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Enhancing the Canadian Consumer Price Index

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Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Enhancing the Canadian Consumer Price Index

Challenges and lessons learned developing production processes for alternative data sources

Presented at the Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices, 2023-06-08

Serge Goussev [email protected]

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Objective of the presentation

✓Provide an update on Statistics Canada’s enhancements of the CPI

✓Share some challenges faced, and lessons learned from Statistics Canada’s journey of adopting alternative data for the CPI

✓Through the lens of business capabilities, discuss the data and application architecture we are in the process of developing to create a modern, modular, and scalable production processing platform


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Business context: Enhancement vision

➢ Increasingly adopting alternative data sources (ADS) for a more accurate and relevant Canadian Consumer Price Index.

➢ Utilize Machine Learning (ML) and advanced price index methods to process near universe set of products consumed in Canada.

➢ Develop dynamic processing systems to be more adaptable, scalable and easier to use.

➢ Produce experimental series and alternative data products to support insight on price trends in Canada.


Replace “Traditional

Data” with ADS

Improve coverage and


Develop capacity for data analytics

and new data products and


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada


•Target impactful components to improve the accuracy and relevance of the CPI

•Focus on structured data, simpler methods

•Trial complex methods and develop new skillsets


•Focus on supporting Canadians during COVID through novel outputs, e.g.:

•Move to annual basket updates

•Average Prices Table

•Adjusted Price Index

•Continue development of systems and advanced methods

•Begin planning for cloud


•Major investments into foundational data architecture on the cloud

•Transition key production processes to new environment

•Investment into Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) for efficiency and support future scale and build robustness and flexibility in ML adoption


•Expand investments into data infrastructure, build application infrastructure to support scale and flexibility

•As Statistics Canada’s Enterprise Architecture maturity expands, adopt processes and tools to support program and cloud maturity

•Gradually expand proportion of ADS in the CPI and develop advanced methods such as multilaterals

Enhancement steps


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Limitations and challenges faced during initial phases


• Scale of the data considerable (billions of rows, millions of unique products, dozens of terabytes). Acquisition leads to exponential increase of data volume

• High processing capacity key

• Infrastructure and powerful compute resources needed to support production

• Infrastructure and software for R&D even more pronounced

• Maintain experiment and provenance

• Horizontal access to data stores

• Minimization of copies for iterative processes

• Access to software and hardware for robust Data Science & Machine Learning stack

• Automation and orchestration tools


• Investing and upskilling staff, increasing technical skills

• Change management as data scale and approaches require adoption of new processes and tools

• Coordination within the program and agency for effective use of data

• Data governance framework to ensure accessibility control


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Principles of planned CPI architecture & how to mitigate these issues

Transparency in production and R&D


Focus on enabling the development of

reproducible pipelines for production or R&D

Ability to register models and datasets (including

appropriate use of metadata for discovery and


Version control of code and orchestration pipelines

Horizontal access to the data for research,

development, and analytics

‘Break down the data silos’

Provide analytical insight from all data sources

High processing capacity

Ability to process large data at scale, and scale down

upon run completion

Adoption of appropriate tools, open standards,


Access modern tools for R&D or production,

especially critical for Data Science work


Maintain access control for datasets throughout all environments and their

entire lifecycle, not just at source

Auditability of access


Elastic processing capacity

Cost transparency


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Raw file storage on network drive

Dataset quality monitoring

Unique method & data system

Unique method & data system

Unique method & data system

Unique method & data system

Unique method & data system

Data Access requests

Common data store and access (incl virtualization)

Expanded dataset quality monitoring (agency + SM specific)

Unique system

Unique system

Unique system

Unique system

Unique system

More robust Security and IM policies

❖ Siloed monolithic systems (data + method specific) ❖ Duplicated processes ❖ Added complication slows down adoption and lowers

transparency ❖ Need to reproduce what others have done

❖ Standardization where it makes sense ❖ Standardization of common tasks for greater

efficiency ❖ Flexible capabilities following a standard framework to

support multiple outputs ❖ Enable adaptability to change through modularity ❖ Enable lighter and faster R&D

Standardized platform


Common unique product validation system

Standardized classification

Flexible capability

Paradigm shift: from on-premises to cloud processing


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Standardized capabilities for price indices

Capability Short summary

Dataset Quality Assurance prior to use Each dataset received must be validated to make sure it can be used in production

Data standardization Standardize diverse product information into standard prices and weights

Product Linking/Grouping Related products need to be linked to align with product relaunch, or grouped when the granularity of data is lower than the homogeneity of a product

Creating new variables To support imputation and quality adjustment methods, detect product attributes/variables

Imputation Impute missing data, or perform more complex quality adjustment

Geography mapping Location of each banner needs to be mapped to geography class

Automated Classification (and MLOps processes)

Assignment of category code that is utilized within the aggregation taxonomy of the CPI. For Machine Learning (ML) methods, MLOps processes need to be developed to support robust ML use in production

Outlier/misclassification flagging Flag impactful and outlier records for manual validation (subsequent step)

Manual validation of classification Validation that impactful records for quality control of price indices

Custom sampling/filtering During production, only strata necessary for aggregation needs to be selected

Aggregation Aggregate and calculate price statistics as per the taxonomy structure of the NSO

Analysis Conduct analysis to understand and explain reason for price movements seen 8

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Designing agility through the lens of standard capabilities

Key takeaways: • Alternative data requires a separate pipeline from traditional field collection • A balance can be struck between IT and citizen development – the ‘rate of change' concept important in determining which capabilities can

be designed by citizen developers (programs that change frequently, from monthly to every several years). Stable long-term systems and the foundational architecture are appropriate to be built by IT (due to low likelihood of changing the whole system and considerable complexity)


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Key takeaways:

• Not all capabilities needed all at once – each retailer will need a different set of production pipelines to produce several outputs.

• Development of capabilities in a modular way allows interchangeability as methods need to evolve or to incorporate improvement in technology or tools

• Transparent development enables trust and partnership between statistical programs in the agency, allowing robust integration of one data source for multiple statistical outputs

Example pipeline

Corporate dataset A

Stra to cate or set

S dataset A

A to ated data standardi a on in es on into

data store

ew prod cts sent to

Classi er o tlier

detec on

eo apped

etailer ased linkin ro pin

Stra to cate or set

Stra to cate or set

A re a on


l lateral

an al record A

an al o t o sa ple ta in

an al o t o sa ple ta in

A re a on

e ilateral

A re a on

e a era e price

Dataset recei ed

e era es other s ste

S Ci en de eloped aintained

T aintained

e end

an al o t o sa ple ta in

Appl ta es

re a re a on

alida on sed or onitorin classi ca on and pda n as needed

Concordance to ta ono

Concordance to ta ono


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Connecting capabilities to data and application architecture

❖ Isolated analytical platform proved cumbersome and inefficient

✓ Planning foundational steps: build a platform with robust data layer, and enable modular development of citizen development. Platform should:

✓ Enable reproducible production pipelines

✓ Support iterative R&D through cloud SaaS tools (dataset registry, version control, orchestration, metadata standards, etc)

✓ Enable development that follows blueprints or best practices (composed within the NSO or program) to enable robust development and maintain maturity and discipline




E T eport paper


pera onal data store Anal cal data store

pera onal pass thro h

la or o od lar co ponents anal cal data store

pera onal data store and processin tools


Trans or a on o the data

Trans or a on o the data

Data A

eport paper



Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Key part of the Agency

Get support to develop modular platform and data architecture to achieve program needs

Contribute back to make StatCan data discoverable

Partner to build enhanced security processes: greater collaboration while maintaining privacy

Partner to develop virtualization to minimize data copies

Trial and bring in various analytical tools to support staff to do their work effectively

Build monitoring and risk management solutions

Maintain computing capacity without sacrificing cost

Statistics Canada is continuing to rapidly develop the agency’s IT maturity, with major investments aligned with a Target Enterprise Architecture and building on Data Mesh principles.

The CPI program, as a pivotal domain with the multi-domain agency ecosystem, both supporting other statistical programs and benefiting as others mature.


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Lessons learned and continued development

• Data architecture the foundation of a robust platform for multiple use

• Modularity of components enables reuse and interchangeability

• Facilitates coordination within the program and other programs (in alignment with agency architecture)

Benefits from a paradigm of "a platform of modular components"

• Standardization and balance between low rate of change capabilities with IT, citizen development for high rate of change capabilities

• Compliance with a robust architecture direction builds maturity and accelerates enhancements to the program. Lower levels of coordination builds technical debt and decelerates innovation

• Centralization of common resources, such as for data validation or annotation, accelerates R&D

• Classification to low level, concordance to higher level taxonomies allows us to standardize better and enhance analytic capacity

• Management of the whole data lifecycle facilitated with a standardized approach

Standardize components with a holistic picture in mind

• Adoption of open standards and solutions builds robust and reproducible production processes and build provenance in the whole platform

• Code version control, experiment tracking, orchestration pipelines, deployment processes

Enabling citizen development for R&D and production provenance

Analytics approached holistically provides data driven insights to explain movements

Change management and production processes necessary alongside infrastructure development

• Minimize copies and modification

• Adoption of proper metadata and dataset registry

Discoverability of datasets and methods


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Recent enhancements

• Statistics Canada has developed a rich set of tools and resources to help Canadians learn more about inflation and the CPI

• CPI Portal, data visualization tools, personal inflation calculator

• Statistics Canada continues to enhance the CPI program through the ongoing introduction of alternative data sources which better reflect the prices Canadians are paying for the goods and services they consume and in systems, processes and tools to continually enhance the datasets used to calculate the CPI

• Roughly 50% of the prices used to calculate the CPI come from alternative data sources, including retailer transaction data from the point of sale or scanner data, web scraping, application programming interface, and administrative data. The remaining 50% of prices are primarily collected online.

• Other recent CPI enhancements: • Annual CPI Basket Updates

• Adjusted Price index to account for shifting consumer spending patterns • Expansion of the monthly average retailer prices (18-10-0245-01)

• Measuring price change for used vehicles in the Canadian Consumer Price Index

• Measuring the price of digital computing equipment and devices in the Consumer Price Index • And many more!


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Thank You!

Questions, feedback, ideas?


[email protected]

Identifying and mitigating misclassification: A case study of the Machine Learning lifecycle in price indices with web-scraped clothing data, Canada

Languages and translations

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Identifying and mitigating misclassification: A case study of the Machine Learning lifecycle in price indices with

web-scraped clothing data

Authors: William Spackman, Greg DeVilliers, Christian Ritter, Serge Goussev

Presented by: Serge Goussev [email protected]

Presented at the Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices, 2023-06-08

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Research objective & problem statement

• Context: • NSOs shifting to Alternative Data Sources (ADS), scale leading to adoption of Machine Learning (ML) for


• Problem statement: misclassification is generally known to cause measurement error in statistics • Classification could impact price statistics if (a) enough product relatives that have a different movement affect

the distribution of correctly classified price relatives; or (b) if enough product relatives that should be in a category are absent from it, affecting the distribution of remaining relatives

• Misclassification may occur at one period, but could also build over time • Authors are unaware of a comprehensive discussion on the impacts of misclassification on price indices within

the context of applying ML on ADS

• Objective: Study misclassification on key aspects of consideration when applying ML for production a) Look at data labelling (or annotation) – as labelled datasets used for ML model training or validation of data in

production; b) Evaluate how misclassification could impact the elementary indices: the building blocks of the CPI; c) Evaluate ML model decay over time and how to mitigate it through model retraining; d) Evaluate outlier detection strategies to flag products for manual review in order to improve ML model



Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Research questions

• RQ1: How can human annotator consistency or inconsistency guide NSOs in designing labelling or validation processes?

• Experiment: 3 annotators independently label each unique product in dataset 1 (next slide). If there is any disagreement, a 4th sees all proposals and arbitrates the correct decision. Evaluate consistency between annotators, subjectivity in the annotation behaviour, and heterogeneity in the categories.

• RQ2: Can misclassification affect an elementary price index? • Experiment 1: Inject various levels of random misclassification into the data to see if an elementary prices index could be affected in

one reporting period;

• Experiment 2: Inject various levels of simulated misclassification (proxy of behaviour of real classifier) to see if a typical elementary index shows movement different than the correct value.

• RQ3: Does performance of ML classifiers decline due to dataset drift? • Experiment: Evaluate model decay and frequency of retraining appropriate to mitigate it

• RQ4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain classification performance? • Experiment 1: Evaluate confidence outlier method (likely impactful as it's an application of Active Learning) and compare it against

random flagging method;

• Experiment 2: Compare a method for flagging products in small categories, and a certain price range (trial various percentiles) as context for how many records are flagged and the level of F1 reached.


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Data and methods

• Data: One web-scraped dataset obtained from scraping seven Canadian Clothing and recreation retailers: • Subset 1: 19,569 unique product/retailer combination in four Clothing retailers were labelled to answer RQ1.

• Subset spans June 2018 – Dec 2019 • Subset 2: 155,254 unique product/retailer combinations and approximately 20m price observations from other additional

Clothing and Recreation retailers – utilized to answer RQ2-4 • Subset spans two periods;

• Initial period of June 2018-Dec 2019 (14,309 annotated, ML model predicted remainder and 100% validated)

• Second phase of Jan 2020-Dec 2021 (ML model predicted the whole and 100% validated)

• Methods: • Misclassification – used for RQ2:

• Random (unbiased) – depictive of the concept, used on one period and one elementary index (jevons) • Non-random (simulated) – designed to scale the misclassification a real ML model contains by setting proportions of mistakes –

and as a scale of overall misclassification is varied, the mistakes are assigned to the categories by this proportion • Price index method – used for RQ2:

• GEKS-Jevons utilized as this method is preferred to bilateral methods and is used for unweighted web scrape data • Supervised ML model – used for RQ3 and 4:

• As these research questions required retraining ML models we selected a representative one from the literature (and our experience): Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, word tokenization, custom stop word removal, and TF-IDF vectorization


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ1 (How can human annotator consistency or inconsistency guide NSOs in designing labelling or validation processes?)


• Fig. 1: Fleiss Kappa is high at 0.84 (level of agreement attained above the level that could be obtained by arbitrary annotation)

• Some subjectivity present, and some categories quite heterogenous.

• Expertise differed by annotator, expert annotators performed better. An average F1 for all 3 annotators was 0.845 on average, with 0.92 for expert annotators. Non-expert was still consistent for homogeneous categories.

• Fig. 2: Resources could allocated by category if needed.

• Process could also be designed (on the whole dataset or the challenging categories) to leverage multiple annotators

• For ex: 1 expert annotator for simple categories, 2 initial + 3rd for review appropriate for harder categories, or 3 initial + 4th.

• Effort scales with level of robustness

























Use only 1 annotator Use 2 annotators on all products + 3rd for disagreement

Use 3 annotators for all products + 4th for dissagreement

% O














Normalized effort of labelling 1000 records Expected performance 5

Figure 1

Figure 2

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ2: Can misclassification affect an elementary price index? (1/2)


• Fig. 1: Misclassification can cause bias and variance - various thresholds trialed

• Fig. 2: Fixing precision = 1 and varying recall (level of FNs) increases variance but does not look like its increasing bias

• Fig. 3: Fixing recall = 1 and varying precision (level of FPs) looks like it is increasing bias


Figure 1

Figure 3Figure 2

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ2: Can misclassification affect an elementary price index? (1/2)


• Fig. 1&3: GEKS-Jevons index tolerant to some misclassification, it still deviated from the expected (both 13 month window with extension and 25 month without extension)

• Fig. 2: At the same time the level of misclassification built up over time in the category.

• More investigation is needed, both with longer time periods and with other index methods


Figure 1

Figure 2 Figure 3

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ3: Does performance of ML classifiers decline due to dataset drift?


• Fig. 2: All 3 retailers showed model decay, although retailer 3 was less sensitive

• Fig. 2: Sudden shifts were seen in all.

• Fig. 3: New products entering the dataset over time showing compounding effects of increasing misclassification in the monthly sample

• Fig. 1 & 4: Retraining mitigated the situation – with a possible finding that retraining every 3 months seemed to be a practical choice


Figure 4

Figure 1

Figure 2 Figure 3

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain classification performance? (1/3)


• Fig. 1: Even a small amount of random flagging (flagging a proportion of products for validation) is effective at bringing up classifier performance with retraining

• Random flagging not efficient at catching misclassified products

• Fig. 2: At same time, considering that there is a natural accumulation of new products that are entering the monthly sample (while some also leave), increasing levels of misclassification will enter the sample. The sample classification accuracy will approach that of the classifier.

• Random flagging leads to an improvement of the overall sample that feeds the index.

• The decline is smooth over time compared to the more pronounced monthly performance


Figure 1

Figure 2

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain classification performance? (2/3)


• Fig. 1: Confidence-based misclassification flagging (based on the margin threshold in the SVM we used) was efficient at creating retraining datasets to improve performance of the model

• Fig. 2: Confidence-based also efficient at having less misclassified products built up in the monthly sample.

• Confidence-based flagging also caught more mistakes compared to random-based.

• Choosing a lower threshold lowers the amount of products that need to be validated. This could be balanced with maintaining classifier performance


Figure 1

Figure 2

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain classification performance? (3/3)


• Fig. 1: Comparing between random and uncertainty-based – for almost the same proportion of records flagged, uncertainty was more effective at bringing up classifier performance if the dataset was used for retraining models. This aligns with the confidence-based Active Learning method.

• Uncertainty-based flagging would create biased datasets however – and it is not recommended to use unbiased datasets to evaluate model performance. It is recommended to combine confidence-based flagging method with a certain threshold of random (stratified) for unbiased model evaluation

• Fig. 2: Other outlier methods (flagging all products in small categories (minimum number of products) or price outliers) are less likely to be useful for model retraining datasets, but would be necessary to minimize the impact of misclassification on the elementary index.

• Further research needed to design a global optimization process of model retraining and price index based outlier methods most appropriate


Figure 2

Figure 1

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Discussion & Conclusion

• Our empirical case study showed that misclassification is present in all key steps of the lifecycle of ML in price statistics and how it could be mitigated:

1. Annotators disagree and robust processes must be designed to mitigate this. A ‘ceiling’ benchmark of ~92% is realistic based on our findings.

2. Misclassification can affect an elementary aggregate – both bias and variance could enter the index in one representative reporting period. Misclassification could also build over time.

3. Model decay is present, thus misclassification could grow over time if not addressed. Retraining utilizing the data from a validation process could mitigate decay by bringing performance of the model back up.

4. Of several outlier methods for retraining available to NSOs – confidence-based method shown to be most useful for retraining models. However as confidence-based flagging results in a biased dataset, random flagging is recommended for evaluating model performance. Other flagging methods should be useful for mitigating impacts on the price index – such as all products in small EA categories or products with large price movements.


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Thank you!

Questions, feedback, ideas?

[email protected]


Identifying and mitigating misclassification: A case study of the Machine Learning lifecycle in price indices with web-scraped clothing data

Languages and translations

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Identifying and mitigating misclassification: A case study of the Machine Learning lifecycle in price indices with

web-scraped clothing data

Authors: William Spackman, Greg DeVilliers, Christian Ritter, Serge Goussev

Presented by: Serge Goussev [email protected]

Presented at the Meeting of the Group of Experts on Consumer Price Indices, 2023-06-08

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Research objective & problem statement

• Context: • NSOs shifting to Alternative Data Sources (ADS), scale leading to adoption of Machine Learning (ML) for


• Problem statement: misclassification is generally known to cause measurement error in statistics • Classification could impact price statistics if (a) enough product relatives that have a different movement affect

the distribution of correctly classified price relatives; or (b) if enough product relatives that should be in a category are absent from it, affecting the distribution of remaining relatives

• Misclassification may occur at one period, but could also build over time • Authors are unaware of a comprehensive discussion on the impacts of misclassification on price indices within

the context of applying ML on ADS

• Objective: Study misclassification on key aspects of consideration when applying ML for production a) Look at data labelling (or annotation) – as labelled datasets used for ML model training or validation of data in

production; b) Evaluate how misclassification could impact the elementary indices: the building blocks of the CPI; c) Evaluate ML model decay over time and how to mitigate it through model retraining; d) Evaluate outlier detection strategies to flag products for manual review in order to improve ML model



Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Research questions

• RQ1: How can human annotator consistency or inconsistency guide NSOs in designing labelling or validation processes?

• Experiment: 3 annotators independently label each unique product in dataset 1 (next slide). If there is any disagreement, a 4th sees all proposals and arbitrates the correct decision. Evaluate consistency between annotators, subjectivity in the annotation behaviour, and heterogeneity in the categories.

• RQ2: Can misclassification affect an elementary price index? • Experiment 1: Inject various levels of random misclassification into the data to see if an elementary prices index could be affected in

one reporting period;

• Experiment 2: Inject various levels of simulated misclassification (proxy of behaviour of real classifier) to see if a typical elementary index shows movement different than the correct value.

• RQ3: Does performance of ML classifiers decline due to dataset drift? • Experiment: Evaluate model decay and frequency of retraining appropriate to mitigate it

• RQ4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain classification performance? • Experiment 1: Evaluate confidence outlier method (likely impactful as it's an application of Active Learning) and compare it against

random flagging method;

• Experiment 2: Compare a method for flagging products in small categories, and a certain price range (trial various percentiles) as context for how many records are flagged and the level of F1 reached.


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Data and methods

• Data: One web-scraped dataset obtained from scraping seven Canadian Clothing and recreation retailers: • Subset 1: 19,569 unique product/retailer combination in four Clothing retailers were labelled to answer RQ1.

• Subset spans June 2018 – Dec 2019 • Subset 2: 155,254 unique product/retailer combinations and approximately 20m price observations from other additional

Clothing and Recreation retailers – utilized to answer RQ2-4 • Subset spans two periods;

• Initial period of June 2018-Dec 2019 (14,309 annotated, ML model predicted remainder and 100% validated)

• Second phase of Jan 2020-Dec 2021 (ML model predicted the whole and 100% validated)

• Methods: • Misclassification – used for RQ2:

• Random (unbiased) – depictive of the concept, used on one period and one elementary index (jevons) • Non-random (simulated) – designed to scale the misclassification a real ML model contains by setting proportions of mistakes –

and as a scale of overall misclassification is varied, the mistakes are assigned to the categories by this proportion • Price index method – used for RQ2:

• GEKS-Jevons utilized as this method is preferred to bilateral methods and is used for unweighted web scrape data • Supervised ML model – used for RQ3 and 4:

• As these research questions required retraining ML models we selected a representative one from the literature (and our experience): Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, word tokenization, custom stop word removal, and TF-IDF vectorization


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ1 (How can human annotator consistency or inconsistency guide NSOs in designing labelling or validation processes?)


• Fig. 1: Fleiss Kappa is high at 0.84 (level of agreement attained above the level that could be obtained by arbitrary annotation)

• Some subjectivity present, and some categories quite heterogenous.

• Expertise differed by annotator, expert annotators performed better. An average F1 for all 3 annotators was 0.845 on average, with 0.92 for expert annotators. Non-expert was still consistent for homogeneous categories.

• Fig. 2: Resources could allocated by category if needed.

• Process could also be designed (on the whole dataset or the challenging categories) to leverage multiple annotators

• For ex: 1 expert annotator for simple categories, 2 initial + 3rd for review appropriate for harder categories, or 3 initial + 4th.

• Effort scales with level of robustness

























Use only 1 annotator Use 2 annotators on all products + 3rd for disagreement

Use 3 annotators for all products + 4th for dissagreement

% O














Normalized effort of labelling 1000 records Expected performance 5

Figure 1

Figure 2

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ2: Can misclassification affect an elementary price index? (1/2)


• Fig. 1: Misclassification can cause bias and variance - various thresholds trialed

• Fig. 2: Fixing precision = 1 and varying recall (level of FNs) increases variance but does not look like its increasing bias

• Fig. 3: Fixing recall = 1 and varying precision (level of FPs) looks like it is increasing bias


Figure 1

Figure 3Figure 2

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ2: Can misclassification affect an elementary price index? (1/2)


• Fig. 1&3: GEKS-Jevons index tolerant to some misclassification, it still deviated from the expected (both 13 month window with extension and 25 month without extension)

• Fig. 2: At the same time the level of misclassification built up over time in the category.

• More investigation is needed, both with longer time periods and with other index methods


Figure 1

Figure 2 Figure 3

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ3: Does performance of ML classifiers decline due to dataset drift?


• Fig. 2: All 3 retailers showed model decay, although retailer 3 was less sensitive

• Fig. 2: Sudden shifts were seen in all.

• Fig. 3: New products entering the dataset over time showing compounding effects of increasing misclassification in the monthly sample

• Fig. 1 & 4: Retraining mitigated the situation – with a possible finding that retraining every 3 months seemed to be a practical choice


Figure 4

Figure 1

Figure 2 Figure 3

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain classification performance? (1/3)


• Fig. 1: Even a small amount of random flagging (flagging a proportion of products for validation) is effective at bringing up classifier performance with retraining

• Random flagging not efficient at catching misclassified products

• Fig. 2: At same time, considering that there is a natural accumulation of new products that are entering the monthly sample (while some also leave), increasing levels of misclassification will enter the sample. The sample classification accuracy will approach that of the classifier.

• Random flagging leads to an improvement of the overall sample that feeds the index.

• The decline is smooth over time compared to the more pronounced monthly performance


Figure 1

Figure 2

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain classification performance? (2/3)


• Fig. 1: Confidence-based misclassification flagging (based on the margin threshold in the SVM we used) was efficient at creating retraining datasets to improve performance of the model

• Fig. 2: Confidence-based also efficient at having less misclassified products built up in the monthly sample.

• Confidence-based flagging also caught more mistakes compared to random-based.

• Choosing a lower threshold lowers the amount of products that need to be validated. This could be balanced with maintaining classifier performance


Figure 1

Figure 2

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Results for RQ4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain classification performance? (3/3)


• Fig. 1: Comparing between random and uncertainty-based – for almost the same proportion of records flagged, uncertainty was more effective at bringing up classifier performance if the dataset was used for retraining models. This aligns with the confidence-based Active Learning method.

• Uncertainty-based flagging would create biased datasets however – and it is not recommended to use unbiased datasets to evaluate model performance. It is recommended to combine confidence-based flagging method with a certain threshold of random (stratified) for unbiased model evaluation

• Fig. 2: Other outlier methods (flagging all products in small categories (minimum number of products) or price outliers) are less likely to be useful for model retraining datasets, but would be necessary to minimize the impact of misclassification on the elementary index.

• Further research needed to design a global optimization process of model retraining and price index based outlier methods most appropriate


Figure 2

Figure 1

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Discussion & Conclusion

• Our empirical case study showed that misclassification is present in all key steps of the lifecycle of ML in price statistics and how it could be mitigated:

1. Annotators disagree and robust processes must be designed to mitigate this. A ‘ceiling’ benchmark of ~92% is realistic based on our findings.

2. Misclassification can affect an elementary aggregate – both bias and variance could enter the index in one representative reporting period. Misclassification could also build over time.

3. Model decay is present, thus misclassification could grow over time if not addressed. Retraining utilizing the data from a validation process could mitigate decay by bringing performance of the model back up.

4. Of several outlier methods for retraining available to NSOs – confidence-based method shown to be most useful for retraining models. However as confidence-based flagging results in a biased dataset, random flagging is recommended for evaluating model performance. Other flagging methods should be useful for mitigating impacts on the price index – such as all products in small EA categories or products with large price movements.


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Identifying and mitigating misclassification: A case study of the Machine Learning lifecycle in price indices with web-scraped clothing data, Canada

While the application of Supervised Machine Learning (ML) to automate the classification of alternative data for official price indices has been widely demonstrated, the impact of misclassification within the ML lifecycle, from initial annotation of the training data to retraining models due to data drift, has been understudied in the literature.

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Identifying and mitigating misclassification: A case study of the Machine Learning lifecycle in price indices with web-scraped clothing

data William Spackman, Greg DeVilliers, Christian Ritter, Serge Goussev


While the application of Supervised Machine Learning (ML) to automate the classification of alternative data for official price indices has been widely demonstrated, the impact of misclassification within the ML lifecycle, from initial annotation of the training data to retraining models due to data drift, has been understudied in the literature. To support National Statistical Offices in understanding how to apply ML to support at-scale production needs, our research provides an empirical case study of how misclassification could be present at major stages of a ML lifecycle, its impact on elementary price indices and ways it can be mitigated through model retraining or validation processes.

Keywords: Price Indices, Machine Learning, Misclassification, Quality Assurance

1. Introduction National Statistical Offices (NSOs) have increasingly turned to alternative data sources (point of sale or transaction

data, web-scraped data, and administrative data) to augment traditional field-collected data in the compilation of

official price indices such as the Consumer Prices Index (CPI). To utilize such large datasets in production, Machine

Learning (ML) has been widely investigated for the critical task of classification (Myklatun 2019; Harms and

Spinder 2019; Office for National Statistics 2020) – the categorization of unique products available in a retailer’s

dataset to the lowest level of a classification taxonomy utilized by the NSO. As classification is as an interim step

applied prior to aggregation, any classification errors could lead to measurement error within final statistics if no

quality control process is in place to correct potential errors and validate the classified data (Yung, et al. 2020;

Scholtus and van Delden 2020; Meertens, Van den Herik and Takes 2020). While methodological literature has

demonstrated that misclassification could affect statistical outputs such as counts or total turnover (Scholtus and

van Delden 2020), we are not aware of a detailed and comprehensive discussion of the impacts of misclassification

on the price indices, specifically when applying Machine Learning on alternative data. A consideration of the topic

is critical as NSOs design at-scale classification that balances the cost of quality control with impact from possible

classification errors on price indices.

The objective of this study is to introduce the topic of misclassification errors within the alternative data sources

to the price indices literature. We provide an empirical case study on key aspects that NSOs consider when

applying Machine Learning for production. These aspects include (a) data labelling (or annotation) patterns that

are important to consider when creating representative labelled datasets for ML model training or validation of

data in production; (b) evaluation of how misclassification could impact the elementary indices: the building blocks

of the CPI; (c) ML model decay over time; (d) and outlier detection strategies to flag products for manual review in

order to improve ML model performance. While not exclusive of all considerations NSOs face when applying ML to

alternative data, these research areas address the foundational aspects that support other considerations and aid

further research on the impact of misclassification errors. The goal of the paper is thus to provide an overview of


the impact of misclassification across the key phases rather than dive deeply into each sub-topic, which is left for

later research.

Conceptually, misclassification could impact price indices when the principle of homogeneity in elementary

aggregates, or similarity in characteristics, content, or price change, is affected (Manual, Consumer Price Index

2020). Specifically, if a large proportion of products are wrongly classified into a category and have a price

movement tendency different than the correctly classified products in that category, then over time, the index for

that category would show an incorrect price movement. In real-world situations, homogeneity may not be a

criterion that is fully matched. Furthermore, heterogeneity in the domain-specific natural language to describe

products in the category increases the difficulty for an ML model to generalize and naturally increases

misclassification. Understanding how misclassification affects elementary aggregates is key as it guides subsequent

steps. Maintenance of quality is central, justifying the effort of NSOs to design processes (HLG MOS 2019; Yung, et

al. 2020), as well as undertaken research to mitigate the impact of misclassification on statistical outputs (Oyarzun

and Wile 2022). Manual validation has become a standard approach applied on newly classified records prior to

using these datasets for production. This has similarly been the case in price indices, where manual validation of a

high proportion of new records is a standard recommendation (Eurostat 2017).

While manual validation is recognized, an additional aspect critical for NSOs applying ML is to assess is how stable

model performance is over time, as this will impact how to design the quality control process. Specifically,

inherent in practical applications of ML is the likelihood of dataset shift (also often referred to as drift, which

describes changes to the data distribution, for example changes of product descriptions and classification) over

time in real-world applications. When dataset shift occurs, the assumption that training and production datasets

follow the same distributions (independent and identically distributed) is invalidated (Moreno-Torres, et al. 2012).

A classifier tested on an original dataset prior to deployment into production is thus unlikely to perform at the

same level once a shift has occurred, causing additional misclassifications over time (Scholtus and van Delden

2020, 18). As alternative data sources are not originally intended for statistical output, they are naturally likely to

change over time (such as a retailer changing product descriptions on its website, or the prevalence of specific

products naturally changing over time due to evolution of consumer preferences), thus affecting classification and

subsequent measurement. Presence of shift over time reinforces the need to designing quality control processes,

as validating new products each period creates a new ground truth dataset that could be utilized for model

monitoring and retraining as necessary: a topic that has attracted considerable focus for both NSOs (Piela 2021;

2022), as well as within the larger Data Science discipline within the topic of ML Operations (MLOps) (Sculley, et al.

2015; Huyen 2022; Valliappa Lakshmanan 2020). Monitoring model errors and re-training models is an optimal

approach to address model degradation and maintain quality in statistical outputs, compared to monitoring data-

distribution/covariate drift or fixed schedules (Choi, et al. 2022). Retraining models can be done using approaches

to update models (either single via online learner and forgetting mechanism, or ensembles, both of which are

updated with new data) or train models from scratch (Gama 2013).

Manual validation, akin to annotating or labelling initial datasets used to train supervised ML models, is a

nontrivial task. Retailer datasets where ML is often applicable typically do not contain variables that would support

simple and robust automated labelling and thus depend on annotators to label unique records to the taxonomy

utilized within the NSO. As such, there is no reference corpus, and correctness depends on the process that is

designed (Artstein 2017). This is particularly challenging given that the lowest levels of taxonomies to which

classification needs to be done are at times heterogeneous and subjective (Greenhough, Martindale and Sands

2022). Understanding the subjectivity and heterogeneity of the categories and of the products in each retailer is

thus key for NSOs to design manual annotation or validation processes, as it is impractical to allocate multiple

annotators (or validators) to all categories equally: some may not need the extra investment, while it is critical for


others. Design of a robust validation process furthermore acts as a foundation for ML models as stability and

robustness in the manual annotation or monthly validation process is utilized as an input for model training or re-


The rest of this paper is organized around 5 sections. Following the introduction, section 2 identifies the research

questions, dataset and methods used, and experiment design to test each question. Section 3 lists the results

obtained from the numerous experiments. Section 4 discusses the impact on consumer price indices and

comments on the processes that could be applied in production. The research concludes with ideas for further

research that would support the prices indices field.

2. Experiment design

2.1. Research questions To investigate misclassification on price indices, this paper focuses on answering four key research questions

which encompass different aspects of the classification process.

Research question 1: How can human annotator consistency or inconsistency guide NSOs in

designing labelling or validation processes? In price indices, products need to be assigned to custom taxonomy categories, with category definitions that are

sometimes heterogeneous or subjective and thus challenging to categorize consistently. Identifying the level of

annotator agreement across a dataset as a whole helps NSOs establish the likely ceiling that ML model

performance can reach (referred to as Bayes error rate, which is analogous to irreducible error), indicating a

minimum level of misclassification that can reached with ML models without any quality control. Furthermore,

understanding levels of annotator agreement for each category in the dataset supports NSOs in designing

processes for effective allocation of resources for annotation and monthly validation. Specifically, multiple

annotators can be assigned to label or validate categories known to need more robust approaches, whereas

simpler categories may require less investment. Furthermore, better guidance and training material can be

developed to create consistency between annotators. Considering the experience of the Office for National

Statistics (ONS) (Greenhough, Martindale and Sands 2022), it is expected that annotator agreement will be high

overall, however disagreement will be driven by specific categories. Finally, understanding the Bayes error rate for

each category can help guide NSOs conducting ML model training, by better understand the trade-off of reducing

the bias or variance errors of the ML models.

Research question 2: Can misclassification affect an elementary price index?

While methodological research has identified that misclassification could lead to measurement error in statistics

such as counts and total turnover compiled after classification, effect on price indices has been understudied. To

justify manual validation and guide any discussions on how to design resource-effective targeted quality control

processes (De Waal and Scholtus 2011), misclassification needs to be demonstrated to be able to affect the

elementary index—the building block of the CPI—both in one time-period and over time. Based on previous

findings that demonstrated the impact of lower quality classifiers on price indices (Greenhough, Martindale and

Sands, Modernising the measurement of clothing price indices using web-scraped data: classification and product

grouping 2022), this research hypothesizes that misclassification affects the elementary price index.

