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Updated Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters

… Finnish Environment Institute: page 49. Zurab Jincharadze, EU Water Initiative Plus Project: pages 15, 20, 55. … aspects of monitoring, including financing and sound legal frameworks. We trust that this publication, issued on the … the important work carried out by Jos Timmerman (Waterframes, advisor for the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and …

Keeping Count: conducting the 2020 round of population and housing censuses during the Covid-19 pandemic

… UNECE region were also sent a survey in October 2020 which had the dual purpose of gathering information to update the … more interviews or follow-ups by telephone (e.g. Canada, France), with the challenge that sources of up-to-date … apparent that some sections will need to be expanded or added to the CES Recommendations on Population and Housing …

Progress on transboundary water cooperation under the Water Convention: Second report on implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, 2017–2020

… и французском языках. Авторы фотографий: Depositphotos, Adobestock Публикация Организации Объединенных Наций, … specific agreements and establishing joint bodies. As a framework agreement, the Convention does not replace … is steadily growing, reconfirming its role as a legal framework for transboundary water cooperation worldwide and …

(IWG on PMP) Proposal for a new UN GTR on Laboratory Measurement of Brake Emissions for Light-Duty Vehicles

… Light-Duty Vehicles. A first draft of this proposal was made available as an informal document by the IWG on PMP at … Contents Page [footnoteRef:3]* [3: * Page numbers to be added at a later stage. ] I. Statement of technical … 15 nm, 30 nm, and 50 nm electrical mobility diameters PCRF Fraction Minimum allowed value Maximum allowed value (fr …

The Economic Commission for Europe Water Convention and the United Nations Watercourses Convention

… Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) was adopted in 1992 and entered into force in 1996. It serves as … of the International Law Commission on the topic of the fragmentation of international law. In that study the … by the International Law Commission on the topic of the fragmentation of international law. It has occupied lawyers …

Окружающая среда Европы Седьмая общеевропейская экологическая оценка

… окружающей среды в мире», URL: (показатели 8.4.1 и 12.2.1 Целей в области устойчивого … assessment of ecosystems and their services: an analytical framework for mapping and assessment of ecosystem condition … “Adapting cities for climate change through urban green infrastructure planning”, Cities, vol. 117 (October 2021). 100 …

Manual TIR - Décima edición revisada

… ECONÓMICA PARA EUROPA (CEPE-ONU) MANUAL TIR CONVENIO ADUANERO RELATIVO AL TRANSPORTE INTERNACIONAL DE MERCANCÍAS … por las autoridades aduaneras y que toda tentativa de infracción de esta disposición pueda ser fácilmente … para proteger el sistema contra las actividades fraudulentas cometidas en particular por el crimen …

Inventaire des normes et paramètres principaux du réseau des voies navigables E (Quatrième édition révisée)

… de reproduction d’extraits ou de photocopie doivent être adressées au Copyright Clearance Center à l’adresse : … sur une base internationale comparable, les paramètres d’infrastructure actuels de la navigation intérieure en Europe … E 05 CANAL SEINE–NORD EUROPE Compiègne–Aubencheul au Bac France 106,0 Vb E 07 CANAL DE DÉRIVATION DE LA LYS …

Guía para la presentación de informes sobre el Convenio del Agua y como contribución a los informes sobre el indicador 6.5.2 de los ODS

… o co nt ri bu ci ón a lo s in fo rm es s ob re e l i nd ic ad or 6 .5 .2 d e lo s O D S G uía para la presentación de … externos a ellas. Esta publicación se publica en español, francés, inglés y ruso. Créditos de las fotos: iStock. … Gareth Lloyd), y Red Interinstitucional para los ODS (Sr. François Di Salvo). Agradecemos los comentarios adicionales …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Uzbekistan

… Belt and Road Initiative investments in transportation infrastructure”, Policy Research Working Paper, No. WPS 8718 … Ovis ammon. Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), … State of Forests of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Geneva Timber and Forest Study Paper. Overview of forests and …

3rd Environmental Performance Review of Belarus

… седьмой сессии Совещания Сторон в 2017 году (ECE/MP.EIA/20.Add.1 – ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/4.Add. 1). В 2015 году Литва … г., в процентах Источник: Программа оценки лесных ресурсов (FRA) ФАО на 2010/2015 гг., 2015 г. Рисунок 10.2: Состав … в процентах Источник: Программа оценки лесных ресурсов (FRA) ФАО на 2010/2015 гг., 2015 г. 10,3 20,8 48,6 20,3 0 10 …

Lignes directrices et bonnes pratiques relatives à la fourniture par les [entreprises] de produits efficaces sur le plan énergétique et de matériel à énergie renouvelable pendant la phase de relèvement qui suivra la pandémie de COVID-19

… entreprises ou même d’en créer de nouvelles à un moment de fragilité du marché de l’emploi. La présente étude comprend … entreprises ou même d’en créer de nouvelles à un moment de fragilité du marché de l’emploi. La présente étude comprend … d’extraits de la présente publication doivent être adressées au Copyright Clearance Center depuis le site Web …

ADN 2021 Catalogue of questions - General questions

ADN 2021 Catalogue of questions - General questions French … Au moins en anglais B En néerlandais, anglais, allemand et français C Dans la langue des pays touchés par le bateau pendant le voyage D En allemand, français ou anglais et, si nécessaire, dans la langue …

Preguntas Frecuentes Sobre el Convenio del Agua de 1992

… junto con la Hoja de ruta para facilitar los procesos de adhesión CEPE N A CIO N ES U N ID A S Diseño e impresión en … a ellas. Esta publicación se edita en árabe, español, francés, inglés y ruso. Publicación de las Naciones Unidas … la traducción de esta publicación al árabe, al español y al francés, y su impresión en árabe y español. La Secretaría …

Application of UNFC to Geothermal Energy Resources - Selected Case Studies (ECE ENERGY SERIES No. 51)

… of 14 case studies on the application of the United Nations Framework Classiÿcation for Resources (UNFC) to geothermal … ce s UNECE Energy Series Application of the United Nations Framework Classi�cation for Resources (UNFC) to Geothermal … energy and raw material sectors, as well as countries, adopted a range of approaches to classify and manage …

Public-Private Partnerships and Infrastructure Evaluation and Rating System (PIERS): An Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals

… Public-Private Partnerships and Infrastructure Evaluation and Rating System (PIERS): An … at its fifth session in November 2021 and was subsequently adopted by the Committee at its fifteenth session in May … analysed, and criteria and indicators were elaborated and added that can be scored to assess the extent to which …

People-first Public-Private Partnerships Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals

… Partnerships (4 June 2021). The “Building Back Better infrastructure award” organised by the secretariat at the … document. The UNECE makes no representation that it has made any investigation or effort to evaluate any such rights. … analysed, and criteria and indicators were elaborated and added that can be scored to assess the extent to which …

People-first Public-Private Partnerships Evaluation Methodology for the Sustainable Development Goals

… Partnerships (4 June 2021). The “Building Back Better infrastructure award” organised by the secretariat at the … document. The UNECE makes no representation that it has made any investigation or effort to evaluate any such rights. … analysed, and criteria and indicators were elaborated and added that can be scored to assess the extent to which …

Risk assessment for industrial accident prevention: Selected case studies and available software tools

… Bureau and Working Group on Implementation. It should be read in conjunction with the first report (Part 1) … Abbreviations: SIS, safety instrumented systems. 2. France 7. The site is approximately 65,000 m2, surrounded by … 2 for case study summary). ECE/CP.TEIA/2022/9 4 Table 2 France liquified natural gas/liquified petroleum gas case …

Report of the Working Party on Noise and Tyres on its Seventy-Eighth Session (30 August-1 September 2023)

… Session Contents Paragraphs Page I. Attendance 1 3 II. Adoption of the agenda (agenda item 1) 2 3 III. UN … 2023 in Geneva. The meeting was chaired by Mr. S. Ficheux (France). Experts from the following countries participated … Australia, Canada, China, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, …