - ExportationsProduction

Russian Federation: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022

Fédération de Russie: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2021 et 2022

million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)

Imports - Importations

prévisions forecasts prévisions

forecasts prévisions

forecasts prévisions


UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 32

Unit Unité 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

1979-81 1999-2001 Volume Percent


Roundwood a million m3 22.22 48.68 61.29 63.02 70.01 78.70 82.01 3.31 4.2% Bois ronds a

Sawnwood " 24.77 45.99 55.71 58.51 59.86 62.83 56.58 -6.25 -9.9% Sciages Wood-based panels b " 8.07 21.42 33.67 35.66 35.43 35.67 28.55 -7.12 -20.0% Panneaux à base de bois b

Wood pulp million m.t. 7.31 10.08 14.31 14.81 15.19 16.26 14.55 -1.71 -10.5% Pâte de bois Paper and paperboard " 18.39 54.06 65.56 66.20 66.45 65.12 55.05 -10.07 -15.5% Papiers et cartons


Roundwood a million m3 38.83 74.99 85.69 79.61 90.25 89.33 86.83 -2.50 -2.8% Bois ronds a

Sawnwood " 34.26 46.39 40.93 43.88 46.19 47.38 36.52 -10.86 -22.9% Sciages Wood-based panels b " 10.30 21.38 33.04 35.75 37.21 36.72 28.43 -8.29 -22.6% Panneaux à base de bois b

Wood pulp million m.t. 11.36 17.26 20.73 20.86 21.51 20.02 17.92 -2.10 -10.5% Pâte de bois Paper and paperboard " 16.78 48.69 56.27 57.08 57.24 55.14 44.50 -10.64 -19.3% Papiers et cartons


Roundwood a million m3 -16.61 -26.31 -24.40 -16.59 -20.24 -10.63 -4.82 5.81 54.6% Bois ronds a

Sawnwood " -9.49 -0.40 14.78 14.62 13.68 15.45 20.06 4.61 29.8% Sciages Wood-based panels b " -2.23 0.04 0.63 -0.10 -1.79 -1.05 0.12 1.17 NA Panneaux à base de bois b

Wood pulp million m.t. -4.05 -7.18 -6.42 -6.05 -6.31 -3.76 -3.37 0.39 10.3% Pâte de bois Paper and paperboard " 1.61 5.37 9.29 9.12 9.21 9.98 10.55 0.57 5.7% Papiers et cartons

a Including available data on wood residues, chips and particles a Y compris les données disponibles pour les déchets, les plaquettes et les particules b Not including veneer sheets b Ne sot pas compris les feuilles de placage c Exports minus imports c Exportations moins importations


Quantity - Volume

TABLE 17 Europe: Trade in forest products by main product groups, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (averages) and 2016 to 2020

Europe: Commerce des produits forestiers, par principaux groupes d'assortiments, en 1979-81 et 1999-2001 (moyennes) et de 2016 à 2020

Change - Changementaverage moyenne

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 33

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1979-81 1999-2001

Sawnwood b million m3 100.66 108.12 107.55 110.81 113.12 110.61 93.53 100.75 101.89 Sciages b

– Softwood " 78.36 89.22 94.52 97.49 99.05 96.33 82.76 89.42 90.28 – Conifères – Hardwood " 22.30 18.90 13.03 13.32 14.07 14.27 10.78 11.34 11.61 – Non-conifères

Wood-based panels c " 33.70 54.21 71.70 74.21 75.86 74.96 62.39 63.82 65.34 Panneaux à base de bois c

– Plywood " 5.44 6.66 8.43 8.89 9.48 8.91 7.44 7.27 7.51 – Contreplaqués – Particle board d " 23.82 34.50 36.11 36.97 36.61 36.39 28.83 29.99 30.57 – Panneaux de particules d

– OSB 1.72 6.18 6.63 6.89 6.74 5.66 5.74 5.81 – OSB – Fibreboard " 4.44 11.00 20.99 21.72 22.88 22.92 20.47 20.83 21.46 – Panneaux de fibres

Paper and paperboard million m.t. 49.17 88.67 88.40 89.94 89.53 86.18 76.36 76.97 77.32 Papiers et cartons – Newsprint " 6.45 12.04 6.61 6.03 5.76 5.26 4.10 – Papiers journal – Other paper & paperbrd. " 42.71 76.63 81.79 83.91 83.77 80.92 72.26 – Autres papiers/cartons

Sawnwood b 100.0 107.4 106.8 110.1 112.4 109.9 92.9 100.1 101.2 Sciages b

– Softwood 100.0 113.9 120.6 124.4 126.4 122.9 105.6 114.1 115.2 – Conifères – Hardwood 100.0 84.7 58.4 59.7 63.1 64.0 48.3 50.8 52.1 – Non-conifères

Wood-based panels c 100.0 160.9 212.8 220.2 225.1 222.4 185.1 189.4 193.9 Panneaux à base de bois c

– Plywood 100.0 122.5 154.9 163.4 174.2 163.8 136.7 133.6 138.0 – Contreplaqués – Particle board 100.0 144.8 151.6 155.2 153.7 152.8 121.0 125.9 128.3 – Panneaux de particules – OSB 100.0 359.2 385.7 400.4 391.9 329.0 333.6 337.7 – OSB – Fibreboard 100.0 247.9 472.8 489.2 515.3 516.1 461.0 469.1 483.3 – Panneaux de fibres

Paper and paperboard 100.0 180.3 179.8 182.9 182.1 175.3 155.3 156.5 157.2 Papiers et cartons – Newsprint 100.0 186.6 102.5 93.4 89.2 81.6 63.5 – Papiers journal – Other paper & paperbrd. 100.0 179.4 191.5 196.5 196.1 189.5 169.2 – Autres papiers/cartons

a The forecasts and 2020 are not a Une comparison entre prévisions (et 2020) comparable with earlier data as the methodology is different. et les donnes anterieures n'est pas possible à cause de différences des méthodes de calcul. b Excluding sleepers through 2016 b Non compris les traverses jusqu'à 2016 c Not including veneer sheets c Ne sont pas compris les feuilles de placage d Average figure for 1979-81 includes OSB d Les chiffres moyennes 1979-81 comprennent le OSB

TABLE 18 Europe: Apparent consumption of selected forest products, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (averages), 2016 to 2020, and forecasts for 2021 and 2022

Europe: Consommation apparente de certains produits forestiers, en 1979-81 et 1999-2001 (moyennes), de 2016 à 2020 et prévisions pour 2021 et 2022

Forecasts a

Index - Indice 1979-81 = 100

Prévisions aActual - RéelleUnit Unité average


UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 34

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1979-81 1999-2001

Sawnwood b million m3 95.82 119.44 99.75 100.40 101.08 101.75 99.92 102.05 103.10 Sciages b

– Softwood " 79.14 91.63 80.22 81.41 81.94 82.26 86.12 87.85 88.69 – Conifères – Hardwood " 16.67 27.81 19.53 18.99 19.14 19.49 13.81 14.20 14.41 – Non-conifères

Wood-based panels c " 29.25 54.68 47.17 48.78 47.93 46.78 46.09 47.63 48.43 Panneaux à base de boisc

– Plywood " 6.09 18.74 15.42 15.60 14.87 14.03 14.03 14.64 14.94 – Contreplaqués – Particle board d " 17.11 10.15 5.04 5.09 5.18 5.40 5.24 5.41 5.52 – Panneaux de particulesd

– OSB 17.75 17.08 18.33 18.86 18.67 18.58 19.35 19.72 – OSB – Fibreboard " 6.05 8.05 9.63 9.75 9.01 8.69 8.24 8.24 8.24 – Panneaux de fibres

Paper and paperboard million m.t. 61.86 92.52 70.10 69.61 68.82 66.31 63.57 66.13 67.40 Papiers et cartons – Newsprint " 10.56 12.20 3.03 2.62 2.29 1.91 1.42 – Papiers journal – Other paper & paperbrd. " 51.30 80.33 67.07 66.99 66.53 64.41 62.15 – Autres papiers/cartons

Sawnwood b million m3 23.87 34.46 28.33 27.42 26.44 25.30 26.26 26.70 26.57 Sciages b

– Softwood " 23.10 32.93 27.37 26.70 25.49 24.53 25.63 26.03 25.88 – Conifères – Hardwood " 0.77 1.53 0.96 0.72 0.95 0.77 0.63 0.67 0.69 – Non-conifères

Wood-based panels c " 2.11 12.82 13.23 14.50 15.67 14.34 14.46 14.97 15.13 Panneaux à base de boisc

– Plywood " 0.50 2.63 4.88 4.93 5.47 4.66 5.06 5.30 5.33 – Contreplaqués – Particle board " 1.33 1.44 1.25 1.24 1.33 1.43 1.46 1.33 1.36 – Panneaux de particules – OSB 6.81 5.07 5.57 5.67 5.42 5.07 5.46 5.56 – OSB – Fibreboard " 0.28 1.94 2.03 2.76 3.21 2.83 2.88 2.88 2.88 – Panneaux de fibres

Paper and paperboard million m.t. 7.78 15.84 9.26 9.17 9.46 8.72 7.64 7.83 7.87 Papiers et cartons – Newsprint " 6.49 6.61 1.84 1.72 1.53 1.28 1.05 – Papiers journal – Other paper & paperbrd. " 1.29 9.24 7.42 7.45 7.94 7.45 6.60 – Autres papiers/cartons

a The forecasts and 2020 are not a Une comparison entre prévisions (et 2020) comparable with earlier data as the methodology is different. et les donnes anterieures s n'est pas possible à cause de différences des méthodes de calcul. b Excluding sleepers through 2016 b Non compris les traverses jusqu'à 2016 c Not including veneer sheets c Ne sont pas compris les feuilles de placage d Average figure for 1979-81 includes OSB d Les chiffres moyennes 1979-81 comprennent le OSB

Actual - Réelle Unit Unité

Imports – Importations

Apparent Consumption – Consommation apparente

average moyenne

TABLE 19 United States: Apparent consumption and imports of selected forest products, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (averages), 2016 to 2020, and forecasts for 2021 and 2022

Etats-Unis: Consommation apparente et importations de certains produits forestiers, en 1979-81 et 1999-2001 (moyennes), de 2016 à 2020 et prévisions pour 2021 et 2022

Forecasts a Prévisions a

UNECE COFFI and FAO EFC Foresta2021 page 35

List of tables

List of Tables and Notes
Table 1 - Sawn Softwood
Table 2 - Sawn Hardwood (total)
Table 2a - Sawn Hardwood (temperate)
Table 2b - Sawn Hardwood (tropical)
Table 3 - Veneer Sheets
Table 4 - Plywood
Table 5 - Particle Board (excluding OSB)
Table 5a - Oriented Strand Board
Table 6 - Fibreboard
Table 6a - Hardboard
Table 6b - MDF/HDF
Table 6c - Other Fibreboard
Table 7 - Wood Pulp
Table 8 - Paper and Paperboard
Table 9 - Removals of wood in the rough
Table 9a - Removals of wood in the rough (softwood)
Table 9b - Removals of wood in the rough (hardwood)
Table 10 - Softwood sawlogs
Table 11 - Hardwood sawlogs
Table 11a - Hardwood logs (temperate)
Table 11b - Hardwood logs (tropical)
Table 12 - Pulpwood
Table 12a - Pulpwood (softwood)
Table 12b - Pulpwood (hardwood)
Table 12c - Wood Residues, Chips and Particles
Table 13 - Wood Pellets
Table 14 - Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Table 15 - North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Table 16 - Russian Federation: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Table 17 - Europe: Trade in forest products by main product groups, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (average) and 2016 to 2020
Table 18 - Europe: Apparent consumption of selected forest products, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (average), 2016 to 2020, and forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Table 19 - United States: Apparent consumption and imports of selected forest products 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (average), 2016 to 2020, and forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Source: UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry , November 2021,
Notes: Data in italics are estimated by the secretariat. EECCA is Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Data for the two latest years are forecasts.
In contrast to previous years, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals are only for reporting countries.
Austrian removals data do not include trees outside the forest. Wood chip trade includes recovered post-consumer wood.
German estimates for removals for 2021 and 2022 are highly sensitive to assumptions of beetle and storm damage
Italy MDF/HDF production data include only MDF
Montenegro removal figures are from Directorate of Forests, other figures are based on Statistical Office information.
Polish trade data exclude non-reporters (estimated at 1-3% of total). Polish sawnwood data include shop lumber. Wood pulp production is in metric tonnes not air-dried and excludes recovered fibre pulp.
Polish wood pellets production data includes briquettes and non-wood based material.
Slovenian trade figures are lower than actual as they do not include estimates for non-recorded trade with other EU countries.
United Kingdom production figures for OSB and wood pulp are secretariat estimates.
Data on wood chips and residues for Turkey include those from secondary processing.
Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous
For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.
Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.

Table 1

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 6,165 6,650 6,700 10,339 10,800 11,300 1,777 1,950 1,600 5,951 6,100 6,200 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 226 189 204 810 779 812 7 10 12 590 600 620 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 29 31 31 1 1 1 28 30 30 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 2,343 1,875 1,924 5,213 5,015 5,144 483 460 480 3,352 3,600 3,700 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 2,073 2,420 2,420 1,700 1,700 1,700 1,364 1,720 1,720 991 1,000 1,000 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 3,252 3,280 3,280 10,880 12,000 12,200 569 480 480 8,198 9,200 9,400 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 8,187 8,492 8,400 6,798 7,000 7,000 2,437 2,484 2,400 1,048 992 1,000 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 20,630 22,300 22,500 25,216 27,000 27,000 5,519 6,300 6,000 10,105 11,000 10,500 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 910 858 858 120 134 134 796 768 768 7 44 44 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 492 937 997 1,012 1,312 1,397 310 375 400 830 750 800 Irlande 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Italy 3,714 4,412 4,412 274 342 342 3,740 4,282 4,282 300 213 213 Italie 3 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 3
Latvia 1,383 1,600 1,300 3,311 3,000 3,000 1,106 1,600 1,300 3,034 3,000 3,000 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 54 54 54 39 39 39 27 27 27 12 12 12 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Malta 7 6 7 0 0 0 7 6 7 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Montenegro 32 32 32 129 129 129 9 9 9 106 106 106 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Netherlands 2,631 2,520 2,600 95 100 100 3,132 2,900 3,000 596 480 500 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 24 24 24 2 2 2 23 23 23 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 3
Poland 4,460 4,550 4,600 4,181 4,300 4,400 1,237 1,250 1,300 958 1,000 1,100 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 770 770 780 874 880 890 133 120 130 237 230 240 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 401 438 453 112 130 135 291 310 320 2 2 2 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 576 650 700 1,182 1,000 1,050 352 400 400 959 750 750 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 704 392 439 877 717 729 657 670 690 830 995 980 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 2,436 3,446 3,712 1,813 2,773 2,940 829 977 1,044 206 304 272 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 5,123 6,300 6,300 18,500 18,900 18,800 599 500 400 13,976 13,100 12,900 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 1,216 1,245 1,275 1,120 1,150 1,180 293 280 275 197 185 180 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 6,337 6,396 6,396 6,091 6,150 6,150 380 380 380 134 134 134 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 9,772 10,769 11,137 3,302 3,633 3,633 6,677 7,345 7,712 208 208 208 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 83,947 90,637 91,535 103,993 108,986 110,207 32,780 35,655 35,188 52,826 54,004 53,861 Total Europe
Armenia 182 182 182 0 0 0 182 182 182 0 0 0 Arménie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 3
Moldova 221 221 221 2 2 2 219 219 219 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 9,127 10,145 11,250 38,918 40,086 42,090 42 42 42 29,833 29,982 30,882 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 9,530 10,549 11,653 38,920 40,088 42,092 444 444 444 29,833 29,983 30,882 Total EOCAC
Canada a 13,784 20,386 22,353 39,397 42,849 44,890 631 645 704 26,243 23,108 23,241 Canada a 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
United States a 86,118 87,846 88,690 62,446 63,831 64,874 25,631 26,033 25,875 1,959 2,019 2,059 Etats-Unis a 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Total North America 99,902 108,231 111,043 101,843 106,680 109,764 26,261 26,678 26,579 28,202 25,127 25,300 Total Amérique du Nord
a converted from nominal to actual size using factor of 0.72 a convertis du dimension nominale au véritable avec une facteur du 0.72
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Table 2

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 273 285 295 237 265 275 165 170 180 129 150 160 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 1,224 1,190 1,230 1,350 1,320 1,360 129 120 130 256 250 260 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 7 9 9 0 0 0 7 9 9 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 388 385 387 145 145 146 288 290 292 45 50 51 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 131 180 180 100 100 100 146 180 180 115 100 100 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 47 42 42 36 36 36 31 31 31 20 25 25 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 1,143 1,183 1,240 1,336 1,400 1,450 276 281 290 469 499 500 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 660 642 640 962 1,010 1,000 379 416 400 681 784 760 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 53 215 215 280 334 334 49 81 81 276 201 201 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 29 41 42 2 8 9 29 35 35 3 2 2 Irlande 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Italy 986 1,259 1,259 612 826 826 521 631 631 147 197 197 Italie 3 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 3
Latvia 174 160 200 588 650 600 45 70 50 459 560 450 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 57 57 57 39 39 39 40 40 40 22 22 22 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Malta 7 6 7 0 0 0 7 6 7 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Montenegro -23 -23 -23 2 2 2 3 3 3 29 29 29 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Netherlands 347 328 333 54 51 51 380 357 362 87 80 80 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 3
Poland 515 540 550 486 510 530 250 280 300 221 250 280 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 223 219 210 148 149 150 96 100 100 22 30 40 Portugal 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
Serbia 141 155 170 358 375 390 91 95 100 308 315 320 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 389 400 425 340 350 400 165 150 150 116 100 125 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 121 136 136 125 141 141 98 100 100 102 105 105 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 545 609 693 487 523 544 109 113 178 51 27 29 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 106 118 103 100 120 110 44 38 30 37 40 37 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 74 80 85 50 55 60 44 40 40 20 15 15 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 2,599 2,562 2,562 2,837 2,800 2,800 71 71 71 309 309 309 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 555 555 555 37 37 37 541 541 541 23 23 23 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 10,775 11,339 11,607 10,717 11,252 11,395 4,008 4,254 4,336 3,950 4,167 4,124 Total Europe
Armenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 Arménie 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 3
Moldova 12 12 12 9 9 9 4 4 4 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 1,341 1,381 1,479 2,879 2,965 3,143 6 6 6 1,544 1,590 1,670 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 1,355 1,395 1,493 2,888 2,974 3,152 12 12 12 1,545 1,591 1,670 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,261 1,350 1,350 997 942 855 753 880 959 489 472 464 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 13,806 14,204 14,409 16,688 16,874 17,009 630 672 692 3,511 3,342 3,293 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 15,067 15,554 15,759 17,685 17,816 17,864 1,383 1,552 1,651 4,000 3,814 3,757 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 2a

SAWN HARDWOOD (temperate) SCIAGES NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 269 281 291 237 265 275 161 165 175 129 149 159 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 1,219 1,186 1,226 1,347 1,318 1,358 128 118 128 256 250 260 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 5 6 6 0 0 0 5 6 6 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 381 379 381 145 145 146 279 281 283 43 48 48 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 129 177 177 100 100 100 141 175 175 112 98 98 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 45 41 41 36 36 36 26 27 27 17 22 22 Finlande 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
France 1,007 1,042 1,101 1,325 1,387 1,437 148 150 160 466 495 496 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 624 602 602 961 1,009 999 313 350 338 650 757 735 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 53 215 215 280 334 334 49 81 81 276 201 201 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 16 27 28 2 8 9 16 21 21 3 2 2 Irlande 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Italy 869 1,157 1,157 595 821 821 412 525 525 138 188 188 Italie 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
Latvia 174 160 200 588 650 600 45 70 50 459 560 450 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 52 52 52 39 39 39 34 34 34 22 22 22 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Malta 6 6 7 0 0 0 6 6 7 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Montenegro -23 -23 -23 2 2 2 3 3 3 29 29 29 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Netherlands 179 169 174 48 45 45 183 174 179 52 50 50 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Poland 500 524 534 483 507 527 233 262 282 216 245 275 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 176 174 163 133 134 135 53 55 50 11 15 22 Portugal 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
Serbia 138 152 167 357 374 389 89 93 98 308 315 320 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 389 397 422 340 350 400 165 147 147 116 100 125 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 119 135 135 125 141 141 95 98 98 102 105 105 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 501 558 631 486 520 541 63 60 114 47 22 24 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 105 117 102 100 120 110 42 37 29 37 40 37 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 65 71 76 47 52 57 38 34 34 20 15 15 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 2,563 2,526 2,526 2,832 2,795 2,795 39 39 39 308 308 308 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 489 489 489 37 37 37 470 470 470 18 18 18 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 10,051 10,623 10,882 10,650 11,195 11,338 3,239 3,486 3,557 3,838 4,057 4,013 Total Europe
Armenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 1 Arménie 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Moldova 12 12 12 9 9 9 3 3 3 0 0 0 Moldova 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Russia 1,336 1,376 1,474 2,879 2,965 3,143 1 1 1 1,544 1,590 1,670 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Total EECCA 1,350 1,390 1,488 2,888 2,974 3,152 7 7 7 1,545 1,591 1,670 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,242 1,350 1,354 997 942 855 728 870 950 482 462 451 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 13,691 14,076 14,275 16,688 16,874 17,009 469 500 516 3,465 3,298 3,250 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 14,933 15,427 15,629 17,685 17,816 17,864 1,196 1,370 1,466 3,948 3,760 3,701 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 2b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 4 4 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 2 2 0 0 0 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bulgaria 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bulgarie 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... 2 ... ... 2 ... ... 2
Cyprus 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 7 6 6 0 0 0 10 9 9 2 2 3 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 2 3 3 0 0 0 5 5 5 2 2 2 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 4 3 3 3 Finlande 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
France 136 141 139 11 13 13 128 131 130 3 4 4 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 36 40 38 1 1 1 66 66 62 31 27 25 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 13 14 14 0 0 0 13 14 14 0 0 0 Irlande 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Italy 118 102 102 17 5 5 109 106 106 9 9 9 Italie 3 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 3
Luxembourg 6 5 5 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 5 5 3
Malta 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Netherlands 168 159 159 6 6 6 197 183 183 35 30 30 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 2 5 5 3
Poland 15 16 16 3 3 3 17 18 18 5 5 5 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 47 45 47 15 15 15 43 45 50 11 15 18 Portugal 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
Serbia 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 0 0 0 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 2 1 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 1 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 44 51 62 2 3 3 46 53 64 4 5 5 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 9 9 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 36 36 36 5 5 5 32 32 32 1 1 1 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 67 67 67 0 0 0 71 71 71 5 5 5 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 724 715 725 68 57 57 769 768 779 113 110 111 Total Europe
Russia 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Total EECCA 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Total EOCAC
Canada 19 -0 -4 0 0 0 25 10 9 6 10 13 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 115 128 134 0 0 0 161 172 177 46 44 43 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 134 128 130 0 0 0 186 182 186 53 54 56 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 3

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 45 55 55 8 8 8 55 66 66 17 19 19 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 40 42 42 38 40 42 8 12 12 6 10 12 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 21 35 36 29 29 29 38 60 61 47 55 55 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 78 55 55 71 70 70 64 80 80 57 95 95 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 13 12 12 152 173 173 7 9 9 146 170 170 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 185 200 200 157 160 160 134 140 140 106 100 100 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 150 147 141 100 100 100 104 90 82 55 43 41 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 83 85 85 35 43 43 69 69 69 21 27 27 Hongrie 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 2 3
Ireland 4 4 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 Irlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Italy 254 277 277 107 107 107 174 206 206 27 36 36 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 3
Latvia 120 125 125 0 0 0 148 150 150 28 25 25 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Netherlands 18 18 18 0 0 0 30 30 30 12 12 12 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 9 9 9 0 0 0 10 10 10 1 1 1 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Poland 98 101 107 39 41 45 74 75 78 15 15 16 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 2 10 5 25 45 40 48 30 35 71 65 70 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 21 23 24 28 30 31 13 14 15 20 21 22 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 22 25 25 21 20 20 19 20 20 17 15 15 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 10 3 5 19 18 18 12 14 14 22 29 27 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 142 155 176 69 106 106 106 92 119 33 42 49 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 21 27 23 60 65 60 12 15 13 51 53 50 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 78 78 78 75 75 75 16 16 16 13 13 13 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 20 20 20 0 0 0 22 22 22 2 2 2 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 1,438 1,511 1,527 1,032 1,130 1,127 1,175 1,231 1,259 769 850 859 Total Europe
Armenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Arménie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 3
Moldova 15 15 15 0 0 0 15 15 15 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 1,096 1,440 1,692 1,570 1,963 2,257 13 13 13 487 535 578 Russie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total EECCA 1,111 1,455 1,707 1,570 1,963 2,257 28 28 28 487 535 578 Total EOCAC
Canada 178 119 111 581 565 565 145 193 203 549 639 656 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 2,668 2,778 2,851 2,284 2,370 2,445 600 629 632 215 221 226 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 2,846 2,896 2,962 2,866 2,934 3,010 745 822 835 764 860 883 Total Amérique du Nord
Note: Definition of veneers excludes domestic use for plywood.
La définition des placages exclus la conversion directe en contreplaqué.
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Table 4

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 102 62 62 167 167 167 234 275 275 299 380 380 Autriche 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Bosnia-Herzegovina 26 25 29 28 30 32 15 12 15 16 17 18 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 17 19 19 0 0 0 17 19 19 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 207 163 167 263 257 262 129 100 105 186 195 200 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 82 88 88 165 170 170 93 125 125 176 207 207 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 290 320 320 990 1,170 1,140 128 120 120 828 970 940 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 550 581 620 234 240 250 477 501 530 161 160 160 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 1,146 840 1,000 100 100 100 1,410 1,100 1,250 363 360 350 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 265 275 275 49 58 58 375 310 310 159 93 93 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 57 55 57 0 0 0 57 55 57 0 0 0 Irlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Italy 422 528 528 265 265 265 348 464 464 191 201 201 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 3
Latvia 61 45 45 318 310 310 100 95 95 357 360 360 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 8 8 8 0 0 0 10 10 10 2 2 2 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Malta 10 12 14 0 0 0 10 12 14 0 0 0 Malte 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Montenegro 4 4 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 Monténégro 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Netherlands 546 585 585 0 0 0 635 670 670 89 85 85 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 27 27 27 0 0 0 28 28 28 1 1 1 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Poland 590 630 650 483 510 530 415 430 450 309 310 330 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 195 115 122 91 0 0 118 130 140 14 15 18 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 36 37 39 11 12 13 31 32 33 6 7 7 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 364 380 380 417 425 425 67 75 75 120 120 120 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 61 83 90 95 109 120 45 64 60 78 90 90 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 449 501 483 508 580 590 147 202 200 206 281 307 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 294 250 255 90 95 90 235 195 195 30 40 30 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 202 209 214 7 7 7 198 205 210 3 3 3 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 147 147 147 105 105 105 85 85 85 43 43 43 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 1,280 1,280 1,280 0 0 0 1,362 1,362 1,362 83 83 83 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 7,436 7,269 7,508 4,386 4,610 4,634 6,771 6,681 6,902 3,721 4,022 4,028 Total Europe
Armenia 102 102 102 0 0 0 102 102 102 0 0 0 Arménie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Moldova 8 8 8 3 3 3 8 8 8 3 3 3 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 1,215 1,443 1,509 3,999 4,599 4,829 120 126 126 2,904 3,282 3,446 Russie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total EECCA 1,325 1,554 1,619 4,003 4,602 4,832 230 236 236 2,907 3,284 3,448 Total EOCAC
Canada 2,377 2,777 2,823 1,673 1,874 1,828 1,248 1,495 1,585 543 592 589 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 14,029 14,637 14,944 9,500 9,875 10,168 5,058 5,304 5,330 528 542 555 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 16,406 17,415 17,767 11,172 11,749 11,996 6,305 6,799 6,915 1,071 1,134 1,144 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 5

PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) PANNEAUX DE PARTICULES (ne comprennent pas l'OSB)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 719 798 803 2,330 2,480 2,500 308 320 325 1,919 2,002 2,022 Autriche 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 168 164 165 12 13 12 157 153 155 1 2 2 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Cyprus 43 42 42 0 0 0 43 42 42 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Czech Republic 281 400 436 774 1,010 1,040 315 320 323 809 930 927 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Estonia 170 185 185 180 210 210 73 74 74 83 99 99 Estonie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Finland 144 135 135 88 88 88 76 77 77 20 30 30 Finlande 2 2 2 2 0 -3 -3 0 -3 -3 0 -3 -3 2
France 1,592 2,160 2,508 2,233 2,633 3,033 579 591 640 1,219 1,065 1,165 France 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Germany 5,789 5,660 5,815 5,556 5,550 5,575 1,903 1,660 1,840 1,670 1,550 1,600 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Hungary 319 405 405 334 355 355 326 352 352 340 302 302 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Ireland 101 114 114 0 0 0 116 130 130 16 16 16 Irlande 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 -3 -3 0 0 0 2
Italy 2,743 2,716 2,716 2,568 2,568 2,568 634 780 780 459 632 632 Italie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 -3 0 2
Latvia 162 160 160 396 400 400 49 50 50 283 290 290 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Luxembourg 22 22 22 0 0 0 26 26 26 4 4 4 Luxembourg 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Malta 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 Malte 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Montenegro 18 18 18 0 0 0 18 18 18 -0 -0 -0 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Netherlands 376 404 404 0 0 0 456 484 484 81 80 80 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
North Macedonia 95 95 95 0 0 0 96 96 96 1 1 1 Macédoine du Nord 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Poland 6,640 6,640 6,650 5,739 5,670 5,670 1,626 1,650 1,680 724 680 700 Pologne 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Portugal 549 647 693 700 710 720 288 365 412 438 428 439 Portugal 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Serbia 349 362 364 217 220 223 193 195 197 61 53 56 Serbie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Slovakia 238 235 235 598 625 625 146 110 110 506 500 500 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Slovenia 143 163 157 0 0 0 147 168 160 4 5 4 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Spain 1,586 1,566 1,544 1,783 1,847 1,855 446 616 645 643 897 956 Espagne 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Sweden 874 908 895 568 580 565 386 415 410 80 87 80 Suède 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Switzerland 262 280 300 366 380 390 126 125 130 230 225 220 Suisse 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Turkey 3,234 3,234 3,234 4,075 4,075 4,075 29 29 29 870 870 870 Turquie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
United Kingdom 2,203 2,465 2,465 1,698 1,897 1,897 590 649 649 86 81 81 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 -1 -3 -3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total Europe 28,830 29,988 30,569 30,215 31,311 31,801 9,162 9,505 9,844 10,548 10,828 11,075 Total Europe
Armenia 122 122 122 0 0 0 122 122 122 0 0 0 Arménie 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 2
Moldova 93 93 93 0 0 0 93 93 93 0 0 0 Moldova 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 -1 0 0 -3 0 0 2
Russia 5,289 6,123 6,498 6,731 7,146 7,535 299 670 789 1,741 1,692 1,825 Russie 2 2 2 2 -1 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 0 2
Total EECCA 5,504 6,337 6,713 6,731 7,146 7,535 514 884 1,004 1,741 1,692 1,825 Total EOCAC
Canada 2,010 1,360 1,227 2,277 1,791 1,748 492 609 621 759 1,041 1,142 Canada 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
United States 5,237 5,408 5,515 4,136 4,465 4,553 1,462 1,334 1,359 361 391 398 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
Total North America 7,247 6,768 6,742 6,413 6,257 6,302 1,954 1,943 1,980 1,121 1,432 1,539 Total Amérique du Nord
Data are calculated by subtracting OSB from the particleboard/OSB total - les données sont calculées en soustrayant les OSB du total des panneaux de particules et OSB.
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Table 5a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 177 212 212 0 0 0 182 220 220 5 8 8 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 21 27 30 9 10 12 12 17 19 0 0 1 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 20 18 18 0 0 0 20 18 18 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 335 260 282 937 745 770 155 165 175 757 650 663 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 44 45 45 0 0 0 45 46 46 1 1 1 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 49 49 49 0 0 0 49 49 49 0 0 0 Finlande 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
France 450 440 442 367 367 367 118 109 110 35 35 35 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 1,569 1,640 1,635 1,234 1,250 1,275 846 840 860 511 450 500 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 120 124 124 359 332 332 77 60 60 316 268 268 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 47 47 47 296 296 296 0 0 0 249 249 249 Irlande 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Italy 302 302 302 100 100 100 231 231 231 29 29 29 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Latvia 116 70 70 698 650 650 71 70 70 653 650 650 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 76 76 76 338 338 338 7 7 7 269 269 269 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Montenegro 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Netherlands 167 185 185 0 0 0 171 190 190 4 5 5 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 11 11 11 0 0 0 11 11 11 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 3
Poland 666 710 750 833 930 980 246 200 220 413 420 450 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 36 33 37 0 0 0 37 35 38 1 2 1 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 62 66 69 0 0 0 66 70 73 4 4 4 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 91 90 90 0 0 0 91 90 90 1 0 0 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 34 39 38 0 0 0 35 42 40 1 3 2 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 11 4 7 2 3 3 34 37 38 25 37 34 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 140 125 125 0 0 0 146 130 130 6 5 5 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 90 90 90 0 0 0 90 90 90 0 0 0 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 170 170 170 75 75 75 101 101 101 6 6 6 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 852 901 901 598 598 598 414 455 455 160 152 152 Royaume-Uni 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total Europe 5,659 5,737 5,808 5,846 5,695 5,797 3,260 3,286 3,344 3,447 3,244 3,332 Total Europe
Armenia 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Arménie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 3
Belarus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bélarus 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... 2 ... ... 2 ... ... 2
Moldova 34 34 34 0 0 0 34 34 34 0 0 0 Moldova 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 3
Russia 1,615 1,078 1,260 1,626 1,627 1,953 351 176 140 362 725 833 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
Total EECCA 1,653 1,116 1,298 1,626 1,627 1,953 389 213 178 362 725 834 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,501 1,410 1,341 6,629 7,156 7,199 123 121 120 5,251 5,866 5,978 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 18,584 19,345 19,723 13,713 14,088 14,366 5,066 5,459 5,561 195 201 204 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 20,085 20,756 21,064 20,342 21,243 21,565 5,188 5,580 5,681 5,446 6,068 6,183 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 6

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 436 454 467 576 650 652 339 361 373 479 557 558 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 107 119 125 7 9 10 101 110 117 0 0 2 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 15 16 16 0 0 0 15 16 16 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 290 194 202 44 45 46 493 406 415 247 256 259 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 56 57 57 65 65 65 69 75 75 78 83 83 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 164 150 150 49 49 49 156 148 148 42 47 47 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 624 794 995 912 1,061 1,161 1,013 1,055 1,058 1,301 1,322 1,224 France 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Germany 4,097 4,155 4,235 5,801 5,850 5,900 1,784 1,835 1,940 3,488 3,530 3,605 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 409 409 409 451 451 451 167 167 167 209 209 209 Hongrie 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Ireland 168 109 109 512 512 512 102 115 115 445 518 518 Irlande 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Italy 1,403 1,417 1,417 827 827 827 796 926 926 220 337 337 Italie 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Latvia 35 32 32 0 0 0 57 53 53 22 21 21 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 47 47 47 147 147 147 19 19 19 119 119 119 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Malta 6 7 8 0 0 0 6 7 8 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Montenegro 14 14 14 0 0 0 14 14 14 0 0 0 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Netherlands 463 469 469 29 29 29 541 585 585 107 145 145 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 53 53 53 0 0 0 53 53 53 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Poland 3,676 3,855 4,055 4,844 4,960 5,110 851 875 945 2,019 1,980 2,000 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 382 391 386 443 453 457 320 323 326 382 385 397 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 124 133 134 24 26 27 134 143 145 34 36 38 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 201 210 210 0 0 0 224 230 230 23 20 20 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 23 23 23 118 128 128 49 71 60 144 176 165 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 1,038 1,012 1,138 1,535 1,714 1,874 371 444 465 869 1,146 1,201 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 268 307 295 0 0 0 347 390 375 78 83 80 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 272 292 302 192 205 210 263 266 266 183 179 174 Suisse 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Turkey 4,623 4,623 4,623 4,835 4,835 4,835 74 74 74 286 286 286 Turquie 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
United Kingdom 1,475 1,487 1,487 656 656 656 879 889 889 59 58 58 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 20,470 20,828 21,457 22,067 22,672 23,146 9,238 9,650 9,857 10,835 11,494 11,546 Total Europe
Armenia 63 63 63 0 0 0 63 63 63 0 0 0 Arménie 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Moldova 37 37 37 0 0 0 37 37 37 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Russia 2,802 3,415 3,674 3,581 4,301 4,635 459 591 637 1,238 1,476 1,597 Russie 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3
Total EECCA 2,902 3,515 3,775 3,581 4,301 4,635 559 691 737 1,238 1,476 1,597 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,219 1,573 1,583 1,290 1,340 1,340 761 1,066 1,074 832 832 831 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
United States 8,244 8,244 8,244 6,058 6,058 6,058 2,876 2,876 2,876 690 690 690 Etats-Unis 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Total North America 9,463 9,818 9,827 7,348 7,398 7,398 3,638 3,942 3,951 1,523 1,522 1,521 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 6a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 35 30 32 66 70 72 18 17 18 49 57 58 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 11 13 16 1 1 1 10 12 15 0 0 0 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 6 55 57 0 0 0 55 67 68 49 11 11 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 26 25 25 0 0 0 28 30 30 3 5 5 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 33 24 24 49 49 49 21 18 18 37 43 43 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France -135 -135 -135 87 87 87 225 225 225 447 447 447 France 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Germany 203 205 210 0 0 0 231 235 240 28 30 30 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 27 27 27 2 2 2 35 35 35 10 10 10 Hongrie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Ireland 22 20 20 0 0 0 22 20 20 0 0 0 Irlande 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 3
Italy 109 109 109 16 16 16 105 105 105 12 12 12 Italie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Latvia 13 13 13 0 0 0 15 15 15 2 2 2 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 3
Malta 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Montenegro 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Netherlands 43 45 45 0 0 0 64 65 65 21 20 20 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Poland -157 -80 -10 91 110 110 151 160 180 398 350 300 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 21 28 25 12 19 20 28 29 30 19 20 25 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 35 39 40 24 26 27 30 33 34 19 20 21 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 22 20 20 0 0 0 23 20 20 1 0 0 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 1 2 2 0 0 0 9 9 9 8 7 7 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain -4 13 12 32 40 41 34 50 48 70 77 77 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 71 70 69 0 0 0 81 82 80 10 12 11 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 13 13 13 0 0 0 21 21 21 8 8 8 Suisse 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Turkey 7 7 7 0 0 0 57 57 57 50 50 50 Turquie 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 3
United Kingdom 96 96 96 0 0 0 101 101 101 4 4 4 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 517 659 736 380 420 425 1,384 1,425 1,453 1,246 1,186 1,142 Total Europe
Armenia 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Arménie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 3
Moldova 16 16 16 0 0 0 16 16 16 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 322 390 350 370 450 400 100 100 100 148 160 150 Russie 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 341 409 369 370 450 400 119 119 119 148 160 150 Total EOCAC
Canada 63 81 75 90 90 90 65 93 93 92 102 108 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 211 211 211 212 212 212 238 238 238 239 239 239 Etats-Unis 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Total North America 274 292 286 302 302 302 303 331 331 331 341 347 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 6b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 255 259 260 510 580 580 170 174 175 425 495 495 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 88 94 96 5 6 7 83 88 90 0 0 1 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 12 13 13 0 0 0 12 13 13 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 198 87 91 44 45 46 253 154 158 99 112 113 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 22 23 23 0 0 0 38 41 41 16 18 18 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 111 106 106 0 0 0 115 110 110 4 4 4 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 706 859 1,060 751 900 1,000 716 757 760 761 798 700 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 2,314 2,325 2,375 4,600 4,625 4,650 593 600 650 2,879 2,900 2,925 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 355 355 355 430 430 430 117 117 117 193 193 193 Hongrie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Ireland 74 89 89 438 438 438 80 95 95 445 445 445 Irlande 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 3
Italy 1,229 1,243 1,243 809 809 809 627 757 757 207 323 323 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 3
Latvia 21 18 18 0 0 0 23 20 20 2 2 2 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 37 37 37 147 147 147 9 9 9 119 119 119 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 5 5 3 5 5 3
Malta 5 5 6 0 0 0 5 5 6 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Montenegro 6 6 6 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Netherlands 318 315 315 0 0 0 399 435 435 81 120 120 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 12 12 12 0 0 0 12 12 12 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 2 5 5 3
Poland 3,209 3,300 3,400 3,178 3,250 3,350 684 700 750 653 650 700 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 360 362 362 423 425 428 280 282 284 343 345 350 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 85 89 89 0 0 0 100 105 106 15 16 17 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 119 120 120 0 0 0 140 140 140 21 20 20 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 17 16 16 118 128 128 32 54 43 132 166 155 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 994 950 1,077 1,448 1,617 1,775 326 379 402 780 1,047 1,100 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 181 220 211 0 0 0 238 280 270 57 60 59 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 90 105 110 192 205 210 73 70 65 175 170 165 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 4,669 4,669 4,669 4,775 4,775 4,775 17 17 17 123 123 123 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 1,315 1,327 1,327 656 656 656 710 720 720 51 49 49 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 16,801 17,002 17,485 18,524 19,037 19,430 5,859 6,141 6,251 7,582 8,175 8,197 Total Europe
Armenia 57 57 57 0 0 0 57 57 57 0 0 0 Arménie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Moldova 21 21 21 0 0 0 21 21 21 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 2,448 2,993 3,292 3,199 3,839 4,223 329 461 507 1,080 1,307 1,437 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Total EECCA 2,527 3,071 3,371 3,199 3,839 4,223 408 539 585 1,080 1,307 1,438 Total EOCAC
Canada 1,041 1,327 1,343 1,100 1,150 1,150 569 793 797 628 615 604 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 4,836 4,836 4,836 2,667 2,667 2,667 2,453 2,453 2,453 284 284 284 Etats-Unis 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Total North America 5,877 6,163 6,179 3,767 3,817 3,817 3,022 3,246 3,251 912 899 889 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 6c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 146 165 175 0 0 0 151 170 180 5 5 5 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 8 12 13 1 2 2 8 10 12 0 0 1 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 86 52 54 0 0 0 185 185 189 99 133 135 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 9 9 9 65 65 65 3 4 4 59 60 60 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 20 20 20 0 0 0 20 20 20 0 0 0 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 53 70 70 74 74 74 72 73 73 93 77 77 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 1,580 1,625 1,650 1,201 1,225 1,250 961 1,000 1,050 581 600 650 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 28 28 28 19 19 19 15 15 15 6 6 6 Hongrie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Ireland 73 0 0 73 73 73 0 0 0 0 73 73 Irlande 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Italy 65 65 65 3 3 3 65 65 65 2 2 2 Italie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Latvia 1 1 1 0 0 0 19 18 18 18 17 17 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Montenegro 6 6 6 0 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 0 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Netherlands 102 109 109 29 29 29 78 85 85 5 5 5 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 32 32 32 0 0 0 32 32 32 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 3
Poland 624 635 665 1,575 1,600 1,650 17 15 15 968 980 1,000 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 0 1 -1 8 9 9 12 12 12 19 20 22 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 4 5 5 0 0 0 4 5 5 0 0 0 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 60 70 70 0 0 0 60 70 70 0 0 0 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 5 5 5 0 0 0 8 8 8 3 3 3 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 48 49 49 55 57 58 11 15 15 18 23 24 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 16 17 15 0 0 0 28 28 25 12 11 10 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 169 174 179 0 0 0 169 175 180 1 1 1 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey -53 -53 -53 60 60 60 0 0 0 113 113 113 Turquie 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 3
United Kingdom 64 64 64 0 0 0 68 68 68 4 4 4 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 3,152 3,167 3,236 3,163 3,215 3,291 1,996 2,085 2,153 2,007 2,133 2,208 Total Europe
Armenia 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Arménie 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Moldova 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 32 32 32 12 12 12 30 30 30 10 10 10 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Total EECCA 35 35 35 12 12 12 32 32 32 10 10 10 Total EOCAC
Canada 115 165 166 100 100 100 127 180 184 112 115 118 Canada 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
United States 3,197 3,197 3,197 3,179 3,179 3,179 185 185 185 167 167 167 Etats-Unis 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Total North America 3,312 3,362 3,363 3,279 3,279 3,279 312 365 369 279 282 285 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 7