Research question 3: Does performance of ML classifiers decline due to dataset drift? Understanding the rate of data drift faced in ML classifiers applied on alternative data is key for NSOs as high-drift

scenarios require more robust monitoring processes, more involved validation processes, as well as more robust


MLOps investment to develop an automated and routine model retraining process. This research expects to find

moderate and gradual model decay rather than strong and very rapid changes, as the underlying generating

function of the data which produces the product descriptions in alternative data and natural language is likely to

shift slowly over time. Furthermore, the authors are not aware of a study on this topic within price indices

literature, hence this experiment could begin a conversation on the development of MLOps best practices within

the price indices field.

Research question 4: Which outlier detection methods are useful for NSOs to utilize to maintain

classification performance? If misclassification occurs and performance of classifiers declines over time, NSO should operating at-scale

typically design ‘selective editing’ processes rather than validating each unique record (De Waal and Scholtus

2011). Thus, NSOs need to consider various outlier detection methods to flag targeted records for manual

validation – such as price outliers, confidence outliers, or flagging a larger proportion of products in smaller

categories. Basket weights could also be used to flag products that have proportionally high weights in the CPI;

however, this was not investigated in this study. This research hypothesizes that flagging unique products based

on low classifier confidence would be a promising recommended first step, both to identify potential

misclassifications as well as to improve classifier performance, as confidence flagging is inherently aligned with

margin-based active learning, a common way to increase the learning rate for ML models (Settles 2009).

2.2. Data and methods1 To answer these research questions, we utilize a web-scraped dataset collected from seven Clothing and

recreational-goods retailers. While much of to focus for NSOs is on scanner data, we selected web-scraped data

for a few reasons. Firstly, these retailers are available in a fully labelled form and are of moderate size, spanning a

sufficiently long period. This allowed the research to evaluate the posed research questions and not incur too

much compute cost or research time. Secondly, given the number of retailers present in this dataset allowed

research to validate research questions across multiple retailers. Thirdly, as supervised ML models utilize the

natural language in the data to predict which category each unique product belongs to, the task that is inherently

similar between scanner and web-scraped data. At the same time, web-scraped data has some limitations and

additional research would be required to validate results on other alternative data. For instance, product weight in

scanner data is an important variable that could be included in testing research question 4 on outlier detection.

For the purposes of the research, we selected two subsets from within this dataset to support the research

questions while also taking advantage of existing processes within the Canadian CPI to minimizing additional

resource needs. The first subset consisted of a sample of 19,569 unique products, scraped from four retailers

between June 2018 and December 2019. This dataset was labeled independently by three of four annotators to

support research question 1.2 All labelling for was done to the lowest level of CPICOM, the taxonomy utilized

within the Canadian CPI.3

The second subset was used to support all other research questions. Subset 2 contains products and prices

scrapped from retailers between June 2018 and December 2021. An initial dataset of 14,309 unique products

1 All experiments were done in Python 3.9 with sklearn, pandas, numpy, and plotly for all calculations. 2 This annotator experiment was also conducted as part of the initial labelling efforts for these retailers and trialed Active Learning to develop a cost-effective labelling process. Research on the topic is forthcoming. 3 See the Canadian CPI reference paper for more details x2023001-eng.htm.


were labelled by CPI Production experts, on which a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model was developed and

deployed (Dongmo-Jiongo 2021). All remaining unique products not labelled were classified by the SVM model

and manually validated. In production, Statistics Canada maintains full validation by price experts that are highly

experienced and focus on their portfolio industry, thus this research will consider the validated labels as correct

(ground truth) for the purposes of all research questions. While Statistics Canada continues to utilize this dataset

in production and validate all new unique products received, this research will focus on three retailers for a 3.5-

year subset of the data between June 2018 and December 2021. This subset contains a total of 155,254 unique

products, broken down as 99,202 unique products up to and including December 2019, and 56,052 additional

unique products and approximately 20 million price observations from January 2020 onwards. All price index and

model experiments are carried out on the period between January 2020 to December 2021.

To support research question 2 on misclassification, we introduce various levels of misclassification on dataset

subset 2 in both a random and simulated way. Random misclassification was introduced at various thresholds by

altering the category of a selected number of unique products, with the number aligned to the threshold level.

While random misclassification is a depictive initial test of the concept, realistic models do not misclassify

randomly but instead tend to make mistakes where categories are heterogeneous or highly related to other

categories in the dataset. Thus, we developed a simulated misclassification method whereby categories were

rated according to how often a typical supervised ML model makes mistakes (see model architecture below). We

apply misclassification at various thresholds at the total level, with misclassification allocated first to categories

where mistakes occur more often and less on categories where ML models tend to perform well. This approach is

based on assumptions that these model-error patterns scale to a certain extent with the performance of the

model; an assumption that will hold to a lesser extent the further we depart from the actual model performance.

Specifically, as performance declines, such as due to smaller training datasets, we assume that a classifier

performs worse on categories that are challenging to differentiate between others but continues to perform well

on categories that are simple to differentiate. At a certain point, the proportion of mistakes between challenging

and simpler categories will no longer hold, thus the simulated methods should not be used beyond a moderate

performance. Furthermore, as the proportion of mistakes between categories is dataset- and model-specific, this

method is limited and is meant to be used to demonstrate the application of misclassification over time in a more

realistic level than randomly.

To proxy a production scenario, we apply simulated misclassifications for all experiments over time, and ensure

that a mistake persists once a product is misclassified as long as it is in the sample. This portrays a production

setting where new products are classified and validated (using various methods as referenced in research question

4 on outlier methods), but then are not likely to be reviewed if the product is in sample. In this way, if less than

100% of new unique records are validated, the proportion of misclassified products can build up in the elementary

aggregate category over time.

Research question 3 (model decay) and research question 4 (outlier detection methods to mitigate decay and

support retraining), require a more realistic scenario, including the need to retrain realistic production models. As

such the research needs to select a representative production model, for use in these experiments. We selected a

Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier, adopted word tokenization, custom stop word removal, and TF-IDF

vectorization – an approach that typically is highly performant (Harms and Spinder 2019) and popular for many

NSOs (Greenhough, Martindale and Sands 2022; Van Loon 2020; Hov 2021; UNECE 2021). Furthermore, this model

architecture has also been utilized in production in the Canadian CPI for the Clothing index since January 2020 and

has proven highly effective (Dongmo-Jiongo 2021). To perform the experiments required to answer the questions

and allow for the model fitting and frequent re-fitting during re-training, we omit hyper parameter tuning and

instead select a combination of fixed model hyper-parameters, known to be performant on this dataset. Variation


in classifiers is thus restricted to the training data used to fit the model. While the approach of not completing

hyperparameter search each time is limiting, internal research has shown that hyperparameters of the model

algorithm of consideration are not highly sensitive over time given the data considered and thus the exclusion of

this step from experiments was not seen as harming the representativeness of the findings. When periodically

refitting the classifier, new, reviewed products are added to the training dataset, creating an ever-expanding

training dataset used for the duration of the experiment. While not the exclusive option NSOs face, this approach

was selected as a default benchmark. Further research at each NSO is recommended to select the appropriate

method in production.

To evaluate misclassification, we measure two separate dimensions. To evaluate the performance of ML models,

we monitor the sample weighted F1 score of a model on any given month. F1 score is a harmonic mean of

precision ( 𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠

𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠+𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 ) and recall (

𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠

𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠+𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒 𝑛𝑒𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 ) and is widely used by NSOs as an

evaluation metric (Greenhough, Martindale and Sands 2022). Weighting is done through class-specific weights

based on the class support (sample size). To provide a representative example of the impact of misclassification on

price indices over time (research question 1), a GEKS-Jevons multilateral index is calculated at the elementary class

level. We selected this method as a representative one for three reasons. Firstly, multilateral methods are widely

used as even with an extension method, they are considered preferable to bilateral methods due to lower levels of

bias introduced over time (Chessa 2021; Fox, Levell and O’Connell 2022). Secondly, they are also recommended

for unweighted web-scraped data, as well as for clothing use cases (Greenhough, Martindale and Sands 2022)

similar to the datasets used in this paper. Finally, as multilateral methods take into consideration the prices and,

potentially, quantities of products between multiple periods, misclassification could affect multilateral indices

more and at increasing levels over time (if misclassification increases over time and is not corrected) than bilateral

indices, which instead focus only on matched set of products between the base period and a period in the future

and are thus likely to remain more consistent (at least prior to chaining).

We simulate a production scenario by using a window-on-published splice as it often performs better and exhibits

less bias than the classical window splice, a preference in existing literature. A 13-month window is chosen for two

reasons. On the one hand it is well established in empirical research and its practicality; this choice allows seasonal

products and pricing to be captured throughout an entire year. On the other hand, while larger window sizes are

recommended, due to the 24-month time period available in dataset subset 2, a 13-month window with an

extension method was a more representative application of a realistic production setting than selecting a 25-

month window without extension. For comparison however, a 25-month GEKS-Jevons is also calculated to

demonstrate the role of classification within a window. A discussion on the difference in outcome between

different window lengths and extension methods is not included in the full analysis to separate out the discussion

on misclassification detection and index parameter optimization strategies. Similarly, proxy weights were not

utilized to separate out the experiment from a discussion on proxy weights within web-scraped data.

2.3. Experiments conducted

For each research question, a specific experiment or set of experiments were designed.

2.3.1. Cross-Annotator Agreement experiment To support research question 1, a detailed annotator consistency experiment was designed. This experiment

served two purposes: to test how annotators performed over different retailer datasets and set a benchmark, and

to design a high-quality process for future annotation or validation within the program. Prior to beginning the

annotation process, a detailed dictionary and guidance for human labellers was prepared, detailing definitions of

codes as well as inclusions and exclusions. The annotation process involved two rounds, similar to a Delphi


technique for labeller consensus. First, each unique product was labelled independently by 3 initial annotators. If

there was any disagreement between the three, a second round was used where a 4th annotator would be

involved to arbitrate between the proposed labels (unlike the initial 3, the 4th annotator could see the proposed

labels) or select another category. For products with no disagreement between the initial 3 annotators, the

consistent label was considered the correct one; for products with any disagreement, the 4th annotator’s decision

was considered final as they could discuss and arbitrate the subjectivity and make recommendations where

products should be placed in the future. For this role, a senior and highly experienced domain expert working on

CPI Production was selected as the 4th annotator. Within the initial 3 annotators, 2 were similarly domain experts,

whereas the last initial annotator was not experienced in the domain and relied quite heavily on the dictionary

and guidance developed. Including only one less experienced annotator was done for two reasons. On the one

hand as there was insufficient resources to engage a larger group, while on the other still supported an evaluation

of how a larger body of less experienced annotators would likely perform, as well as support Statistics Canada in

developing robust annotation guidance for the large volumes of alterative data still needing annotation.

2.3.2. Misclassification experiment

As the first step of calculating consumer price indices is to calculate an elementary price index, an experiment was

designed to test misclassification at this level. Initially we simulate the impact of misclassification on a single

elementary aggregate class, within a single reference period. First, for a specific retailer, we compile the set of all

products observed in both the reference period, 𝑡1, and the base period, 𝑡0, denoted by Sp. We calculate the price

relative for each product as the ratio of prices, p1/p0. The “true” index for an elementary aggregate class is taken

as the geometric mean of the relatives, for all products assigned to that specific class with no misclassification.

To introduce misclassifications, we randomly re-assign classes to a selected number of products in Sp. For a single

elementary aggregate class, misclassifications are introduced by either randomly removing products from the class

(simulating false negatives leading to a decreased recall) or by randomly adding products from a different class

(simulating false positives leading to a decreased precision). In each simulation, the number of products

misclassified is selected to target a specified sample weighted F1 score for the elementary aggregate of interest.

Once products are misclassified, we again calculate the index for the target elementary aggregate as the

geometric mean of the relatives, for all products currently assigned to that specific class. This simulation is

computed 1000 times each for a single elementary aggregate, at various levels of misclassification, to produce a

simulated distribution for the calculated elementary index at each level of misclassification.

Secondly, we simulate the impact of misclassifications over the entire 24-month production period. Each month a

defined fraction of the new products, first observed that month, is re-assigned a different class from their true

class. In this experiment, misclassifications are introduced in a simulated, non-random way, i.e., the products

selected for misclassification are based on the empirical accuracy of a production classifier, for that elementary

aggregate. Additionally, the types of classification mistakes introduced are not random but based on the observed

classification errors of a production classifier. This simulation is conducted three times to compare the calculated

index using different methods at varying levels of simulated misclassification.

2.3.3. Model decay and retraining experiment

To evaluate decay in model performance from data drift, three scenarios are evaluated. Firstly, to assess whether

decay occurs due to data drift, we train and deploy a model based on labeled data between June 2018 and

December 2019. The trained model was then used to classify all new unique products that enter the sample every

month for two years, with no validation or retraining. As the ground truth labels are known, over the two-year

period, various classification metrics were calculated each month, using the predicted and true labels, including

the sample weighted F1 score. While product turnover in clothing is known to be high, many products persist in


the market for many months and even years, thus some products were still correctly classified (from the

December 2019 period or previously) in sample each month, hence we expect the overall F1 score to decline

gradually. This scenario can act as a benchmark for NSOs of what happens over 2 years if no validation is

performed and a model is not retrained.

Secondly, to simulate model retraining, a process that NSOs could apply in order to restore model performance to

expected levels, we expand the first scenario but utilize the full ground truth labeled dataset as retraining data for

various time periods, such as every 1, 3, or 6 months. For all cases, we add the full validated dataset into the

original training dataset (thus expanding the dataset) and retrain the model. This scenario represents a second

benchmark, a case where the ML model is often retrained but all new data is still validated. Any price index

calculated from this dataset represents the “true” price index, as 100% of the products have been reviewed and

thus assumed to be correctly classified.

2.3.4. Outlier detection experiment to mitigate misclassification

To mitigate reducible misclassification from model decay, we investigate suitable outlier detection methods that

could be used to re-train models, thus helping develop a targeted quality assurance process after classification.

We attempt four different methods of outlier detection to simulate a review process employed to detect

misclassified products, each with a threshold parameter. In accordance with De Waal and Scholtus’ selective

editing principle (T. De Waal 2013), the goal of these selected methods is to focus attention on a so-called “critical

stream” of records (i.e.: products most likely to contain errors) and identify misclassified products to mitigate the

impact on the CPI and related publications. Methods are trialed individually and also compared together to

provide a representative demonstration of their combination, however a detailed assessment of all outlier

methods to select the most optimal set is not in scope, as the authors felt that this warranted a separate and

detailed study. As each outlier detection method is evaluated to support model re-training, we adopt a 3-month

retraining window as trialed in the model decay and retraining experiment (above).

The first of our methods is a simple random sampling flagging method whereby a fraction of new products are

randomly selected each month for review. We alter the fraction parameter to randomly select 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%,

30%, 50%, 70% and 100% of all new products for the month. This method serves as a base to compare other

methods; for instance, a method that flags about 30 percent of products in a targeted way should identify more

misclassified products than the equivalent random flagging. A second use of random flagging is to create a sample

for model evaluation which has low selection (sample) bias compared to other flagging methods due to random

sampling property and allows for an effective evaluation of classification performance. Finally, the low selection

bias of the random sample motivates its use in the retraining process, to avoid biasing the classifier model.

A confidence-based approach using model probability scores is also considered. Here, probabilities are derived

from the classifier’s distance metric via Platt scaling (built into the scikit-learn Python package). Classifier margin is

calculated as the difference between the probabilities for the first and second most likely classes; lower classifier

margin indicate that the classifier cannot effectively separate the top two classes. All products below a certain

threshold are flagged and a higher threshold will flag more products. We test thresholds of 1%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%,

10%, 15%, 20% and 30%. Note that the classifier margin depends on the internal representation of the decision

boundaries of the classifier and as such the flagging method results are classifier dependent. Furthermore,

confidence-based methods could be considered an Active Learning method, selecting a targeted sample for use in

the model retraining process (Settles 2009).

The third method we propose leverages counts. Counts was chosen as the price distribution of product classes

with less products will tend to be more sensitive to misclassification, compared to those with more products. A


single misclassified product would have a higher relative impact on a class with a small number of observed prices,

compared to a class with many observed products. Furthermore, categories with few products can easily be

reviewed by NSOs, as low investment is needed to validate a small category. A threshold of 10, for example,

means that if there are less than 10 new products observed that period, all new products in that category will be

flagged. Count thresholds of 3, 5, 10, and 15 are used to flag in this instance.

Our final method flags outliers based on the distribution of product prices within each elementary aggregate class.

This flagging method uses a simplified approach, which considers prices of products being classified each period

(new products). Once all new products are classified, the price distribution is calculated for each elementary

aggregate, using the observed prices for all new products assigned to that class. The price outlier method then

flags products from each class with prices that are above or below the specified percentile threshold; thresholds

tested in this experiment were 5 and 10 percentiles. While this method utilizes a simple approach and has

limitations in a fuller application in a production setting, it was included in the research for two reasons. Firstly,

the size of the churn in the data, with an average 3,000 unique new products entering the sample each month,

meant that simple setup of the experiment still allowed percentiles to flag a considerable number of products in

practice. Secondly, as price outlier detection is an important area of focus for NSOs and is often used in

production, any representative demonstration of various outlier methods should also include a price flagging


3. Results

3.1. Findings from cross-annotator agreement experiment Our findings on annotator agreement are similar to the experience of ONS (Greenhough, Martindale and Sands

2022). Evaluating cross-annotator agreement (Figure 1), 78% of the time the initial 3 annotators agreed on the

same category, 20% of the time two of the three agreed, and 2.3% of the time, each annotator chose a different

category. This differed slightly between retailers, with retailers that were larger (offering a larger and less

consistent range of products) and needed to be labelled to a larger number of categories (Elementary Aggregate

category or EA), was associated with less agreement between annotators. Overall, the experiment agreement that

was non-random as the experiment had a Fleiss Kappa of 0.84, a metric that compares raw agreement counts

against levels that could be obtained by arbitrary labelling.

Figure 1: Annotator agreement by retailer, compared to number of categories labelled in retailer dataset


Similar to the ONS, this research found that consistency varied among categories, with some categories being

relatively simple to label and had very high consistency levels, whereas other categories were very inconsistently

labelled. Furthermore, similar to the ONS, there was no major correlation between annotator consistency and the

number of unique products per category. Categories that were most problematic were often categories which are

hard to define such as catch-all categories (“other footwear” labelled consistently only 8.3% of the time or “other

children’s clothing” labelled consistently 6.7% of the time), heterogenous categories which are hard to separate

from other categories. Examples of such heterogenous categories are “children’s winter outerwear” which was

consistently labelled 34% of the time, and “Children’s winter boots” which was consistently labelled 29.8% of the

time, and “Women’s casual pants and shorts” which was often confused with “Women’s dress pants”. At the same

time, categories that were simpler to define, more homogeneous, and quite distinct from other categories were

usually labelled very consistently. For example, “Men’s sunglasses” was consistently labelled 100% of the time,

“Children’s shorts” was consistently labelled 98% of the time, and “Women’s skirts” was consistently labelled

97.5% of the time.

Evaluating more closely the possible reasons for this disagreement – specifically to see whether expertise affected

an individual’s performance and whether differences in expertise could be mitigated by better training or guidance

– each of the 3 initial annotators performance was evaluated, and their choice of labels was compared to the final

accepted label. The 2 experts with more contextual knowledge of the clothing domain showed an F1 score of

0.902 and 0.918, thus they showed a very high likelihood of selecting the final label considered correctly. In

contrast, the less experienced initial annotator showed only an F1 of 0.845. At the same time, the less experienced

annotator still was correct for most homogenous categories but tended to be less likely to select the correct

category for catch-all categories or heterogeneous categories closely related to other categories.

A final phase of the experiment introduced a fourth annotator to validate the situation and attain consensus in

order to reach a final decision on what category each product should belong in, as well as evaluate how a

consensus process could be developed. 61% of the time, the fourth annotator chose a category which two of the

three annotators also selected, 32% of the time the annotator decided for a label which one of the three

annotators identified. Finally, 7% of the time the 4th annotator overruled all three annotators to select a previously

unselected final label. As the labelling was done in batches, at the end of each batch annotators met to discuss this

situation and confirm this decision, with the 4th annotator marking this as the final decision.

This finding leads to two takeaways. Firstly, redefining categories to be more homogeneous, minimizing the use of

catch-all categories to the extent possible, and expanding the documentation and exclusions/inclusions

dictionaries provided to annotators could mitigate some of this subjectivity. At the same time, fully eliminating

subjectivity is not possible, a scenario that needs to be balanced with the need to define cost-effective strategies

for both initial annotation and monthly validation. Thus, secondly, NSOs could explore developing a process where

more complicated categories, after they are initially identified such as with a targeted sample as in the ONS

experiment (Greenhough, Martindale and Sands 2022), are allocated more resources to attain high quality and

consensus. We demonstrate this using our use case and the whole retailer dataset (Figure 2), normalizing the

dataset size to 100% for comparison purposes. In other words, if all the records in the category (or the whole

dataset in our case) is labelled, 100% effort is expended, whereas if each record is labelled by two individuals,

200% effort is expended. From our case study, if one annotator labels every record they are provided, they are

expected to have an accuracy of 89.1% after labelling 100% of the dataset. Introducing a second annotator would

require a doubling of the annotation effort, and the effort of both could help identify a subset of products that

could go to a third annotator who would be responsible for finalizing the decision and reaching consensus. In our

use case, we had 9% on average disagreement between two annotators, meaning that 209% effort would be

necessary, however the process was expected to lead to 92.7% accuracy. Expanding this to having three initial


annotators for the dataset, with a fourth annotator brought in to reach consensus led to an investment

requirement of 322%. While we stopped with four annotators for this research due to resource limitations, we

consider the consensus process and the experience of the fourth annotator, while not perfect as to lead to 100%

performance in practice, to have led to a conceptual maximum accuracy. An important consideration of this

takeaway was that maximum performance may change over time as NSOs develop more homogeneous and more

objective categories or improve their training material for annotators.

Figure 2: Expected accuracy of annotated dataset versus annotation effort required

3.2. Findings from misclassification experiment This experiment shows that misclassification could affect the elementary (aggregate) price index, as misclassified

products in an EA could shift the distribution of the price relatives of the whole EA. While this experiment was

conducted on each retailer for multiple elementary aggregates, in multiple reference periods; the results

presented below are limited to two representative elementary aggregates for retailer 2.

The following four figures (Figures 3 - 6) show distribution plots, highlighting the results of individual experiments.

The true index for the selected elementary aggregate, as defined in section 2.3.2, is shown as a dashed vertical

line. Each of the lines in the top plot, represent the frequency of observed values for the calculated index, based

on the misclassification simulations; smoothed using kernel density estimation. In the sub plot underneath, each

vertical line represents an individual observed value for the calculated index, from a single iteration of the

misclassification experiment. Each figure represents a single retailer, a single elementary aggregate, and single

reference period combination; with each line representing different degrees of misclassification.

Figures 3 and 4 both show how two different EAs that were respectively either above or below the average

movement of the retailer could be affected. In both instances, the bias increases with decreasing F1; directionally

the bias is towards the mean relative of all products within that retailer and reference period. Furthermore, the

experiment shows qualitatively that both the difference between the mean of the distribution and the true index,

and the standard deviation of the distribution, increase with the number of misclassified products. The mean shift

is directionally towards the mean of all price relatives of all products in the specific reference period. In both cases,

even a relatively high F1 score that NSOs could expect for models used in production could affect the EA by a few

points. It should be noted that the quantitative change in mean and variance depends on the specific reference

























Use only 1 annotator Use 2 annotators on all products + 3rd for


Use 3 annotators for all products + 4th for


% O














Normalized effort of labelling 1000 records Expected performance


period, retailer and elementary aggregate used in the simulation; these figures are intended as representative


Figure 3: Random misclassification for an elementary aggregate class above the average movement of the retailer


Figure 4: Random misclassification for an elementary aggregate class below the average movement of the retailer

While Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate the effect with an equal number of false positives and false negatives to

achieve the stated F1, in practice misclassification is not balanced. A related experiment was thus completed to

evaluate whether the type of misclassification influences the elementary index. Specifically, the same EA is chosen

as in Figure 3, but precision is fixed at 1.0, and recall is decreased by randomly removing products from the class

(Figure 5). Qualitatively there is less, or no mean shift observed, though the standard deviation of the distribution

increases as the recall is lowered, signaling no bias but largely increased variance. Conversely, if the recall is fixed

at 1.0 and the precision adjusted by randomly adding products to the class, we observe that the mean appears to

be shifting lower as precision is lowered (Figure 6) signalling both bias and small variance.


Figure 5: Various levels of misclassification when precision is fixed at 1

Figure 6: Various levels of misclassification when recall is fixed at 1


The experiment shows that that maximizing class precision is most important for eliminating bias in the calculated

index; recall is important for reducing variance. Furthermore, a trade-off must be made between reducing bias

and variance that may differ based on the nature of the category and quality assurance constraints. This is of

course complicated by the nature of the multi-class problem; a misclassified product impacts two classes, the true

class that it is removed from and the false class that it is assigned to.

To simulate the impact of misclassifications in a production setting, product misclassifications were introduced to

new products observed in the 24-month production period of dataset subset 2. Simulations were introduced in a

biased way, i.e., the types of classification mistakes introduced were based on the observed classification errors of

a production classifier. The fraction of products misclassified was increased or decreased to reflect a high,

moderate, and low performance of a production classifier over time. A category was chosen that had high nominal

misclassification with another category that had at times different movement to visualize a representative

situation of potential concern that NSOs would look to mitigate. Approximately 15, 50 and 95 percent of new

products were misclassified in the high, moderate, and low performance scenarios respectively, for the

elementary aggregate shown below. Figure 7 shows the cumulative F1 of the category over time as new products

enter and leave the sample, and Figures 8 and 9 show a GEKS-Jevons index on this elementary aggregate, with a

13-month window extended over the remaining months, and a 25-month window, respectively.

Figure 7: Scenario of various levels of misclassification entering the sample over time to support Figures 9 and 10


Figure 8: GEKS-Jevons with a 13-month window on various levels of misclassification over time

Figure 9: GEKS-Jevons with a 25-month window on various levels of misclassification over time

Our tentative results show that neither GEKS-Jevons index is highly sensitive to misclassification, however

moderate and high levels of misclassification could still cause a significant effect over a moderate time period.

Considering that the proportion of misclassified products could build up over time in a category, this situation

underlies the importance of validation to check that misclassified records are caught. As misclassification could

impact the index only if a proportion of wrongly classified products show a movement divergent from the correct

products in that category, understanding the movement of categories the classifier typically confuses is key.


Further research is needed to demonstrate the impact on a wider set of cases and retailer datasets. Furthermore,

a longer time period should be investigated as misclassification could build over time with different extension


3.3. Findings from model decay and retraining experiment We train models with data up to 2019-12 and analyze the performance change using ground truth data over a

two-year period. We compare performance decay of models for new products, with models trained on each of the

3 retailers under consideration (see Figures 10 and 11). We categorize the decays based on their characteristics

using the following common principles (see Bayram, Ahmed and Kassler 2022 and references within): Probabilistic

source of change, transition of change and severity.

First, we aim to categorize probabilisic sources of changes qualitatively and based on the understanding of the

data generation process. We describe each product classified as an instance defined through its feature (covariate)

vector X and its target (response) variable y. The feature vector encodes the product description while the target

variable is the product class. Then the product distribution can be described via a probabilistic definition as the

joint distribution P(X,y). Following the common notation and Bayram 2022 we define the posterior probability

distribution as P(y|X). A classifier aims to learn this concept of mapping X to y, and any change to this relation or

concept in new product data is called concept drift. This drift invalidates the learned concepts leading to

performance decay. The learned concept of product description mapping to classes might be fairly robust to

change over time, excluding planned changes to the class hierarchy. Note however we expect that new products

with new descriptions change P(y|X) (perhaps in a P(X,y) sub-region) and the learned concept of the classifier

becomes outdated. Additionally, we expect a change in P(X), defined as covariance drift, as the distribution of

product descriptions in each period vary due to assorted reasons such as seasonality, and new products entering

the market. We also observed a change in the probability distribution of the classes P(y), defined as prior

probability, due to similar reasons as stated above, leading to significantly different class distributions between

reference periods. In some cases, class counts reduce to a few counts per class, or even zero counts. These

different probabilistic sources of change and their complex interplay result in the various observed patterns of

model performance changes and transition patterns for the 3 retailers we are investigating.

We observe drift transition patterns which differ between retailers and over the 2-year time period. For example

for the entire 2 years we find retailer 2 to show a clear gradual decreasing performance trend, while retailer 3

does not appear to show any decreasing trend. However, for all retailers, gradual drift occurs for at least a few

periods. We also find sudden drifts and drop in performance, e.g. for retailer 1 on July 2020 and November 2020.

We attribute these different transition patterns to the diverse changes to product offerings. The nature of model

decay may be correlated to the type of products sold at a particular retailer; this phenomenon would need to be

studied in more detail and on more retailers to draw specific conclusions.

To judge the severity of the drift, we analyze the sample-weighted F1 score and find high variance across periods

with changes of up to approximately 10%. Additionally, gradual, and strong drift over multiple periods result in

drops in performance, for example of more than 25% for retailer 1 in 2021. We attribute this to the diversity of

new products appearing due to unknown context (Widmer and Kubat 1996). Those strong performance drops and

the sudden drift patterns justify re-training models frequently. Note that as our class assignment of existing

products are not likely changing, severe concept drift (defined as class change of all products will not occur, and

therefore not impact CPI calculation (Figures 8 and 9).


Figure 10: Classifier Model Decay Over Time

The decreasing performance on the new products is affecting the performance of the whole sample with all

products of the reference month. The compounding effects of increasing number of misclassifications from

month-to-month results in a relatively smooth decrease of the total performance, as shown in Figure 12. The

100% validated data from the initial time period is increasingly being diluted by the wrongly classified new

products. This resulting error of all products directly impacts the CPI. This emphasizes the potential effect in the

absence of a quality control process, including retraining. Note that while only sample weighted F1 is presented,

we find the same trend in the dataset, with respect to both precision and recall.


Figure 11: F1 Score for All Products Observed in Each Reference Period Over 2-Year Period

To address the observed model performance decay and mitigate the impact of low model performance on the

elementary prices index, the model can be periodically retrained. Figure 12 shows the classification performance

on new products where the model was periodically re-fit with new data. We assume 100% product validation,

meaning retraining occurs with all new products up to the month of retraining. The base case corresponds to no

retraining, as shown above. One can observe that with periodic refitting, the classification performance can be

stabilized over the 24-month period. More frequent retraining shows to be beneficial with less benefit on the time

horizon between one and three months. This justifies a balanceing of the costs of retraining with the improved

performance over that horizon span. We find similar behavior of performance improvements for retailers 1 and

retailer 3 (similar to Figure 12) indicating a similar underlaying data and drift generating process.


Figure 12: Impact of Model Retraining Frequency

3.4. Findings of outlier detection experiment In this section we analyze the effect of different flagging methods on performance based on data from retailer 2.

We find similar qualitative results for retailer 1. Due to compute limitations, only select experiments were

performed on retailer 3, though results were also consistent.

In the absence of 100 percent Quality Assurance (QA), as new products enter the sample and old products exit, an

increasing level of misclassifications will enter the sample. Over time, as products from the initial 100% QA period

(prior to 2020-01 in this experiment) exit the sample, the classification accuracy (and F1) will approach that of the

classifier. Flagging and reviewing new products via QA can assist in reducing the number of errors that accumulate

each month in the sample. The conceptual trend from 100% QA to a final state with constant QA fraction, defined

through the classifier’s performance, and a fixed 30% QA rate, as a demonstration, for new products is shown

below (Figure 13).


Figure 13: Conceptual overview of how 100% proportion QA data would transition to the fixed QA rate over time,

with a decreasing QA’d fraction in exit products and a constant QA rate for new products.

The introduction of an arbitrary flagging method will catch a percentage of misclassifications 𝜖𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑 for

correction. If we assume human annotators to be 100% accurate at correcting flagged products (assuming we

design a process based on human performance to catch all mistakes), the new classification accuracy will approach

the accuracy of the classifier 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 plus the fraction of misclassifications flagged, given as follows:

𝐴𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑 (𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠) = 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 + 𝜖𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑 × ( 1 − 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙)

The accuracy on all products 𝐴𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑(𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠, 𝑡) for period 𝑡 will depend on 𝐴𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑 as

follows, given 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑤(𝑡) as the time-dependent fraction of new products, which will approach 100%:

𝐴𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑(𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠, 𝑡) = 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑤(𝑡) × 𝐴𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑(𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠) + (1 − 𝐹𝑛𝑒𝑤(𝑡)) × 100%

The perfect flagging method would therefore flag all misclassified products (𝜖𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑 = 1). The most efficient

flagging method would allow to flag only misclassified products to minimize the QA effort.

In the following we simulate the application of random and uncertainty flagging through 24 periods which result in

different percentage of misclassifications 𝜖𝑓𝑙𝑎𝑔𝑔𝑒𝑑. We analyze the performance on new products and all

products. Each period, a designated fraction of the new products was flagged for review, which automatically

assigned the correct class to them regardless of the classifier prediction. This assignment simulates review by a

human, in a production setting. Every three months, the model was re-fit using the original training data, plus all

flagged products up to that date to simulate a production retraining process using validated data.

3.4.1. Random Flagging

We sample a fixed percentage of products 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑 from all new products in each period, which allows to flag an

equal percentage of errors, leading to

𝐴𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑚(𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠) = 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙 + 𝐹𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑑 × ( 1 − 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑙).

For instance, flagging 50 percent of total products should flag approximately 50 percent of misclassified products.

To track the performance of the classifier on new products and the expected performance decay, we analyze and

present its performance prior to flagging. Model performance with respect to the amount of data randomly

flagged is compared (Figure 14). The two bounding base cases represent the cases with no flagging nor retraining


(strongest decay) and the case where 100% of new products are flagged, reviewed, and used to re-fit the model

every three months (base case with retraining).

Figure 14: Impact of Random Flagging on Classifier Performance (with Refitting) for retailer 2. Shown is the model

performance without considering the performance improvement from outlier flagging.

Flagging products each month provides additional and more recent training data for refitting the model and

consequently the model performance improves, similar to the findings in Section 3.3. We find that more random

flagging increases the classifier performance. Additionally, just randomly flagging 10% of new products for

retraining strongly improves the classifier prediction performance over time, preventing the strong decay

observed in case of the base case without retraining. Further flagging of 50% of new products or above has mostly

very small impact on the overall performance.

While low levels of random flagging are sufficient to keep performance high on new products, classifier errors still

accumulate over time: initial quality assured products leave the all-products sample and are replaced by the new

products with classification errors, as discussed above. We analyze this accumulating effect as it impacts the

performance of the whole sample of all monthly products in Figure 15, with new products corrected only through

QA to demonstrate what happens with the overall cumulative F1 with random flagging without model re-training.

As shown in the monthly F1 plot (Figure 14), the base case (no retraining) in Figure 15 for cumulative products

shows strong continuous decline in performance towards the classifier accuracy. Thus, random flagging will both

improve the classifier performance as well as reduce the number of misclassifications, leading to a much better F1

score for all products. The new QA’d products and the exiting products from the initial 100% QA’d data (Figure 15)

together lead to a smooth, less pronounced decrease compared to the performance on new products only (Figure

14). Additionally, we observe an increasing overall performance for larger fractions of random sampling which is,

in relative terms, is much more pronounced than the gains observed for new products only (Figure 14, noting the

scale difference).


