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Recommendations on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies (Revised edition): ECE/TRADE/379/Rev.1

… there are persuasive reasons to the contrary, the work on new standards should normally be initiated through the … focus on affected individuals; (b) Launching of reliable data collection processes; (c) Activating a crisis … a crisis, regulatory authorities should gather the related data and analyse the causes of the crisis, as well as …

DotNETcore calculation tool for UN GTR 15

… 3-2</WLTC_Class> </Parameter> ' create VehicleParam Dim p = New VehicleParam(xParam, WLTPVersionE.GRPE_2019_2, False) ' … WLTGearschiftCalculationLib Seite | 5 For Each r As DataRow In gearShiftDetection.DCGTable.Rows … WLTGearschiftCalculationLib Page | 5 For Each r As DataRow In gearShiftDetection.DCGTable.Rows …

Guide to implementing the Water Convention

… are as last accessed on 1 January 2013. ECE/MP.WAT/39 New York and Geneva, 2013 Guide to Implementing The Water … BOx 39. Databases of the International Commission for the Protection … were some difficulties caused by differences between local statistics and DRBA data collection requirements. An …

THE PEP Partnerships

… Goals, the Paris Agreement on climate change and the New Urban Agenda. THE  PEP has developed, over the years, … robustness; best available evidence; usability; minimal data input requirements; availability of default values; …

Integrating walking + public transport

… of 12 international cities by the research institute Socialdata attests that an average of 91% of people walk from … effective way to accommodate growth in ridership. They used statistical analysis to determine daily ridership impacts … revenue. For a proposed project, it was estimated that the new walkshed would generate about 42,000 trips annually or …

Draft programme of work of the housing and land management component of Housing, Land Management and Population subprogramme for 2024

… natural disasters, from relief to development 71/256 71/235 New Urban Agenda Implementation of the outcome of the United …

Обзор «умного» устойчивого города: БИШКЕК, КЫРГЫЗСТАН

… статистических данных «Население». URL: naselenie/. 5 Food and Agricultural Organization … Available at news/unece-and-city-bishkek-will-work-together-solve- … Planning in Cities”, report of the Inception and Data Collection Workshop, Bishkek, 20-21 February 2020. …

Ежегодный Обзор Рынка Лесных Товаров, 2022–2023 годы

… приложении по адресу … лиственных пород10, на 3,0 % (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023). Видимое потребление пиломатериалов … Accessed 25 July 2023. …

Transboundary water resources management and cooperation in Georgia (draft)

… and Natural Resources (from March, 2011, it has the new name – the Ministry of Environment ), and other … and quality of rendered services on water supply. By the data of hydro meteorological services of Georgia, ice cap of … of the Ministry was abolished) There is no clear system of statistical reporting Weakness of the EIA system (reform is …

Руководящие принципы в отношении опирающихся на фактологические данные политики и процесса принятия решений в области устойчивого жилищного хозяйства и городского развития

… потенци- 3 United Nations, “Secretary-General Calls for ‘Data Revolution’, Stronger Capacity, in Message for World Statistics Day”, press release, 19 October 2015. Available … размещена на сайте 45 Catalan News, “Almost 900 homeless sleeping on Barcelona’s streets, …

Recommendations on Harmonized Europe-wide Technical Requirements for Inland Navigation Vessels

… In the post-Cold War era, UNECE acquired not only many new member States, but also new functions. Since the early … economic cooperation. That cooperation concerns economics, statistics, environment, transport, trade, sustainable … local conditions; (v) in transport statistics – methods and data – that are internationally agreed on; (vi) in studies …

Consolidated text of amendments to the Inventory of Main Standards and Parameters of the E Waterway Network

… 05, entry for E 05-01, entry for E 05-04, modify and add a new entry for E 05-06 1 2 3 4 5 6 E 02-02-01 PLASSENDALE – …

Ежегодный обзор рынка лесных товаров, 2019–2020

… не включают шпон. Источник: FAOSTAT, 2020; UNECE/FAO database, 2020. Тыс. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Изменение … Канадский экспорт оставался относительно ста- бильным (Statistics Canada, 2020). Экспорт США в Китай сократился на … Примечание: Без учета стран региона ЕЭК ООН. Источник: ITTO statistics database, 2020e; TDM database, 2020. 2017 2018 …

Обзор инновационной деятельности в интересах устойчивого развития Узбекистана ЕЭК ООН

… Uzbekistan”, 10 December 2021, URL: … сильнее ограничивает их эффективность в рамках НИС (Enpact Data Lab, 2019). Это обстоятельство подчеркивает … banks as of May 1, 2021 (database). −−−−−−− (2021b). Information …

Eжегодный обзор рынка лесных товаров, 2018–2019

… 2 … важным для внутрен- него рынка» (Timber Industry News, 2018). 2.2.5 Брэкзит Надвигающийся Брэкзит, т. е. … PEFC. 2018a. PEFC global statistics: SFM & CoC certification. Programme for the …

Глоссарий терминов по надзору за рынком (ECE/TRADE/389/Rev.1)

… must remove the UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following … 26 Statistical relevance … 27 Statistically relevant market survey action … последнего, согласно соответствующему законодательству. Mandataire1 Toute personne physique ou morale établie dans un …

Glossaire de Termes relatifs à la Surveillance du Marché (ECE/TRADE/389/Rev.1)

… must remove the UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following … 26 Statistical relevance … 27 Statistically relevant market survey action … последнего, согласно соответствующему законодательству. Mandataire1 Toute personne physique ou morale établie dans un …

Glosario revisado de términos sobre la vigilancia del mercado (ECE/TRADE/389/Rev.1)

… must remove the UN emblem from their edition and create a new cover design. Translations must bear the following … 26 Statistical relevance … 27 Statistically relevant market survey action … последнего, согласно соответствующему законодательству. Mandataire1 Toute personne physique ou morale établie dans un …