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 2,158 2,300 2,330 2,022 2,020 2,100 578 680 680 442 400 450 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 111 118 118 70 75 76 41 43 42 0 0 0 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 805 831 772 594 591 611 253 240 250 42 0 89 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... 2 2
Estonia 81 70 70 231 250 250 47 50 50 198 230 230 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland a 6,411 6,802 6,616 10,520 11,318 11,331 224 220 220 4,333 4,736 4,935 Finlande a 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 2,918 2,927 2,800 1,620 1,650 1,600 1,745 1,726 1,700 447 449 500 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 5,015 5,167 5,178 2,255 2,267 2,278 3,952 4,000 4,000 1,192 1,100 1,100 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 195 177 177 51 33 33 147 145 145 4 2 2 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 41 45 45 0 0 0 41 45 45 0 0 0 Irlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Italy 3,416 3,416 3,416 223 223 223 3,271 3,271 3,271 77 77 77 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Latvia 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Netherlands 1,137 1,057 737 37 37 37 1,782 1,900 1,500 682 880 800 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Poland 2,709 2,750 2,810 1,717 1,730 1,750 1,152 1,180 1,230 159 160 170 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 1,506 1,615 1,650 2,683 2,700 2,750 143 145 150 1,320 1,230 1,250 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 86 88 90 0 0 0 86 88 90 0 0 0 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 537 550 550 687 675 675 162 175 175 312 300 300 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 367 353 347 91 83 85 289 275 270 13 5 8 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 1,847 1,837 1,933 1,730 1,798 1,923 1,047 1,088 1,209 929 1,049 1,199 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 8,437 8,460 8,260 12,034 12,100 11,850 653 610 610 4,250 4,250 4,200 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 171 160 160 72 70 70 99 90 90 0 0 0 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 1,381 989 1,138 70 70 70 1,442 1,050 1,200 131 131 132 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 971 924 924 220 220 220 768 721 721 17 17 17 Royaume-Uni 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total Europe 40,301 40,637 40,122 36,927 37,909 37,932 17,924 17,744 17,650 14,549 15,016 15,459 Total Europe
Russia 6,532 6,548 6,677 8,765 8,853 9,030 211 213 215 2,444 2,517 2,568 Russie 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 6,532 6,548 6,677 8,765 8,853 9,030 211 213 215 2,444 2,517 2,568 Total EOCAC
Canada 5,731 6,411 6,547 14,109 14,198 13,702 640 1,109 1,555 9,018 8,896 8,710 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 48,726 48,750 48,763 50,871 50,895 50,907 5,661 5,664 5,665 7,806 7,809 7,809 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 54,457 55,161 55,310 64,980 65,093 64,609 6,301 6,773 7,220 16,825 16,705 16,519 Total Amérique du Nord
a imports exclude dissolving pulp a les importations excluent pâte à dissoudre
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Table 8

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 2,111 2,170 2,200 4,719 5,050 5,100 1,275 1,300 1,350 3,882 4,180 4,250 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 154 160 166 167 180 182 99 100 106 113 120 122 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 46 48 48 0 0 0 46 48 48 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 1,451 1,460 1,474 893 904 924 1,436 1,447 1,480 878 891 930 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 134 140 140 72 75 75 133 140 140 71 75 75 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 702 740 720 8,210 8,750 8,540 319 320 320 7,827 8,330 8,140 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 7,904 8,069 8,300 6,873 7,000 7,300 4,487 4,661 4,500 3,456 3,592 3,500 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 18,251 18,660 18,983 21,348 23,060 23,383 9,999 10,000 10,000 13,096 14,400 14,400 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 928 944 944 864 861 861 841 852 852 777 769 769 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 422 410 415 60 65 70 388 370 375 26 25 30 Irlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Italy 10,204 10,204 10,204 8,514 8,514 8,514 4,773 4,773 4,773 3,083 3,083 3,083 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Latvia 163 160 160 25 30 30 170 170 170 32 40 40 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 25 25 25 0 0 0 31 31 31 6 6 6 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Malta 26 23 24 0 0 0 26 23 24 0 0 0 Malte 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Montenegro 10 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 10 0 0 0 Monténégro 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Netherlands 2,608 2,670 2,670 2,869 2,870 2,870 2,278 2,300 2,300 2,539 2,500 2,500 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 79 79 79 28 28 28 68 68 68 16 16 16 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Poland 7,332 7,400 7,500 5,129 5,250 5,350 4,677 4,700 4,750 2,474 2,550 2,600 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 1,007 1,050 990 1,900 2,000 2,030 858 850 860 1,751 1,800 1,900 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 727 733 737 577 580 583 452 456 459 302 303 305 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 476 600 600 758 900 950 427 400 400 709 700 750 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 833 730 680 706 650 600 757 710 710 630 630 630 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 6,483 6,541 6,390 6,269 6,473 6,477 2,734 2,823 2,917 2,520 2,756 3,004 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 1,428 1,195 1,090 9,333 9,130 8,800 656 665 650 8,561 8,600 8,360 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 1,050 1,050 1,055 1,168 1,170 1,175 621 610 600 739 730 720 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 4,489 4,489 4,489 2,800 2,800 2,800 2,505 2,505 2,505 816 816 816 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 7,321 7,207 7,225 3,631 3,600 3,550 4,439 4,325 4,375 749 718 700 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 76,362 76,966 77,318 86,911 89,940 90,192 44,504 44,656 44,772 55,053 57,630 57,646 Total Europe
Armenia 61 61 61 21 21 21 41 41 41 0 0 0 Arménie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Moldova 44 44 44 8 8 8 39 39 39 2 2 2 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 7,116 7,615 7,952 9,527 10,194 10,704 1,191 1,167 1,143 3,601 3,745 3,895 Russie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total EECCA 7,222 7,721 8,057 9,556 10,223 10,733 1,270 1,246 1,223 3,604 3,748 3,898 Total EOCAC
Canada 4,720 4,715 4,572 8,352 8,604 8,379 2,362 2,474 2,406 5,994 6,363 6,213 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 63,567 66,128 67,399 66,239 68,536 70,152 7,642 7,832 7,870 10,314 10,240 10,623 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 68,287 70,843 71,971 74,591 77,140 78,532 10,003 10,306 10,276 16,308 16,603 16,836 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 9

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Total Ind. RW Logs Pulpwood Other Wood fuel Total RW Country
Austria 11,462 12,924 13,110 8,504 9,732 9,830 2,958 3,192 3,280 0 0 0 5,327 5,111 5,200 16,790 18,035 18,310 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 2,819 2,806 2,848 2,031 2,016 2,050 614 624 626 174 166 172 1,484 1,502 1,496 4,303 4,308 4,344 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 7 9 9 9 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 29,152 21,353 18,590 20,678 13,107 10,325 8,359 8,133 8,150 115 113 115 6,717 7,160 7,210 35,869 28,513 25,800 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 6,502 6,100 6,100 4,134 3,900 3,900 2,316 2,150 2,150 52 50 50 4,136 3,830 3,830 10,637 9,930 9,930 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 51,530 56,946 57,515 22,479 25,857 25,679 29,051 31,089 31,836 0 0 0 8,893 8,893 8,893 60,423 65,839 66,407 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 24,259 25,840 25,080 15,965 17,400 16,700 7,793 7,900 7,800 501 540 580 23,444 24,500 25,700 47,703 50,340 50,780 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 61,790 62,377 61,177 48,213 48,900 47,300 13,503 13,400 13,800 74 77 77 22,261 21,300 21,300 84,051 83,677 82,477 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 2,457 2,796 2,796 1,155 1,257 1,257 902 919 919 400 619 619 2,516 2,672 2,672 4,972 5,468 5,468 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 3,695 3,542 3,772 2,350 2,485 2,647 1,197 877 934 148 180 192 286 232 247 3,981 3,774 4,019 Irlande 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Italy 5,002 5,002 5,002 3,352 3,352 3,352 1,018 1,018 1,018 632 632 632 10,839 10,839 10,839 15,841 15,841 15,841 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Latvia 12,727 12,350 12,350 7,379 7,400 7,400 4,123 3,850 3,850 1,225 1,100 1,100 2,620 2,580 2,580 15,347 14,930 14,930 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 291 340 332 81 88 86 104 166 160 106 86 86 59 77 73 350 416 405 Luxembourg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Montenegro 299 150 234 249 124 187 43 22 42 7 4 5 49 25 37 348 174 271 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Netherlands 662 725 725 214 260 260 402 420 420 46 45 45 2,323 2,325 2,325 2,985 3,050 3,050 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 125 125 125 114 114 114 0 0 0 11 11 11 610 610 610 735 735 735 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Poland 35,879 37,290 38,050 16,913 17,200 17,400 18,355 19,400 19,900 612 690 750 4,713 4,800 4,900 40,593 42,090 42,950 Pologne 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
Portugal 11,803 12,316 12,190 1,916 2,066 1,980 9,540 9,900 9,850 347 350 360 1,618 1,500 1,560 13,422 13,816 13,750 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 1,782 1,806 1,830 1,217 1,230 1,238 388 396 408 177 180 184 6,454 6,550 6,705 8,236 8,356 8,535 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 6,924 7,185 7,435 3,913 4,100 4,250 2,984 3,050 3,150 26 35 35 524 525 575 7,448 7,710 8,010 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 2,818 2,383 2,476 1,971 1,600 1,700 797 720 720 50 63 56 1,074 1,070 1,070 3,891 3,453 3,546 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 13,881 14,462 14,848 4,114 4,241 4,438 9,431 9,740 9,901 336 481 509 1,615 1,648 1,758 15,496 16,110 16,606 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 69,000 71,000 70,400 37,200 38,400 37,600 31,500 32,300 32,500 300 300 300 5,400 5,600 5,600 74,400 76,600 76,000 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 2,807 2,933 3,003 2,322 2,440 2,500 482 490 500 3 3 3 1,845 1,890 1,960 4,652 4,823 4,963 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 24,474 24,790 24,790 10,889 11,000 11,000 12,447 12,650 12,650 1,138 1,140 1,140 5,396 5,856 5,856 29,870 30,646 30,646 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 8,009 8,636 8,636 5,892 6,475 6,475 1,632 1,632 1,632 485 528 528 2,429 2,429 2,429 10,438 11,065 11,065 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 390,151 396,178 393,415 223,248 224,746 219,670 159,938 164,038 166,197 6,965 7,393 7,549 122,638 123,531 125,432 512,789 519,708 518,848 Total Europe
Armenia 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 1,546 1,546 1,546 1,550 1,550 1,550 Arménie 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Moldova 45 45 45 31 31 31 0 0 0 14 14 14 1,219 1,219 1,219 1,264 1,264 1,264 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Russia 201,891 205,132 198,720 135,325 137,274 132,286 48,954 50,070 49,541 17,612 17,788 16,894 15,109 15,260 14,805 217,000 220,392 213,525 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Total EECCA 201,941 205,182 198,769 135,356 137,305 132,317 48,954 50,070 49,541 17,630 17,806 16,912 17,873 18,024 17,569 219,814 223,206 216,338 Total EOCAC
Canada 130,430 125,381 125,381 116,298 111,984 111,984 12,278 11,544 11,544 1,853 1,853 1,853 1,750 1,750 1,750 132,180 127,132 127,132 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
United States 369,175 380,381 383,613 180,237 191,345 194,529 175,722 175,805 175,846 13,215 13,230 13,238 60,525 60,588 60,622 429,700 440,969 444,235 Etats-Unis 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
Total North America 499,604 505,762 508,995 296,536 303,330 306,513 188,000 187,349 187,390 15,069 15,083 15,091 62,276 62,338 62,372 561,880 568,101 571,367 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques
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Table 9a

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Total Ind. RW Logs Pulpwood Other Wood fuel Total RW Country
Austria 10,587 11,920 12,100 8,229 9,410 9,500 2,358 2,510 2,600 0 0 0 3,359 3,067 3,200 13,946 14,987 15,300 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 2,120 2,097 2,133 1,417 1,390 1,420 559 567 570 144 140 143 5 7 6 2,125 2,104 2,139 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 6 7 8 8 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 28,432 20,624 17,850 20,286 12,716 9,942 8,036 7,799 7,798 110 109 110 6,165 6,615 6,675 34,597 27,239 24,525 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 4,434 4,200 4,200 3,259 3,100 3,100 1,148 1,075 1,075 27 25 25 1,426 1,330 1,330 5,861 5,530 5,530 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 43,228 48,622 48,806 21,593 24,690 24,512 21,635 23,931 24,294 0 0 0 4,304 4,304 4,304 47,532 52,926 53,110 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 16,361 17,840 16,860 11,669 13,000 12,000 4,479 4,600 4,600 213 240 260 2,344 2,500 2,700 18,705 20,340 19,560 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 56,362 57,175 56,075 45,700 46,500 45,000 10,590 10,600 11,000 72 75 75 9,005 8,500 8,500 65,366 65,675 64,575 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 858 832 832 169 159 159 596 542 542 94 130 130 142 116 116 1,000 948 948 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 3,692 3,532 3,762 2,347 2,475 2,636 1,197 877 934 148 180 192 276 120 128 3,968 3,652 3,889 Irlande 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3 2 2 3
Italy 4,125 4,125 4,125 2,792 2,792 2,792 853 853 853 480 480 480 1,180 1,180 1,180 5,305 5,305 5,305 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3
Latvia 8,407 8,100 8,100 5,476 5,400 5,400 2,241 2,100 2,100 690 600 600 285 280 280 8,692 8,380 8,380 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 209 169 169 63 51 51 40 32 32 106 86 86 37 30 30 246 198 199 Luxembourg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Montenegro 167 84 136 148 74 111 17 9 23 2 1 2 5 3 4 172 87 139 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Netherlands 446 475 475 154 180 180 255 260 260 37 35 35 423 425 425 869 900 900 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 51 51 51 41 41 41 0 0 0 10 10 10 26 26 26 77 77 77 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 3 3 3
Poland 28,625 29,550 29,800 14,167 14,400 14,500 13,886 14,500 14,600 572 650 700 2,297 2,350 2,400 30,922 31,900 32,200 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 3,974 4,316 4,190 1,696 1,866 1,800 2,130 2,300 2,230 147 150 160 422 400 410 4,396 4,716 4,600 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 372 381 390 229 235 240 94 96 98 49 50 52 142 150 155 514 531 545 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 3,776 3,925 4,025 2,598 2,700 2,750 1,157 1,200 1,250 21 25 25 259 250 300 4,035 4,175 4,325 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 1,985 1,445 1,595 1,624 1,200 1,300 346 230 280 15 15 15 121 120 120 2,106 1,565 1,715 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 6,836 7,224 7,522 3,150 3,276 3,473 3,489 3,665 3,751 197 282 298 483 516 626 7,319 7,740 8,148 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 62,550 64,450 63,750 37,000 38,200 37,400 25,400 26,100 26,200 150 150 150 2,700 2,800 2,800 65,250 67,250 66,550 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 2,403 2,512 2,567 2,093 2,200 2,250 308 310 315 2 2 2 786 790 810 3,189 3,302 3,377 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 15,721 15,925 15,925 7,429 7,500 7,500 7,222 7,350 7,350 1,070 1,075 1,075 2,756 2,756 2,756 18,477 18,681 18,681 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 7,896 8,523 8,523 5,829 6,412 6,412 1,630 1,630 1,630 436 480 480 1,817 1,817 1,817 9,713 10,339 10,339 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 313,618 318,097 313,962 199,160 199,969 194,471 109,665 113,137 114,386 4,793 4,990 5,105 40,770 40,456 41,103 354,388 358,553 355,065 Total Europe
Armenia 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 Arménie 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3
Moldova 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 3 3 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 3 3 3
Russia 161,011 162,621 153,754 120,439 121,644 115,562 33,289 33,622 31,941 7,283 7,356 6,252 10,752 10,859 10,316 171,763 173,480 164,071 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Total EECCA 161,016 162,626 153,759 120,440 121,645 115,563 33,289 33,622 31,941 7,287 7,360 6,256 10,754 10,861 10,318 171,770 173,487 164,078 Total EOCAC
Canada 107,661 103,728 103,728 103,717 100,117 100,117 3,804 3,470 3,470 140 140 140 805 805 805 108,466 104,533 104,533 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
United States 293,023 296,554 299,112 147,988 151,442 153,962 133,458 133,521 133,552 11,578 11,591 11,598 26,345 26,374 26,390 319,368 322,928 325,502 Etats-Unis 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
Total North America 400,685 400,282 402,839 251,705 251,559 254,079 137,262 136,992 137,023 11,718 11,731 11,738 27,150 27,179 27,195 427,834 427,461 430,034 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques
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Table 9b

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Total Ind. RW Logs Pulpwood Other Wood fuel Total RW Country
Austria 876 1,004 1,010 275 322 330 600 682 680 0 0 0 1,968 2,044 2,000 2,843 3,048 3,010 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 699 709 715 614 626 630 55 57 56 30 26 29 1,479 1,495 1,490 2,178 2,204 2,205 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 720 729 740 392 391 383 323 334 352 5 4 5 552 545 535 1,272 1,274 1,275 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 2,068 1,900 1,900 875 800 800 1,168 1,075 1,075 25 25 25 2,709 2,500 2,500 4,777 4,400 4,400 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 8,302 8,324 8,708 886 1,167 1,167 7,416 7,158 7,542 0 0 0 4,589 4,589 4,589 12,891 12,913 13,297 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 7,898 8,000 8,220 4,296 4,400 4,700 3,314 3,300 3,200 288 300 320 21,100 22,000 23,000 28,998 30,000 31,220 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 5,428 5,202 5,102 2,513 2,400 2,300 2,913 2,800 2,800 2 2 2 13,257 12,800 12,800 18,685 18,002 17,902 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 1,598 1,964 1,964 986 1,098 1,098 306 377 377 306 489 489 2,374 2,557 2,557 3,972 4,520 4,520 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 3 10 11 3 10 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 112 119 13 122 130 Irlande 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3 2 2 3
Italy 877 877 877 560 560 560 166 166 166 152 152 152 9,659 9,659 9,659 10,536 10,536 10,536 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3
Latvia 4,320 4,250 4,250 1,903 2,000 2,000 1,882 1,750 1,750 535 500 500 2,335 2,300 2,300 6,655 6,550 6,550 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 82 171 163 18 37 35 64 134 128 0 0 0 22 47 43 104 218 206 Luxembourg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Montenegro 132 66 99 101 50 76 26 13 19 5 3 4 44 22 33 176 88 132 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Netherlands 216 250 250 60 80 80 147 160 160 9 10 10 1,900 1,900 1,900 2,116 2,150 2,150 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 74 74 74 73 73 73 0 0 0 1 1 1 584 584 584 658 658 658 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 3 3 3
Poland 7,254 7,740 8,250 2,747 2,800 2,900 4,468 4,900 5,300 40 40 50 2,416 2,450 2,500 9,670 10,190 10,750 Pologne 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
Portugal 7,830 8,000 8,000 220 200 180 7,410 7,600 7,620 200 200 200 1,196 1,100 1,150 9,026 9,100 9,150 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 1,410 1,425 1,440 988 995 998 294 300 310 128 130 132 6,312 6,400 6,550 7,722 7,825 7,990 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 3,148 3,260 3,410 1,316 1,400 1,500 1,828 1,850 1,900 5 10 10 265 275 275 3,413 3,535 3,685 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 833 938 881 348 400 400 450 490 440 35 48 41 952 950 950 1,785 1,888 1,831 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 7,045 7,239 7,326 964 965 965 5,942 6,074 6,150 139 199 211 1,132 1,132 1,132 8,177 8,371 8,458 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 6,450 6,550 6,650 200 200 200 6,100 6,200 6,300 150 150 150 2,700 2,800 2,800 9,150 9,350 9,450 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 404 421 436 229 240 250 174 180 185 1 1 1 1,059 1,100 1,150 1,463 1,521 1,586 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 8,753 8,865 8,865 3,460 3,500 3,500 5,225 5,300 5,300 68 65 65 2,640 3,100 3,100 11,393 11,965 11,965 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 113 113 113 63 63 63 2 2 2 48 48 48 613 613 613 726 726 726 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 76,532 78,080 79,454 24,088 24,777 25,199 50,273 50,901 51,811 2,171 2,402 2,444 81,868 83,074 84,330 158,401 161,155 163,783 Total Europe
Armenia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,546 1,546 1,546 1,546 1,546 1,546 Arménie 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3
Moldova 44 44 44 30 30 30 0 0 0 14 14 14 1,217 1,217 1,217 1,261 1,261 1,261 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3
Russia 40,880 42,511 44,965 14,886 15,630 16,724 15,665 16,449 17,600 10,329 10,433 10,641 4,357 4,401 4,489 45,237 46,912 49,454 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Total EECCA 40,925 42,556 45,010 14,916 15,660 16,754 15,665 16,449 17,600 10,343 10,447 10,655 7,120 7,163 7,251 48,044 49,719 52,261 Total EOCAC
Canada 22,768 21,654 21,654 12,581 11,867 11,867 8,474 8,073 8,073 1,713 1,713 1,713 946 946 946 23,714 22,599 22,599 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3
United States 76,151 83,827 84,502 32,250 39,903 40,567 42,264 42,284 42,294 1,638 1,639 1,640 34,180 34,214 34,232 110,332 118,041 118,734 Etats-Unis 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
Total North America 98,920 105,481 106,155 44,831 51,771 52,435 50,738 50,358 50,368 3,351 3,352 3,353 35,126 35,160 35,178 134,046 140,640 141,333 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques
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Table 10

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 16,525 17,280 17,550 8,229 9,410 9,500 8,705 8,320 8,500 409 450 450 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 1,459 1,433 1,469 1,417 1,390 1,420 57 60 65 15 17 16 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 9,100 8,655 8,790 20,286 12,716 9,942 555 545 560 11,741 4,606 1,712 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 3,436 3,470 3,470 3,259 3,100 3,100 259 450 450 82 80 80 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 21,577 24,602 24,339 21,593 24,690 24,512 322 203 118 338 291 291 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 11,019 12,370 11,400 11,669 13,000 12,000 184 232 300 834 862 900 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 43,600 42,000 43,000 45,700 46,500 45,000 3,900 3,500 4,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 169 159 159 169 159 159 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Ireland 2,397 2,525 2,686 2,347 2,475 2,636 300 320 320 250 270 270 Irlande 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Italy 2,792 2,792 2,792 2,792 2,792 2,792 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Latvia 6,183 6,030 6,030 5,476 5,400 5,400 897 850 850 190 220 220 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 336 324 324 63 51 51 524 524 524 251 251 251 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Montenegro 148 74 111 148 74 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Netherlands 134 188 188 154 180 180 65 83 83 85 75 75 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 41 41 41 41 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Poland 13,685 14,000 14,200 14,167 14,400 14,500 1,227 1,250 1,300 1,709 1,650 1,600 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 2,099 1,986 1,915 1,696 1,866 1,800 428 150 140 25 30 25 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 246 254 261 229 235 240 20 22 24 3 3 3 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 2,727 3,200 3,250 2,598 2,700 2,750 898 900 900 769 400 400 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 1,467 1,260 1,300 1,624 1,200 1,300 367 350 320 523 290 320 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 3,245 3,342 3,634 3,150 3,276 3,473 215 226 381 121 160 220 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 37,054 38,279 37,479 37,000 38,200 37,400 718 743 743 664 664 664 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 1,808 1,930 1,995 2,093 2,200 2,250 55 50 55 340 320 310 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 7,424 7,490 7,490 7,429 7,500 7,500 15 10 10 20 20 20 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 6,051 6,634 6,634 5,829 6,412 6,412 330 330 330 108 108 108 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 194,723 200,321 200,509 199,160 199,969 194,471 20,042 19,119 19,973 24,478 18,767 13,935 Total Europe
Moldova 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Russia 108,143 109,224 108,110 120,439 121,644 115,562 0 0 0 12,297 12,420 7,452 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 108,144 109,225 108,111 120,440 121,645 115,563 0 0 0 12,297 12,420 7,452 Total EOCAC
Canada 99,569 94,455 93,946 103,717 100,117 100,117 2,682 2,525 2,612 6,830 8,187 8,783 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
United States 139,741 144,640 143,529 147,988 151,442 153,962 285 302 320 8,531 7,104 10,752 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 239,311 239,094 237,475 251,705 251,559 254,079 2,967 2,826 2,931 15,361 15,291 19,535 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce
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Table 11

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 395 452 460 275 322 330 160 180 180 40 50 50 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 614 630 630 614 626 630 9 12 10 9 8 10 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 332 320 323 392 391 383 120 120 122 180 191 182 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 893 840 840 875 800 800 42 65 65 25 25 25 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 988 1,306 1,167 886 1,167 1,167 103 139 1 0 0 0 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 3,384 3,499 3,830 4,296 4,400 4,700 110 119 130 1,022 1,020 1,000 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 1,863 1,850 1,790 2,513 2,400 2,300 150 150 140 800 700 650 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 986 1,098 1,098 986 1,098 1,098 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Ireland 2 8 9 3 10 11 0 0 0 1 2 2 Irlande 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Italy 560 560 560 560 560 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Latvia 1,674 1,725 1,725 1,903 2,000 2,000 35 25 25 265 300 300 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 174 193 191 18 37 35 171 171 171 15 15 15 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Montenegro 101 50 76 101 50 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Netherlands 87 115 115 60 80 80 82 90 90 55 55 55 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 73 73 73 73 73 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Poland 2,677 2,730 2,830 2,747 2,800 2,900 80 80 80 150 150 150 Pologne 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Portugal 885 320 290 220 200 180 696 150 140 30 30 30 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 973 977 972 988 995 998 25 27 29 40 45 55 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 1,387 1,500 1,600 1,316 1,400 1,500 381 400 400 310 300 300 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 235 263 243 348 400 400 32 43 43 145 180 200 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 1,001 1,023 1,303 964 965 965 96 102 382 59 44 44 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 216 223 223 200 200 200 23 23 23 7 0 0 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 114 125 135 229 240 250 50 45 40 165 160 155 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 3,486 3,515 3,515 3,460 3,500 3,500 45 30 30 19 15 15 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 120 120 120 63 63 63 66 66 66 9 9 9 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 23,219 23,516 24,118 24,088 24,777 25,199 2,476 2,038 2,167 3,345 3,299 3,247 Total Europe
Moldova 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Russia 12,486 13,182 14,227 14,886 15,630 16,724 0 0 0 2,400 2,448 2,497 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 12,516 13,212 14,257 14,916 15,660 16,754 0 0 0 2,400 2,448 2,497 Total EOCAC
Canada 13,545 12,981 12,948 12,581 11,867 11,867 1,018 1,190 1,154 54 76 73 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
United States 30,257 37,792 38,330 32,250 39,903 40,567 154 159 165 2,147 2,271 2,402 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 43,802 50,773 51,278 44,831 51,771 52,435 1,172 1,349 1,318 2,201 2,347 2,475 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce
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Table 11a

HARDWOOD LOGS (temperate) GRUMES DE NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 395 452 460 275 322 330 160 180 180 40 50 50 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 614 630 630 614 626 630 9 12 10 9 8 10 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 332 320 323 392 391 383 120 120 122 180 191 182 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 893 840 840 875 800 800 42 65 65 25 25 25 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 988 1,306 1,167 886 1,167 1,167 103 139 1 0 0 0 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 3,351 3,461 3,793 4,296 4,400 4,700 74 78 90 1,019 1,017 997 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 1,857 1,846 1,784 2,513 2,400 2,300 142 141 130 798 695 646 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 986 1,098 1,098 986 1,098 1,098 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 2 8 9 3 10 11 0 0 0 1 2 2 Irlande 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Italy 560 560 560 560 560 560 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Latvia 1,674 1,725 1,725 1,903 2,000 2,000 35 25 25 265 300 300 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 159 178 176 18 37 35 156 156 156 15 15 15 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Montenegro 101 50 76 101 50 76 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Netherlands 83 102 102 60 80 80 68 70 70 45 48 48 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 73 73 73 73 73 73 0 0 0 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Poland 2,675 2,728 2,828 2,747 2,800 2,900 78 78 78 150 150 150 Pologne 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Portugal 698 246 221 220 200 180 504 70 65 25 24 24 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 972 976 971 988 995 998 24 26 28 40 45 55 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 1,387 1,500 1,600 1,316 1,400 1,500 381 400 400 310 300 300 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 235 262 242 348 400 400 32 42 42 145 180 200 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 994 1,017 1,296 964 965 965 89 95 374 59 43 43 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 216 223 223 200 200 200 23 23 23 7 0 0 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 114 125 135 229 240 250 50 45 40 165 160 155 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 3,486 3,515 3,515 3,460 3,500 3,500 45 30 30 19 15 15 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 96 96 96 63 63 63 42 42 42 9 9 9 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 22,940 23,338 23,943 24,088 24,777 25,199 2,176 1,837 1,971 3,324 3,276 3,226 Total Europe
Moldova 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Russia 12,486 13,182 14,227 14,886 15,630 16,724 0 0 0 2,400 2,448 2,497 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 12,516 13,212 14,257 14,916 15,660 16,754 0 0 0 2,400 2,448 2,497 Total EOCAC
Canada 13,546 12,984 12,948 12,581 11,867 11,867 1,018 1,190 1,154 53 73 73 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
United States 30,256 37,791 38,329 32,250 39,903 40,567 152 158 163 2,146 2,270 2,401 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 43,802 50,775 51,277 44,831 51,771 52,435 1,170 1,347 1,317 2,199 2,343 2,474 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce
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Table 11b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Net Trade
Country Commerce Net Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
France -33 -38 -37 36 42 40 3 3 3 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany -6 -4 -6 8 9 10 2 5 4 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg -15 -15 -15 15 15 15 0 0 0 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Netherlands -4 -13 -13 14 20 20 10 7 7 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Poland -1 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal -187 -74 -69 192 80 75 5 6 6 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain -7 -6 -7 7 8 8 0 1 1 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom -24 -24 -24 24 24 24 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe -279 -178 -175 300 201 196 20 23 21 Total Europe
Canada 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States -1 -1 -1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 0 2 -1 2 2 2 2 4 1 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 12

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 15,114 15,232 15,570 10,110 10,642 10,980 5,798 5,730 5,630 794 1,140 1,040 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 928 911 927 881 874 891 99 87 87 51 50 51 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 8 9 9 8 8 8 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 6,297 6,778 6,889 10,087 9,823 9,900 482 558 576 4,272 3,603 3,587 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 4,050 3,280 3,280 6,316 5,850 5,850 459 270 270 2,724 2,840 2,840 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 53,097 56,668 56,727 43,221 46,410 47,366 11,047 11,200 10,303 1,171 942 942 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 23,342 23,959 24,580 22,195 22,900 23,300 3,083 3,093 3,280 1,936 2,034 2,000 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 27,601 26,250 27,690 29,618 30,900 31,300 3,352 2,650 3,140 5,368 7,300 6,750 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 1,766 1,936 1,936 1,707 1,843 1,843 134 223 223 75 130 130 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 1,961 1,869 1,974 2,082 2,044 2,177 129 200 203 249 375 406 Irlande 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Italy 5,567 5,567 5,567 4,518 4,518 4,518 1,154 1,154 1,154 105 105 105 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Latvia 4,140 3,650 3,650 6,387 6,050 6,050 2,019 1,800 1,800 4,266 4,200 4,200 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 695 757 751 625 687 681 189 189 189 119 119 119 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Malta 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Montenegro 239 218 238 238 217 237 1 1 1 0 0 0 Monténégro 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Netherlands 1,145 1,120 1,120 1,355 1,380 1,390 734 730 730 944 990 1,000 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Poland 29,967 30,985 31,835 28,035 29,200 29,800 4,609 4,460 4,410 2,677 2,675 2,375 Pologne 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Portugal 13,533 13,750 13,782 11,462 11,900 11,870 2,363 2,280 2,382 292 430 470 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 909 947 976 892 931 958 21 20 22 4 4 4 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 3,472 3,800 4,000 4,119 4,200 4,350 1,006 1,000 1,050 1,654 1,400 1,400 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 834 910 880 1,877 1,870 1,920 494 700 570 1,536 1,660 1,610 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 11,099 11,684 12,052 12,663 13,217 13,651 557 582 603 2,121 2,116 2,202 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 59,772 59,734 59,784 52,100 53,300 53,300 8,194 7,127 7,127 522 693 643 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 1,692 1,713 1,738 1,254 1,280 1,310 631 623 613 193 190 185 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 13,596 14,027 14,027 13,397 13,600 13,600 202 455 455 3 28 28 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 5,136 5,482 5,482 4,670 4,974 4,974 578 578 578 112 71 71 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 285,963 291,237 295,466 269,817 278,619 282,225 47,336 45,712 45,399 31,190 33,094 32,158 Total Europe
Moldova 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Russia 58,244 60,273 64,791 73,232 75,562 76,307 104 104 104 15,092 15,393 11,620 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 58,246 60,275 64,793 73,233 75,563 76,308 105 105 105 15,092 15,393 11,620 Total EOCAC
Canada 34,428 30,819 31,865 31,073 27,434 27,434 4,000 3,969 4,975 645 584 545 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
United States 228,406 228,659 234,933 233,223 234,181 234,974 190 206 201 5,007 5,728 243 Etats-Unis 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 3
Total North America 262,835 259,479 266,798 264,296 261,615 262,408 4,191 4,175 5,177 5,652 6,312 788 Total Amérique du Nord
Includes wood residues, chips and particles for all purposes Comprend les dechets de bois, plaquettes et particules pour toute utilisation
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce
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Table 12a

Softwood Conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 4,999 4,750 4,840 2,358 2,510 2,600 2,749 2,500 2,400 108 260 160 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 622 625 623 559 567 570 77 68 65 14 10 12 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 4,527 5,000 5,050 8,036 7,799 7,798 263 255 268 3,772 3,054 3,016 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 528 475 475 1,148 1,075 1,075 21 40 40 641 640 640 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 21,957 24,401 24,237 21,635 23,931 24,294 1,205 1,238 711 883 768 768 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 4,622 4,724 4,700 4,479 4,600 4,600 506 561 600 363 438 500 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 10,290 7,600 9,000 10,590 10,600 11,000 2,200 1,500 2,000 2,500 4,500 4,000 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 596 542 542 596 542 542 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Ireland 1,117 752 801 1,197 877 934 30 50 53 110 175 186 Irlande 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Italy 853 853 853 853 853 853 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Latvia 1,814 1,750 1,750 2,241 2,100 2,100 306 350 350 733 700 700 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 40 32 32 40 32 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Montenegro 17 9 23 17 9 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Netherlands 142 140 140 255 260 260 82 80 80 195 200 200 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Poland 13,036 13,600 13,950 13,886 14,500 14,600 1,185 1,200 1,250 2,035 2,100 1,900 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 2,205 2,350 2,272 2,130 2,300 2,230 81 80 82 6 30 40 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 94 96 98 94 96 98 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 702 900 950 1,157 1,200 1,250 575 500 500 1,030 800 800 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 278 310 330 346 230 280 230 310 280 298 230 230 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 2,931 2,905 2,952 3,489 3,665 3,751 95 100 102 653 860 901 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 29,055 29,293 29,393 25,400 26,100 26,200 3,931 3,469 3,469 276 276 276 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 238 240 245 308 310 315 20 20 20 90 90 90 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 7,224 7,352 7,352 7,222 7,350 7,350 3 3 3 1 1 1 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 1,885 1,885 1,885 1,630 1,630 1,630 283 283 283 29 29 29 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 109,772 110,583 112,492 109,665 113,137 114,386 13,842 12,607 12,556 13,736 15,161 14,449 Total Europe
Russia 29,389 29,682 32,041 33,289 33,622 31,941 100 100 100 4,000 4,040 0 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 29,389 29,682 32,041 33,289 33,622 31,941 100 100 100 4,000 4,040 0 Total EOCAC
Canada 4,432 3,984 4,267 3,804 3,470 3,470 645 518 800 17 4 3 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
United States 133,463 133,526 133,557 133,458 133,521 133,552 5 5 5 0 0 0 Etats-Unis 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Total North America 137,895 137,511 137,825 137,262 136,992 137,023 650 523 805 17 4 3 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce
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Table 12b

Hardwood Non-conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 1,210 1,382 1,380 600 682 680 680 780 780 70 80 80 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 61 62 64 55 57 56 13 10 12 7 5 4 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 276 293 306 323 334 352 17 18 18 64 59 64 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 507 205 205 1,168 1,075 1,075 172 130 130 833 1,000 1,000 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 11,986 11,834 11,801 7,416 7,158 7,542 4,637 4,709 4,292 67 32 32 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 2,509 2,546 2,480 3,314 3,300 3,200 67 66 80 872 820 800 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 2,663 2,650 2,690 2,913 2,800 2,800 150 150 140 400 300 250 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 306 377 377 306 377 377 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Italy 166 166 166 166 166 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... 3
Latvia 600 400 400 1,882 1,750 1,750 461 350 350 1,743 1,700 1,700 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 64 134 128 64 134 128 0 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Montenegro 26 13 19 26 13 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 Monténégro 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2
Netherlands 65 50 50 147 160 160 21 20 20 103 130 130 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Poland 4,953 5,385 5,785 4,468 4,900 5,300 560 560 560 75 75 75 Pologne 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Portugal 8,585 8,300 8,350 7,410 7,600 7,620 1,353 1,000 1,050 178 300 320 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 293 299 309 294 300 310 0 0 0 1 1 1 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 1,788 1,900 2,000 1,828 1,850 1,900 70 150 200 110 100 100 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 146 140 100 450 490 440 88 130 90 392 480 430 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 5,267 5,658 5,658 5,942 6,074 6,150 285 291 295 960 707 787 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 8,641 8,441 8,541 6,100 6,200 6,300 2,558 2,258 2,258 17 17 17 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 137 143 148 174 180 185 3 3 3 40 40 40 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 5,225 5,300 5,300 5,225 5,300 5,300 2 2 2 2 2 2 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 17 17 17 2 2 2 16 16 16 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 55,490 55,695 56,274 50,273 50,901 51,811 11,152 10,643 10,295 5,935 5,849 5,832 Total Europe
Russia 8,465 9,105 10,109 15,665 16,449 17,600 0 0 0 7,200 7,344 7,491 Russie 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 8,465 9,105 10,109 15,665 16,449 17,600 0 0 0 7,200 7,344 7,491 Total EOCAC
Canada 8,112 7,871 7,870 8,474 8,073 8,073 31 28 19 393 231 223 Canada 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3
United States 42,217 42,237 42,247 42,264 42,284 42,294 42 42 42 89 89 89 Etats-Unis 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Total North America 50,329 50,108 50,117 50,738 50,358 50,368 73 70 61 482 320 312 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce
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Table 12c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 8,904 9,100 9,350 7,152 7,450 7,700 2,369 2,450 2,450 616 800 800 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 245 224 240 267 250 265 9 9 10 30 35 35 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 8 9 9 8 8 8 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 1,494 1,485 1,533 1,728 1,690 1,750 202 285 290 436 490 507 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 3,015 2,600 2,600 4,000 3,700 3,700 266 100 100 1,251 1,200 1,200 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 19,154 20,432 20,689 14,170 15,321 15,530 5,205 5,254 5,301 221 142 142 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 16,211 16,690 17,400 14,402 15,000 15,500 2,510 2,465 2,600 701 776 700 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 14,649 16,000 16,000 16,115 17,500 17,500 1,002 1,000 1,000 2,468 2,500 2,500 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 864 1,017 1,017 805 924 924 134 223 223 75 130 130 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 844 1,117 1,173 885 1,167 1,243 99 150 150 139 200 220 Irlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Italy 4,549 4,549 4,549 3,500 3,500 3,500 1,154 1,154 1,154 105 105 105 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Latvia 1,726 1,500 1,500 2,264 2,200 2,200 1,252 1,100 1,100 1,790 1,800 1,800 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 591 591 591 521 521 521 189 189 189 119 119 119 Luxembourg 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Malta 2 2 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 Malte 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Montenegro 196 196 196 195 195 195 1 1 1 0 0 0 Monténégro 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Netherlands 938 930 930 953 960 970 631 630 630 646 660 670 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Poland 11,977 12,000 12,100 9,680 9,800 9,900 2,864 2,700 2,600 567 500 400 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 2,742 3,100 3,160 1,921 2,000 2,020 929 1,200 1,250 108 100 110 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 522 552 569 504 535 550 21 20 22 3 3 3 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 982 1,000 1,050 1,135 1,150 1,200 361 350 350 514 500 500 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 409 460 450 1,080 1,150 1,200 176 260 200 847 950 950 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 2,902 3,120 3,442 3,233 3,478 3,750 178 191 206 508 548 514 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 22,076 22,000 21,850 20,600 21,000 20,800 1,705 1,400 1,400 229 400 350 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 1,317 1,330 1,345 772 790 810 608 600 590 63 60 55 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 1,147 1,375 1,375 950 950 950 197 450 450 0 25 25 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 3,234 3,580 3,580 3,038 3,342 3,342 279 279 279 83 41 41 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 120,700 124,959 126,700 109,879 114,581 116,029 22,341 22,462 22,548 11,520 12,084 11,876 Total Europe
Moldova 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 20,390 21,487 22,641 24,278 25,492 26,766 4 4 4 3,892 4,009 4,129 Russie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total EECCA 20,392 21,489 22,643 24,279 25,493 26,767 5 5 5 3,892 4,009 4,129 Total EOCAC
Canada 21,885 18,964 19,728 18,795 15,890 15,890 3,324 3,423 4,156 235 349 318 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 52,726 52,896 59,128 57,501 58,376 59,128 143 159 154 4,918 5,639 154 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 74,611 71,860 78,856 76,296 74,266 75,018 3,467 3,581 4,310 5,153 5,988 472 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 13

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria 1,074 1,135 1,250 1,540 1,650 1,800 384 425 390 849 940 940 Autriche 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Bosnia-Herzegovina 90 94 94 150 162 165 1 2 3 61 70 74 Bosnie-Herzegovine 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cyprus 4 4 4 0 0 0 4 4 4 0 0 0 Chypre 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Czech Republic 180 182 198 477 490 502 32 34 35 329 342 339 République tchèque 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Estonia 572 115 115 1,630 1,400 1,400 12 15 15 1,070 1,300 1,300 Estonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Finland 427 395 420 322 345 365 112 90 90 7 40 35 Finlande 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
France 2,075 2,101 2,200 1,760 1,800 1,850 412 410 450 97 109 100 France 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Germany 2,590 2,880 3,225 3,100 3,300 3,600 291 325 350 801 745 725 Allemagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hungary 77 79 79 16 19 19 84 82 82 23 22 22 Hongrie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ireland 45 65 65 38 55 55 38 45 45 30 35 35 Irlande 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Italy 2,194 2,194 2,194 400 400 400 1,802 1,802 1,802 7 7 7 Italie 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Latvia 325 300 300 2,264 2,200 2,200 425 400 400 2,364 2,300 2,300 Lettonie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Luxembourg 47 47 47 63 63 63 11 11 11 27 27 27 Luxembourg 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Malta 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Malte 3 3 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 3
Montenegro 53 47 47 89 82 82 1 1 1 37 37 37 Monténégro 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3
Netherlands 2,442 2,609 3,180 300 300 300 2,297 2,429 3,000 155 120 120 Pays-Bas 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
North Macedonia 91 91 91 0 0 0 91 91 91 0 0 0 Macédoine du Nord 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Poland 818 880 900 1,353 1,450 1,500 176 180 200 711 750 800 Pologne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Portugal 255 204 245 859 900 950 2 4 5 606 700 710 Portugal 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Serbia 406 445 450 445 455 460 40 45 50 79 55 60 Serbie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovakia 20 20 20 206 200 200 43 45 45 229 225 225 Slovaquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Slovenia 206 165 175 148 160 165 257 215 230 198 210 220 Slovénie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Spain 507 696 798 531 745 863 65 76 80 89 125 145 Espagne 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sweden 1,642 1,940 1,940 1,660 2,000 2,000 119 140 140 138 200 200 Suède 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Switzerland 347 350 355 270 275 285 78 75 70 0 0 0 Suisse 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Turkey 6 6 6 20 20 20 0 0 0 14 14 14 Turquie 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United Kingdom 9,345 9,345 9,345 271 271 271 9,078 9,078 9,078 4 4 4 Royaume-Uni 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total Europe 25,840 26,388 27,743 17,912 18,743 19,516 15,854 16,023 16,666 7,925 8,378 8,439 Total Europe
Moldova 32 32 32 31 31 31 2 2 2 0 0 0 Moldova 3 2 3 3 2 5 5 2 5 5 2 5 5 3
Russia 509 470 540 2,800 3,220 3,703 2 2 2 2,294 2,752 3,165 Russie 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 3
Total EECCA 541 502 573 2,831 3,251 3,734 4 4 4 2,294 2,752 3,165 Total EOCAC
Canada 960 795 536 3,830 4,131 4,131 31 46 54 2,901 3,381 3,649 Canada 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
United States 1,360 1,503 1,572 8,412 8,855 9,210 205 227 236 7,257 7,578 7,874 Etats-Unis 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total North America 2,321 2,299 2,108 12,242 12,985 13,341 236 272 290 10,158 10,958 11,523 Total Amérique du Nord
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Table 14

Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Europe: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2021 et 2022
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 82.76 89.42 90.28 102.87 107.84 109.03 32.51 35.40 34.94 52.63 53.82 53.68 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs a 194.72 200.32 200.51 199.16 199.97 194.47 20.04 19.12 19.97 24.48 18.77 13.94 Grumes de conifères a
Sawn hardwood 10.78 11.34 11.61 10.72 11.25 11.40 4.01 4.25 4.34 3.95 4.17 4.12 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone b 10.05 10.62 10.88 10.65 11.19 11.34 3.24 3.49 3.56 3.84 4.06 4.01 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.72 0.72 0.73 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.77 0.77 0.78 0.11 0.11 0.11 – zone tropicale b
Hardwood logs a 23.22 23.52 24.12 24.09 24.78 25.20 2.48 2.04 2.17 3.34 3.30 3.25 Grumes de non-conifères a
– temperate zone b 22.94 23.34 23.94 24.09 24.78 25.20 2.18 1.84 1.97 3.32 3.28 3.23 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.28 0.18 0.17 0.30 0.20 0.20 0.02 0.02 0.02 – zone tropicale b
Veneer sheets 1.44 1.51 1.53 1.03 1.13 1.13 1.18 1.23 1.26 0.77 0.85 0.86 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 7.44 7.27 7.51 4.39 4.61 4.63 6.77 6.68 6.90 3.72 4.02 4.03 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 28.83 29.99 30.57 30.22 31.31 31.80 9.16 9.50 9.84 10.55 10.83 11.07 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 5.66 5.74 5.81 5.85 5.69 5.80 3.26 3.29 3.34 3.45 3.24 3.33 OSB
Fibreboard 20.47 20.83 21.46 22.07 22.67 23.15 9.24 9.65 9.86 10.84 11.49 11.55 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.52 0.66 0.74 0.38 0.42 0.43 1.38 1.42 1.45 1.25 1.19 1.14 – Durs
– MDF 16.80 17.00 17.48 18.52 19.04 19.43 5.86 6.14 6.25 7.58 8.18 8.20 – MDF
– Other board 3.15 3.17 3.24 3.16 3.22 3.29 2.00 2.08 2.15 2.01 2.13 2.21 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood a 285.96 291.24 295.47 269.82 278.62 282.23 47.34 45.71 45.40 31.19 33.09 32.16 Bois de trituration a
– Pulp logs 165.26 166.28 168.77 159.94 164.04 166.20 24.99 23.25 22.85 19.67 21.01 20.28 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 109.77 110.58 112.49 109.67 113.14 114.39 13.84 12.61 12.56 13.74 15.16 14.45 – conifères
– hardwood 55.49 55.69 56.27 50.27 50.90 51.81 11.15 10.64 10.30 5.93 5.85 5.83 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 120.70 124.96 126.70 109.88 114.58 116.03 22.34 22.46 22.55 11.52 12.08 11.88 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 40.30 40.64 40.12 36.93 37.91 37.93 17.92 17.74 17.65 14.55 15.02 15.46 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 76.36 76.97 77.32 86.91 89.94 90.19 44.50 44.66 44.77 55.05 57.63 57.65 Papiers et cartons
Wood Pellets 25.84 26.39 27.74 17.91 18.74 19.52 15.85 16.02 16.67 7.93 8.38 8.44 Granulés de bois
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fourni des données sur le commerce
b Trade figures by zone do not equal the total as some countries cannot provide data for both zones b Les chiffres du commerce par zone ne correspondent pas aux totaux
en raison du fait que certains pays ne peuvent les différencier.
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Table 15

North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Amérique du Nord: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2021 et 2022
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 99.90 108.23 111.04 101.84 106.68 109.76 26.26 26.68 26.58 28.20 25.13 25.30 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs 239.31 239.09 237.48 251.70 251.56 254.08 2.97 2.83 2.93 15.36 15.29 19.53 Grumes de conifères
Sawn hardwood 15.07 15.55 15.76 17.68 17.82 17.86 1.38 1.55 1.65 4.00 3.81 3.76 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone 14.93 15.43 15.63 17.68 17.82 17.86 1.20 1.37 1.47 3.95 3.76 3.70 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.05 0.05 0.06 – zone tropicale
Hardwood logs 43.80 50.77 51.28 44.83 51.77 52.43 1.17 1.35 1.32 2.20 2.35 2.47 Grumes de non-conifères
– temperate zone 43.80 50.78 51.28 44.83 51.77 52.43 1.17 1.35 1.32 2.20 2.34 2.47 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone -0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale
Veneer sheets 2.85 2.90 2.96 2.87 2.93 3.01 0.74 0.82 0.84 0.76 0.86 0.88 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 16.41 17.41 17.77 11.17 11.75 12.00 6.31 6.80 6.92 1.07 1.13 1.14 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 7.25 6.77 6.74 6.41 6.26 6.30 1.95 1.94 1.98 1.12 1.43 1.54 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 20.08 20.76 21.06 20.34 21.24 21.57 5.19 5.58 5.68 5.45 6.07 6.18 OSB
Fibreboard 9.46 9.82 9.83 7.35 7.40 7.40 3.64 3.94 3.95 1.52 1.52 1.52 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.35 – Durs
– MDF 5.88 6.16 6.18 3.77 3.82 3.82 3.02 3.25 3.25 0.91 0.90 0.89 – MDF
– Other board 3.31 3.36 3.36 3.28 3.28 3.28 0.31 0.36 0.37 0.28 0.28 0.29 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood 262.83 259.48 266.80 264.30 261.62 262.41 4.19 4.17 5.18 5.65 6.31 0.79 Bois de trituration
– Pulp logs 188.22 187.62 187.94 188.00 187.35 187.39 0.72 0.59 0.87 0.50 0.32 0.32 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 137.89 137.51 137.82 137.26 136.99 137.02 0.65 0.52 0.81 0.02 0.00 0.00 – conifères
– hardwood 50.33 50.11 50.12 50.74 50.36 50.37 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.48 0.32 0.31 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 74.61 71.86 78.86 76.30 74.27 75.02 3.47 3.58 4.31 5.15 5.99 0.47 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 54.46 55.16 55.31 64.98 65.09 64.61 6.30 6.77 7.22 16.82 16.71 16.52 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 68.29 70.84 71.97 74.59 77.14 78.53 10.00 10.31 10.28 16.31 16.60 16.84 Papiers et cartons
Wood pellets 2.32 2.30 2.11 12.24 12.99 13.34 0.24 0.27 0.29 10.16 10.96 11.52 Granulés de bois
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Table 16

Russian Federation: Summary table of market forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Fédération de Russie: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2021 et 2022
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 9.13 10.15 11.25 38.92 40.09 42.09 0.04 0.04 0.04 29.83 29.98 30.88 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs 108.14 109.22 108.11 120.44 121.64 115.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.30 12.42 7.45 Grumes de conifères
Sawn hardwood 1.34 1.38 1.48 2.88 2.97 3.14 0.01 0.01 0.01 1.54 1.59 1.67 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone 1.34 1.38 1.47 2.88 2.97 3.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.54 1.59 1.67 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale
Hardwood logs 12.49 13.18 14.23 14.89 15.63 16.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 2.45 2.50 Grumes de non-conifères
– temperate zone 12.49 13.18 14.23 14.89 15.63 16.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 2.45 2.50 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale
Veneer sheets 1.10 1.44 1.69 1.57 1.96 2.26 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.49 0.54 0.58 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 1.22 1.44 1.51 4.00 4.60 4.83 0.12 0.13 0.13 2.90 3.28 3.45 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 5.29 6.12 6.50 6.73 7.15 7.53 0.30 0.67 0.79 1.74 1.69 1.83 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 1.61 1.08 1.26 1.63 1.63 1.95 0.35 0.18 0.14 0.36 0.72 0.83 OSB
Fibreboard 2.80 3.42 3.67 3.58 4.30 4.63 0.46 0.59 0.64 1.24 1.48 1.60 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.32 0.39 0.35 0.37 0.45 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.16 0.15 – Durs
– MDF 2.45 2.99 3.29 3.20 3.84 4.22 0.33 0.46 0.51 1.08 1.31 1.44 – MDF
– Other board 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood 58.24 60.27 64.79 73.23 75.56 76.31 0.10 0.10 0.10 15.09 15.39 11.62 Bois de trituration
– Pulp logs 37.85 38.79 42.15 48.95 50.07 49.54 0.10 0.10 0.10 11.20 11.38 7.49 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 29.39 29.68 32.04 33.29 33.62 31.94 0.10 0.10 0.10 4.00 4.04 0.00 – conifères
– hardwood 8.47 9.10 10.11 15.67 16.45 17.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.20 7.34 7.49 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 20.39 21.49 22.64 24.28 25.49 26.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.89 4.01 4.13 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 6.53 6.55 6.68 8.77 8.85 9.03 0.21 0.21 0.22 2.44 2.52 2.57 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 7.12 7.62 7.95 9.53 10.19 10.70 1.19 1.17 1.14 3.60 3.75 3.90 Papiers et cartons
Wood pellets 0.51 0.47 0.54 2.80 3.22 3.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.29 2.75 3.17 Granulés de bois
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Table 17

Europe: Trade in forest products by main product groups, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (averages) and 2016 to 2020
Europe: Commerce des produits forestiers, par principaux groupes d'assortiments, en 1979-81 et 1999-2001 (moyennes) et de 2016 à 2020
Quantity - Volume
Unit average Change - Changement
Unité moyenne 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2019/2020
1979-81 1999-2001 Volume Percent
Roundwood a million m3 22.22 48.68 61.29 63.02 70.01 78.70 82.01 3.31 4.2% Bois ronds a
Sawnwood " 24.77 45.99 55.71 58.51 59.86 62.83 56.58 -6.25 -9.9% Sciages
Wood-based panels b " 8.07 21.42 33.67 35.66 35.43 35.67 28.55 -7.12 -20.0% Panneaux à base de bois b
Wood pulp million m.t. 7.31 10.08 14.31 14.81 15.19 16.26 14.55 -1.71 -10.5% Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard " 18.39 54.06 65.56 66.20 66.45 65.12 55.05 -10.07 -15.5% Papiers et cartons
Roundwood a million m3 38.83 74.99 85.69 79.61 90.25 89.33 86.83 -2.50 -2.8% Bois ronds a
Sawnwood " 34.26 46.39 40.93 43.88 46.19 47.38 36.52 -10.86 -22.9% Sciages
Wood-based panels b " 10.30 21.38 33.04 35.75 37.21 36.72 28.43 -8.29 -22.6% Panneaux à base de bois b
Wood pulp million m.t. 11.36 17.26 20.73 20.86 21.51 20.02 17.92 -2.10 -10.5% Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard " 16.78 48.69 56.27 57.08 57.24 55.14 44.50 -10.64 -19.3% Papiers et cartons
Roundwood a million m3 -16.61 -26.31 -24.40 -16.59 -20.24 -10.63 -4.82 5.81 54.6% Bois ronds a
Sawnwood " -9.49 -0.40 14.78 14.62 13.68 15.45 20.06 4.61 29.8% Sciages
Wood-based panels b " -2.23 0.04 0.63 -0.10 -1.79 -1.05 0.12 1.17 NA Panneaux à base de bois b
Wood pulp million m.t. -4.05 -7.18 -6.42 -6.05 -6.31 -3.76 -3.37 0.39 10.3% Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard " 1.61 5.37 9.29 9.12 9.21 9.98 10.55 0.57 5.7% Papiers et cartons
a Including available data on wood residues, chips and particles a Y compris les données disponibles pour les déchets, les plaquettes et les particules
b Not including veneer sheets b Ne sot pas compris les feuilles de placage
c Exports minus imports c Exportations moins importations
C:\MyFiles\Timber\Timber Committee\TCQ2021\publish\[tb-74-6.xls]Table 1 printed on 17/12

Table 18

Europe: Apparent consumption of selected forest products, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (averages), 2016 to 2020, and forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Europe: Consommation apparente de certains produits forestiers, en 1979-81 et 1999-2001 (moyennes), de 2016 à 2020 et prévisions pour 2021 et 2022
Unit Unité Actual - Réelle Forecasts a
Prévisions a
moyenne 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1979-81 1999-2001
Sawnwood b million m3 100.66 108.12 107.55 110.81 113.12 110.61 93.53 100.75 101.89 Sciages b
– Softwood " 78.36 89.22 94.52 97.49 99.05 96.33 82.76 89.42 90.28 – Conifères
– Hardwood " 22.30 18.90 13.03 13.32 14.07 14.27 10.78 11.34 11.61 – Non-conifères
Wood-based panels c " 33.70 54.21 71.70 74.21 75.86 74.96 62.39 63.82 65.34 Panneaux à base de bois c
– Plywood " 5.44 6.66 8.43 8.89 9.48 8.91 7.44 7.27 7.51 – Contreplaqués
– Particle board d " 23.82 34.50 36.11 36.97 36.61 36.39 28.83 29.99 30.57 – Panneaux de particules d
– OSB 1.72 6.18 6.63 6.89 6.74 5.66 5.74 5.81 – OSB
– Fibreboard " 4.44 11.00 20.99 21.72 22.88 22.92 20.47 20.83 21.46 – Panneaux de fibres
Paper and paperboard million m.t. 49.17 88.67 88.40 89.94 89.53 86.18 76.36 76.97 77.32 Papiers et cartons
– Newsprint " 6.45 12.04 6.61 6.03 5.76 5.26 4.10 – Papiers journal
– Other paper & paperbrd. " 42.71 76.63 81.79 83.91 83.77 80.92 72.26 – Autres papiers/cartons
Index - Indice 1979-81 = 100
Sawnwood b 100.0 107.4 106.8 110.1 112.4 109.9 92.9 100.1 101.2 Sciages b
– Softwood 100.0 113.9 120.6 124.4 126.4 122.9 105.6 114.1 115.2 – Conifères
– Hardwood 100.0 84.7 58.4 59.7 63.1 64.0 48.3 50.8 52.1 – Non-conifères
Wood-based panels c 100.0 160.9 212.8 220.2 225.1 222.4 185.1 189.4 193.9 Panneaux à base de bois c
– Plywood 100.0 122.5 154.9 163.4 174.2 163.8 136.7 133.6 138.0 – Contreplaqués
– Particle board 100.0 144.8 151.6 155.2 153.7 152.8 121.0 125.9 128.3 – Panneaux de particules
– OSB 100.0 359.2 385.7 400.4 391.9 329.0 333.6 337.7 – OSB
– Fibreboard 100.0 247.9 472.8 489.2 515.3 516.1 461.0 469.1 483.3 – Panneaux de fibres
Paper and paperboard 100.0 180.3 179.8 182.9 182.1 175.3 155.3 156.5 157.2 Papiers et cartons
– Newsprint 100.0 186.6 102.5 93.4 89.2 81.6 63.5 – Papiers journal
– Other paper & paperbrd. 100.0 179.4 191.5 196.5 196.1 189.5 169.2 – Autres papiers/cartons
a The forecasts and 2020 are not a Une comparison entre prévisions (et 2020)
comparable with earlier data as the methodology is different. et les donnes anterieures n'est pas possible à cause de différences des méthodes de calcul.
b Excluding sleepers through 2016 b Non compris les traverses jusqu'à 2016
c Not including veneer sheets c Ne sont pas compris les feuilles de placage
d Average figure for 1979-81 includes OSB d Les chiffres moyennes 1979-81 comprennent le OSB
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Table 19

United States: Apparent consumption and imports of selected forest products, 1979-81 and 1999-2001 (averages), 2016 to 2020, and forecasts for 2021 and 2022
Etats-Unis: Consommation apparente et importations de certains produits forestiers, en 1979-81 et 1999-2001 (moyennes), de 2016 à 2020 et prévisions pour 2021 et 2022
Unit Unité Actual - Réelle Forecasts a
Prévisions a
moyenne 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1979-81 1999-2001
Apparent Consumption – Consommation apparente
Sawnwood b million m3 95.82 119.44 99.75 100.40 101.08 101.75 99.92 102.05 103.10 Sciages b
– Softwood " 79.14 91.63 80.22 81.41 81.94 82.26 86.12 87.85 88.69 – Conifères
– Hardwood " 16.67 27.81 19.53 18.99 19.14 19.49 13.81 14.20 14.41 – Non-conifères
Wood-based panels c " 29.25 54.68 47.17 48.78 47.93 46.78 46.09 47.63 48.43 Panneaux à base de bois c
– Plywood " 6.09 18.74 15.42 15.60 14.87 14.03 14.03 14.64 14.94 – Contreplaqués
– Particle board d " 17.11 10.15 5.04 5.09 5.18 5.40 5.24 5.41 5.52 – Panneaux de particules d
– OSB 17.75 17.08 18.33 18.86 18.67 18.58 19.35 19.72 – OSB
– Fibreboard " 6.05 8.05 9.63 9.75 9.01 8.69 8.24 8.24 8.24 – Panneaux de fibres
Paper and paperboard million m.t. 61.86 92.52 70.10 69.61 68.82 66.31 63.57 66.13 67.40 Papiers et cartons
– Newsprint " 10.56 12.20 3.03 2.62 2.29 1.91 1.42 – Papiers journal
– Other paper & paperbrd. " 51.30 80.33 67.07 66.99 66.53 64.41 62.15 – Autres papiers/cartons
Imports – Importations
Sawnwood b million m3 23.87 34.46 28.33 27.42 26.44 25.30 26.26 26.70 26.57 Sciages b
– Softwood " 23.10 32.93 27.37 26.70 25.49 24.53 25.63 26.03 25.88 – Conifères
– Hardwood " 0.77 1.53 0.96 0.72 0.95 0.77 0.63 0.67 0.69 – Non-conifères
Wood-based panels c " 2.11 12.82 13.23 14.50 15.67 14.34 14.46 14.97 15.13 Panneaux à base de bois c
– Plywood " 0.50 2.63 4.88 4.93 5.47 4.66 5.06 5.30 5.33 – Contreplaqués
– Particle board " 1.33 1.44 1.25 1.24 1.33 1.43 1.46 1.33 1.36 – Panneaux de particules
– OSB 6.81 5.07 5.57 5.67 5.42 5.07 5.46 5.56 – OSB
– Fibreboard " 0.28 1.94 2.03 2.76 3.21 2.83 2.88 2.88 2.88 – Panneaux de fibres
Paper and paperboard million m.t. 7.78 15.84 9.26 9.17 9.46 8.72 7.64 7.83 7.87 Papiers et cartons
– Newsprint " 6.49 6.61 1.84 1.72 1.53 1.28 1.05 – Papiers journal
– Other paper & paperbrd. " 1.29 9.24 7.42 7.45 7.94 7.45 6.60 – Autres papiers/cartons
a The forecasts and 2020 are not a Une comparison entre prévisions (et 2020)
comparable with earlier data as the methodology is different. et les donnes anterieures s n'est pas possible à cause de différences des méthodes de calcul.
b Excluding sleepers through 2016 b Non compris les traverses jusqu'à 2016
c Not including veneer sheets c Ne sont pas compris les feuilles de placage
d Average figure for 1979-81 includes OSB d Les chiffres moyennes 1979-81 comprennent le OSB
C:\MyFiles\Timber\Timber Committee\TCQ2021\publish\[tb-74-6.xls]Table 1 printed on 17/12

UNECE tools can help deliver on G7 Digital Trade Principles

The Group of 7 nations (G7), six of which are UNECE member States (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US), took bold step towards reducing barriers to trade by agreeing on the principles to govern cross-border data use and digital trade. At their meeting in London on 22 October, ministers adopted the G7 Digital Trade Principles and stressed the importance of commonalities within standards while providing sufficient flexibility to pursue legitimate regulatory goals.  

JWEE 2017 - flat file

All data provided to Joint Wood Energy Enquiry since 2005 through 2017.



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Short name: part 1 Short name: part 2 Short name: part 3 Short name: part 4 Short name: part 5
0 total wood energy use
2 table I FBI Forest based Industry E Exports B Bark DP Domestic production
WBFF Woody Biomass from Forests FW Fuelwood (C & NC) BL Black liquor (without crude tall oil) E Exports
WBOF Woody Biomass Outside Forests I Imports CAP Chips and particles I Imports
WFUS Wood from unknown sources IRW Industrial Roundwood (C & NC) DP Domestic production
WW Wood Waste LCP Liquid co-products (C & NC) HWW Hazardous wood waste
PCRW Post-consumer recovered wood I Imports
SCP Solid co-products (C & NC) NHWW Non-hazardous wood waste
DP Domestic production OWFSRC … of which from short rotation coppice
TO Crude tall oil
UWW Unspecified wood waste
WR Wood residues
E Exports
3 table II PO Pyrolysis Oils DP Domestic production
CBE Cellulose based Ethanol E Exports
WC Wood Charcoal I Imports
WP Wood Pellets
WB Wood Briquettes
WBB Wood based biodiesel
OTP ...of which: torrified
4 table III B Bark OTP ...of which: torrified
CP Chips and particles WB Wood Briquettes
HWW Hazardous wood waste WC Wood charcoal
NHWW Non-hazardous wood waste WP Wood pellets
UPSB Unspecified primary solid biomass
USCP Unspecified solid co-products
UWW Unspecified wood waste
WBFF Woody biomass from forests
WBFFFW Woody biomass from forests: Fuelwood
WBFFIRW Woody biomass from forests: Industrial roundwood
WBOF Woody biomass outside forests
WBOFFW Woody biomass outside forests: Fuelwood
WBOFIRW Woody biomass outside forests: Industrial roundwood
WR Wood residues
5 table IV B Bark DFC Direct final consumption E Electricity
BL Black liquor (without crude tall oil) ETS Energy Transformation Sector AFAF Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
CBE Cellulose based Ethanol CAPS Commercial and Public Services
CP Chips and particles O Other industry/Other
HWW Hazardous wood waste R Residential
NHWW Non-hazardous wood waste U Unspecified
OTP ...of which: torrified C CHP
PO Pyrolysis Oils H Heat
TO Crude tall oil PP Pulp and paper
U Unspecified primary solid biomass UAHCE Unspecified
ULCP Unspecified liquid co-products UMAP Unspecified
USCP Unspecified solid co-products WAWP Wood and wood products
UWW Unspecified wood waste TS Transport Sector
WB Wood Briquettes
WBB Wood based biodiesel
WBFF Woody biomass from forests
WBFFFW Woody biomass from forests: Fuelwood
WBFFIRW Woody biomass from forests: Industrial roundwood
WBOF Woody biomass outside forests
WBOFFW Woody biomass outside forests: Fuelwood
WBOFIRW Woody biomass outside forests: Industrial roundwood
WC Wood charcoal
WFUS Wood from unknown sources
WP Wood Pellets
WR Wood residues


Identification-Code Country Year Short Name Product Flow Source Use Unit Datapoint Country Data Quality Long Name
Albania-2005-0-1-1000 m3 Albania 2005 0-1 Wood Energy Consumption 1000 m3 0.00 Total wood energy (in 1000m3) used in 2005
Albania-2007-0-2-1000 m3 Albania 2007 0-2 Wood Energy Consumption 1000 m3 0.00 Total wood energy (in 1000m3) used in 2007
Albania-2007-2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP Black Liquor Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of black liquor (1000rwe.)
Albania-2007-2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP Tall Oil Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of Tall oil by the forest based Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-2-FBI-LCP-TO-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-FBI-LCP-TO-E Tall Oil Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-2-FBI-LCP-TO-I-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-FBI-LCP-TO-I Tall Oil Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-B-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-B-DP Bark Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Bark by the Forest based Industry (1000bv)
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-B-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-B-E Bark Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of bark (1000bv)
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-B-I-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-B-I Bark Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of bark (1000bv)
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP Chips and Particles Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 2 0 Domestic Production of Chips and Particles produced by Forest based Industry
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E Chips and Particles Exports 1000 m3 1.7 0 Exports of Chips and Particles
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I Chips and Particles Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of Chips and Particles
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP Wood Residues Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 3 0 Domestic production of Wood Residues by Forest based Industry
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-WR-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-WR-E Wood Residues Exports 1000 m3 2.2 0 Exports of Wood Residues
Albania-2007-2-FBI-SCP-WR-I-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-FBI-SCP-WR-I Wood Residues Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of Wood Residues
Albania-2007-2-WBFF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBFF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Forest 1000 m3 350 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests
Albania-2007-2-WBFF-FW-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBFF-FW-E Fuelwood Exports 1000 m3 56.3 0 Exports of Fuelwood
Albania-2007-2-WBFF-FW-I-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBFF-FW-I Fuelwood Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of Fuelwood
Albania-2007-2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production From Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Albania-2007-2-WBFF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBFF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Forest 1000 m3 80 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from Forests
Albania-2007-2-WBFF-IRW-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBFF-IRW-E Industrial Roundwood Exports 1000 m3 0.47 0 Exports of Industrial Roundwood
Albania-2007-2-WBFF-IRW-I-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBFF-IRW-I Industrial Roundwood Imports 1000 m3 0.59 0 Imports of Industrial Roundwood
Albania-2007-2-WBOF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBOF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from outside Forests
Albania-2007-2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic Production of Fuelwood from outside Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Albania-2007-2-WBOF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WBOF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from outside Forests
Albania-2007-2-WFUS-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WFUS-DP Wood Production Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2007-2-WFUS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WFUS-E Wood Exports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Export of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2007-2-WFUS-I-1000 m3 Albania 2007 2-WFUS-I Wood Imports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Import of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2007-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP Hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E Hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I Hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I-1000 mt Albania 2007 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I Non-hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-CBE-DP-million litre Albania 2007 3-CBE-DP Cellulose based Ethanol Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of cellulose based ethanol (milllion l)
Albania-2007-3-CBE-E-million litre Albania 2007 3-CBE-E Cellulose based Ethanol Exports million litre 0 0 Export of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Albania-2007-3-CBE-I-million litre Albania 2007 3-CBE-I Cellulose based Ethanol Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Albania-2007-3-PO-DP-million litre Albania 2007 3-PO-DP Pyrolysis Oils Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Albania-2007-3-PO-E-million litre Albania 2007 3-PO-E Pyrolysis Oils Exports million litre 0 0 Export of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Albania-2007-3-PO-I-million litre Albania 2007 3-PO-I Pyrolysis Oils Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of pyrolysis oils (million l)
Albania-2007-3-WBB-DP-million litre Albania 2007 3-WBB-DP Wood Based Biodiesel Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2007-3-WBB-E-million litre Albania 2007 3-WBB-E Wood Based Biodiesel Exports million litre 0 0 Export of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2007-3-WBB-I-million litre Albania 2007 3-WBB-I Wood Based Biodiesel Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2007-3-WB-DP-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WB-DP Wood Briquettes Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-WB-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WB-E Wood Briquettes Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Export of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-WB-I-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WB-I Wood Briquettes Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-WC-DP-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WC-DP Charcoal Production 1000 mt 60 0 Domestic production of charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-WC-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WC-E Charcoal Exports 1000 mt 4 0 Export of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-WC-I-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WC-I Charcoal Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-WP-DP-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WP-DP Pellets Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-WP-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WP-E Pellets Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Export of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-3-WP-I-1000 mt Albania 2007 3-WP-I Pellets Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-4-B-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-B-WB Bark Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-B-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-B-WC Bark Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-B-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-B-WP Bark Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-CP-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-CP-WB Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-CP-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-CP-WC Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-CP-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-CP-WP Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-HWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-HWW-WB Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-HWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-HWW-WC Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-HWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-HWW-WP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-NHWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-NHWW-WB Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-NHWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-NHWW-WC Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-NHWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-NHWW-WP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-UPSB-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-UPSB-WB Biomass Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-UPSB-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-UPSB-WC Biomass Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-UPSB-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-UPSB-WP Biomass Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood pelllets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-USCP-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-USCP-WB Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-USCP-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-USCP-WC Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-USCP-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-USCP-WP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-UWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-UWW-WB Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-UWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-UWW-WC Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-UWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-UWW-WP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WBFF-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WBFF-WB Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WBFF-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WBFF-WC Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WBFF-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WBFF-WP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WBOF-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WBOF-WB Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WBOF-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WBOF-WC Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WBOF-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WBOF-WP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WR-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WR-WB Wood Residues Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WR-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WR-WC Wood Residues Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-4-WR-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 4-WR-WP Wood Residues Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-U-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2007 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2007-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2007 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-0-3-1000 m3 Albania 2009 0-3 Wood Energy Consumption 1000 m3 0.00 Total wood energy (in 1000m3) used in 2009
Albania-2009-2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP Black Liquor Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of black liquor (1000rwe.)
Albania-2009-2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP Tall Oil Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of Tall oil by the forest based Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-2-FBI-LCP-TO-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-FBI-LCP-TO-E Tall Oil Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-2-FBI-LCP-TO-I-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-FBI-LCP-TO-I Tall Oil Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-B-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-B-DP Bark Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Bark by the Forest based Industry (1000bv)
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-B-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-B-E Bark Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of bark (1000bv)
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-B-I-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-B-I Bark Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of bark (1000bv)
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP Chips and Particles Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 2 0 Domestic Production of Chips and Particles produced by Forest based Industry
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E Chips and Particles Exports 1000 m3 1.7 0 Exports of Chips and Particles
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I Chips and Particles Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of Chips and Particles
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP Wood Residues Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 3 0 Domestic production of Wood Residues by Forest based Industry
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-WR-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-WR-E Wood Residues Exports 1000 m3 2.2 0 Exports of Wood Residues
Albania-2009-2-FBI-SCP-WR-I-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-FBI-SCP-WR-I Wood Residues Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of Wood Residues
Albania-2009-2-WBFF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBFF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Forest 1000 m3 350 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests
Albania-2009-2-WBFF-FW-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBFF-FW-E Fuelwood Exports 1000 m3 56.3 0 Exports of Fuelwood
Albania-2009-2-WBFF-FW-I-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBFF-FW-I Fuelwood Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of Fuelwood
Albania-2009-2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production From Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Albania-2009-2-WBFF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBFF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Forest 1000 m3 80 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from Forests
Albania-2009-2-WBFF-IRW-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBFF-IRW-E Industrial Roundwood Exports 1000 m3 0.47 0 Exports of Industrial Roundwood
Albania-2009-2-WBFF-IRW-I-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBFF-IRW-I Industrial Roundwood Imports 1000 m3 0.59 0 Imports of Industrial Roundwood
Albania-2009-2-WBOF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBOF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from outside Forests
Albania-2009-2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic Production of Fuelwood from outside Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Albania-2009-2-WBOF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WBOF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from outside Forests
Albania-2009-2-WFUS-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WFUS-DP Wood Production Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2009-2-WFUS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WFUS-E Wood Exports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Export of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2009-2-WFUS-I-1000 m3 Albania 2009 2-WFUS-I Wood Imports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Import of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2009-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP Hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E Hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I Hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I-1000 mt Albania 2009 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I Non-hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-CBE-DP-million litre Albania 2009 3-CBE-DP Cellulose based Ethanol Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of cellulose based ethanol (milllion l)
Albania-2009-3-CBE-E-million litre Albania 2009 3-CBE-E Cellulose based Ethanol Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Albania-2009-3-CBE-I-million litre Albania 2009 3-CBE-I Cellulose based Ethanol Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Albania-2009-3-PO-DP-million litre Albania 2009 3-PO-DP Pyrolysis Oils Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Albania-2009-3-PO-E-million litre Albania 2009 3-PO-E Pyrolysis Oils Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Albania-2009-3-PO-I-million litre Albania 2009 3-PO-I Pyrolysis Oils Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of pyrolysis oils (million l)
Albania-2009-3-WBB-DP-million litre Albania 2009 3-WBB-DP Wood Based Biodiesel Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2009-3-WBB-E-million litre Albania 2009 3-WBB-E Wood Based Biodiesel Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2009-3-WBB-I-million litre Albania 2009 3-WBB-I Wood Based Biodiesel Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2009-3-WB-DP-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WB-DP Wood Briquettes Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-WB-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WB-E Wood Briquettes Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Export of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-WB-I-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WB-I Wood Briquettes Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-WC-DP-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WC-DP Charcoal Production 1000 mt 60 0 Domestic production of charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-WC-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WC-E Charcoal Exports 1000 mt 2.80 0 Export of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-WC-I-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WC-I Charcoal Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-WP-DP-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WP-DP Pellets Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-WP-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WP-E Pellets Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Export of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-3-WP-I-1000 mt Albania 2009 3-WP-I Pellets Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-4-B-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-B-WB Bark Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-B-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-B-WC Bark Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-B-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-B-WP Bark Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-CP-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-CP-WB Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-CP-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-CP-WC Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-CP-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-CP-WP Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-HWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-HWW-WB Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-HWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-HWW-WC Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-HWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-HWW-WP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-NHWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-NHWW-WB Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-NHWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-NHWW-WC Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-NHWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-NHWW-WP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-UPSB-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-UPSB-WB Biomass Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-UPSB-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-UPSB-WC Biomass Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-UPSB-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-UPSB-WP Biomass Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood pelllets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-USCP-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-USCP-WB Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-USCP-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-USCP-WC Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-USCP-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-USCP-WP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-UWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-UWW-WB Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-UWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-UWW-WC Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-UWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-UWW-WP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WBFF-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WBFF-WB Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WBFF-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WBFF-WC Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WBFF-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WBFF-WP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WBOF-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WBOF-WB Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WBOF-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WBOF-WC Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WBOF-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WBOF-WP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WR-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WR-WB Wood Residues Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WR-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WR-WC Wood Residues Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-4-WR-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 4-WR-WP Wood Residues Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-U-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2009 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2009-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2009 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-0-4-1000 m3 Albania 2011 0-4 Wood Energy Consumption 1000 m3 1,160.00 Total wood energy (in 1000m3) used in 2011
Albania-2011-2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP Black Liquor Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of black liquor (1000rwe.)
Albania-2011-2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP Tall Oil Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of Tall oil by the forest based Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-2-FBI-LCP-TO-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-FBI-LCP-TO-E Tall Oil Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Exports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-2-FBI-LCP-TO-I-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-FBI-LCP-TO-I Tall Oil Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-B-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-B-DP Bark Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 11.21 0 Domestic production of Bark by the Forest based Industry (1000bv)
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-B-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-B-E Bark Exports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Exports of bark (1000bv)
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-B-I-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-B-I Bark Imports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Imports of bark (1000bv)
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP Chips and Particles Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 2.00 0 Domestic Production of Chips and Particles produced by Forest based Industry
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E Chips and Particles Exports 1000 m3 1.70 0 Exports of Chips and Particles
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I Chips and Particles Imports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Imports of Chips and Particles
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP Wood Residues Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 3.00 0 Domestic production of Wood Residues by Forest based Industry
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-WR-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-WR-E Wood Residues Exports 1000 m3 2.20 0 Exports of Wood Residues
Albania-2011-2-FBI-SCP-WR-I-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-FBI-SCP-WR-I Wood Residues Imports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Imports of Wood Residues
Albania-2011-2-WBFF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBFF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Forest 1000 m3 350.00 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests
Albania-2011-2-WBFF-FW-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBFF-FW-E Fuelwood Exports 1000 m3 56.30 0 Exports of Fuelwood
Albania-2011-2-WBFF-FW-I-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBFF-FW-I Fuelwood Imports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Imports of Fuelwood
Albania-2011-2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production From Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Albania-2011-2-WBFF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBFF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Forest 1000 m3 80.00 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from Forests
Albania-2011-2-WBFF-IRW-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBFF-IRW-E Industrial Roundwood Exports 1000 m3 0.47 0 Exports of Industrial Roundwood
Albania-2011-2-WBFF-IRW-I-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBFF-IRW-I Industrial Roundwood Imports 1000 m3 0.59 0 Imports of Industrial Roundwood
Albania-2011-2-WBOF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBOF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from outside Forests
Albania-2011-2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic Production of Fuelwood from outside Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Albania-2011-2-WBOF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WBOF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from outside Forests
Albania-2011-2-WFUS-DP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WFUS-DP Wood Production Unknown Source 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2011-2-WFUS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WFUS-E Wood Exports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0.00 0 Export of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2011-2-WFUS-I-1000 m3 Albania 2011 2-WFUS-I Wood Imports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0.00 0 Import of wood from unknown sources
Albania-2011-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP Hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E Hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Exports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I Hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Exports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I-1000 mt Albania 2011 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I Non-hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-CBE-DP-million litre Albania 2011 3-CBE-DP Cellulose based Ethanol Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of cellulose based ethanol (milllion l)
Albania-2011-3-CBE-E-million litre Albania 2011 3-CBE-E Cellulose based Ethanol Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Albania-2011-3-CBE-I-million litre Albania 2011 3-CBE-I Cellulose based Ethanol Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Albania-2011-3-PO-DP-million litre Albania 2011 3-PO-DP Pyrolysis Oils Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Albania-2011-3-PO-E-million litre Albania 2011 3-PO-E Pyrolysis Oils Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Albania-2011-3-PO-I-million litre Albania 2011 3-PO-I Pyrolysis Oils Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of pyrolysis oils (million l)
Albania-2011-3-WBB-DP-million litre Albania 2011 3-WBB-DP Wood Based Biodiesel Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2011-3-WBB-E-million litre Albania 2011 3-WBB-E Wood Based Biodiesel Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2011-3-WBB-I-million litre Albania 2011 3-WBB-I Wood Based Biodiesel Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Albania-2011-3-WB-DP-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WB-DP Wood Briquettes Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-WB-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WB-E Wood Briquettes Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Export of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-WB-I-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WB-I Wood Briquettes Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-WC-DP-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WC-DP Charcoal Production 1000 mt 60.00 0 Domestic production of charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-WC-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WC-E Charcoal Exports 1000 mt 55.10 0 Export of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-WC-I-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WC-I Charcoal Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-WP-DP-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WP-DP Pellets Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-WP-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WP-E Pellets Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Export of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-3-WP-I-1000 mt Albania 2011 3-WP-I Pellets Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-4-B-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-B-WB Bark Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Bark used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-B-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-B-WC Bark Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Bark used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-B-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-B-WP Bark Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Bark used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-CP-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-CP-WB Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Chips and particles used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-CP-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-CP-WC Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Chips and particles used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-CP-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-CP-WP Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Chips and particles used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-HWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-HWW-WB Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-HWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-HWW-WC Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-HWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-HWW-WP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-NHWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-NHWW-WB Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-NHWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-NHWW-WC Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-NHWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-NHWW-WP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-UPSB-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-UPSB-WB Biomass Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-UPSB-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-UPSB-WC Biomass Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-UPSB-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-UPSB-WP Biomass Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood pelllets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-USCP-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-USCP-WB Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-USCP-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-USCP-WC Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-USCP-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-USCP-WP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-UWW-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-UWW-WB Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-UWW-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-UWW-WC Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-UWW-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-UWW-WP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WBFF-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WBFF-WB Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WBFF-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WBFF-WC Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WBFF-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WBFF-WP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WBOF-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WBOF-WB Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WBOF-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WBOF-WC Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WBOF-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WBOF-WP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WR-WB-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WR-WB Wood Residues Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Wood residues used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WR-WC-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WR-WC Wood Residues Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Wood residues used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-4-WR-WP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 4-WR-WP Wood Residues Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Wood residues used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 7.14 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 2.98 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 5.35 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 2.23 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 71.38 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 29.77 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-U-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 8.92 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 3.72 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0.00 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0.00 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 mt 0.00 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0.00 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0.00 0 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Albania 2011 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 82.09 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 34.23 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 61.57 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 25.67 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 820.92 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 342.33 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 102.62 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 42.79 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Albania-2011-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Albania 2011 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2005-0-1-1000 m3 Armenia 2005 0-1 Wood Energy Consumption 1000 m3 0.00 Total wood energy (in 1000m3) used in 2005
Armenia-2007-0-2-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 0-2 Wood Energy Consumption 1000 m3 0.00 Total wood energy (in 1000m3) used in 2007
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP Black Liquor Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of black liquor (1000rwe.)
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP Tall Oil Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of Tall oil by the forest based Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-LCP-TO-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-FBI-LCP-TO-E Tall Oil Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-LCP-TO-I-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-FBI-LCP-TO-I Tall Oil Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-B-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-B-DP Bark Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Bark by the Forest based Industry (1000bv)
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-B-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-B-E Bark Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of bark (1000bv)
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-B-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-B-I Bark Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of bark (1000bv)
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP Chips and Particles Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic Production of Chips and Particles produced by Forest based Industry
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E Chips and Particles Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of Chips and Particles
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I Chips and Particles Imports 1000 m3 0.06 0 Imports of Chips and Particles
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP Wood Residues Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Wood Residues by Forest based Industry
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-WR-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-WR-E Wood Residues Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of Wood Residues
Armenia-2007-2-FBI-SCP-WR-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-FBI-SCP-WR-I Wood Residues Imports 1000 m3 0.06 0 Imports of Wood Residues
Armenia-2007-2-WBFF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBFF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Forest 1000 m3 40 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests
Armenia-2007-2-WBFF-FW-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBFF-FW-E Fuelwood Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of Fuelwood
Armenia-2007-2-WBFF-FW-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBFF-FW-I Fuelwood Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of Fuelwood
Armenia-2007-2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production From Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Armenia-2007-2-WBFF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBFF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Forest 1000 m3 6 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from Forests
Armenia-2007-2-WBFF-IRW-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBFF-IRW-E Industrial Roundwood Exports 1000 m3 2.62 0 Exports of Industrial Roundwood
Armenia-2007-2-WBFF-IRW-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBFF-IRW-I Industrial Roundwood Imports 1000 m3 1.22 0 Imports of Industrial Roundwood
Armenia-2007-2-WBOF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBOF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from outside Forests
Armenia-2007-2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic Production of Fuelwood from outside Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Armenia-2007-2-WBOF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WBOF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from outside Forests
Armenia-2007-2-WFUS-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WFUS-DP Wood Production Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2007-2-WFUS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WFUS-E Wood Exports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Export of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2007-2-WFUS-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 2-WFUS-I Wood Imports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Import of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2007-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP Hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E Hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I Hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I-1000 mt Armenia 2007 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I Non-hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-CBE-DP-million litre Armenia 2007 3-CBE-DP Cellulose based Ethanol Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of cellulose based ethanol (milllion l)
Armenia-2007-3-CBE-E-million litre Armenia 2007 3-CBE-E Cellulose based Ethanol Exports million litre 0 0 Export of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Armenia-2007-3-CBE-I-million litre Armenia 2007 3-CBE-I Cellulose based Ethanol Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Armenia-2007-3-PO-DP-million litre Armenia 2007 3-PO-DP Pyrolysis Oils Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Armenia-2007-3-PO-E-million litre Armenia 2007 3-PO-E Pyrolysis Oils Exports million litre 0 0 Export of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Armenia-2007-3-PO-I-million litre Armenia 2007 3-PO-I Pyrolysis Oils Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of pyrolysis oils (million l)
Armenia-2007-3-WBB-DP-million litre Armenia 2007 3-WBB-DP Wood Based Biodiesel Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2007-3-WBB-E-million litre Armenia 2007 3-WBB-E Wood Based Biodiesel Exports million litre 0 0 Export of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2007-3-WBB-I-million litre Armenia 2007 3-WBB-I Wood Based Biodiesel Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2007-3-WB-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WB-DP Wood Briquettes Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-WB-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WB-E Wood Briquettes Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Export of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-WB-I-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WB-I Wood Briquettes Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-WC-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WC-DP Charcoal Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-WC-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WC-E Charcoal Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Export of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-WC-I-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WC-I Charcoal Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-WP-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WP-DP Pellets Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-WP-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WP-E Pellets Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Export of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-3-WP-I-1000 mt Armenia 2007 3-WP-I Pellets Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-4-B-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-B-WB Bark Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-B-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-B-WC Bark Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-B-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-B-WP Bark Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-CP-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-CP-WB Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-CP-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-CP-WC Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-CP-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-CP-WP Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-HWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-HWW-WB Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-HWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-HWW-WC Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-HWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-HWW-WP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-NHWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-NHWW-WB Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-NHWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-NHWW-WC Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-NHWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-NHWW-WP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-UPSB-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-UPSB-WB Biomass Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-UPSB-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-UPSB-WC Biomass Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-UPSB-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-UPSB-WP Biomass Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood pelllets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-USCP-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-USCP-WB Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-USCP-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-USCP-WC Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-USCP-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-USCP-WP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-UWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-UWW-WB Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-UWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-UWW-WC Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-UWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-UWW-WP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WBFF-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WBFF-WB Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WBFF-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WBFF-WC Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WBFF-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WBFF-WP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WBOF-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WBOF-WB Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WBOF-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WBOF-WC Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WBOF-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WBOF-WP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WR-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WR-WB Wood Residues Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WR-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WR-WC Wood Residues Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-4-WR-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 4-WR-WP Wood Residues Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-U-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2007 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2007-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2007 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0.00 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-0-3-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 0-3 Wood Energy Consumption 1000 m3 0.00 Total wood energy (in 1000m3) used in 2009
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP Black Liquor Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of black liquor (1000rwe.)
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP Tall Oil Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of Tall oil by the forest based Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-LCP-TO-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-FBI-LCP-TO-E Tall Oil Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-LCP-TO-I-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-FBI-LCP-TO-I Tall Oil Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-B-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-B-DP Bark Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Bark by the Forest based Industry (1000bv)
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-B-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-B-E Bark Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of bark (1000bv)
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-B-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-B-I Bark Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of bark (1000bv)
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP Chips and Particles Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic Production of Chips and Particles produced by Forest based Industry
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E Chips and Particles Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of Chips and Particles
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I Chips and Particles Imports 1000 m3 0.28 0 Imports of Chips and Particles
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP Wood Residues Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Wood Residues by Forest based Industry
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-WR-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-WR-E Wood Residues Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of Wood Residues
Armenia-2009-2-FBI-SCP-WR-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-FBI-SCP-WR-I Wood Residues Imports 1000 m3 0.58 0 Imports of Wood Residues
Armenia-2009-2-WBFF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBFF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Forest 1000 m3 1500 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests
Armenia-2009-2-WBFF-FW-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBFF-FW-E Fuelwood Exports 1000 m3 0 0 Exports of Fuelwood
Armenia-2009-2-WBFF-FW-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBFF-FW-I Fuelwood Imports 1000 m3 0 0 Imports of Fuelwood
Armenia-2009-2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production From Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Armenia-2009-2-WBFF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBFF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Forest 1000 m3 2 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from Forests
Armenia-2009-2-WBFF-IRW-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBFF-IRW-E Industrial Roundwood Exports 1000 m3 0.7 0 Exports of Industrial Roundwood
Armenia-2009-2-WBFF-IRW-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBFF-IRW-I Industrial Roundwood Imports 1000 m3 3.48 0 Imports of Industrial Roundwood
Armenia-2009-2-WBOF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBOF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from outside Forests
Armenia-2009-2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic Production of Fuelwood from outside Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Armenia-2009-2-WBOF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WBOF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from outside Forests
Armenia-2009-2-WFUS-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WFUS-DP Wood Production Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Domestic production of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2009-2-WFUS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WFUS-E Wood Exports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Export of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2009-2-WFUS-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 2-WFUS-I Wood Imports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0 0 Import of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2009-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP Hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E Hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I Hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Exports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I-1000 mt Armenia 2009 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I Non-hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-CBE-DP-million litre Armenia 2009 3-CBE-DP Cellulose based Ethanol Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of cellulose based ethanol (milllion l)
Armenia-2009-3-CBE-E-million litre Armenia 2009 3-CBE-E Cellulose based Ethanol Exports million litre 0 0 Export of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Armenia-2009-3-CBE-I-million litre Armenia 2009 3-CBE-I Cellulose based Ethanol Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Armenia-2009-3-PO-DP-million litre Armenia 2009 3-PO-DP Pyrolysis Oils Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Armenia-2009-3-PO-E-million litre Armenia 2009 3-PO-E Pyrolysis Oils Exports million litre 0 0 Export of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Armenia-2009-3-PO-I-million litre Armenia 2009 3-PO-I Pyrolysis Oils Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of pyrolysis oils (million l)
Armenia-2009-3-WBB-DP-million litre Armenia 2009 3-WBB-DP Wood Based Biodiesel Production million litre 0 0 Domestic production of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2009-3-WBB-E-million litre Armenia 2009 3-WBB-E Wood Based Biodiesel Exports million litre 0 0 Export of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2009-3-WBB-I-million litre Armenia 2009 3-WBB-I Wood Based Biodiesel Imports million litre 0 0 Imports of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2009-3-WB-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WB-DP Wood Briquettes Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-WB-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WB-E Wood Briquettes Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Export of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-WB-I-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WB-I Wood Briquettes Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-WC-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WC-DP Charcoal Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-WC-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WC-E Charcoal Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Export of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-WC-I-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WC-I Charcoal Imports 1000 mt 0.01 0 Imports of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-WP-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WP-DP Pellets Production 1000 mt 0 0 Domestic production of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-WP-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WP-E Pellets Exports 1000 mt 0 0 Export of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-3-WP-I-1000 mt Armenia 2009 3-WP-I Pellets Imports 1000 mt 0 0 Imports of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-4-B-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-B-WB Bark Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-B-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-B-WC Bark Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-B-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-B-WP Bark Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-CP-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-CP-WB Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-CP-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-CP-WC Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-CP-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-CP-WP Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-HWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-HWW-WB Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-HWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-HWW-WC Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-HWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-HWW-WP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-NHWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-NHWW-WB Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-NHWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-NHWW-WC Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-NHWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-NHWW-WP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-UPSB-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-UPSB-WB Biomass Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-UPSB-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-UPSB-WC Biomass Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-UPSB-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-UPSB-WP Biomass Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood pelllets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-USCP-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-USCP-WB Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-USCP-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-USCP-WC Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-USCP-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-USCP-WP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-UWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-UWW-WB Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-UWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-UWW-WC Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-UWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-UWW-WP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WBFF-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WBFF-WB Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WBFF-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WBFF-WC Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WBFF-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WBFF-WP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WBOF-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WBOF-WB Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WBOF-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WBOF-WC Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WBOF-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WBOF-WP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WR-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WR-WB Wood Residues Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WR-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WR-WC Wood Residues Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-4-WR-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 4-WR-WP Wood Residues Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-E Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-H Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-PP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-UAHCE Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-UMAP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-HWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-HWW-ETS-WAWP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-AFAF Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-CAPS Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-R Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-DFC-U Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-C Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-H Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-O Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-PP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-UAHCE Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-UMAP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Non-hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-NHWW-ETS-WAWP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Non-hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-AFAF Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-CAPS Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-R Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-DFC-U Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-C Pyrolysis Oils Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-E Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-H Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-O Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-PP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-UAHCE Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-UMAP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Pyrolysis Oils (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-PO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-PO-ETS-WAWP Pyrolysis Oils Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Pyrolysis oils used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-AFAF Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-CAPS Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-R Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-DFC-U Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-C Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-E Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-H Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-O Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-PP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-UAHCE Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-UMAP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Tall oil (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-TO-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-TO-ETS-WAWP Tall Oil Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Tall oil used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-U-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-C Biomass Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP(1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid biomass (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-U-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-U-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid biomass used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-R Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-DFC-U Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-C Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-E Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-H Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-O Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 mt 0 Unspecified liquid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-ULCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Liquid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Unspecified liquid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-R Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-DFC-U Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-C Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-E Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-H Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-O Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-PP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified solid co-products (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-USCP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-USCP-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified solid co-products used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-AFAF Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-CAPS Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-R Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-DFC-U Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-C Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-E Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-H Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-O Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-PP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-UAHCE Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-UMAP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Unspecified wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-UWW-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-UWW-ETS-WAWP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Unspecified wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-AFAF Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-CAPS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-O Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-R Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-TS-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-TS Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Wood based biodiesel (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-WBB-DFC-U Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-WBB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBB-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2009 5-WBB-ETS-UMAP Wood Based Biodiesel Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Wood based Biodiesel (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-AFAF Wood Briquettes Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-CAPS Wood Briquettes Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-O Wood Briquettes Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-R Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WB-DFC-U Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WB-ETS-UAHCE Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WB-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WB-ETS-UMAP Wood Briquettes Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Briquettes (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Forest Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Forest Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Forest CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Forest Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Forest Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Forest Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Forest Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Forest Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBFF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-AFAF Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-CAPS Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-R Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-DFC-U Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-C Biomass Consumption Outside Forests CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-E Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-H Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-O Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-PP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-UAHCE Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-UMAP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Residential 1000 tdm 0 Solid biomass from outside forests (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WBOF-ETS-WAWP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Solid biomass from outside forests used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-AFAF Charcoal Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-CAPS Charcoal Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-O Charcoal Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-R Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-DFC-U Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-C Charcoal Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-E Charcoal Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-H Charcoal Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-O Charcoal Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-PP Charcoal Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-UAHCE Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-UMAP Charcoal Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Charcoal (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WC-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WC-ETS-WAWP Charcoal Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Charcoal used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-AFAF Wood Consumption Unknown Source Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-CAPS Wood Consumption Unknown Source Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-R Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-DFC-U Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-C Wood Consumption Unknown Source CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-E Wood Consumption Unknown Source Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-H Wood Consumption Unknown Source Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-O Wood Consumption Unknown Source Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-PP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-UAHCE Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-UMAP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood from unknown sources (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WFUS-ETS-WAWP Wood Consumption Unknown Source Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood from unknown sources used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-AFAF Pellets Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-CAPS Pellets Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-O Pellets Consumption Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-R Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-DFC-U Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-C Pellets Consumption CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-E Pellets Consumption Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-H Pellets Consumption Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-O Pellets Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-PP Pellets Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-UAHCE Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-UMAP Pellets Consumption Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood Pellets (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WP-ETS-WAWP Pellets Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood Pellets used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-AFAF Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-CAPS Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-R Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-DFC-U Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-C Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-E Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-H Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-O Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-PP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-UAHCE Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-UMAP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Wood residues (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2009-5-WR-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2009 5-WR-ETS-WAWP Wood Residues Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Wood residues used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-0-4-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 0-4 Wood Energy Consumption 1000 m3 2,074.36 Total wood energy (in 1000m3) used in 2011
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP Black Liquor Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of black liquor (1000rwe.)
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-FBI-LCP-TO-DP Tall Oil Production Forest-based Industry 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of Tall oil by the forest based Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-LCP-TO-E-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-FBI-LCP-TO-E Tall Oil Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Exports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-LCP-TO-I-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-FBI-LCP-TO-I Tall Oil Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of Tall oil (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-B-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-B-DP Bark Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 62.27 0 Domestic production of Bark by the Forest based Industry (1000bv)
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-B-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-B-E Bark Exports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Exports of bark (1000bv)
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-B-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-B-I Bark Imports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Imports of bark (1000bv)
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP Chips and Particles Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic Production of Chips and Particles produced by Forest based Industry
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E Chips and Particles Exports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Exports of Chips and Particles
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I Chips and Particles Imports 1000 m3 0.22 0 Imports of Chips and Particles
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP Wood Residues Production Forest-based Industry 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of Wood Residues by Forest based Industry
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-WR-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-WR-E Wood Residues Exports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Exports of Wood Residues
Armenia-2011-2-FBI-SCP-WR-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-FBI-SCP-WR-I Wood Residues Imports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Imports of Wood Residues
Armenia-2011-2-WBFF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBFF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Forest 1000 m3 2,074.36 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests
Armenia-2011-2-WBFF-FW-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBFF-FW-E Fuelwood Exports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Exports of Fuelwood
Armenia-2011-2-WBFF-FW-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBFF-FW-I Fuelwood Imports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Imports of Fuelwood
Armenia-2011-2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBFF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production From Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Armenia-2011-2-WBFF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBFF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Forest 1000 m3 1.30 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from Forests
Armenia-2011-2-WBFF-IRW-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBFF-IRW-E Industrial Roundwood Exports 1000 m3 0.01 0 Exports of Industrial Roundwood
Armenia-2011-2-WBFF-IRW-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBFF-IRW-I Industrial Roundwood Imports 1000 m3 0.00 0 Imports of Industrial Roundwood
Armenia-2011-2-WBOF-FW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBOF-FW-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of Fuelwood from outside Forests
Armenia-2011-2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBOF-FW-OWFSRC-DP Fuelwood Production Outside Forests From Short Rotation Coppice 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic Production of Fuelwood from outside Forests from Short Rotation Coppice
Armenia-2011-2-WBOF-IRW-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WBOF-IRW-DP Industrial Roundwood Production Outside Forests 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of Industrial Roundwood from outside Forests
Armenia-2011-2-WFUS-DP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WFUS-DP Wood Production Unknown Source 1000 m3 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2011-2-WFUS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WFUS-E Wood Exports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0.00 0 Export of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2011-2-WFUS-I-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 2-WFUS-I Wood Imports Unknown Source 1000 m3 0.00 0 Import of wood from unknown sources
Armenia-2011-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP Hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E Hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Exports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I Hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E Non-hazardous Wood Waste Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Exports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I-1000 mt Armenia 2011 2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I Non-hazardous Wood Waste Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of non-hazardous wood waste (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-CBE-DP-million litre Armenia 2011 3-CBE-DP Cellulose based Ethanol Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of cellulose based ethanol (milllion l)
Armenia-2011-3-CBE-E-million litre Armenia 2011 3-CBE-E Cellulose based Ethanol Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Armenia-2011-3-CBE-I-million litre Armenia 2011 3-CBE-I Cellulose based Ethanol Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of cellulose based ethanol (million l)
Armenia-2011-3-PO-DP-million litre Armenia 2011 3-PO-DP Pyrolysis Oils Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Armenia-2011-3-PO-E-million litre Armenia 2011 3-PO-E Pyrolysis Oils Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of pyrolysis oils (milllion l)
Armenia-2011-3-PO-I-million litre Armenia 2011 3-PO-I Pyrolysis Oils Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of pyrolysis oils (million l)
Armenia-2011-3-WBB-DP-million litre Armenia 2011 3-WBB-DP Wood Based Biodiesel Production million litre 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2011-3-WBB-E-million litre Armenia 2011 3-WBB-E Wood Based Biodiesel Exports million litre 0.00 0 Export of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2011-3-WBB-I-million litre Armenia 2011 3-WBB-I Wood Based Biodiesel Imports million litre 0.00 0 Imports of wood based biodiesel (million l)
Armenia-2011-3-WB-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WB-DP Wood Briquettes Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-WB-E-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WB-E Wood Briquettes Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Export of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-WB-I-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WB-I Wood Briquettes Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of wood briquettes (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-WC-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WC-DP Charcoal Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-WC-E-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WC-E Charcoal Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Export of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-WC-I-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WC-I Charcoal Imports 1000 mt 0.02 0 Imports of wood charcoal (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-WP-DP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WP-DP Pellets Production 1000 mt 0.00 0 Domestic production of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-WP-E-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WP-E Pellets Exports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Export of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-3-WP-I-1000 mt Armenia 2011 3-WP-I Pellets Imports 1000 mt 0.00 0 Imports of wood pellets (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-4-B-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-B-WB Bark Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Bark used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-B-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-B-WC Bark Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Bark used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-B-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-B-WP Bark Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Bark used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-CP-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-CP-WB Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Chips and particles used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-CP-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-CP-WC Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Chips and particles used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-CP-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-CP-WP Chips and Particles Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Chips and particles used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-HWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-HWW-WB Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-HWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-HWW-WC Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-HWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-HWW-WP Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-NHWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-NHWW-WB Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-NHWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-NHWW-WC Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-NHWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-NHWW-WP Non-hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Non-hazardous wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-UPSB-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-UPSB-WB Biomass Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-UPSB-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-UPSB-WC Biomass Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-UPSB-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-UPSB-WP Biomass Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified primary solid biomass used to produce wood pelllets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-USCP-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-USCP-WB Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-USCP-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-USCP-WC Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-USCP-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-USCP-WP Unspecified Solid Co-products Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified solid co-products used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-UWW-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-UWW-WB Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-UWW-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-UWW-WC Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-UWW-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-UWW-WP Unspecified Wood Waste Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Unspecified wood waste to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WBFF-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WBFF-WB Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WBFF-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WBFF-WC Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WBFF-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WBFF-WP Biomass Consumption Forest Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WBOF-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WBOF-WB Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WBOF-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WBOF-WC Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WBOF-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WBOF-WP Biomass Consumption Outside Forests Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Biomass from outside forests used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WR-WB-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WR-WB Wood Residues Consumption Wood Briquettes 1000 tdm 0.00 Wood residues used to produce wood briquettes (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WR-WC-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WR-WC Wood Residues Consumption Wood Charcoal 1000 tdm 0.00 Wood residues used to produce wood charcoal (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-4-WR-WP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 4-WR-WP Wood Residues Consumption Wood Pellets 1000 tdm 0.00 Wood residues used to produce wood pellets (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-AFAF Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-CAPS Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-R Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-DFC-U Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-C Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-E Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-H Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-O Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-PP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-UAHCE Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-UMAP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Bark (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-B-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-B-ETS-WAWP Bark Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Bark used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-AFAF Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-CAPS Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-R Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-DFC-U Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-C Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-E Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-H Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-O Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-PP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-UAHCE Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-UMAP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Black Liquor (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-BL-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-BL-ETS-WAWP Black Liquor Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Black Liquor used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-AFAF-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-AFAF Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-CAPS-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-CAPS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Commercial and Public Services 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-O-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-R-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-R Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-TS-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-TS Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Transport 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol (Direct final consumption) used in the transport sector (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-DFC-U-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-DFC-U Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-C-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-C Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption CHP 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-E-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-E Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Electricity 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-H-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-H Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Heat 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-O-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-O Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Other Industry Sectors 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-PP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-PP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-UAHCE Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-UMAP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-UMAP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Residential 1000 mt 0 Cellulose based ethanol(Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CBE-ETS-WAWP-1000 mt Armenia 2011 5-CBE-ETS-WAWP Cellulose based Ethanol Consumption Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 mt 0 0 Cellulose based ethanol used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry (1000 mt)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-AFAF Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-CAPS Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-R Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-DFC-U Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-C-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-C Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry CHP 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-E-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-E Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Electricity 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Electricity (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-H-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-H Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Heat 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate Heat (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-O Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Other Industry Sectors 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.)) used by all other Industry Sectors (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-PP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-PP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Pulp&Paper Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Pulp&Paper Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-UAHCE-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-UAHCE Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-UMAP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-UMAP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Residential 1000 tdm 0 Chips and particles (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 m3 0.00 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-CP-ETS-WAWP-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-CP-ETS-WAWP Chips and Particles Consumption Forest-based Industry Wood and Wood Products Industry 1000 tdm 0 0 Chips and particles used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Autoprod.) used by the Wood and Wood Products Industry(1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-AFAF-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-AFAF Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-CAPS-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-CAPS Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Commercial and Public Services 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) commercial and public services use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-O-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-O Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Other 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) other use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-R-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-R Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 t.d.m.)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-DFC-U-1000 tdm Armenia 2011 5-HWW-DFC-U Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer Residential 1000 tdm 0 Hazardous wood waste (Direct final consumption) Residential use (1000 m3)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 m3 Armenia 2011 5-HWW-ETS-C Hazardous Wood Waste Consumption Post-consumer CHP 1000 m3 0.00 Hazardous wood waste used by the Energy Transformation Sector (Main Activity) to generate CHP (1000 m3 swe)
Armenia-2011-5-HWW-ETS-C-1000 tdm

