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The International Labor Organization defines the reconciliation between work and family as one of the greatest challenges of our times. Reconciliation of work and family is a fundamental aspect of promoting equality in the world of work and of reducing poverty. It is also an essential condition for making progress towards gender equality.
The labour force relies on the participation of both men and women to achieve the objectives of full employment and gender equality. However, an examination of total employment rates shows that significant differences between women and men still exist. For women and men to be able to access the labour market on the same footing, there is a need for institutional policies to enable reconciliation of family and work life.
This presentation discusses key reconciliation policies and examines the data sources and measurement issues related to reconciliation of family and work life.
Audience: This video is intended for users and producers of statistics, middle and senior staff in the Statistical Offices, policy and decision makers, academia, and stakeholders interested in gender statistics.