Figure 15: Comparison of Random Flagging Percentages on F1 Score for All Observed Products

3.4.2. Uncertainty Flagging

To analyze the effect of uncertainty flagging we perform the same experiments as before, however with flagging

products based on different thresholds of uncertainty. Products are flagged if their classifier uncertainty is below a

given threshold. Margin threshold utilized in this study operates opposed to likelihood of the classifier being

correct – in other words increasing the threshold will lead to more products being flagged as products the

classifier is more “confident” in will be flagged. Similar to random flagging, we again compare the performance of

the classifier on new products for different thresholds (Figure 16). We find that using products flagged using

classifier margin is quite efficient as refitting the model every 3 months on margin flagged data helps to prevent

degradation in the classifier due to drift. We observe that model performance did drop in the final three-month

period, which could be an indication that margin flagging is introducing bias into the training data and the model, a

topic that needs more study to fully validate. We also find that increasing the margin threshold flags more

products but does not improve the classifier performance as dramatically as the changes observed with the

random flagging technique.


Figure 16: Comparison of Classifier Performance (with re-fitting) for Different Margin Thresholds

As for the random flagging outlier method, we compare the impact of the uncertainty outlier method on all

products in the sample (Figure 17). We show the F1 score degradation over time for all products observed in each

reference period post QA, with a sub-plot showing the fraction of products flagged in each month in order to show

how much effort is needed by NSOs if they choose this promising method. Though not constant, each threshold

tended to flag a similar proportion of products each month, with higher thresholds flagging more products (Figure



Figure 17: Comparison of Post QA F1 Score for Different Margin Thresholds

Contrasting uncertainty flagging with random flagging, uncertainty flagging was better at identifying misclassified

products compared to randomly flagging new products. With uncertainty flagging, a higher fraction of errors was

flagged, for the same amount of review effort. To reach this result, we flag approximately 30% of new products for

review each period using a margin threshold of 0.80; this is compared to randomly flagging 30 percent of new

products (Figure 18).


Figure 18: Comparison of Post QA F1 for Uncertainty vs Random Flagging

3.4.3. Comparison of Flagging Methods Compared to confidence or random flagging methods, conceptually, flagging based on price outliers and category

counts are more likely to be designed to support mitigation of misclassification on the final index calculation, than

to utilize for retraining models. However, we compared these methods to evaluate how well classifier

performance improved if these methods were also trialed individually for ML model retraining. We observed a

similar impact on overall accuracy compared to random flagging, for a comparable proportion of new products

flagged each reference period.

We evaluate all four different flagging methods by comparing the F1 score to the total fraction of new products

flagged for review. The minimum sample weighted F1 score, for all reference periods in the 24-month production

window is plotted on the y axis, compared to the fraction of new products that are flagged on the x axis (Figure

19). In general, flagging a higher percentage of new products improves the overall class F1 score, for the same

method. Methods with higher F1 score at lower fraction of products flagged, are comparatively more efficient at

finding misclassifications. Expansion of findings such as these, NSOs can estimate either the labelling effort

required to achieve a minimum F1 score, or the F1 score that can be expected given a fraction of products flagged,

for each method. Ultimately it will be up to the NSOs to balance the trade-off between classification performance

and labelling budget when implementing a flagging and review protocol in production.


Figure 19: Empirical Performance of Different Flagging Methods

4. Discussion This research has shown through an empirical case study that misclassification errors are important to consider by

focusing on the key aspects of applying ML into production. Firstly, as labelling creates datasets that are used for

ML model training or re-training, designing a robust process is key, as annotation processes can be expensive from

a resource point of view. Our findings validate and build on previous studies (Greenhough, Martindale and Sands

2022), showing that while annotators are overall quite consistent, additional resource allocation could be directed

towards categories known to be more heterogeneous and subjective compared to other categories that need less

investment. For instance, classes where human annotators traditionally perform well can potentially be annotated

or reviewed by a single individual, whereas more difficult classes should be reviewed by multiple annotators.

Furthermore, understanding the categories for which disagreement exists between human annotators could be

utilized to improve the class hierarchy over time, such as by modifying class definitions to remove ambiguity.

Even once high performing models are trained on high quality data, misclassification will still occur. Hence our

experiments on the impact of misclassification on a representative elementary aggregate in one reference period,

or over time on one elementary index, provide justification for utilizing high performance classifiers and validating

predictions in production. Specifically, results from the misclassification experiments show that the introduction of

misclassifications can introduce both bias and variance into the underlying index calculation. Furthermore,

simulated misclassifications demonstrated that though both precision and recall are important metrics;

maximizing class precision, is most important for minimizing bias in the index for a specific class. These findings

could be useful in designing a review process for production, allocating review efforts to ensuring high class

precision for the most important, in scope, classes. Additionally, results from our representative use of a price

index showed that while the index was tolerant to moderate misclassification, it still deviated from the true index.


Further research is needed however to evaluate sensitivity of multiple price index methods to varying levels of

misclassification and provide a comprehensive picture.

Given the impact of higher levels of misclassification on a price index, minimizing model degradation over time is

key. Our results demonstrate that model degradation over time occurs, however it can be addressed through

periodic refitting, using new products that have been reviewed. In our experiments, even refitting every three

months, adding at least 10 percent of new products to the training dataset, was sufficient to obtain classifier

performance similar to the base case of refitting with 100 percent of new products. While these findings are

specific to our dataset, and may not generalize perfectly, they should serve as a useful guide for other similar

datasets. At the same time, in the absence of quality control, the quantity of misclassified products will gradually

increase over time as new products enter the sample and old products exit. Flagging and reviewing products are

required to correct misclassifications, evaluate model performance, and refit the classifier model. In our

experiments we have the benefit of knowing the true class of all products; in a production setting this is not the

case; the true class is only ever known for those products that are flagged and reviewed by a human annotator.

Once a validation process is utilized to quality control the prices index and utilize this dataset as feedback to

retrain the model, NSOs face a question of which outlier method is most applicable to utilize in a retraining

dataset. Our experiments showed that model uncertainty was effective at catching many misclassified products

and outperformed random flagging for use in retraining models. At the same time, uncertainty flagging may

introduce bias into the classification model, if exclusively used for model refitting, a topic that is outside the scope

of this research and needs to be evaluated in more detail. Furthermore, products flagged using model uncertainty

are not appropriate for an unbiased estimate of model performance. As such, we recommend to additionally flag a

portion of the dataset randomly to use for unbiased model evaluation.

Additional flagging methods may be appropriate, depending on operational requirements. Our experiments tested

flagging based on product count and price outliers. Though experiment results suggested that these methods were

no better at detecting misclassified products for model retraining purposes, these methods should still be part of a

robust flagging strategy in a production setting, flagging products that are most likely to be impactful on the final

calculated index.

While the specific flagging methods tested in this work may not provide complete evaluation of flagging methods,

we hope that the approach and framework developed will prove a useful starting point for future work. Additional

development of price flagging, as well as consideration for weights, in scanner retailers are some specific areas for

future work. In the future, a wide array of different flagging approaches can be considered; it is important to keep

in mind that no single flagging method will be capable of meeting all production needs and a combination of

different methods will likely be required.

5. Conclusion While the research contributes to the literature on misclassification within consumer price indices, there are

several limitations worth noting that could guide further research on the topic. Firstly, the authors are not aware

of a theoretical framework for the analysis of the impact of misclassification on price indices calculated using

alternative data sources. Furthermore, a comprehensive study showing how each price index or extension method

is sensitive to misclassification could support the conversation on index choice. Secondly, an expansion of the

research to scanner data and longer time horizons would benefit the understanding of how misclassification could

build over time and how other variables, such as product weight, could be utilized as part of outlier detection

when attempting to mitigate misclassification. Thirdly, as NSO adoption of alternative data means that the volume


of new products would be quite high and require considerable resources to maintain manually, a targeted study

on how multiple outlier flags could be combined in an optimal way to balance investment into validation and index

accuracy would be beneficial to demonstrate how production processes could be designed. Finally, we note that

the retailers studied in this work had moderately homogeneous product lines. We expect that the impact of

product misclassification will be even more important for retailers with vast product lines, for example

department store or big box retailers. In addition, there exists the possibility of other unpredictable shocks and

disruptive events, such as website re-design, which should be considered in the design of a resilient production



Bibliography Advisory Panel on Consumer Prices – Technical. 2019. Guidelines for selecting metrics to evaluate classification in

price statistics production. Technical report, UK Statistical Authority.


Artstein, Ron. 2017. "Inter-annotator agreement." In Handbook of linguistic annotation, edited by Nancy Ide and

James Pustejovsky, 297-313. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands. doi:10.1007/978-94-024-0881-2_11.

Bayram, Firas, Bestoun S. Ahmed, and Andreas Kassler. 2022. "From concept drift to model degradation: An

overview on performance-aware drift detectors." Knowledge-Based Systems.

Chessa, Antonio G. 2021. Extension of multilateral index series over time: Analysis and comparison of methods.

Technical report, Department of Consumer Prices, Statistics Netherlands.

Choi, InKyung, Andrea del Monaco, Eleanor Law, Shaun Davies, Joni Karanka, Alison Baily, Riitta Piela, et al. 2022.

"ML Model Monitoring and Re-training." ML 2022 Model Re-training Theme Group, UNECE.


De Waal, Ton. 2013. "Selective Editing: A Quest for Efficiency and Data Quality." Journal for Official Statistics 473-


De Waal, Ton, Pannekoek, Jeroen, and Sander Scholtus. 2011. Handbook of statistical data editing and imputation.

Vol. 563. John Wiley & Sons.

Dongmo-Jiongo, Valéry. 2021. "Innovative uses of web scraped data in the Canadian Clothing and Footwear

Consumer Price Index." High Level Group on the Modernization of Official Statistics: Machine Larning

2021 Monthly Meeting Grou.

Eurostat. 2022. Guide on multilateral methods in the Harmonised Index on Consumer Prices (HICP) — 2022 edition.

Manual, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Eurostat. 2017. Practical Guide for Processing Supermarket Scanner Data. European Commission.

Fox, Kevin J., Peter Levell, and Martin O’Connell. 2022. Multilateral index number methods for Consumer Price

Statistics. ESCoE Discussion Paper 2022-08, Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence.

Gama, Joao. 2013. "A Survey on Concept Drift Adaption." ACM Computing Surveys 44.

Greenhough, Liam, and Mario Spina. 2022. Outlier detection for rail fares and second-hand cars dynamic price

data. Office for National Statistics.


Greenhough, Liam, Hazel Martindale, and Helen Sands. 2022. "Modernising the measurement of clothing price

indices using web-scraped data: classification and product grouping." 17th Meeting of the Ottawa Group.

Rome, Italy.


Harms, Alexander, and Siemen Spinder. 2019. A comprehensive view of machine learning techniques for CPI

production. Statistics Netherlands.

HLG MOS. 2019. "Generic Statistical Business Process Model (version 5.1)."

Hov, Kjersti Nyborg. 2021. "Machine learning in the Norwegian CPI: A classification tool." Group of Experts on

Consumer Price Indices. online.

Huyen, Chip. 2022. Designing Machine Learning Systems. O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Manual, Consumer Price Index. 2020. Concepts and Methods. Geneva: ILO/IMF/OECD/Eurostat/UNECE/The World

Bank, International Labour Office (ILO).

Martindale, Hazel, Edward Rowland, Tanya Flower, and Gareth Clews. 2020. "Semi-supervised machine learning

with word embedding for classification in price statistics." Data & Policy 2 (e12).

Meertens, Q. A., Diks, C. G. H., H. J. Van den Herik, and F. W. Takes. 2020. "A data-driven supply-side approach for

estimating cross-border Internet purchases within the European Union." Journal of the Royal Statistical

Society Series A: Statistics in Society 183 (1): 61-90.

Moreno-Torres, Jose G., Troy Raeder, Rocío Alaiz-Rodríguez, Nitesh V. Chawla, and Francisco Herrera. 2012. "A

unifying view on dataset shift in classification." Pattern recognition 45 (1): 521-530.

Myklatun, Kristian Harald. 2019. "Utilizing Machine Learning in the Consumer Price Index." 28th Nordic Statistical

Meeting, Helsinki.

Office for National Statistics. 2020. "Automated classification of web-scraped clothing data in consumer price



Oyarzun, Javier, and Laura Wile. 2022. "Quality Control of Machine Learning Coding: A Statistics Canada

Experience." UNECE.

Piela, Riitta. 2021. "From Theory to Practice: Detecting Model Decay (or a journey to better understanding of

MLOps)." ONS-UNECE Machine Learning Group 2021 webinar.


—. 2022. Work Stream 4 - Model Retraining. HLG MOS, Machine Learning Group 2021.


Platt, John C. 2000. "Probabilistic outputs for SVMs and comparisons to regularized likelihood methods." In

Advances in Large Margin Classifiers, by Alexander J. Smola, Peter J. Bartlett, Dale Schuurmans and

Bernhard Schölkopf, 61-74. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Scholtus, Sander, and Arnout van Delden. 2020. On the accuracy of estimators based on a binary classifier.

Discussion Paper, CBS.


Sculley, David, Gary Holt, Daniel Golovin, Eugene Davydov, Todd Phillips, Dietmar Ebner, Vinay Chaudhary, Michael

Young, Jean-Francois Crespo, and Dan Dennison. 2015. "Hidden technical debt in machine learning

systems." Advances in neural information processing systems (28).

Settles, Burr. 2009. Active learning literature survey. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of

Computer Sciences.

UNECE. 2021. Machine Learning for Official Statistics. Geneva: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

Valliappa Lakshmanan, Sara Robinson, Michael Munn. 2020. Machine Learning Design Patterns. O'Reilly Media.

van Delden, Arnout, Sander Scholtus, and Joep Burger. 2016. "Accuracy of mixed-source statistics as affected by

classification errors." Journal of official statistics 32 (3): 619-642.

Van Loon, Ken. 2020. Scanner data and web scraping in the Belgian CPI. National Academies.


Widmer, Gerhard, and Miroslav Kubat. 1996. "Learning in the Presence of Concept Drift and HIdden Contexts."

Machine Learning.

Yung, Wesley, Siu-Ming Tam, Bart Buelens, Hugh Chipman, Florian Dumpert, Gabriele Ascari, Fabiana Rocci, Joep

Burger, and InKyung Choi. 2020. "A quality framework for statistical algorithms." Statistical Journal of the

IAOS 38 (1): 291-308.

Measuring the value of data, Canada

Languages and translations

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Measuring the Value of Data Canadian System of National Accounts


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

•3 approaches that national accounts could potentially use: • Market-based: value is determined based on the market price

of comparable products on the market • Income-based: value is determined by estimating the future

cash flows that can be derived from the data • Cost-based: value is determined by how much it costs to

produce the data


Options for measurement:

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

• Conceptually preferable method to estimate capital investment, but not always feasible ➢Data may be of most value to the business that collects it and it is never

sold ➢Price depends on the use/user, and the use can depend on what is


• If sold, the data has generally undergone transformation and is bundled with other services ➢3rd party data is sold after the user’s data has been processed (e.g.

organizing, cleaning)

• How would repeated sales of same data be measured? 2

Options for measurement: market-based approach

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

• Although income-based valuation is an acceptable method, SNA advises caution ➢appropriate assumptions about the asset’s life length and future cash

flows and the discount factor may be difficult to determine

• Often hard to distinguish cash flows (net of associated costs) uniquely related to the data asset from the cash flows related to other intangibles and services

• Income-based approach is recommended for valuing musical, literary, and photographic works– industries where there is an established system of royalty flows


Options for measurement: income-based approach

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

• Sum of costs approach is the recommended method in absence of observable market transactions and for own- account production

• Includes an estimate of labour costs, indirect costs and capital services ▪ Labour costs = # of employees * average compensation * average time spent

▪ Indirect costs include HR resources, electricity, building maintenance, etc.

▪ Capital services represents the return on capital assets used in this productive activity


Options for measurement: cost-based approach

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Sum of costs approach to value data activities

Data activities Customer and information

services supervisors


Survey interviewers

and statistical

clerks (38%)

Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries (40%)

Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts (40%)

Social policy researchers, consultants

and program officers (30%)

Financial and

investment analysts (20%)

Data entry clerks (100%)

• What occupations are involved in data activities?

• What portion of their tasks relate to data? • What should be the markup to cover non-

direct salary costs? ➢ Apply to the wage bill to estimate investment

Occupational group

'Data' share of production activities

Markup for non- direct-salary costs

Labour compensation

Investment in ‘DATA’


Financial and investment analysts 20% 53% 7,348 2,249 Customer and information services supervisors 50% 53% 668 511


Delivering insight through data for a better Canada


Investment in data activities












1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

$ m

ill io

n s,

n o

m in


Upper and lower ranges

Upper bound Lower bound

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada


Investment, by type of Data asset









$ m

ill io

n s,

n o

m in


Investment Flows



Data Science

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Investment in intangibles: with data activities









1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

$ m

ill io

n s,

n o

m in


Investment in R&D, software and data activities

Reseach & development


Data activities

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada


What is the stock of data activities?

Data, 153,219

Databases, 21,688Data Science, 23,385

R&D, 82,784

Software, 60,793



Data Science




Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

• Overlap with other IPP production: ▪ “it is important to ensure, in using the sum of costs approach to valuating of

IPP assets produced on own-account, that the same costs are not included in the valuation of more than one asset”

➢we know there is some overlap with software

• Choice of occupation and time spent on these activities: ➢This could be very narrow or very broad

➢Concrete examples of what is considered Data activities is required

• Mark-up to cover indirect costs and capital services


Sum of costs approach: considerations

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Update to the Value of Data Activities release

• Estimated based on the Sum of Costs method ▪Certain occupation types, estimates of time spent

• Previous methodology was ad hoc/arbitrary ➢ which occupations to include and time-use proportions

• Challenges related to estimating occupations and time: ➢Occupations engaged in data-related tasks are not obvious

➢Tasks are evolving as our economy evolves

➢Occupations may be involved in more than one stage

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Update to the Value of Data Activities release, cont.

• Use machine learning to refine the types of occupations and time- use ➢Web scraping to obtain jobs listings

➢Machine learning to identify occupations involved in data activities based on key words

➢Linking those occupations to O*Net from the BLS that lists job tasks and importance

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Update to the Value of Data Activities release, cont.

Web scraping of CA Indeed job posting

Train ML model based on job posting text to determine types of

occupations doing Data activities

Apply trained model to O*Net jobs/tasks: types

of SOC & time spent Map SOC to NOC Apply to NOC data

from Census/LFS

*SOC: US occupational classification

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Update to the Value of Data Activities release

• This will give a selection of occupations that are participating in data activities based on ‘real’ tasks

• Directly comparable with the US estimates

Can this method be used for other Sum of costs estimation?

• Considerations with this method:

- only one job posting site

- set period of time

- US listing of occupation tasks/importance

Impact of High Inflation on the Canadian System of National Accounts

Languages and translations

Delivering insight through data for a better Canada

Impact of High Inflation on the Canadian System of National


GDP in a High Inflation Environment

Second consecutive year of rapid growth in GDP deflator











19 81

19 82

19 83

19 84

19 85

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19 87

19 88

19 89

19 90

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19 93

19 94

19 95

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19 97

19 98

19 99

20 00

20 01

20 02

20 03

20 04

20 05

20 06

20 07

20 08

20 09

20 10

20 11

20 12

20 13

20 14

20 15

20 16

20 17

20 18

20 19

20 20

20 21

20 22

In de

x, 2

01 2=

10 0

GDP, deflator

Terms of trade, index

Housing spending deflator versus Consumer Price Index - Consumer Price Index for Canada has grown faster than implicit deflator for Household spending - CPI is an index of true price change, whereas the household spending deflator reflects quarterly consumption patterns/weights






20 17

Q =1

00 in

de x

CPI aggregate

Housing Final Consumption Expenditure, aggregate

Housing Final Consumption Expenditure, goods

Housing Final Consumption Expenditure, services

2022: top contributors to growth in GDP deflator

Importance of prices in recent trade results

• For a number of months, prices have been the driving force behind rising trade values, particularly for exports of goods



















20 14

01 20

14 05

20 14

09 20

15 01

20 15

05 20

15 09

20 16

01 20

16 05

20 16

09 20

17 01

20 17

05 20

17 09

20 18

01 20

18 05

20 18

09 20

19 01

20 19

05 20

19 09

20 20

01 20

20 05

20 20

09 20

21 01

20 21

05 20

21 09

20 22

01 20

22 05

Bi lli

on s

Total Exports

Sum of C$ * Sum of K$ * Average of PAAS_INDEX *



















20 14

01 20

14 05

20 14

09 20

15 01

20 15

05 20

15 09

20 16

01 20

16 05

20 16

09 20

17 01

20 17

05 20

17 09

20 18

01 20

18 05

20 18

09 20

19 01

20 19

05 20

19 09

20 20

01 20

20 05

20 20

09 20

21 01

20 21

05 20

21 09

20 22

01 20

22 05

Bi lli

on s

Total Imports

Sum of C$ * Sum of K$ * Average of PAAS_INDEX *

Weight of energy exports

• In 2022, the share of energy products on total exports (nominal) has risen to unprecedented levels



















100 20

14 01

20 14

04 20

14 07

20 14

10 20

15 01

20 15

04 20

15 07

20 15

10 20

16 01

20 16

04 20

16 07

20 16

10 20

17 01

20 17

04 20

17 07

20 17

10 20

18 01

20 18

04 20

18 07

20 18

10 20

19 01

20 19

04 20

19 07

20 19

10 20

20 01

20 20

04 20

20 07

20 20

10 20

21 01

20 21

04 20

21 07

20 21

10 20

22 01

20 22

04 20

22 07

Sh ar


Bi lli

on s

Energy products - share of total exports

C12 C$ * TOTAL C$ * C12 SHARE

Volatile Energy Prices

Recent volume issue: production vs export coherence

• Crude oil production and exports are generally considered to be highly correlated statistics

• CER: since 2015, 80% of production volumes are exported • Statcan energy statistics program: similar coherence and export share








Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 8

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-1


O ct

-1 9

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 0

Ja n-


Ap r-


Ju l-2


O ct

-2 1

Ja n-


Ap r-


cu bi

c m

et re


Statistics Canada Crude oil supply and disposition

Total Production Exports

  • Impact of High Inflation on the Canadian System of National Accounts
  • GDP in a High Inflation Environment
  • Second consecutive year of rapid growth in GDP deflator
  • Housing spending deflator versus Consumer Price Index
  • 2022: top contributors to growth in GDP deflator
  • Importance of prices in recent trade results
  • Weight of energy exports
  • Volatile Energy Prices
  • Slide Number 9
  • Slide Number 10
  • Slide Number 11
  • Slide Number 12
  • Slide Number 13
  • Slide Number 14
  • Slide Number 15
  • Slide Number 16
  • Recent volume issue: production vs export coherence

Market Forecast Tables 2022

These tables show forest products production and trade forecasts for 2022 and 2023. These cover roundwood (logs, pulpwood and fuel wood), sawnwood (coniferous and non-coniferous), wood-based panels (plywood, particle board, OSB and fibreboard), pulp, paper and wood pellets.  The forecast data are provided by national correspondents and approved at the meeting of the Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry.

Languages and translations

List of tables

List of Tables and Notes
Table 1 - Sawn Softwood
Table 2 - Sawn Hardwood (total)
Table 2a - Sawn Hardwood (temperate)
Table 2b - Sawn Hardwood (tropical)
Table 3 - Veneer Sheets
Table 4 - Plywood
Table 5 - Particle Board (excluding OSB)
Table 5a - Oriented Strand Board
Table 6 - Fibreboard
Table 6a - Hardboard
Table 6b - MDF/HDF
Table 6c - Other Fibreboard
Table 7 - Wood Pulp
Table 8 - Paper and Paperboard
Table 9 - Removals of wood in the rough
Table 9a - Removals of wood in the rough (softwood)
Table 9b - Removals of wood in the rough (hardwood)
Table 10 - Softwood sawlogs
Table 11 - Hardwood sawlogs
Table 11a - Hardwood logs (temperate)
Table 11b - Hardwood logs (tropical)
Table 12 - Pulpwood
Table 12a - Pulpwood (softwood)
Table 12b - Pulpwood (hardwood)
Table 12c - Wood Residues, Chips and Particles
Table 13 - Wood Pellets
Table 14 - Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2022 and 2023
Table 15 - North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2022 and 2023
Source: UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry , November 2022,
Notes: Data in italics are estimated by the secretariat. EECCA is Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.
Data for the two latest years are forecasts.
In contrast to previous years, data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals are only for reporting countries.
Data are shown only for countries providing forecasts. Sub-regional totals thus reflect only the reporting countries of the subregion. No sub-regional forecast is provided for "Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia" due to lack of information provided by countries in this sub-region.
Germany – Pellets consumption is an estimated consumption as reported by Pellet Federation. There is a difference between reported consumption and apparent consumption of 242,000 metric tonnes and 214,000 metric tonnes, respectively. For 2022 and 2023, this difference is additionally stored at newly installed plants, i.e. sold but not yet consumed.
Slovenia trade figures are lower than actual as they do not include estimates for non-recorded trade with other EU countries.
Polish trade data exclude non-reporters (estimated at 1-3% of total). Residues exclude recovered wood. Polish sawnwood data exclude shop lumber. Wood pulp production is in metric tonnes, not air-dried, and excludes recovered fibre pulp. Wood pellets production data includes briquettes and non-wood based material.
United Kingdom production figures for OSB is secretariat estimate.
Softwood = coniferous, hardwood = non-coniferous
For tables 1-13, data in italics are secretariat estimates or repeated data. All other data are from national sources and are of course estimates for the current and future year.
Countries with nil, missing or confidential data for all years on a table are not shown.

Table 1

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 6,547 6,469 6,400 10,582 10,370 10,300 1,911 2,045 2,000 5,947 5,947 5,900 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 528 ... ... 638 ... ... 25 ... ... 135 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 32 33 32 2 1 1 31 32 31 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 3,250 3,249 3,272 5,015 5,144 5,279 526 555 560 2,291 2,450 2,567 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 2,296 1,910 1,910 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,699 1,360 1,360 1,003 1,050 1,050 Estonie
Finland Finland 3,731 3,650 3,570 11,900 11,750 12,200 547 350 70 8,716 8,450 8,700 Finlande
Germany Germany 20,104 19,800 19,500 25,313 25,300 25,000 5,700 5,000 4,500 10,909 10,500 10,000 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 1,968 1,500 1,300 3,641 3,500 3,300 1,463 900 700 3,136 2,900 2,700 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 56 43 43 39 39 39 28 5 5 12 1 1 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 7 8 9 0 0 0 7 8 9 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 3,036 2,905 2,850 110 100 100 3,408 3,276 3,226 481 470 475 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 4,857 4,750 4,900 4,583 4,500 4,650 1,239 1,250 1,300 965 1,000 1,050 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 632 730 665 817 850 840 121 130 125 306 250 300 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 379 400 422 99 110 120 295 300 310 15 10 8 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 563 650 675 1,302 1,300 1,325 324 350 350 1,063 1,000 1,000 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 627 600 550 904 1,000 970 563 500 500 840 900 920 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 6,954 6,450 5,300 19,000 18,500 17,500 514 450 300 12,560 12,500 12,500 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,245 1,275 1,315 1,150 1,180 1,220 280 275 270 185 180 175 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 10,960 8,920 9,410 3,574 3,010 3,400 7,623 6,150 6,250 237 240 240 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 67,771 63,342 62,124 90,268 88,255 87,844 26,303 22,936 21,866 48,800 47,848 47,586 Total Europe
Canada Canada a 19,841 18,893 24,156 55,842 52,183 50,290 1,030 752 745 37,031 34,041 26,878 Canada a
United States United States a 88,263 88,484 89,272 63,417 64,178 64,820 26,931 26,270 26,533 2,085 1,963 2,081 Etats-Unis a
Total North America 108,104 107,378 113,428 119,259 116,361 115,109 27,961 27,021 27,277 39,116 36,005 28,959 Total Amérique du Nord
a converted from nominal to actual size using factor of 0.72 a convertis du dimension nominale au véritable avec une facteur du 0.72

Table 2

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 186 215 220 182 178 170 177 210 220 173 173 170 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 71 ... ... 79 ... ... 22 ... ... 30 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 6 7 6 0 0 0 6 7 6 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 416 427 430 145 147 151 338 340 344 67 60 65 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 230 150 150 150 100 100 177 140 140 97 90 90 Estonie
Finland Finland 64 55 55 54 50 50 30 25 25 20 20 20 Finlande
Germany Germany 786 760 700 1,061 1,060 1,000 459 400 400 735 700 700 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 234 160 150 797 850 750 75 60 50 638 750 650 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 38 51 51 39 39 39 18 12 12 19 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 7 7 8 0 0 0 7 7 8 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 309 301 283 38 40 40 343 331 308 72 70 65 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 512 500 540 486 460 510 312 350 380 286 310 350 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 224 220 225 148 160 150 106 90 100 31 30 25 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 185 197 200 353 382 390 103 95 100 271 280 290 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 225 325 350 350 375 400 52 100 100 177 150 150 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 121 55 80 140 125 130 99 100 100 118 170 150 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 111 110 110 100 100 100 50 45 45 39 35 35 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 80 85 90 55 60 65 40 40 40 15 15 15 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 534 540 540 37 40 40 536 540 540 39 40 40 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 4,338 4,166 4,188 4,215 4,166 4,085 2,950 2,892 2,918 2,826 2,893 2,815 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,208 1,229 1,116 880 813 714 798 894 779 470 478 377 Canada
United States United States 14,348 15,065 14,707 17,326 17,607 17,467 717 1,040 878 3,695 3,581 3,638 Etats-Unis
Total North America 15,556 16,295 15,823 18,206 18,420 18,181 1,514 1,934 1,658 4,165 4,059 4,015 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 2a

SAWN HARDWOOD (temperate) SCIAGES NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 182 211 216 182 178 170 172 205 215 172 172 169 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 70 ... ... 79 ... ... 21 ... ... 30 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 4 3 2 0 0 0 4 3 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 409 421 424 145 147 151 329 331 335 65 57 62 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 227 149 149 150 100 100 172 136 136 94 87 87 Estonie
Finland Finland 63 54 54 54 50 50 25 20 20 16 16 16 Finlande
Germany Germany 747 718 658 1,059 1,058 998 385 325 325 698 665 665 Allemagne
Luxembourg Luxembourg 27 49 49 39 39 39 6 10 10 19 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 6 6 7 0 0 0 6 6 7 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 166 160 142 31 32 32 184 177 154 49 49 45 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 498 485 524 486 459 509 295 333 362 283 307 347 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 222 190 197 136 150 137 74 50 70 -12 10 10 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 184 196 199 352 381 389 103 95 100 271 280 290 Serbie
Slovenia Slovenia 119 52 77 140 125 130 96 97 97 118 170 150 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 111 109 109 100 100 100 49 44 44 37 35 35 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 71 76 81 52 57 62 34 34 34 15 15 15 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 458 460 460 37 40 40 456 460 460 36 40 40 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 3,563 3,340 3,349 3,042 2,917 2,908 2,411 2,326 2,372 1,890 1,903 1,931 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,202 1,214 1,107 880 813 714 781 865 753 459 464 360 Canada
United States United States 14,162 14,835 14,498 17,326 17,607 17,467 491 773 632 3,656 3,545 3,600 Etats-Unis
Total North America 15,364 16,049 15,605 18,206 18,420 18,181 1,272 1,638 1,385 4,115 4,009 3,960 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 2b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 4 4 4 0 0 0 5 5 5 1 1 1 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1 ... ... 0 ... ... 1 ... ... 0 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 2 4 4 0 0 0 2 4 4 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 7 6 6 0 0 0 9 9 9 2 3 3 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 3 1 1 0 0 0 5 4 4 2 3 3 Estonie
Finland Finland 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 5 5 4 4 4 Finlande
Germany Germany 39 42 42 2 2 2 74 75 75 37 35 35 Allemagne
Luxembourg Luxembourg 12 2 2 0 0 0 12 2 2 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 143 141 141 8 8 8 159 154 153 23 21 20 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 14 15 16 0 1 1 17 17 18 3 3 3 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 2 30 28 12 10 13 32 40 30 43 20 15 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovenia Slovenia 2 3 3 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 0 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden -0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 9 9 9 3 3 3 6 6 6 0 0 0 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 76 80 80 0 0 0 79 80 80 3 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 316 341 339 26 25 28 412 406 396 122 90 84 Total Europe
Canada Canada 6 16 9 0 0 0 16 29 26 11 14 17 Canada
United States United States 186 230 208 0 0 0 226 267 246 39 36 38 Etats-Unis
Total North America 192 246 217 0 0 0 242 296 273 50 50 55 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 3

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 59 56 56 8 7 7 70 65 65 18 16 16 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 31 ... ... 18 ... ... 24 ... ... 10 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 11 20 21 30 32 33 41 50 54 60 62 66 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 103 140 140 110 140 140 85 86 90 92 86 90 Estonie
Finland Finland 8 8 7 170 184 178 9 9 9 171 185 180 Finlande
Germany Germany 167 165 160 116 115 110 111 110 110 59 60 60 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 155 85 55 42 45 45 154 110 50 41 70 40 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 34 34 34 0 0 0 41 41 41 7 7 7 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 146 145 150 46 42 44 121 125 130 21 22 24 Pologne
Portugal Portugal -71 12 3 21 22 23 37 30 30 130 40 50 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 19 18 23 27 22 25 13 14 15 21 18 17 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 16 25 25 29 30 30 21 20 20 34 25 25 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 8 4 5 23 24 21 14 14 14 29 34 30 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 30 25 20 60 55 50 17 20 15 47 50 45 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 3 3 3 0 0 0 4 4 4 1 1 1 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 14 10 10 0 0 0 14 10 10 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 737 752 715 700 718 706 779 710 660 742 676 651 Total Europe
Canada Canada 144 181 173 581 565 565 183 222 230 620 607 622 Canada
United States United States 2,675 2,784 2,730 2,284 2,284 2,284 671 759 715 281 258 269 Etats-Unis
Total North America 2,819 2,965 2,903 2,866 2,849 2,849 854 981 945 901 865 891 Total Amérique du Nord
Note: Definition of veneers now includes all production (including converted directly to plywood). However most replies here continue to exclude the part going to plywood.
La définition des placages comprend maintenant toute la production (y compris la conversion directe en contreplaqué).
Cependant, la plupart des réponses continuent d'exclure la partie destinée au contreplaqué.

