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Search results for generations and "gender survey"

Displaying Results 21 - 40 of 53961

Housing and Land Management

… The UNECE Housing and Land Management Unit is a secretariat to the UNECE Committee on Urban Development, Housing and Land Management and its Working Party on Land

Economic Cooperation and Integration

… The Economic Cooperation and Integration sub-programme 4, implemented by Economic Cooperation and Trade Division , supports UNECE member States in designing and rolling out institutions, policies, processes and

UNECE and the SDGs

… supports countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) thanks to its role as a platform for governments to cooperate and engage with all stakeholders on norms, standards and conventions, its unique convening power across …

Generations and Gender Programme

Generations and Gender Programme …

75-tree forest planted for UNECE in San Marino to promote sustainable cities for current and future generations

… their enormous potential not only for humans, fauna, flora, and the environment, but also for cities. In an urbanizing … This tiny forest connects old and young, thus allowing generations to live in a healthier urban environment today … Marino to promote sustainable cities for current and future generations

1st Consortium Board Meeting

… It was hosted by INED, chaired by Mr. Patrick Festy and funded by the PAU. What has been mainly discussed? The … on the programme in light of the Recommendations of the Generations and Gender Meeting. Survey sampling design The CB concluded that …

Fullfilling the Potential of Present and Future Generations

… years after the regional ICPD Beyond 2014 review process and the adoption of the 2013 Chair's summary, UNECE and UNFPA have collaborated to report on the achievements … ) … Fullfilling the Potential of Present and Future Generations

What UNECE does for you - ... UNECE works on Generations and Gender Programme

… Download brochure on Generations and Gender Programme: ENG FRE RUS … What UNECE does for you - …

Gender statistics

Gender statistics are needed to measure and monitor the … of violence against women Gender statistics videos The Generations and Gender Programme Key publications Guidance …

Kenji Wani - How innovation is driving mobility today and for future generations

… Kenji Wani - How innovation is driving mobility today and for future generations English How innovation is driving mobility Today and for future generations Kenji Wani Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, …

Ageing and Gender Equality

…                               Changing demographics Ageing and its implications for gender equality Side event at the Beijing+25 Regional Review … but the whole population across the lifespan and future generations. Actions should be taken at every stage of life …

UNFC and Wind Energy

… is widely available throughout the world. Wind energy generation does not cause greenhouse gas emissions.  It does not emit other pollutants such as oxides of sulphur and nitrogen and consumes no water. Wind power is generated … can be onshore or offshore. Rapid growth in wind energy generations has highlighted a need to harmonize the way in …

Public participation for a safe and sustainable future for all

… to a mining activity? What about the rights of future generations? Are their interests protected when deciding on … to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus … to take into account the views and interests of the future generations, which will be affected by such impacts, was an …

Policy Documents

… in ageing societies.  An invited expert led the discussion and, drawing on analysis of data from the Generations and Gender Programme, produced a report which reviews the …

International Chamber of Commerce 2023 World Chambers Competition Gala and Award ceremony

… Chamber of Commerce 2023 World Chambers Competition Gala and Award ceremony. During his speech, the Special Envoy … his career in motorsports to draw an analogy to his role and mandate within the UN. The Special Envoy highlighted the … sustainability that we can ensure a thriving place for the generations to come”. … International Chamber of Commerce …

Data and Assessment

… Data collection and reporting in the UNECE region consists of (a) collection, validation and dissemination of forest statistics on: resources, products, functions and services, progress toward sustainable forest management, …

Energy and Youth

… as vital for driving innovation, promoting sustainability, and building resilient and carbon neutral energy systems. Young people bring fresh perspectives and creativity in addressing the challenges of transitioning …

Energy and Gender

… UNECE is helping countries to bridge the gender gap and accelerate the energy transition. To date …

Environment and Gender

… Environmental degradation has gendered impacts that need to be properly assessed and monitored to understand and subsequently adopt …

Trends and Economics

… The Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics (WP.5) is an intergovernmental body that … pan-European forum for exchange of ideas about the progress and challenges concerning sustainable inland transport across the pan-European region. The objective …