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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 1841 - 1860 of 53975

50 years on, the 1968 Conventions on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals are still at the core of road safety efforts worldwide

… 50th anniversary, the Vienna Conventions on Road Traffic and on Road Signs and Signals from 1968 are more relevant than ever. Whether … around the world. The two Conventions have a global scope and are important frameworks facilitating international road …

IBC Env and CC Concept note and agenda Training Webinar #1 on Mainstreaming 09122021

… IBC Env and CC Concept note and agenda Training Webinar #1 on Mainstreaming 09122021 … Email [email protected]

IBC Env and CC Concept note and agenda Training Webinar #2 on Mainstreaming 27012022

… IBC Env and CC Concept note and agenda Training Webinar #2 on Mainstreaming 27012022 … Email [email protected]

Steering Group on Poverty and Inequality

… Objectives: Provide direction to the CES work on poverty and inequality statistics, advance methodological development, capacity building and collaboration between users and producers of poverty and inequality statistics, and

S5_1 Statistics and indicators on waste management

… S5_1 Statistics and indicators on waste management English REGIONAL TRAINING … adequate final discharge out of total municipal solid waste generated, by cities (SDG xx) • Total waste • National … of environmental protection • Collection tools: Household surveys (integrated into national census) or global …

The application of the Espoo Convention and its Protocol in the Mediterranean region

… Assessment (EIA) in a Transboundary Context (Espoo, 1991) and its Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) … Investment Bank (EIB) Ms. Elena Ferreras Carreras , Senior Gender Adviser, European Bank for Reconstruction and

Workshop on the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

… The workshop focused on the legal and practical implications of accession to and implementation of the  Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International …

Training Workshop on Guidelines and best practices for MSMEs to assure resiliency and progress toward a circular economy in sustainable resource management and critical raw material supply chain solutions in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan

… Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan faced economic recession, potentially leaving … of households have lost income since the beginning of the pandemic. UNECE conducted a study on the “Guidelines and best …

Secretariat of the Aarhus Convention and its Protocol on PRTRs

…     Aarhus Convention and its Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers Secretariat Environment Division … des Nations, Av. de la Paix 10 1211 Geneva 10  Switzerland E-mail: [email protected];   Web-site: …

Regional Advocacy Paper: Building More Inclusive, Sustainable and Prosperous Societies in Europe and Central Asia

… BUILDING MORE INCLUSIVE, SUSTAINABLE AND PROSPEROUS SOCIETIES IN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA From … Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) … Central Asia, are still young. Providing these young generations with health care, education, a safe environment …

Regional Advocacy Paper: Building More Inclusive, Sustainable and Prosperous Societies in Europe and Central Asia

… BUILDING MORE INCLUSIVE, SUSTAINABLE AND PROSPEROUS SOCIETIES IN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA From … Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) … Central Asia, are still young. Providing these young generations with health care, education, a safe environment …

Countries are committed to address inequities in access to water and sanitation services under the Protocol on Water and Health

… The need to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation is getting more and more visibility in global, regional and national agendas. The Human Rights to Safe Drinking …

Production and Trade: Tables 2010-2014

… countries in the UNECE region of Europe, North America and the CIS.  These data are as of December 2015. We … without whom this information would not be available, and of our partners at Eurostat , FAO and ITTO . Roundwood, Sawnwood, Panels Product Group Use and

Guidelines and best practices for micro-, small and medium enterprises in North Macedonia in delivering energy-efficient products and in providing renewable energy equipment - Sashe Panevski, UNECE

… Guidelines and best practices for micro-, small and medium enterprises … measures identified by enterprises *Source: Enterprise Survey ILO/EBRD Governmental measures Timeline in 2020 5.7 …

Investment in renewable energy still lacking in 17 countries in South and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

… The 17 UNECE countries in South and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia represented only 0.2% or USD 0.4 billion of … in 2015. despite comprising over 300 million inhabitants and representing 4.9% of the world’s GDP Attracting …

Parallel Session - Travel and Tourism

… Parallel Session - Travel and Tourism English United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Telephone: +41 (0)22 917 1234 42nd … GENEVA Travel & Tourism Domain Fostering Sustainable Travel and Tourism through e-business Standards DESCRIPTION This …

Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting at Swiss vocational schools: Strengthening sustainability and critical thinking (Dr. Leandro Bitetti)

… Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting at Swiss vocational schools: Strengthening sustainability and critical thinking (Dr. Leandro Bitetti) English … short. 44 3. New learning tasks: Overview Area Task Idea generator:in Domain #1: Learners have not thoroughly …

(D, UK, S) The line-by-line review of 1949- and 1968 conventions on Road Traffic and WP.1 resolutions 2018 and 2022: survey results

… (D, UK, S) The line-by-line review of 1949- and 1968 conventions on Road Traffic and WP.1 resolutions 2018 and 2022: survey results Presentation 1 GE.3-08-01 (Presentation …

Intelligent transport systems and digitalization in road and rail transport (Taalaibek Sharapov, Kyrgyzstan)

… Intelligent transport systems and digitalization in road and rail transport (Taalaibek Sharapov, Kyrgyzstan) Russian … Intelligent transport systems and digitalization in road and rail transport (Taalaibek …

Expert meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange

… Virtual The Expert Meeting on Monitoring, Assessment and Data Exchange in the framework of the Water Convention … of a morning session from 10 a.m.  to 12 p.m. and an afternoon session from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. (CEST … was developed taking into account the outcome of a devoted survey  and the outcome of discussions at relevant …