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‎40 years of cooperation and counting with UNECE Air Convention: Ministers and high-‎level representatives renew commitment to tackle air pollution

… caused by transboundary air pollution. Yet, the achievements of the Convention in the UNECE region over the … 11 and 12 December, for a Special Anniversary Session, which was held as part of the 39th session of the Executive … about the Convention and its impact for clean air: Watch the …

UNECE aligns its Industrial Accidents Convention with United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals

… 16 November 2012 in Stockholm. At this historic meeting, which also marked the twentieth anniversary of the Convention’s … Preparedness and Response, available online from . Notes to editors The 1992 … and Labelling of Chemicals can be found at: . …

EMEP Steering Body, Twenty ninth session

… Document Title ENGLISH FRENCH RUSSIAN Provisional Agenda for the 29th session … form and explanatory instruction, please click here.   Technical reports by the EMEP centres are available at: … EMEP Steering …

Towards a national strategy on ageing for Belarus

… has been identified by the Government of Belarus as a major challenge. At the request of the Ministry of Labour and … in December 2018 provided the opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities that population ageing … on UNECE Roadmaps on Mainstreaming Ageing visit: … Towards a …

Regional Conference on ICPD@25 to explore relationships between Population Dynamics and Sustainable Development

… this anniversary, the UNECE Regional Conference on Enabling Choices: Population Dynamics and Sustainable Development … stakeholders. For more information please visit … Regional Conference on ICPD@25 to …

Celebrating the valuable presents from forests

… of the water we drink, to protect us from natural hazards such as landslides, floods and droughts and to ensure the … between the benefits provided by forests and forest-induced changes in water availability. For many years the free … For more information and registration, please visit: … Celebrating the …

Defining the urban agenda of the future

…   The HABITAT III regional report for the UNECE region , which is the input of the Pan-European Region into the … in Quito, will be presented during the Habitat III Urban Lunch, on 13 September. The event will take place in the … communities. Information on these meetings is available at . … Defining the …

UNECE’s Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration will review innovation performance in Belarus

… modern economy. Therefore, governments are in constant search of possible policy actions aimed at stimulating … Committee’s activities is on capacity-building and other technical cooperation services in countries with economies in … 917 2488 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Ref: ECE/ECID/10/P10 … UNECE’s …

UNECE co-hosts first global round table on access to information, public participation and access to justice regarding LMOs/GMOs

… academia and industry in order to address key challenges with respect to access to information, public … good practices and innovative tools that help address key challenges regarding implementation of the Aarhus … these treaties. For more information, please visit: … UNECE co-hosts first global …

UNECE welcomes the opening for signature of the Escazú Agreement on environmental rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

… occasion.   The environment is at the heart of efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Public … to the Aarhus Convention and its Protocol on PRTRs, which are instrumental to implementation of the 2030 Agenda … information on the Aarhus Convention is available at … UNECE welcomes the …

Issue 4 2018

… Forest Sector Outlook meetings, Koli, Finland,   21 March 2019: International Day of Forests - Forests and Education, Geneva, Switzerland, 27-29 March 2019: 41st …

Global Methane Forum 2024

… and industry leaders in Geneva, Switzerland from 18-21 March 2024 to promote replicable methane mitigation successes … tabs on the bottom of this page, as well as at .  Participants followed … see an overview of the week . The Plenary On Tuesday, 19 March, all attendees gathered for a cross-cutting plenary …

UN World Water Day 2024

… This year’s World Water Day , on 22 March 2024 , will take place under the theme ‘Leveraging Water … for peace is the theme of this year’s World Water Day. Achieving it relies on far greater cooperation. Today, 153 … available on the official World Water Day website: … UN World …

Adaptation to climate change and waste management are most pressing environmental challenges for Serbia

… Adaptation to climate change and waste management are some of the most pressing … community.   The Review is available at: For more information on the EPR Programme, please visit: or contact [email protected] . Note …

UNECE brings resource classification to Mongolia

… practical application of UNFC in classifying resources such as coal, uranium, thorium, oil and gas in energetic … experts for resource classification from Argentina, Chad, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, … Group on Resource Classification, please visit: and/or contact …

Women at work, but in which sector? Assessing persisting gender segregation across the region

… about the data presented here, visit the UNECE database at . … Women at work, but in which sector? Assessing persisting gender segregation across …

UNECE member States come together to further efforts towards decent, adequate, affordable and healthy housing in the region

… Adequate, affordable housing is the foundation upon which humans can build healthy lives, strong and resilient … This calls for integrated and interdisciplinary approaches by the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management … about the special session  is available at: … UNECE member States …

UNECE standards help Namibia export grapes to Europe

… requirements set out in UNECE’s agricultural standards. Checked by the recently established Agro-Marketing and Trade … directly from Namibia to the European Union. While such shipments are everyday business for neighbouring and … food security. For more information, please visit: … UNECE standards help …

Diverging growth trends in the UNECE region

… Source: UNECE Statistical Database (, Eurostat, CISSTAT and national … the European Union (EU), GDP growth accelerated in 2015 reaching 1.9 per cent, up from 1.4 per cent. This was a third … struggling, and as many as ten countries have not yet reached the level of GDP they had in 2008. However, GDP grew in …

Ageing Policies

… and Central Asia. The resource documents take as their benchmark: the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing …