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Displaying Results 21 - 37 of 37

- English
Brochure on Trans-European Motorways (TEM) ProjectThis brochure gives an overview of the TEM project, its objectives, organization and how to join it.
- English
Road Safety Audit (RSA) and Road Safety Inspection (RSI) are road infrastructure safety management measures which are considered as important engineering tools for improving infrastructure safety. Road safety is frequently discussed at the TEM Steering Committee, which commissioned Road Safety Audit and Road Safety Inspection on the TEM Network report.The
- English
TEM Project Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 is a roadmap for the implementation of the TEM Project for 2017 – 2021.The Strategic Plan 2017 – 2021 value proposition:The TEM Project aims to support UNECE and the Inland Transport Committee in pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals related to road infrastructure management;TEM Project will interpret and translate the Sustainable Development Goals
- Pусский
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- Français
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- English
This study on railway reform in the ECE Region looks at the history of railway reform within its member States and looks at how it has been implemented through a number of examples, highlighting that railway reform across the ECE region has taken different forms in terms of institutional structure, market participants and development of the sector.
- English
Phase 1 of the Highspeed Masterplan for the TER region has now been completed. The study is available here and covers the following areas:- An introduction to, and history of, High Speed Railways- A review of the benefit, political background, best practice and status of high-speed- Review of related work,
- English
This leaflet, prepared by the Sustainable Transport Division of the UNECE in cooperation with the International Road Transport Union (IRU), highlights the importance and potential benefits to Contracting Parties of the Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets and the International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods.It
- English
Border inefficiencies are estimated to cost twice the amount of tariffs, while the removal of those inefficiencies could increase global trade by as much as US$ 1 trillion and create as many as 21 million jobs worldwide. Even though border crossing issues vary from
- English
The OSCE-UNECE Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings – A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective offers a unique opportunity for countries both in and beyond the OSCE/UNECE region to develop border
- English
The TEM and TER revised Master Plan Final report consists of two Volumes - Volume l, containing the main text and Volume II – Annexes.Volume I: Main textVolume II: AnnexesVolume I, is being
- English
Integrated Report on Comparison of the TEM and TER Master Plan Backbone Networks and on Implementation of the Priority projects in 2006 Report (pdf 42 KB) Attachment A (pdf 3,970 KB)
- English
In September 2005, the TEM and TER Projects completed the elaboration of their Master Plan, including the identification of the backbone networks for road and rail transport in 21 Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries as well as a realistic investment strategy to gradually develop these networks. As a result of this exercise, as many as 491 projects (319 TEM and 172 TER)
- English
The UNECE-sponsored Trans-European North-South Motorway (TEM) Project has published the 3rd Edition of its Standards and Recommended Practice to reflect the up-to-date requirements of motorway users, the latest experience, research and development achievements in the field of motorway design, construction and operation as well as newly required safety measures in motorway tunnels.These
Практическое руководство для правительственных ведомств и организаций частного сектора, которые осуществляют деятельность в пунктах пересечения границ. Опубликован ОБСЕ и Европейской экономической