Table 4

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 94 85 80 184 180 170 267 205 200 357 300 290 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 65 ... ... 37 ... ... 66 ... ... 38 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 13 15 14 0 0 0 13 15 14 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 201 199 201 260 262 263 186 188 187 245 251 249 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 102 100 100 190 180 180 118 110 110 206 190 190 Estonie
Finland Finland 296 280 285 1,130 1,120 1,120 121 110 100 955 950 935 Finlande
Germany Germany 1,185 1,170 1,170 103 100 100 1,464 1,450 1,450 382 380 380 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 68 30 30 310 300 250 98 60 30 340 330 250 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 11 2 2 0 0 0 12 2 2 1 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 10 11 11 0 0 0 10 11 11 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 600 580 565 0 0 0 695 670 650 95 90 85 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 773 770 790 543 540 550 604 620 650 374 390 410 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 215 215 200 126 110 100 116 130 120 27 25 20 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 41 43 48 15 14 17 30 32 34 4 3 3 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 232 320 345 307 375 400 65 70 70 140 125 125 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 79 66 68 102 96 98 57 50 50 80 80 80 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 260 245 245 101 90 90 206 200 200 47 45 45 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 209 214 220 7 7 8 205 210 215 3 3 3 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 1,486 1,490 1,490 0 0 0 1,541 1,540 1,540 55 50 50 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 5,940 5,835 5,864 3,415 3,374 3,346 5,874 5,673 5,633 3,349 3,212 3,115 Total Europe
Canada Canada 2,485 2,288 2,490 1,698 1,644 1,639 1,421 1,144 1,406 634 500 555 Canada
United States United States 17,031 17,295 17,163 9,705 9,895 9,800 8,086 8,163 8,124 759 762 761 Etats-Unis
Total North America 19,516 19,583 19,653 11,403 11,539 11,439 9,507 9,306 9,530 1,393 1,263 1,316 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 5

PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) PANNEAUX DE PARTICULES (ne comprennent pas l'OSB)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 868 776 766 2,550 2,350 2,300 361 370 360 2,043 1,944 1,894 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 487 ... ... 773 ... ... 118 ... ... 403 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 47 42 41 0 0 0 47 42 41 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 739 688 671 965 945 930 578 598 577 804 855 836 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 182 155 155 210 130 130 76 85 85 103 60 60 Estonie
Finland Finland 107 119 119 54 50 50 83 93 93 30 24 24 Finlande
Germany Germany 6,015 5,970 5,870 6,036 6,020 5,920 2,142 2,100 2,050 2,162 2,150 2,100 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 139 120 180 350 300 300 53 70 80 264 250 200 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 15 3 3 0 0 0 16 4 4 2 1 1 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 10 10 11 0 0 0 10 10 11 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 446 430 430 0 0 0 520 500 500 74 70 70 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 7,601 7,700 7,740 6,333 6,370 6,370 2,093 2,150 2,220 824 820 850 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 451 527 427 743 730 720 313 295 304 605 498 597 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 420 417 422 272 230 235 208 235 240 60 48 53 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 182 220 215 608 625 625 143 140 135 568 545 545 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 155 155 147 0 0 0 162 163 154 6 8 7 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 971 985 975 561 550 550 506 520 510 97 85 85 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 280 300 320 380 390 400 125 130 135 225 220 215 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 2,664 2,242 2,242 2,090 1,722 1,722 638 600 600 65 80 80 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 21,780 20,859 20,734 21,926 20,412 20,252 8,189 8,105 8,099 8,336 7,658 7,617 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,487 1,594 1,591 1,647 1,724 1,686 593 594 586 754 724 681 Canada
United States United States 5,111 7,189 5,725 4,136 4,220 3,874 1,462 3,144 2,159 488 175 309 Etats-Unis
Total North America 6,597 8,783 7,316 5,783 5,944 5,560 2,056 3,738 2,745 1,241 899 989 Total Amérique du Nord
Data are calculated by subtracting OSB from the particleboard/OSB total - les données sont calculées en soustrayant les OSB du total des panneaux de particules et OSB.

Table 5a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 186 224 214 0 0 0 192 230 220 6 6 6 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 175 ... ... 252 ... ... 8 ... ... 85 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 15 18 17 0 0 0 15 18 17 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 355 360 366 745 770 795 127 132 135 517 542 564 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 44 45 45 0 0 0 44 45 45 1 0 0 Estonie
Finland Finland 47 47 47 0 0 0 47 47 47 0 0 0 Finlande
Germany Germany 1,473 1,480 1,480 1,282 1,280 1,280 746 750 750 555 550 550 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 211 160 100 700 600 600 73 60 50 562 500 550 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 117 265 265 338 338 338 7 1 1 229 74 74 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 192 185 185 0 0 0 208 200 200 16 15 15 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 802 800 860 827 830 880 316 350 380 341 380 400 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 31 33 33 0 0 0 34 35 36 3 2 3 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 44 53 58 0 0 0 46 55 60 2 2 2 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 91 90 95 0 0 0 94 95 100 3 5 5 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 33 35 34 0 0 0 36 37 36 2 2 2 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 116 95 95 0 0 0 121 100 100 5 5 5 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 90 90 90 0 0 0 90 90 90 0 0 0 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 925 868 868 598 598 598 461 440 440 133 170 170 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 4,948 4,848 4,852 4,741 4,416 4,491 2,665 2,685 2,707 2,459 2,253 2,346 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,618 1,589 1,570 7,240 7,581 7,646 124 72 72 5,746 6,064 6,147 Canada
United States United States 19,804 20,091 20,381 13,839 14,040 14,243 6,147 6,236 6,326 182 185 188 Etats-Unis
Total North America 21,422 21,680 21,951 21,079 21,621 21,889 6,271 6,308 6,398 5,928 6,249 6,335 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 504 469 445 690 570 545 370 340 330 556 441 430 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 106 ... ... 75 ... ... 118 ... ... 87 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 15 16 15 0 0 0 15 16 15 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 462 470 481 45 46 47 574 590 609 157 166 175 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 74 68 68 80 70 70 77 69 69 83 71 71 Estonie
Finland Finland 162 165 165 46 46 46 164 161 161 48 41 41 Finlande
Germany Germany 4,401 4,425 4,335 6,105 6,100 6,000 1,944 1,940 1,865 3,648 3,615 3,530 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 19 11 6 37 35 20 69 57 47 87 81 61 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 13 128 128 147 147 147 19 5 5 153 24 24 Luxembourg
Malta Malta ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 454 436 436 29 29 29 572 550 550 147 143 143 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 4,398 4,650 4,770 5,750 5,850 6,050 912 970 990 2,264 2,170 2,270 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 488 510 500 555 550 540 336 335 340 404 375 380 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 123 151 163 21 18 20 143 168 181 41 35 38 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 248 239 239 0 0 0 275 265 265 27 26 26 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 26 30 30 136 135 135 57 55 55 167 160 160 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 308 317 293 0 0 0 391 395 365 84 78 72 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 292 302 312 205 210 215 266 266 266 179 174 169 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 1,807 1,780 1,710 798 900 850 1,080 950 930 72 70 70 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 13,901 14,168 14,097 14,719 14,706 14,714 7,385 7,132 7,043 8,203 7,670 7,660 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,492 1,348 1,355 1,349 1,395 1,395 1,009 889 885 866 936 924 Canada
United States United States 9,727 10,134 9,985 7,560 7,691 7,663 3,008 3,190 3,123 841 747 801 Etats-Unis
Total North America 11,219 11,482 11,340 8,909 9,086 9,058 4,017 4,079 4,007 1,707 1,683 1,725 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6a

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 32 36 34 75 48 45 17 20 19 60 32 30 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 45 ... ... 51 ... ... 40 ... ... 46 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 146 146 147 0 0 0 167 168 170 21 22 23 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 27 24 24 0 0 0 34 30 30 7 6 6 Estonie
Finland Finland 26 30 30 46 46 46 21 20 20 41 36 36 Finlande
Germany Germany 213 210 210 0 0 0 242 240 240 29 30 30 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 11 10 5 0 0 0 23 20 15 12 10 10 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg -71 -9 -9 0 0 0 2 1 1 73 10 10 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 44 35 35 0 0 0 66 55 55 22 20 20 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland -212 10 10 76 100 100 139 180 180 427 270 270 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 44 20 30 12 0 0 42 30 40 10 10 10 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 33 38 41 21 18 20 31 35 37 19 15 16 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 17 20 20 0 0 0 22 25 25 5 5 5 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 6 6 7 6 6 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 75 87 78 0 0 0 88 100 90 14 13 12 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 13 13 13 0 0 0 21 21 21 8 8 8 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 101 100 100 0 0 0 111 110 110 11 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 544 771 769 281 212 211 1,075 1,062 1,060 812 503 502 Total Europe
Canada Canada 46 42 36 90 90 90 68 60 66 112 108 120 Canada
United States United States 503 509 514 499 504 509 252 255 258 248 250 253 Etats-Unis
Total North America 549 551 550 589 594 599 320 315 324 360 358 373 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 316 283 265 615 522 500 192 166 161 491 405 396 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 58 ... ... 24 ... ... 75 ... ... 41 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 13 13 12 0 0 0 13 13 12 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 248 249 251 45 46 47 243 250 258 40 47 54 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 21 20 20 0 0 0 38 35 35 17 15 15 Estonie
Finland Finland 117 116 116 0 0 0 124 121 121 7 5 5 Finlande
Germany Germany 2,385 2,425 2,400 4,693 4,700 4,650 625 625 600 2,932 2,900 2,850 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 1 0 0 37 35 20 28 25 20 64 60 40 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 80 136 136 147 147 147 13 3 3 80 14 14 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 5 5 5 0 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 291 285 285 0 0 0 408 400 400 117 115 115 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 3,533 3,560 3,630 3,542 3,600 3,700 743 760 780 752 800 850 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 456 485 465 535 550 540 280 285 280 359 350 355 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 88 110 118 0 0 0 110 130 140 22 20 22 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 162 150 150 0 0 0 183 170 170 22 20 20 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 20 29 29 136 135 135 39 43 43 155 149 149 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 213 210 200 0 0 0 272 265 250 59 55 50 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 105 110 115 205 210 215 70 65 60 170 165 160 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 1,622 1,600 1,530 798 900 850 878 750 730 54 50 50 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 9,734 9,786 9,727 10,776 10,845 10,804 4,341 4,111 4,068 5,383 5,170 5,145 Total Europe
Canada Canada 1,301 1,135 1,153 1,159 1,205 1,205 780 648 639 637 718 691 Canada
United States United States 6,012 6,042 6,073 3,882 3,901 3,921 2,552 2,565 2,578 422 424 426 Etats-Unis
Total North America 7,313 7,177 7,226 5,041 5,106 5,126 3,332 3,213 3,217 1,059 1,142 1,117 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 6c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 157 150 146 0 0 0 162 154 150 5 4 4 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 3 ... ... 0 ... ... 3 ... ... 0 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 68 75 83 0 0 0 164 172 181 96 97 98 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 26 24 24 80 70 70 5 4 4 59 50 50 Estonie
Finland Finland 19 19 19 0 0 0 20 20 20 0 0 0 Finlande
Germany Germany 1,803 1,790 1,725 1,412 1,400 1,350 1,078 1,075 1,025 686 685 650 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 7 1 1 0 0 0 18 12 12 11 11 11 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 4 1 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 119 116 116 29 29 29 98 95 95 8 8 8 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 1,077 1,080 1,130 2,132 2,150 2,250 30 30 30 1,085 1,100 1,150 Pologne
Portugal Portugal -12 5 5 8 0 0 15 20 20 35 15 15 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 2 3 4 0 0 0 2 3 4 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 70 69 69 0 0 0 70 70 70 0 1 1 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 5 1 1 0 0 0 10 6 6 5 5 5 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 20 20 15 0 0 0 31 30 25 11 10 10 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 174 179 184 0 0 0 175 180 185 1 1 1 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 84 80 80 0 0 0 91 90 90 7 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 3,628 3,616 3,607 3,661 3,649 3,699 1,976 1,965 1,922 2,009 1,997 2,013 Total Europe
Canada Canada 144 171 166 100 100 100 162 181 180 117 110 114 Canada
United States United States 3,212 3,583 3,398 3,179 3,286 3,233 204 370 287 171 73 122 Etats-Unis
Total North America 3,357 3,754 3,564 3,279 3,386 3,333 366 551 467 288 183 236 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 7

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 2,261 2,229 2,235 2,004 1,970 1,980 578 577 577 321 318 322 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 125 ... ... 210 ... ... 7 ... ... 92 ... ... Bulgarie
Czech Republic Czech Republic 803 806 806 614 640 660 310 300 289 121 134 143 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 84 140 140 260 200 200 49 50 50 225 110 110 Estonie
Finland Finland a 6,625 5,760 6,280 10,950 9,360 10,520 150 220 220 4,475 3,820 4,460 Finlande a
Germany Germany 5,622 5,685 5,715 2,327 2,390 2,420 4,451 4,400 4,400 1,156 1,105 1,105 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 2 6 2 14 10 10 2 2 2 14 6 10 Lettonie
Netherlands Netherlands 929 987 987 37 37 37 2,167 2,150 2,150 1,274 1,200 1,200 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 2,767 2,750 2,790 1,749 1,720 1,750 1,194 1,220 1,250 177 190 210 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 1,660 1,640 1,645 2,809 2,750 2,800 141 140 145 1,290 1,250 1,300 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 75 76 79 0 0 0 76 77 80 1 1 1 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 680 685 695 769 775 800 160 160 170 248 250 275 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 331 309 309 86 82 82 250 230 230 5 3 3 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 8,146 8,250 8,400 11,701 11,950 12,150 602 600 600 4,157 4,300 4,350 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 160 160 160 70 70 70 90 90 90 0 0 0 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 984 990 ... 220 220 ... 766 780 790 2 10 10 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 31,255 30,473 30,243 33,820 32,174 33,479 10,993 10,996 11,043 13,558 12,697 13,499 Total Europe
Canada Canada 7,265 6,097 6,156 14,886 13,861 13,468 1,095 950 1,185 8,717 8,714 8,497 Canada
United States United States 48,100 48,274 48,187 49,685 49,859 49,772 6,036 6,036 6,036 7,621 7,621 7,621 Etats-Unis
Total North America 55,365 54,372 54,344 64,571 63,720 63,240 7,131 6,986 7,221 16,337 16,335 16,118 Total Amérique du Nord
a imports exclude dissolving pulp a les importations excluent pâte à dissoudre

Table 8

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 2,334 2,340 2,315 5,065 5,100 5,080 1,296 1,310 1,300 4,028 4,070 4,065 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 573 ... ... 394 ... ... 358 ... ... 180 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 44 48 46 0 0 0 44 48 46 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 1,618 1,602 1,604 901 906 909 1,623 1,604 1,600 906 908 905 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 126 150 150 70 90 90 138 130 130 83 70 70 Estonie
Finland Finland 636 590 620 8,660 7,450 8,150 361 350 350 8,385 7,210 7,880 Finlande
Germany Germany 18,980 18,500 18,400 23,123 22,800 22,700 10,009 9,800 9,800 14,152 14,100 14,100 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 174 182 182 28 30 30 186 200 200 40 48 48 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 31 8 8 0 0 0 38 8 8 7 0 0 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 26 27 27 0 0 0 26 27 27 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 2,869 2,890 2,890 2,942 2,950 2,950 2,268 2,260 2,260 2,341 2,320 2,320 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 8,002 8,100 8,150 5,324 5,450 5,550 5,233 5,300 5,400 2,556 2,650 2,800 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 1,245 1,250 1,290 2,247 2,200 2,240 928 850 900 1,931 1,800 1,850 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 760 780 785 535 520 525 462 470 480 237 210 220 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 554 600 600 1,019 975 1,000 474 450 475 939 825 875 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 491 435 440 635 605 590 435 420 420 579 590 570 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 704 950 950 8,924 8,700 8,850 897 750 750 9,117 8,500 8,650 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,050 1,055 1,060 1,170 1,175 1,180 610 600 590 730 720 710 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 7,482 7,430 7,450 3,640 3,530 3,650 4,589 4,660 4,550 747 760 750 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 47,697 46,937 46,967 64,677 62,481 63,494 29,977 29,237 29,286 46,957 44,781 45,813 Total Europe
Canada Canada 4,940 4,796 4,930 8,787 8,436 8,436 2,424 2,567 2,538 6,272 6,207 6,045 Canada
United States United States 65,622 68,268 66,945 67,476 70,196 68,836 8,223 8,555 8,389 10,077 10,483 10,280 Etats-Unis
Total North America 70,561 73,064 71,874 76,263 78,632 77,272 10,647 11,122 10,927 16,348 16,690 16,325 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 9

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 13,521 13,873 13,650 10,420 10,607 10,300 3,101 3,266 3,350 0 0 0 4,900 5,263 5,400 18,420 19,136 19,050 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 3,172 ... ... 1,524 ... ... 1,606 ... ... 42 ... ... 2,357 ... ... 5,529 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 7 7 8 ... ... ... Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 25,146 21,122 20,576 17,739 15,858 14,572 7,294 5,149 5,887 113 115 117 5,110 4,933 4,536 30,256 26,055 25,112 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 6,520 6,317 6,317 4,145 4,060 4,060 2,323 2,200 2,200 52 57 57 4,148 4,100 4,100 10,667 10,417 10,417 Estonie
Finland Finland 58,036 55,847 58,540 26,292 24,618 24,713 31,744 31,229 33,827 0 0 0 8,868 8,868 8,868 66,904 64,715 67,408 Finlande
Germany Germany 59,187 57,179 54,270 47,403 44,256 42,085 11,624 12,765 12,027 161 158 158 23,224 23,900 24,100 82,411 81,079 78,370 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 13,003 12,650 12,550 7,827 7,400 7,300 3,986 4,100 4,100 1,190 1,150 1,150 2,940 3,150 3,200 15,943 15,800 15,750 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 217 332 197 39 86 144 84 160 38 94 86 15 46 73 45 262 405 242 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 648 653 653 210 214 214 394 395 395 43 44 44 2,362 2,350 2,350 3,010 3,003 3,003 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 38,587 40,300 41,530 18,508 19,300 19,950 19,471 20,410 21,000 608 590 580 4,519 4,450 4,350 43,106 44,750 45,880 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 12,136 12,240 12,155 2,147 2,190 2,220 9,659 9,700 9,600 331 350 335 1,762 1,830 1,780 13,899 14,070 13,935 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 1,646 1,586 1,630 1,176 1,166 1,185 307 280 295 163 140 150 6,251 6,950 7,010 7,897 8,536 8,640 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 7,170 7,475 7,590 4,243 4,335 4,400 2,893 3,100 3,150 34 40 40 495 550 610 7,665 8,025 8,200 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 2,673 3,078 2,995 1,977 2,210 2,130 648 825 825 48 43 40 1,043 1,200 1,260 3,716 4,278 4,255 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 71,400 71,400 70,400 39,300 37,800 36,000 31,800 33,300 34,100 300 300 300 5,400 5,400 5,400 76,800 76,800 75,800 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 3,003 3,088 3,163 2,450 2,550 2,610 550 535 550 3 3 3 1,980 2,030 2,100 4,983 5,118 5,263 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 8,716 7,660 8,410 6,354 5,360 6,060 1,898 1,900 1,900 463 400 450 2,184 2,180 2,180 10,899 9,840 10,590 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 324,781 314,800 314,626 191,753 182,010 177,943 129,382 129,314 133,244 3,646 3,476 3,439 77,596 77,234 77,297 402,369 392,027 391,915 Total Europe
Canada Canada 138,131 135,303 135,303 120,741 117,995 117,995 15,239 15,040 15,040 2,152 2,268 2,268 1,472 1,567 1,567 139,603 136,869 136,869 Canada
United States United States 382,956 386,045 384,500 183,473 184,966 184,219 185,734 187,318 186,526 13,749 13,762 13,755 71,111 71,127 71,119 454,066 457,172 455,619 Etats-Unis
Total North America 521,087 521,348 519,803 304,213 302,961 302,214 200,973 202,358 201,566 15,901 16,030 16,023 72,582 72,693 72,685 593,669 594,041 592,488 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 9a

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 12,671 12,947 12,700 10,139 10,315 10,000 2,531 2,632 2,700 0 0 0 2,993 3,158 3,200 15,663 16,105 15,900 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 2,228 ... ... 1,178 ... ... 1,019 ... ... 31 ... ... 608 ... ... 2,836 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus ... ... ... 2 2 2 ... ... ... 0 0 0 6 6 7 ... ... ... Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 24,251 20,470 19,943 17,301 15,480 14,210 6,841 4,880 5,621 109 110 112 4,463 4,365 3,965 28,714 24,835 23,908 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 4,447 4,330 4,330 3,268 3,200 3,200 1,152 1,100 1,100 27 30 30 1,431 1,400 1,400 5,878 5,730 5,730 Estonie
Finland Finland 48,840 46,602 48,616 25,247 23,457 23,590 23,593 23,145 25,026 0 0 0 4,279 4,279 4,279 53,119 50,881 52,895 Finlande
Germany Germany 55,270 53,354 50,415 44,611 41,447 39,283 10,505 11,757 10,982 153 150 150 9,265 9,600 9,800 64,534 62,954 60,215 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 8,661 8,350 8,250 5,975 5,600 5,500 2,036 2,100 2,100 650 650 650 315 350 400 8,976 8,700 8,650 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 156 169 143 27 51 122 35 32 6 94 86 15 24 30 11 180 199 154 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 452 449 449 154 154 154 263 260 260 35 35 35 451 450 450 903 899 899 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 31,131 32,500 33,350 15,698 16,370 16,900 14,861 15,570 15,900 572 560 550 2,189 2,150 2,100 33,320 34,650 35,450 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 3,352 3,440 3,455 1,851 1,900 1,970 1,370 1,400 1,350 131 140 135 445 480 450 3,797 3,920 3,905 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 319 315 335 202 210 220 76 70 75 41 35 40 129 150 160 448 465 495 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 3,678 3,815 3,830 2,724 2,735 2,750 928 1,050 1,050 26 30 30 223 250 285 3,901 4,065 4,115 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 1,790 1,978 1,888 1,510 1,680 1,600 262 285 275 18 13 13 106 150 160 1,896 2,128 2,048 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 64,850 64,650 63,450 39,100 37,600 35,800 25,600 26,900 27,500 150 150 150 2,700 2,700 2,700 67,550 67,350 66,150 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 2,602 2,652 2,712 2,224 2,300 2,350 376 350 360 2 2 2 834 880 900 3,436 3,532 3,612 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 8,608 7,550 8,300 6,298 5,300 6,000 1,895 1,900 1,900 415 350 400 1,571 1,570 1,570 10,179 9,120 9,870 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 273,305 263,571 262,166 177,509 167,801 163,651 93,345 93,431 96,205 2,454 2,341 2,312 32,032 31,968 31,837 305,330 295,533 293,995 Total Europe
Canada Canada 113,236 110,975 110,975 108,690 106,633 106,633 4,232 3,975 3,975 314 367 367 659 724 724 113,895 111,700 111,700 Canada
United States United States 306,264 307,884 307,074 150,702 151,554 151,128 143,462 144,219 143,840 12,100 12,111 12,106 33,760 33,770 33,765 340,023 341,654 340,839 Etats-Unis
Total North America 419,499 418,859 418,049 259,392 258,187 257,761 147,694 148,194 147,816 12,414 12,478 12,472 34,419 34,495 34,489 453,918 453,354 452,538 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 9b

1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Country Industrial wood - Bois industriels Wood fuel c Bois de chauffage c Pays
Total Logs Pulpwood a Other b Total
Grumes Bois de trituration a Autre b
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 850 926 950 280 292 300 570 634 650 0 0 0 1,907 2,105 2,200 2,757 3,031 3,150 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 944 ... ... 346 ... ... 587 ... ... 11 ... ... 1,749 ... ... 2,693 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 0 0 1 1 1 ... ... ... Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 895 652 633 438 378 362 453 269 266 4 5 5 647 568 571 1,542 1,220 1,204 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 2,073 1,987 1,987 877 860 860 1,171 1,100 1,100 25 27 27 2,717 2,700 2,700 4,789 4,687 4,687 Estonie
Finland Finland 9,196 9,245 9,924 1,045 1,161 1,123 8,151 8,084 8,801 0 0 0 4,589 4,589 4,589 13,785 13,834 14,513 Finlande
Germany Germany 3,918 3,824 3,855 2,792 2,809 2,802 1,119 1,008 1,045 8 8 8 13,959 14,300 14,300 17,877 18,124 18,155 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 4,342 4,300 4,300 1,852 1,800 1,800 1,950 2,000 2,000 540 500 500 2,625 2,800 2,800 6,967 7,100 7,100 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 61 163 54 12 35 22 49 128 32 0 0 0 22 43 34 83 206 89 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 196 204 204 57 60 60 131 135 135 9 9 9 1,912 1,900 1,900 2,108 2,104 2,104 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 7,456 7,800 8,180 2,810 2,930 3,050 4,610 4,840 5,100 36 30 30 2,330 2,300 2,250 9,787 10,100 10,430 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 8,784 8,800 8,700 296 290 250 8,289 8,300 8,250 200 210 200 1,318 1,350 1,330 10,102 10,150 10,030 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 1,327 1,271 1,295 974 956 965 231 210 220 122 105 110 6,122 6,800 6,850 7,449 8,071 8,145 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 3,492 3,660 3,760 1,519 1,600 1,650 1,965 2,050 2,100 8 10 10 272 300 325 3,764 3,960 4,085 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 883 1,100 1,107 467 530 530 386 540 550 30 30 27 937 1,050 1,100 1,820 2,150 2,207 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 6,550 6,750 6,950 200 200 200 6,200 6,400 6,600 150 150 150 2,700 2,700 2,700 9,250 9,450 9,650 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 401 436 451 226 250 260 174 185 190 1 1 1 1,146 1,150 1,200 1,547 1,586 1,651 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 108 110 110 56 60 60 3 0 0 48 50 50 613 610 610 720 720 720 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 51,476 51,228 52,460 14,247 14,211 14,294 36,038 35,883 37,039 1,191 1,135 1,127 45,564 45,266 45,460 97,039 96,493 97,919 Total Europe
Canada Canada 24,896 24,328 24,328 12,051 11,361 11,361 11,007 11,065 11,065 1,838 1,901 1,901 812 842 842 25,708 25,170 25,170 Canada
United States United States 76,692 78,161 77,427 32,771 33,412 33,091 42,272 43,099 42,685 1,649 1,651 1,650 37,351 37,356 37,354 114,043 115,517 114,780 Etats-Unis
Total North America 101,588 102,489 101,754 44,822 44,773 44,453 53,279 54,164 53,750 3,487 3,552 3,551 38,163 38,199 38,196 139,751 140,687 139,950 Total Amérique du Nord
a Pulpwood, round and split, as well as chips and particles produced directly a Bois de trituration, rondins et quartiers, ainse que plaquettes et particules fabriquées
therefrom and used as pulpwood directement à partir des rondins et quartiers et utilisées comme bois de trituration
b Pitprops, poles, piling, posts etc. b Bois de mine, poteaux, pilotis, piquets etc.
c Including chips and particles produced from wood in the rough and c Y compris plaquettes et particules fabriquées à partir du bois brut et utilisées
used for energy purposes à des fins energétiques

Table 10

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 17,589 16,095 16,500 10,139 10,315 10,000 8,044 6,660 7,000 594 880 500 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1,173 ... ... 1,178 ... ... 0 ... ... 5 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 8,801 8,617 7,916 17,301 15,480 14,210 750 663 660 9,250 7,526 6,954 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 3,640 3,730 3,730 3,268 3,200 3,200 455 600 600 83 70 70 Estonie
Finland Finland 25,080 23,224 23,365 25,247 23,457 23,590 165 78 86 332 311 311 Finlande
Germany Germany 39,795 39,077 38,613 44,611 41,447 39,283 3,190 3,300 3,600 8,006 5,670 4,270 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 6,786 6,350 6,100 5,975 5,600 5,500 1,088 1,100 900 277 350 300 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 393 90 161 27 51 122 609 164 164 243 125 125 Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 176 169 169 154 154 154 87 80 80 65 65 65 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 14,868 15,470 16,000 15,698 16,370 16,900 1,090 1,150 1,200 1,920 2,050 2,100 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 1,971 1,990 2,075 1,851 1,900 1,970 150 130 140 30 40 35 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 226 220 233 202 210 220 28 12 15 4 2 2 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 3,057 3,235 3,250 2,724 2,735 2,750 1,049 900 900 716 400 400 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 1,511 1,740 1,620 1,510 1,680 1,600 287 320 300 286 260 280 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 39,240 37,680 35,880 39,100 37,600 35,800 880 1,010 1,010 740 930 930 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,935 2,045 2,105 2,224 2,300 2,350 52 55 55 341 310 300 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 6,515 5,510 6,200 6,298 5,300 6,000 359 360 360 142 150 160 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 172,758 165,244 163,919 177,509 167,801 163,651 18,283 16,582 17,070 23,033 19,139 16,802 Total Europe
Canada Canada 104,025 102,730 102,894 108,690 106,633 106,633 2,221 1,489 1,245 6,887 5,392 4,984 Canada
United States United States 142,644 143,443 143,043 150,702 151,554 151,128 278 280 279 8,336 8,391 8,364 Etats-Unis
Total North America 246,668 246,173 245,937 259,392 258,187 257,761 2,500 1,769 1,524 15,223 13,784 13,348 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 Country Consumption Production Imports Exports Country
Austria Austria 398 362 370 280 292 300 162 140 120 45 70 50 Autriche ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Bulgaria Bulgaria 346 ... ... 346 ... ... 0 ... ... 0 ... ... Bulgarie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Czech Republic Czech Republic 305 239 218 438 378 362 132 135 138 265 274 282 République tchèque ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Estonia Estonia 901 885 885 877 860 860 48 45 45 23 20 20 Estonie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Finland Finland 1,218 1,193 1,123 1,045 1,161 1,123 173 32 0 0 0 0 Finlande ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Germany Germany 2,174 2,346 2,348 2,792 2,809 2,802 110 111 120 727 574 574 Allemagne ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Latvia Latvia 1,570 1,470 1,520 1,852 1,800 1,800 27 60 50 309 390 330 Lettonie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Luxembourg Luxembourg 199 139 126 12 35 22 209 111 111 22 7 7 Luxembourg ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Netherlands Netherlands 62 70 70 57 60 60 65 70 70 59 60 60 Pays-Bas ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Poland Poland 2,740 2,860 3,050 2,810 2,930 3,050 80 80 ... 150 150 ... Pologne ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Portugal Portugal 406 380 350 296 290 250 140 120 130 30 30 30 Portugal ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Serbia Serbia 954 951 955 974 956 965 30 15 20 50 20 30 Serbie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Slovakia Slovakia 1,658 1,700 1,750 1,519 1,600 1,650 562 500 500 423 400 400 Slovaquie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Slovenia Slovenia 263 242 260 467 530 530 43 42 40 248 330 310 Slovénie ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Switzerland Switzerland 104 130 150 226 250 260 27 35 40 149 155 150 Suisse ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Total Europe 13,592 13,273 13,481 14,247 14,211 14,294 1,849 1,542 1,430 2,504 2,480 2,243 Total Europe ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Canada Canada 13,122 12,288 12,248 12,051 11,361 11,361 1,145 1,018 969 75 92 83 Canada ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
United States United States 30,814 31,416 31,115 32,771 33,412 33,091 151 154 153 2,109 2,150 2,129 Etats-Unis ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Total North America 43,935 43,704 43,363 44,822 44,773 44,453 1,297 1,173 1,122 2,183 2,241 2,212 Total Amérique du Nord ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11a

HARDWOOD LOGS (temperate) GRUMES DE NON-CONIFERES (zone tempérée)
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 280 292 300 280 292 300 ... ... ... ... ... ... Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 346 ... ... 346 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Bulgarie
Czech Republic Czech Republic 303 237 216 438 378 362 130 133 136 265 274 282 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 877 860 860 877 860 860 ... ... ... ... ... ... Estonie
Finland Finland 1,045 1,161 1,123 1,045 1,161 1,123 ... ... ... ... ... ... Finlande
Germany Germany 2,168 2,341 2,343 2,792 2,809 2,802 98 101 110 722 569 569 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 1,852 1,800 1,800 1,852 1,800 1,800 ... ... ... ... ... ... Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 191 139 22 12 35 22 201 111 ... 22 7 ... Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 53 62 62 57 60 60 50 55 55 53 53 53 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 2,739 2,858 3,050 2,810 2,930 3,050 78 78 ... 150 150 ... Pologne
Portugal Portugal 382 355 325 296 290 250 110 90 100 24 25 25 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 953 950 954 974 956 965 29 14 19 50 20 30 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 1,519 1,600 1,650 1,519 1,600 1,650 ... ... ... ... ... ... Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 262 241 259 467 530 530 42 41 39 248 330 310 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 200 200 200 200 200 200 ... ... ... ... ... ... Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 226 250 260 226 250 260 ... ... ... ... ... ... Suisse
UK United Kingdom 66 80 80 56 60 60 14 20 20 4 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 13,462 13,426 13,504 14,247 14,211 14,294 753 643 479 1,538 1,428 1,269 Total Europe
Canada Canada 12,051 11,361 11,361 12,051 11,361 11,361 ... ... ... ... ... ... Canada
United States United States 30,813 31,415 31,114 32,771 33,412 33,091 150 152 151 2,108 2,149 2,128 Etats-Unis
Total North America 42,864 42,777 42,475 44,822 44,773 44,453 150 152 151 2,108 2,149 2,128 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 11b

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Net Trade Imports Exports
Country Commerce Net Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Czech Republic Czech Republic -2 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 République tchèque
Germany Germany -7 -5 -5 11 10 10 5 5 5 Allemagne
Luxembourg Luxembourg -8 0 ... 8 0 ... 0 0 ... Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands -9 -8 -8 15 15 15 6 7 7 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland -1 -2 -2 2 2 2 0 0 0 Pologne
Portugal Portugal -24 -25 -25 30 30 30 6 5 5 Portugal
Serbia Serbia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovenia Slovenia -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 0 0 Slovénie
UK United Kingdom -1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe -54 -44 -44 71 61 61 17 17 17 Total Europe
United States United States -1 -1 -1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Etats-Unis
Total North America -1 -1 -1 2 2 2 1 1 1 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 12

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 14,154 13,876 13,900 10,568 10,416 10,450 4,953 4,650 4,500 1,367 1,190 1,050 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1,639 ... ... 1,699 ... ... 27 ... ... 87 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 6,155 4,306 4,709 9,027 6,877 7,621 475 469 475 3,347 3,040 3,387 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 3,575 3,600 3,600 6,323 6,100 6,100 268 240 240 3,015 2,740 2,740 Estonie
Finland Finland 57,262 49,139 51,233 47,052 46,586 49,737 11,200 3,364 2,307 990 811 811 Finlande
Germany Germany 27,289 28,098 28,031 28,327 29,465 28,527 3,819 3,509 3,680 4,858 4,876 4,176 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 4,879 5,025 5,180 8,296 8,600 8,800 1,417 875 780 4,834 4,450 4,400 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 605 681 559 605 681 559 ... ... ... ... ... ... Luxembourg
Malta Malta ... ... ... ... ... ... Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 1,566 1,565 1,565 1,365 1,365 1,365 644 680 680 443 480 480 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 31,755 32,925 31,800 29,682 30,910 31,800 3,947 3,810 ... 1,874 1,795 ... Pologne
Portugal Portugal 13,642 12,870 12,780 11,483 11,620 11,500 2,833 1,815 1,850 674 565 570 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 812 840 890 800 830 875 15 12 17 3 2 2 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 3,849 4,000 4,100 4,043 4,250 4,350 1,043 1,000 1,000 1,237 1,250 1,250 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 1,129 1,019 1,345 2,008 2,275 2,325 653 674 680 1,532 1,930 1,660 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 61,355 61,618 61,918 55,300 55,800 56,100 6,858 6,774 6,774 803 956 956 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,773 1,773 1,793 1,340 1,345 1,370 623 613 613 190 185 190 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 5,304 5,040 5,280 5,020 4,770 5,010 384 380 380 101 110 110 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 236,743 226,375 228,683 222,939 221,890 226,489 39,158 28,865 23,976 25,354 24,380 21,782 Total Europe
Canada Canada 40,927 37,948 37,855 38,095 36,525 36,525 3,722 2,250 2,204 890 827 873 Canada
United States United States 240,634 243,316 241,975 246,219 249,015 247,617 264 268 266 5,849 5,966 5,908 Etats-Unis
Total North America 281,560 281,264 279,830 284,314 285,540 284,142 3,986 2,517 2,469 6,740 6,794 6,781 Total Amérique du Nord
Includes wood residues, chips and particles for all purposes Comprend les dechets de bois, plaquettes et particules pour toute utilisation
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12a