JWEE 2017 - country profiles

Profiles of countries based on replies to Joint Wood Energy Enquiry. Includes indicators and basic figures for all reporting rounds.


This document is associated with the following:

Joint Wood Energy Enquiry | UNECE

Languages and translations

Country Profile

JWEE Country Profiles
JWEE total
* Year selection only affects the "Wood Energy Sources and Uses"
1 Total Population 810,138,548
2 Rural Population (% of total) 22.3%
Woody Biomass Supply 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005
3 Roundwood removals from forest and outside forest (1000m3) 1,038,334 1,024,064 843,444 910,248 838,837 1,210,203 995,703
4 Roundwood supply from forest and outside forest including net trade (1000m3) 1,027,981 1,019,567 838,040 909,320 821,446 1,168,661 1,011,844
5 Total calculated domestic supply of woody biomass (1000m3) 1,624,172 1,601,393 1,390,603 1,494,276 1,297,416 1,679,045
Energy Resources 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005
6 Total primary energy supply, TPES (ktoe) 3,852,890 3,865,968 3,627,303 4,019,732 4,082,578 4,390,095 3,734,501
7 Share of renewables (RES) in TPES 10.7% 10.3% 9.3% 8.6% 6.5% 6.0% 6.4%
8 Total wood energy supply, volume basis (1000 m3) 696,593 726,604 581,422 595,185 588,297 691,526 232,522
9 Total wood energy supply, energy basis (ktoe) 146,306 151,076 127,823 132,738 131,796 216,173
Wood Energy Intensity 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005
10 Average wood energy consumption (m3/capita) 0.86 0.91 0.85 0.73 0.74 0.91 0.39
11 Fuelwood consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/inhabitant) 1.13 0.63 0.89 0.75 0.86 1.00 0.00
12 Pellets consumption per inhabitant (kg/capita) 25.99 24.18 24.85 16.77 10.48 8.09
Role of Wood Energy in Forest Sector 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005
13 Share of net annual increment directly used for energy (%) 7.7% 10.3% 9.8% 8.2% 6.4% 4.5% 5.4%
14 Share of Roundwood supply directly used for energy purposes (%) 22.9% 27.1% 21.7% 21.0% 24.6% 15.1% 8.2%
15 Share of calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass used for energy purposes (%) 42.9% 45.4% 41.8% 39.8% 45.3% 41.2%
Role of Wood Energy in Energy Sector 2017 2015 2013 2011 2009 2007 2005
16 Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) 3.8% 3.9% 3.5% 3.3% 2.9% 4.9% 1.3%
17 Share of woody biomass in RES (%) 35.4% 37.9% 37.9% 38.6% 44.5% 81.5% 19.7%
18 Share of wood energy generated from black liquor, energy basis (%) 26.8% 21.3% 29.5% 29.4% 24.9% 73.4%
19 Imported wood fuel as share of wood energy, volume basis (%) 5.2% 5.0% 6.7% 4.5% 1.9% 1.0%
'Analysis 2007'!A1:CF70
Wood Energy Sources and Uses in 2017 [1000 m3] U1 Power and Heat U2 Industrial U3 Residential U4 Other Sum %
S1 Direct 26,801.4 4,374.1 196,408.2 8,111.6 235,695.3 33.8%
S2 Indirect 58,286.7 238,710.2 49,059.8 8,496.4 354,553.1 50.9%
S3 Recovered 23,209.8 9,377.6 3,165.6 1,058.1 36,811.2 5.3%
S4 Unspecified 33,606.5 21,159.5 2,479.0 12,288.4 69,533.5 10.0%
Sum 141,904.5 273,621.4 251,112.7 29,954.6
% 20.4% 39.3% 36.0% 4.3%
1. The category "JWEE total 2017" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2017. This includes Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States.
Disclaimer: Data comparisons between reference years are only indicative, due to changes in national and international statistical methodologies. 

Wood Energy Sources (1000 m3)

S1 Direct S2 Indirect S3 Recovered S4 Unspecified 0.33835436661306456 0.50898172224773497 5.2844565451960417E-2 9.9819345687240033E-2

Wood Energy Uses (1000 m3)

U1 Power and Heat U2 Industrial U3 Residential U4 Other 0.20371213254458462 0.39279941466138452 0.36048686892398235 4.3001583870048404E-2


2017 Population Rural Population (share) Roundwood and Fuelwood removals from forest and outside forest (1000m3) Roundwood and Fuelwood supply from forest and outside forest including net trade (1000m3) SWE + (S1 -S4) Total calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (1000m3)
Autor: see comment in external data sheet
Total primary energy supply, TPES (ktoe) Share of renewables (RES) in TPES from ktoe Total wood energy generation (1000m3) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) (calculation totals*heating value) Average wood energy consumption (m3/capita) Fuelwood consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/inhabitant) Pellets consumption per inhabitant (kg/inhabitant) S1 (from Forests)/Net Annual Increments Share of Total Roundwood supply directly used for energy purposes (%) Share of energy use in calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (%) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from TJ) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from TJ) Share of wood energy generated from black liquor (%) (heating value) Imported wood fuel as share of wood energy (%) 1-S1-U1 1-S1-U2 1-S1-U3 1-S1-U4 1-S2-U1 1-S2-U2 1-S2-U3 1-S2-U4 1-S3-U1 1-S3-U2 1-S3-U3 1-S3-U4 1-S4-U1 1-S4-U2 1-S4-U3 1-S4-U4 Total wood energy consumption in TJ Black liquor in TJ woodfuel imports in 1000 m3
country fuelwood supply pellet consumption
Albania 2,884,169 0.45 n/a n/a n/a 2,354 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Armenia 2,944,789 0.38 668 669 2,294 3,188 0 542 110 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 480 0 0 0 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,613 0 1 665,900 2,062 480
Austria 8,819,902 0.33 18,119 26,322 47,467 33,486 0 24,569 5,021 3 2 108 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 20 6,639 431 6,505 7,906 1,417 1,233 417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210,202 41,125 1,878 5,341,990 952,750,000 5,366
Azerbaijan 9,845,316 0.45 151 151 2,154 14,337 0 151 35 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 6 53 85 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,457 0 0 151,000 0 0
Belarus 9,450,233 0.22 19,493 17,498 25,622 25,513 0 7,797 1,568 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1,452 91 1,837 804 2,045 1,167 181 221 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65,653 42 29 5,306,454 16,600,000 4,183
Belgium 11,419,752 0.02 n/a n/a n/a 55,252 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,351,534 0.68 4,375 3,438 3,023 6,758 0 277 50 0 0 51 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 187 90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,114 1,663 40 614,400 169,960,000 0
Bulgaria 7,102,452 0.25 n/a n/a n/a 18,745 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Canada 36,732,091 0.18 177,335 175,679 133,182 289,062 0 73,251 15,067 2 3 20 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,496 0 0 45,645 5,109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 630,844 199,049 158 22,575,573 739,000,000 22,496
Croatia 4,182,847 0.41 6,297 5,379 5,642 8,748 0 3,435 885 1 1 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 397 0 2,130 0 43 247 415 0 23 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 37,035 0 166 1,174,130 42,370,000 1,538
Cyprus 1,179,685 0.33 24 27 307 2,218 0 112 15 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 2 43 56 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 0 92 15,980 3,370,000 9
Czech Republic 10,641,032 0.28 21,977 17,089 22,280 43,329 0 13,544 2,753 1 1 9 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 8,243 0 2,206 2,151 546 101 0 0 296 0 0 0 0 0 115,265 8,164 285 4,273,000 94,000,000 6,267
Denmark 5,732,277 0.12 n/a n/a n/a 17,007 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Estonia 1,319,389 0.31 11,299 8,711 12,861 5,707 0 5,420 1,120 4 8 148 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 995 9 1,323 33 1,020 923 712 70 302 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 46,897 1,568 83 3,407,439 194,977,319 1,721
Finland 5,511,372 0.15 66,094 69,958 81,945 33,277 0 41,492 8,717 8 13 68 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4,917 546 5,401 807 5,726 22,210 630 209 729 51 232 34 0 0 0 0 364,947 154,761 240 10,713,823 373,450,000 11,671
France 64,842,513 0.20 51,269 48,189 96,117 247,086 0 42,729 10,283 1 1 22 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2,330 1,554 19,940 1,132 2,030 5,750 7,427 1,061 797 470 0 238 0 0 0 0 430,525 32,447 1,829 19,067,000 1,424,320,000 19,002
Georgia 4,008,723 0.49 1,923 1,914 2,873 4,808 0 1,922 388 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 1,849 18 0 0 48 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16,231 0 0 471,500 0 0
Germany 82,658,409 0.24 65,717 70,695 145,711 311,245 0 59,684 13,075 1 1 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,432 1,416 19,545 2,949 3,278 5,695 6,422 3,181 7,805 3,219 1,208 716 445 184 27 162 547,404 25,683 2,598 22,649,116 2,190,500,000 22,133
Hungary 9,729,822 0.28 n/a n/a n/a 26,649 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Iceland 334,395 0.06 4 5 198 5,471 1 74 9 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 380 0 80 1,420 520,000 2
Ireland 4,753,281 0.37 3,342 3,630 2,945 13,639 0 1,356 289 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 322 0 623 0 58 0 334 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,102 0 153 321,170 96,800,000 322
Italy 60,673,694 0.31 12,928 16,193 85,058 153,445 0 44,811 9,055 1 1 36 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 28,049 0 8,773 973 5,465 492 0 1,059 0 0 0 0 0 0 379,115 544 5,623 11,903,900 2,171,020,000 0
Kazachstan 18,080,023 0.44 n/a n/a n/a 84,988 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Latvia 1,951,097 0.34 n/a n/a n/a 4,400 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Liechtenstein 37,805 0.86 16 16 23 0 0 19 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 164 0 0 16,000 0 0
Lithuania 2,845,419 0.35 6,888 5,434 12,018 7,545 0 6,491 1,304 2 2 11 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 3,214 627 2,401 230 54,582 0 533 1,858,340 31,760,000 0
Luxembourg 591,914 0.09 433 923 802 3,775 0 421 136 1 2 43 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 89 0 182 93 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,690 0 53 93,660 25,180,000 89
Montenegro 627,563 0.35 n/a n/a n/a 1,018 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Netherlands 17,021,343 0.08 3,184 2,488 12,848 74,203 0 4,385 937 0 0 19 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 165 0 1,606 87 54 139 282 161 1,434 0 457 0 0 0 0 0 39,226 0 915 339,628 328,800,000 338
North Macedonia 2,081,996 0.43 764 807 1,655 2,723 0 677 136 0 1 37 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 524 131 0 0 19 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,698 0 200 674,960 77,040,000 655
Norway 5,296,324 0.19 12,187 9,230 12,901 29,985 0 3,990 787 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,757 0 0 1,073 248 0 0 0 0 0 912 0 0 0 32,943 0 447 1,808,840 7,880,000 1,757
Poland 37,953,176 0.40 n/a n/a n/a 103,845 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Portugal 10,288,527 0.37 n/a n/a n/a 22,770 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Republic of Moldova 4,059,687 0.46 n/a n/a n/a 3,850 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Romania 19,653,966 0.49 n/a n/a n/a 33,331 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Russian Federation 145,530,091 0.25 n/a n/a n/a 732,160 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Serbia 8,829,623 0.47 7,789 7,756 15,510 15,609 0 7,406 1,494 1 1 37 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 12 201 5,370 271 8 647 642 211 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 0 62,556 0 190 5,490,000 330,000,000 5,039
Slovak Republic 5,447,903 0.47 10,054 8,965 10,077 17,400 0 4,478 1,282 1 0 9 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1,170 0 817 28 516 1,629 225 9 0 0 45 39 0 0 0 0 53,693 5,778 153 705,000 50,000,000 1,425
Slovenia 2,076,395 0.51 4,779 2,583 5,932 6,907 0 2,696 660 1 1 54 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1,601 0 223 526 232 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 0 27,625 0 709 724,719 112,685,000 1,338
Sweden 9,904,895 0.14 74,817 81,874 96,157 49,174 0 45,650 9,496 5 5 183 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,677 0 3,873 590 7,502 21,460 1,245 1,066 3,238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 397,599 159,041 976 6,339,770 1,810,300,000 10,998
Switzerland 8,455,797 0.26 5,544 5,160 10,246 23,678 0 5,138 1,064 1 1 28 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1,059 59 1,113 490 161 601 547 40 755 306 0 7 0 0 0 0 44,542 0 712 2,092,000 234,880,000 2,411
Turkey 81,116,451 0.25 n/a n/a n/a 146,797 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0
Ukraine 44,487,708 0.30 18,337 17,011 29,771 89,463 0 15,258 3,059 0 1 14 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 4,023 154 7,578 256 2,277 101 829 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 128,056 0 8 8,848,200 622,000,000 0
United Kingdom 66,727,463 0.16 12,950 13,082 61,578 175,883 0 33,681 6,906 1 0 106 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 151 311 7,702 0 15,115 6,120 2,575 203 605 45 852 1 0 0 0 0 289,122 0 17,005 2,138,860 7,046,000,000 5,581
United States 325,084,758 0.18 419,578 407,106 684,973 2,155,230 0 245,138 50,602 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46,054 0 0 113,465 13,498 0 6,770 4,048 0 22 29,035 20,349 0 11,896 2,118,624 1,010,057 1,356 64,227,020 1,907,640,000 0
JWEE total 810,138,548 0.22 1,038,334 1,027,981 1,624,172 3,852,890 0 696,593 146,306 1 1 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,801 4,374 196,408 8,112 58,287 238,710 49,060 8,496 23,210 9,378 3,166 1,058 33,607 21,159 2,479 12,288 6,125,545 1,639,921 36,511 204,010,792 21,053,804,381 124,822
JWEE 12 264,351,249 0.22 310,876 330,198 564,717 915,976 0 264,934 57,155 1 1 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,597 4,107 71,606 6,670 41,353 71,009 21,295 7,323 14,681 4,092 2,335 997 445 184 79 162 2,392,955 413,057 26,433 74,988,088 14,600,235,000 83,959
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 378,447,723 0.24 400,753 407,814 743,942 1,271,754 0 352,400 75,451 1 1 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,325 4,118 116,017 6,818 53,965 78,331 29,375 8,228 16,440 5,330 3,166 1,036 4,571 810 2,479 392 3,158,981 430,773 34,760 101,756,085 17,691,524,381 97,487
external data reference Population Rural Population (share) SWE in 1000 m3 TPES in ktoe RES in TPES (share) Net Annaul Increment in 1000 m3 TPES in TJ RES in TJ
*We could make this better when converting with TJ figures.
*most often: bark, charcoal
JWEE total Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States
JWEE 12 Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
Europe excl. Russia Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom


2015 Population Rural Population (share) Roundwood and Fuelwood removals from forest and outside forest (1000m3) Roundwood and Fuelwood supply from forest and outside forest including net trade (1000m3) SWE + (S1 -S4) Total calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (1000m3)
Autor: see comment in external data sheet
Total primary energy supply, TPES (ktoe) Share of renewables (RES) in TPES from ktoe Total wood energy generation (1000m3) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) (calculation totals*heating value) Average wood energy consumption (m3/capita) Fuelwood consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/inhabitant) Pellets consumption per inhabitant (kg/inhabitant) S1 (from Forests)/Net Annual Increments
Autor: see comment in external data sheet
Share of Total Roundwood supply directly used for energy purposes (%) Share of energy use in calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (%) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from TJ) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from TJ) Share of wood energy generated from black liquor (%) (heating value) Imported wood fuel as share of wood energy (%) 1-S1-U1 1-S1-U2 1-S1-U3 1-S1-U4 1-S2-U1 1-S2-U2 1-S2-U3 1-S2-U4 1-S3-U1 1-S3-U2 1-S3-U3 1-S3-U4 1-S4-U1 1-S4-U2 1-S4-U3 1-S4-U4 Total wood energy consumption in TJ Black liquor in TJ woodfuel imports in 1000 m3
country fuelwood supply pellet consumption
Albania 2,923,352 0.47 n/a n/a n/a 2189.67 0.34 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Armenia 2,916,950 0.38 0 0 2,165 3067.47 0.12 507 102 0.17 0.00 0.00 1.60 2577.21 0.23 0.03 0.27 0.00 0.00 0 5 502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,263 0 0 3 290 507
Austria 8,678,657 0.34 18,210 25,725 45,189 32793.80 0.29 23,606 4,802 2.72 1.94 93.76 0.25 0.29 0.52 0.15 0.50 0.14 0.08 0 0 6,859 529 6,352 7,357 1,105 1,404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201,038 27,826 1,909 5,645,340 813,710,000 5,640
Azerbaijan 9,617,484 0.45 390 390 1,774 14355.81 0.02 382 74 0.04 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.89 0.22 0.01 0.28 0.00 0.00 0 0 235 110 0 0 24 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,090 0 0 390,000 0 0
Belarus 9,485,772 0.23 n/a n/a n/a 25266.74 0.05 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1.93 35.34 0.33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Belgium 11,287,940 0.02 n/a n/a n/a 53269.08 0.07 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.91 13.40 0.33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,535,961 0.65 4,511 3,816 5,535 8032.08 0.25 3,502 704 0.99 0.34 16.90 0.00 0.92 0.63 0.09 0.35 0.00 0.00 0 78 3,385 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,481 0 3 791,940 59,770,000 0
Bulgaria 7,177,396 0.26 n/a n/a n/a 18607.00 0.11 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Canada 35,949,709 0.18 166,817 165,837 131,295 270191.79 0.18 66,584 13,715 1.85 2.37 27.11 0.04 0.09 0.51 0.05 0.28 0.39 0.00 0 0 15,387 0 0 48,048 3,150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 574,232 221,240 229 15,427,157 974,450,000 15,387
Croatia 4,236,016 0.41 6,169 5,234 5,735 8397.49 0.23 3,533 924 0.83 0.64 4.49 0.21 0.54 0.62 0.11 0.47 0.00 0.02 121 49 2,668 0 67 72 353 0 23 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,701 0 88 1,113,000 19,000,000 1,849
Cyprus 1,160,985 0.33 20 23 229 2014.31 0.07 106 15 0.09 0.03 4.98 0.18 0.51 0.46 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.85 0 0 12 0 0 1 39 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 626 0 90 9,820 5,780,000 6
Czech Republic 10,603,762 0.27 20,093 17,750 22,214 42147.82 0.10 12,970 2,615 1.22 1.44 6.04 0.30 0.47 0.58 0.06 0.61 0.07 0.02 0 0 8,384 0 1,620 2,251 547 131 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 109,506 8,118 276 4,194,000 64,000,000 6,122
Denmark 5,688,695 0.12 n/a n/a n/a 16096.14 0.30 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Estonia 1,315,321 0.32 10,061 7,671 10,871 5423.86 0.17 5,096 1,042 3.87 7.74 160.44 0.20 0.28 0.47 0.19 1.15 0.04 0.01 805 22 1,292 25 1,334 1,020 548 23 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,641 1,544 67 3,214,904 211,023,900 1,947
Finland 5,481,966 0.16 63,479 68,370 77,670 32486.31 0.32 37,821 7,950 6.90 13.85 55.03 0.13 0.16 0.49 0.24 0.76 0.43 0.00 4,762 617 4,668 689 4,912 20,027 1,012 234 621 39 169 72 0 0 0 0 332,868 142,056 178 11,931,100 301,660,000 10,735
France 64,457,201 0.21 51,005 47,502 93,166 246505.85 0.09 40,657 9,744 0.63 1.41 16.55 0.22 0.48 0.44 0.04 0.45 0.08 0.04 1,818 1,658 19,472 0 1,105 5,126 7,037 2,222 1,253 967 0 0 0 0 0 0 407,977 34,211 1,578 18,704,230 1,066,900,000 18,080
Georgia 3,951,524 0.51 2,021 2,017 3,009 4631.41 0.25 2,122 426 0.54 0.24 0.02 0.00 1.05 0.71 0.09 0.37 0.00 0.00 0 4 2,082 35 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17,856 0 1 484,600 60,000 0
Germany 81,707,789 0.25 55,613 61,010 132,125 307794.74 0.12 58,143 13,009 0.71 0.54 21.49 0.25 0.45 0.44 0.04 0.34 0.05 0.06 3,661 2,715 20,111 1,112 3,598 7,296 6,045 1,433 6,039 4,479 1,410 41 106 79 0 19 544,661 27,447 3,600 10,968,060 1,755,694,000 23,342
Hungary 9,783,925 0.29 n/a n/a n/a 25209.30 0.12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Iceland 330,243 0.06 4 4 171 5582.98 0.88 26 5 0.08 0.05 1.82 0.17 0.58 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 2 0 0 0 2 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 222 0 3 1,020 600,000 2
Ireland 4,700,107 0.37 2,943 2,929 3,297 13263.42 0.08 1,686 351 0.36 0.18 12.91 0.06 0.10 0.51 0.03 0.33 0.00 0.04 96 0 209 0 248 810 38 35 0 251 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,685 0 74 313,430 60,700,000 300
Italy 59,504,212 0.32 5,052 8,565 83,077 152604.76 0.17 42,701 8,623 0.72 0.21 34.97 0.00 3.13 0.51 0.06 0.33 0.00 0.12 0 0 26,786 0 8,644 939 4,945 414 0 974 0 0 0 0 0 0 361,020 551 5,274 4,052,510 2,080,740,000 0
Kazachstan 17,749,648 0.44 n/a n/a n/a 78092.74 0.01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.00 n/a n/a 0.62 54.70 0.33 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Latvia 1,992,663 0.33 13,594 11,981 6,782 4262.68 0.36 2,992 601 1.50 3.51 75.78 0.03 0.05 0.44 0.14 0.39 0.00 0.11 66 223 322 32 810 1,235 172 132 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,172 0 331 2,328,709 151,000,000 642
Liechtenstein 37,403 0.86 n/a n/a n/a 0.00 0.00 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Lithuania 2,931,926 0.34 6,664 5,448 11,106 7221.94 0.20 6,182 1,241 2.11 1.92 24.56 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.17 0.88 0.00 0.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 2,871 547 2,525 217 51,975 0 286 1,928,000 72,000,000 0
Luxembourg 566,741 0.09 479 581 732 3725.06 0.05 321 106 0.57 2.10 1.76 0.20 0.19 0.44 0.03 0.52 0.00 0.10 0 0 110 1 97 103 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,446 0 32 112,000 1,000,000 112
Montenegro 628,178 0.36 1,160 699 1,593 1010.37 0.31 784 158 1.25 1.77 10.19 0.00 1.00 0.49 0.16 0.51 0.00 0.01 0 42 637 19 0 2 74 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,605 0 7 396,630 6,400,000 0
Netherlands 16,938,499 0.09 3,053 2,420 12,181 73831.16 0.05 4,615 981 0.27 0.22 12.91 0.21 0.89 0.38 0.01 0.27 0.00 0.13 197 0 1,677 278 22 158 287 210 1,397 0 344 44 0 0 0 0 41,052 0 595 345,000 218,600,000 414
Norway 5,199,836 0.19 11,984 8,435 12,367 29616.39 0.45 4,240 836 0.82 1.88 20.19 0.09 0.22 0.34 0.03 0.06 0.00 0.13 0 0 1,827 0 0 1,240 364 0 0 0 0 0 808 0 0 0 34,996 0 544 1,885,140 104,990,000 1,827
Poland 38,265,226 0.39 41,680 41,643 84,605 94928.75 0.09 51,825 10,419 1.35 0.34 15.88 0.87 1.24 0.61 0.11 1.16 0.00 0.02 9,316 9,464 26,646 6,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 436,226 0 880 5,136,460 607,580,000 51,825
Portugal 10,418,473 0.37 11,533 13,181 26,646 21965.75 0.23 17,645 3,662 1.69 0.15 38.59 0.40 0.51 0.66 0.17 0.74 0.31 0.02 0 0 6,678 0 2,655 7,946 259 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 153,311 48,240 388 596,543 402,002,542 6,678
Republic of Moldova 4,065,980 0.46 1,497 1,527 5,309 3381.63 0.10 3,623 730 0.89 0.78 0.00 0.15 2.29 0.68 0.22 2.10 0.00 0.00 0 10 3,413 75 0 3 113 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,559 0 5 1,472,838 0 3,498
Romania 19,876,621 0.49 n/a n/a n/a 31906.06 0.19 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Russian Federation 143,888,004 0.26 n/a n/a n/a 709731.51 0.02 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Serbia 8,851,280 0.47 7,655 7,766 14,744 14755.59 0.13 6,947 1,396 0.78 1.29 19.66 1.11 0.77 0.47 0.09 0.72 0.00 0.01 10 182 5,466 293 7 458 349 144 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 58,443 0 44 5,408,000 174,000,000 5,116
Slovak Republic 5,439,318 0.47 10,580 8,098 9,498 16392.42 0.10 4,345 1,199 0.80 0.48 5.06 0.12 0.23 0.46 0.07 0.76 0.12 0.02 993 0 859 26 1,020 1,311 50 52 23 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 50,207 6,056 70 1,219,397 27,500,000 1,448
Slovenia 2,074,788 0.50 5,324 3,090 6,278 6571.37 0.16 2,877 691 1.39 0.97 66.57 0.16 0.49 0.46 0.11 0.65 0.00 0.20 0 0 1,528 0 220 484 346 23 0 0 10 0 0 0 264 0 28,918 0 589 1,014,352 138,120,000 1,257
Sweden 9,763,565 0.14 74,169 80,749 91,095 45450.61 0.42 44,233 9,172 4.53 4.44 154.68 0.13 0.14 0.49 0.20 0.48 0.42 0.03 6,712 0 3,982 507 7,351 21,921 1,084 663 2,012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 384,003 159,402 1,253 6,108,910 1,510,240,000 11,033
Switzerland 8,319,769 0.26 5,493 5,051 10,294 24533.32 0.22 4,811 996 0.58 0.99 25.24 0.39 0.50 0.47 0.04 0.18 0.00 0.11 890 73 1,168 412 148 621 471 45 682 294 0 7 0 0 0 0 41,682 0 510 2,121,000 210,000,000 2,158
North Macedonia 2,079,308 0.44 n/a n/a n/a 2678.35 0.16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Turkey 78,271,472 0.26 n/a n/a n/a 128810.24 0.12 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
Ukraine 44,657,704 0.30 n/a n/a n/a 90089.64 0.03 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0
United Kingdom 65,397,080 0.17 12,446 12,221 60,213 180749.26 0.08 34,129 6,101 0.52 0.13 104.03 0.29 0.64 0.57 0.03 0.41 0.00 0.47 520 77 7,199 0 16,009 6,775 1,379 497 863 15 796 0 0 0 0 0 255,432 0 16,156 1,494,180 6,803,030,000 5,325
United States 319,929,162 0.19 410,364 399,835 630,425 2188278.06 0.07 237,594 48,685 0.74 0.15 4.63 0.00 0.12 0.38 0.02 0.33 0.33 0.01 0 0 46,741 0 0 75,461 13,315 0 7,583 5,243 0 1,269 30,875 47,876 0 9,230 2,038,360 671,748 1,236 8,717,561 1,481,327,024 0
JWEE total
Autor: Autor: still includes Ireland

Autor: see comment in external data sheet

Autor: see comment in external data sheet
798,930,371 0.23 1,024,064 1,019,567 1,601,393 3865968.26 0.10 726,604 151,076 0.91 0.63 24.18 0.10 0.27 0.45 0.04 0.38 0.21 0.05 29,968 15,219 220,306 10,580 56,221 210,687 43,117 7,875 20,524 12,482 2,774 1,433 34,661 48,503 2,789 9,465 6,325,255 1,348,439 36,294 117,525,834 19,321,877,756 175,250
JWEE 12 261,159,928 0.23 296,837 315,016 535,032 910643.64 0.14 255,336 54,332 0.98 1.07 49.17 0.20 0.31 0.48 0.06 0.44 0.17 0.10 18,468 5,323 70,785 3,542 40,047 70,978 18,915 6,754 11,470 6,044 2,424 120 106 79 264 19 2,274,780 390,941 26,012 63,830,422 12,840,834,000 83,105
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 429,482,492 0.27 444,472 451,487 834,889 1388511.18 0.14 419,922 88,175 0.98 0.81 39.27 0.25 0.47 0.50 0.06 0.44 0.12 0.08 29,968 15,215 155,860 10,434 56,221 87,178 26,627 7,863 12,941 7,239 2,774 164 3,786 626 2,789 236 3,691,717 455,451 34,828 92,506,516 16,866,040,732 159,864
external data reference Population Rural Population (share) SWE in 1000 m3 TPES in ktoe RES in TPES (share) Net Annaul Increment in 1000 m3 TPES in TJ RES in TJ
*We could make this better when converting with TJ figures.
JWEE total Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdoma and the United States
JWEE 12 Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Europe excl. Russia Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzland and the United Kingdom


