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Regional Workshop on Equitable Access to Water and Sanitation: New policy developments, impacts of Covid-19 and options to ensure affordability

13 - 14 June 2022
TPS1, Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

The Regional workshop, was held in Geneva (hybrid) on 13-14 June 2022, it brought together experts working in the water and sanitation sectors as well as other sectors such as environment, education, health, regional development, and social protection to exchange knowledge and gather lessons learned in achieving equitable access as well as the actions taken in the area of water, sanitation and hygiene in the context of COVID-19.
The specific objectives of the workshop were: 

  1. To discuss to what extent the Equitable Access Score-card developed under the Protocol should undergo revision to increase resilience in the water sector in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and other potential epidemics;
  2. To review and discuss new policy developments in the area of equitable access to water and sanitation in the pan-European region, including country-level developments and the transposition and implementation of the revised EU Drinking Water Directive, particularly in light of the obligations arising from the Directive concerning access to water;
  3. To discuss policy options and good practices to ensure the affordability of safe drinking water and sanitation services in the pan-European region and what further relevant work could be carried out under the Protocol on Water and Health to promote further action.

The outcomes of the discussion will inform and guide future activities in this area under the 2023-2025 Protocol’s programme of work. 

The Regional Workshop was organized under the leadership of UNECE, as part of the joint secretariat of the Protocol on Water and Health, in cooperation with the lead Parties, France and Hungary.

News release:



26901 _ Agenda _ 368329 _ English _ 773 _ 355988 _ pdf
26901 _ Concept Note _ 366954 _ English _ 773 _ 352761 _ pdf
26901 _ Concept Note _ 366954 _ French _ 780 _ 352762 _ pdf
26901 _ Concept Note _ 366954 _ Russian _ 864 _ 352970 _ pdf
26901 _ List of participants _ 368592 _ English _ 773 _ 356568 _ pdf


29181 _ Countries’ experiences from the region, Olav Ojala, Estonia _ 368560 _ English _ 773 _ 356520 _ pdf
29181 _ Equitable Access: What’s Next?, Armin Bigham Ghazani, UNECE _ 368562 _ English _ 773 _ 356522 _ pdf