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Environment Statistics and SDGs - National training workshop Kazakhstan

25 - 28 April 2017
Astana Kazakhstan
Document Title
Documents Presentations
  Provisional Agenda PDF PDF    
  United Nations Framework for the development of environment statistics (FDES)     PDF PDF
  Introduction into the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA 2012)     PDF PDF
  SDG Indicators relevant for monitoring the environmental dimension of the SDGs     PDF PDF
  The UNECE "Water abstraction (C2)" and "water use (C3)" templates     PDF PDF
  Statistics on water abstraction and water use: Data sources, stumbling blocks and simple data validation techniques      PDF PDF
  The UNECE "water resources (C1)" template     PDF PDF
  Statistics on water resources Data sources, stumbling blocks and simple data validation techniques     PDF PDF
  Waste-related information needs, international concepts, challenges and guidance on waste statistics     PDF PDF