2013 Population Rural Population Roundwood and Fuelwood removals from forest and outside forest (1000m3) Roundwood and Fuelwood supply from forest and outside forest including net trade (1000m3) SWE + (S1 -S4) Total calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (1000m3) Total primary energy supply, TPES (ktoe) Share of renewables (RES) in TPES from ktoe Total wood energy generation (1000m3) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) (calculation totals*heating value) Average wood energy consumption (m3/capita) Fuelwood consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/inhabitant) Pellets consumption per inhabitant (kg/inhabitant) S1/Net Annual Increments Share of Total Roundwood supply directly used for energy purposes (%) Share of energy use in calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (%) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from TJ) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from TJ) Share of wood energy generated from black liquor (%) (heating value) Imported wood fuel as share of wood energy (%) 1-S1-U1 1-S1-U2 1-S1-U3 1-S1-U4 1-S2-U1 1-S2-U2 1-S2-U3 1-S2-U4 1-S3-U1 1-S3-U2 1-S3-U3 1-S3-U4 1-S4-U1 1-S4-U2 1-S4-U3 1-S4-U4 Total domestic woody biomass supply (including cascaded use) (1000 m3) Total wood energy generation (TJ) (calculation totals*heating value) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from ktoe) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from ktoe) Wood fuel imports (1000 m3) Total Fuelwood (1000 m3) Total Pellets (mt) Total S1 (1000 m3) share of rural population Renewable energy supply (ktoe) Total woody biomass from forest (TJ) Total woody biomass from outside forest (TJ) Unspecified (TJ) Chips and Particles (TJ) Wood Residues (TJ) Bark (TJ) Unspecified solid co-products (TJ) Black Liquor (TJ) Crude Tall Oil (TJ) Unspecified liquid co-products (TJ) Wood Charcoal (TJ) Wood Pellets (TJ) Wood Briquettes (TJ) Pyrolysis Oils (TJ) Cellulose based Ethanol (TJ) Wood based Biodiesel (TJ) Non-hazardous Wood Waste (TJ) Hazardous Wood Waste (TJ) Unspecified Wood Waste (TJ) Wood from Unknown Sources (TJ) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) Total primary energy supply, TPES (TJ) Renewable energy supply, RES (TJ) Net Annual Increments SWE 2013-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-DP-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-SCP-WR-DP-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-SCP-B-DP-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-LCP-BL-DP-1000 mt 2013-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-DP-1000 mt 2013-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-DP-1000 mt 2013-2-WFUS-DP-1000 m3 2013-3-WC-DP-1000 mt 2013-3-WP-DP-1000 mt 2013-3-WB-DP-1000 mt 2013-3-PO-DP-million litre 2013-3-CBE-DP-million litre 2013-3-WBB-DP-million litre 2013-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-I-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-SCP-WR-I-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-SCP-B-I-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-LCP-TO-I-1000 mt 2013-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-I-1000 mt 2013-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-I-1000 mt 2013-2-WFUS-I-1000 m3 2013-3-WC-I-1000 mt 2013-3-WP-I-1000 mt 2013-3-WB-I-1000 mt 2013-3-PO-I-million litre 2013-3-CBE-I-million litre 2013-3-WBB-I-million litre 2013-2-FBI-SCP-CAP-E-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-SCP-WR-E-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-SCP-B-E-1000 m3 2013-2-FBI-LCP-TO-E-1000 mt 2013-2-WW-PCRW-NHWW-E-1000 mt 2013-2-WW-PCRW-HWW-E-1000 mt 2013-2-WFUS-E-1000 m3 2013-3-WC-E-1000 mt 2013-3-WP-E-1000 mt 2013-3-WB-E-1000 mt 2013-3-PO-E-million litre 2013-3-CBE-E-million litre 2013-3-WBB-E-million litre SUM biomass domestic production SUM biomass Import SUM biomass Export
for the derived sheet
Country S1 S2 S3 S4 U1 U2 U3 U4 % S1 % S2 % S3 % S4 % U1 % U2 % U3 % U4 Tot S-U why change from BL DP to TO I
Armenia 2992192 0.3683189448 1537.774 2592.224 1723.9407053194 2900.3608961498 0.067482287 1545.7157053194 311.0662984027 0.516583062 2.3482611532 n/a 4.8788323886 59.6% 0.896617674 10.7% 158.9% 0.0% 68.2% 0 0 1545.6141007194 0 0 0 0.1016046 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 165.2386845586 13023.7237815262 0.1072748044 1.5896735147 1053.5998669 2587974 0 1545.6141007194 1102081 195.7229865291 13023.2157585262 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.508023 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1545.6141007194 0.1016046 0 0 0 0 1545.7157053194 0 0.999934267 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 1545.7157053194 311 121432.31 8194.53 360 178.225 0 0 87.0246628571 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63.4284892086 14.6762589928 0 0 0 0 0 0.1861344 0 0.0055071 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.082368 0 0 0 0 0 87.0246628571 78.2963897014 0.082368
Austria 8486962 0.3414881556 18271.4737705391 26535.1137705391 43881.975818449 33220.8980605713 0.3007626412 23656.130318449 4806.0936327428 2.7873496215 2.0118128616 101.8809793186 0.3232221808 29.9% 0.5390853506 14.5% 48.1% 8.2% 9.4% 0 0 7374.1572160822 569.8107918113 6247.3121591351 6574.2487757795 1838.1219495077 1052.4794261332 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13768.2114493624 201221.528215675 0.1433350784 0.4765720831 2215.25545224 5830630 864660 7943.9680078935 2898197 9991.6050444253 60241.6918736218 6693.5213192913 0 49708.8061852649 39664.6485893032 9192.6982864903 6352.8302129206 16425.1261809672 0 0 377.8987823 11636.8961308711 927.4106546443 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7943.9680078935 15712.1623105555 0 0 6247.3121591351 6574.2487757795 9212.2791655899 1622.2902179446 0.335810122 66.4% 0.0% 0.0% 26.4% 27.8% 38.9% 6.9% 23656.130318449 4,762 1390892.56 418328.52 25136 20225.8455 3545 2588 890.8216765824 2545.97625 0 0 0 7.9488 2453.1 0 0 0 0 1522.78 691.88 0 0 0 0 0 73.152 982.923 279.05099416 0 0 0 249.87 277.77 0 0 0 0 0 10.3104 1231.14 43.33087138 0 0 0 12030.8467265824 3549.78599416 1812.42127138
Azerbaijan 9497496 0.454936438 422 422 1950.5786446043 13880.3969618802 0.0183578279 416.1942446043 81.7659724563 0.0438214709 0.0976680707 0.010529091 n/a 91.5% 0.2133696305 0.6% 32.1% 0.0% 0.2% 0 3 285 98.1942446043 0 0 24 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29.7182 3423.3777348 0.006035515 0.3287706511 0.66 422000 100 386.1942446043 4320757 254.8139390465 3273.3777348 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 386.1942446043 30 0 0 0 3 309 104.1942446043 0.9279182728 7.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 74.2% 25.0% 416.1942446043 84 581144.46 10668.55 1534.3844 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 28.8 0.255 0 0 0 0 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.6336 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.2304 0 0 0 0 0 29.255 0.6936 0.2304
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3823533 0.6060549235 4675 3884 2168.0214784003 6454.0040126111 0.1241962363 1454.5704784003 293.0124124076 0.3804257681 0.3378974665 3.9230732414 n/a 26.3% 0.6709206956 4.5% 36.6% 15.2% 0.1% 0 0 1021 0 0 333.7688466937 56.074828984 43.7268027226 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 831.7500952381 12267.8436826819 0.0453654989 0.3652727345 1 783000 15000 1021 2317271 801.5630075475 6597.4928244894 2005.3681893084 0 0 0 0 1422.1146288841 1859.871 0 0 141 241.99704 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1021 433.5704784003 0 0 0 333.7688466937 1077.074828984 43.7268027226 0.7019254241 29.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 22.9% 74.0% 3.0% 1454.5704784003 293 270216.24 33559.84 713.451 40 80 130.3914285714 171 390.5333333333 1.5833333333 0 144 469.2 205.092 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 46 0 0 0 0 0 115.2 430.95 189.9 0 0 0 1631.8000952381 4 804.05
Canada 35230612 0.1850274699 151977.913 149823.128916 185202.37852 253197.895051113 0.1886562053 85191.08772 15790.8346116891 2.4180984344 0.5906258538 23.7118764783 0.0084768056 2.2% 0.4599891665 6.2% 33.1% 33.2% 9.2% 0 0 3297.3621103117 0 0 57459.7601918465 8031.08772 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16402.8776978417 0 116242.305627248 661130.6635222 0.0677258127 0.3589906446 7823.913090288 3850072 835383.92 3297.3621103117 6518631 47767.3540651572 27783.298675 0 0 0 247734 0 0 219643.2 0 0 36495.6786 6354.4862472 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 123120 3297.3621103117 65490.8479118465 0 16402.8776978417 0 57459.7601918465 27731.3275281535 0 0.038705482 76.9% 0.0% 19.3% 0.0% 67.4% 32.6% 0.0% 85191.08772 17,148 10600889.47 1999923.58 442030 100011.2908 25774.4 37459 5029.7764707514 19611 73.4903125 0 16402.8776978417 0 6255.15 0 0 36.9097861552 0 3231.192 201.8270775 0 0 0 0 0 7460.02368 57.6685764 0 0 0 0 943.2336 219.5995935 0 0 0 0 0 5.5872 4182.5895804 0 0 0 0 110642.604267248 10950.7113339 5351.0099739
Croatia 4271497 0.418182197 5437 4380 4369.5211757868 7719.5270851247 0.1642248128 2112.5316757868 519.0756588241 0.4945647102 0.4848107559 5.8527490479 0.1903471553 38.2% 0.4834698336 6.7% 40.9% 0.0% 1.6% 55.7849139128 48.3469253911 1556.3990981682 13.016479913 70.6608909563 76.2393823475 87.7773725261 1.8191125717 22.9625 179.525 0 0 0 0 0 0 395.8028571429 21732.6596836465 0.0550849155 0.3354238286 34.272 866000 25000 1673.5474173851 1786264 1267.737890513 17421.3571141898 0 0 0 0 0 1529.2080133567 0 0 0 150 468.4396913 203.669431 0 0 0 1959.9854338 0 0 0 1673.5474173851 236.4967584016 202.4875 0 149.4083048691 304.1113077387 1644.1764706943 14.8355924847 0.7921999166 11.2% 9.6% 0.0% 7.1% 14.4% 77.8% 0.7% 2112.5316757868 425 323201.16 53077.65 9991 2256.9895 400 530 147.0428571429 0 0 0 0 34.56 464.1 63.3 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 0 0 0 17.28 5.1 4.22 0 0 0 375 431 0 0 0 0 0 23.04 405.45 44.31 0 0 0 1639.0028571429 35.6 1278.8
Cyprus 1141652 0.3285344396 22.43 24.1 326.8231707866 1930.6510939142 0.0695351498 88.2515707866 11.8783704858 0.077301639 0.019276299 0.56935038 0.0771631499 48.7% 0.2700285007 0.6% 8.8% 0.0% 81.5% 0 0 11.7482014388 0 0 2.2326139089 34.1282534388 40.142502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 82.7705714286 497.3236154987 0.0092010799 0.1323227161 71.9049 7230 650 11.7482014388 375072 134.2481131174 21.7416940904 77.2476733342 0 0 25.1161020022 0 0 0 0 0 360 13.2181460719 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11.7482014388 76.5033693477 0 0 0 2.2326139089 45.8764548777 40.142502 0.1331217262 86.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.5% 52.0% 45.5% 88.2515707866 18 80832.5 5620.7 38 238.5716 1.82 4.25 0.8090714286 0 0 0 0 6.912 0 0 0 0 0 0.03 1.34 0 0 0 0 0 66.0672 1.6575 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1152 0 0 0 0 0 13.7910714286 69.0947 0.1152
Czech Republic 10545314 0.2734111094 19049 17083 18883.9251080889 41951.139056081 0.0851551149 10414.5211080889 2112.1989162364 0.9875970605 1.3408684638 6.4483618032 0.1902819612 36.3% 0.5515019281 5.0% 59.1% 16.7% 3.1% 0 446.0431654676 5755.3956834532 0 1292.5659472422 2304.4329575133 441.502 131.8944844125 0 42.68687 0 0 0 0 0 0 3686.6407142857 88433.5442249875 0.0499707307 0.5868200731 321.186 3866000 68000 6201.4388489209 2883206 3572.3540651572 32572.1290648 16164.82832 3515.8501596 7961.1779476 8405.7107264 1190.693739 0 14778.96 0 0 600 1160.9157567 1670.0893342 0 0 0 0 0 413.1891766875 0 6201.4388489209 4170.395389168 42.68687 0 1292.5659472422 2793.162992981 6196.8976834532 131.8944844125 0.5954607787 40.0% 0.4% 0.0% 12.4% 26.8% 59.5% 1.3% 10414.5211080889 2,096 1756410.29 149567.32 23086 8469.404 733 668 573.5007142857 1330 0 0 0 34.56 415.65 253.2 0 0 0 293 124 0 0 0 0 0 92.16 91.8 78.07 0 0 0 356 180 0 0 0 0 0 5.76 334.05 124.49 0 0 0 4007.9107142857 679.03 1000.3
Denmark 5624293 0.1266470292 4240 4469 17054.5663044086 17446.400114646 0.2508548477 10684.7042044086 2184.7098503523 1.8997417461 3.8761757686 408.5846878888 0.7485071608 100.0% 0.6265010798 12.5% 49.9% 0.0% 61.7% 3410.071942446 1057.5539568345 0 0 3213.5373804353 0 2754.3679136691 36.2480110237 212.925 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7191.4619304814 91469.43201455 0.1232755158 0.4914217003 6597.19140503 2761000 2298000 4467.6258992806 712300 4376.5140441387 32168.0083568 5475.8355934 0 5031.3028146 969.8896992 932.71009555 0 0 0 0 390 42526.1771928 1914.4926514 0 0 0 2061.0156108 0 0 0 4467.6258992806 6004.153305128 212.925 0 6836.5343228814 1057.5539568345 2754.3679136691 36.2480110237 0.4181328574 56.2% 2.0% 0.0% 64.0% 9.9% 25.8% 0.3% 10684.7042044086 2,151 730445.88 183235.89 5796 6369.8621 400 100 111.9047619048 0 257.385 45.8566666667 0 0 234.6 34.2664 0 0 0 205 29 0 0 0 0 0 86.4 5895.6 183.57866577 0 0 0 8 15 0 0 43.9383333333 45.8566666667 0 5.76 270.3 3.27456386 0 0 0 1184.0128285714 6399.57866577 392.12956386
Estonia 1320050 0.31476838 8967.6 6185.93 12152.4894381298 6093.468042419 0.1396628475 4972.4484381298 1009.2534106724 3.7668637083 8.0315515872 32.5945229347 0.2733725073 44.8% 0.4091711796 16.6% 118.6% 4.1% 3.4% 1164.6 31 1540 34 768.81664 785.6486941007 598.8783040291 17.1068 32.398 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3655.3530024286 42255.4217980334 0.1642577629 1.1761020619 169.106759931 3337190 43026.4000000001 2769.6 415510 851.0310977357 22704.4753063463 631.943757135 0 3892.7735439516 9976.2854459712 2173.2037443725 0 1733.472 0 0 16.356 618.340392516 194.9739383327 0 0 0 313.597669408 0 0 0 2769.6 2170.4504381298 32.398 0 1965.81464 816.6486941007 2138.8783040291 51.1068 0.5569891844 43.6% 0.7% 0.0% 39.5% 16.4% 43.0% 1.0% 4972.4484381298 1,001 255121.32 35630.97 11201 7180.041 1856.7224827586 1517.7772413793 306.2988 155.674125 80.6852433333 4.972435 0 17.28 1556.53632 41.653299 0 0 0 94.32 63.41 0 0 0.0531666667 0 0 30.5856 115.668 11.178577229 0 0 0 529.2 23.95 0 0 0 4.3142133333 0 44.5248 1562.487 32.986274605 0 0 0 5537.5999464713 315.2153438957 2197.4622879383
Finland 5453061 0.1596904931 60938.4 66824.39 69506.7019135925 33040.3940957294 0.2998949091 38661.7770135925 8077.1131336672 7.0899219748 13.2928266127 46.1942384287 0.1745242015 20.9% 0.5562309238 24.4% 81.5% 41.6% 0.6% 5895.4084167586 920.8324455774 6067.5659867466 1097.9272952162 4483.0110880273 19497.2134115003 14.8332 125.18256 533.0948222416 26.64084218 0 0.0669453445 0 0 0 0 37799.4954464609 338172.572680378 0.235535702 0.7853941326 234.91844 11575420 251900 13981.7341442989 870802 9908.645982612 117808.92808548 0 0 7481.6870364 16531.6244616 42214.848084 0 140700.557 4349.41932 0 74.166 3592.7121060983 0 0 0 0 5197.2701868 221.3604 0 0 13981.7341442989 24120.2402595276 559.802609766 0 10911.5143270275 20444.6866992577 6082.3991867466 1223.1768005607 0.3616423047 62.4% 1.4% 0.0% 28.2% 52.9% 15.7% 3.2% 38661.7770135925 7,782 1383335.22 414855.19 91038 30844.9249 7923 5307 7392.4285714286 12662.0770338373 568.4066666667 106.9193745284 0 0 688.5 0 0 0 0 3145.06 412.49 0 0 0 0 0 15.552 153.357 0 0 0 0 171.64 203.74 0 0 0 0 0 0.4032 199.512 0 0 0 0 34648.3316464609 3726.459 575.2952
France 63844529 0.2109123399 51671.17 47563.23 108806.164655687 253323.417884781 0.0920604897 46626.9626556867 11339.1506209153 0.7303204109 1.4528295399 13.0003308506 0.2587215099 57.6% 0.4285323612 4.5% 48.6% 7.3% 1.9% 585.7843137255 3110.1960784314 23694.4444444444 0 764.3652611476 5497.5884693697 7584.7822683926 1616.2280701754 1366.26875 946.055 1461.25 0 0 0 0 0 43994.8195392857 474747.55819648 0.0370494649 0.4024469672 872.602 19563220 830000 27390.4248366013 13465599 23321.0779115315 221404.60199019 59587.5983946 4578.68762164 0 34519.99087736 48758.90861205 14891.8480898 34822.23 0 0 3270 15552.19775116 835.0446671 0 0 0 36526.45019258 0 0 0 27390.4248366013 15462.9640690854 3773.57375 0 2716.4183248731 9553.8395478011 32740.4767128371 1616.2280701754 0.587437467 33.2% 8.1% 0.0% 5.8% 20.5% 70.2% 3.5% 46626.9626556867 9,385 10606144.86 976406.89 94367 62179.202 6047.14 8313 10395.9523809524 4662.122625 12000 1500 0 259.2 2269.5 94.95 0 0 0 259.68 688.62 0 0 0 0 0 520.6464 234.6 0 0 0 0 360.64 721.81 0 0 1666.6666666667 0 0 113.8752 387.6 0 0 0 0 45541.8650059524 1703.5464 3250.5918666667
Germany 80565861 0.2578364054 57947.1529965977 63312.0205528489 153773.237622473 317658.472102799 0.1049801909 65910.817822473 14849.4432185593 0.8180985967 0.5671015824 23.9284789078 0.2842118324 49.8% 0.4286234643 4.7% 44.5% 4.1% 5.3% 2373.1143395391 6351.4777929077 22776.5186023483 0 2290.5815485065 10441.0978220598 6683.5947892832 0 3151.5204990355 8434.8284994158 1868.8425519875 0 68.6965383683 183.8615740615 1286.6832649597 0 42797.979152203 621716.488674643 0.0417653775 0.3978405554 3490.8644290754 11780294.5562512 1927818.50562406 31501.1107347951 20772812 33347.8470430878 263310.376626748 47459.6596047539 0 16607.6359817656 43950.8621706822 32470.8017754822 7738.3795812233 25455.8814660475 0 0 5862.7433621751 25200.2988030025 12651.8973802005 0 0 0 0 0 125681.85814495 15326.0937776118 31501.1107347951 19415.2741598495 13455.1915504389 1539.2413773895 7883.9129254494 25411.2656884449 32615.6392085788 0 0.4779353644 29.5% 20.4% 2.3% 12.0% 38.6% 49.5% 0.0% 65910.817822473 13,267 13299724.91 1396207.66 107000 87862.4198 10184.0064 3299.216 2125.4749757028 4677.313 5954.9866004023 5954.9866004023 0 11.52 5629.1709 2327.9376137098 0 0 0 992.4313437226 2178.0358625232 0 0 721.6666666667 721.6666666667 0 1256.4840999583 987.6004751782 499.0540245368 0 0 0 1277.2728086778 1350.5281631465 0 0 143.3333333333 143.3333333333 0 70.5075834289 1700.8341858368 37.7626695098 0 0 0 40164.6120902172 7356.9391392524 4723.5720772665
Hungary 9924507 0.2978461298 6027.202 5013.957 5721.35098 22560.037021114 0.0827323138 2617.05068 526.3632573787 0.2636957866 0.8840315348 -0.2471659298 0.267548264 52.1% 0.4574183072 2.3% 28.2% 0.0% 4.6% 0 0 0 2613.176 0 0 3.87468 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 580.8588659524 22037.7768599335 0.0233503007 0.2822391837 120.535674 2613176 -2453 2613.176 2955976 1866.444062291 22018.4034599335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.3734 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2613.176 3.87468 0 0 0 0 3.87468 2613.176 0.9985194479 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 99.9% 2617.05068 527 944543.63 78144.28 11099 3104.3003 375.797 129.931 168.3256992857 0 52.5083333333 2.0033333333 0 0 11.26845 3.65874 0 0 0 117.11 122.723 0 0 0 0 0 4.14144 21.6852 17.09311 0 0 0 216.09 139.027 0 0 0 0 0 0.18432 39.2088 50.87632 0 0 0 743.4925559524 282.75275 445.38644
Iceland 325392 0.0613475439 3.64 4.96 318.8241446043 5885.1399636954 0.8959532066 112.9244446043 22.1808650138 0.3470412444 0.0826570484 n/a 0.6932076716 191.9% 0.354190379 0.4% 0.4% 0.0% 5.6% 4.7961630695 0 2.3600959233 2.3600959233 0 0 5.2452 85.1366906475 0 0 0 12.525 0 0 0.5011990408 0 97.816647619 928.6684563971 0.0038623473 0.0043108806 6.35 1650 0 9.5163549161 19962 5272.8100219738 80.1840143985 0 0 626.3870974 40.4120708 0 0 0 0 0 56.226 0 0 0 0 0 121.2362124 0 0 4.2230613986 9.5163549161 90.3818906475 12.525 0.5011990408 4.7961630695 0 8.106494964 100.0217865707 0.0842718771 80.0% 11.1% 0.4% 4.2% 0.0% 7.2% 88.6% 112.9244446043 23 246399.04 220762.01 15.6 205.8997 0 0 0.1665142857 0 13.3333333333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74.56 4.4 0 0 0 0 0 5.3568 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.499847619 84.3168 0
Ireland 4671263 0.3698098352 2756 2651.26 4194.6986725851 13060.0599503201 0.0651468761 1687.9100725851 351.1607827267 0.3613391223 0.1213328787 15.6274652059 0.063599063 11.5% 0.4023912572 2.7% 41.3% 0.0% 6.5% 95.9232613909 0 208.6330935252 0 247.4734628297 809.0002548393 41.19 35.19 0 250.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 1595.3873714286 14702.3996512 0.0260150274 0.399328854 109.356 209600 73000 304.5563549161 1727479 850.8221075762 2525.754425 40.4120708 0 4748.418319 2020.60354 1547.9018607 0 0 0 0 30 1364.5851877 0 0 0 0 2424.724248 0 0 0 304.5563549161 1132.853717669 250.5 0 343.3967242206 1059.5002548393 249.8230935252 35.19 0.1804339934 67.1% 14.8% 0.0% 20.3% 62.8% 14.8% 2.1% 1687.9100725851 340 546798.59 35622.22 5356 2506.7886 552.4 178.95 185.7619047619 0 416.6666666667 0 0 0 81.6 0 0 0 0 23.25 85.32 0 0 0 0 0 6.048 104.55 0 0 0 0 13.11 25.07 0 0 0 0 0 0.9792 0 0 0 0 0 1415.3785714286 219.168 39.1592
Luxembourg 544885 0.1015425273 399 796 1832.5415243166 3972.1300277061 0.0393791196 398.5114243165 79.7658530768 0.7313679479 2.2411393663 75.2452352331 0.3568320169 25.6% 0.2174637895 2.0% 51.0% 0.0% 10.1% 0 0 201.8824940048 2.2254196643 33.5923261391 151.5443645084 9.26682 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 759.1452571429 3339.636736618 0.0201947031 0.5128276936 40.358 124000 41000 204.1079136691 55329 156.4189834719 1719.7962910002 0 0 1559.9463449508 0 0 0 0 0 0 27.918 31.976100667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204.1079136691 194.4035106475 0 0 33.5923261391 151.5443645084 211.1493140048 2.2254196643 0.5121758153 48.8% 0.0% 0.0% 8.4% 38.0% 53.0% 0.6% 398.5114243165 80 166305.14 6548.95 650 1434.0301 422.46 98.5 26.7228571429 0 0 0 0 0 114.75 0 0 0 0 193.98 29.15 0 0 0 0 0 7.0272 7.65 0 0 0 0 33.99 87.93 0 0 0 0 0 1.3248 17.85 0 0 0 0 662.4328571429 237.8072 141.0948
Netherlands 16809157 0.106972051 1847 1549 14926.0630133392 77391.4751122576 0.0427808239 4134.7830133392 893.6837112938 0.2459839606 0.1735155246 44.6185373841 0.1574497977 62.1% 0.2770176576 1.2% 27.0% 0.0% 51.1% 136.9565217391 0 770.4462516943 54.347826087 1541.322 212.4183217472 222.33 110.4797391304 872.3294117647 0 214.1529411765 0 0 0 0 0 4555.6560685714 37416.74962445 0.0107542407 0.2513799336 2111.42 312000 750000 961.7505995204 1798110 3310.871070985 2626.784602 6041.6045846 0 0 2202.4578586 297.67343475 0 0 0 0 960 14053.190739 61.1008293 0 0 0 11173.9375762 0 0 0 961.7505995204 2086.5500608777 1086.4823529412 0 2550.6079335038 212.4183217472 1206.9291928708 164.8275652174 0.2326000171 50.5% 26.3% 0.0% 61.7% 5.1% 29.2% 4.0% 4134.7830133392 832 3240226.28 138619.55 2250 10791.28 74 791 141 0 2203.3333333333 101.6666666667 0 0 573.75 45.154 0 0 0 131 442 0 0 16.6666666667 0 0 247.68 1963.5 0 0 0 0 105 514 44.7619047619 0 706.6666666667 101.6666666667 0 40.32 624.75 37.92936 0 0 0 3929.904 2800.8466666667 2175.0945980952
Norway 5083450 0.1990022524 11598.29 9733.85 12991.4488158273 32706.4490780548 0.3848327241 5580.5725158273 1116.7868070431 1.0977923489 2.6587605203 19.3175894324 0.1397547288 27.6% 0.4295573646 3.4% 8.9% 9.1% 8.6% 0 0 2690.6474820144 0 0 1621.2339040767 486.5908 0 0 0 110.6375 0 671.4628297362 0 0 0 4223.7006166667 46757.63003728 0.0343451576 0.0892469778 482.4968 2689650 98200 2690.6474820144 1011618 12586.5118945257 22671.1717188 0 0 0 0 0 9450.36275658 4264.23 0 0 1056.654 2016.3273669 570.2744068 0 0 0 1070.9198762 0 0 5657.689912 2690.6474820144 2107.8247040767 110.6375 671.4628297362 671.4628297362 1621.2339040767 3287.8757820144 0 0.4821454205 37.8% 2.0% 12.0% 12.0% 29.1% 58.9% 0.0% 5580.5725158273 1,123 1369353.61 526972.08 21878 7410.8763 330 1740 326.77925 848.5875 1787.1383333333 55.5966666667 0 0 124.695 63.3 0 0 0 315.04 182.11 0 0 0 0 0 221.4144 129.54 10.55 0 0 0 142.67 982.94 0 0 738.7533333333 26.725 0 5.5872 3.825 10.55 0 0 0 5276.09675 858.6544 1911.0505333333
Republic of Moldova 4073714 0.4718512394 1829 1865.19 2285.1124 3069.8258813414 0.0958989545 1877.83 377.4509673802 0.4609626498 0.6799546558 n/a 0.0775420389 100.0% 0.8217670168 12.3% 128.2% 0.0% 0.1% 9 561.19 1268 27 0 0 6 6.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6.5496 15803.1171022743 0.1231296607 1.2839520653 2.76 1307000 0 1865.19 1922187 294.3930925767 15715.9356849417 0 0 0 58.9814173326 0 0 0 0 0 28.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1865.19 12.64 0 0 9 561.19 1274 33.64 0.9932688263 0.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% 29.9% 67.8% 1.8% 1877.83 378 128527.47 12325.65 27334 407.2824 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.6496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2.6496 0.1
Serbia 8937605 0.474877442 7690 7758 10345.652426373 14890.5780070698 0.1288145369 7295.213426373 1379.2498924799 0.8162380667 1.2885617234 7.7201890216 1.2071655645 83.6% 0.7051477399 9.3% 71.9% 0.0% 0.3% 9 284.5445563549 5857 333.6043165468 4.692 495.0036457975 161.2500815348 110.4563261391 0 0 39.6625 0 0 0 0 0 1061.0669761905 57746.43449835 0.098615822 0.7655643869 19.3815 5469000 69000 6484.1488729017 4244267 1918.1229100984 44392.6597738 6546.7554696 0 313.1935487 2000.3975046 2163.09362585 0 0 0 0 480 1283.1174153 183.3024879 0 0 0 363.7086372 20.2060354 0 0 6484.1488729017 771.4020534714 39.6625 0 13.692 779.5482021524 6057.9125815348 444.0606426859 0.888822368 10.6% 0.5% 0.0% 0.2% 10.7% 83.0% 6.1% 7295.213426373 1,468 623438.72 80307.97 5232 3050.439 164 298 260.4471428571 0 36.6666666667 1.6666666667 0 155.52 425.85 44.31 0 0 0 15 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.65 0.3165 0 0 0 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 57.6 257.55 23.21 0 0 0 1386.4604761905 25.9665 351.36
Slovenia 2064819 0.5041027809 3685.176 2709.328 4901.565487214 6845.7358842075 0.1646803069 2890.036587214 711.5602618673 1.399656138 0.9820190781 67.4955044486 0.1963284942 68.4% 0.5896150107 10.4% 63.1% 0.0% 22.6% 0 0 1853.4285714286 0 196.19 424.4366666667 353.2226517867 0 0 0 0 13.6459875 0 0 49.1127098321 0 843.9776104762 29791.6050438597 0.0849773834 0.5160142398 651.749662 1022165 139366 1853.4285714286 1040881 1127.3578866915 17917.095709888 3055.15255248 0 183.87492214 0 0 5266.9698466773 0 0 0 80.0598 2611.3826407086 131.163113564 0 0 0 132.0868534098 0 0 413.819604992 1853.4285714286 973.8493184533 13.6459875 49.1127098321 196.19 424.4366666667 2255.7639330474 13.6459875 0.6413166462 33.7% 0.5% 1.7% 6.8% 14.7% 78.1% 0.5% 2890.036587214 582 286617.27 47200.22 9165 2011.5289 170 340 30.3186704762 0 87.7883333333 0.1283333333 0 5.76 229.5 10.55 0 0 0 258.397 164.013 0 0 0.12 0 0 15.54048 303.31485 101.28 0 0 0 335.75 256.092 0 0 1.4516666667 0 0 4.94784 177.43155 97.06 0 0 0 874.0453371429 842.66533 872.7330566667
Sweden 9624247 0.1440576078 69079.5 76185.08 88913.7111321343 49264.7009649374 0.3467390974 50514.3837321343 10487.060081862 5.2486582828 4.6005397974 201.2250932463 0.0522785326 19.7% 0.5681281671 21.3% 61.4% 44.2% 4.7% 10091.1270983213 0 4376.4988009592 503.5971223022 2629.645822542 28984.3669880096 1312.9884 777.072 1839.0875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46720.7879047619 439072.2315074 0.2063950898 0.5952460837 2358.7869 6378400 1936640 14971.2230215827 1386446 17081.9979459253 37401.3715254 0 88744.9074768 0 0 0 56677.929297 193946.07 3542.4 0 875.892 40082.1440208 0 0 0 0 17801.5171874 0 0 0 14971.2230215827 33704.0732105516 1839.0875 0 14559.8604208633 28984.3669880096 5689.4872009592 1280.6691223022 0.2963754463 66.7% 3.6% 0.0% 28.8% 57.4% 11.3% 2.5% 50514.3837321343 10,168 2062614.5 715189.09 96486 38399.3274 14845.61 4154.39 2557.6419714286 16522.875 1833.3333333333 0 0 4.032 3535.4985 0 0 0 0 1096.64 786.37 0 0 0 0 0 182.016 1817.2575 0 0 0 0 157 36.41 0 0 0 0 0 7.1424 414.324 0 0 0 0 43453.3808047619 3882.2835 614.8764
Switzerland 8118719 0.2608140521 6004.1854007861 5515.2454007861 11777.3010861311 26727.4648896532 0.2027418589 5043.224386131 1279.1542917869 0.6211847443 1.1642235382 25.0336252039 0.448955452 50.3% 0.4282156285 4.8% 23.6% 0.0% 6.3% 915.7631828456 78.6574079416 1332.9143320645 448.8086086723 146.8816647832 637.9419902785 439.1303006282 78.3712220015 678.9561957267 278.6068275579 0.2117995578 6.9808540733 0 0 0 0 3587.0092574433 53555.6318885321 0.0379813745 0.1873385924 319.53286 2465215.4007861 203240.968581722 2776.143531524 2117476 5418.7759147798 27372.537678692 3808.847371797 0 0 7728.5978040094 607.1378642844 0 0 0 0 340.374 3806.1605783613 191.1233940504 0 74.242155309 0 8889.5667509154 737.0442911131 0 0 2776.143531524 1302.3251776914 964.7556769156 0 1741.6010433556 995.206225778 1772.2564322504 534.1606847471 0.5504699611 25.8% 19.1% 0.0% 34.5% 19.7% 35.1% 10.6% 5043.224386131 1,015 1119025.5 226873.31 6232 6734.0767 0 1101.63 475.5952380952 0 1699.2910294067 144.7991731814 0 0.6336 309.9804698834 19.412 0 0 0 517.79 97.35 16.7857142857 0 8.5390946502 0 0 69.2352 215.1435 4.22 0 29.5573567531 0 108.25 34.52 110.7857142857 0 791.2757201646 68.8065843621 0 0.3456 6.8595 2.11 0 0 0 3751.3415105667 958.620865689 1122.9531188125
North Macedonia 2072543 0.4373742788 691 723.05 961.6776505995 2796.8450845514 0.1048981834 564.5363505995 113.3634834975 0.2723882451 0.6288631703 -0.4487241037 0.3928926546 77.7% 0.5870328277 4.1% 38.6% 0.0% 0.9% 0 21.019 513.9064748201 26.5652757794 0 0 3.0456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27.9227214286 4746.3023270722 0.0406297035 0.387325139 5.22768 570050 -930 561.4907505995 906477 293.3839686634 4731.0743270722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 561.4907505995 3.0456 0 0 0 21.019 516.9520748201 26.5652757794 0.9946051304 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3.7% 91.6% 4.7% 564.5363505995 114 117098.31 12283.4 1624 397.1413 0 0 24.2738214286 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.07 3.52 0 0 0 0 0 3.1104 0.204 0 0 0 0 0 0.68 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.5755 0 0 0 0 24.2738214286 6.9044 3.2555
United Kingdom 63955654 0.1767883571 12658.1586330993 12120.2054957294 52221.4882605564 190952.489968472 0.0529768063 13364.4479605564 2671.1876059999 0.208964292 0.1070663199 56.8701521526 0.148809153 31.5% 0.2559185578 1.4% 26.4% 0.0% 65.2% 408.8126618705 163.8061147141 3240.5759441074 0 6605.3595155151 1806.579132122 630 235.2300172272 274.084575 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17985.4737351786 111837.282688005 0.0140878867 0.2659255573 8709.9793917731 1210557.65863855 3637167.774 3813.194720692 11306615 10116.0530715582 22840.1960224949 9289.4652905915 0 21843.3679858059 13394.6827616553 0 1307.2870784579 0 1886.282613 0 3150 35472.9889000503 0 0 0 0 2653.0120359492 0 0 0 3813.194720692 9277.1686648643 274.084575 0 7288.2567523856 1970.3852468361 3870.5759441074 235.2300172272 0.2853237733 69.4% 2.1% 0.0% 54.5% 14.7% 29.0% 1.8% 13364.4479605564 2,690 7994798.85 423538.91 20700 38857.0403 2314.64101819 771.5470060633 1173.3722044423 0 3823.77 19.49 0 28.8 903.6435 0 0 0 0 134.5085118343 0 0 19.297331 0 0 0 630.8504823911 8640.8347677 0 0 0 0 185.85248 0 0 1.164471 0 0 0 18.5636914424 269.700444 0 0 0 0 9035.2637286956 9425.4910929254 475.2810864424
United States 317135919 0.1889480043 334019 318317.1 559411.549116612 2188362.73502436 0.0644869667 193605.127116612 46428.591996256 0.6104799725 0.6706880033 9.2811940359 0.060012394 12.6% 0.3460871114 2.1% 32.9% 47.6% 0.5% 0 0 40189.1 0 12920.2509212476 119835.886246355 11502.119088 5544.136881998 3613.6339790115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228878.74074673 1943872.28969924 0.0178081045 0.2761504447 983.5304 40189100 2943400 40189.1 59922199 141120.874892519 397910.564874129 0 0 0 247638.540913368 258103.093714601 0 924342.967587258 0 0 25746.6 55152.2154948968 0 0 0 0 34978.3071149933 0 0 0 40189.1 149802.393137601 3613.6339790115 0 16533.884900259 119835.886246355 51691.219088 5544.136881998 0.207582829 77.4% 1.9% 0.0% 8.5% 61.9% 26.7% 2.9% 193605.127116612 38,971 91622370.99 5908448.79 761000 365806.422 14500 81975.0903811625 38317.5568829635 83184.2123458655 3606.421136738 0 0 4907.52 14535 0 0 0 0 85.5 137.5 0 0 0 0 0 489.6 388.62 0 0 0 0 5623.6 68.49 0 0 0 0 0 138.24 7417.95 0 0 0 0 241025.80074673 1101.22 13248.28
JWEE total 686138926 0.2 843444.1 838040.4 1,390,603.31 3627302.7 0.1 581422.3 127823.2 0.8 0.9 24.8 0.097690442 0.2 0.42 3.5% 37.9% 29.5% 6.7% 25156.1 13077.7 137430.6 5824.6 43456.3 257950.6 43325.5 10053.5 12597.3 10158.8 3694.8 33.2 740.2 183.9 17739.2 0.0 581565.6 5351699.9 3.2% 34.7% 38807.9 131791594.6 17047170.6 181489.0 148853524.0 337205.4 1438254.2 166878.2 96839.4 119958.6 676862.8 399652.8 104636.9 1577972.6 9778.1 0.0 80754.9 263239.8 19534.5 0.0 74.2 0.0 125667.3 978.6 126095.0 144521.8 181489.0 354785.9 26484.1 18663.2 81949.8 281371.0 202190.0 15911.4 31.2% 61.0% 4.6% 3.2% 14.1% 48.4% 34.8% 2.7% 581422.3 117,034 151867909.1 14118113.7 1779064.6 809181.0 90654.1 151449.4 70879.4 146370.8 34885.7 7939.7 16402.9 5647.0 41281.3 3206.8 0.0 36.9 0.0 12771.8 6473.7 16.8 19.3 747.0 721.7 0.0 11503.8 22125.9 1188.6 0.0 29.6 0.0 11218.2 5623.7 155.5 1.2 4092.1 390.7 0.0 670.6 19936.9 697.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 568754.027920115 55598.2976719606 42786.6849423617
JWEE 12 257409257 0.2 291122.646801022 311993.973219903 550,481.86 944886.992930162 0.1199857483 256137.666970298 56042.8177461698 1.0 1.1 38.7 0.2133754283 0.4 0.47 5.9% 49.4% 17.5% 7.5% 20374.9332744516 10909.5143959271 76995.3676871501 2955.9735542131 23649.1048486257 75321.2541348401 19102.508714572 4070.3521236765 7843.0123420038 9936.6311691537 3369.9668515453 20.6937869177 68.6965383683 183.8615740615 1335.7959747918 0 210996.124271363 2346400.69339664 5.5% 45.5% 19094.6895350885 65635732.6156759 9974443.24820578 111235.788911742 60260975 113372.972914875 816956.751696405 136558.659747248 93323.59509844 102446.930324027 159836.523811212 136955.390108857 92235.2441060791 411349.864647015 9778.101933 0 14929.0519444751 140647.677780791 14919.9416974593 0 74.242155309 0 73988.3360922544 978.6107265131 125681.85814495 15739.9133826038 111235.8 122143.2 21170.3 1588.4 51935.7 96351.3 100803.6 7047.0 43.4% 47.7% 8.3% 0.6% 20.3% 37.6% 39.4% 2.8% 256137.7 51,558 39560528.62 4746699.63 461400 294344.1948 46170.07741819 26454.4830060633 25515.3466652989 41070.3639088373 26420.9092964757 7727.9901481121 0 480.3264 16641.0933698834 2497.1596137098 0 0 0 8159.5468555569 5137.5688625232 16.7857142857 19.297331 730.3257613169 721.6666666667 0 2842.6190623493 13456.5385928782 883.9215186968 0 29.5573567531 0 2897.3752886778 3002.8701631465 110.7857142857 1.164471 2602.7273868313 212.1399176955 0 286.1151148713 4662.8016798368 203.4735408898 0 0 0 192977.74982657 31997.8277220268 13979.4532772347
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 324274899 0.2 357025.152801022 369478.134219903 644,038.80 1171861.66427821 0.1263479424 302209.855584803 65521.9633846726 0.9 1.1 40.9 0.2151647066 0.4 0.47 5.6% 44.3% 15.8% 4.2331410038 25156.1428156192 13074.6674436204 93659.136873943 5726.4392319157 30536.0077072595 80654.9962413193 23768.2970183803 4503.4037641848 8983.6272537685 10158.8430391537 3694.7572927218 33.2187869177 740.1593681045 183.8615740615 1336.2971738326 0 236414.876075736 2743273.56298947 5.2% 41.1% 29999.8357209495 87330422.6156759 13268286.6482058 137616.386365098 78091937 148062.310117512 1009286.9839287 166878.240191691 96839.44525804 119958.571727579 181490.261029516 141549.671122529 104636.9295049 433986.397647015 9778.101933 0 18362.5973674751 201,733.07 19534.542288492 0 74.242155309 0 90689.0284710624 978.6107265131 126095.047321638 21401.8263560024 137616.4 139462.7 22870.4 2260.3 65415.9 104072.4 122458.5 10263.1 45.5% 46.1% 7.6% 0.7% 21.6% 34.4% 40.5% 3.4% 302209.9 60,832 49063504.16 6199072.8 576034.6 341828.9474 50379.5969009486 32015.1912474426 27532.0551750608 43575.6255338373 31205.8262064757 7939.6692497787 0 710.7264 20490.8931398834 3206.7840527098 0 0 0 9455.0753447656 6134.408121516 16.7857142857 19.297331 747.0455946502 721.6666666667 0 3553.5834367493 21679.6357928782 1188.6173787958 0 29.5573567531 0 4651.3352886778 5335.5671631465 155.5476190476 1.164471 4092.0857201646 390.7024643621 0 526.5738028713 8336.3979798368 697.7900593548 0 0 0 217056.367906137 43545.6727380606 24187.1645684617