Softwood Conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 4,145 4,212 4,300 2,531 2,632 2,700 1,973 1,850 1,800 360 270 200 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1,000 ... ... 1,019 ... ... 15 ... ... 34 ... ... Bulgarie
Czech Republic Czech Republic 4,111 2,444 2,838 6,841 4,880 5,621 270 263 265 3,000 2,699 3,048 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 533 560 560 1,152 1,100 1,100 32 40 40 650 580 580 Estonie
Finland Finland 24,151 23,246 25,181 23,593 23,145 25,026 1,294 754 808 736 653 653 Finlande
Germany Germany 10,697 11,527 11,552 10,505 11,757 10,982 2,523 2,200 2,400 2,331 2,430 1,830 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 1,714 1,850 1,750 2,036 2,100 2,100 473 400 350 795 650 700 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 35 32 6 35 32 6 ... ... ... ... ... ... Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 195 180 180 263 260 260 113 110 110 182 190 190 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 14,706 15,470 15,900 14,861 15,570 15,900 1,174 1,200 1,250 1,329 1,300 1,250 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 1,402 1,420 1,380 1,370 1,400 1,350 75 65 70 43 45 40 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 76 70 75 76 70 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 843 900 900 928 1,050 1,050 645 600 600 730 750 750 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 288 325 315 262 285 275 264 270 270 239 230 230 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 28,302 29,632 30,232 25,600 26,900 27,500 3,110 3,255 3,255 408 523 523 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 306 280 290 376 350 360 20 20 20 90 90 90 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 2,085 2,080 2,080 1,895 1,900 1,900 213 210 210 23 30 30 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 94,588 94,228 97,539 93,345 93,431 96,205 12,194 11,237 11,448 10,950 10,440 10,114 Total Europe
Canada Canada 5,139 4,236 4,204 4,232 3,975 3,975 961 297 273 54 36 45 Canada
United States United States 143,467 144,224 143,845 143,462 144,219 143,840 5 5 5 0 0 0 Etats-Unis
Total North America 148,606 148,460 148,049 147,694 148,194 147,816 966 302 278 54 36 45 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12b

Hardwood Non-conifères
1000 m3 - Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
Apparent Consumption a Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente a Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 1,182 1,214 1,200 570 634 650 688 700 650 75 120 100 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 583 ... ... 587 ... ... 5 ... ... 9 ... ... Bulgarie
Czech Republic Czech Republic 365 187 190 453 269 266 2 9 8 90 91 84 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 336 370 370 1,171 1,100 1,100 139 130 130 974 860 860 Estonie
Finland Finland 12,721 9,117 9,428 8,151 8,084 8,801 4,661 1,085 679 91 52 52 Finlande
Germany Germany 1,111 1,021 1,079 1,119 1,008 1,045 261 259 280 269 246 246 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 432 375 480 1,950 2,000 2,000 166 175 180 1,684 1,800 1,700 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 49 128 32 49 128 32 ... ... ... ... ... ... Luxembourg
Netherlands Netherlands 62 65 65 131 135 135 19 20 20 89 90 90 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 5,095 5,325 5,100 4,610 4,840 5,100 560 560 ... 75 75 ... Pologne
Portugal Portugal 8,939 8,930 8,890 8,289 8,300 8,250 1,000 950 970 350 320 330 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 230 210 220 231 210 220 0 0 0 1 0 0 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 1,909 2,000 2,050 1,965 2,050 2,100 91 100 100 147 150 150 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 131 154 160 386 540 550 117 114 110 372 500 500 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 8,485 8,486 8,686 6,200 6,400 6,600 2,313 2,119 2,119 28 33 33 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 137 148 153 174 185 190 3 3 3 40 40 40 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 54 50 50 3 0 0 52 50 50 1 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 41,820 37,780 38,153 36,038 35,883 37,039 10,077 6,274 5,299 4,294 4,377 4,185 Total Europe
Canada Canada 10,804 10,827 10,819 11,007 11,065 11,065 46 47 39 249 284 285 Canada
United States United States 42,259 43,085 42,672 42,272 43,099 42,685 42 42 42 55 56 56 Etats-Unis
Total North America 53,063 53,912 53,491 53,279 54,164 53,750 88 89 81 304 340 340 Total Amérique du Nord
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fournies des données sur la commerce

Table 12c

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 m3
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 8,827 8,450 8,400 7,467 7,150 7,100 2,292 2,100 2,050 931 800 750 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 56 ... ... 93 ... ... 7 ... ... 44 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 8 10 10 8 9 9 1 1 1 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 1,679 1,675 1,681 1,733 1,728 1,734 203 197 202 257 250 255 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 2,706 2,670 2,670 4,000 3,900 3,900 96 70 70 1,390 1,300 1,300 Estonie
Finland Finland 20,390 16,776 16,624 15,308 15,357 15,910 5,245 1,525 820 163 106 106 Finlande
Germany Germany 15,481 15,550 15,400 16,703 16,700 16,500 1,036 1,050 1,000 2,258 2,200 2,100 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 2,733 2,800 2,950 4,310 4,500 4,700 778 300 250 2,355 2,000 2,000 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 680 517 517 521 521 521 283 17 17 124 21 21 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 2 2 3 0 0 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 1,310 1,320 1,320 971 970 970 512 550 550 173 200 200 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 11,954 12,130 12,400 10,211 10,500 10,800 2,213 2,050 2,000 469 420 400 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 3,301 2,520 2,510 1,824 1,920 1,900 1,758 800 810 281 200 200 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 506 560 595 493 550 580 15 12 17 2 2 2 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 1,097 1,100 1,150 1,150 1,150 1,200 307 300 300 360 350 350 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 710 540 870 1,360 1,450 1,500 272 290 300 922 1,200 930 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 24,568 23,500 23,000 23,500 22,500 22,000 1,435 1,400 1,400 367 400 400 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 1,330 1,345 1,350 790 810 820 600 590 590 60 55 60 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 3,164 2,910 3,150 3,122 2,870 3,110 119 120 120 77 80 80 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 100,505 94,375 94,600 93,564 92,585 93,254 17,174 11,374 10,500 10,234 9,584 9,154 Total Europe
Canada Canada 24,984 22,884 22,832 22,856 21,485 21,485 2,716 1,906 1,891 587 507 544 Canada
United States United States 54,907 56,007 55,457 60,485 61,697 61,091 216 221 219 5,794 5,910 5,852 Etats-Unis
Total North America 79,892 78,891 78,290 83,341 83,182 82,576 2,932 2,127 2,110 6,382 6,417 6,396 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 13

Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
1000 mt
Apparent Consumption Imports Exports
Country Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations Pays
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Austria Austria 1,144 1,270 1,410 1,607 1,720 2,060 413 328 400 875 778 1,050 Autriche
Bulgaria Bulgaria 202 ... ... 216 ... ... 132 ... ... 146 ... ... Bulgarie
Cyprus Cyprus 4 3 3 0 0 0 4 3 3 0 0 0 Chypre
Czech Republic Czech Republic 126 199 201 490 503 517 39 35 37 403 339 353 République tchèque
Estonia Estonia 67 70 70 1,600 1,550 1,550 26 20 20 1,559 1,500 1,500 Estonie
Finland Finland 552 479 456 365 375 380 196 110 80 9 6 4 Finlande
Germany Germany 2,932 3,200 3,400 3,353 3,600 3,800 392 450 500 813 850 900 Allemagne
Latvia Latvia 221 280 100 2,138 2,200 2,000 592 380 400 2,509 2,300 2,300 Lettonie
Luxembourg Luxembourg 49 63 63 63 63 63 13 4 4 28 4 4 Luxembourg
Malta Malta 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 Malte
Netherlands Netherlands 2,449 2,457 2,457 307 315 315 2,297 2,297 2,297 155 155 155 Pays-Bas
Poland Poland 1,169 1,220 1,330 1,594 1,620 1,680 269 280 300 694 680 650 Pologne
Portugal Portugal 224 270 265 731 860 800 3 10 15 510 600 550 Portugal
Serbia Serbia 497 430 485 468 420 460 84 60 80 55 50 55 Serbie
Slovakia Slovakia 19 145 195 310 325 350 46 45 45 337 225 200 Slovaquie
Slovenia Slovenia 111 112 150 149 162 170 166 120 150 204 170 170 Slovénie
Sweden Sweden 1,771 1,985 1,985 1,900 2,100 2,100 154 235 235 282 350 350 Suède
Switzerland Switzerland 350 355 360 275 285 295 75 70 65 0 0 0 Suisse
UK United Kingdom 9,430 9,450 9,450 304 320 320 9,128 9,130 9,130 2 0 0 Royaume-Uni
Total Europe 21,318 21,989 22,381 15,870 16,418 16,860 14,030 13,578 13,762 8,582 8,007 8,241 Total Europe
Canada Canada 706 761 548 3,830 4,131 4,131 29 33 35 3,153 3,402 3,618 Canada
United States United States 1,122 1,136 1,129 8,449 8,557 8,503 196 198 197 7,523 7,619 7,571 Etats-Unis
Total North America 1,828 1,898 1,677 12,279 12,688 12,634 225 231 232 10,676 11,021 11,189 Total Amérique du Nord

Table 14

Europe: Summary table of market forecasts for 2022 and 2023
Europe: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2022 et 2023
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 67.77 63.34 62.12 90.27 88.25 87.84 26.30 22.94 21.87 48.80 47.85 47.59 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs a 172.76 165.24 163.92 177.51 167.80 163.65 18.28 16.58 17.07 23.03 19.14 16.80 Grumes de conifères a
Sawn hardwood 4.34 4.17 4.19 4.22 4.17 4.09 2.95 2.89 2.92 2.83 2.89 2.82 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone b 3.56 3.34 3.35 3.04 2.92 2.91 2.41 2.33 2.37 1.89 1.90 1.93 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.41 0.41 0.40 0.12 0.09 0.08 – zone tropicale b
Hardwood logs a 13.59 13.27 13.48 14.25 14.21 14.29 1.85 1.54 1.43 2.50 2.48 2.24 Grumes de non-conifères a
– temperate zone b 13.46 13.43 13.50 14.25 14.21 14.29 0.75 0.64 0.48 1.54 1.43 1.27 – zone tempérée b
– tropical zone b 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 – zone tropicale b
Veneer sheets 0.74 0.75 0.72 0.70 0.72 0.71 0.78 0.71 0.66 0.74 0.68 0.65 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 5.94 5.84 5.86 3.41 3.37 3.35 5.87 5.67 5.63 3.35 3.21 3.12 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 21.78 20.86 20.73 21.93 20.41 20.25 8.19 8.10 8.10 8.34 7.66 7.62 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 4.95 4.85 4.85 4.74 4.42 4.49 2.67 2.69 2.71 2.46 2.25 2.35 OSB
Fibreboard 13.90 14.17 14.10 14.72 14.71 14.71 7.39 7.13 7.04 8.20 7.67 7.66 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.54 0.77 0.77 0.28 0.21 0.21 1.07 1.06 1.06 0.81 0.50 0.50 – Durs
– MDF 9.73 9.79 9.73 10.78 10.85 10.80 4.34 4.11 4.07 5.38 5.17 5.15 – MDF
– Other board 3.63 3.62 3.61 3.66 3.65 3.70 1.98 1.96 1.92 2.01 2.00 2.01 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood a 236.74 226.37 228.68 222.94 221.89 226.49 39.16 28.87 23.98 25.35 24.38 21.78 Bois de trituration a
– Pulp logs 136.41 132.01 135.69 129.38 129.31 133.24 22.27 17.51 16.75 15.24 14.82 14.30 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 94.59 94.23 97.54 93.34 93.43 96.20 12.19 11.24 11.45 10.95 10.44 10.11 – conifères
– hardwood 41.82 37.78 38.15 36.04 35.88 37.04 10.08 6.27 5.30 4.29 4.38 4.19 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 100.50 94.37 94.60 93.56 92.59 93.25 17.17 11.37 10.50 10.23 9.58 9.15 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 31.26 30.47 31.02 33.82 32.17 33.48 10.99 11.00 11.04 13.56 12.70 13.50 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 47.70 46.94 46.97 64.68 62.48 63.49 29.98 29.24 29.29 46.96 44.78 45.81 Papiers et cartons
Wood Pellets 21.32 21.99 22.38 15.87 16.42 16.86 14.03 13.58 13.76 8.58 8.01 8.24 Granulés de bois
a Countries which did not provide trade data are included in consumption data a La consommation comprend les pays qui n'ont pas fourni des données sur le commerce
b Trade figures by zone do not equal the total as some countries cannot provide data for both zones b Les chiffres du commerce par zone ne correspondent pas aux totaux
en raison du fait que certains pays ne peuvent les différencier.

Table 15

North America: Summary table of market forecasts for 2022 and 2023
Amérique du Nord: Tableau récapitulatif des prévisions du marché pour 2022 et 2023
Data only for those countries providing forecasts - Données uniquement pour les pays fournissant des prévisions
million m3 (pulp, paper and pellets million m.t. - pâte de bois, papiers et cartons, et granulés en millions de tonnes métriques)
Apparent Consumption
Consommation Apparente Production Imports - Importations Exports - Exportations
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts actual forecasts
réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions réels prévisions
Sawn softwood 108.10 107.38 113.43 119.26 116.36 115.11 27.96 27.02 27.28 39.12 36.00 28.96 Sciages conifères
Softwood logs 246.67 246.17 245.94 259.39 258.19 257.76 2.50 1.77 1.52 15.22 13.78 13.35 Grumes de conifères
Sawn hardwood 15.56 16.29 15.82 18.21 18.42 18.18 1.51 1.93 1.66 4.17 4.06 4.02 Sciages non-conifères
– temperate zone 15.36 16.05 15.61 18.21 18.42 18.18 1.27 1.64 1.38 4.11 4.01 3.96 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.19 0.25 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.30 0.27 0.05 0.05 0.06 – zone tropicale
Hardwood logs 43.94 43.70 43.36 44.82 44.77 44.45 1.30 1.17 1.12 2.18 2.24 2.21 Grumes de non-conifères
– temperate zone 42.86 42.78 42.48 44.82 44.77 44.45 0.15 0.15 0.15 2.11 2.15 2.13 – zone tempérée
– tropical zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 – zone tropicale
Veneer sheets 2.82 2.97 2.90 2.87 2.85 2.85 0.85 0.98 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.89 Feuilles de placage
Plywood 19.52 19.58 19.65 11.40 11.54 11.44 9.51 9.31 9.53 1.39 1.26 1.32 Contreplaqués
Particle board (excluding OSB) 6.60 8.78 7.32 5.78 5.94 5.56 2.06 3.74 2.74 1.24 0.90 0.99 Pann. de particules (sauf OSB)
OSB 21.42 21.68 21.95 21.08 21.62 21.89 6.27 6.31 6.40 5.93 6.25 6.34 OSB
Fibreboard 11.22 11.48 11.34 8.91 9.09 9.06 4.02 4.08 4.01 1.71 1.68 1.73 Panneaux de fibres
– Hardboard 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.59 0.59 0.60 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.36 0.36 0.37 – Durs
– MDF 7.31 7.18 7.23 5.04 5.11 5.13 3.33 3.21 3.22 1.06 1.14 1.12 – MDF
– Other board 3.36 3.75 3.56 3.28 3.39 3.33 0.37 0.55 0.47 0.29 0.18 0.24 – Autres panneaux
Pulpwood 281.56 281.26 279.83 284.31 285.54 284.14 3.99 2.52 2.47 6.74 6.79 6.78 Bois de trituration
– Pulp logs 201.67 202.37 201.54 200.97 202.36 201.57 1.05 0.39 0.36 0.36 0.38 0.39 – Bois ronds de trituration
– softwood 148.61 148.46 148.05 147.69 148.19 147.82 0.97 0.30 0.28 0.05 0.04 0.04 – conifères
– hardwood 53.06 53.91 53.49 53.28 54.16 53.75 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.30 0.34 0.34 – non-conifères
– Residues, chips and particles 79.89 78.89 78.29 83.34 83.18 82.58 2.93 2.13 2.11 6.38 6.42 6.40 – Déchets, plaquettes et part.
Wood pulp 55.37 54.37 54.34 64.57 63.72 63.24 7.13 6.99 7.22 16.34 16.33 16.12 Pâte de bois
Paper and paperboard 70.56 73.06 71.87 76.26 78.63 77.27 10.65 11.12 10.93 16.35 16.69 16.32 Papiers et cartons
Wood pellets 1.83 1.90 1.68 12.28 12.69 12.63 0.23 0.23 0.23 10.68 11.02 11.19 Granulés de bois
printed on 16/12

Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire - 2020 - National Reply - Canada

Reply as received from country.

Languages and translations


Changes from JQ2019 to JQ2020   Below is a complete list of all changes to JQ2020. Items in bold are significant changes.   1) Definitions a) Included additional products under definition of production b) Changed definition of veneer to exclude veneer used for plywood (item 7). This reverts to the pre-2017 definition. c) Removed reference to particle board as an aggregate (item 8.2). d) Added fine OSB to definition of OSB (item 8.2.1). 2) Questionnaires a) Changed representation of unit “mt” to “t” (metric tonnes). b) Cubic metre (m3) referenced as solid volume (in accordance with definitions). c) Included m3ub (underbark) for roundwood on ITTO 2. d) ECE-EU i) Removed the “ex” (partial) HS codes ii) Removed item 1.2.C.Other (3 rows) iii) Restored data checks between this questionnaire and JQ2

JQ1|Primary Products|Production

Country: Canada Date: May 3rd 2021 Country: Canada
Name of Official responsible for reply:
Official Address (in full):
Industrial Roundwood Balance
PRIMARY PRODUCTS Telephone: Fax: This table highlights discrepancies between items and sub-items. Please verify your data for any non-zero figure! Discrepancies
Removals and Production E-mail: test for good numbers, missing number, bad number, negative number
51 51
Product Product Unit 2019 2020 Product Product Unit 2019 2020 2019 2020 % change Conversion factors
Code Quantity Quantity Code Quantity Quantity Roundwood Industrial roundwood availability
McCusker 14/6/07: McCusker 14/6/07: minus 1.2.3 (other ind. RW) production
135,162 136,411 1% m3 of wood in m3 or mt of product
REMOVALS OF ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) REMOVALS OF ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) Recovered wood used in particle board 601 495 -18% Solid wood equivalent
1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub 141,568 141,568 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub 0 0 Solid Wood Demand agglomerate production 3,020 3,830 27% 2.4
1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub 1,750 1,750 1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub 0 0 Sawnwood production 57,691 55,390 -4% 1
1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 805 805 1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub veneer production Missing data Missing data missing data 1
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 946 946 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub plywood production 1,922 1,890 -2% 1
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 139,817 139,817 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 0 0 particle board production (incl OSB) 9,349 8,907 -5% 1.58
1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 114,254 114,254 1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 0 0 fibreboard production 1,334 1,100 -18% 1.8
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 25,564 25,564 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 0 0 mechanical/semi-chemical pulp production 6,658 5,805 -13% 2.5
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 0 0 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub chemical pulp production 8,763 8,304 -5% 4.9
1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS 1000 m3ub 121,335 121,335 1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS 1000 m3ub 0 0 dissolving pulp production missing data missing data missing data 5.7
1.2.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 108,827 108,827 1.2.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub Availability Solid Wood Demand missing data missing data missing data
1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 12,509 12,509 1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub Difference (roundwood-demand) missing data missing data missing data positive = surplus
1.2.2 PULPWOOD, ROUND AND SPLIT (INCLUDING WOOD FOR PARTICLE BOARD, OSB AND FIBREBOARD) 1000 m3ub 16,629 16,629 1.2.2 PULPWOOD, ROUND AND SPLIT (INCLUDING WOOD FOR PARTICLE BOARD, OSB AND FIBREBOARD) 1000 m3ub 0 0 gap (demand/availability) missing data missing data Negative number means not enough roundwood available
1.2.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 5,287 5,287 1.2.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub Positive number means more roundwood available than demanded
1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 11,342 11,342 1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub
1.2.3 OTHER INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 1,853 1,853 1.2.3 OTHER INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 0 0
1.2.3.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 140 140 1.2.3.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub % of particle board that is from recovered wood 35%
1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1,713 1,713 1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub share of agglomerates produced from industrial roundwood residues 100%
PRODUCTION PRODUCTION usable industrial roundwood - amount of roundwood that is used, remainder leaves industry 98.5%
3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 m3 14,369 10,021 3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 m3
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 3,020 3,830 5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t
6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 56,659 54,405 6.C Coniferous 1000 m3
6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 1,032 986 6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3
6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 0 0 6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3
7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 7.C Coniferous 1000 m3
7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3
7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 12,605 11,897 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 0 0
8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 1,922 1,890 8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 0 0
8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 1,672 1,644 8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 250 246 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 0 0 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3
8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 1000 m3 7,631 7,491 8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 1000 m3
8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 1,334 1,100 8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 ERROR:#VALUE! ERROR:#VALUE!
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3
8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3
9 WOOD PULP 1000 t 15,421 14,109 9 WOOD PULP 1000 t ERROR:#VALUE! ERROR:#VALUE!
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t +++ +++ 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t of which: BLEACHED 1000 t +++ +++ of which: BLEACHED 1000 t
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t +++ +++ 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t
11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 2,876 2,754 11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t 5,286 4,197 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t ERROR:#VALUE! ERROR:#VALUE!
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 2,678 1,952 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t
12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 1000 t 2,608 2,245 12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 1000 t
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 2,238 2,278 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 823 734 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t
m3 = cubic metres solid volume
m3ub = cubic metres solid volume underbark (i.e. excluding bark)
t = metric tonnes

JQ2 | Primary Products | Trade

FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE JQ2 Country: Canada Date: May 3rd 2021
Name of Official responsible for reply:
PRIMARY PRODUCTS Official Address (in full): This table highlights discrepancies between production and trade. For any negative number, indicating greater net exports than production, please verify your data!
Trade Telephone: Fax: n/a This table highlights discrepancies between items and sub-items. Please verify your data for any non-zero figure!
E-mail: Country: Canada Country: Canada
Specify Currency and Unit of Value (e.g.:1000 US $): ____________1000 CAD___ Trade Discrepancies
Product Unit of I M P O R T E X P O R T Product I M P O R T E X P O R T Product Apparent Consumption
code Product quantity 2019 2020 2019 2020 code 2019 2020 2019 2020 code 2019 2020
Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub 4,881 396,547 4,514 343,092 19,940 817,050 17,004 474,270 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 1000 m3ub 126,510 129,077
1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub 138 208 96 98 12,393 6,772 11,033 6,249 1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 1000 m3ub -10,505 -9,187
1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 134 193 27 40 10,914 5,372 8,873 4,588 1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub -9,975 -8,041
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 4 15 69 57 1,479 1,399 2,161 1,661 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub -530 -1,146
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 4,744 396,339 4,418 342,994 7,546 810,278 5,971 468,021 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1000 m3ub 137,015 138,264
1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 3,378 246,640 3,371 228,360 7,112 744,818 5,525 416,498 1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.2.C Coniferous 1000 m3ub 110,520 112,099
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1,366 149,699 1,047 114,634 435 65,460 446 51,523 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 26,495 26,165
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 5 180 0 83 2 2,521 1 1,112 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3ub 3 -1
2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t 29 18,734 90 25,967 1 1,388 2 1,521 2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t 2 WOOD CHARCOAL 1000 t NT -27.644 NT -88.338
3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 1000 m3 3,347 142,264 3,290 137,402 296 33,816 227 31,050 3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 1000 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 1000 m3 17,420 13,084
3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 m3 2,896 133,340 2,768 128,575 182 11,921 104 6,228 3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 m3 3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1000 m3 17,083 12,685
3.2 WOOD RESIDUES (INCLUDING WOOD FOR AGGLOMERATES) 1000 m3 452 8,924 521 8,826 114 21,895 122 24,822 3.2 WOOD RESIDUES (INCLUDING WOOD FOR AGGLOMERATES) 1000 m3 3.2 WOOD RESIDUES (INCLUDING WOOD FOR AGGLOMERATES) 1000 m3 NT -337.417569 NT -398.9626335
5 WOOD PELLETS AND OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t 98 21,752 51 27,504 2,792 552,021 3,044 594,690 5 WOOD PELLETS AND OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 WOOD PELLETS AND OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t 327 837
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 27 14,289 31 18,339 2,634 500,134 2,901 544,231 5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 5.1 WOOD PELLETS 1000 t 413 960
5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t 71 7,462 21 9,165 157 51,887 143 50,458 5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t 5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1000 t NT 86.112785 NT 122.666631
6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 1000 m3 1,776 780,455 1,628 713,331 38,697 8,388,385 36,944 10,383,475 6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 1000 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 1000 m3 20,770 20,075
6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 897 253,588 876 261,636 38,099 7,963,453 36,449 10,032,512 6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 6.C Coniferous 1000 m3 19,458 18,832
6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 879 526,867 753 451,696 598 424,932 495 350,962 6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 6.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 1,313 1,243
6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 31 24,321 30 20,072 4 4,859 6 10,527 6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 6.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 27 24
7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 187 170,731 145 157,838 564 354,868 549 353,906 7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 7 VENEER SHEETS 1000 m3 NT 377.190424999999 NT 403.86358
7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 14 18,682 6 17,224 446 221,737 435 234,739 7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 7.C Coniferous 1000 m3 NT 431.4860075 NT 429.27027
7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 173 152,049 139 140,614 119 133,131 114 119,168 7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 7.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 NT -54.2955825 NT -25.40669
7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 5 9,611 3 7,436 2 4,654 1 3,005 7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 7.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 NT -3.0050775 NT -1.2845775
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 2,786 1,183,275 2,624 1,185,592 7,258 2,832,675 6,566 3,620,775 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1000 m3 8,133 7,954
8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 1,406 495,889 1,248 488,180 655 484,230 543 494,027 8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.1 PLYWOOD 1000 m3 2,673 2,595
8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 567 156,317 520 167,072 461 325,338 424 332,649 8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 8.1.C Coniferous 1000 m3 1,778 1,740
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 839 339,571 728 321,108 194 158,892 118 161,378 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 1000 m3 895 855
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 59 19,174 56 17,538 13 5,425 7 5,658 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 1000 m3 45 49
8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 1000 m3 149 54,645 123 55,620 5,698 1,537,867 5,251 2,377,857 8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 1000 m3 8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 1000 m3 2,082 2,363
8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 766 475,062 762 466,839 14 456,577 13 451,671 8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8.3 FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 2,086 1,848
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 64 87,840 65 93,656 0 83,582 0 89,287 8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.1 HARDBOARD 1000 m3 NT -64.0141527 NT -64.9711203
8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 1000 m3 574 344,026 569 335,911 11 330,062 10 332,318 8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 1000 m3 8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 1000 m3 1,897 1,659
8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 128 43,197 127 37,272 3 42,933 3 30,066 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 1000 m3 NT -124.500254 NT -124.432387
9 WOOD PULP 1000 t 817 336,491 640 322,899 9,676 7,701,822 9,018 6,420,185 9 WOOD PULP 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 WOOD PULP 1000 t 6,563 5,731
9.1 MECHANICAL AND SEMI-CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 231 5,338 98 7,474 2,162 1,347,805 2,136 1,258,893 9.1 MECHANICAL AND SEMI-CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 9.1 MECHANICAL AND SEMI-CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 4,727 3,767
9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 585 330,771 542 315,297 7,044 5,827,311 6,502 4,803,083 9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 1000 t 2,304 2,344
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t 380 323,941 394 308,396 6,773 5,674,772 6,233 4,640,208 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t 9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 1000 t NT 6393.912 NT 5839.478 of which: BLEACHED 1000 t 315 299,000 381 301,512 6,510 5,479,642 5,979 4,463,239 of which: BLEACHED 1000 t of which: BLEACHED 1000 t NT 6195.317 NT 5598.053
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t 206 6,830 148 6,901 270 152,539 269 162,875 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t 9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 1000 t NT 64.625 NT 120.535
9.3 DISSOLVING GRADES 1000 t 0 382 0 127 469 526,706 380 358,209 9.3 DISSOLVING GRADES 1000 t 9.3 DISSOLVING GRADES 1000 t NT 468.998 NT 380.144
10 OTHER PULP 1000 t 64 39,647 136 25,265 47 26,562 63 28,921 10 OTHER PULP 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 OTHER PULP 1000 t NT -16.66 NT -72.792
10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD 1000 t 8 4,100 5 4,236 32 13,870 32 10,596 10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD 1000 t 10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD 1000 t NT 24.562 NT 27.609
10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 1000 t 56 35,547 131 21,029 15 12,692 31 18,325 10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 1000 t 10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 1000 t NT -41.222 NT -100.401
11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 1,093 163,209 844 169,266 1,686 260,340 1,496 229,911 11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 11 RECOVERED PAPER 1000 t 2,283 2,102
12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 1000 t 2,434 3,423,419 2,313 3,160,838 6,698 6,916,387 5,961 5,746,158 12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 1000 t 5,262 4,681
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t 594 918,869 443 679,888 4,569 4,259,510 3,833 3,278,085 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 1000 t 1,311 807
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 27 25,281 27 19,412 2,413 1,860,005 1,987 1,289,608 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 1000 t 291 -8
12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 1000 t 20 38,116 16 34,692 1,258 1,274,071 1,052 997,213 12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 1000 t 12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 1000 t 1,370 1,209
12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 1000 t 212 363,997 153 270,735 424 628,986 470 663,958 12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 1000 t 12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 1000 t NT 211.798708 NT 316.711318
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 335 491,475 246 355,048 473 496,448 324 327,306 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t 12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 1000 t NT 137.868 NT 77.302
12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS 1000 t 113 178,739 116 183,152 105 206,486 76 149,222 12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS 1000 t 12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS 1000 t 1,187 1,160
12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t 1,707 2,247,951 1,737 2,219,757 2,019 2,399,826 2,046 2,266,494 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 1000 t 2,749 2,703
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 689 674,483 707 686,773 1,186 1,079,710 1,250 1,082,270 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 1000 t 1,741 1,735
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 611 944,093 610 921,649 399 653,136 363 591,234 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 1000 t 1,035 981
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 391 610,489 408 596,052 374 605,938 376 538,907 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t 12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 1000 t NT -16.175 NT -32.369
12.3.4 OTHER PAPERS MAINLY FOR PACKAGING 1000 t 17 18,885 12 15,283 60 61,041 57 54,083 12.3.4 OTHER PAPERS MAINLY FOR PACKAGING 1000 t 12.3.4 OTHER PAPERS MAINLY FOR PACKAGING 1000 t NT 43.134 NT 44.931
m3 = cubic metres solid volume
m3ub = cubic metres solid volume underbark (i.e. excluding bark)
t = metric tonnes

JQ3 | Secondary Products| Trade

62 91 91
Country: Caroline Gosselin Date: May 3rd 2021 Country:
Name of Official responsible for reply:
Official Address (in full):
Trade E-mail:
This table highlights discrepancies between items and sub-items. Please verify your data for any non-zero figure!
Specify Currency and Unit of Value (e.g.:1000 US $): __________________1000 CAD___ Discrepancies
Product Product I M P O R T V A L U E E X P O R T V A L U E Product Product I M P O R T V A L U E E X P O R T V A L U E
code 2019 2020 2019 2020 Code 2019 2020 2019 2020
13.1 FURTHER PROCESSED SAWNWOOD 200,075 187,481 182,584 198,861 13.1 FURTHER PROCESSED SAWNWOOD 0 0 0 0
13.1.C Coniferous 88,357 88,212 100,929 106,760 13.1.C Coniferous
13.1.NC Non-coniferous 111,718 99,269 81,655 92,101 13.1.NC Non-coniferous
13.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 6,855 10,564 1,382 935 13.1.NC.T of which: Tropical
14.4 PACKAGING CARTONS, BOXES ETC. 1,209,809 1,226,119 1,175,541 1,162,271 14.4 PACKAGING CARTONS, BOXES ETC.
14.5.2 of which: ARTICLES, MOULDED OR PRESSED FROM PULP 43,740 57,919 97,533 99,641 14.5.2 of which: ARTICLES, MOULDED OR PRESSED FROM PULP
14.5.3 of which: FILTER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, READY FOR USE 45,052 49,668 2,676 2,034 14.5.3 of which: FILTER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, READY FOR USE

