Meeting of the Group of Experts on National Accounts
09 - 12 April 2019
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland
Special Session for EECCA and SEE countries (9 April)
Document Title | Presentations | ||||||
ENG | RUS | ||||||
Provisional Timetable | |||||||
Guide to Measuring Global Production - main recommendations | |||||||
Overview of the Guide on Measuring Global Production (UNECE) | |||||||
Main Recommendations with respect to the different production arrangements – country perspective (UK ONS) | |||||||
Institutional cooperation for compilation of statistics on global production | |||||||
Challenges in compiling global production indicators in Armenia (Central Bank of Armenia and Statistical Committee of Armenia) | |||||||
Main challenges in measuring global production (Turkish Statistical Institute) | |||||||
Integrated Global Accounts and Global production (IGA) and other Eurostat activities related to globalisation (Eurostat) | |||||||
Experience in improving the measurement of global production arrangements (Statistics Poland) | |||||||
Measuring global production: the case of Merchanting in Uruguay | |||||||
Goods for processing and merchanting. Serbian case | |||||||
Improving the measurement of processing services (Deutsche Bundesbank and Destatis) | |||||||
Data issues | |||||||
Pilot survey for the identification of global production arrangements – assumption, questions and results (Statistics Poland) | |||||||
Draft statistical reporting on cash flow through electronic means of payment (Central Bank of Tajikistan) | |||||||
Law on Official Statistics of the Republic of Azerbaijan |
Group of Experts on National Accounts: Measuring Global Production (10-12 April)
Document Title |
Documents | Presentations | |||||
Provisional Timetable |
Seminar on large cases units | |||||||
Large cases unit in the organisation of a National Statistical Office | |||||||
Measuring Activities of Multi-National Enterprise Groups via Large Case Units (Eurostat, UNECE, United Kingdom) - updated paper of the one below | |||||||
Proposed approach for dealing with multi-national enterprise groups: Large Cases Unit (Eurostat, UNECE, United Kingdom) |
Enterprise Portfolio Management and Coherence Program (Canada) | |||||||
Large cases unit in Finland | |||||||
Large Case Unit in the Irish NSI (CSO Ireland) | |||||||
Congo; Consistency activities within CBS (Netherlands) | |||||||
Study visits to more developed large cases units | |||||||
LCU study visits: reflections from the organiser (Ireland) | |||||||
Study visits to more developed LCUs – reflections (Poland) | |||||||
Some reflections on the strenghts of the country visited and the best practices planned to be implemented (Italy) | |||||||
Supporting LCU work in the EU | |||||||
Supporting LCU work in the EU and beyond (Eurostat) | |||||||
LCU: Luxembourg - country perspective (Luxembourg) |
Specific topics related to LCU work | |||||||
European Profiling to better measure Multinational Enterprise Groups’ activities (Eurostat) | |||||||
Profiling and data collection (Netherlands) | |||||||
Sharing algorithms, methods, data and learning using the UN Global Platform for Official Statistics (UK ONS) | |||||||
Data sharing to better measure multinational enterprise groups' activities | |||||||
Data Sharing – Vision and main recommendations (Finland) | |||||||
Guidance on Sharing of Economic Data - Tentative structure and main contents (UNECE Task Force) | |||||||
Obstacles and Enablers of Data Sharing (Finland) | |||||||
OECD work on MNEs | |||||||
Globalisation – Overview of European ongoing activities and prioritisation (Eurostat) | |||||||
How European profiling could support the exchange and sharing of economic data in the future (Eurostat) | |||||||
Improving measurement of manufacturing services for Germany |
Sharing of data reported by complex multinational enterprises: a cooperative approach between Deutsche Bundesbank and Banque de France (background paper) | |||||||
Principles and practices of data exchange (Eurostat) | |||||||
Accounting for global production | |||||||
Managing derivatives trade data: The Central Bank perspective. IFC survey on trade repositories data (BIS) | |||||||
Profiling the Hungarian participation in the global automotive value chain | |||||||
Measuring the Manufacturing Services on the physical inputs of others – Canada | |||||||
Economic Activity of Foreign Owned Businesses in Australia | |||||||
Expended Supply and Use Tables for Mexico | |||||||
Offshore Profit Shifting and Domestic Productivity Measurement (US BEA) | |||||||
Current research related to digitalization | |||||||
Recent developments in the area of digitalization (OECD) | |||||||
Gross Value Added of E-Commerce in Mexico | |||||||
International Trade in Digital Products (Canada) | |||||||
Defining and Measuring the Digital Economy (United States) |
Towards a digital economy satellite account (US BEA) | |||||||
Measuring Digital Activities in the Australian Economy | |||||||
Contribution of Cryptocurrency Production to the Shadow Economy (Georgia) | |||||||
Measuring Digital Economy in Macroeconomic Statistics: The Role of Data (IMF) |