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Search results for trade un cefact ccl xml

Displaying Results 57221 - 57240 of 57518

Implementation Guidelines for the CES Set of Core Climate Change-Related Indicators and Statistics Using SEEA

… Statistics Using the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Im plem entation G uidelines for the Conference of … U sing the System of Environm ental-Econom ic A ccounting U N I T E D N AT I O N S E CO N O M I C CO M M I S S … opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, …

Sixth Review of Implementation of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (2016 – 2018)

… Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (2016 – 2018) Sixth review UNITED NATIONS … that are not relevant in the national context (for example, trading ports). In the fifth review of implementation, the …

Ensuring Rights and Choices amid Demographic Change: Report on the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development in the UNECE Region

… Conference on Population and Development in the UNECE Region UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Geneva, 2023 …

Справочник МДП - десятое пересмотренное издание

… из некоторых других источников. Сайт МДП (, поддерживаемый совместно секретариатами ЕЭК ООН … или +41-22-917-0614; Электронная почта: МДП – СИСТЕМА ТАМОЖЕННОГО ТРАНЗИТА - 24 - 1.8. … целей контроля и консультирования; либо в: ii) сообщение XML, соответствующее данным, направляемым согласно …

How to Accelerate the Funding and Financing of Transboundary Water Cooperation and Basin Development? Opportunities and Challenges (Brief)

… Driver fatigue kills How to Accelerate the Funding and Financing of Transboundary Water Cooperation and … at fixed intervals. Bonds can often, but not always, be traded publicly, making them a liquid investment instrument. …

Blue Book

… OF THE E WATERWAY NETWORK “BLUE BOOK” Third Revised Edition UNITED NATIONS New York and Geneva, 2017 - ii - NOTE Symbols … concerns economics, statistics, environment, transport, trade, sustainable energy, timber and habitat. The … investment planning  Substantive partner for transport and trade facilitation initiatives  Historic centre for …

Руководство по устойчивой городской мобильности и территориальному планированию

… тв ие а кт ив но й м об ил ьн ос ти Layout and Printing at United Nations, Geneva – 1922152 (R) – August 2020 – 316 – … future of sustainable urban mobility; spatial planning in function of sustainable urban mobility and accessibility; … Service Interface for Real Time Information - это еще один XML-протокол, позволяющий распределенным компьютерам …

Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines (available in: English, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Mongolian and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian)

…     ECE ENERGY SERIES No.31                    UNITED NATIONS  New York and Geneva, 2010    ii    NOTE    … settlements,  statistics,  sustainable  energy,  trade,  industry  and  enterprise development,  timber,  …

Survey on Land Administration Systems

UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE U N E C E U N … +41(0)22 917 44 44 Fax: +41(0)22 917 05 05 E-mail: Website: Survey on Land … information 4 0 20 76 Flood information 8 0 12 80 Carbon trading 0 0 12 88 Environmental status 8 0 16 76 Public use …

Guidelines for assessing the quality of administrative sources for use in censuses - RUSSIAN version

… изданием издатели должны выслать по адресу Употребляемые обозначения и изложение материала в … UKSA Статистическое управление Соединенного Королевства UNECE Европейская экономическая комиссия ООН UPRN US … экспертов (30 сентября – 1 октября 2020 1 URL: 2 URL: …

TIR手冊 - 第十修訂版

… Information Service United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Palais des … +41(0)22 917 44 44 Fax: +41(0)22 917 05 05 E-mail: Website: 欧 洲 经 委 会 联 合 国 联 合 … e. 关闭 VPN 连接; f. 为了控管和查询目的,保存一个程序报告并将其存入日志文 档;或者 (二) XML 信息,对应于将根据附件 10 规定传送的数据(见下文)。对 …

Recommendations on Harmonized Europe-wide Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels

… No. 61 Revision 2 Geneva, 2020 Resolution No. 61 Revision 2 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION eISBN: 978-92-1-047489-4 NOTE The … concerns economics, statistics, environment, transport, trade, sustainable energy, timber and habitat. The … the relevant expertise and experience in the international trade and transport of dangerous goods and chemicals. Its …

JWEE 2019 - flat file

… associated with the following: Joint Wood Energy Enquiry | UNECE English Code translator Short name: part 1 Short name: … I Imports CAP Chips and particles I Imports WFUS Wood from unknown sources IRW Industrial Roundwood (C & NC) DP Domestic production WW Wood Waste LCP …

JWEE 2017 - flat file

… associated with the following: Joint Wood Energy Enquiry | UNECE English Code translator Short name: part 1 Short name: … I Imports CAP Chips and particles I Imports WFUS Wood from unknown sources IRW Industrial Roundwood (C & NC) DP Domestic production WW Wood Waste LCP …

Informal document no. 5 - Report of the Almaty Workshop

… to establish relay races (staffette) as a part of a new communication and implementation strategy, with a view to … in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Communication, Republic of Kazakhstan, AKIMAT (municipal authority of Almaty, UNECE, WHO/Regional Officer …

Manual TIR - Décima edición revisada

… TIR (CONVENIO TIR DE 1975) Décima Edición Revisada NACIONES UNIDAS Nueva York y Ginebra, 2013 ECE/TRANS/TIR/6/REV.10 … el texto conservado por el Secretario general de Naciones Unidas en su calidad de depositario del Convenio TIR … registro para fines de control o consulta; ii) Un mensaje XML correspondiente a los datos que se enviará de …

The Water Convention: responding to global water challenges

… to g lo ba l w at er c ha lle ng es Layout and Printing at United Nations, Geneva – 1736982 (E) – March 2018 – 1,612 – … Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes Palais des … for exchange of experience on intersectoral impacts and trade-offs as well as good practices to address them. In …

TIR手冊 - 第十一修訂版

… 收集信息最完整并且更新最及时的是由欧洲经委会 TIR 秘书处管理的欧洲经 委会 TIR 网站(。该网站除提供《TIR 手册》的多种语文版本 外,还有关于《TIR … 国际控管措施的最新消息。欧洲经委会跨界运输便利化网站 (http://border.备有与 AC.2 和 WP.30 会议及其专家组会议有关的所有已印发的文件和 … e. 关闭 VPN 连接; f. 为了控管和查询目的,保存一个程序报告并将其存入日志文 档;或者 (二) XML 信息,对应于将根据附件 10 规定传送的数据(见下文)。对 …

Manuel TIR - Onzième édition révisée

… (CONVENTION TIR DE 1975) Onzième édition révisée NATIONS UNIES New York et Genève, 2018 ECE/TRANS/TIR/6/Rev.11 NOTE … le texte conservé par le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies en sa qualité de dépositaire de la Convention TIR … fins de contrôle et de consultation; ii) Soit en un message XML correspondant aux données à envoyer conformément aux …

Manuel TIR - Dixième édition révisée

… Dixième édition révisée ECE/TRANS/TIR/6/Rev.10 NATIONS UNIES New York et Genève, 2013 NOTE Seul le texte conservé par le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies en sa qualité de dépositaire de la Convention TIR … fins de contrôle et de consultation; ii) Soit en un message XML correspondant aux données à envoyer conformément aux …