ECE-EU | Species | Trade

Country: Canada Date: May 3rd
Name of Official responsible for reply:
FOREST SECTOR QUESTIONNAIRE ECE/EU Species Trade Official Address (in full): DISCREPANCIES - please note cells with notes and review data Checks
- looks to see if JQ2 and this sheet the same
Trade in Roundwood and Sawnwood by species Telephone: Fax: n/a - checks the sum when they should be equal
Specify Currency and Unit of Value (e.g.:1000 national currency): _________________1000 CAD______________
Product Classification Classification Unit of 2019 2020 2019 2020 Product Classification Classification Unit of 2019 2020 2019 2020
Code HS2017 CN2017 Product Quantity Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Code HS2017 CN2017 Product Quantity Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value Quantity Value
1.2.C 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 Industrial Roundwood, Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.2.C 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 Industrial Roundwood, Coniferous 1000 m3ub does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2
4403.23/24 Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 m3ub 1,467 129,309 1,368 116,713 1,126 75,766 1,479 68,561 4403.23/24 Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 m3ub incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data
4403 23 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub 4403 23 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub
4403 23 90 4403 24 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub 4403 23 90 4403 24 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub
4403.21/22 Pine (Pinus spp.) 1000 m3ub 1,003 45,539 942 31,163 509 7,186 488 3,437 4403.21/22 Pine (Pinus spp.) 1000 m3ub incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data
4403 21 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub 4403 21 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub
4403 21 90 4403 22 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub 4403 21 90 4403 22 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub
1.2.NC 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94 4403.95/96/97/98/99 Industrial Roundwood, Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub 1.2.NC 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94 4403.95/96/97/98/99 Industrial Roundwood, Non-Coniferous 1000 m3ub does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2
4403.91 of which: Oak (Quercus spp.) 1000 m3ub 314 43,891 289 40,883 12 5,679 10 4,701 4403.91 of which: Oak (Quercus spp.) 1000 m3ub
4403.93/94 of which: Beech (Fagus spp.) 1000 m3ub 22 1,028 18 903 0 39 0 144 4403.93/94 of which: Beech (Fagus spp.) 1000 m3ub
4403.95/96 of which: Birch (Betula spp.) 1000 m3ub 211 18,865 157 13,698 5 840 8 1,547 4403.95/96 of which: Birch (Betula spp.) 1000 m3ub incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data incomplete data
4403 95 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub 4403 95 10 sawlogs and veneer logs 1000 m3ub
4403 95 90 4403 96 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub 4403 95 90 4403 96 00 pulpwood and other industrial roundwood 1000 m3ub
4403.97 of which: Poplar/Aspen (Populus spp.) 1000 m3ub 117 5,170 80 3,603 40 2,659 37 1,842 4403.97 of which: Poplar/Aspen (Populus spp.) 1000 m3ub
4403.98 of which: Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) 1000 m3ub 0 3 0 2 0 123 4403.98 of which: Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.) 1000 m3ub
6.C 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 Sawnwood, Coniferous 1000 m3 6.C 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 Sawnwood, Coniferous 1000 m3 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2
4407.12 of which: Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 m3 113 23,639 88 22,305 147 39,628 125 36,879 4407.12 of which: Fir/Spruce (Abies spp., Picea spp.) 1000 m3
4407.11 of which: Pine (Pinus spp.) 1000 m3 301 89,854 256 81,335 229 86,724 189 76,544 4407.11 of which: Pine (Pinus spp.) 1000 m3
6.NC 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 Sawnwood, Non-coniferous 1000 m3 6.NC 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 Sawnwood, Non-coniferous 1000 m3 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2 does not match JQ2
4407.91 of which: Oak (Quercus spp.) 1000 m3 258 139,356 178 105,017 123 119,316 90 89,053 4407.91 of which: Oak (Quercus spp.) 1000 m3
4407.92 of which: Beech (Fagus spp.) 1000 m3 6 1,298 2 1,043 4 1,483 0 183 4407.92 of which: Beech (Fagus spp.) 1000 m3
4407.93 of which: Maple (Acer spp.) 1000 m3 99 52,190 91 45,283 151 107,076 147 105,113 4407.93 of which: Maple (Acer spp.) 1000 m3
4407.94 of which: Cherry (Prunus spp.) 1000 m3 12 8,012 10 5,219 14 14,445 11 9,554 4407.94 of which: Cherry (Prunus spp.) 1000 m3
4407.95 of which: Ash (Fraxinus spp.) 1000 m3 27 14,497 17 9,244 54 51,837 40 32,207 4407.95 of which: Ash (Fraxinus spp.) 1000 m3
4407.97 of which: Poplar/Aspen (Populus spp.) 1000 m3 55 33,838 63 34,057 127 42,377 103 34,008 4407.97 of which: Poplar/Aspen (Populus spp.) 1000 m3
4407.96 of which: Birch (Betula spp.) 1000 m3 15 5,558 13 4,791 51 26,525 45 23,142 4407.96 of which: Birch (Betula spp.) 1000 m3
Light blue cells are requested only for EU members using the Combined Nomenclature to fill in - other countries are welcome to do so if their trade classification nomenclature permits
Please note that information on tropical species trade is requested in questionnaire ITTO2 for ITTO member countries
m3 = cubic metres solid volume
m3ub = cubic metres solid volume underbark (i.e. excluding bark)

conversion factors

Conversion Factors
Multiply the quantity expressed in units on the right side of "per" with the factor to get the value expressed in units on left side of "per".
FAO and UNECE Statistical Publications Results from UNECE/FAO 2009 Conversion Factors Questionnaire (median)
Product JFSQ Product volume to weight volume to area volume/weight of finished product to volume of roundwood volume to weight volume/weight of finished product to volume of roundwood
Code Quantity m3 per MT m3 per m2 Roundwood m3 per MT Roundwood
Unit equivalent equivalent Notes to results of UNECE/FAO Conversion Factor Questionnaire
1.1.C 1000 m3 ub Coniferous 1.60 Green = 1.12 Based on 891 kg/m3 green, basic density of .41, and 20% moisture seasoned
Seasoned = 1.82 Based on 407 kg/m3 dry, assuming 20% moisture
1.1.NC 1000 m3 ub Non-Coniferous 1.33 Green=1.05 Based on 1137 kg/m3 green, specific gravity of .55, and 20% moisture seasoned
1.2.C 1000 m3 ub Coniferous 1.10 Based on 50/50 ratio of share of logs/pulpwood in industrial roundwood
1.2.C.Fir Fir (and Spruce) 1.21 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. weighted by share of standing inventory of European speices (57% spruce, 10% silver fir and remaining species)
1.2.C.Pine Pine 1.08 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009, weighted 25% Scots Pine, 2% maritime pine, 2% black pine and remaining species
1.2.NC 1000 m3 ub Non-Coniferous 0.91 Based on 50/50 ratio of share of logs/pulpwood in industrial roundwood
1.2.NC.T 1000 m3 ub of which:Tropical 1.37 AFRICA=1.31, ASIA=0.956, LA. AM= 0.847, World=1.12 Source: Fonseca "Measurement of Roundwood" 2005, ITTO Annual Review 2007, table 3-2-a Species weight averaged using m3/tonne from Fonseca 2005 and volume exported by species from each region as shown in ITTO 2007 (assumes that bark is removed)
1.2.1 1000 m3 ub SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS 1.05 Based on 950 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.1.C 1000 m3 ub Coniferous 1.43 1.07 Based on 935 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.1.NC 1000 m3 ub Non-Coniferous 1.25 0.91 Based on 1093 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.NC.Beech Beech 0.92 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009
1.2.NC.Birch Birch 0.88 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009
1.2.NC.Eucalyptus Eucalyptus 0.77 ATIBT, 1982
1.2.NC.Oak Oak 0.88 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009
1.2.NC.Poplar Poplar 1.06 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009
1.2.2 1000 m3 ub PULPWOOD (ROUND & SPLIT) 1.48 1.08 Based on 930 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.2.C 1000 m3 ub Coniferous 1.54 1.12 Based on 891 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.2.NC 1000 m3 ub Non-Coniferous 1.33 0.91 Based on 1095 kg/m3 green. Bark is included in weight but not in volume.
1.2.3 1000 m3 ub OTHER INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 1.33 1.07
1.2.3.C 1000 m3 ub Coniferous 1.43 1.12 same as 1.2.2.C
1.2.3.NC 1000 m3 ub Non-Coniferous 1.25 0.91 same as 1.2.2.NC
2 1000 MT WOOD CHARCOAL 6.00 5.35 Does not include the use of any of the wood fiber to generate the heat to make (add about 30% if inputted wood fiber used to provide heat)
3.1 1000 m3 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 1.60 softwood=1.19 1.205 Based on swe/odmt of 2.41 and avg delivered mt / odmt of 2.0 in solid m3
hardwood = 1.05 1.123 Based on swe/odmt of 2.01 and avg delivered mt / odmt of 1.79 in solid m3
mix = 1.15
3.2 1000 m3 WOOD RESIDUES 1.50 Green=1.15 Based on wood chips
Seasoned = 2.12 2.07 Assumption for seasoned is based on average basic density of .42 from questionnaire and assumes 15% moisture content
4 1000 mt RECOVERED POST-CONSUMER WOOD Delivered MT (12-20% atmospheric moisture). Convert to dry weight for energy purposes (multiply by 0.88 - 0.80)
5.1 1000 MT WOOD PELLETS 1.51 1.44 Bulk (loose) volume, 5-10% moisture
5.2 1000 MT OTHER AGGLOMERATES 1.31 2.29 roundwood equivalent is m3rw/odmt, volume to weight is bulk (loose volume)
6 1000 m3 SAWNWOOD 1.6 / 1.82*
6.C 1000 m3 Coniferous 1.82 Green=1.202 RoughGreen=1.67 Green sawnwood based on basic density of .94, less bark (11%)
Dry = 1.99 RoughDry=1.99 Dry sawnwood weight based on basic density of .42, 4% shrinkage and 15% moisture content
6.C.Fir Fir and Spruce 2.16 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight). Weighted ratio of standing inventory.
6.C.Pine Pine 1.72 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight). Weighted ratio of standing inventory.
6.NC 1000 m3 Non-Coniferous 1.43 Green=1.04 RoughGreen=1.86 Green sawnwood based on basic density of 1.09, less bark (12%)
Seasoned=1.50 RoughDry=2.01 Dry sawnwood weight based on basic density of .55, 5% shrinkage and 15% moisture content
6.NC.Ash Ash 1.47 Wood Database ( Air-dry.
6.NC.Beech Beech 1.42 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight).
6.NC.Birch Birch 1.47 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight).
6.NC.Cherry Cherry 1.62 Giordano, 1976, Tecnologia del legno. Air-dry. Prunus avium.
6.NC.Maple Maple 1.35 Giordano, 1976, Tecnologia del legno. Air-dry
6.NC.Oak Oak 1.38 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight).
6.NC.Poplar Poplar 2.29 Austrian Energy Agency, 2009. Dried weight (15% moisture content dry weight).
6.NC.T 1000 m3 of which:Tropical 1.38 Based on FP Conversion Factors (2019), Asia (720 kg / m3)
7 1000 m3 VENEER SHEETS 1.33 0.0025 1.9*
7.C 1000 m3 Coniferous 0.003 Green=1.20 1.5*** Green veneer based on basic density of .94, less bark (11%)
Seasoned=2.06 1.6*** Dry veneer weight based on basic density of .42, 9% shrinkage and 5% moisture content
7.NC 1000 m3 Non-Coniferous 0.001 Green=1.04 1.5*** Green veneer based on basic density of 1.09, less bark (11%)
Seasoned=1.53 1.6*** Dry veneer weight based on basic density of .55, 11.5% shrinkage and 5% moisture content
7.NC.T 1000 m3 of which:Tropical
8 1000 m3 WOOD-BASED PANELS 1.6
8.1 1000 m3 PLYWOOD 1.54 0.105 2.3*
8,1.C 1000 m3 Coniferous 0.0165*** 1.69 2.12 dried, sanded, peeled
8.1.NC 1000 m3 Non-Coniferous 0.0215*** 1.54 1.92 dried, sanded, sliced
8.1.NC.T 1000 m3 of which:Tropical
8.2 1000 m3 PARTICLE BOARD (including OSB) 1.54
8.2x 1000 m3 PARTICLE BOARD (excluding OSB) 0.018*** 1.53 1.50
8.2.1 1000 m3 of which: OSB 0.018*** 1.67 1.63
8.3 1000 m3 FIBREBOARD
8.3.1 1000 m3 HARDBOARD 1.05 0.005
Alex McCusker: Alex McCusker: 0.003 per Conversion Factors Study
1.06 1.93 solid wood per m3 of product
8.3.2 1000 m3 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 2.00 0.016 1.37 1.70 solid wood per m3 of product
8.3.3 1000 m3 OTHER FIBREBOARD 4.00 0.025 3.44 0.71 solid wood per m3 of product, mostly insulating board
9 1000 MT WOOD PULP 3.37 3.86
9.1 1000 MT MECHANICAL AND SEMI-CHEMICAL 2.60 air-dried metric ton (mechanical 2.50, semi-chemical 2.70)
9..2 1000 MT CHEMICAL 4.90
9.2.1 1000 MT SULPHATE 4.57 air-dried metric ton (unbleached 4.63, bleached 4.50) 1000 MT of which: bleached 4.50 air-dried metric ton
9.2.2 1000 MT SULPHITE 4.83 air-dried metric ton (unbleached 4.64 and bleached 5.01)
9.3 1000 MT DISSOLVING GRADES 5.65 air-dried metric ton
11 1000 MT RECOVERED PAPER 1.28 MT in per MT out
12 1000 MT PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 3.37 3.6
12.1.1 1000 MT NEWSPRINT 2.80 air-dried metric ton
12.1.2 1000 MT UNCOATED MECHANICAL 3.50 air-dried metric ton
12.1.4 1000 MT COATED PAPERS 3.95 air-dried metric ton
12.2 1000 MT SANITARY AND HOUSEHOLD PAPERS 4.90 air-dried metric ton
12.3 1000 MT PACKAGING MATERIALS 3.25 air-dried metric ton
12.3.1 1000 MT CASE MATERIALS 4.20 air-dried metric ton
12.3.2 1000 MT CARTONBOARD 4.00 air-dried metric ton
12.3.3 1000 MT WRAPPING PAPERS 4.10 air-dried metric ton
12.3.4 1000 MT OTHER PAPERS MAINLY FOR PACKAGING 4.00 air-dried metric ton
12.4 1000 MT OTHER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD N.E.S 3.48 air-dried metric ton
For inverse relationships divide 1 by the factor given, e.g. to convert m3 of wood charcoal to mt divide 1 by m3/mt factor of 6 = 0.167
Notes: Forest Measures
MT = metric tonnes (1000 kg) Unit m3/unit m3/unit
m3 = cubic meters (solid volume) 1000 board feet (sawlogs) 4.53**
m2 = square meters 1000 board feet (sawnwood - nominal) 2.36 1.69 nominal board feet to actual m3
(s) = solid volume 1000 square feet (1/8 inch thickness) 0.295
cord 3.625 2.43
Unit Conversion cord (pulpwood) 2.55 2.43
1 inch = 25.4 millimetres cord (wood fuel) 2.12 2.43
1 square foot = 0.0929 square metre cubic foot 0.02832
1 pound = 0.454 kilograms cubic foot (stacked) 0.01841
1 short ton (2000 pounds) = 0.9072 metric ton cunit 2.83
1 long ton (2240 pounds) = 1.016 metric ton fathom 6.1164
Bold = FAO published figure hoppus cubic foot 0.0222
hoppus super(ficial) foot 0.00185
* = ITTO hoppus ton (50 hoppus cubic feet) 1.11
** = obolete - more recent figures would be Petrograd Standard 4.672
for OR, WA, AK (west of Cascades), SE US (Doyle region): 6.3 stere 1 0.67
Inland west US, Great Lakes US, E. Can.: 5.7 stere (pulpwood) 0.72 0.67
NE US Int 1/4": 5 stere (wood fuel) 0.65 0.67
*** = Conversion Factor Study, US figures, rotary for conifer and sliced for non-conifer
Fonseca *Measurement of Roundwood" 2005. Estimated by Matt Fonseca based on regional knowledge of the scaling methods and timber types
prepared February 2004
updated 2007 with RWE factors
updated 2009 with provisional results of forest products conversion factors study
updated 2011 with results of forest products conversion factors study (DP49)

Annex1 | JQ1-Corres.

Removals and Production
Central Product Classification Version 2.1 (CPC Ver. 2.1)
Product Product
1.1.C Coniferous 03131
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 03132
1.2.C Coniferous 0311
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 0312
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical ex0312
1.2.1 SAWLOGS AND VENEER LOGS ex03110 ex03120
1.2.1.C Coniferous ex03110
1.2.1.NC Non-Coniferous ex03120
1.2.2.C Coniferous ex03110
1.2.2.NC Non-Coniferous ex03120
1.2.3 OTHER INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD ex03110 ex03120
1.2.3.C Coniferous ex03110
1.2.3.NC Non-Coniferous ex03120
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 39281
6.C Coniferous 31101 ex31109 ex3132
6.NC Non-Coniferous 31102 ex31109 ex3132
6.NC.T of which: Tropical ex31102 ex31109 ex3132
7.C Coniferous 31511
7.NC Non-Coniferous 31512
7.NC.T of which: Tropical ex31512
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 3141 3142 3143 3144
8.1 PLYWOOD 3141 3142
8.1.C Coniferous 31411 31421
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 31412 31422
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical ex31412 ex31422
8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 31432
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 31442
9 WOOD PULP 32111 32112 ex32113
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP ex32112 of which: BLEACHED ex32112
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP ex32112
10 OTHER PULP ex32113
12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 3212 3213 32142 32143 ex32149 32151 32198 ex32199
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 3212 ex32143 ex32149
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 32121
12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL ex32122 ex32129
12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 32122 ex32129
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS ex32143 ex32149
12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 32132 ex32133 32134 32135 ex32136 ex32137 32142 32151 ex32143 ex32149
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 32132 32134 32135 ex32136
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD ex32133 ex32136 ex32143 ex32149
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS ex32133 ex32136 ex32137 32142 32151
12.4 OTHER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD N.E.S. ex32149 ex32133 ex32136 ex32137 32198 ex32199
The term "ex" means that there is not a complete correlation between the two codes and that only a part of the CPC Ver.2.1 code is applicable.
For instance "ex31512" under product 7.NC.T means that only a part of CPC Ver.2.1 code 31512 refers to non-coniferous tropical veneer sheets.
In CPC, if only 3 or 4 digits are shown, then all sub-codes at lower degrees of aggregation are included (for example, 0313 includes 03131 and 03132).

Annex2 | JQ2-Corres.

CORRESPONDENCES to HS2017, HS2012 and SITC Rev.4
C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s
Product Product
Code HS2017 HS2012 SITC Rev.4
1 ROUNDWOOD (WOOD IN THE ROUGH) 4401.11/12 44.03 4401.10 44.03 245.01 247
1.1 WOOD FUEL (INCLUDING WOOD FOR CHARCOAL) 4401.11/12 4401.10 245.01
1.1.C Coniferous 4401.11 ex4401.10 ex245.01
1.1.NC Non-Coniferous 4401.12 ex4401.10 ex245.01
1.2 INDUSTRIAL ROUNDWOOD 44.03 44.03 247
1.2.C Coniferous 4403.11/21/22/23/24/25/26 ex4403.10 4403.20 ex247.3 247.4
1.2.NC Non-Coniferous 4403.12/41/49/91/93/94/95/96/97/98/99 ex4403.10 4403.41/49/91/92/99 ex247.3 247.5 247.9
1.2.NC.T of which: Tropical ex4403.12 4403.41/49 ex4403.10 4403.41/49 ex4403.99 ex247.3 247.5 ex247.9
2 WOOD CHARCOAL 4402.90 4402.90 ex245.02
3 WOOD CHIPS, PARTICLES AND RESIDUES 4401.21/22 ex4401.40 4401.21/22 ex4401.39 246.1 ex246.2
3.1 WOOD CHIPS AND PARTICLES 4401.21/22 4401.21/22 246.1
4 RECOVERED POST-CONSUMER WOOD ex4401.40 ex4401.39 ex246.2
5 WOOD PELLETS AND OTHER AGGLOMERATES 4401.31/39 4401.31 ex4401.39 ex246.2
5.1 WOOD PELLETS 4401.31 4401.31 ex246.2
5.2 OTHER AGGLOMERATES 4401.39 ex4401.39 ex246.2
6 SAWNWOOD (INCLUDING SLEEPERS) 44.06 44.07 44.06 44.07 248.1 248.2 248.4
6.C Coniferous 4406.11/91 4407.11/12/19 ex4406.10/90 4407.10 ex248.11 ex248.19 248.2
6.NC Non-Coniferous 4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/96/97/99 ex4406.10/90 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29/91/92/93/94/95/99 ex248.11 ex248.19 248.4
6.NC.T of which: Tropical ex4406.12/92 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29 ex4406.10/90 4407.21/22/25/26/27/28/29 ex4407.99 ex248.11 ex248.19 ex248.4
7 VENEER SHEETS 44.08 44.08 634.1
7.C Coniferous 4408.10 4408.10 634.11
7.NC Non-Coniferous 4408.31/39/90 4408.31/39/90 634.12
7.NC.T of which: Tropical 4408.31/39 4408.31/39 ex4408.90 ex634.12
8 WOOD-BASED PANELS 44.10 44.11 4412.31/33/34/39/94/99 44.10 44.11 4412.31/32/39/94/99 634.22/23/31/33/39 634.5
8.1 PLYWOOD 4412.31/33/34/39/94/99 4412.31/32/39/94/99 634.31/33/39
8.1.C Coniferous 4412.39 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.39 ex4412.94 ex.4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.1.NC Non-Coniferous 4412.31/33/34 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.31/32 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 4412.31 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 4412.31 ex4412.32 ex4412.94 ex4412.99 ex634.31 ex634.33 ex634.39
8.2.1 of which: ORIENTED STRAND BOARD (OSB) 4410.12 4410.12 ex634.22
8.3 FIBREBOARD 44.11 44.11 634.5
8.3.1 HARDBOARD 4411.92 4411.92 ex634.54 ex634.55
8.3.2 MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY FIBREBOARD (MDF/HDF) 4411.12/13 ex4411.14* 4411.12/13 ex4411.14* ex634.54 ex634.55
8.3.3 OTHER FIBREBOARD ex4411.14 4411.93/94 ex4411.14 4411.93/94 ex634.54 ex634.55
9 WOOD PULP 47.01/02/03/04/05 47.01/02/03/04/05 251.2 251.3 251.4 251.5 251.6 251.91
9.1 MECHANICAL AND SEMI-CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 47.01 47.05 47.01 47.05 251.2 251.91
9.2 CHEMICAL WOOD PULP 47.03 47.04 47.03 47.04 251.4 251.5 251.6
9.2.1 SULPHATE PULP 47.03 47.03 251.4 251.5 of which: BLEACHED 4703.21/29 4703.21/29 251.5
9.2.2 SULPHITE PULP 47.04 47.04 251.6
9.3 DISSOLVING GRADES 47.02 47.02 251.3
10 OTHER PULP 47.06 47.06 251.92
10.1 PULP FROM FIBRES OTHER THAN WOOD 4706.10/30/91/92/93 4706.10/30/91/92/93 ex251.92
10.2 RECOVERED FIBRE PULP 4706.20 4706.20 ex251.92
11 RECOVERED PAPER 47.07 47.07 251.1
12 PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 48.01 48.02 48.03 48.04 48.05 48.06 48.08 48.09 48.10 4811.51/59 48.12 48.13 48.01 48.02 48.03 48.04 48.05 48.06 48.08 48.09 48.10 4811.51/59 48.12 48.13 641.1 641.2 641.3 641.4 641.5 641.62/63/64/69/71/72/74/75/76/77/93 642.41
12.1 GRAPHIC PAPERS 48.01 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58/61/62/69 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 48.01 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58/61/62/69 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 641.1 641.21/22/26/29 641.3
12.1.1 NEWSPRINT 48.01 48.01 641.1
12.1.2 UNCOATED MECHANICAL 4802.61/62/69 4802.61/62/69 641.29
12.1.3 UNCOATED WOODFREE 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58 4802.10/20/54/55/56/57/58 641.21/22/26
12.1.4 COATED PAPERS 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 48.09 4810.13/14/19/22/29 641.3
12.2 HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PAPERS 48.03 48.03 641.63
12.3 PACKAGING MATERIALS 4804.11/19/21/29/31/39/42/49/51/52/59 4805.11/12/19/24/25/30/91/92/93 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/32/39/92/99 4811.51/59 4804.11/19/21/29/31/39/42/49/51/52/59 4805.11/12/19/24/25/30/91/92/93 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/32/39/92/99 4811.51/59 641.41/42/46 ex641.47 641.48/51/52 ex641.53 641.54/59/62/64/69/71/72/74/75/76/77
12.3.1 CASE MATERIALS 4804.11/19 4805.11/12/19/24/25/91 4804.11/19 4805.11/12/19/24/25/91 641.41/51/54 ex641.59
12.3.2 CARTONBOARD 4804.42/49/51/52/59 4805.92 4810.32/39/92 4811.51/59 4804.42/49/51/52/59 4805.92 4810.32/39/92 4811.51/59 ex641.47 641.48 ex641.59 641.75/76 ex641.77 641.71/72
12.3.3 WRAPPING PAPERS 4804.21/29/31/39 4805.30 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/99 4804.21/29/31/39 4805.30 4806.10/20/40 48.08 4810.31/99 641.42/46/52 ex641.53 641.62/64/69/74 ex641.77
12.3.4 OTHER PAPERS MAINLY FOR PACKAGING 4805.93 4805.93 ex641.59
12.4 OTHER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD N.E.S. 4802.40 4804.41 4805.40/50 4806.30 48.12 48.13 4802.40 4804.41 4805.40/50 4806.30 48.12 48.13 641.24 ex641.47 641.56 ex641.53 641.55/93 642.41
The term "ex" means that there is not a complete correlation between the two codes and that only a part of the HS2012/HS2017 or SITC Rev.4 code is applicable.
For instance "ex4401.40" under product 3.2 means that only a part of HS2017 code 4401.40 refers to wood residues coming from wood processing (the other part coded under 4401.40 is recovered post-consumer wood).
In SITC Rev.4, if only 4 digits are shown, then all sub-headings at lower degrees of aggregation are included (for example, 634.1 includes 634.11 and 634.12).
* - Please assign the trade data for HS code 4411.14 to product 8.3.2 (MDF/HDF) and 8.3.3 (other fibreboard) if it is possible to do this in national statistics. If not, please assign all the trade data to item 8.3.2 as in most cases MDF/HDF will represent the large majority of trade.

Annex3 | JQ3-Corres.

CORRESPONDENCES to HS2017, HS2012 and SITC Rev.4
C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s
Product Product
Code HS2017 HS2012 SITC Rev.4
13.1 FURTHER PROCESSED SAWNWOOD 4409.10/22/29 4409.10/29 248.3 248.5
13.1.C Coniferous 4409.10 4409.10 248.3
13.1.NC Non-coniferous 4409.22/29 4409.29 248.5
13.1.NC.T of which: Tropical 4409.22 ex4409.29 ex248.5
13.2 WOODEN WRAPPING AND PACKAGING MATERIAL 44.15/16 44.15/16 635.1 635.2
13.3 WOOD PRODUCTS FOR DOMESTIC/DECORATIVE USE 44.14 4419.90 44.20 44.14 ex4419.00 44.20 635.41 ex635.42 635.49
13.4 BUILDER’S JOINERY AND CARPENTRY OF WOOD 4418.10/20/40/50/60/74/75/79/99 4418.10/20/40/50/60 ex4418.71 ex4418.72 ex4418.79 ex4418.90 635.31/32/33 ex635.34 ex635.39
13.5 WOODEN FURNITURE 9401.61/69 ex9401.90 9403.30/40/50/60 ex9403.90 9401.61/69 ex9401.90 9403.30/40/50/60 ex9403.90 821.16 ex821.19 821.51/53/55/59 ex821.8
13.6 PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS OF WOOD 9406.10 ex94.06 ex811.0
13.7 OTHER MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS 44.04/05/13/17 4421.10/99 44.04/05/13/17 4421.10 ex4421.90 634.21/91/93 635.91 ex635.99
14.1 COMPOSITE PAPER AND PAPERBOARD 48.07 48.07 641.92
14.2 SPECIAL COATED PAPER AND PULP PRODUCTS 4811.10/41/49/60/90 4811.10/41/49/60/90 641.73/78/79
14.4 PACKAGING CARTONS, BOXES ETC. 48.19 48.19 642.1
14.5 OTHER ARTICLES OF PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, READY FOR USE 48.14/16/17/20/21/22/23 48.14/16/17/20/21/22/23 641.94 642.2 642.3 642.42/45/91/93/99 892.81
14.5.1 of which: PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER, READY FOR USE ex4823.90 ex4823.90 ex642.99
14.5.2 of which: ARTICLES, MOULDED OR PRESSED FROM PULP 4823.70 4823.70 ex642.99
14.5.3 of which: FILTER PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, READY FOR USE 4823.20 4823.20 642.45
The term "ex" means that there is not a complete correlation between the two codes and that only a part of the HS2012/HS2017 or SITC Rev.4 code is applicable.
For instance "ex811.00" under "Prefabricated buildings of wood" means that only a part of SITC code 811.00 refers to buildings prefabricated from wood, as that code does not distinguish between the materials buildings were prefabricated from.
In SITC Rev.4, if only 4 digits are shown, then all subheadings at lower degrees of aggregation are included (for example, 892.2 includes 892.21 and 892.29).

Annex4 |JQ2-JQ3-Corres.