2011 Population Rural Population Roundwood and Fuelwood removals from forest and outside forest (1000m3) Roundwood and Fuelwood supply from forest and outside forest including net trade (1000m3) SWE + (S1 -S4) Total calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (1000m3) Total primary energy supply, TPES (ktoe) Share of renewables (RES) in TPES from ktoe Total wood energy generation (1000m3) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) (calculation totals*heating value) Average wood energy consumption (m3/capita) Fuelwood consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/inhabitant) Pellets consumption per inhabitant (kg/inhabitant) S1/Net Annual Increments Share of Total Roundwood supply directly used for energy purposes (%) Share of energy use in calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (%) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from TJ) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from TJ) Share of wood energy generated from black liquor (%) (heating value) Imported wood fuel as share of wood energy (%) 1-S1-U1 1-S1-U2 1-S1-U3 1-S1-U4 1-S2-U1 1-S2-U2 1-S2-U3 1-S2-U4 1-S3-U1 1-S3-U2 1-S3-U3 1-S3-U4 1-S4-U1 1-S4-U2 1-S4-U3 1-S4-U4 share of rural population Total domestic woody biomass supply (including cascaded use) (1000 m3) Renewable energy supply (ktoe) Total wood energy generation (TJ) (calculation totals*heating value) Total woody biomass from forest (TJ) Total woody biomass from outside forest (TJ) Unspecified (TJ) Chips and Particles (TJ) Wood Residues (TJ) Bark (TJ) Unspecified solid co-products (TJ) Black Liquor (TJ) Crude Tall Oil (TJ) Unspecified liquid co-products (TJ) Wood Charcoal (TJ) Wood Pellets (TJ) Wood Briquettes (TJ) Pyrolysis Oils (TJ) Cellulose based Ethanol (TJ) Wood based Biodiesel (TJ) Non-hazardous Wood Waste (TJ) Hazardous Wood Waste (TJ) Unspecified Wood Waste (TJ) Wood from Unknown Sources (TJ) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from ktoe) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from ktoe) Wood fuel imports (1000 m3) Total Fuelwood (1000 m3) Total Pellets (mt) Total S1 (1000 m3) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) Total primary energy supply, TPES (TJ) Renewable energy supply, RES (TJ) Net Annual Increments SWE
Country S1 S2 S3 S4 U1 U2 U3 U4 % S1 % S2 % S3 % S4 % U1 % U2 % U3 % U4 Tot S-U
Albania 2831741 0.466 430 373.82 1374.0022307735 2173 0.2655315232 1160.0022307735 233.4499436324 0.4096427713 0.222568911 n/a 2.5802757551 310.3% 0.8442506168 10.7% 40.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0 111.5386760359 892.3094082873 156.1541464503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1319591.306 41.8736714286 577 9774.08224 8992.1556608 0 781.9265792 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1074531747 0.4046720079 0 293700 0 1160.0022307735 1160.0022307735 0 0 0 0 111.5386760359 892.3094082873 156.1541464503 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 9.6% 76.9% 13.5% 1160.0022307735 233 90979.164 24157.836 470 214
Armenia 3024127 0.367 2075.656 2075.646 2338.356 2716 0.0821060383 2074.356 417.4632413858 0.6859354782 1.8690340007 n/a n/a 99.9% 0.8871001678 15.4% 187.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0 2074.356 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1109854.609 70.0176014286 223 17478.3509903404 0 0 17478.3509903404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1537353282 1.8723997816 0.12 2074356 0 2074.356 2074.356 0 0 0 0 0 2074.356 0 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 2074.356 418 113713.488 9336.564 360 264
Austria 8423136 0.323 19418.4060139913 26631.6060139913 45334.2672151528 33019 0.2656652231 23688.2672151528 4837.3648559324 2.8122859722 2.139261188 119.8814788221 0.2937269498 29.5% 0.522524542 14.7% 55.1% 14.1% 15.9% 3.9728278659 652.278177458 6681.3703026871 514.2814463066 6722.4217831921 6798.4260452837 1445.6396939669 869.8769383924 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2720672.928 16179.9581520548 8772 202530.791788178 54744.4125367189 5885.5501472027 5529.5163457072 37229.5049837434 39720.317989593 9050.5865301947 11370.7768187822 28599.51 0 0 343.9915 9511.2267087408 545.3982274946 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1444074271 0.5435691786 3777.925048 5820230 1009778 7851.9027543177 7851.9027543177 15836.3644608352 0 0 6726.394611058 7450.7042227418 8127.009996654 1384.158384699 0.3314680083 66.9% 0.0% 0.0% 28.4% 31.5% 34.3% 5.8% 23688.2672151528 4,768 1382439.492 367266.096 25136 21646
Belarus 9473172 0.25 10364.2 8177.69 n/a 29501 0.0527100776 n/a n/a n/a 0.9658771106 n/a n/a 0.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2368293 2893.5383857143 1555 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 3.86 2287480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 1235147.868 65104.74 29975 6761
Belgium 10996266 0.025 5128 8530.89 n/a 59094 0.0484990016 n/a n/a n/a 3.5779781973 n/a n/a 0.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 274906.65 3905.5013642857 2866 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 657.02 983610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 2474147.592 119993.688 5289 14617
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3843183 0.517 3969 3261.52 2122.4924275185 7095 0.0789288231 1166.4924275185 236.7746232321 0.303522478 0.3611207164 2.1024239543 n/a 27.5% 0.5495861433 3.3% 42.3% 10.8% 0.3% 81.5347721823 0 813.9088729017 0 0 196.6846522782 35.9948256 38.3693045564 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1986925.611 665.0301666667 560 9913.2799254813 6049.68699876 808.241416 687.0052036 0 0 0 969.8896992 1068.8355 0 0 92.778 151.3997082282 85.4433996931 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0330940316 0.4192895609 3.73008 717520 8080 895.4436450839 895.4436450839 271.0487824345 0 0 81.5347721823 196.6846522782 849.9036985017 38.3693045564 0.7676377694 23.2% 0.0% 0.0% 7.0% 16.9% 72.9% 3.3% 1166.4924275185 235 297053.46 23446.08 956
Canada 34482773 0.193 142013 140645 220613.122302158 251845 0.1800472513 71093.1223021583 14469.5155730052 2.061699687 0.4824816641 n/a 0.0262016521 7.2% 0.3222524642 5.7% 31.9% 35.2% 2.9% 0 0 10192.0863309353 0 0 59035.035971223 1866 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6655175.189 106975.213571429 45344 605809.67801058 85877.67105354 0 0 0 0 0 297586.40695704 213015.6 0 0 9330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0568217242 0.3155934003 2092.578232812 3211000 0 10192.0863309353 10192.0863309353 60901.035971223 0 0 0 59035.035971223 12058.0863309353 0 0.1433624801 85.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 83.0% 17.0% 0.0% 71093.1223021583 14,310 10544246.46 1898462.592 442030 149520
Cyprus 850881 0.295 21.247 21.857 448.4412470024 2368 0.0405405405 79.4412470024 10.5869596928 0.093363522 0.0144615813 n/a 0.0286851858 46.8% 0.1771497326 0.4% 11.0% 0.0% 83.4% 0 0 10.2398081535 0 0 1.2110311751 31.9904076739 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 251009.895 76.8761707143 96 443.254828417 8.08241416 78.197356998 0 0 26.975057259 0 0 0 0 0 330 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0067528096 0.1665693046 66.26 3630 0 10.2398081535 10.2398081535 69.2014388489 0 0 0 1.2110311751 42.2302158273 36 0.1288978779 87.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.5% 53.2% 45.3% 79.4412470024 16 99143.424 4019.328 38 369
Czech Republic 10494847 0.266 18831 16533 16232.739139481 43429 0.0688710309 9055.739139481 1871.7894431045 0.8628748127 1.2709423839 5.3359520153 0.1084796044 34.1% 0.5578688268 4.3% 62.6% 15.6% 2.7% 0 357.3141486811 5275.7793764988 0 1107.9136690647 2034.1486023107 182.262 98.3213429257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2791629.302 3825.8516285714 2991 78368.0804039 18569.3465326 14750.405842 14144.22478 8001.5900184 6486.1373634 1389.1426955 0 12223.2 0 0 360 957.2463257 1486.7868463 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.041972441 0.6094353528 242.654 3548000 56000 5633.0935251799 5633.0935251799 3422.6456143011 0 0 1107.9136690647 2391.4627509918 5458.0413764988 98.3213429257 0.6220467969 37.8% 0.0% 0.0% 12.2% 26.4% 60.3% 1.1% 9055.739139481 1,823 1818285.372 125227.188 23086 7177
Denmark 5566856 0.131 2566 2565 18110.991146283 17997 0.2219258765 7390.991146283 1528.0926857624 1.3276778035 2.4778605967 368.6102173291 0.5604400349 111.4% 0.4080942388 8.5% 38.3% 0.0% 70.8% 2858.5131894484 0 0 0 2582.946 0 1239.1046522782 150.9773045564 559.45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 729258.136 6598.6483142857 3994 63978.1845675 24085.5941968 0 0 222.2663894 262.6784602 0 0 0 0 0 0 33992.4280339 0 0 0 0 5415.2174872 0 0 0 0.0826651995 0.3724901342 5234.274 1807000 2052000 2858.5131894484 2858.5131894484 3973.0279568345 559.45 0 6000.9091894484 0 1239.1046522782 150.9773045564 0.3867564083 53.8% 7.6% 0.0% 81.2% 0.0% 16.8% 2.0% 7390.991146283 1,488 753498.396 167220.792 5796 10720
Estonia 1339929 0.305 8054 5601.6 11225.1285224273 5603 0.1483134035 4565.1285224273 944.744332037 3.4069928499 5.6831981151 10.1135955711 0.2539343078 46.0% 0.4066883077 16.9% 113.7% 4.2% 1.7% 876 41 1646 15 841.9840340899 733.0110733374 324.7916 13.42344 71.309 2.609375 0 0 0 0 0 0 408678.345 3353.3799410806 831 39554.5556937272 21090.0696547854 631.943757135 0 7682.3464594047 5729.2636113783 970.5940013458 0 1666.8 0 0 0 243.588639476 824.453856688 0 0 0 535.2326202018 180.2630933122 0 0 0.1640032821 1.1057886755 76.1801294 2322600 13551.5 2578 2578 1913.2101474273 73.918375 0 1789.2930340899 776.6204483374 1970.7916 28.42344 0.564715755 41.9% 1.6% 0.0% 39.2% 17.0% 43.2% 0.6% 4565.1285224273 919 234586.404 34792.308 11201 6660
Finland 5388272 0.163 56556.8839676411 61649.4984936411 66155.1651332089 34749 0.2606118162 36357.1651332089 7601.0606031187 6.7474628477 12.5981757528 34.6128736634 0.1610610523 20.9% 0.5495740969 21.9% 83.9% 42.5% 0.4% 5159.5029038375 670.1190813561 7045.8801906462 27.6527773282 4341.1925443449 18682.0264689456 0.921493221 7.1556932303 401.3200871409 17.7780180718 0 3.6158750865 0 0 0 0 878288.336 36680.8510850214 9056 318241.205331374 108720.9096 0 0 21471.6051213738 5520.001 41982.9262 0 135108.98841 0 0 0 1345.099 0 0 0 0 3884.673 207.003 0 0 0.2106046009 0.8081160863 136.450231376 11064830.8185977 186503.578 12903.1549531679 12903.1549531679 23031.2961997418 422.7139802992 0 9902.0155353232 19369.9235683734 7046.8016838672 38.424345645 0.3548999188 63.3% 1.2% 0.0% 27.2% 53.3% 19.4% 0.1% 36357.1651332089 7,318 1454871.132 379156.608 91038 29798
France 63294268 0.142 55040.5467803582 49324.8421489191 90007.6345665486 252827 0.0723142702 37445.6345665486 9221.2023288667 0.5916117802 2.1166228848 7.8206133927 0.1727582141 56.2% 0.4160273153 3.6% 50.4% 6.3% 1.6% 99.3333333333 7854.5062745098 19185.401262963 563.137254902 81.2360349651 3228.1957981154 4809.5292922601 84.272 124.415 132.12205 1283.4862655 0 0 0 0 0 8987786.056 37481.0410193837 18283 386073.29910499 147840.292264273 52800.1043800977 87768.1113547003 0 0 39426.6162715377 5707.1138745884 24194.8694918079 0 0 3404.868 9275.10588774 749.50350608 0 0 0 14906.7140741645 0 0 0 0.0298124657 0.412262553 614.14905 19023753.65 495000 27702.3781257081 27702.3781257081 8203.2331253406 1540.0233155 0 304.9843682984 11214.8241226252 25278.416820723 647.409254902 0.7398026084 21.9% 4.1% 0.0% 0.8% 29.9% 67.5% 1.7% 37445.6345665486 7,537 10585360.836 765472.644 94367 52562
Germany 81797706 0.261 60586.57 64591.38 144010.721616121 311770 0.1001250922 58189.7216161207 13537.2871275466 0.71138574 0.5208639828 17.7217537128 0.2629521119 45.1% 0.4040652041 4.3% 43.4% 2.3% 3.8% 1851.5290325646 6425.8948777244 20878.3911374079 0 1790.3351768664 8459.3912672474 4890.0264367093 0 2409.3018324645 8361.6945950237 1713.0987599924 0 51.5823841853 179.0212157018 1179.4549002329 0 21349201.266 23707.47204 31216 566779.137456121 243715.504429762 44030.2179126985 0 15643.846360477 41859.5705579498 29940.0714993471 7093.4859926246 13263.0905753506 0 0 5250 23734.3932750682 11597.5258004065 0 0 0 15992.0995949038 0 100619.105415822 14040.2260417098 0.037569214 0.3752227659 2212.8488186 11120030 1449598.8 29155.815047697 29155.815047697 15139.7528808231 12484.0951874807 1410.0585001199 6102.7484260808 23426.0019556973 28660.9712343425 0 0.5010475087 26.0% 21.5% 2.4% 10.5% 40.3% 49.3% 0.0% 58189.7216161207 11,713 13053186.36 1306951.488 107000 85821
Iceland 318006 0.063 0.5 2.1 189.1325093525 5731 0.8382481242 19.1325093525 4.0712132128 0.0601639886 0.0314459476 n/a 0.135555891 88.6% 0.1011592847 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 9.5% 0 0 0.9304556355 0.9304556355 0 0 1.5792 3.5011990408 0 0 0 11.69 0 0 0.5011990408 0 20034.378 19.5699666667 4804 170.453554793 15.6798834704 0 0 29.500811684 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.896 0 0 0 0 0 113.15379824 0 0 4.2230613986 0.0006719882 0.0008016579 1.81 630 0 1.860911271 1.860911271 5.0803990408 11.69 0.5011990408 0 0 3.0108546763 16.1216546763 0.0972643597 26.6% 61.1% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% 15.7% 84.3% 19.1325093525 4 239945.508 201133.872 15.6 170
Ireland 4484323 0.378 2717 2519.38 3000.0815319472 13216 0.0618946731 710.0815319472 146.4758013351 0.1583475436 0.1670605438 13.1569469907 0.0484047131 9.4% 0.2366874115 1.1% 17.9% 0.0% 13.9% 4.7961630695 39.491466 193.4496630695 0 137.890853717 243.7273860911 55.536 35.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1695074.094 1484.5508380952 818 6132.6488502967 1922.3304931397 80.8241416 0 626.3870974 424.3267434 1888.965447357 0 0 0 0 90 1099.8149274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0108150452 0.1747330537 98.418 283180 59000 237.7372921391 237.7372921391 472.3442398082 0 0 142.6870167866 283.2188520911 248.9856630695 35.19 0.3348028099 66.5% 0.0% 0.0% 20.1% 39.9% 35.1% 5.0% 710.0815319472 143 553327.488 34248.024 5356 2290
Italy 60738612 0.316 21305.72 25575.89 51572.5013932854 167416 0.1191045061 11926.5013932854 2432.6004899444 0.1963578192 0.2964805395 26.3423866189 n/a 32.1% 0.2312569891 1.5% 12.2% 0.0% 12.2% 5035.9712230216 1007.1942446043 1812.9496402878 350.5035971223 0 1127.0983213429 1510.7913669065 0 1081.993 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19193401.392 12479.2119642857 19940 101848.117312992 0 0 69148.286104464 0 0 0 22226.63894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10473.192268528 0 0.0143395742 0.1203948922 1453.54 5690470 1600000 8206.618705036 8206.618705036 2637.8896882494 1081.993 0 6117.9642230216 2134.2925659472 3323.7410071942 350.5035971223 0.6880994211 22.1% 9.1% 0.0% 51.3% 17.9% 27.9% 2.9% 11926.5013932854 2,401 7009373.088 834847.92 32543 39646
Latvia 2065544 0.323 13017.16 8158.06 n/a 4371 0.4735758408 n/a n/a n/a 0.3669975249 n/a n/a 0.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667170.712 2049.8001285714 2070 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 20.74 244850 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 183005.028 86666.76 25280 3937
Liechtenstein 36312 0.856 25 19 n/a 116.4668099742 0.0734893604 n/a n/a n/a 0.4825777838 n/a n/a 0.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31083.072 16.6378571429 8.5590713672 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0 15000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 4876.2324 358.3512 26
Lithuania 3222186 0.329 8052.55 6157.06 n/a 7287 0.1594620557 n/a n/a n/a 1.5930490369 n/a n/a 0.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1060099.194 2277.9437 1162 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 24.01 1688790 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 305092.116 48650.616 10750 4868
Luxembourg 511840 0.146 332.0479486707 1288.0728645699 2032.0534627158 4171 0.0297290818 342.0534627158 68.8548218898 0.6682820075 1.061478766 2.4774871077 n/a 16.2% 0.1683289682 1.7% 55.5% 0.0% 6.0% 0 0 207.4964028777 1.7482014388 14.2326139089 115.8393285372 2.7369159532 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74728.64 912.6804425208 124 2882.8136828825 0 0 1763.077618827 1095.975360096 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23.7607039595 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0165072206 0.5552549758 20.3996618363 79322.8645699279 1268.0770012 209.2446043165 209.2446043165 132.8088583993 0 0 14.2326139089 115.8393285372 210.2333188309 1.7482014388 0.6117307004 38.8% 0.0% 0.0% 4.2% 33.9% 61.5% 0.5% 342.0534627158 69 174631.428 5191.632 650 1690
Netherlands 16693074 0.168 1637 1385 17607.6054076304 77419 0.0427801961 4869.6054076304 1047.2682953389 0.2917141209 0.0317354314 72.6648668783 0.1622944069 66.8% 0.2765626157 1.4% 31.6% 0.0% 60.9% 216.439891565 0 653.8160775727 54.347826087 2805.1863597122 227.6357130516 65.3913043478 0 709.2588235294 0 137.5294117647 0 0 0 0 0 2804436.432 5085.4804761905 3312 43847.02898925 2707.6087436 5607.1748235 0 1576.0707612 1980.1914692 297.67343475 0 0 0 0 240 22729.5084996 0 0 0 0 8688.595222 20.2060354 0 0 0.0126609521 0.2959535787 2963.554 89000 1213000 924.6037952247 924.6037952247 3098.2133771116 846.7882352941 0 3730.8850748067 227.6357130516 856.7367936853 54.347826087 0.1898724266 63.6% 17.4% 0.0% 76.6% 4.7% 17.6% 1.1% 4869.6054076304 980 3241378.692 138666.816 2250 12738
Norway 4953088 0.206 10678.96 11356.73 13164.7817314149 28137 0.427764154 5686.7817314149 1180.8381119972 1.1481285476 2.334867829 12.3155494108 0.1249322576 21.2% 0.4319693138 4.2% 9.8% 22.1% 10.7% 0 0 2405.2757793765 0 0 2553.0935251799 119.646 0 0 0 66.8 0 541.9664268585 0 0 0 1020336.128 7693.6613166667 12036 49439.3300731 20266.6535062 0 0 0 0 0 11194.1436116 10911.984 0 0 0 1038.7140981 814.677724 0 0 0 646.5931328 0 0 4566.5640004 0.0406826207 0.0951052592 605.784 2382350 61000 2405.2757793765 2405.2757793765 2672.7395251799 66.8 541.9664268585 541.9664268585 2553.0935251799 2591.7217793765 0 0.4229590466 47.0% 1.2% 9.5% 9.5% 44.9% 45.6% 0.0% 5686.7817314149 1,145 1178039.916 503923.248 21878 7478
Poland 38204328 0.391 36878 38628.38 44774.5508393285 101313 0.0784795633 9996.5508393285 2011.8015017981 0.2616601669 0.3295699231 n/a n/a 0.0% 0.2232641233 2.0% 25.3% 0.0% 4.8% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7130.6522781775 2865.8985611511 0 0 14937892.248 11515.0299 7951 84230.1052772842 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84230.1052772842 0.019861185 0.2530746113 479.57 4923080 0 0 0 0 0 9996.5508393285 7130.6522781775 2865.8985611511 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 71.3% 28.7% 0.0% 0.0% 9996.5508393285 2,012 4241772.684 332892.468 67595 34778
Romania 21384832 0.472 14358.6290248 14213.22961826 24507.0095923261 35830 0.1403014234 17988.0095923261 3620.0790946642 0.8411573957 0.3924571624 1.6324277514 n/a 27.9% 0.7339944731 10.1% 72.0% 0.0% 0.6% 0 0 3961.6306954436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 134.0527577938 1508.3932853717 11800.9592326139 582.9736211031 10093640.704 2254.5840055987 5027 151565.4715354 0 0 33380.3704808 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 118185.1010546 0.1010546856 0.7202684276 101.710157334 3961321.58898 34909.1932156863 3961.6306954436 3961.6306954436 0 0 14026.3788968825 134.0527577938 1508.3932853717 15762.5899280576 582.9736211031 0.2202373017 0.0% 0.0% 78.0% 0.7% 8.4% 87.6% 3.2% 17988.0095923261 3,621 1500130.44 210470.436 6519
Russian Federation 142865433 0.262 197000 176301.15 n/a 730970 0.0242636497 n/a n/a n/a 1.1633835182 n/a n/a 0.0% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37430743.446 28821.5440642857 17736 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 18.24 43546310 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 30604251.96 742570.848 852927 60266
Serbia 7276195 0.436 7758 7788 10914.6560695864 16185 0.1120173 7528.6560695865 1420.8943212931 1.0346968532 1.730539536 2.4738204515 1.2203876744 83.8% 0.6897749248 8.8% 78.4% 0.0% 0.2% 0 4.8266666667 6282.7001704672 239.8081534772 0 207.3093367691 208.0464844125 554.6527577938 0 0 31.3125 0 0 0 0 0 3172421.02 1093.7357142857 1813 59490.0034439 44715.9563402 6405.3132218 0 2889.4630622 3374.4079118 277.8285391 0 0 0 0 750 346.2380327 427.7058051 0 0 0 282.8844956 20.2060354 0 0 0.0936321309 0.8358720562 15.636 5490000 18000 6527.3349906111 6527.3349906111 970.0085789753 31.3125 0 0 212.1360034358 6522.0591548797 794.460911271 0.8669986954 12.9% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 2.8% 86.6% 10.6% 7528.6560695865 1,515 677633.58 75906.684 5232 3386
Slovak Republic 5398384 0.453 10010.91 8343 12035.7014257663 17349 0.0744711511 5502.7014257663 1133.4552613217 1.0193238246 0.2579301845 13.1520840311 0.0909176671 17.4% 0.4571982331 6.5% 87.7% 34.6% 2.7% 743.309352518 0 687.9136690647 22.1582733813 106.7625899281 3553.7907026728 160.5966205755 163.1654676259 0 49.995625 0 15.009125 0 0 0 0 2445467.952 4478.3991202381 1292 47455.504881017 8893.888541664 3352.18127286 0 10065.030353448 2656.285413684 839.439085995 4273.5764871 16417.98 0 0 0 301.227088449 26.680695461 0 0 0 629.215942356 0 0 0 0.0638442302 0.857301509 151.31 630760 71000 1453.381294964 1453.381294964 3984.3153808023 65.00475 0 850.071942446 3603.7863276728 848.5102896403 200.3328660072 0.2641214165 72.4% 1.2% 0.0% 15.4% 65.5% 15.4% 3.6% 5502.7014257663 1,108 726367.932 54093.456 13193 6533
Slovenia 2052843 0.501 3657.867 2963.64 4079.3865175851 7249 0.1306387088 2250.3865175851 567.8062197717 1.096229238 1.1712280508 30.2020173973 0.1685725622 55.0% 0.5516482706 7.8% 60.0% 0.0% 15.0% 0 0 1629.5714285714 0 149.0931020408 385.7831530612 25.1348262857 0 0 0 0 17.63854 0 0 43.1654676259 0 1028474.343 707.7017714286 947 23772.9108094026 15384.067112144 3055.15255248 0 138.209282136 0 0 4539.2459889887 0 0 0 0 76.8241093732 44.9702103648 0 0 0 170.7329167158 0 0 363.7086372 0.0624883663 0.478329638 336.638 1204578 62000 1629.5714285714 1629.5714285714 560.0110813878 17.63854 43.1654676259 149.0931020408 385.7831530612 1697.871722483 17.63854 0.7241295732 24.9% 0.8% 1.9% 6.6% 17.1% 75.4% 0.8% 2250.3865175851 453 303501.132 39648.996 9165 1829
Sweden 9449213 0.148 72103.33 78730.12 90731.1418189448 49045 0.3211132633 48781.1418189448 10070.8277082115 5.1624555208 4.754299844 212.504469949 n/a 21.0% 0.5376449678 20.5% 63.9% 36.4% 5.1% 11342.9256594724 0 4695.4436450839 503.5971223022 2968.335971223 26065.3904652278 1392.528 888.1584556355 920.5875 4.175 0 0 0 0 0 0 1398483.524 48912.9589573339 15749 421645.4144874 0 848.6534868 138532.5787024 0 0 0 68963.1988202 153442.83 1660.5 3472.5 600 45173.8797958 0 0 0 0 8951.2736822 0 0 0 0.2002061323 0.6234751259 2489.96 6648810 2008000 16541.9664268585 16541.9664268585 31314.4128920863 924.7625 0 15231.8491306954 26069.5654652278 6087.9716450839 1391.7555779377 0.3391057653 64.2% 1.9% 0.0% 31.2% 53.4% 12.5% 2.9% 48781.1418189448 9,819 2053416.06 659379.132 96486 41950
Switzerland 7911345 0.263 5845.1643909805 5162.4243909805 9976.9867343594 25375 0.1806108374 4148.9867343594 1056.5885722263 0.5244350656 0.934766951 18.2601220383 0.3546494615 43.8% 0.4158556932 4.2% 23.1% 0.0% 5.2% 709.0855375795 70.6291751846 1142.2297513436 337.0099268727 125.7177818992 595.0820418827 319.1778533675 65.4919066762 550.3957302225 227.7303439315 0.146321167 6.2903642324 0 0 0 0 2080683.735 2854.2914853961 4583 44237.2503419706 21622.7594650007 3808.847371797 0 0 7008.1433525614 611.0913326726 0 0 0 0 339.81 2706.8717330893 236.0936044152 0 75.0394611727 0 7133.5064035018 695.08761776 0 0 0.032912142 0.1822268391 217.52637 1944954.3909805 144462.125187196 2258.9543909805 2258.9543909805 1105.4695838256 784.5627595533 0 1385.1990497011 893.4415609988 1461.5539258781 408.7921977813 0.5444592947 26.6% 18.9% 0.0% 33.4% 21.5% 35.2% 9.9% 4148.9867343594 835 1062400.5 191881.044 6232 5828
Turkey 74223629 0.285 21039 22447.59 54458.2156692229 112459 0.0997874781 21538.2156692229 4320.0127524768 0.2901800405 0.2296516511 n/a n/a 94.8% 0.3954998416 3.8% 38.5% 0.0% 2.0% 0 0 21290.175059952 0 0 68.0406092708 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21153734.265 6910.3526095238 11222 180870.293920699 179389.242899306 0 0 376.3172032896 122.9133133382 81.820504765 0 0 0 0 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0385510008 0.3863310461 434 4857990 0 21290.175059952 21290.175059952 248.0406092708 0 0 0 68.0406092708 21470.175059952 0 0.9884836974 1.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 99.7% 0.0% 21538.2156692229 4,335 4708433.412 469842.696 32920
Ukraine 45778534 0.311 17510.292 13381.172 13408 126438 0.0205080751 6182 1224.4864191893 0.1350414585 0.544925433 n/a n/a 0.0% 0.4610680191 1.0% 47.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0 0 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 428 386 5019 109 14237124.074 1675.1185266667 2593 51266.7973986156 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50066.7973986156 0.009841732 0.4798954551 2.75 7758171 0 0 0 240 0 5942 428 386 5259 109 0 3.9% 0.0% 96.1% 6.9% 6.2% 85.1% 1.8% 6182 1,244 5293706.184 108563.724 20935 7226
United Kingdom 62435709 0.204 11459.3862909672 11348.1362909672 51636.0701980198 188074 0.0414677202 10333.0701980198 2139.0435638053 0.1654993651 0.0862675632 19.5609399262 0.1781183749 33.4% 0.2001134122 1.1% 27.4% 0.0% 27.5% 1215.8273381295 2577.9376498801 0 3944.547292744 1794.4984172662 372 192.372 235.8875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12736884.636 14397.3005910524 7799 89557.4759294 27338.7658962 7253.9667086 0 19034.0853468 545.5629558 873.1754086 1070.9198762 0 3431.7 0 1860 25866.017737 0 0 0 0 2283.2820002 0 0 0 0.0110591251 0.2666923833 2837.65210429 1098780 1221301.153 3793.7649880096 3793.7649880096 6303.4177100102 235.8875 0 5396.2621308735 1794.4984172662 2949.9376498801 192.372 0.3671478965 61.0% 2.3% 0.0% 52.2% 17.4% 28.5% 1.9% 10333.0701980198 2,080 7874282.232 326528.532 20700 41303
United States 311591917 0.176 324432.68 313360.35 526672.802028767 2191193 0.0608604536 206652.802028767 49703.2253034664 0.6632161836 0.7289507784 6.4070026436 0.0596938687 12.8% 0.3923741671 2.3% 37.3% 49.2% 0.2% 0 39975.79 0 15498.216396343 131056.816993231 9720.5550076225 6642.0927412899 3759.3308902805 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54840177.392 250347.502138357 133357 2080974.63700553 395798.591662653 0 0 0 269866.534623526 289913.37792246 0 1024541.63862333 0 0 27058.746 37407.1622816697 0 0 0 0 36388.5858918904 0 0 0 0.0189836981 0.3119217324 495.22 39975790 1996370.23593466 39975.79 39975.79 162917.681138487 3759.3308902805 0 19257.5472866235 131056.816993231 49696.3450076225 6642.0927412899 0.1934442195 78.8% 1.8% 0.0% 9.3% 63.4% 24.0% 3.2% 206652.802028767 41,597 91740868.524 5583390.876 761000 320020
JWEE total 820519962 0.2 910247.8 909320.4 1,494,275.52 4019732.0 0.1 595184.5 132737.6 0.7 0.7 16.8 0.0818276727 0.2 0.40 3.3% 38.6% 29.4% 4.5% 30198.7 17234.8 140922.9 2786.3 43218.0 267094.2 29020.0 9843.0 10823.2 8796.1 3232.4 54.2 8286.3 4939.3 18043.1 692.0 190967331.7 601568.0 344088.0 5557459.9 1258360.0 149396.8 369213.4 125705.9 385460.4 417461.5 434995.4 1634455.3 5092.2 3472.5 51258.1 215980.5 16839.2 0.0 75.0 0.0 106021.8 1122.8 111092.3 271456.7 3.0% 34.8% 26728.6 143167848.3 13760822.7 191142.7 191142.7 349175.2 22906.0 31960.6 92526.3 298064.4 191218.3 13375.6 32.1% 58.7% 3.8% 5.4% 15.5% 50.1% 32.1% 2.2% 595184.5 119,804 168298139.4 14406276.4 1863752.6 899091.0
JWEE 13 259274115 0.2 305507.359392609 320361.957203069 530,362.31 955397 0.1 235357.307536958 51811.4481450117 0.9 1.1 25.9 0.1722980136 0.3 0.44 5.4% 51.5% 17.1% 5.5% 21130.2821483703 15717.7457188996 71218.0250822159 2209.393156009 20381.7657448295 70130.6714422753 13713.8640244257 2896.335219354 4641.9076498278 8793.495632027 3028.0438466594 42.5539043189 51.5823841853 179.0212157018 1222.6203678588 0 58819176.425 188967.817387525 100548 2169241.71093535 674906.969093263 127599.008552934 233593.284021634 108194.106967674 101135.590982047 124890.700314804 103018.317858484 371027.268477159 5092.2 3472.5 12968.6695 119460.45899932 13627.8778493222 0 75.0394611727 0 54234.3821096419 922.29665316 100619.105415822 14403.9346789098 5.0% 47.1% 12975.1732841023 64412859.7241481 6725911.7331884 110275.446105495 110275.4 107122.6 16506.0 1453.2 46205.5 94820.9 89182.6 5148.3 46.9% 45.5% 7.0% 0.6% 19.6% 40.3% 37.9% 2.2% 235357.3 47,375 40000561.596 4209743.664 474593 295005
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 474445272 0.3 443802.116417409 455315.044821329 746,989.60 1576694 0.1 317438.598476779 68564.9075403108 0.7 0.8 24.8 0.1445350701 0.3 0.42 4.3% 41.5% 13.8% 7.6% 30198.7412245876 17234.7927882208 90754.9813882199 2786.3291813041 27719.7958076963 77002.343329776 17433.4249735581 3200.9278104332 7063.9184733572 8796.105007027 3232.3732584241 54.2439043189 8286.253847015 4939.3130622246 18043.0807995135 691.9736211031 129471979.09 244245.274867061 165387 2870675.54889773 776683.764270279 149396.774391569 369213.448160039 125705.881407763 115593.861886225 127548.1104464 137408.990109284 396898.087977159 5092.2 3472.5 14869.3435 178573.344304324 16839.2396760033 0 75.0394611727 0 69633.1743700836 1122.7657818723 111092.29768435 271456.725471208 4.1% 38.6% 24140.8496508363 99981058.3131281 11764452.4264041 140974.844582332 140974.8 125356.5 19146.6 31960.6 73268.7 107972.6 129463.9 6733.5 44.4% 39.5% 6.0% 10.1% 23.1% 34.0% 40.8% 2.1% 317438.6 63,897 66013024.392 6924422.916 660722.6 429551
JWEE 12 253875731 0.2 295496.449392609 312018.957203069 518,326.61 938048 0.1 229854.606111192 50677.99288369 0.9 1.1 26.2 0.1746249553 0.3 0.44 5.4% 51.1% 16.7% 5.6% 20386.9727958523 15717.7457188996 70530.1114131512 2187.2348826277 20275.0031549014 66576.8807396025 13553.2674038501 2733.1697517281 4641.9076498278 8743.500007027 3028.0438466594 27.5447793189 51.5823841853 179.0212157018 1222.6203678588 0 56373708.473 184489.418267287 99256 2121786.20605433 666013.080551599 124246.827280074 233593.284021634 98129.0766142263 98479.3055683632 124051.261228809 98744.741371384 354609.288477159 5092.2 3472.5 12968.6695 119159.231910871 13601.1971538612 0 75.0394611727 0 53605.1661672859 922.29665316 100619.105415822 14403.9346789098 4.9% 46.6% 12823.8632841023 63782099.7241481 6654911.7331884 108822.064810531 108822.1 103138.3 16441.0 1453.2 45355.5 91217.1 88334.0 4947.9 47.3% 44.9% 7.2% 0.6% 19.7% 39.7% 38.4% 2.2% 229854.6 46,267 39274193.664 4155650.208 461400 288472


2009 Population Rural Population Roundwood and Fuelwood removals from forest and outside forest (1000m3) Roundwood and Fuelwood supply from forest and outside forest including net trade (1000m3) SWE + (S1 -S4) Total calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (1000m3) Total primary energy supply, TPES (ktoe) Share of renewables (RES) in TPES from ktoe Total wood energy generation (1000m3) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) (calculation totals*heating value) Average wood energy consumption (m3/capita) Fuelwood consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/inhabitant) Pellets consumption per inhabitant (kg/inhabitant) S1/Net Annual Increments Share of Total Roundwood supply directly used for energy purposes (%) Share of energy use in calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (%) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from ktoe) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from ktoe) Share of wood energy generated from black liquor (%) (heating value) Imported wood fuel as share of wood energy (%) 1-S1-U1 1-S1-U2 1-S1-U3 1-S1-U4 1-S2-U1 1-S2-U2 1-S2-U3 1-S2-U4 1-S3-U1 1-S3-U2 1-S3-U3 1-S3-U4 1-S4-U1 1-S4-U2 1-S4-U3 1-S4-U4 share of rural population Total domestic woody biomass supply (including cascaded use) (1000 m3) Renewable energy supply (ktoe) Total wood energy generation (1000 m3) (calculation totals*heating value) Total woody biomass from forest (1000 m3) Total woody biomass from outside forest (1000 m3) Unspecified (1000 m3) Chips and Particles (1000 m3) Wood Residues (1000 m3) Bark (1000 m3) Unspecified solid co-products (1000 m3) Black Liquor (1000 m3) Crude Tall Oil (1000 m3) Unspecified liquid co-products (1000 m3) Wood Charcoal (1000 m3) Wood Pellets (1000 m3) Wood Briquettes (1000 m3) Pyrolysis Oils (1000 m3) Cellulose based Ethanol (1000 m3) Wood based Biodiesel (1000 m3) Non-hazardous Wood Waste (1000 m3) Hazardous Wood Waste (1000 m3) Unspecified Wood Waste (1000 m3) Wood from Unknown Sources (1000 m3) Wood fuel imports (1000 m3) Total Fuelwood (1000 m3) Total Pellets (mt) Total S1 (1000 m3) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) Total primary energy supply, TPES (1000 m3) Renewable energy supply, RES (1000 m3) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from 1000 m3) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from 1000 m3) Net Annual Increments SWE
Country S1 S2 S3 S4 U1 U2 U3 U4 % S1 % S2 % S3 % S4 % U1 % U2 % U3 % U4 Tot S-U
different numbers than if collected
Albania 3194417 0.48089 430 373.82 n/a 2085.42 0.3185487815 n/a n/a n/a 0.1911906246 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1536163.19113 330.572 664.308 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 293700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 87312.36456 27813.247344 n/a n/a 470 214
Armenia 3243729 0.35809 1502 1504.78 n/a 2601.206 0.0672691821 n/a n/a n/a 1.2913813271 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1161546.91761 0.9176 174.981 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.06 1500000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 108907.292808 7326.104508 n/a n/a 360 217
Austria 8365275 0.32447 18455.9263406115 26182.0963406115 39538.2723303327 31761.634 0.2789512341 20750.2723303327 4237.0111624938 2.480524828 1.8681645019 64.2350669882 0.3081375978 0.3053232847 0.5248148467 0.1315046522 0.471425239 0.1298068597 0.1074358296 4.8214440822 0 7001.69917647 987.4830334939 5172.2370130928 3629.1523302868 1188.5975650899 2766.2817678172 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2714280.77925 16316.4223134436 8859.947 177395.183351291 57430.2486809439 6170.167597453 3756.3931041199 34946.9854371013 25397.6589831964 11209.8419006669 7687.5050920723 23027.1116742486 0 0 427.5307154 6957.4241679807 384.315998108 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2229.322722 5070723 537344 7994.003654046 7994.003654046 12756.2686762867 0 0 5177.0584571749 3629.1523302868 8190.2967415599 3753.764801311 0.385248132 61.5% 0.0% 0.0% 24.9% 17.5% 39.5% 18.1% 20750.2723303327 4176.8026316744 1329796.092312 370948.260996 0.1334002892 0.4782208249 25136 18788
Belarus 9576045 0.25305 13218 11107.024 n/a 26763.98 0.0501580856 n/a n/a n/a 2.0555408614 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2423218.18725 434.87315 1342.43 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.01484 4981024 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 1120554.31464 56204.85924 n/a n/a 22809 6568
Belgium 10796492 0.02589 8670 10899.5 18344.5616623484 57101.707 0.0383058076 2522.5616623484 518.5447241126 0.2336464161 6.5415436994 20.8401025074 n/a 0 0.1375100539 0.0088922743 0.2321390647 0.2374464729 0.197517471 0 0 0 0 684.26729784 1204.373501199 0 10.8681055156 0 0 0 0 0 0 623.0527577938 0 279521.17788 6577.4230952381 2187.327 21710.4305091445 0 0 0 91.5737524328 0 0 5273.4923549044 5155.06515 0 0 0 5940.5085764271 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5249.7906753802 498.25 1828500 225000 0 0 1899.5089045546 0 623.0527577938 684.26729784 1204.373501199 623.0527577938 10.8681055156 0 75.3% 0.0% 24.7% 27.1% 47.7% 24.7% 0.4% 2522.5616623484 507.7640438702 2390734.268676 91579.006836 0.0090810722 0.2370677654 5289 15822
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3942701 0.51379 3708.53 3176.62 n/a 6034.075 0.1192787627 n/a n/a n/a 0.4273837706 5.072664653 n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2025720.34679 473.7530666667 719.737 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.41 865760 20000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 252634.6521 30133.948716 n/a n/a 627
Canada 33739859 0.19418 116306 118242.1 192915.059952038 250745.622 0.1755924456 47875.0599520384 9634.8349604008 1.4189466516 0.4614288592 n/a 0.0266966976 0.087825337 0.2481665245 0.0384322778 0.2188720457 0 0.0038051127 0 0 10384.6522781775 0 0 37490.4076738609 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6551605.82062 93099.64 44029.037 403391.27012206 87500.21569616 0 0 0 0 0 315891.0544259 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 182.17 3023100 0 10384.6522781775 10384.6522781775 37490.4076738609 0 0 0 37490.4076738609 10384.6522781775 0 0.2169115253 78.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 78.3% 21.7% 0.0% 47875.0599520384 9636.7253988726 10498217.701896 1843407.721116 0.0384247385 0.2188291095 442030 145040
Cyprus 800011 0.2968 13.879 14.823 435.3198832422 2537.126 0.0385538598 67.3198832422 8.5842346154 0.084148697 0.0181811853 0.0449993813 0.0748719206 0.3242093635 0.1546446322 0.0053409864 0.1385331176 0 0.8835941647 0 0 4.8057553957 0 0 1.6163069544 27.8053772553 33.0924436368 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 237443.2648 69.73112 97.816 359.4047348768 22.2064329046 18.286462037 0 0 14.8312299836 0 0 0 0 0 303.3474 0.7332099516 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59.483456 4317 36 4.8057553957 4.8057553957 62.5141278465 0 0 0 1.6163069544 32.611132651 33.0924436368 0.0713868647 92.9% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2.4% 48.4% 49.2% 67.3198832422 13.5507554317 106224.391368 4095.360288 0.0033834483 0.0877590028 40 368
Czech Republic 10487178 0.26459 17166 14463 15339.3731544426 42072.125 0.0576855816 8356.3731544426 1725.2591499833 0.796818091 0.6245489708 2.669927029 0.104224065 0.3748919553 0.5447662737 0.0399800681 0.6930686496 0.1617192381 0.0179221293 0 400.479616307 5021.582733813 0 865.7074340528 1829.9930920924 53.958 184.6522781775 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2774802.42702 3563.6638095238 2426.955 72233.1500915 17518.6326918 14022.9885676 14144.22478 8143.0322662 4182.6493278 992.2447825 0 11681.49 0 0 0 468.4396913 1079.4479843 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 149.764 1733000 28000 5422.0623501199 5422.0623501199 2934.3108043227 0 0 865.7074340528 2230.4727083994 5075.5407338129 184.6522781775 0.6488535457 35.1% 0.0% 0.0% 10.4% 26.7% 60.7% 2.2% 8356.3731544426 1682.0464246008 1761475.7295 101611.75194 0.0410071787 0.7108739758 22669 6983
Denmark 5523094 0.13134 2786 2188.89 n/a 18353.144 0.1801648263 n/a n/a n/a 1.4512067901 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 725403.16596 1386.3436 3306.591 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60.54 1052710 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 768409.432992 138440.351988 n/a n/a 5176 7453
Estonia 1340271 0.30513 5150 4129.6 8827.9687992861 4749.296 0.1510470183 4322.9687992861 874.354644479 3.225443809 2.8019090212 33.6872169882 0.1735966293 0.4202740094 0.4896900859 0.183220058 1.2130001637 0.0129006421 0.0331899689 8.5611510791 48.345323741 1653.4772182254 25.1798561151 1355.3959165468 540.3946632909 668.3466290647 7.194291223 16.07375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 408956.89023 4362.6343809524 717.367 36607.4802550485 14623.714000042 0 0 10527.546503754 8894.494722726 1221.8502251705 0 472.26 0 0 0 712.028330776 0 0 0 0 155.58647258 0 0 0 143.4792 1145860 45150 1735.5635491607 1735.5635491607 2571.3315001254 16.07375 0 1380.0308176259 588.7399870319 2321.8238472902 32.3741473381 0.4014749191 59.5% 0.4% 0.0% 31.9% 13.6% 53.7% 0.7% 4322.9687992861 870.1662884255 198843.524928 30034.721556 0.1841019478 1.218838676 11361 4505
Finland 5338870 0.1491 45508.7523144861 49619.5093144861 54406.6617013705 33245.245 0.2397147021 29805.6617013705 6227.1559788481 5.5827659601 12.1735661829 39.8554652951 0.1289258164 0.2048401526 0.5478311069 0.1804635029 0.7528261777 0.4224133381 0.0342302038 3949.8372629176 675.8908449961 5538.3397524078 0 3338.8404055866 15165.6738937449 746.9782752414 0 352.7027870099 37.3984794662 0 0 0 0 0 0 796025.517 32568.9774554939 7969.374 260718.566522413 85641.5897523561 0 0 18717 8772.9767700568 32239 0 110131 0 0 0 1441 0 0 0 0 3776 0 0 0 1020.253875022 9690469.31448612 212783.148 10164.0678603216 10164.0678603216 19251.4925745729 390.1012664761 0 7641.3804555141 15878.9632182072 6285.3180276492 0 0.341011314 64.6% 1.3% 0.0% 25.6% 53.3% 21.1% 0.0% 29805.6617013705 5999.5533673598 1391911.91766 333661.750632 0.1873096733 0.7813858377 89587 24601
France 64540518 0.14749 54501.561 51542.929 90175.4533168775 253489.154 0.0754638757 41103.4533168775 9860.3215943402 0.6368627738 1.9410623778 4.4158306879 0.1619906311 0.4584998816 0.4558164312 0.0326391682 0.432513807 0.0812384365 0.0088033966 534.1176470588 1162.7450980392 21753.2111563181 182.3529411765 401.4134231579 6996.2018059855 7960.1415377289 4.2136 497.555625 0 1611.5004824125 0 0 0 0 0 9519080.99982 37295.6748495238 19129.274 412831.944511834 150508.577678673 77992.9001071714 19365.46432736 0 0 0 102752.205403325 33537.8217 0 0 2581.983 5314.957471376 363.346264904 0 0 0 20414.6885590243 0 0 0 361.85 18477130 285000 23632.4268425926 23632.4268425926 15361.9703668724 2109.0561074125 0 1433.0866952167 8158.9469040248 31324.8531764595 186.5665411765 0.5749499114 37.4% 5.1% 0.0% 3.5% 19.8% 76.2% 0.5% 41103.4533168775 8273.6751234766 10613083.899672 800904.443832 0.0388983964 0.5154571781 102456 49072
Germany 81902306 0.26151 61604.61 64816.05 129587.914527538 317104.31 0.0870316711 48653.9145275378 10349.9605388047 0.5940481643 0.4343977881 19.1081310946 n/a 0.3957661721 0.3754510188 0.0308841602 0.3548611647 0 0.0260250385 5700.4 0 19951.6 0 6803.3993617021 3220.3046808511 3154.2944680851 0 7584.8209258343 0 1463.0420779221 0 508.4011016744 0 267.6519114688 0 21418272.04206 14321.2171850883 27598.118 433332.147838675 0 0 216141.616773694 0 0 0 125149.299071339 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84512.6753669734 7528.5566266683 1266.22 9304050 1565000 25652 25652 13177.9985106383 9047.8630037564 776.0530131432 20597.0213892108 3220.3046808511 24836.588457476 0 0.5272340417 27.1% 18.6% 1.6% 42.3% 6.6% 51.0% 0.0% 48653.9145275378 9793.5002974788 13276523.25108 1155478.004424 0.0308841602 0.3548611647 122000 80934
Iceland 318499 0.06584 0 1.6 n/a 5384.195 0.8175491415 n/a n/a n/a 0.00619934 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20969.97416 7.3328 4401.844 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.81 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 225425.47626 184296.404592 n/a n/a 14 190
Ireland 4458942 0.38059 2405 2313.5 3067.1503847293 14402.127 0.0457733083 701.1503847293 148.3138029581 0.1572459083 0.0826267682 11.2134223769 0.0370636905 0.0632301593 0.228599937 0.0097995175 0.2140880322 0 0.0858703087 0 0 88.7290167866 57.5539568345 0 328.5864111082 113.556 0 0 112.725 0 0 0 0 0 0 1697028.73578 1523.4253714286 659.233 6209.60230225 1232.5681594 0 0 666.7991682 646.5931328 1607.43654765 0 0 0 0 28.2 936.8793826 0 0 0 0 1091.1259116 0 0 0 60.208 140220 50000 146.2829736211 146.2829736211 442.1424111082 112.725 0 0 441.3114111082 202.2850167866 57.5539568345 0.208632808 63.1% 16.1% 0.0% 0.0% 62.9% 28.9% 8.2% 701.1503847293 141.1338957637 602988.253236 27600.767244 0.0102980485 0.2249793365 4485 2366
Italy 60192698 0.3164 26948 29624 45220.4497002398 164858.378 0.0971074336 11925.4497002398 2432.3688357696 0.1981212023 0.3333688695 20.2848524916 n/a 0.2770130641 0.2637180696 0.014560755 0.1499448032 0 0.1305872767 5035.9712230216 1007.1942446043 1812.9496402878 350.1199040767 0 1127.0983213429 1510.7913669065 0 1081.325 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19044969.6472 8962.8204761905 16008.974 101838.418416 0 0 69145.0531388 0 0 0 22226.63894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10466.7263372 0 1557.312 6349000 1221000 8206.2350119904 8206.2350119904 2637.8896882494 1081.325 0 6117.2962230216 2134.2925659472 3323.7410071942 350.1199040767 0.6881279296 22.1% 9.1% 0.0% 51.3% 17.9% 27.9% 2.9% 11925.4497002398 2400.462456536 6902290.570104 670263.723432 0.0147542931 0.1519378341 31352 33295
Latvia 2254834 0.3228 10442.31 7020.05 n/a 4221.013 0.3710009896 n/a n/a n/a 0.9566944231 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 727860.4152 1299.53 1566 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.78 696340 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 176725.372284 65565.288 n/a n/a 25280 2794
Liechtenstein 35911 0.85693 25 17 52.3381294964 116.4668099742 0.0734893604 32.3381294964 6.5080344743 0.9005076299 0.454941117 n/a n/a 0.8823529412 0.6178694158 0.0558898403 0.7605160803 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 2.3381294964 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30773.21323 17.32 8.5590713672 272.478387369 126.388751427 0 0 126.388751427 19.700884515 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14000 0 15 15 17.3381294964 0 0 0 2.3381294964 15 15 0.4638487208 53.6% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.2% 46.4% 46.4% 32.3381294964 6.5093114073 4876.2324 358.3512 0.0558788764 0.7603668897 20
Lithuania 3339456 0.33016 5612.132 5041.54034044 7185.3642406622 8634.709 0.1218057262 3392.3642406622 693.3922267818 1.0158433711 1.5618137805 2.6651047356 0.1747368518 0.3752992544 0.4721214022 0.0790815046 0.6492429142 0 0.0856968153 187.0503597122 0 1661.8705035971 43.1654676259 995.0036457975 0 361.112583841 144.1616800884 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1102554.79296 2833.0027238095 1051.757 29030.9457509 14083.6066738 1293.1862656 565.7689912 3940.176903 4425.1217526 4723.0851647 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290.7148119 1721985.26944 8900 1892.0863309353 1892.0863309353 1500.2779097269 0 0 1182.0540055097 0 2022.9830874381 187.3271477143 0.5577485779 44.2% 0.0% 0.0% 34.8% 0.0% 59.6% 5.5% 3392.3642406622 682.8457796808 361517.996412 44034.962076 0.0803029062 0.6592703702 10870 3793
Luxembourg 497783 0.14814 349 761 1946.4835760336 3951.878 0.0310872451 387.4835760336 77.9949819667 0.7784186604 0.2305348146 n/a n/a 0.3436724996 0.1990685053 0.0197364902 0.6348742108 0 0.0154845273 0 0 259.6666666667 1.8681055156 13.2685851319 110.3741007194 2.306118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73741.57362 83.76 122.853 3265.4939049799 0 0 2203.670220724 1041.8029791886 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.0207050673 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 17000 0 261.5347721823 261.5347721823 125.9488038513 0 0 13.2685851319 110.3741007194 261.9727846667 1.8681055156 0.674957052 32.5% 0.0% 0.0% 3.4% 28.5% 67.6% 0.5% 387.4835760336 77.9962014157 165457.228104 5143.609404 0.0197361816 0.6348642847 650 1559
Netherlands 16530388 0.17139 1016.13 836.93 n/a 78174.849 0.0402639601 n/a n/a n/a 0.0951240305 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2833143.19932 2503.0664 3147.629 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 280.04 269500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 3273024.577932 131784.930972 n/a n/a 2239 13782
Norway 4828726 0.20589 9235 9433 11584.3380623501 28157.112 0.4316263685 4680.3380623501 967.414630429 0.969269754 2.6986891094 9.5263222639 0.1320596586 0.2865088402 0.4040229176 0.0334587158 0.0775177752 0.102193587 0.0758321291 0 0 2702.6378896883 0 0 1507.6738609113 107.916 0 0 0 0 0 362.1103117506 0 0 0 994186.39614 6102.4066666667 12153.352 40503.7157468 22772.2018958 0 0 0 0 0 8789.625399 4139.22 0 0 0 936.8793826 814.677724 0 0 0 0 0 0 3051.1113454 354.92 2683000 46000 2702.6378896883 2702.6378896883 1615.5898609113 0 362.1103117506 362.1103117506 1507.6738609113 2810.5538896882 0 0.5774450165 34.5% 0.0% 7.7% 7.7% 32.2% 60.1% 0.0% 4680.3380623501 942.1008083529 1178881.965216 508836.541536 0.0343577363 0.0796006427 23256 6904
Poland 38151602 0.39042 34629.18 35428.56 n/a 93986.673 0.0666604615 n/a n/a n/a 0.2719469371 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14895148.45284 7363.2804 6265.195 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 371.34 4050690 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 3935034.025164 262311.18426 n/a n/a 67595 30355
Romania 21480401 0.42533 12556.5 12729.63 n/a 34789.327 0.1514074705 n/a n/a n/a 0.4297371625 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9136258.95733 2338.1104 5267.364 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38.41 3926190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 1456559.542836 220533.995952 n/a n/a 27334 7567
Russian Federation 141909244 0.26833 151400 129170.6 124191.532 646914.985 0.0282570607 74758.532 15002.1915323732 0.5268052305 0.9955904931 0.3216985639 0.0506018329 0.394046947 0.6019615895 0.0232612852 0.8232025783 0.0579163018 0.0000802584 13100.7194244604 0 37798.5611510791 0 18568.345323741 4082.3741007194 98.532 1110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38078507.44252 29749.2826 18279.916 628111.7550774 318487.5299748 0 110385.5713902 156455.3321022 0 0 0 36377.91 0 0 5550 855.4116102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 37910600 45652 50899.2805755396 50899.2805755396 23859.2514244604 0 0 31669.0647482014 4082.3741007194 37897.0931510791 1110 0.680849118 31.9% 0.0% 0.0% 42.4% 5.5% 50.7% 1.5% 74758.532 15048.0739831671 27085036.59198 765343.523088 0.0231903602 0.8206925859 848841 49433
Serbia 7320807 0.43939 7051 7120 11022.8864230525 15243.664 0.1297398709 7952.8864230525 1520.5344000506 1.0863401293 1.5537714083 0.4097908878 1.5895797563 1.0367453913 0.7214885573 0.1050160226 0.8094352326 0 0.0023269539 0 9.6533333333 7266.4739936007 105.4998589364 0 80.7372354056 36.9396122782 424.3573894982 0 0 29.225 0 0 0 0 0 3216689.38773 902.3 1977.711 63661.73426132 58152.9698812 505.150885 0 909.271593 2121.633717 357.2081217 0 0 0 0 676.8 56.212762956 599.602804864 0 0 0 262.6784602 0 20.2060354 0 18.506 4998000 3000 7381.6271858704 7381.6271858704 542.0342371821 29.225 0 0 90.390568739 7332.6386058789 529.8572484346 0.9281695718 6.8% 0.4% 0.0% 0.0% 1.1% 92.2% 6.7% 7952.8864230525 1600.8289632255 638221.724352 82802.804148 0.0997486169 0.7688354871 5232 3070
Slovak Republic 5418590 0.45033 10143 7933.72 8824.2075990916 16722.558 0.0725388424 3208.2075990916 670.0891070458 0.5920742479 0.2039707635 13.8412391415 0.0504256073 0.0752638488 0.3635689169 0.0386171221 0.5323647413 0.487627768 0.0268355452 110.3117505995 0 462.829736211 23.9808153477 158.273381295 2111.2129541995 134.4535583693 127.8204030695 4.175 2.0875 62.625 10.4375 0 0 0 0 2440153.6347 4247.1784952381 1213.035 28055.290733792 4829.2424606 202.060354 0 3616.8803366 969.8896992 2024.1793563 0 13680.5388 258.3 0 253.8 1330.368723292 122.2016586 0 0 0 767.8293452 0 0 0 86.094 497720 75000 597.1223021583 597.1223021583 2531.7602969333 79.325 0 272.7601318945 2113.3004541995 659.9082945803 162.2387184173 0.1861233364 78.9% 2.5% 0.0% 8.5% 65.9% 20.6% 5.1% 3208.2075990916 645.7770640077 700140.058344 50787.34938 0.0400709692 0.5524070674 12916 5616
Slovenia 2039669 0.50495 3200.22 2694.597 3908.0276190476 7090.512 0.1418302374 1852.0276190476 460.884933475 0.9080040041 0.7965495847 24.96826691 0.1354264292 0.4648561547 0.473903411 0.0525762995 0.3706988049 0 0.1056281343 0 0 1252.6 0 127.8380952381 415.0714285714 35.0895238095 21.4285714286 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1029930.86155 945.0826840476 1005.649 19296.3303947292 11118.4922150624 3055.15255248 0 0 0 0 4991.3352765788 0 0 0 56.4 0 74.950350608 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195.626222 820391 50927 1252.6 1252.6 599.4276190476 0 0 127.8380952381 415.0714285714 1287.6895238095 21.4285714286 0.6763398057 32.4% 0.0% 0.0% 6.9% 22.4% 69.5% 1.2% 1852.0276190476 372.7928824271 296865.556416 42104.512332 0.0650002332 0.4582960193 8245 2056
Sweden 9298514 0.15318 63500 67504.73 90148.3869727578 45406.513 0.3483816958 48593.3869727578 10039.6432234812 5.2259303984 4.4973119703 206.2695179036 n/a 0.2338587347 0.5390377865 0.2154166025 0.6183350191 0.3750903354 0.0364794494 10330.9352517986 0 4968.824940048 486.8105515588 4328.9311223022 25867.6981870504 1292.83368 311.17824 1006.175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1424346.37452 51646.7602476191 15818.798 420339.782480712 0 0 133016.3310382 0 0 0 68902.580714 157665.39 221.4 0 620.4 50174.371665712 0 0 0 0 4869.6545314 0 4869.6545314 0 1772.66 6405730 1918000 15786.5707434053 15786.5707434053 31800.6412293525 1006.175 0 15666.0413741007 25867.6981870504 6261.658620048 797.9887915588 0.3248707638 65.4% 2.1% 0.0% 32.2% 53.2% 12.9% 1.6% 48593.3869727578 9781.3167633994 1901079.886284 662301.434664 0.2211057965 0.6346653661 92564 41555
Switzerland 7743831 0.26377 6242.3540197412 5649.3540197412 10038.8877644567 26973.503 0.178253377 4207.8877644567 1073.8223293417 0.543385795 0.9925407052 16.3465465363 0.3316494731 0.4142862498 0.4191587617 0.0314012509 0.1761607631 0 0.0415370347 522.8370745966 73.114171109 1350.4908429338 394.007602042 150.3920352298 630.7822845741 316.8803347979 48.7074912281 574.8812199561 138.6478630173 0.1496552861 6.9971896859 0 0 0 0 2042590.30287 2611.1003921184 4808.118 44958.7932848779 22530.6329001725 3806.81706936 0 0 7565.6978165203 806.6929760614 0 0 0 0 479.4 2371.8955431992 179.8808414592 0 26.6633914422 0 6884.2217074374 306.8910392257 0 0 174.78318 2027354.01974118 126584.893810813 2340.4496906813 2340.4496906813 1146.7621458299 720.6759279454 0 1248.1103297825 842.5443187003 1667.5208330178 449.7122829561 0.5562053509 27.3% 17.1% 0.0% 29.7% 20.0% 39.6% 10.7% 4207.8877644567 847.0017361016 1129326.623604 201306.284424 0.039810266 0.2233352695 6944 5831
Turkey 72039206 0.30351 20930 21897.87 n/a 97660.685 0.1015279997 n/a n/a n/a 0.2330706016 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21864619.41306 6477.1439047619 9915.294 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 179 5096000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 4088857.55958 415133.529192 n/a n/a 26973
Ukraine 45872976 0.31213 15404.2 12141.22 n/a 112338.459 0.0219241213 n/a n/a n/a 0.5046411831 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14318331.99888 1521.244 2462.922 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.66 7225620 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 4703386.601412 103117.618296 n/a n/a 21325 7072
United Kingdom 61801570 0.20362 9128 9036 44337.1731296216 197073.414 0.0316672598 5004.1731296216 1022.7003715176 0.0809716182 0.0745388859 2.4433036248 0.0650336121 0.2231946183 0.1128663101 0.0051112184 0.161403874 0 0.088683982 992.8057553957 74.3405275779 949.6402877698 0 1174.3160516839 325.426235012 349.9567721823 0 467.6 296.425 373.6625 0 0 0 0 0 12584035.6834 11910.1328571429 6240.775 42818.4191547 9981.7814876 7011.4942838 0 7213.5546378 2727.814779 79.3795826 0 0 701.1 0 1260 2831.0050909 0 0 0 0 11012.289293 0 0 0 443.79 938000 151000 2016.7865707434 2016.7865707434 1849.6990588782 1137.6875 0 2634.7218070796 696.1917625899 1673.259559952 0 0.4030209424 37.0% 22.7% 0.0% 52.7% 13.9% 33.4% 0.0% 5004.1731296216 1007.285261823 8251069.697352 261288.7677 0.0051894385 0.1638739374 20700 39333
United States 307007000 0.17714 332527.68 323479.15 579233.470901145 2164971.703 0.0543789528 266018.470901145 63878.8776009111 0.8664899201 0.7412279011 5.8072198447 0.0503851974 0.1043095327 0.4592594943 0.0247331665 0.4548297688 0.3667513923 0.0016398109 0 0 33741.9589756038 0 16384.2840954866 185691.224641888 19346.0970468769 7588.3429687058 3266.5631725845 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54383219.98 380909.554923307 117728.894 2674480.84739495 334077.696587935 0 0 12921.4537997482 721896.204115945 532491.472421449 0 980869.5744 0 0 27199.182 33406.4419852799 0 0 0 0 31618.8220845881 0 0 0 436.22 40310360 1782857.14285714 33741.9589756038 33741.9589756038 229009.948752957 3266.5631725845 0 19650.847268071 185691.224641888 53088.0560224807 7588.3429687058 0.1268406621 86.1% 1.2% 0.0% 7.4% 69.8% 20.0% 2.9% 266018.470901145 53546.6056370585 90643035.261204 4929073.333992 0.0295056409 0.5425930324 761000 313215
JWEE total 799463662 0.2 838837 821446 1,297,416.22 4082578 0.1 588297 131796 0.7 0.9 10.5 0.0636626282 0.2 0.45 2.9% 44.5% 0.2494979012 0.0 40478 3452 155257 2658 60522 254868 37507 12797 14852 587 3540 17 871 0 891 0 176291111 617520 266064 5518032 1123138 114078 568724 259318 787635 587752 345773 1376737 1181 0 39437 113755 3618 0 27 0 80853 307 99869 15829 11131 152087410 8377234 201845 201845.1 365694.1 18996.8 1761.2 116722.7 258907.4 197194.4 15472.8 34.3% 62.2% 3.2% 0.3% 19.8% 44.0% 33.5% 2.6% 588297.2 118417.8 170929381 11139559 3.2% 49.5% 2205593 709119
JWEE 13 259526686 0.2 282103.302674839 295188.308674839 487,436.83 965001.638 0.1 212287.825228151 45697.0166589388 0.8 1.0 19.2 0.1014253861 0.3 0.44 4.4% 44.7% 0.1766853015 0.0 22146.066186449 1995.7439750556 70848.9113246081 2239.5568649053 21668.9094744203 58882.8378544634 15359.8328228378 3737.0799066785 10487.9105578002 587.2838424835 3540.2047156207 17.4346896859 508.4011016744 0 267.6519114688 0 59193619.1571 174441.762971144 95500.701 1913242.69347645 401448.309648912 98762.0293113014 374483.475464098 67112.2941518899 48217.0961277571 48323.7384849783 309482.925557315 338041.862174249 1180.8 0 6687.8611154 71434.8687230349 1724.2979185432 0 26.6633914422 0 49078.4878078617 306.8910392257 89402.5359337734 7528.5566266683 7694.797455022 58391104.3342273 4974675.04181081 97230.2783510179 97230.3 99648.7 14632.8 776.1 54811.3 61465.9 90016.6 5994.1 45.8% 46.9% 6.9% 0.4% 25.8% 29.0% 42.4% 2.8% 212287.8 42731.2 40402688.579784 3998423.349468 4.7% 47.8% 490955 275149
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 350049635 0.2 354560.434674839 368034.949015279 592,044.74 1266739.55380997 0.1 247132.735400943 52836.8639230016 0.7 0.9 18.7 0.0993406198 0.3 0.42 3.9% 38.3% 0.1625052671 0.0 27377.6489202619 3451.7631597079 83456.7626435529 2656.1539872074 25556.0151835254 64984.3353220769 18059.65128465 4098.9562616829 11585.3093078002 587.2838424835 3540.2047156207 17.4346896859 870.511413425 0 890.7046692626 0 83755642.12814 206777.274123525 129932.139071367 2212173.81872823 470572.853661781 114078.204144501 456134.852153374 88899.2093495151 65739.0628153981 55260.9186573488 345772.68225122 359489.897324249 1180.8 0 6687.8611154 79472.7039990707 3618.4236268432 0 26.6633914422 0 49234.0742804417 306.8910392257 99869.2622709734 15829.4586474485 10683.237466922 73849449.6036673 6548725.04181081 116942.32871073 116942.3 112699.0 15730.2 1761.2 65389.5 69023.4 105947.3 6772.5 47.3% 45.6% 6.4% 0.7% 26.5% 27.9% 42.9% 2.7% 247132.7 49745.1 53035851.638916 5439998.79864 4.2% 40.7% 595102 344912
JWEE 12 254108096 0.2 271960.302674839 287254.588674839 478,612.62 948279.08 0.1 209079.61762906 45026.927551893 0.8 1.0 19.3 0.1028033347 0.3 0.44 4.4% 44.6% 17.2% 3.6% 22035.7544358495 1995.7439750556 70386.081588397 2215.5760495576 21510.6360931254 56771.6249002639 15225.3792644685 3609.2595036089 10483.7355578002 585.1963424835 3477.5797156207 6.9971896859 508.4011016744 0 267.6519114688 0 56753465.5224 170194.584475906 94287.666 1885187.40274266 396619.067188312 98559.9689573014 374483.475464098 63495.4138152899 47247.2064285571 46299.5591286783 309482.925557315 324361.323374249 922.5 0 6434.0611154 70104.4999997429 1602.0962599432 0 26.6633914422 0 48310.6584626617 306.8910392257 89402.5359337734 7528.5566266683 7608.703455022 57893384.3342273 4899675.04181081 96633.1560488596 96633.2 97116.9 14553.5 776.1 54538.5 59352.6 89356.7 5831.8 46.2% 46.4% 7.0% 0.4% 26.1% 28.4% 42.7% 2.8% 209079.6 42,085 39702548.52144 3947636.000088 4.7% 47.8% 478039 269533


2007 Population Rural Population Roundwood and Fuelwood removals from forest and outside forest (1000m3) Roundwood and Fuelwood supply from forest and outside forest including net trade (1000m3) SWE + (S1 -S4) Total calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (1000m3) Total primary energy supply, TPES (ktoe) Share of renewables (RES) in TPES from ktoe Total wood energy generation (1000m3) Total wood energy generation (from TJ converted to ktoe) (calculation totals*heating value) Average wood energy consumption (m3/capita) Fuelwood consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/inhabitant) Pellets consumption per inhabitant (kg/inhabitant) S1/Net Annual Increments Share of Total Roundwood supply directly used for energy purposes (%) Share of energy use in calculated domestic consumption of woody biomass (%) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from TJ) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from TJ) Share of wood energy generated from black liquor (%) (heating value) Imported wood fuel as share of wood energy (%) 1-S1-U1 1-S1-U2 1-S1-U3 1-S1-U4 1-S2-U1 1-S2-U2 1-S2-U3 1-S2-U4 1-S3-U1 1-S3-U2 1-S3-U3 1-S3-U4 1-S4-U1 1-S4-U2 1-S4-U3 1-S4-U4 share of rural population Total domestic woody biomass supply (including cascaded use) (1000 m3) Renewable energy supply (ktoe) Total wood energy generation (TJ) (calculation totals*heating value) Total woody biomass from forest (TJ) Total woody biomass from outside forest (TJ) Unspecified (TJ) Chips and Particles (TJ) Wood Residues (TJ) Bark (TJ) Unspecified solid co-products (TJ) Black Liquor (TJ) Crude Tall Oil (TJ) Unspecified liquid co-products (TJ) Wood Charcoal (TJ) Wood Pellets (TJ) Wood Briquettes (TJ) Pyrolysis Oils (TJ) Cellulose based Ethanol (TJ) Wood based Biodiesel (TJ) Non-hazardous Wood Waste (TJ) Hazardous Wood Waste (TJ) Unspecified Wood Waste (TJ) Wood from Unknown Sources (TJ) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) (from m3) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) (from m3) Wood fuel imports (1000 m3) Total Fuelwood (1000 m3) Total Pellets (mt) Total S1 (1000 m3) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) Total primary energy supply, TPES (TJ) Renewable energy supply, RES (TJ) Net Annual Increments SWE
Country S1 S2 S3 S4 U1 U2 U3 U4 % S1 % S2 % S3 % S4 % U1 % U2 % U3 % U4 Tot S-U
Albania 3161337 0.48089 430 373.82 n/a 2050.135 0.2248827516 n/a n/a n/a 0.1931912294 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1520255.34993 337.1 461.04 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0 293700 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 85835.05218 19302.82272 470 214
Armenia 3226520 0.35809 46 44.6 n/a 2845.324 0.0564501617 n/a n/a n/a 0.034620508 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1155384.5468 0.12 160.619 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0 40000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 119128.025232 6724.796292 360 260
Austria 8300788 0.32447 22783 30703 39339.8153094105 33389.497 0.2408957523 17603.8153094105 3622.3939131128 2.120740261 1.8597611051 48.4291370892 0.2631066301 0.2065956675 0.4474808834 0.1084890232 0.4503567294 0.1652193419 0.0245157082 4.1189393858 403.4254902325 5477.0217948189 458.5405547901 3697.2599343696 5441.5940506282 1032.5343067142 1011.9073605593 0 0 58.8602346866 18.5526432252 0 0 0 0 2693356.68236 16311.8014285714 8043.388 151662.388354209 49037.4407607099 975.1135315698 3433.9354406998 15456.7431408777 11542.9791079731 6850.2991880819 26928.3905415998 25057.56 0 0 600.563260762 9013.7364124163 2016.3060825715 0 0 0 749.3208869473 0 0 0 0.1061248477 0.4405426274 431.57 5009000 402000 6343.1067792274 6343.1067792274 11183.2956522713 77.4128779118 0 3701.3788737554 5845.0195408608 6568.4163362197 1489.0005585746 0.3603256833 63.5% 0.4% 0.0% 21.0% 33.2% 37.3% 8.5% 17603.8153094105 3543.4552829638 1397951.460396 336760.568784 25136 21736
Belgium 10625700 0.02589 4945 7413.65 n/a 57025.137 0.026717095 n/a n/a n/a 2.5687081446 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 275099.373 n/a 1523.546 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 399.87 706650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 2387528.435916 63787.823928 5289 15085
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3934816 0.51379 3753 3361.15 n/a 5304.575 0.0994980748 n/a n/a n/a 0.5190513094 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2021669.11264 n/a 527.795 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 1.83 1049350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 222091.9461 22097.72106 650
Canada 32931956 0.19418 198236 199893.52 241867.016972706 271731.208 0.1617114476 77816.0169727057 37351.6252133957 2.3629333457 0.467028522 7.4699480347 n/a 0 0.3217305855 0.0576434056 0.3564584106 0.9941533987 0.0023455325 0 0 0 0 0 29992.45 611.9047619048 0 347.619047619 0 0 0 10047.1860609576 27433.5672034854 9383.2898987389 0 6394727.21608 408102.493333333 43942.047 1563837.84443445 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1554694.708 0 0 330 5860.8730142284 0 0 0 0 2952.2634202232 0 0 0 0.0576434056 0.3564584106 182.52 2986520 246000 0 0 30604.3547619048 347.619047619 46864.0431631819 10394.8051085766 57426.0172034854 9995.1946606437 0 0 39.3% 0.4% 60.2% 13.4% 73.8% 12.8% 0.0% 77816.0169727057 15663.5122326996 11376842.216544 1839765.623796 442030 164051
Cyprus 783976 0.2968 24.832 25.53 573.5257841727 2437.236 0.0299371911 31.5257841727 4.2206586849 0.0402126904 0.0345661814 n/a 0.0572269457 0.1578056004 0.0549683816 0.0017317398 0.0578457689 0 1.7242013617 0 0 4.0287769784 0 0 0 27.4970071942 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 232684.0768 70.7111904762 72.964 176.71053782 16.973069736 16.973069736 0 0 12.984398348 0 0 0 0 0 129.78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0026036852 0.0869715913 54.3568 8043 0 4.0287769784 4.0287769784 27.4970071942 0 0 0 0 31.5257841727 0 0.1277930774 87.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0% 31.5257841727 6.3457951877 102042.196848 3054.856752 40 542
Czech Republic 10334160 0.26459 18508 16472 n/a 45845.189 0.0466675576 n/a n/a n/a 0.608196115 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2734315.3944 2340.236 2139.483 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 50 1663000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 1919446.373052 89575.874244 22669 10887
Denmark 5461438 0.13134 2358.4 2829.86 n/a 19762.281 0.1629229946 n/a n/a n/a 1.9941997724 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 717305.26692 1673.47 3219.73 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 447.32 1430450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 827407.180908 134803.65564 5176 9191
Estonia 1341672 0.30513 4500 4500 n/a 5623.844 0.1069592258 n/a n/a n/a 2.3439218814 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409384.37736 2123.2 601.522 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 0.3 959565 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 235459.100592 25184.523096 11361 4698
Finland 5288720 0.1491 56869.76 69311.47 71204.1575584171 36795.024 0.2349330442 35729.1575584171 7545.6126563698 6.7557287129 6.788868868 26.5920676459 0.031747636 0.1032426451 0.5017847101 0.2050715514 0.872893603 0.4847786789 0.0047370051 2141.8481653034 361.0262474952 4653.025086576 0 8871.5418099739 18158.8517890686 1070.73946 0 446.75 25.375 0 0 0 0 0 0 788548.152 43952.4121595679 8644.367 315919.710696893 21089.0114674795 0 39206.0020700569 21739.4797303562 4207.2840832877 62658.2191557329 9021.9615635347 153151.14 0 0 0 276.6607877746 0 0 0 0 4341.2727554012 228.6790832695 0 0 0.1954581747 0.8319739582 169.2492 5353350 140638 7155.8994993746 7155.8994993746 28101.1330590425 472.125 0 11460.1399752773 18545.2530365638 5723.764546576 0 0.2002817863 78.7% 1.3% 0.0% 32.1% 51.9% 16.0% 0.0% 35729.1575584171 7191.8882288284 1540534.064832 361922.357556 89587 35475
France 63824699 0.14749 63191 62021 86343.4554160619 263483.089 0.0632997816 38469.4554160619 9371.3673297677 0.6027361824 2.5803354195 2.3501873468 0.2235665269 0.4416537055 0.4455399107 0.0355672441 0.5618857305 0.0754397983 0.0079153707 205.5992704058 0 27095.0287277702 91.1764705882 479.3179848552 7759.8400412797 712.32312 27.1602 437.7722465116 0 1564.1686046512 97.06875 0 0 0 0 9413504.85551 27693.6919333333 16678.422 392360.407362712 207719.914145044 75702.14658 3058.2971754776 0 0 0 50711.3144787552 29599.59 0 0 2160 2810.6381478 281.06381478 0 0 0 20317.4430208552 0 0 0 0.0293889077 0.4642813442 304.5 24290000 150000 27391.8044687642 27391.8044687642 8978.6413461348 2099.0096011628 0 1122.6895017726 7759.8400412797 29371.5204524213 215.4054205882 0.7120403492 23.3% 5.5% 0.0% 2.9% 20.2% 76.4% 0.6% 38469.4554160619 7743.4801848844 11031509.970252 698292.172296 102456 47874
Germany 82266372 0.26151 81173.08 78879.85 124990.679100986 331169.028 0.0785358044 41349.6791009864 10959.7992721848 0.5026316111 0.4233587708 15.6078354835 0.1645336741 0.2719942408 0.3308221013 0.0330942762 0.4213909367 0.0407741603 0.0333925203 4190.1417868488 0 17264.7231299149 0 1236.3687902548 3573.2792106017 3288.7695383446 0 8651.375 0 3145.0216450216 0 0 0 0 0 21513478.94172 29742.6242857143 26008.626 458864.875927834 173063.884959584 37722.64748826 0 0 0 4385.72193865 0 18709.83 0 0 4410 34868.2065872 16497.223911 0 0 0 169207.36104314 0 0 0 0.0251328988 0.3200183538 1380.77 9107920 1284000 21454.8649167636 21454.8649167636 8098.4175392011 11796.3966450216 0 14077.8855771036 3573.2792106017 23698.5143132811 0 0.5188641214 19.6% 28.5% 0.0% 34.0% 8.6% 57.3% 0.0% 41349.6791009864 8323.2376779665 13865384.864304 1088929.153368 122000 83641
Iceland 311566 0.06584 0 1.42 n/a 4836.174 0.8165454758 n/a n/a n/a 0.0019499349 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20513.50544 9.14 3948.956 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 1.72 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 202480.933032 165334.889808 14 188
Ireland 4356930 0.38059 2772.529 2828.529 4832.0418161879 15088.82 0.0315161822 434.0418161879 95.5136305532 0.0996210213 0.0337714783 5.6783101863 0.0151900371 0.021195483 0.0898257575 0.0063300928 0.2008521446 0 0.1818973589 0 0 38.3693045564 21.5827338129 0 198.8022778186 64.65 0 0 110.6375 0 0 0 0 0 0 1658203.9887 1924.1391295238 475.542 3998.964684 505.150885 0 0 424.3267434 424.3267434 912.8651999 0 0 0 0 30 509.1735775 122.2016586 0 0 0 1070.9198762 0 0 0 0.0057902384 0.1837227109 78.95106 56000 24740 59.9520383693 59.9520383693 263.4522778186 110.6375 0 0 309.4397778186 103.0193045564 21.5827338129 0.1381250288 60.7% 25.5% 0.0% 0.0% 71.3% 23.7% 5.0% 434.0418161879 87.3678654068 631738.71576 19909.992456 4485 4398
Italy 59375288 0.3164 8124 13071 n/a 179598.604 0.0670098527 n/a n/a n/a 0.3086817152 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18786341.1232 3970 12034.876 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 1050 5799000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 7519434.352272 503876.188368 31352 41810
Latvia 2276100 0.3228 14320.9 11879.08 11431.7770718819 4669.844 0.3013239843 6860.7770718819 1385.2925788632 3.0142687368 3.587872623 15.816528272 0.203331775 0.3855602016 0.6001496555 0.2966464359 0.9844766809 0 0.0022242722 1197.7 0 3080 302.4004796163 1191.0126526919 4.89141 323.1156383405 719.6240349832 42.03285625 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 734725.08 3014.164113551 1407.136 57999.4296918464 38113.7918803261 230.0275275971 247.725994004 13904.6903127472 4249.6505205829 477.468189339 0 0 0 0 12.51 237.8044276356 118.9022138178 0 0 0 265.4163779967 141.4422478 0 0 0.2957270753 0.9814256106 15.260236 2636100 36000 4580.1004796163 4580.1004796163 2238.6437360156 42.03285625 0 2430.7455089419 4.89141 3403.1156383405 1022.0245145995 0.6675775108 32.6% 0.6% 0.0% 35.4% 0.1% 49.6% 14.9% 6860.7770718819 1380.999308008 195517.028592 58913.970048 25280 4571
Liechtenstein 35341 0.85693 38 30 40.1007194245 112.4086844368 0.0303156168 14.1007194245 2.8377636417 0.3989903915 0.4292587644 n/a n/a 0.4700239808 0.3516325798 0.025245057 0.832740996 0 0.0049642857 7.0503597122 0 0 7.0503597122 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30284.76313 0.09 3.4077386071 118.811488152 118.811488152 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0252500103 0.832904387 0.07 13000 0 14.1007194245 14.1007194245 0 0 0 7.0503597122 0 0 7.0503597122 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 14.1007194245 2.8383204357 4706.3268 142.6752 26
Lithuania 3375618 0.33016 6195 4878.18 8831.4988009592 9452.75 0.1019324535 3376.4988009592 286.5110520656 1.0002609303 1.2118413853 34.3640779259 0.0170747129 0.1233899662 0.3823245496 0.0718999487 0.7053685676 0 0.0280533196 601.9184652278 0 0 0 1645.0839328537 0 1043.1654676259 0 0 0 86.3309352518 0 0 0 0 0 1114494.03888 3120.9119047619 963.542 11995.644727884 1381.8503489352 0 758.332508562 3707.403375192 3707.5246114044 2410.5279212214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30.005962569 0 0 0 0.0718999487 0.7053685676 94.722 1350590 116000 601.9184652278 601.9184652278 2688.2494004796 86.3309352518 0 2247.0023980815 0 1129.4964028777 0 0.1782670455 79.6% 2.6% 0.0% 66.5% 0.0% 33.5% 0.0% 3376.4988009592 679.6522403745 395767.737 40341.576456 10870 5455
Luxembourg 479993 0.14814 268 380 1479.0622241775 4208.341 0.0304818455 359.0622241775 72.2697252889 0.7480572095 0.2823946497 n/a n/a 0.5650637385 0.2427634337 0.0171729727 0.56338363 0 0.0724108476 0 0 213.2398081535 1.48441247 8.654676259 134.273381295 1.409946 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71106.16302 2074 128.278 3025.7888583945 0 0 1809.248409716 1204.2999158754 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.2405328031 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0171742961 0.5634270449 26 20080 0 214.7242206235 214.7242206235 144.338003554 0 0 8.654676259 134.273381295 214.6497541535 1.48441247 0.5980139546 40.2% 0.0% 0.0% 2.4% 37.4% 59.8% 0.4% 359.0622241775 72.2752944638 176194.820988 5370.743304 650 1120
Netherlands 16381696 0.17139 1222.06 997.96 16834.8714869945 79349.595 0.0302317107 3236.8714869946 666.5670754036 0.1975907432 0.0931737121 40.8993061524 0.0973682056 0.5189922234 0.1922718263 0.0084003841 0.2778666472 0 0.5411398034 194.734647065 0 240.5901365864 82.6086956522 1789.9917672818 304.347826087 270 124.727826087 196.4705882353 0 0 33.4 0 0 0 0 2807658.87744 4564.0085714286 2398.874 27907.830313 1616.482832 3030.90531 0 1515.452655 4344.297611 0 0 0 0 0 1350 13645.851877 40.7338862 0 0 0 2364.1061418 0 0 0 0.0082110916 0.2716052576 1751.6 261600 670000 517.9334793035 517.9334793035 2489.0674194557 229.8705882353 0 2181.1970025821 304.347826087 510.5901365864 240.7365217391 0.1600105168 76.9% 7.1% 0.0% 67.4% 9.4% 15.8% 7.4% 3236.8714869946 651.5467908104 3322208.84346 100436.056632 2239 13598
Norway 4709152 0.20589 10514 12321 11358.652705036 27545.596 0.4650058398 2794.652705036 584.2421203807 0.5934513698 2.5145237331 6.1582212679 0.1199903198 0.1993048853 0.2460373407 0.0212100011 0.0456123327 0 0.1202403431 0 0 2455.6354916067 0 0 0 68.034 0 0 0 0 0 270.9832134293 0 0 0 969567.30528 6175.0333333333 12808.863 24461.0490961 20690.9802496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 590.6413499 896.1454964 0 0 0 0 0 0 2283.2820002 0.0204218849 0.0439174806 336.03 2438000 29000 2455.6354916067 2455.6354916067 68.034 0 270.9832134293 270.9832134293 0 2523.6694916067 0 0.8786907537 2.4% 0.0% 9.7% 9.7% 0.0% 90.3% 0.0% 2794.652705036 562.5329917211 1153279.013328 536281.476084 23256 8564
Poland 38120560 0.39042 35934.56 37639.03 n/a 96823.686 0.0498177481 n/a n/a n/a 0.2301688717 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14883029.0352 8012.14 4823.538 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 239.58 3425610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 4053814.085448 201951.888984 67595 32047
Romania 21546873 0.42533 15341 15573.05 n/a 39697.939 0.1244406668 n/a n/a n/a 0.409840918 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9164531.49309 1961.6 4940.038 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 35 3756000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 1662073.310052 206829.510984 27334 7175
Russian Federation 142114903 0.26833 207000 158024 103692.381294964 672590.682 0.028846711 38273.381294964 7763.1781711665 0.2693129326 1.1748141274 n/a n/a 0.20905667 0.3691050472 0.011542203 0.4001219754 0.1435885315 0.0003326594 0 0 33035.9712230216 0 0 5237.4100719424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38133691.92199 32297.488 19402.029 325028.7436704 0 0 278358.3436704 0 0 0 0 46670.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0114542363 0.3970725232 12.732 44800000 0 33035.9712230216 33035.9712230216 5237.4100719424 0 0 0 5237.4100719424 33035.9712230216 0 0.8631578947 13.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 13.7% 86.3% 0.0% 38273.381294964 7704.0126110633 28160026.673976 812324.150172 848841 65419
Serbia 7381579 0.43939 7125 7138 9662.8045564296 16642.753 0.1001612534 6228.8045564296 1202.0818261142 0.8438309143 1.7056217705 0.1368270935 1.2826953869 0.839136729 0.6446166349 0.0722285445 0.7211226108 0 0.0063115578 15 7.1942446043 5814.0865087365 153.4772182254 2.3980815348 16.7865707434 25.038 184.3864325853 0 0 10.4375 0 0 0 0 0 3243391.99681 1014.7080666667 1666.959 50328.76189575 46958.8262696 585.9750266 0 343.5026018 1353.8043718 19.84489565 0 0 0 0 90 61.1008293 814.677724 0 0 0 101.030177 0 0 0 0.0753355025 0.7521421702 39.31346 5532000 1010 5989.7579715662 5989.7579715662 228.6090848634 10.4375 0 17.3980815348 23.9808153477 5849.5620087364 337.8636508107 0.9616223976 3.7% 0.2% 0.0% 0.3% 0.4% 93.9% 5.4% 6228.8045564296 1253.7901599224 696798.782604 69792.239412 5232 3434
Slovak Republic 5397318 0.45033 8209 7089 10098.1938847655 17848.643 0.0544825172 3561.1938847655 742.1864789799 0.6598080537 0.1448217453 0.7411088248 0.07000509 0.1217138858 0.3526565171 0.0415822356 0.7632216303 0.4208857453 0.0063720204 230.7913669065 49.7841726619 562.3501199041 19.9040767386 69.4716834532 2122.7409363242 274.8776978417 12.0863309353 0 100.2 118.9875 0 0 0 0 0 2430574.21494 5744.0590476191 972.439 31073.86350193 6704.36254572 565.7689912 0 3538.885039956 3632.236923504 1250.22842595 0 13078.5462 0 0 60 122.2016586 0 0 0 0 2121.633717 0 0 0 0.0401615595 0.7371458144 22.692 352000 4000 862.829736211 862.829736211 2479.1766485545 219.1875 0 300.2630503597 2272.7251089861 956.2153177458 31.9904076739 0.24228665 69.6% 6.2% 0.0% 8.4% 63.8% 26.9% 0.9% 3561.1938847655 716.8293385744 747286.985124 40714.076052 12916 6537
Slovenia 2010323 0.50495 3159.01 2707.01 3147.5816520712 7319.578 0.1004721857 950.5816520712 238.5772295111 0.4728502097 0.6373677174 24.871625107 0.0002687579 0.2463880813 0.3020038103 0.0325943968 0.32441214 0 0.0746911113 1.95 0 665.025 0 16.6888784 224.2687736712 18.1 0 24.549 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1015112.59885 439.8357142857 735.414 9988.7514451712 22.0649906568 0 7525.0104674556 0 0 58.343993211 2127.5742914076 0 0 0 0 18.1347261362 0 0 0 0 237.622976304 0 0 0 0.0261410807 0.2601822632 71 647000 50000 666.975 666.975 259.0576520712 24.549 0 43.1878784 224.2687736712 683.125 0 0.7016493518 27.3% 2.6% 0.0% 4.5% 23.6% 71.9% 0.0% 950.5816520712 191.3416789325 306456.091704 30790.313352 8245 2197
Sweden 9148092 0.15318 78003.54568 81586.74568 93132.379763789 50059.598 0.305490128 45945.379763789 9506.2741179946 5.0224002736 4.229472621 180.3654794901 n/a 0.1791799013 0.4933341109 0.1898991302 0.6216211681 0.4026965143 0.0178821027 9640.2877697842 0 4546.7625899281 431.654676259 2931.9020383693 26370.1145371703 905.556 206.8646522782 912.2375 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1401304.73256 49490.9808 15292.713 398008.6847722 0 0 123175.9917984 0 0 0 71468.7472098 160276.71 0 0 0 34257.1982942 0 0 0 0 7577.263275 1252.7741948 0 0 0.1847458285 0.6047522048 821.6 5926780 1650000 14618.7050359712 14618.7050359712 30414.4372278178 912.2375 0 13484.4273081535 26370.1145371703 5452.3185899281 638.5193285372 0.3181757363 66.2% 2.0% 0.0% 29.3% 57.4% 11.9% 1.4% 45945.379763789 9248.3019044596 2095895.249064 640275.307884 92564 47187
Switzerland 7551116 0.26377 6491.251 5327.926 11092.8571428571 25765.341 0.1778563691 3714.8571428571 482.5042638416 0.4919613396 0.9106669188 16.9511367591 n/a 0.2774194115 0.3348873149 0.0290219357 0.163176252 0 0.0674646401 0.00 0.00 1,120.44 357.63 0.00 0.00 307.99 273.15 265.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 202.24 830.95 331.09 26.36 1991757.86732 2594.2118080139 4582.53 20201.4885185216 0 0 12540.3828437462 0 0 0 2050.710532746 0 0 0 982.35 2382.9323427 0 0 0 0 2245.1127993294 0 0 0 0.0290219357 0.163176252 250.6215 1813828 128000 1478.0700952381 1478.0700952381 581.1452380952 265 1390.6418095238 467.2380952381 830.9523809524 1759.5238095238 657.1428571429 0.3978807363 15.6% 7.1% 37.4% 12.6% 22.4% 47.4% 17.7% 3714.8571428571 747.760070016 1078743.296988 191861.36604 6944 7378
Turkey 70137756 0.30351 18319 20390 n/a 100005.025 0.0960137653 n/a n/a n/a 0.2291014743 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21287510.32356 3796 9601.859 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 364 4877000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 4187010.3867 402010.632612 27615
Ukraine 46329000 0.31213 16884.3 13660.45 n/a 137343.645 0.0125750849 n/a n/a n/a 0.6020273982 n/a n/a 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14460670.77 870.01 1727.108 n/a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a n/a 15.96 8705720 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n/a 5750303.72886 72310.557744 21325 8512
United Kingdom 60986648 0.20362 9118 8658.9074125 50550.4626196684 210967.834 0.0219264563 2274.4626196684 446.8615341658 0.0372944357 0.0246229269 4.2252855084 0.0194326526 0.0524298481 0.0449939032 0.0021181501 0.0966024809 0 0.2802094195 217.6772 0 236.308 0 1072.3917946684 0 530.46375 0 217.621875 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12418101.26576 13796.5171687133 4625.777 18709.1987124556 2982.6498301091 842.59167618 0 2038.2126641503 808.0666073162 0 0 0 0 0 1428 8503.19874425 0 0 0 0 2106.47919045 0 0 0 0.0021701148 0.098972437 637.3258504 305770 257686 453.9852 453.9852 1602.8555446684 217.621875 0 1507.6908696684 0 766.77175 0 0.1996010821 70.5% 9.6% 0.0% 66.3% 0.0% 33.7% 0.0% 2274.4626196684 457.8244229397 8832801.273912 193672.031436 20700 48276
United States 301621157 0.17714 444003 436301.24 789899.841185512 2337013.725 0.0466771298 365295.841185512 124427.385299529 1.2111081491 0.9488449538 3.1728543499 0.0644230933 0.1161936731 0.462458431 0.0314632527 0.6740614258 0.8915051086 0.0014399288 0 0 50695.4436450839 0 28559 265617.52 13379.7944072135 4113.0831332141 2814 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 53429171.75098 492273.891904762 109085.093 5209525.76772068 427157.002778478 0 0 0 0 90480.023430784 0 4644318.83523 0 0 26610 20959.9062814134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0314632527 0.6740614258 526 50696000 957000 50695.4436450839 50695.4436450839 311669.397540428 2931 0 31373 265734.52 64075.2380522975 4113.0831332141 0.1387791426 85.3% 0.8% 0.0% 8.6% 72.7% 17.5% 1.1% 365295.841185512 73530.0533175643 97846090.6383 4567174.673724 761000 424604
JWEE total 756513325 0.2 1210203 1168661 1679045 4390095 0.1 691526 216173 0.9 1.0 8.1 0.044596221 0.2 0.41 4.9% 81.5% 0.7342562011 0.0 18649 821 154742 1928 51571 365157 23888 6673 14355 353 4984 149 10249 28265 9714 26 161515879 1138223 265130 9050734 976488 119672 470113 63873 34283 169504 162309 6645557 0 0 38193 133540 19891 0 0 0 215687 1623 0 0 3.2% 52.5% 6871 161165581 6117074 176140 176140.2 447289.2 19841.5 48254.7 94824.8 394596.3 193328.5 8775.9 25.5% 64.7% 2.9% 7.0% 13.7% 57.1% 28.0% 1.3% 691525.5 139196.5 183804497 11100444 2581215 987519
JWEE 13 257776554 0.2 339188.00768 356656.9680925 506,447.02 1015174.782 0.1 196652.016828995 44289.6626365695 0.8 1.0 15.9 0.1232833972 0.2 0.39 4.4% 50.4% 0.2156442596 0.0 16647.4144986345 821.4301549939 67690.4048473368 1535.4542381224 18385.9956721381 64000.5515686007 8259.9528260947 1715.5562144532 10955.3056215116 236.2125 4897.4754843594 115.6213932252 202.2380952381 830.9523809524 331.0938095238 26.3575238095 58871125.53635 194849.692732486 87927.419 1854319.59526789 508100.278923639 116411.216363546 190748.868205552 44745.4498364155 21981.682235629 76135.5227971758 162308.698617843 399873.3762 0 0 9890.693260762 92835.4226406802 19731.4731909515 0 0 0 210075.459717627 1481.4532780695 0 0 3.9% 45.0% 4287.9498704 58421771 4092074 86694.7037390876 86694.7 92362.1 16204.6 1390.6 46191.0 65889.1 81178.9 3393.0 44.1% 47.0% 8.2% 0.7% 23.5% 33.5% 41.3% 1.7% 196652.0 39583.9 42503337.772776 3681345.178692 490955 309795
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 279365316 0.2 360695.96768 374062.1880925 542106.202684077 1104551.03868444 0.1 209781.202684077 46558.6013812549 0.8 1.0 17.6 0.1249994527 0.2 0.39 4.2% 50.3% 0.2051352752 0.0 18648.8179706395 821.4301549939 70797.7551757698 1926.0293606331 23003.4293487065 64175.5174233927 9894.8239860612 2559.9080755234 11193.8090659969 236.2125 4983.8064196112 149.0213932252 202.2380952381 830.9523809524 331.0938095238 26.3575238095 63487182.13278 203474.867322227 92572.1007386071 1949315.52263038 549331.215473052 119672.149201143 189945.678298402 62668.6962634792 34283.1549786162 79023.5189077362 162308.698617843 399873.3762 0 0 11253.203260762 106706.838412513 19891.1092909693 0 0 0 212734.988199993 1622.8955258695 0 0 3.8% 45.6% 6123.6021064 62662981 4914074 92194.0326620362 92194.0 99633.7 16562.8 1390.6 53048.3 66064.1 86007.5 4661.3 43.9% 47.5% 7.9% 0.7% 25.3% 31.5% 41.0% 2.2% 209781.2 42226.7 46245342.88764 3875808.713724 528694 332325
JWEE 12 252379236 0.2 330979.00768 349567.9680925 496,348.82 997326.139 0.1 193090.822944229 43547.4761575896 0.8 1.0 16.2 0.1247229086 0.2 0.39 4.4% 50.1% 21.2% 2.2% 16416.623131728 771.645982332 67128.0547274328 1515.5501613838 18316.5239886849 61877.8106322765 7985.075128253 1703.469883518 10955.3056215116 136.0125 4778.4879843594 115.6213932252 202.2380952381 830.9523809524 331.0938095238 26.3575238095 56440551.32141 189105.633684867 86954.98 1823245.73176596 501395.916377919 115845.447372346 190748.868205552 41206.5647964595 18349.445312125 74885.2943712258 162308.698617843 386794.83 0 0 9830.693260762 92713.2209820802 19731.4731909515 0 0 0 207953.826000627 1481.4532780695 0 0 3.9% 44.7% 4265.2578704 58069771 4,088,074.00 85831.8740028766 85831.9 89882.9 15985.4 1390.6 45890.7 63616.4 80222.7 3361.0 44.5% 46.5% 8.3% 0.7% 23.8% 32.9% 41.5% 1.7% 193090.8 38,867 41756050.787652 3640631.10264 478039 303258


