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Committee on Sustainable Energy


Committee on Sustainable Energy

The Committee on Sustainable Energy is an intergovernmental body that provides member States with a platform for international dialogue and cooperation. It is mandated to carry out a programme of work in the field of sustainable energy with a view to providing access to affordable and clean energy to all, in line with the “Sustainable Energy for All” initiative of the Secretary-General, and to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint of the energy sector. The Committee promotes policy dialogue and cooperation among governments, energy industries and other stakeholders
Committee Objectives       Structure of the Committee     Committee Bureau 

Committee on Sustainable Energy Brochure

CSE Chair's Report December 2023


In focus


2023 Accomplishments

Did you know that in 2023, the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy and Regional Advisory Services:

  • Organized the 32nd session of the Committee, 6 expert group annual meetings, 27 Bureau meetings, and more than 55 workshops, trainings, and webinars, reaching more than 4,050 professionals, nearly a third of which were women?
  • Finalized more than a dozen papers, guidance documents, case studies and reports and a carbon neutrality toolkit 2.0 that support decision making on how to build resilient and carbon neutral energy systems?
  • Conducted 45 missions in 12 member States - that involved more than 100 days of on-site support and 100+ meetings, workshops and trainings - resulting in the training of more than 1700 experts?  
  • Developed cross-thematic knowledge and produced reports and policy briefs on a number of topics, including building resilient energy systems, sustainable hydrogen production pathways, sustainable resource management, critical raw materials, energy connectivity, the role of women in the energy transition, etc.
  • Organized special events and high-level dialogues on a range of topics, including building resilient energy systems, critical raw materials, climate finance, energy connectivity and digitalization of energy systems
  • Launched a strategic partnership of UN Agencies (ECE, ESCAP and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)) active in Central Asia. The 3nd Almaty Energy Forum highlighted concrete actions to accelerate just energy transition and design and build resilient energy systems in Central Asia.
  • Continued collaborating with the UN Working Group on Transforming the Extractive Industries for Sustainable Development, co-chaired by the Regional Economic Commissions, UNDP and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Through activities like these, UNECE promotes international policy dialogue and cooperation, and builds capacity on sustainable energy among governments, energy industries and other stakeholders to improve access to affordable and clean energy for all and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the carbon footprint of the energy sector in the region.

Learn more about these accomplishments here.


NOW AVAILABLE! Final Report of the Thirty-second session of the Committee on Sustainable Energy with a focus on Building Resilient and Carbon Neutral Energy Systems in the UNECE Region.

For 2023 Achievements and 2024 Priorities see the Report of the Chair of the Committee on Sustainable Energy

Committee on Sustainable Energy endorses Rules of Procedure for the Committee and its subsidiary bodies
Members of the UNECE Committee on Sustainable Energy Bureau Members 2023-2024 (33rd sessions) (15 September 2023)

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