JQ Product code Nomenclature HS Code Remarks on HS codes
1 HS2002 440110
1 HS2002 4403
1 HS2007 440110
1 HS2007 4403
1 HS2012 440110
1 HS2012 4403
1 HS2017 440111
1 HS2017 440112
1 HS2017 4403
1.1 HS2002 440110
1.1 HS2007 440110
1.1 HS2012 440110
1.1 HS2017 440111
1.1 HS2017 440112
1.1C HS2002 440110 Only some part of it
1.1C HS2007 440110 Only some part of it
1.1C HS2012 440110 Only some part of it
1.1C HS2017 440111
1.1NC HS2002 440110 Only some part of it
1.1NC HS2007 440110 Only some part of it
1.1NC HS2012 440110 Only some part of it
1.1NC HS2017 440112
1.2 HS2002 4403
1.2 HS2007 4403
1.2 HS2012 4403
1.2 HS2017 4403
1.2.C HS2002 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.C HS2002 440320
1.2.C HS2007 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.C HS2007 440320
1.2.C HS2012 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.C HS2012 440320
1.2.C HS2017 440311
1.2.C HS2017 440321
1.2.C HS2017 440322
1.2.C HS2017 440323
1.2.C HS2017 440324
1.2.C HS2017 440325
1.2.C HS2017 440326
1.2.NC HS2002 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.NC HS2002 440341
1.2.NC HS2002 440349
1.2.NC HS2002 440391
1.2.NC HS2002 440392
1.2.NC HS2002 440399
1.2.NC HS2007 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.NC HS2007 440341
1.2.NC HS2007 440349
1.2.NC HS2007 440391
1.2.NC HS2007 440392
1.2.NC HS2007 440399
1.2.NC HS2012 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.NC HS2012 440341
1.2.NC HS2012 440349
1.2.NC HS2012 440391
1.2.NC HS2012 440392
1.2.NC HS2012 440399
1.2.NC HS2017 440312
1.2.NC HS2017 440341
1.2.NC HS2017 440349
1.2.NC HS2017 440391
1.2.NC HS2017 440393
1.2.NC HS2017 440394
1.2.NC HS2017 440395
1.2.NC HS2017 440396
1.2.NC HS2017 440397
1.2.NC HS2017 440398
1.2.NC HS2017 440399
1.2.NC.T HS2002 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.NC.T HS2002 440341
1.2.NC.T HS2002 440349
1.2.NC.T HS2002 440399 Only some part of it
1.2.NC.T HS2007 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.NC.T HS2007 440341
1.2.NC.T HS2007 440349
1.2.NC.T HS2007 440399 Only some part of it
1.2.NC.T HS2012 440310 Only some part of it
1.2.NC.T HS2012 440341
1.2.NC.T HS2012 440349
1.2.NC.T HS2012 440399 Only some part of it
1.2.NC.T HS2017 440312 Only some part of it
1.2.NC.T HS2017 440341
1.2.NC.T HS2017 440349
2 HS2002 440200 Only some part of it
2 HS2007 440290
2 HS2012 440290
2 HS2017 440290
3 HS2002 440121
3 HS2002 440122
3 HS2002 440130 Only some part of it
3 HS2007 440121
3 HS2007 440122
3 HS2007 440130 Only some part of it
3 HS2012 440121
3 HS2012 440122
3 HS2012 440139 Only some part of it
3 HS2017 440121
3 HS2017 440122
3 HS2017 440140
3.1 HS2002 440121
3.1 HS2002 440122
3.1 HS2007 440121
3.1 HS2007 440122
3.1 HS2012 440121
3.1 HS2012 440122
3.1 HS2017 440121
3.1 HS2017 440122
3.2 HS2002 440130 Only some part of it
3.2 HS2012 440130 Only some part of it
3.2 HS2012 440139 Only some part of it
3.2 HS2017 440140 Only some part of it
4 HS2002 440130 Only some part of it
4 HS2007 440130 Only some part of it
4 HS2012 440139 Only some part of it
4 HS2017 440140 Only some part of it
5 HS2002 440130 Only some part of it
5 HS2007 440130 Only some part of it
5 HS2012 440131
5 HS2012 440139 Only some part of it
5 HS2017 440131
5 HS2017 440139
5.1 HS2002 440130 Only some part of it
5.1 HS2007 440130 Only some part of it
5.1 HS2012 440131
5.1 HS2017 440131
5.2 HS2002 440130 Only some part of it
5.2 HS2007 440130 Only some part of it
5.2 HS2012 440139 Only some part of it
5.2 HS2017 440139
6 HS2002 4406
6 HS2002 4407
6 HS2007 4406
6 HS2007 4407
6 HS2012 4406
6 HS2012 4407
6 HS2017 4406
6 HS2017 4407
6.C HS2002 440610 Only some part of it
6.C HS2002 440690 Only some part of it
6.C HS2002 440710
6.C HS2007 440610 Only some part of it
6.C HS2007 440690 Only some part of it
6.C HS2007 440710
6.C HS2012 440610 Only some part of it
6.C HS2012 440690 Only some part of it
6.C HS2012 440710
6.C HS2017 440611
6.C HS2017 440691
6.C HS2017 440711
6.C HS2017 440712
6.C HS2017 440719
6.NC HS2002 440610 Only some part of it
6.NC HS2002 440690 Only some part of it
6.NC HS2002 440724
6.NC HS2002 440725
6.NC HS2002 440726
6.NC HS2002 440729
6.NC HS2002 440791
6.NC HS2002 440792
6.NC HS2002 440799
6.NC HS2007 440610 Only some part of it
6.NC HS2007 440690 Only some part of it
6.NC HS2007 440721
6.NC HS2007 440722
6.NC HS2007 440725
6.NC HS2007 440726
6.NC HS2007 440727
6.NC HS2007 440728
6.NC HS2007 440729
6.NC HS2007 440791
6.NC HS2007 440792
6.NC HS2007 440793
6.NC HS2007 440794
6.NC HS2007 440795
6.NC HS2007 440799
6.NC HS2012 440610 Only some part of it
6.NC HS2012 440690 Only some part of it
6.NC HS2012 440721
6.NC HS2012 440722
6.NC HS2012 440725
6.NC HS2012 440726
6.NC HS2012 440727
6.NC HS2012 440728
6.NC HS2012 440729
6.NC HS2012 440791
6.NC HS2012 440792
6.NC HS2012 440793
6.NC HS2012 440794
6.NC HS2012 440795
6.NC HS2012 440799
6.NC HS2017 4406.12
6.NC HS2017 4406.92
6.NC HS2017 4407.21
6.NC HS2017 4407.22
6.NC HS2017 4407.25
6.NC HS2017 4407.26
6.NC HS2017 4407.27
6.NC HS2017 4407.28
6.NC HS2017 4407.29
6.NC HS2017 4407.91
6.NC HS2017 4407.92
6.NC HS2017 4407.93
6.NC HS2017 4407.94
6.NC HS2017 4407.95
6.NC HS2017 4407.96
6.NC HS2017 4407.97
6.NC HS2017 4407.99
6.NC.T HS2002 440610 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2002 440690 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2002 440724
6.NC.T HS2002 440725
6.NC.T HS2002 440726
6.NC.T HS2002 440729
6.NC.T HS2002 440799 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2007 440610 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2007 440690 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2007 440721
6.NC.T HS2007 440722
6.NC.T HS2007 440725
6.NC.T HS2007 440726
6.NC.T HS2007 440727
6.NC.T HS2007 440728
6.NC.T HS2007 440729
6.NC.T HS2007 440799 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2012 440610 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2012 440690 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2012 440721
6.NC.T HS2012 440722
6.NC.T HS2012 440725
6.NC.T HS2012 440726
6.NC.T HS2012 440727
6.NC.T HS2012 440728
6.NC.T HS2012 440729
6.NC.T HS2012 440799 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2017 440612 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2017 440692 Only some part of it
6.NC.T HS2017 440721
6.NC.T HS2017 440722
6.NC.T HS2017 440725
6.NC.T HS2017 440726
6.NC.T HS2017 440727
6.NC.T HS2017 440728
6.NC.T HS2017 440729
7 HS2002 4408
7 HS2007 4408
7 HS2012 4408
7 HS2017 4408
7.C HS2002 440810
7.C HS2007 440810
7.C HS2012 440810
7.C HS2017 440810
7.NC HS2002 440831
7.NC HS2002 440839
7.NC HS2002 440890
7.NC HS2007 440831
7.NC HS2007 440839
7.NC HS2007 440890
7.NC HS2012 440831
7.NC HS2012 440839
7.NC HS2012 440890
7.NC HS2017 440831
7.NC HS2017 440839
7.NC HS2017 440890
7.NC.T HS2002 440831
7.NC.T HS2002 440839
7.NC.T HS2002 440890 Only some part of it
7.NC.T HS2007 440831
7.NC.T HS2007 440839
7.NC.T HS2007 440890 Only some part of it
7.NC.T HS2012 440831
7.NC.T HS2012 440839
7.NC.T HS2012 440890 Only some part of it
7.NC.T HS2017 440831
7.NC.T HS2017 440839
8 HS2002 4410
8 HS2002 4411
8 HS2002 441213
8 HS2002 441214
8 HS2002 441219
8 HS2002 441299 Only some part of it
8 HS2007 4410
8 HS2007 4411
8 HS2007 441231
8 HS2007 441232
8 HS2007 441239
8 HS2007 441294
8 HS2007 441299
8 HS2012 4410
8 HS2012 4411
8 HS2012 441231
8 HS2012 441232
8 HS2012 441239
8 HS2012 441294
8 HS2012 441299
8 HS2017 4410
8 HS2017 4411
8 HS2017 441231
8 HS2017 441233
8 HS2017 441234
8 HS2017 441239
8 HS2017 441294
8 HS2017 441299
8.1 HS2002 441213
8.1 HS2002 441214
8.1 HS2002 441219
8.1 HS2002 441299 Only some part of it
8.1 HS2007 441231
8.1 HS2007 441232
8.1 HS2007 441239
8.1 HS2007 441294
8.1 HS2007 441299
8.1 HS2012 441231
8.1 HS2012 441232
8.1 HS2012 441239
8.1 HS2012 441294
8.1 HS2012 441299
8.1 HS2017 441231
8.1 HS2017 441233
8.1 HS2017 441234
8.1 HS2017 441239
8.1 HS2017 441294
8.1 HS2017 441299
8.1.C HS2002 441219
8.1.C HS2002 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.C HS2007 441239
8.1.C HS2007 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.C HS2007 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.C HS2012 441239
8.1.C HS2012 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.C HS2012 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.C HS2017 441239
8.1.C HS2017 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.C HS2017 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.NC HS2002 441213
8.1.NC HS2002 441214
8.1.NC HS2002 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.NC HS2007 441231
8.1.NC HS2007 441232
8.1.NC HS2007 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.NC HS2007 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.NC HS2012 441231
8.1.NC HS2012 441232
8.1.NC HS2012 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.NC HS2012 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.NC HS2017 441231
8.1.NC HS2017 441233
8.1.NC HS2017 441234
8.1.NC HS2017 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.NC HS2017 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2002 441213
8.1.NC.T HS2002 441214 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2002 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2007 441231
8.1.NC.T HS2007 441232 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2007 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2007 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2012 441231
8.1.NC.T HS2012 441232 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2012 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2012 441299 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2017 441231
8.1.NC.T HS2017 441294 Only some part of it
8.1.NC.T HS2017 441299 Only some part of it
8.2 HS2002 4410
8.2 HS2007 4410
8.2 HS2012 4410
8.2 HS2017 4410
8.2.1 HS2002 441021 Only some part of it
8.2.1 HS2002 441029 Only some part of it
8.2.1 HS2007 441012
8.2.1 HS2012 441012
8.2.1 HS2017 441012
8.3 HS2002 4411
8.3 HS2007 4411
8.3 HS2012 4411
8.3 HS2017 4411
8.3.1 HS2002 441111 Only some part of it
8.3.1 HS2002 441119 Only some part of it
8.3.1 HS2007 441192
8.3.1 HS2012 441192
8.3.1 HS2017 441192
8.3.2 HS2002 441111 Only some part of it
8.3.2 HS2002 441119 Only some part of it
8.3.2 HS2002 441121 Only some part of it
8.3.2 HS2002 441129 Only some part of it
8.3.2 HS2007 441112
8.3.2 HS2007 441113
8.3.2 HS2007 441114 Only some part of it
8.3.2 HS2012 441112
8.3.2 HS2012 441113
8.3.2 HS2012 441114 Only some part of it
8.3.2 HS2017 441112
8.3.2 HS2017 441113
8.3.2 HS2017 441114 Only some part of it
8.3.3 HS2002 441131
8.3.3 HS2002 441139
8.3.3 HS2002 441191
8.3.3 HS2002 441199
8.3.3 HS2007 441114 Only some part of it
8.3.3 HS2007 441193
8.3.3 HS2007 441194
8.3.3 HS2012 441114 Only some part of it
8.3.3 HS2012 441193
8.3.3 HS2012 441194
8.3.3 HS2017 441114 Only some part of it
8.3.3 HS2017 441193
8.3.3 HS2017 441194
9 HS2002 4701
9 HS2002 4702
9 HS2002 4703
9 HS2002 4704
9 HS2002 4705
9 HS2007 4701
9 HS2007 4702
9 HS2007 4703
9 HS2007 4704
9 HS2007 4705
9 HS2012 4701
9 HS2012 4702
9 HS2012 4703
9 HS2012 4704
9 HS2012 4705
9 HS2017 4701
9 HS2017 4702
9 HS2017 4703
9 HS2017 4704
9 HS2017 4705
9.1 HS2002 4701
9.1 HS2002 4705
9.1 HS2007 4701
9.1 HS2007 4705
9.1 HS2012 4701
9.1 HS2012 4705
9.1 HS2017 4701
9.1 HS2017 4705
9.2 HS2002 4703
9.2 HS2002 4704
9.2 HS2007 4703
9.2 HS2007 4704
9.2 HS2012 4703
9.2 HS2012 4704
9.2 HS2017 4703
9.2 HS2017 4704
9.2.1 HS2002 4703
9.2.1 HS2007 4703
9.2.1 HS2012 4703
9.2.1 HS2017 4703 HS2002 470321 HS2002 470329 HS2007 470321 HS2007 470329 HS2012 470321 HS2012 470329 HS2017 470321 HS2017 470329
9.2.2 HS2002 4704
9.2.2 HS2007 4704
9.2.2 HS2012 4704
9.2.2 HS2017 4704
9.3 HS2002 4702
9.3 HS2007 4702
9.3 HS2012 4702
9.3 HS2017 4702
10 HS2002 4706
10 HS2007 4706
10 HS2012 4706
10 HS2017 4706
10.1 HS2002 470610
10.1 HS2002 470691
10.1 HS2002 470692
10.1 HS2002 470693
10.1 HS2007 470610
10.1 HS2007 470630
10.1 HS2007 470691
10.1 HS2007 470692
10.1 HS2007 470693
10.1 HS2012 470610
10.1 HS2012 470630
10.1 HS2012 470691
10.1 HS2012 470692
10.1 HS2012 470693
10.1 HS2017 470610
10.1 HS2017 470630
10.1 HS2017 470691
10.1 HS2017 470692
10.1 HS2017 470693
10.2 HS2002 470620
10.2 HS2007 470620
10.2 HS2012 470620
10.2 HS2017 470620
11 HS2002 4707
11 HS2007 4707
11 HS2012 4707
11 HS2017 4707
12 HS2002 4801
12 HS2002 4802
12 HS2002 4803
12 HS2002 4804
12 HS2002 4805
12 HS2002 4806
12 HS2002 4808
12 HS2002 4809
12 HS2002 4810
12 HS2002 481151
12 HS2002 481159
12 HS2002 4812
12 HS2002 4813
12 HS2007 4801
12 HS2007 4802
12 HS2007 4803
12 HS2007 4804
12 HS2007 4805
12 HS2007 4806
12 HS2007 4808
12 HS2007 4809
12 HS2007 4810
12 HS2007 481151
12 HS2007 481159
12 HS2007 4812
12 HS2007 4813
12 HS2012 4801
12 HS2012 4802
12 HS2012 4803
12 HS2012 4804
12 HS2012 4805
12 HS2012 4806
12 HS2012 4808
12 HS2012 4809
12 HS2012 4810
12 HS2012 481151
12 HS2012 481159
12 HS2012 4812
12 HS2012 4813
12 HS2017 4801
12 HS2017 4802
12 HS2017 4803
12 HS2017 4804
12 HS2017 4805
12 HS2017 4806
12 HS2017 4808
12 HS2017 4809
12 HS2017 4810
12 HS2017 481151
12 HS2017 481159
12 HS2017 4812
12 HS2017 4813
12.1 HS2002 4801
12.1 HS2002 480210
12.1 HS2002 480220
12.1 HS2002 480254
12.1 HS2002 480255
12.1 HS2002 480256
12.1 HS2002 480257
12.1 HS2002 480258
12.1 HS2002 480261
12.1 HS2002 480262
12.1 HS2002 480269
12.1 HS2002 4809
12.1 HS2002 481013
12.1 HS2002 481014
12.1 HS2002 481019
12.1 HS2002 481022
12.1 HS2002 481029
12.1 HS2007 4801
12.1 HS2007 480210
12.1 HS2007 480220
12.1 HS2007 480254
12.1 HS2007 480255
12.1 HS2007 480256
12.1 HS2007 480257
12.1 HS2007 480258
12.1 HS2007 480261
12.1 HS2007 480262
12.1 HS2007 480269
12.1 HS2007 4809
12.1 HS2007 481013
12.1 HS2007 481014
12.1 HS2007 481019
12.1 HS2007 481022
12.1 HS2007 481029
12.1 HS2012 4801
12.1 HS2012 480210
12.1 HS2012 480220
12.1 HS2012 480254
12.1 HS2012 480255
12.1 HS2012 480256
12.1 HS2012 480257
12.1 HS2012 480258
12.1 HS2012 480261
12.1 HS2012 480262
12.1 HS2012 480269
12.1 HS2012 4809
12.1 HS2012 481013
12.1 HS2012 481014
12.1 HS2012 481019
12.1 HS2012 481022
12.1 HS2012 481029
12.1 HS2017 4801
12.1 HS2017 480210
12.1 HS2017 480220
12.1 HS2017 480254
12.1 HS2017 480255
12.1 HS2017 480256
12.1 HS2017 480257
12.1 HS2017 480258
12.1 HS2017 480261
12.1 HS2017 480262
12.1 HS2017 480269
12.1 HS2017 4809
12.1 HS2017 481013
12.1 HS2017 481014
12.1 HS2017 481019
12.1 HS2017 481022
12.1 HS2017 481029
12.1.1 HS2002 4801
12.1.1 HS2007 4801
12.1.1 HS2012 4801
12.1.1 HS2017 4801
12.1.2 HS2002 480261
12.1.2 HS2002 480262
12.1.2 HS2002 480269
12.1.2 HS2007 480261
12.1.2 HS2007 480262
12.1.2 HS2007 480269
12.1.2 HS2012 480261
12.1.2 HS2012 480262
12.1.2 HS2012 480269
12.1.2 HS2017 480261
12.1.2 HS2017 480262
12.1.2 HS2017 480269
12.1.3 HS2002 480210
12.1.3 HS2002 480220
12.1.3 HS2002 480254
12.1.3 HS2002 480255
12.1.3 HS2002 480256
12.1.3 HS2002 480257
12.1.3 HS2002 480258
12.1.3 HS2007 480210
12.1.3 HS2007 480220
12.1.3 HS2007 480254
12.1.3 HS2007 480255
12.1.3 HS2007 480256
12.1.3 HS2007 480257
12.1.3 HS2007 480258
12.1.3 HS2012 480210
12.1.3 HS2012 480220
12.1.3 HS2012 480254
12.1.3 HS2012 480255
12.1.3 HS2012 480256
12.1.3 HS2012 480257
12.1.3 HS2012 480258
12.1.3 HS2017 480210
12.1.3 HS2017 480220
12.1.3 HS2017 480254
12.1.3 HS2017 480255
12.1.3 HS2017 480256
12.1.3 HS2017 480257
12.1.3 HS2017 480258
12.1.4 HS2002 4809
12.1.4 HS2002 481013
12.1.4 HS2002 481014
12.1.4 HS2002 481019
12.1.4 HS2002 481022
12.1.4 HS2002 481029
12.1.4 HS2007 4809
12.1.4 HS2007 481013
12.1.4 HS2007 481014
12.1.4 HS2007 481019
12.1.4 HS2007 481022
12.1.4 HS2007 481029
12.1.4 HS2012 4809
12.1.4 HS2012 481013
12.1.4 HS2012 481014
12.1.4 HS2012 481019
12.1.4 HS2012 481022
12.1.4 HS2012 481029
12.1.4 HS2017 4809
12.1.4 HS2017 481013
12.1.4 HS2017 481014
12.1.4 HS2017 481019
12.1.4 HS2017 481022
12.1.4 HS2017 481029
12.2 HS2002 4803
12.2 HS2007 4803
12.2 HS2012 4803
12.2 HS2017 4803
12.3 HS2002 480411
12.3 HS2002 480419
12.3 HS2002 480421
12.3 HS2002 480429
12.3 HS2002 480431
12.3 HS2002 480439
12.3 HS2002 480442
12.3 HS2002 480449
12.3 HS2002 480451
12.3 HS2002 480452
12.3 HS2002 480459
12.3 HS2002 480511
12.3 HS2002 480512
12.3 HS2002 480519
12.3 HS2002 480524
12.3 HS2002 480525
12.3 HS2002 480530
12.3 HS2002 480591
12.3 HS2002 480592
12.3 HS2002 480593
12.3 HS2002 480610
12.3 HS2002 480620
12.3 HS2002 480640
12.3 HS2002 4808
12.3 HS2002 481031
12.3 HS2002 481032
12.3 HS2002 481039
12.3 HS2002 481092
12.3 HS2002 481099
12.3 HS2002 481151
12.3 HS2002 481159
12.3 HS2007 480411
12.3 HS2007 480419
12.3 HS2007 480421
12.3 HS2007 480429
12.3 HS2007 480431
12.3 HS2007 480439
12.3 HS2007 480442
12.3 HS2007 480449
12.3 HS2007 480451
12.3 HS2007 480452
12.3 HS2007 480459
12.3 HS2007 480511
12.3 HS2007 480512
12.3 HS2007 480519
12.3 HS2007 480524
12.3 HS2007 480525
12.3 HS2007 480530
12.3 HS2007 480591
12.3 HS2007 480592
12.3 HS2007 480593
12.3 HS2007 480610
12.3 HS2007 480620
12.3 HS2007 480640
12.3 HS2007 4808
12.3 HS2007 481031
12.3 HS2007 481032
12.3 HS2007 481039
12.3 HS2007 481092
12.3 HS2007 481099
12.3 HS2007 481151
12.3 HS2007 481159
12.3 HS2012 480411
12.3 HS2012 480419
12.3 HS2012 480421
12.3 HS2012 480429
12.3 HS2012 480431
12.3 HS2012 480439
12.3 HS2012 480442
12.3 HS2012 480449
12.3 HS2012 480451
12.3 HS2012 480452
12.3 HS2012 480459
12.3 HS2012 480511
12.3 HS2012 480512
12.3 HS2012 480519
12.3 HS2012 480524
12.3 HS2012 480525
12.3 HS2012 480530
12.3 HS2012 480591
12.3 HS2012 480592
12.3 HS2012 480593
12.3 HS2012 480610
12.3 HS2012 480620
12.3 HS2012 480640
12.3 HS2012 4808
12.3 HS2012 481031
12.3 HS2012 481032
12.3 HS2012 481039
12.3 HS2012 481092
12.3 HS2012 481099
12.3 HS2012 481151
12.3 HS2012 481159
12.3 HS2017 480411
12.3 HS2017 480419
12.3 HS2017 480421
12.3 HS2017 480429
12.3 HS2017 480431
12.3 HS2017 480439
12.3 HS2017 480442
12.3 HS2017 480449
12.3 HS2017 480451
12.3 HS2017 480452
12.3 HS2017 480459
12.3 HS2017 480511
12.3 HS2017 480512
12.3 HS2017 480519
12.3 HS2017 480524
12.3 HS2017 480525
12.3 HS2017 480530
12.3 HS2017 480591
12.3 HS2017 480592
12.3 HS2017 480593
12.3 HS2017 480610
12.3 HS2017 480620
12.3 HS2017 480640
12.3 HS2017 4808
12.3 HS2017 481031
12.3 HS2017 481032
12.3 HS2017 481039
12.3 HS2017 481092
12.3 HS2017 481099
12.3 HS2017 481151
12.3 HS2017 481159
12.3.1 HS2002 480411
12.3.1 HS2002 480419
12.3.1 HS2002 480511
12.3.1 HS2002 480512
12.3.1 HS2002 480519
12.3.1 HS2002 480524
12.3.1 HS2002 480525
12.3.1 HS2002 480591
12.3.1 HS2007 480411
12.3.1 HS2007 480419
12.3.1 HS2007 480511
12.3.1 HS2007 480512
12.3.1 HS2007 480519
12.3.1 HS2007 480524
12.3.1 HS2007 480525
12.3.1 HS2007 480591
12.3.1 HS2012 480411
12.3.1 HS2012 480419
12.3.1 HS2012 480511
12.3.1 HS2012 480512
12.3.1 HS2012 480519
12.3.1 HS2012 480524
12.3.1 HS2012 480525
12.3.1 HS2012 480591
12.3.2 HS2002 480442
12.3.2 HS2002 480449
12.3.2 HS2002 480451
12.3.2 HS2002 480452
12.3.2 HS2002 480459
12.3.2 HS2002 480592
12.3.2 HS2002 481032
12.3.2 HS2002 481039
12.3.2 HS2002 481092
12.3.2 HS2002 481151
12.3.2 HS2002 481159
12.3.2 HS2007 480442
12.3.2 HS2007 480449
12.3.2 HS2007 480451
12.3.2 HS2007 480452
12.3.2 HS2007 480459
12.3.2 HS2007 480592
12.3.2 HS2007 481032
12.3.2 HS2007 481039
12.3.2 HS2007 481092
12.3.2 HS2007 481151
12.3.2 HS2007 481159
12.3.2 HS2012 480442
12.3.2 HS2012 480449
12.3.2 HS2012 480451
12.3.2 HS2012 480452
12.3.2 HS2012 480459
12.3.2 HS2012 480592
12.3.2 HS2012 481032
12.3.2 HS2012 481039
12.3.2 HS2012 481092
12.3.2 HS2012 481151
12.3.2 HS2012 481159
12.3.2 HS2017 480442
12.3.2 HS2017 480449
12.3.2 HS2017 480451
12.3.2 HS2017 480452
12.3.2 HS2017 480459
12.3.2 HS2017 480592
12.3.2 HS2017 481032
12.3.2 HS2017 481039
12.3.2 HS2017 481092
12.3.2 HS2017 481151
12.3.2 HS2017 481159
12.3.3 HS2002 480421
12.3.3 HS2002  480429
12.3.3 HS2002  480431
12.3.3 HS2002 480439
12.3.3 HS2002 480530
12.3.3 HS2002 480610
12.3.3 HS2002 480620
12.3.3 HS2002 480640
12.3.3 HS2002 4808
12.3.3 HS2002 481031
12.3.3 HS2002 481099
12.3.3 HS2007 480421
12.3.3 HS2007 480429
12.3.3 HS2007 480431
12.3.3 HS2007 480439
12.3.3 HS2007 480530
12.3.3 HS2007 480610
12.3.3 HS2007 480620
12.3.3 HS2007 480640
12.3.3 HS2007 4808
12.3.3 HS2007 481031
12.3.3 HS2007 481099
12.3.3 HS2012 480421
12.3.3 HS2012 480429
12.3.3 HS2012 480431
12.3.3 HS2012 480439
12.3.3 HS2012 480530
12.3.3 HS2012 480610
12.3.3 HS2012 480620
12.3.3 HS2012 480640
12.3.3 HS2012 4808
12.3.3 HS2012 481031
12.3.3 HS2012 481099
12.3.3 HS2017 480421
12.3.3 HS2017 480429
12.3.3 HS2017 480431
12.3.3 HS2017 480439
12.3.3 HS2017 480530
12.3.3 HS2017 480610
12.3.3 HS2017 480620
12.3.3 HS2017 480640
12.3.3 HS2017 4808
12.3.3 HS2017 481031
12.3.3 HS2017 481099
12.3.4 HS2002 480593
12.3.4 HS2007 480593
12.3.4 HS2012 480593
12.3.4 HS2017 480593
12.4 HS2002 480240
12.4 HS2002 480441
12.4 HS2002 480540
12.4 HS2002 480550
12.4 HS2002 480630
12.4 HS2002 4812
12.4 HS2002 4813
12.4 HS2007 480240
12.4 HS2007 480441
12.4 HS2007 480540
12.4 HS2007 480550
12.4 HS2007 480630
12.4 HS2007 4812
12.4 HS2007 4813
12.4 HS2012 480240
12.4 HS2012 480441
12.4 HS2012 480540
12.4 HS2012 480550
12.4 HS2012 480630
12.4 HS2012 4812
12.4 HS2012 4813
12.4 HS2017 480240
12.4 HS2017 480441
12.4 HS2017 480540
12.4 HS2017 480550
12.4 HS2017 480630
12.4 HS2017 4812
12.4 HS2017 4813
13.1 HS2002 440910
13.1 HS2002 440920 Only some part of it
13.1 HS2007 440910
13.1 HS2007 440929
13.1 HS2012 440910
13.1 HS2012 440929
13.1 HS2017 440910
13.1 HS2017 440922
13.1 HS2017 440929
13.1.C HS2002 440910
13.1.C HS2007 440910
13.1.C HS2012 440910
13.1.C HS2017 440910
13.1.NC HS2002 440920 Only some part of it
13.1.NC HS2007 440929
13.1.NC HS2012 440929
13.1.NC HS2017 440922
13.1.NC HS2017 440929
13.1.NC.T HS2002 440920 Only some part of it
13.1.NC.T HS2007 440929 Only some part of it
13.1.NC.T HS2012 440929 Only some part of it
13.1.NC.T HS2017 440922
13.2 HS2002 4415
13.2 HS2002 4416
13.2 HS2007 4415
13.2 HS2007 4416
13.2 HS2012 4415
13.2 HS2012 4416
13.2 HS2017 4415
13.2 HS2017 4416
13.3 HS2002 4414
13.3 HS2002 4419 Only some part of it
13.3 HS2002 4420
13.3 HS2007 4414
13.3 HS2007 4419 Only some part of it
13.3 HS2007 4420
13.3 HS2012 4414
13.3 HS2012 4419 Only some part of it
13.3 HS2012 4420
13.3 HS2017 4414
13.3 HS2017 441990
13.3 HS2017 4420
13.4 HS2002 441810
13.4 HS2002 441820
13.4 HS2002 441830
13.4 HS2002 441840
13.4 HS2002 441850
13.4 HS2002 441890 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2007 441810
13.4 HS2007 481820
13.4 HS2007 441840
13.4 HS2007 441850
13.4 HS2007 441860
13.4 HS2007 441871 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2007 441872 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2007 441879 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2007 441890 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2012 441810
13.4 HS2012 441820
13.4 HS2012 441840
13.4 HS2012 441850
13.4 HS2012 441860
13.4 HS2012 441871 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2012 441872 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2012 441879 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2012 441890 Only some part of it
13.4 HS2017 441810
13.4 HS2017 441820
13.4 HS2017 441840
13.4 HS2017 441850
13.4 HS2017 441860
13.4 HS2017 441874
13.4 HS2017 441875
13.4 HS2017 441879
13.4 HS2017 441899
13.5 HS2002 940161
13.5 HS2002 940169
13.5 HS2002 940190 Only some part of it
13.5 HS2002 940330
13.5 HS2002 940340
13.5 HS2002 940350
13.5 HS2002 940360
13.5 HS2002 940390 Only some part of it
13.5 HS2007 940161
13.5 HS2007 940169
13.5 HS2007 940190 Only some part of it
13.5 HS2007 940330
13.5 HS2007 940340
13.5 HS2007 940350
13.5 HS2007 940360
13.5 HS2007 940390 Only some part of it
13.5 HS2012 940161
13.5 HS2012 940169
13.5 HS2012 940190 Only some part of it
13.5 HS2012 940330
13.5 HS2012 940340
13.5 HS2012 940350
13.5 HS2012 940360
13.5 HS2012 940390 Only some part of it
13.5 HS2017 940161
13.5 HS2017 940169
13.5 HS2017 940190 Only some part of it
13.5 HS2017 940330
13.5 HS2017 940340
13.5 HS2017 940350
13.5 HS2017 940360
13.5 HS2017 940390 Only some part of it
13.6 HS2002 9406 Only some part of it
13.6 HS2007 9406 Only some part of it
13.6 HS2012 9406 Only some part of it
13.6 HS2017 940610
13.7 HS2002 4404
13.7 HS2002 4405
13.7 HS2002 4413
13.7 HS2002 4417
13.7 HS2002 442110
13.7 HS2002 442190 Only some part of it
13.7 HS2007 4404
13.7 HS2007 4405
13.7 HS2007 4413
13.7 HS2007 4417
13.7 HS2007 442110
13.7 HS2007 442190 Only some part of it
13.7 HS2012 4404
13.7 HS2012 4405
13.7 HS2012 4413
13.7 HS2012 4417
13.7 HS2012 442110
13.7 HS2012 442190 Only some part of it
13.7 HS2017 4404
13.7 HS2017 4405
13.7 HS2017 4413
13.7 HS2017 4417
13.7 HS2017 442110
13.7 HS2017 442199
14.1 HS2002 4807
14.1 HS2007 4807
14.1 HS2012 4807
14.1 HS2017 4807
14.2 HS2002 481110
14.2 HS2002 481141
14.2 HS2002 481149
14.2 HS2002 481160
14.2 HS2002 481190
14.2 HS2007 481110
14.2 HS2007 481141
14.2 HS2007 481149
14.2 HS2007 481160
14.2 HS2007 481190
14.2 HS2012 481110
14.2 HS2012 481141
14.2 HS2012 481149
14.2 HS2012 481160
14.2 HS2012 481190
14.2 HS2017 481110
14.2 HS2017 481141
14.2 HS2017 481149
14.2 HS2017 481160
14.2 HS2017 481190
14.3 HS2002 4818
14.3 HS2007 4818
14.3 HS2012 4818
14.3 HS2017 4818
14.4 HS2002 4819
14.4 HS2007 4819
14.4 HS2012 4819
14.4 HS2017 4819
14.5 HS2002 4814
14.5 HS2002 4816
14.5 HS2002 4817
14.5 HS2002 4820
14.5 HS2002 4821
14.5 HS2002 4822
14.5 HS2002 4823
14.5 HS2007 4814
14.5 HS2007 4816
14.5 HS2007 4817
14.5 HS2007 4820
14.5 HS2007 4821
14.5 HS2007 4822
14.5 HS2007 4823
14.5 HS2012 4814
14.5 HS2012 4816
14.5 HS2012 4817
14.5 HS2012 4820
14.5 HS2012 4821
14.5 HS2012 4822
14.5 HS2012 4823
14.5 HS2017 4814
14.5 HS2017 4816
14.5 HS2017 4817
14.5 HS2017 4820
14.5 HS2017 4821
14.5 HS2017 4822
14.5 HS2017 4823
14.5.1 HS2002 482390 Only some part of it
14.5.1 HS2007 482390 Only some part of it
14.5.1 HS2012 482390 Only some part of it
14.5.1 HS2017 482390 Only some part of it
14.5.2 HS2002 482370
14.5.2 HS2007 482370
14.5.2 HS2012 482370
14.5.2 HS2017 482370
14.5.3 HS2002 482320
14.5.3 HS2007 482320
14.5.3 HS2012 482320
14.5.3 HS2017 482320
12.6 HS2002 482110 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482190 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482210 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482290 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482312 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482319 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482320 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482340 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482360 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482370 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 482390 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480210 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480220 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480230 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480240 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480254 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480255 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480256 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480257 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480258 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 480261 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002  480262 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002  480269 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481013 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481014 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481019 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481022 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481029 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481031 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481032 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481039 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002 481092 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2002  481099 Only some part of it
12.6 HS2007 481410
12.6 HS2007 481420
12.6 HS2007 481490
12.6 HS2007 481710
12.6 HS2007 481720
12.6 HS2007 481730
12.6 HS2007 482010
12.6 HS2007 482020
12.6 HS2007 482030
12.6 HS2007 482040
12.6 HS2007 482050
12.6 HS2007 482090
12.6 HS2007 482110
12.6 HS2007 482190
12.6 HS2007 482210
12.6 HS2007 482290
12.6 HS2007 482320
12.6 HS2007 482340
12.6 HS2007 482361
12.6 HS2007 482369
12.6 HS2007 482370
12.6 HS2007 482390
12.6 HS2012 481420
12.6 HS2012 481490
12.6 HS2012 481710
12.6 HS2012 481720
12.6 HS2012 481730
12.6 HS2012 482020
12.6 HS2012 482030
12.6 HS2012 482040
12.6 HS2012 482050
12.6 HS2012 482090
12.6 HS2012 482110
12.6 HS2012 482190
12.6 HS2012 482210
12.6 HS2012 482290
12.6 HS2012 482320
12.6 HS2012 482340
12.6 HS2012 482361
12.6 HS2012 482369
12.6 HS2012 482370
12.6 HS2012 482390
12.6.1 HS2002 480210 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480220 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480230 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480240 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480254 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480255 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480256 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480257 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480258 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 480261 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002  480262 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002  480269 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481013 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481014 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481019 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481022 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481029 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481031 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481032 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481039 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 481092 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002  481099 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2002 482390 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2007 482390 Only some part of it
12.6.1 HS2012 482390 Only some part of it
12.6.2 HS2002 482370
12.6.2 HS2007 482370
12.6.2 HS2012 482370
12.6.3 HS2002 482320
12.6.3 HS2007 482320
12.6.3 HS2012 482320

JFSQ Item codes

Below are algebraic expressions of the relationships of items in the JFSQ. These are to help in understanding and filling out the JFSQ in a way to minimize inconsistencies.

1 = 1.1 + 1.2

1.1 = 1.1.C + 1.1.NC

1.2 = 1.2.1 + 1.2.2 + 1.2.3

= 1.2.C + 1.2.NC

= 1.2.1.C + 1.2.1.NC + 1.2.2.C + 1.2.2.NC + 1.2.3.C + 1.2.3.NC

1.2.C = 1.2.1.C + 1.2.2.C + 1.2.3.C

1.2.NC = 1.2.1.NC + 1.2.2.NC + 1.2.3.NC

1.2.NC ≥ 1.2.NC.T

1.2.1 = 1.2.1.C + 1.2.1.NC

1.2.2 = 1.2.2.C + 1.2.2.NC

1.2.3 = 1.2.3.C + 1.2.3.NC

3 = 3.1 + 3.2

5 = 5.1 + 5.2

6 = 6.C + 6.NC

6.NC ≥ 6.NC.T

7 = 7.C + 7.NC

7.NC ≥ 7.NC.T

8 = 8.1 + 8.2 + 8.3

8.1 = 8.1.C + 8.1.NC

8.1.NC ≥ 8.1.NC.T

8.2 ≥ 8.2.1

8.3 = 8.3.1 + 8.3.2 + 8.3.3

9 = 9.1 + 9.2 + 9.3

9.2 = 9.2.1 + 9.2.2

9.2.1 >=

10 = 10.1 + 10.2

12 = 12.1 + 12.2 + 12.3 + 12.4

12.1 = 12.1.1 + 12.1.2 + 12.1.3 + 12.1.4

12.3 = 12.3.1 + 12.3.2 + 12.3.3 + 12.3.4

13.1 = 13.1.C + 13.1.NC

13.1.NC >= 13.1.NC.T

14.5 >= 14.5.1 + 14.5.2 + 14.5.3

JFSQ Item codes

Below are algebraic expressions of the relationships of items in the JFSQ. These are to

help in understanding and filling out the JFSQ in a way to minimize inconsistencies.

1 = 1.1 + 1.2

1.1 = 1.1.C + 1.1.NC

1.2 = 1.2.1 + 1.2.2 + 1.2.3

= 1.2.C + 1.2.NC

= 1.2.1.C + 1.2.1.NC + 1.2.2.C + 1.2.2.NC + 1.2.3.C + 1.2.3.NC

1.2.C = 1.2.1.C + 1.2.2.C + 1.2.3.C

1.2.NC = 1.2.1.NC + 1.2.2.NC + 1.2.3.NC

1.2.NC ≥ 1.2.NC.T

1.2.1 = 1.2.1.C + 1.2.1.NC

1.2.2 = 1.2.2.C + 1.2.2.NC

1.2.3 = 1.2.3.C + 1.2.3.NC

3 = 3.1 + 3.2

5 = 5.1 + 5.2

6 = 6.C + 6.NC

6.NC ≥ 6.NC.T

7 = 7.C + 7.NC

7.NC ≥ 7.NC.T

8 = 8.1 + 8.2 + 8.3

8.1 = 8.1.C + 8.1.NC

8.1.NC ≥ 8.1.NC.T

8.2 ≥ 8.2.1

8.3 = 8.3.1 + 8.3.2 + 8.3.3

9 = 9.1 + 9.2 + 9.3

9.2 = 9.2.1 + 9.2.2

9.2.1 >=

10 = 10.1 + 10.2

12 = 12.1 + 12.2 + 12.3 + 12.4

12.1 = 12.1.1 + 12.1.2 + 12.1.3 + 12.1.4

12.3 = 12.3.1 + 12.3.2 + 12.3.3 + 12.3.4

13.1 = 13.1.C + 13.1.NC

13.1.NC >= 13.1.NC.T

14.5 >= 14.5.1 + 14.5.2 + 14.5.3

Symbol usage

We urge respondents to fill in the questionnaire completely. If, however, this is not

possible, please try to use the following symbols. Blank spaces leave us unsure whether

the data are not available or whether they are zero.

… = not available (please make an estimate!)

0 = nil or less than half the unit indicated

+++ = confidential


Languages and translations

Evaluating Canada’s adjusted estimates of emigration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Julien Bérard-Chagnon, Statistics Canada

Measuring Canadian emigration with accuracy in the context of COVID-19

• StatCan releases quarterly preliminary estimates 3 months after the end of the reference period

• Final estimates are available 2 years after the end of the reference period

• Emigrants: Canadian citizens + permanent residents who have left Canada to establish a permanent residence in another country

• Usual method: Canada Child Benefit (CCB) data (tax data) + demographic models • Preliminary : data lags 2 years (too incomplete) => use past trends => not reactive to the


• StatCan adjusted its models to consider the context of the pandemic • Use of U.S. visa data • Started in March 2020 • Technical Supplement: Production of Demographic Estimates for the Second Quarter of 2020 in the Context of

COVID-19 ( 2

Using U.S. visas data to adjust emigration estimates









Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Visas delivered in consulates located in Canada

2017 2018 2019 2020


• Most Canadian emigrants move to the U.S.

• Monthly immigrant visas issued by American consulates in Canada

• Very timely • Few sources as timely

• Show a change in trends in 2020 (responsiveness)

• Publicly available from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

• Discussions and aggregated data exchanges with the U.S. Census Bureau

• Computed monthly ratios using StatCan’s estimates and visas numbers from previous years

The accuracy of the adjustment can now be evaluated

• Issue: adjusting our methods during the pandemic => added uncertainty to estimates that already have a certain degree of uncertainty

• Estimates up to June 2020 are now final and replaced the adjustment • Opportunity: new sources are now available 1) to evaluate the accuracy of the

adjustment and 2) to revise it


The decrease in the number of emigrants observed with the adjustment might have been too marked










July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June

Estimated number of emigrants

2017-2018 (final) 2018-2019 (final) 2019-2020 (adj.) 2019-2020 (final) 5

Most sources suggest a smaller decrease than the adjustment in summer 2020 and a stronger increase in the fall












Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Monthly ratios of the number of emigrants (2020/2019)

Adjusted method Final method U.S. visas Canada Post Tax data (T1FF) Registration of Canadians Abroad (ROCA)


Most sources suggest a smaller decrease than the adjustment in 2020

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

100% 110% 120% 130% 140% 150%

Adjusted method Final method (Jan. to June only)

U.S. visas Canada Post Tax data (T1FF) Registration of Canadians Abroad


American Community Survey


Tax data (T1FF addresses)

Yearly ratios of the number of emigrants (2020/2019)



• Measuring emigration with accuracy and in a timely fashion is challenging in Canada • Adjustment was developped in a unique context with few sources available • Availability of new sources allow the evaluation of the adjustment • The adjusted estimates are lower than the final estimates for spring 2020

• Also lower than most sources for the rest of 2020

• The adjustment was revised upwards in light of these results • Adjustment was revised in September 2022

• Final estimates for the whole year 2020 will be released in September 2023


Some lessons learned

• Accuracy: the results of the adjustment are farther from the final estimates and alternate sources than expected

• Most alternate sources were not available at the time

• Accuracy: necessary to constantly evaluate our estimates by using more than 1 source (when possible) and by considering the strengths and flaws of each source

• Timeliness: increasingly relevant to users (internal and external) => trade-offs needed • Transparency: technical documents were very well received by users

• Currently reflecting on a dissemination strategy for these evaluations

• Methods: created a momentum to innovate by acquiring new data and by developing new models. Many new sources are now used for evaluation purposes. Need to keep this momentum going.


Some new developments and opportunities

• Collaborative agreement with the U.S. and Mexico • Study on the Canadian diaspora • Entries and Exits Data

• Very early stage

• 2021 Census data on immigration and ethnocultural diversity were released on Oct. 26.

• Immigrants accounted for 23.0% of the population in 2021, the largest proportion in over 150 years.


Thank you for your attention / Merci pour votre attention ! 

• Julien Bérard-Chagnon • Chef de section / Section Chief • Centre de démographie / Centre for Demography • Statistique Canada / Statistics Canada • [email protected]


  • Evaluating Canada’s adjusted estimates of emigration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Measuring Canadian emigration with accuracy in the context of COVID-19
  • Using U.S. visas data to adjust emigration estimates
  • The accuracy of the adjustment can now be evaluated
  • The decrease in the number of emigrants observed with the adjustment might have been too marked
  • Most sources suggest a smaller decrease than the adjustment in summer 2020 and a stronger increase in the fall
  • Most sources suggest a smaller decrease than the adjustment in 2020
  • Conclusion
  • Some lessons learned
  • Some new developments and opportunities
  • Thank you for your attention / Merci pour votre attention ! 