2005 Population Rural Population Roundwood and Fuelwood removals from forest and outside forest (1000m3) Roundwood and Fuelwood supply from forest and outside forest including net trade (1000m3) Total primary energy supply, TPES (ktoe) Share of renewables (RES) in TPES Total wood energy generation (1000m3) Average wood energy consumption (m3/capita) Fuelwood consumption per rural inhabitant (m3/inhabitant) S1/Net Annual Increments Share of Total Roundwood supply directly used for energy purposes (%) Share of woody biomass in TPES (%) Share of woody biomass in RES (%) Res (ktoe) Total wood energy generation (ktoe) Direct mobilisation of woody biomass for energy production from forests available for wood supply (m3/ha) Total woody biomass used for energy per ha of Forest available for wood supply (m3/ha) Total Fuelwood (1000 m3) Total S1 (1000 m3) FAWS (1000 ha) OWL (1000 ha) Net Annual Increments
Albania 3142065 0.48089 296.2 240.023 2206.3 31.5% n/a n/a 0.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1510987.63785 694.3 n/a n/a n/a 164.7 0 611.3 215.9 470.0
Armenia 3217500 0.35809 42.7 42.2 2505.0 6.1% n/a n/a 0.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1152154.575 153.5 n/a n/a n/a 38.7 0 283 360.0
Austria 8227828 0.32447 16471 24471 33761.3 21.0% 14443.0 1.8 1.5 31.3% 28% 9% 41% 2669683.35116 7085.2 2907.2 2.1 4.3 3892 6929.323 3343 0 25136.0
Belarus 9795287 0.25305 8696 7254.954 26873.1 4.2% n/a n/a 0.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2478697.37535 1133.5 n/a n/a n/a 1265.954 0 6376.3 50 22809.0
Belgium 10478617 0.02589 4950 7044 58684.7 2.0% n/a n/a 2.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 271291.39413 1156.1 n/a n/a n/a 635 0 667 0 5289.0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3915238 0.51379 3806 3414.124 5042.1 13.9% n/a n/a 0.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2011610.13202 699.6 n/a n/a n/a 1072.346 0 1252 0
Bulgaria 7739900 0.28542 5861.67 5353.397 19945.6 5.5% n/a n/a 1.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2209122.258 1098.1 n/a n/a n/a 2555.04 0 2561 0 14120.0
Canada 32245209 0.19418 203121 203534.156 272197.6 15.9% 47810.0 1.5 0.4 n/a n/a 4% 22% 6261374.68362 43411.2 9623.6 n/a 0.2 2605.156 0 310134 0 442030.0
Cyprus 757794 0.2968 9.656 10.149 2220.1 2.4% n/a n/a 0.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 224913.2592 53.7 n/a n/a n/a 4.182 0 43.2 0 40.0
Czech Republic 10235828 0.26459 15510 13456 44940.9 4.0% 7939.0 0.8 0.4 25.2% 37% 4% 90% 2708297.73052 1785.2 1598.0 2.0 3.2 966 5036 2518 0 22669.0
Denmark 5419432 0.13134 2962.5 3433.959 18888.6 15.1% n/a n/a 2.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 711788.19888 2860.0 n/a n/a n/a 1548.95 0 385 0 5176.0
Estonia 1346097 0.30513 5500 5460.16 5164.3 11.4% n/a n/a 2.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 410734.57761 588.5 n/a n/a n/a 932.825 0 2074.1 92 11361.0
Finland 5246096 0.1491 52250.182 67708.447 34254.2 23.6% 32913.1 6.3 6.8 8.6% 10% 19% 82% 782192.9136 8081.5 6625.0 0.3 1.6 5309.608 6802.5293347627 20004 734 89587.0
France 62885822 0.14749 52498.739 50567.122 270627.9 5.8% 41265.1 0.7 2.6 38.6% 69% 3% 53% 9275029.88678 15565.9 8306.2 2.4 2.8 24141.112 34786.6197183099 14743 0 102456.0
Germany 82469422 0.26151 56946 53478 338258.0 4.9% 30270.6 0.37 0.30 12.1% 24% 0.018 0.364 21566578.54722 16727.2 6093.140 1.232 2.864 6387.000 13023.000 10568.000 0.000 122000.000
Iceland 296734 0.06584 0 0.604 3480.5 75.7% n/a n/a 0.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 19536.96656 2635.3 n/a n/a n/a 0.030 0.000 41.500 94.100 14.000
Ireland 4159096 0.38059 2648 2542.994 14436.9 2.5% n/a n/a 0.0 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1582910.34664 363.5 n/a n/a n/a 19.298 0 656.3 0 4485.0
Italy 58607043 0.3164 8690.855 14295.779 183872.9 6.3% n/a n/a 0.4 n/a n/a n/a n/a 18543268.4052 11625.2 n/a n/a n/a 6537.542 0 7741 616.7 31352.0
Latvia 2300512 0.3228 12842.6 9663.651 4416.0 33.4% n/a n/a 0.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a 742605.2736 1476.0 n/a n/a n/a 607.757 0 3088.3 112 25280.0
Liechtenstein 34716 0.85693 22.167 22.167 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 0.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 29749.18188 0.0 n/a n/a n/a 4.167 0 4 0
Lithuania 3414304 0.33016 6045 5158.987 8842.1 10.0% 3208.6 0.9 1.0 15.5% 29% 7% 73% 1127266.60864 880.9 645.9 0.8 1.7 1116.307 1484.2 1835 0 10870.0
Luxembourg 465158 0.14814 248.95 311.463 4388.1 1.7% n/a n/a 0.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 68908.50612 72.7 n/a n/a n/a 20.08 0 86.1 0 650.0
Netherlands 16319868 0.17139 1110 938.795 78823.9 2.7% 1962.0 0.1 0.1 15.9% 33% 1% 18% 2797062.17652 2153.5 394.9 1.1 6.7 263.695 312.5 295 0 2239.0
Norway 4623291 0.20589 9667.179 12398.112 26759.3 48.5% 5772.8 1.2 1.4 15.3% 25% 4% 9% 951889.38399 12972.9 1162.0 0.5 0.9 1287.305 3128 6291 0 23256.0
Poland 38165445 0.39042 31944.5 33386.1 92376.7 4.9% n/a n/a 0.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 14900553.0369 4484.4 n/a n/a n/a 3404.2 0 8417 0 67595.0
Romania 21634370 0.42533 14501 14678.037 38652.9 13.0% n/a n/a 0.3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 9201746.5921 5025.4 n/a n/a n/a 2891.04 0 0 0 27334.0
Russian Federation 143953092 0.26833 185000 137430 651711.6 2.9% n/a n/a 1.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 38626933.17636 18695.1 n/a n/a n/a 46720 0 690978.2 2882 848841.0
Serbia 7440768 0.43939 3170 2786 16051.0 11.4% n/a n/a 0.6 n/a n/a n/a n/a 3269399.05152 1837.1 n/a n/a n/a 1856 0 1534 0 5232.0
Slovak Republic 5387001 0.45033 9302 7591.531 18830.5 4.3% n/a n/a 0.1 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2425928.16033 808.5 n/a n/a n/a 178 0 1751.2 0 12916.0
Slovenia 2000474 0.50495 2732.822 2719.322 7292.6 10.6% 2213.6 1.1 0.8 21.9% 59% 6% 58% 1010139.3463 773.8 445.6 1.4 1.9 837.53 1591.162 1166 44 8245.0
Sweden 9029572 0.15318 98200 103923.081 51569.0 28.7% 39377.1 4.4 4.4 8.5% 7% 15% 53% 1383149.83896 14825.2 7926.2 0.3 1.9 6032 6923.1539657854 20632 0 92564.0
Switzerland 7437115 0.26377 5284.639 4042.528 25946.6 16.0% 3784.8 0.5 0.6 31.7% 48% 3% 18% 1961687.82355 4156.6 761.8 1.6 3.2 1218.646 1934.8 1178 0 6944.0
Turkey 72064992 0.30351 16185 18478.907 84379.1 12.0% 10800.0 0.1 0.2 n/a n/a 3% 21% 21872445.72192 10129.9 2173.9 n/a 1.2 5318.991 0 8665 0
Ukraine 46924816 0.31213 14606.3 12106.371 142887.2 0.9% n/a n/a 0.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a 14646642.81808 1328.0 n/a n/a n/a 7864.34 0 5307 0 21325.0
United Kingdom 60224306 0.20362 8519 8285.183 222366.3 1.8% 1562.1 0.0 0.0 3.2% 7% 0% 8% 12262873.18772 3959.9 314.4 0.2 0.7 126.025 580.1 2375 0 20700.0
United States 295895897 0.17714 467347.35 461163.501 2318861.1 4.5% n/a n/a 0.8 n/a n/a n/a n/a 52414999.19458 105186.4 n/a n/a n/a 43953.429 0 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 761000.0
JWEE total 600255032 20% 995702.911 1011844.234 3734500.894 6.4% 232521.833182847 0.4 0.0 5.4% 8% 1% 20% 117172224.67316 237565.496 46804.1 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 98135.813 82531.3880188579 ERROR:#N/A ERROR:#N/A 1729696
JWEE 16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ERROR:#VALUE! n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
JWEE 15 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ERROR:#VALUE! n/a n/a n/a ERROR:#VALUE! n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
JWEE 12 250343451 0.223922239 298978.988 320845.289 1021171.964 0.0719784224 165829.393182847 0.6624075546 0.0008891497 0.1725103829 0.2261859236 0.0326875809 0.4541302774 56057466.05877 73502.347 33379.6412321095 0.9507666591 2.150651088 49843.481 72570.6880188579 76328.6 778 478039
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 272113926 21% 325234.561 347146.577 1143442.174 7.8% 184,711.83 0.7 0.0 17.8% 24% 3% 42% 58495850.79496 88967.924 37180.5 1.0 2.2 51577.228 82531.3880188579 84948 778 526666

External 2017 data

Autor: UN Population Division 2020, World Population Prospects 2019n, File POP/1-1: Total population (both sexes combined) by region, subregion and country, annually for 1950-2100 (thousands)
Rural Population
Autor: UN Population Division 2020, World Urbanization Prospects: The 2014 Revision, File 20: Annual Rural Population at Mid-Year by Major Area, Region and Country, 1950-2050 (thousands)
Rural Population (share) TPES in TJ
Autor: IEA 2019, Extended Energy Balances, Total primary energy supply
Autor: IEA 2019, Extended Energy Balances, Memo: Renewables
conv: ktoe/TJ TPES in ktoe RES in ktoe RES in TPES (share) Net Annaul Increment in 1000 m3 SWE in 1000 m3 SWE
Albania 2,884,169 1,308,750 0.45 98,553 27,038 0.02 2,354 646 0.27 470 1471 Albania 1470.687
Armenia 2,944,789 1,123,366 0.38 133,468 13,740 0.02 3,188 328 0.10 360 1753 Armenia 1752.5575
Austria 8,819,902 2,921,577 0.33 1,401,992 406,894 0.02 33,486 9,718 0.29 25136 22898 Austria 22898.158
Azerbaijan 9,845,316 4,389,902 0.45 600,267 9,403 0.02 14,337 225 0.02 2003 Azerbaijan 2002.927
Belarus 9,450,233 2,070,335 0.22 1,068,190 63,680 0.02 25,513 1,521 0.06 29975 17825 Belarus 17825.277
Belgium 11,419,752 232,562 0.02 2,313,287 169,143 0.02 55,252 4,040 0.07 5289 8016 Belgium 8016.4445
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,351,534 2,279,787 0.68 282,964 33,836 0.02 6,758 808 0.12 2746 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2745.705
Bulgaria 7,102,452 1,779,383 0.25 784,812 77,889 0.02 18,745 1,860 0.10 14677 5196 Bulgaria 5196.1545
Canada 36,732,091 6,516,445 0.18 12,102,468 2,095,825 0.02 289,062 50,058 0.17 442030 59932 Canada 59931.5255
Croatia 4,182,847 1,706,522 0.41 366,255 79,312 0.02 8,748 1,894 0.22 9991 2207 Commonwealth of Independent States 134189.009
Cyprus 1,179,685 394,500 0.33 92,870 6,968 0.02 2,218 166 0.08 38 195 Croatia 2207.3585
Czech Republic 10,641,032 2,929,652 0.28 1,814,081 184,019 0.02 43,329 4,395 0.10 23086 8736 Cyprus 195.2735
Denmark 5,732,277 683,907 0.12 712,055 240,430 0.02 17,007 5,743 0.34 5796 6209 Czech Republic 8736.3675
Estonia 1,319,389 414,727 0.31 238,944 44,475 0.02 5,707 1,062 0.19 11201 7441 Denmark 6209.141
Finland 5,511,372 851,924 0.15 1,393,233 469,994 0.02 33,277 11,226 0.34 91038 40453 EFTA 14145.744
France 64,842,513 13,143,055 0.20 10,344,992 1,017,284 0.02 247,086 24,297 0.10 94367 53388 Estonia 7441.008
Georgia 4,008,723 1,961,357 0.49 201,290 49,553 0.02 4,808 1,184 0.25 951 EU/EFTA 488684.821
Germany 82,658,409 19,988,713 0.24 13,031,211 1,743,285 0.02 311,245 41,638 0.13 107000 86027 Europe 542935.873
Hungary 9,729,822 2,752,277 0.28 1,115,745 123,084 0.02 26,649 2,940 0.11 11099 6579 European Union 479806.595
Iceland 334,395 19,534 0.06 229,046 201,321 0.02 5,471 4,808 0.88 15.6 124 Finland 40453.044
Ireland 4,753,281 1,744,814 0.37 571,018 55,213 0.02 13,639 1,319 0.10 5356 1589 France 53388.124
Italy 60,673,694 18,824,961 0.31 6,424,447 1,095,715 0.02 153,445 26,171 0.17 32543 40247 Georgia 951.158
Kazachstan 18,080,023 7,989,659 0.44 3,558,263 44,682 0.02 84,988 1,067 0.01 2430 Germany 86027.262
Latvia 1,951,097 655,898 0.34 184,215 80,979 0.02 4,400 1,934 0.44 25280 5319 Greece 2923.958
Liechtenstein 37,805 32,566 0.86 0.02 0 0 4 Hungary 6578.75
Lithuania 2,845,419 996,165 0.35 315,882 65,427 0.02 7,545 1,563 0.21 10750 5527 Iceland 123.656
Luxembourg 591,914 51,831 0.09 158,039 11,500 0.02 3,775 275 0.07 650 381 Ireland 1588.9895
Montenegro 627,563 220,970 0.35 42,625 11,610 0.02 1,018 277 0.27 1394 860 Israel 1887.365
Netherlands 17,021,343 1,434,489 0.08 3,106,716 171,312 0.02 74,203 4,092 0.06 2250 8463 Italy 40247.3005
North Macedonia 2,081,996 900,142 0.43 114,006 14,479 0.02 2,723 346 0.13 1624 978 Kazachstan 2429.8615
Norway 5,296,324 997,986 0.19 1,255,398 590,543 0.02 29,985 14,105 0.47 21878 8911 Kyrgyzstan 558.1
Poland 37,953,176 15,076,574 0.40 4,347,775 371,114 0.02 103,845 8,864 0.09 67595 35912 Latvia 5319.2335
Portugal 10,288,527 3,757,994 0.37 953,314 202,302 0.02 22,770 4,832 0.21 18870 10177 Liechtenstein 3.68
Republic of Moldova 4,059,687 1,857,633 0.46 161,196 32,956 0.02 3,850 787 0.20 27334 1718 Lithuania 5527.403
Romania 19,653,966 9,663,435 0.49 1,395,501 252,902 0.02 33,331 6,040 0.18 16274 Luxembourg 381.471
Russian Federation 145,530,091 36,463,707 0.25 30,654,064 785,607 0.02 732,160 18,764 0.03 852927 83806 Malta 71.3685
Serbia 8,829,623 4,122,584 0.47 653,525 78,877 0.02 15,609 1,884 0.12 5232 8104 Montenegro 859.7805
Slovak Republic 5,447,903 2,548,195 0.47 728,499 66,649 0.02 17,400 1,592 0.09 13193 5599 Netherlands 8462.975
Slovenia 2,076,395 1,050,654 0.51 289,186 45,178 0.02 6,907 1,079 0.16 9165 3236 North America 499766.71
Sweden 9,904,895 1,364,656 0.14 2,058,801 811,115 0.02 49,174 19,373 0.39 96486 50507 North Macedonia 977.912
Switzerland 8,455,797 2,177,862 0.26 991,343 209,306 0.02 23,678 4,999 0.21 6232 5107 Norway 8911.2675
Turkey 81,116,451 20,055,180 0.25 6,146,099 742,675 0.02 146,797 17,738 0.12 32939 Other C.I.S. 18044.3885
Ukraine 44,487,708 13,156,907 0.30 3,745,616 163,444 0.02 89,463 3,904 0.04 20935 14513 Other Europe 142313.659
United Kingdom 66,727,463 10,927,278 0.16 7,363,871 714,870 0.02 175,883 17,074 0.10 20700 27897 Other european countries 3798.6655
United States 325,084,758 59,579,343 0.18 90,235,182 6,801,457 0.02 2,155,230 162,450 0.08 761000 439835 Poland 35911.6175
Portugal 10176.8985
JWEE total 810,138,548 180,621,829 0.22 161,312,800 17,314,674 0.02 3,852,890 413,554 0.11 1,842,232 927,579 Republic of Moldova 1717.6935
JWEE 12 264,351,249 58,739,448 0.22 38,350,081 5,570,484 0.02 915,976 133,049 0.15 461,400 299,783 Romania 16273.9475
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 378,447,723 92,047,398 0.24 53,245,781 8,116,833 0.02 1,271,754 193,867 0.15 586,668 391,542 Russian Federation 83806.2765
*Using 2005 and 2010 data from external data of analysis 2013. Serbia 8103.61
Slovak Republic 5598.955
JWEE total Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, North Macedonia, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States Slovenia 3236.0935
JWEE 12 Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom Spain 18335.2905
Europe excl. Russia Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom Sweden 50507.062
Switzerland 5107.187
Tajikistan 4574.12
Turkey 32938.506
Turkmenistan 527.811
Ukraine 14513.118
United Kingdom 27897.0175
United States 439835.185
Uzbekistan 3529.5325

External 2015 data

Population Rural Population Rural Population (share) TPES in TJ RES in TJ conv: ktoe/TJ TPES in ktoe RES in ktoe RES in TPES (share) Net Annaul Increment in 1000 m3 SWE in 1000 m3 SWE
Albania 2,923,352 1,361,679 0.47 91,677 31,548 0.02 2,190 754 0.34 470 1570 394.2246 Albania 1569.9975
Armenia 2,916,950 1,115,876 0.38 128,429 15,922 0.02 3,067 380 0.12 360 1659 178.225 Austria 21583.057
Austria 8,678,657 2,912,360 0.34 1,373,011 404,102 0.02 32,794 9,652 0.29 25136 21583 20225.8455 Belarus 13144.34
Azerbaijan 9,617,484 4,362,213 0.45 601,049 10,892 0.02 14,356 260 0.02 1393 1534.3844 Belgium 7994.301
Belarus 9,485,772 2,160,568 0.23 1,057,868 57,682 0.02 25,267 1,378 0.05 29975 13144 4266.88 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2032.668
Belgium 11,287,940 239,533 0.02 2,230,270 152,096 0.02 53,269 3,633 0.07 5289 7994 14020.2259 Bulgaria 4550.594
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3,535,961 2,300,713 0.65 336,287 83,788 0.02 8,032 2,001 0.25 2033 713.451 Croatia 2202.897
Bulgaria 7,177,396 1,853,000 0.26 779,038 83,284 0.02 18,607 1,989 0.11 14677 4551 2649.8954 Cyprus 122.9575
Canada 35,949,709 6,518,663 0.18 11,312,390 2,047,439 0.02 270,192 48,902 0.18 442030 64711 100011.2908 Czech Republic 9244.149
Croatia 4,236,016 1,746,216 0.41 351,586 82,069 0.02 8,397 1,960 0.23 9991 2203 2256.9895 Denmark 6122.1085
Cyprus 1,160,985 385,265 0.33 84,335 6,132 0.02 2,014 146 0.07 38 123 238.5716 Estonia 5775.1045
Czech Republic 10,603,762 2,910,655 0.27 1,764,645 179,147 0.02 42,148 4,279 0.10 23086 9244 8469.404 Finland 39849.352
Denmark 5,688,695 697,731 0.12 673,913 199,348 0.02 16,096 4,761 0.30 5796 6122 6369.8621 France 52508.29
Estonia 1,315,321 415,593 0.32 227,086 37,906 0.02 5,424 905 0.17 11201 5775 7180.041 Georgia 887.603
Finland 5,481,966 861,607 0.16 1,360,137 439,107 0.02 32,486 10,488 0.32 91038 39849 30844.9249 Germany 73981.972
France 64,457,201 13,308,464 0.21 10,320,707 913,258 0.02 246,506 21,813 0.09 94367 52508 62179.202 Greece 2923.958
Georgia 3,951,524 1,995,548 0.51 193,908 47,883 0.02 4,631 1,144 0.25 888 545.332 Hungary 6227.9345
Germany 81,707,789 20,391,913 0.25 12,886,750 1,605,702 0.02 307,795 38,352 0.12 107000 73982 87862.4198 Iceland 144.795
Hungary 9,783,925 2,851,842 0.29 1,055,463 126,190 0.02 25,209 3,014 0.12 11099 6228 3104.3003 Ireland 1611.612
Iceland 330,243 19,741 0.06 233,748 206,418 0.02 5,583 4,930 0.88 15.6 145 205.8997 Italy 40375.438
Ireland 4,700,107 1,737,531 0.37 555,313 44,810 0.02 13,263 1,070 0.08 5356 1612 2506.7886 Latvia 3790.731
Italy 59,504,212 18,976,152 0.32 6,389,256 1,099,713 0.02 152,605 26,266 0.17 32543 40375 31519.8912 Liechtenstein 3.7
Kazachstan 17,749,648 7,840,762 0.44 3,269,587 37,261 0.02 78,093 890 0.01 2430 Lithuania 4924.026
Latvia 1,992,663 662,579 0.33 178,470 64,344 0.02 4,263 1,537 0.36 25280 3791 4670.179 Luxembourg 410.9255
Liechtenstein 37,403 32,108 0.86 0.02 0 0 4 0 Malta 55.2725
Lithuania 2,931,926 1,004,416 0.34 302,368 59,335 0.02 7,222 1,417 0.20 10750 4924 5118.2938 Montenegro 809.451
Luxembourg 566,741 53,458 0.09 155,961 8,567 0.02 3,725 205 0.05 650 411 1434.0301 Netherlands 7565.6
Montenegro 628,178 223,599 0.36 42,302 12,933 0.02 1,010 309 0.31 1394 809 2.9158 Norway 8127.829
Netherlands 16,938,499 1,600,924 0.09 3,091,163 152,624 0.02 73,831 3,645 0.05 2250 7566 10791.28 Poland 32779.851
Norway 5,199,836 1,004,221 0.19 1,239,979 561,988 0.02 29,616 13,423 0.45 21878 8128 7410.8763 Portugal 9001.1935
Poland 38,265,226 15,082,630 0.39 3,974,477 376,252 0.02 94,929 8,987 0.09 67595 32780 36571.7124 Republic of Moldova 1686.9
Portugal 10,418,473 3,876,030 0.37 919,662 207,934 0.02 21,966 4,966 0.23 18870 9001 10796.6872 Romania 16260.8305
Republic of Moldova 4,065,980 1,890,424 0.46 141,582 14,562 0.02 3,382 348 0.10 27334 1687 407.2824 Russian Federation 80401.116
Romania 19,876,621 9,804,711 0.49 1,335,843 250,058 0.02 31,906 5,973 0.19 16261 9588.9832 Serbia 7797.44
Russian Federation 143,888,004 36,934,612 0.26 29,715,039 729,103 0.02 709,732 17,414 0.02 852927 80401 61424.5828 Slovak Republic 5152.514
Serbia 8,851,280 4,188,657 0.47 617,787 80,856 0.02 14,756 1,931 0.13 5232 7797 3050.439 Slovenia 3401.013
Slovak Republic 5,439,318 2,532,566 0.47 686,318 65,969 0.02 16,392 1,576 0.10 13193 5153 5077.8751 Spain 20289.343
Slovenia 2,074,788 1,046,826 0.50 275,130 44,242 0.02 6,571 1,057 0.16 9165 3401 2011.5289 Sweden 46861.5005
Sweden 9,763,565 1,375,071 0.14 1,902,926 803,548 0.02 45,451 19,192 0.42 96486 46862 38399.3274 Switzerland 5482.7215
Switzerland 8,319,769 2,149,288 0.26 1,027,161 228,656 0.02 24,533 5,461 0.22 6232 5483 6734.0767 North Macedonia 970.973
North Macedonia 2,079,308 904,795 0.44 112,137 17,647 0.02 2,678 421 0.16 1624 971 397.1413 Turkey 32834.535
Turkey 78,271,472 20,402,156 0.26 5,393,027 656,208 0.02 128,810 15,673 0.12 32835 36412.5499 Ukraine 12380.01
Ukraine 44,657,704 13,529,815 0.30 3,771,873 113,059 0.02 90,090 2,700 0.03 20935 12380 7610.094 United Kingdom 26084.3985
United Kingdom 65,397,080 11,113,712 0.17 7,567,610 617,117 0.02 180,749 14,740 0.08 20700 26084 38857.0403 Israel 1887.365
United States 319,929,162 59,766,644 0.19 91,618,826 6,156,601 0.02 2,188,278 147,048 0.07 761000 392831 365806.422 Europe 513312.195
Armenia 1658.8465
JWEE total 798,930,371 187,529,555 0.23 161,860,359 16,679,816 0.02 3,865,968 398,391 0.10 1,930,171 874,789 Azerbaijan 1392.658
JWEE 12 261,159,928 59,524,152 0.23 38,126,828 5,196,097 0.02 910,644 124,107 0.14 461,400 279,695 Kazachstan 2429.8615
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 429,482,492 114,886,487 0.27 58,134,186 8,417,001 0.02 1,388,511 201,037 0.14 727,141 414,967 Kyrgyzstan 508.6585
*Using 2005 and 2010 data from external data of analysis 2013. Tajikistan 990.099
Turkmenistan 527.811
Uzbekistan 3638.3545
Canada 64710.7665
JWEE total Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdoma and the United States United States 392830.7515
JWEE 12 Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. North America 457541.5285
Europe excl. Russia Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzland and the United Kingdom Commonwealth of Independent States 119646.9525
European Union 451650.7445
Other C.I.S. 13721.5015
Other european countries 3062.619
EFTA 13759.056
Other Europe 133783.332
EU/EFTA 460803.8835


Country Abbreviated country profile for publication
Albania2011 TPES and RES figures are based on IEA 2010 data.
Armenia2011 TPES and RES figures are based on IEA 2010 data.
Bosnia and Herzegovina2011 TPES and RES figures are based on IEA 2010 data.
Canada2011 Figures are Secretariat estimates.
Cyprus2011 TPES and RES figures are based on IEA 2010 data.
Czech Republic2011
Italy2011 Figures are Secretariat estimates.
Romania2011 1. Figures are Secretariat estimates. 2. TPES and RES figures are based on IEA 2010 data.
Ukraine2011 TPES and RES figures are based on IEA 2010 data.
United Kingdom2011
United States2011
JWEE total 2011 1. The category "JWEE total 2011" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2011. This includes Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland,Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, the United Kingdom and the United States. 2. The data for Canada, Italy and Romania is based on IEA 2010 estimates.
JWEE total 2009 1. The category "JWEE total 2009" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2009. This includes Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
JWEE total 2007 1. The category "JWEE total 2007" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2007. This includes Austria, Canada, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
JWEE total 2005 1. The category "JWEE total 2005" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2005. This includes Austria, Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
JWEE 13 1. The category "JWEE 13" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2007, 2009 and 2011. This includes Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2011 1. The category "JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2011" refers to the set of responding countries from the European Region providing sufficiently detailed data for 2011. This includes Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland,Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom. 2. The data for Italy and Romania is based on IEA 2010 estimates.
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2009 1. The category "JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2009" refers to the set of responding countries from the European Region providing sufficiently detailed data for 2009. This includes Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2007 1. The category "JWEE total 2007" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2007. This includes Austria, Canada, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.
Bosnia and Herzegovina2013
Czech Republic2013
Republic of Moldova2013
North Macedonia2013
United Kingdom2013
United States2013
JWEE total 2013 1. The category "JWEE total 2013" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2013. This includes Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the United States. 2. The data for Hungary is based on estimates made by the secretariat.
JWEE 122013 1. The category "JWEE 12" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013. This includes Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2013 1. The category "JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2013" refers to the set of responding countries from the European Region providing sufficiently detailed data for 2013. This includes Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 2. The data for Hungary is based on estimates made by the secretariat.
Ireland 2015 1. Consumption data derives from 2013 data submission.
JWEE total 2015 1. The category "JWEE total 2015" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2015. This includes Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. 2. Consumption data for Ireland is based on 2013 data.
JWEE 12 2015 1. The category "JWEE 12" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015. This includes Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 2. Consumption data for Ireland is based on 2013 data.
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2015 1. The category "JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2015" refers to the set of responding countries from the European Region providing sufficiently detailed data for 2015. This includes Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzland and the United Kingdom. 2. Consumption data for Ireland is based on 2013 data.
JWEE total 2017 1. The category "JWEE total 2017" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2017. This includes Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States.
JWEE 12 2017 1. The category "JWEE 12" refers to the set of responding countries providing sufficiently detailed data for 2007, 2009, 2011, 2015 and 2017. This includes Austria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2017 1. The category "JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation) 2017" refers to the set of responding countries from the European Region providing sufficiently detailed data for 2017. This includes Armenia, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

country names

data available between 2007-2017
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
North Macedonia
Republic of Moldova
Russian Federation
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
United States
JWEE Europe (excluding the Russian Federation)
JWEE total

JWEE 2017 - fact sheet of data and trends

Provides an analysis of the overall results of the 2017 Joint Wood Energy Enquiry including graphs detailing the sources and uses of wood energy.



This document is associated with the following:

Joint Wood Energy Enquiry | UNECE

Languages and translations

Where does wood energy come from?

Long-term trend of more efficient use of wood resource

Detailed data on energy wood sources show indirect wood supply now accounts for largest share

The UNECE/FAO Joint Wood Energy Enquiry (JWEE) 2017 was sent out to all UNECE member states. Overall 31

countries replied to the enquiry representing 54% of the countries in the UNECE region1. Although overall country

replies slightly decreased compared with 2015, the number of countries providing good quality data remained stable.

Wood energy supply

Final results reveal that wood energy accounts for 3.8% of the total primary energy supply (TPES) and 35.4% of the

renewable energy supply (RES) in the UNECE region, remaining the leading source of renewable energy. Woody

biomass covers 26.2 to 19.6% of the primary energy demands of Finland and Estonia and 19.3 to 17.3% of the primary

energy demands of Sweden and Lithuania. Woody biomass accounts for over half of the renewable energy supply in

Austria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine. Around

42.9% of the total mobilised woody biomass supply is used for energy purposes.

These are the main conclusions of the UNECE/FAO Joint Wood Energy Enquiry (JWEE), a biennial questionnaire that

aims to shed light on the real role of wood energy within the region by promoting cross-sectoral communication and

cooperation between the energy and forestry sectors in the member States. Now in its seventh round since 2005, the

JWEE has become a reference source of information on wood energy, drawing responses from an increasing number of


Sources of wood energy

Indirect sources including co-products and residues2 from the forest-based industries and processed wood-based fuels

contribute 50.9% of the wood fibres for energy generation. The source of wood fibre for wood pellets3) is 75.6% from

indirect sources, 23.2% from direct sources and 1.1% from post-consumer wood.

33.8% of the wood fibres for energy generation derive directly from woody biomass from forests and wooded areas

outside forests. The proportion varies among countries with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia,

Italy, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine relying heavily (60% or more) on direct supplies of wood fibres whereas

countries such as Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Cyprus, Finland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg,

Sweden and United Kingdom rely mainly (60% or more) on wood supply from indirect sources.

The United States (47.7%), Finland (42.4%), Sweden (40.0%) and Canada (31.6%) have large shares of energy

generated from black liquor reflecting the relative importance of the pulp and paper industries in the forest sector for the

generation of wood energy.

Overall, recovered post-consumer wood (mainly wood waste from construction, but also packaging and old furniture)

constitutes a minor category contributing 5.3% of wood energy. It is mainly consumed in power applications and waste

to energy plants. In general, however, data on recovered wood is difficult to obtain and often not discernible from

generic waste statistics. It is reported as a significant source of wood energy in Germany, Ireland, Netherlands and


1 Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia,

Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, North

Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States.

These are not necessarily the same reporting countries as in past years. 2 These co-products can be solid (sawdust, chips, slabs, etc.) or liquid (e.g. black liquor or tall oil). 3 Weighted average of available information in 2017 for Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Estonia,

France, Ireland, Netherlands, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Uses of wood energy

Wood energy is consumed in roughly equal measure by industry (39.3%) and other final consumers (40.3%). The

residential sector accounted for 89.3% of wood energy consumed by other final consumers. Wood energy consumption

in the power and heat sector accounted for 20.4%. The highest shares of wood energy use in the power and heat sector

were reported from Belarus, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Luxembourg and United Kingdom. The forest products

industry typically consumes energy generated from the solid and liquid co-products of its manufacturing processes.

Countries with important forest industries, such as Bosnia Herzegovina, Canada, Finland, Sweden and United States

therefore have a higher share of industrial consumption. Residential use, mainly dependent on primary solid biomass

sources, is most important in central Asian countries, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia and Serbia.

Main Trends4

Based on a subset of 12 countries that have responded to all rounds of the enquiry (JWEE12 - Austria, Cyprus, Finland,

France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) it was

possible to assess the development of the use of wood energy across all reporting years. The results from these countries

confirm the continuing predominant role of wood in renewables. Total wood energy consumption increased from 193

million m³ in 2007 to 265 million m³ in 2017. The role of wood in TPES increased from 4.4% in 2007 to 5.9% in 2013.

Since 2013 the share of wood energy in TPES remained constant at 6%. The share of wood in renewables (RES) was

43.0% in 2017 - a decline of 7.1 percentage points recorded between 2007 and 2017. This perhaps reflects the faster

rates of growth of other sources of renewable energy such as wind and solar and the overall growth of renewables.

A larger share of the wood supply is being mobilised for energy purposes as confirmed by the substantial increase in the

reported energy use of wood (38.9% in 2007 to 46.9% in 2017). Data reveals the tendency that member states

increasingly source wood energy from indirect sources and less wood directly from the forests (from 46.5% in 2007 to

53.2% in 2017). Also wood energy use in the industry and residential sector decreased while power and heat sector

consumed more wood for energy.

Consumption of wood pellets dramatically increased in 2017. In 2007 16.2 kg wood pellets were consumed per capita

while this figure increased to 55.2 kg in 2017. The leading consumer of wood pellets was the United Kingdom.

One of the biggest movers, in relative terms, is the United Kingdom where wood now accounts for 3.9% of TPES (up

from 0.1% in 2005). After a sharp increase of the share of wood energy in the RES between 2005 and 2011 (from 7.9%

to 27.4%), a slight decrease (1%) was recorded between 2011 and 2013. However, in 2015 the share almost doubled to

41.4%. In 2017 the share of wood energy in RES dropped to 40.4%.

Further Info:

Trends can best be seen at the national level using the country profiles available at

along with a complete database. For any additional comments or questions kindly contact:

Sebastian Glasenapp


UNECE/FAO Forestry and Timber Section

Palais des Nations

CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

E-mail: [email protected]


4 Trends are only indicative as technical factors such as conversion factors and structural changes in national and

international methodologies have an influence on results.