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UNECE’s Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration will review innovation performance in Belarus

Innovation is a key driver of growth, competitiveness, and prosperity in the modern economy. Therefore, governments are in constant search of possible policy actions aimed at stimulating innovation activity, enhancing the innovative capacity of the economy and improving the efficiency of the national innovation system. Fostering international cooperation in this area is one of the main focus areas of the UNECE Committee on International Cooperation and Integration (CECI).
Responding to a request by the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the UNECE secretariat undertook in 2010 a pilot project “Innovation Performance Review of Belarus”. This participatory policy advisory service was carried out by a group of international experts and experts from the secretariat in close cooperation with the national authorities and local experts. The main outcomes of this project, including its preliminary conclusions and recommendations, will be discussed during the substantive segment of the fifth session of CECI (Geneva, 1 – 3 December 2010).
At its fifth session, CECI will also review the implementation of its programme of work and the outputs delivered by its Teams of Specialists and networks of experts. The focus of the Committee’s activities is on capacity-building and other technical cooperation services in countries with economies in transition. The fifth session will also deliberate on its programme of work in 2011 and the renewal of the mandates of its Teams of Specialists. Finally, CECI will discuss the preparation of the 2010-2011 biennial evaluation of the Committee’s programme implementation, which is part of a United Nations-wide effort to improve transparency and accountability.
For further information, please contact:
Mr. Iouri Adjoubei

Economic Cooperation and Integration Division

Phone: +4122 917 2488

Ref: ECE/ECID/10/P10

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