Evaluating Canada’s adjusted estimates of emigration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (Canada)

Languages and translations

* Prepared by Julien Bérard-Chagnon, Chief of the Development and Evaluation Section, Centre for Demography, Statistics Canada. NOTE: The designations employed in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

Economic Commission for Europe Conference of European Statisticians Group of Experts on Migration Statistics Geneva, Switzerland, 26−28 October 2022 Item D of the provisional agenda Post pandemic migration flows

Evaluating Canada’s adjusted estimates of emigration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Note by Statistics Canada*


International travel restrictions around the world following the COVID-19 pandemic substantially altered Canadian’s migration trends. It is assumed that this situation led to a marked decrease in the number of emigrants leaving Canada. Statistics Canada relies on demographic models based on administrative data from previous years (Canada Child Benefit data - CCB) to estimate preliminary numbers of emigrants. These models rely on the assumption that recent trends are continuing, which is less appropriate given the abrupt changes in trends stemming from the pandemic. Consequently, Statistics Canada decided to adjust its usual emigration models for 2020 and 2021 by using U.S. visa data. Many new data sources on emigration covering the year 2020 are now available. They allow the evaluation of the adjustment for the first months of the pandemic. This presentation aims at showing the very first results of Canada’s evaluation of its adjustment to emigration due to the pandemic. The key result is that the adjustment seemed to have underestimated emigration during the first months of the pandemic.

Working paper 10

Distr.: General 19 October 2022 English

Working paper 10


I. Introduction

1. The Demographic Estimates Program (DEP) of Statistics Canada computes monthly estimates of the number of emigrants. These data are disseminated on a quarterly basis. They are used to calculate official population estimates with the cohort-component method. Population estimates have wide-ranging applications, notably to determine the amounts payable under various federal-provincial-territorial fiscal arrangements according to a per capita funding formula as well as in the provincial readjustment of federal electoral boundaries.

2. In order to meet key users’ needs, preliminary estimates of emigration are released approximately 3 months after the end of the reference period. Then, final estimates are made available around 2 years after the end of the reference period when more complete data sources become available. The production of estimates of the number of emigrants relies on administrative data that are not necessarily optimal in terms of timeliness, completeness and coverage. The models used in production processes make it possible to produce reliable and accurate estimates of emigration despite these constraints.

3. The abrupt decline in international travel stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic invalidated some of the assumptions of the models used to produce preliminary estimates of the number of emigrants. As a result, Statistics Canada adjusted its usual method to consider the impacts of the pandemic.

4. The context of the pandemic and the use of an adjusted method added a level of uncertainty to the estimates. Many new data sources on emigration covering the year 2020 are now available. They allow the evaluation of the adjustment for the first months of the pandemic.

5. This note aims at showing the very first results of Canada’s evaluation of its adjustment to emigration due to the pandemic. Section 2 summarizes the usual method used to produce preliminary estimates of the number of emigrants as well as the adjustment that was developed to consider the impacts of the pandemic. Then, section 3 presents the key results of the evaluation by comparing the adjusted data with many other data sources.

II. Estimating Canadian emigration in the context of the pandemic

6. Estimating Canadian emigration with accuracy is challenging since it is not mandatory for Canadian citizens to report their departure from the country (Bérard-Chagnon, 2018). For the purposes of demographic estimates, emigrants are defined as Canadian citizens or immigrants who have left Canada to establish a permanent residence in another country (sometimes referred to as permanent emigration). Statistics Canada’s preliminary estimates of emigration are computed using Canada Child Benefit program (CCB) data (Statistics Canada, 2016). This program, administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), is a tax-free monthly payment made to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age. Demographic models are then used to correct CCB data and to estimate the number of emigrants aged 18 and over. Although CCB data are very timely, they are deemed to be complete enough to be used only 2 years after the end of the reference period. As a result, preliminary estimates of emigration for a given period are computed using CCB data covering the same period but 2 years before. For example, using the usual method, preliminary estimates of emigration for 2019/2020 were computed in summer 2020 using 2017/2018 CCB data. Final estimates for 2019/2020 were computed in summer 2022 using 2019/2020 CCB data, that is when these data are deemed to be complete enough.

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7. Preliminary estimates of emigration are based on the assumption that recent trends are continuing. This key assumption was less appropriate given the abrupt changes in trends stemming from the pandemic

8. In this context, Statistics Canada adjusted its usual method. The adjustment for the preliminary estimates of emigration was developed using data on American visas issued by the U.S. consulates in Canada. These data include visas issued to permanent residents, workers, students and other temporary residents; they exclude visas issued to visitors and tourists. These data have several benefits for the purposes of calculating demographic estimates. They are monthly, publicly available, very timely and reactive to the changes stemming from the pandemic. Moreover, the U.S. is by far the main country of destination for Canadian emigrants, meaning that the data from that country provide a relatively representative picture of Canadian emigration. Visa data also have some limitations. They refer to the date when the permit was issued, not when the permit holder crossed the border. Also, American citizens and permanent residents are not included in these data since they can emigrate to the U.S. without a visa.

9. The methodology of the adjustment was published on Statistics Canada’s website (Statistics Canada, 2020). In short, the adjustment, starting in March 2020, was computed by applying monthly ratios of past numbers of emigrants from the DEP and from U.S. visas to 2020-2021 monthly visa data.

10. The adjusted method led to a marked decrease in emigration during spring and summer 2020, followed by a gradual return to expected levels of emigration starting in fall 2020. Adjusted estimates of emigration were close to those produced using the usual method in 2021.

III. Evaluating adjusted estimates of emigration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

11. The context of the pandemic and the adjustment applied to the usual method added uncertainty to the estimates of emigration, which already carry a certain level of uncertainty. Consequently, evaluating the accuracy of the adjusted estimates is important to inform users in a transparent fashion, to get a clearer picture of the impact of the pandemic on international migration, and to reflect on the use of alternate sources to measure Canadian emigration.

12. Estimates of the number of emigrants up to June 2020 are now final and were disseminated in September 2022. Moreover, many new data sources on emigration covering the year 2020 are now available. They allow for the evaluation of the adjustment for the first months of the pandemic. This section presents key results of this evaluation.

A. Comparing adjusted estimates of emigration with the final estimates

13. As mentioned earlier, final estimates of emigration for 2019/2020 were disseminated in September 2022. Although these final estimates also have a certain degree of uncertainty, they allow the measurement of the accuracy of the adjusted estimates. The following chart compares the estimated number of emigrants from July 2019 to June 2020 using the usual method (final estimates) and the adjusted method. Final estimates of emigration for 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 are also shown to provide contextual numbers on recent trends.

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Figure 1

Estimates of the number of emigrants using the final method and the adjusted method (2019/2020 only), Canada, 2017/2018 to 2019/2020

Note: the 2019/2020 adjusted series (green line) is computed by using the usual preliminary method (July 2019 to February 2020) and the adjusted method (March 2020 to June 2020).

Source: Statistics Canada, Demographic Estimates Program.

14. The key result emanating from this chart is that, for spring 2020, the adjusted method (green line) estimated a lower number of emigrants than the final estimates (purple line). The adjusted method suggests a marked decrease in emigration starting in April 2020 compared with previous months and years as tight restrictions on international travel were put in place around the world. Final estimates of emigration (purple line) also indicate a decline in the number of emigrants in the first months of the pandemic but to a lesser degree. They also indicate a certain reprisal of emigration starting in June.

B. Compared adjusted estimates of emigration with those of alternate data sources

15. Given the specific challenges of measuring Canadian emigration with accuracy, Statistics Canada regularly compares its estimates of the number of emigrants with those of alternate data sources. This exercise can be done since many data sources covering the year 2020 are now available.

16. The sources compared here are the following:

i. U.S. visas: already described in section 2.

ii. Canada Post: these aggregate data come from Canada Post’s mail forwarding program. They contain monthly counts of private households that requested mail forwarding after a move outside Canada.










July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March April May June

Es tim

at ed

n um

be r o

f e m

ig ra

nt s


2017/2018 (final) 2018/2019 (final) 2019/2020 (adj.) 2019/2020 (final)

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iii. Tax data (T1FF departure dates): for tax purposes, Canadian tax filers must indicate the day of their departure if they sever their social and economic ties to the country. These filers can be defined as emigrants despite conceptual differences (Bérard- Chagnon, 2018).

iv. Registration of Canadians Abroad (ROCA): this free service allows the Government of Canada to notify nationals travelling abroad in the event of emergencies abroad or at home. Travellers indicate the start and end dates of their trip abroad. Emigrants are defined as registered individuals who returned from a trip of more than 12 months abroad. Coverage of ROCA is assumed to be very low as this service is optional.

17. Since these sources have different concepts, universes and levels of coverage, the raw numbers can vary substantially from one source to the other. To circumvent this, we calculated monthly ratios between 2020 and 2019 for each source. A ratio of 100% means that for a given source and month, the 2020 numbers are the same as the 2019 ones. The following chart compares the adjusted method and the final estimates with the other data sources.

Figure 2

Monthly ratios of the number of emigrants (2020 divided by 2019) by data source, Canada

Note: ROCA’s ratios in March and April 2020 (orange line) fall outside the limits of the chart to ease the view for readers. The numbers of emigrants from that source in 2020 was 10 times that of 2019 for March and 5 times that of 2019 for April.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Demographic Estimates Program (adjusted method, and final estimates), and Centre for Income and Socio-Economic Well-being Statistics (T1FF departure dates), U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs (U.S. visas), Canada Post, Global Affairs Canada (ROCA).

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200%

Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

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20 d

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Adjusted method Final estimates

U.S. visas Canada Post

Tax data (T1FF) Registration of Canadians Abroad (ROCA)

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18. This chart shows 3 key results. First, all sources except ROCA show a decrease in the number of emigrants from 2019 to 2020 for the summer (ratios below 100%). U.S. visa data display the strongest decrease by far as almost no visas were delivered by American consulates in Canada in the first months of the pandemic. Since the adjusted method is based on visa data, the adjustment is also showing a similar decrease. This result could be explained by the implementation of travel restrictions across Canada, the start of wide-spread teleworking as well as the closure of daycares and schools. Note that visa numbers were already lower in January and February 2020, hinting that the number of visas delivered in Canada was already decreasing before the start of the pandemic.

19. Second, as noted earlier, final estimates of emigration also show a decrease in 2020 compared with 2019. This decline falls in the middle of those of the sources examined here. The reduction shown by the final estimates in 2020 is very close to that observed with tax data (T1FF). This was expected to some extent as the final estimates are also based on tax data (although a different file – the CCB).

20. Third, although the number of emigrants in 2020 stayed below those of 2019, all sources converge towards an increase of the number of emigrants in fall 2020. In December 2020, the number of emigrants ranged from 56% of 2019 (U.S. visas) to 99% (Canada Post). The data from Canada Post generally propose numbers of emigrants in 2020 that are closer to those of 2019. The reasons behind these results are unclear at the moment.

21. Note that ROCA numbers are less stable than those of other sources. The number of emigrants from that source in 2020 was 10 times that of 2019 for March and 5 times that of 2019 for April. These numbers also stayed above the levels of 2019 for most of 2020. Since ROCA is an optional emergency service, its coverage is low and can fluctuate rapidly depending on international issues. Despite this, these data were kept in this chart as a reminder that potential new data sources can still show inconsistent results, which is a relevant finding on its own to advance our understanding of the measurement of Canadian emigration.

22. Some alternate sources cannot be broken down by month. They can still be compared with StatCan’s estimates by computing yearly ratios. The results are shown in the chart below. The 2 new sources are:

i. American Community Survey (ACS): this mandatory survey replaced the census long-form questionnaire in the U.S. Canadian emigration to the U.S. can be derived by using data on the place of residence 1 year ago (ROYA).

ii. Tax data (T1FF addresses): in addition to departure dates (see above), tax data can inform on the emigration of tax filers by comparing their postal addresses on 2 consecutive years. An emigrant is defined as a filer who changed from a Canadian postal address to a postal address abroad.

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Figure 3

Yearly ratios of the number of emigrants (2020 divided by 2019) by data source, Canada

Note: StatCan’s final estimates are not shown here because they are only available for the first 6 months of 2020. This makes them less comparable to the other sources, which cover all of 2020.

Sources: Statistics Canada, Demographic Estimates Program (adjusted method), and Centre for Income and Socio-Economic Well-being Statistics (T1FF departure dates and T1FF addresses), U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs (U.S. visas), Canada Post, Global Affairs Canada (ROCA), U.S. Census Bureau (ACS).

23. These results show 2 things. First, the 2 new sources added to the evaluation, the ACS and the T1FF addresses, paint a different picture of the impact of the pandemic on Canadian emigration. The ACS suggests that emigration to the U.S. almost stayed constant in 2019 and 2020, a result that differs from those of most sources. The pandemic disrupted data collection for the ACS, which could have impacted the numbers shown here. T1FF addresses propose a decrease of about 25%, which is close to what is observed with T1FF departure dates and Canada Post. Second, when added to the other sources, these 2 new sources reinforce the assumption that the decline proposed by the adjustment (around 50% for 2020) is sharper than expected.

IV. Conclusion

24. The COVID-19 pandemic led to abrupt changes in Canadian international migration patterns. These changes impacted the plausibility of key assumptions made to estimate preliminary numbers of emigrants. Consequently, Statistics Canada decided to adjust its usual method to consider the impacts of the pandemic using U.S. visa data. Many new data sources on











Adjusted method

U.S. visas Canada Post Tax data (T1FF

departure dates)

Registration of Canadians

Abroad (ROCA)

American Community Survey (ACS)

Tax data (T1FF


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Data sources

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emigration covering the year 2020 are now available. They allow for the evaluation of the adjustment for the first months of the pandemic.

25. The first evaluation of the adjustment suggests that the preliminary numbers of emigrants were lower than those of other sources. Even if most sources showed a decline in emigration in 2020 compared with 2019, these decreases are not as sharp as that of the adjusted method. Following these results and as part of the usual process of computing demographic estimates, the adjustment was revised in summer 2022 and new estimates were disseminated in September 2022.

26. The interpretation of these results must consider the context in which the adjustment was developed. Preliminary estimates are released approximately 3 months after the end of the reference period, which require very timely data. Only U.S. visas, Canada Post and ROCA data were available at the time of computing the adjustment and they were all recently acquired by Statistics Canada for the purposes of calculating the adjustment. Visas were notably chosen over the 2 other sources because they go further back in the past than Canada Post data (2017 versus 2019), a significant benefit to assess their accuracy and stability as well as to build demographic models, and because they were deemed more stable than ROCA data, as shown in the results. The methodology of the adjustment was released in a technical supplement on Statistics Canada’s website (Statistics Canada, 2020).

27. Despite the differences found between the adjusted estimates and other sources, the development of the adjustment generated many benefits for the measurement of Canadian emigration. New data sources were acquired and are still used as part of the certification process of the estimates. These acquisitions also deepened our understanding of potential sources to measure emigration. They fostered collaboration with national and international partners.

28. More broadly, given the added uncertainty brought by the pandemic the measurement of Canadian emigration and its impacts on demographic trends, this work reinforced the relevance of finding and acquiring new data sources, of developing robust certification processes that include many sources as well as their strengths and flaws and of reporting methodology and key evaluation results to data users in a transparent fashion.


Bérard-Chagnon, Julien, 2018, Measuring Emigration in Canada: Review of Available Data Sources and Methods, Demographic Documents,

Statistics Canada, 2016, Population and Family Estimation Methods at Statistics Canada,

Statistics Canada, 2020, Technical Supplement: Production of Demographic Estimates for the Second Quarter of 2020 in the Context of COVID-19, Demographic Documents,

  • I. Introduction
  • II. Estimating Canadian emigration in the context of the pandemic
  • III. Evaluating adjusted estimates of emigration in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
    • A. Comparing adjusted estimates of emigration with the final estimates
    • B. Compared adjusted estimates of emigration with those of alternate data sources
  • IV. Conclusion
  • References

* Подготовил Жюльен Берар-Шаньон, руководитель отдела разработки и оценки Центра демографии Статистического управления Канады. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Обозначения, используемые в настоящем документе, не подразумевают выражения какого бы то ни было мнения со стороны Секретариата Организации Объединенных Наций относительно правового статуса какой-либо страны, территории, города или района или их властей, или относительно делимитации их границ.

Европейская экономическая комиссия Конференция европейских статистиков Группа экспертов по статистике миграции Женева, Швейцария, 26–28 октября 2022 года Пункт D предварительной повестки дня Миграционные потоки после пандемии

Анализ скорректированных оценок эмиграции из Канады в контексте пандемии COVID-19

Примечание от Статистического управления Канады*


Ограничения на международные поездки по всему миру после пандемии COVID-19 существенно изменили миграционные тенденции Канады. Предполагается, что эта ситуация привела к заметному сокращению числа эмигрантов, покидающих Канаду. Статистическое управление Канады использует для предварительной оценки численности эмигрантов демографические модели, основанные на административных данных за предыдущие годы (данные о пособиях на ребенка в Канаде - CCB). Эти модели основаны на допущении, что недавние тенденции продолжаются, что менее уместно, учитывая резкие изменения в тенденциях, вызванные пандемией. Соответственно, Статистическое управление Канады приняло решение скорректировать свои обычные модели эмиграции на 2020 и 2021 годы, используя данные о визах в США. В настоящее время доступно множество новых источников данных об эмиграции, охватывающих 2020 год. Они позволяют оценить корректировку на первые месяцы пандемии. Цель этой презентации - показать первые результаты оценки Канадой своей корректировки эмиграции в связи с пандемией. Ключевым результатом является то, что в корректировке, по-видимому, недооценена эмиграция в первые месяцы пандемии.

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Распр.: Общее 07 февраля 2023 Английский

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I. Введение

1. Программа демографических оценок (DEP) Статистического управления Канады рассчитывает ежемесячные оценки числа эмигрантов. Эти данные распространяются на ежеквартальной основе. Они используются для расчета официальных оценок численности населения с помощью когортно-компонентного метода (метода передвижки возрастов). Оценки численности населения имеют широкое применение, в частности, для определения сумм, подлежащих выплате в соответствии с различными федеральными, провинциально-территориальными бюджетными механизмам по формуле финансирования на душу населения, а также при корректировке провинциями федеральных границ электоральных округов.

2. Чтобы удовлетворить потребности ключевых пользователей, предварительные оценки эмиграции публикуются примерно через 3 месяца после окончания отчетного периода. Затем окончательные оценки становятся доступными примерно через 2 года после окончания отчетного периода, когда становятся доступными более полные источники данных. Составление оценок числа эмигрантов основывается на административных данных, которые не обязательно являются оптимальными с точки зрения своевременности, полноты и охвата. Модели, используемые в производственных процессах, позволяют производить надежные и точные оценки эмиграции, несмотря на эти ограничения.

3. Резкое сокращение числа международных поездок, вызванное пандемией COVID-19, сделало недействительными некоторые допущения моделей, использовавшихся для получения предварительных оценок числа эмигрантов. В результате Статистическое управление Канады скорректировало свой обычный метод с учетом последствий пандемии.

4. Контекст пандемии и использование скорректированного метода добавили к оценкам уровень неопределенности. В настоящее время доступно множество новых источников данных об эмиграции, охватывающих 2020 год. Они позволяют оценить корректировку на первые месяцы пандемии.

5. Цель этого документа - показать первые результаты оценки Канадой своей корректировки эмиграции в связи с пандемией. В разделе 2 кратко излагается обычный метод, используемый для получения предварительных оценок числа эмигрантов, а также корректировка, которая была разработана с учетом последствий пандемии. В разделе 3 представлены ключевые результаты оценки путем сравнения скорректированных данных со многими другими источниками данных.

II. Оценка канадской эмиграции в контексте пандемии

6. Сложно точно оценить канадскую эмиграцию, поскольку граждане Канады не обязаны сообщать о своем выезде из страны (Берар-Шаньон, 2018). Для целей демографических оценок эмигранты определяются как граждане Канады или иммигранты, которые покинули Канаду, чтобы обосноваться на постоянном месте жительства в другой стране (иногда это также называется постоянной эмиграцией). Предварительные оценки эмиграции Статистического управления Канады рассчитаны с использованием данных Канадской программы пособий на детей (CCB) (Statistics Canada, 2016). Эта программа, администрируемая Налоговым агентством Канады (CRA), представляет собой не облагаемый налогом ежемесячный платеж, выплачиваемый семьям, имеющим право на его получение, для покрытия расходов на воспитание детей в возрасте до 18 лет. Затем

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для корректировки данных CCB и оценки числа эмигрантов в возрасте 18 лет и старше применяются демографические модели. Хотя данные CCB вполне своевременны, они считаются достаточно полными для использования только через 2 года после окончания отчетного периода. В результате предварительные оценки эмиграции за данный период рассчитываются с использованием данных CCB, охватывающих тот же период, но за 2 года до этого. Например, предварительные оценки эмиграции на 2019/2020 годы были рассчитаны летом 2020 года с использованием данных CCB за 2017/2018 годы на основе обычного метода. Окончательные оценки на 2019/2020 год были рассчитаны летом 2022 года с использованием данных CCB за 2019/2020 год, то есть на тот момент, когда эти данные считались достаточно полными.

7. Предварительные оценки эмиграции основаны на допущении, что сохраняются последние тенденции. Это ключевое допущение стало менее актуальным, учитывая резкие изменения в тенденциях, вызванные пандемией

8. В этом контексте Статистическое управление Канады скорректировало свой обычный метод. Корректировка для предварительных оценок эмиграции была разработана с использованием данных об американских визах, выданных консульствами США в Канаде. Эти данные включают визы, выданные постоянным жителям, рабочим, студентам и другим временным жителям; они исключают визы, выданные приезжим и туристам. Такие данные имеют ряд преимуществ для целей расчета демографических оценок. Они публикуются ежемесячно, общедоступны, очень своевременны и реагируют на изменения, вызванные пандемией. Более того, США на сегодняшний день являются основной страной назначения канадских эмигрантов, а это означает, что данные из этой страны дают относительно репрезентативную картину канадской эмиграции. У визовых данных все же есть некоторые ограничения. Они привязаны к дате выдачи разрешения, а не к моменту пересечения границы держателем разрешения. Кроме того, в эти данные не включаются американские граждане и владельцы вида на жительство, поскольку они могут эмигрировать в США без визы.

9. Методология корректировки была опубликована на веб-сайте Статистического управления Канады (Statistics Canada, 2020). Иными словами, корректировка, начиная с марта 2020 года, была рассчитана путем применения ежемесячных соотношений предыдущей численности эмигрантов из DEP и американских виз к ежемесячным визовым данным 2020–2021 годов.

10. Скорректированный метод привел к заметному снижению эмиграции весной и летом 2020 года, за которым последовало постепенное возвращение к ожидаемым уровням эмиграции начиная с осени 2020 года. Скорректированные оценки эмиграции были близки к тем, которые были получены с использованием обычного метода в 2021 году.

III. Анализ скорректированных оценок эмиграции в контексте пандемии COVID-19

11. Контекст пандемии и корректировка, примененная к обычному методу, добавили неопределенности в оценки эмиграции, в которых уже заложен некоторый уровень неопределенности. Следовательно, проверка точности скорректированных оценок важна для прозрачного информирования пользователей, получения более четкой картины воздействия пандемии на международную миграцию и рассмотрения использования альтернативных источников для измерения канадской эмиграции.

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12. Оценки числа эмигрантов до июня 2020 года в настоящее время являются окончательными и были опубликованы в сентябре 2022 года. Более того, в настоящее время доступно множество новых источников данных об эмиграции, охватывающих 2020 год. Они позволяют проверить корректировку на первые месяцы пандемии. В этом разделе представлены ключевые результаты этой проверки.

A. Сравнение скорректированных оценок эмиграции с окончательными оценками

13. Как упоминалось ранее, окончательные оценки эмиграции на 2019/2020 годы были опубликованы в сентябре 2022 года. Хотя эти окончательные оценки также характеризуются некоторой степенью неопределенности, они позволяют измерить точность скорректированных оценок. На следующей диаграмме сравнивается оценка числа эмигрантов с июля 2019 года по июнь 2020 года с использованием обычного метода (окончательные оценки) и скорректированного метода. Окончательные оценки эмиграции за 2017/2018 и 2018/2019 годы также показаны в качестве контекстуальных данных о последних тенденциях.

Рисунок 1

Оценки числа эмигрантов с использованием окончательного метода и скорректированного метода (только 2019/2020), Канада, 2017/2018–2019/2020

Примечание: скорректированный ряд 2019/2020 годов (зеленая линия) рассчитан с использованием обычного предварительного метода (с июля 2019 года по февраль 2020 года) и скорректированного метода (с марта 2020 года по июнь 2020 года).

Источник: Статистическое управление Канады, Программа демографических оценок.










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2017/2018 (оконч.) 2018/2019 (оконч.) 2019/2020 (скорр.) 2019/2020 (оконч.)

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14. Ключевым результатом, вытекающим из этой диаграммы, является то, что на весну 2020 года скорректированный метод (зеленая линия) дал меньшую оценку числа эмигрантов, чем окончательные оценки (фиолетовая линия). Скорректированный метод предполагает заметное снижение эмиграции, начиная с апреля 2020 года, по сравнению с предыдущими месяцами и годами, поскольку по всему миру были введены жесткие ограничения на международные поездки. Окончательные оценки эмиграции (фиолетовая линия) также указывают на сокращение числа эмигрантов в первые месяцы пандемии, но в меньшей степени. Они также указывают на определенное сокращение эмиграции, начавшееся в июне.

B. Сравнение скорректированных оценок эмиграции с альтернативными источниками данных

15. Учитывая специфические проблемы, связанные с точным измерением канадской эмиграции, Статистическое управление Канады регулярно сравнивает свои оценки числа эмигрантов с оценками на основе альтернативных источников данных. Это сравнение возможно, поскольку в настоящее время доступно множество источников данных, охватывающих 2020 год.

16. Здесь сравниваются следующие источники:

i. Визы в США: уже описано в разделе 2.

ii. Почта Канады: эти сводные данные получены из программы пересылки почты Canada Post. Они содержат ежемесячные подсчеты частных домохозяйств, которые запросили пересылку почты после переезда за пределы Канады.

iii. Налоговые данные (даты убытия T1FF): для целей налогообложения канадские налогоплательщики должны указывать день своего отъезда, если они разрывают свои социальные и экономические связи со страной. Этих налогоплательщиков можно определить как эмигрантов, несмотря на концептуальные различия (Берар-Шаньон, 2018).

iv. Регистрация канадцев за рубежом (ROCA): эта бесплатная услуга позволяет правительству Канады уведомлять граждан, выезжающих за границу, в случае чрезвычайных ситуаций за границей или дома. Путешественники указывают даты начала и окончания своей поездки за границу. Эмигранты определяются как зарегистрированные лица, которые вернулись из поездки за границу продолжительностью более 12 месяцев. Предполагается, что охват ROCA очень низок, поскольку эта услуга является необязательной.

17. Поскольку эти источники имеют разные концепции, универсалии и уровни охвата, исходные цифры могут существенно различаться между источниками. Чтобы обойти это, мы рассчитали ежемесячные коэффициенты в период с 2020 по 2019 год для каждого источника. Соотношение 100% означает, что для данного источника и месяца цифры 2020 года совпадают с цифрами 2019 года. На следующей диаграмме сравнивается скорректированный метод и окончательные оценки с другими источниками данных.

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Рисунок 2

Ежемесячные соотношения числа эмигрантов (2020 к 2019 году) по источникам данных, Канада

Примечание: Коэффициенты ROCA в марте и апреле 2020 года (оранжевая линия) выходят за пределы графика для удобства просмотра читателями. Число эмигрантов из этого источника в 2020 году было в 10 раз больше, чем в марте 2019 года, и в 5 раз больше, чем в апреле 2019 года.

Источники: Статистическое управление Канады, Программа демографических оценок (скорректированный метод и окончательные оценки) и Центр статистики доходов и социально-экономического благополучия (даты выезда T1FF), Государственный департамент США, Бюро консульских дел (визы в США), Почта Канады, Министерство международных дел Канады (ROCA).

18. На этой диаграмме показаны 3 ключевых результата. Во-первых, все источники, кроме ROCA, показывают снижение числа эмигрантов с 2019 по 2020 год в летний период (соотношение ниже 100%). Данные о визах в США показывают самое сильное снижение, поскольку в первые месяцы пандемии американские консульства в Канаде почти не выдавали виз. Поскольку скорректированный метод основан на визовых данных, корректировка также показывает аналогичное снижение. Этот результат можно объяснить введением ограничений на поездки по всей Канаде, началом широкого распространения удаленной работы, а также закрытием детских садов и школ. Следует отметить, что количество виз снизилось уже в январе и феврале 2020 года, что показывает, что количество виз, выданных в Канаде, сокращалось еще до начала пандемии.

19. Во-вторых, как отмечалось ранее, окончательные оценки эмиграции также показывают снижение в 2020 году по сравнению с 2019 годом. Это снижение приходится на середину показателей рассмотренных здесь источников. Сокращение, показанное

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

100% 120% 140% 160% 180% 200%

Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

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Скорр. метод Оконч. оценки

Визы в США Почта Канады

Налог. данные (даты отъезда T1FF) Регистрация канадцев за рубежом (ROCA)

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окончательными оценками в 2020 году, очень близко к тому, что наблюдается в налоговых данных (T1FF). В какой-то степени это было ожидаемо, поскольку окончательные оценки также основаны на налоговых данных (хотя и в другом файле - CCB).

20. В-третьих, хотя число эмигрантов в 2020 году оставалось ниже, чем в 2019 году, все источники сходятся в пользу увеличения числа эмигрантов осенью 2020 года. В декабре 2020 года число эмигрантов колебалось от 56% в 2019 году (визы в США) до 99% (почта Канады). По данным Canada Post в целом можно предположить, что число эмигрантов в 2020 году будет ближе к показателям 2019 года. Причины, стоящие за этими результатами, на данный момент неясны.

21. Следует отметить, что показатели ROCA менее стабильны, чем показатели других источников. Число эмигрантов из этого источника в 2020 году было в 10 раз больше, чем в марте 2019 года, и в 5 раз больше, чем в апреле 2019 года. Эти цифры также оставались выше уровней 2019 года на протяжении большей части 2020 года. Поскольку ROCA является необязательной службой экстренной помощи, ее охват невелик и может быстро меняться при возникновении международных проблем. Тем не менее, эти данные были сохранены в этой таблице в качестве напоминания о том, что потенциальные новые источники данных все еще могут показывать противоречивые результаты, что само по себе является важным выводом для улучшения нашего понимания способов измерения канадской эмиграции.

22. Некоторые альтернативные источники невозможно разбить по месяцам. Их все еще можно сравнить с оценками StatCan, рассчитав годовые коэффициенты. Результаты приведены в таблице ниже. Два новых источника — это:

i. Обследование американских общин (ACS): этот обязательный опрос заменил анкету расширенной формы переписи населения в США. Данные об эмиграции канадцев в США можно вывести с использованием данных о месте жительства 1 год назад (ROYA).

ii. Налоговые данные (адреса T1FF): в дополнение к датам отъезда (см. выше), из налоговых данных можно получить информацию об эмиграции налогоплательщиков путем сравнения их почтовых адресов за 2 года подряд. Эмигрант определяется как налогоплательщик, который сменил канадский почтовый адрес на почтовый адрес за границей.

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Рисунок 3

Ежегодные соотношения числа эмигрантов (2020 к 2019 году) по источникам данных, Канада

Примечание: Окончательные оценки StatCan здесь не показаны, поскольку они доступны только за первые 6 месяцев 2020 года. Это делает их менее сопоставимыми с другими источниками, которые охватывают весь 2020 год.

Источники: Статистическое управление Канады, Программа демографических оценок (скорректированный метод), Центр статистики доходов и социально-экономического благополучия (даты выезда и адреса T1FF), Государственный департамент США, Бюро консульских дел (визы в США), Почта Канады, Министерство международных дел Канады (ROCA), Бюро переписи населения США (ACS).

23. Эти результаты показывают 2 вещи. Во-первых, два новых источника, добавленных к оценке, адреса ACS и T1FF, рисуют иную картину воздействия пандемии на канадскую эмиграцию. По ACS можно сделать вывод, что эмиграция в США почти не изменилась между 2019 и 2020 годами, что отличается от результатов большинства источников. Пандемия нарушила сбор данных в рамках ACS, что могло повлиять на приведенные здесь цифры. Адреса T1FF показывают снижение примерно на 25%, что близко к тому, что наблюдается по датам отъезда согласно T1FF и Canada Post. Во-вторых, при добавлении к другим источникам эти два новых источника подтверждают предположение о том, что снижение в результате корректировки (около 50% на 2020 год), является более резким, чем ожидалось.











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IV. Вывод

24. Пандемия COVID-19 привела к резким изменениям в структуре международной миграции в Канаде. Эти изменения повлияли на достоверность ключевых допущений, сформулированных для предварительной оценки численности эмигрантов. Соответственно, Статистическое управление Канады приняло решение скорректировать свой обычный метод, чтобы учесть последствия пандемии на основе данных о визах в США. В настоящее время доступно множество новых источников данных об эмиграции, охватывающих 2020 год. Они позволяют проверить корректировку на первые месяцы пандемии.

25. Первая проверка корректировки показывает, что предварительное число эмигрантов было ниже, чем данные из других источников. Даже если большинство источников показали снижение эмиграции в 2020 году по сравнению с 2019 годом, это снижение не такое резкое, как при использовании скорректированного метода. После этих результатов и в рамках обычного процесса расчета демографических оценок корректировка была пересмотрена летом 2022 года, а новые оценки были опубликованы в сентябре 2022 года.

26. В интерпретации этих результатов следует учитывать контекст, в котором была разработана корректировка. Предварительные оценки публикуются примерно через 3 месяца после окончания отчетного периода, что требует очень своевременных данных. На момент расчета корректировки были доступны только данные по визам в США, почте Канады и ROCA, и все они были недавно получены Статистическим управлением Канады для целей расчета корректировки. Визам было отдано преимущество по сравнению с двумя другими источниками, потому что они охватывают более долгий исторический период, чем данные Canada Post (2017 по сравнению с 2019 годом), что является значительным преимуществом для оценки их точности и стабильности, а также для построения демографических моделей, и они были признаны более стабильными, чем данные ROCA, как показано в результатах. Методология корректировки была опубликована в техническом дополнении на веб-сайте Статистического управления Канады (Statistics Canada, 2020 год).

27. Несмотря на различия, обнаруженные между скорректированными оценками и другими источниками, разработка корректировки принесла много преимуществ для измерения канадской эмиграции. Найдены новые источники данных, которые до сих пор используются в рамках процесса проверки достоверности оценок. Эти достижения также углубили наше понимание потенциальных источников для измерения эмиграции. Они способствовали сотрудничеству с национальными и международными партнерами.

28. В более широком плане, учитывая дополнительную неопределенность, вызванную пандемией в измерении канадской эмиграции, и ее влияние на демографические тенденции, эта работа повысила актуальность поиска и приобретения новых источников данных, разработки надежных процессов проверки достоверности с вовлечением множества источников, выявила их сильные и слабые стороны, а также обеспечила прозрачность в представлении методологии и ключевых результатов оценки пользователям.

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Берар-Шаньон, Жюльен, 2018, Измерение эмиграции в Канаде: обзор доступных источников данных и методов, демографические документы,

Статистическое управление Канады, 2016 год, Методы оценки численности населения и семьи в Статистическом управлении Канады, x/2015001/ch/ch6-eng.htm .

Статистическое управление Канады, 2020 год, Техническое дополнение: Подготовка демографических оценок за второй квартал 2020 года в контексте COVID-19, демографические документы,

  • I. Введение
  • II. Оценка канадской эмиграции в контексте пандемии
  • III. Анализ скорректированных оценок эмиграции в контексте пандемии COVID-19
    • A. Сравнение скорректированных оценок эмиграции с окончательными оценками
    • B. Сравнение скорректированных оценок эмиграции с альтернативными источниками данных
  • IV. Вывод
  • Литература