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De nouveaux efforts sont nécessaires pour assurer l'accès à l'eau et l'assainissement équitable pour tous

Aucun laissé-pour-compte :  bonnes pratiques pour assurer l'accès équitable à l'eau et à l'assainissement, publié aujourd'hui, le 13 Mars 2012, lors du 6ème Forum mondial de l'eau à Marseille, met en évidence d'importantes inégalités dans l'accès à l'eau et à l'assainissement dans la région…

Renewed efforts are needed to ensure that access to water and sanitation for all is equitable

No one left behind: Good practices to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation, launched today, 13 March 2012, at the sixth World Water Forum in Marseille, France, highlights significant inequities in access to water and sanitation in the pan-European region and provides guidance on how…

Secretary-General appoints Sven Alkalaj of Bosnia and Herzegovina as UNECE head

GenevaThe United Nations Secretary-General announced yesterday the appointment of Sven Alkalaj of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the new Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).Mr. Alkalaj served as Foreign Minister of his country and Ambassador…

Le Secrétaire général de l’ONU a nommé Sven Alkalaj, Bosnie-Herzégovine, au poste de Secrétaire exécutif de la CEE-ONU

Le Secrétaire général de l’ONU, M. Ban Ki-moon, a nommé M. Sven Alkalaj, de la Bosnie-Herzégovine, au poste de Secrétaire exécutif de la Commission économique pour l’Europe (CEE-ONU).M. Alkalaj a été Ministre des affaires étrangères de son pays et Ambassadeur à Washington et à Bruxelles.…

La CEE-ONU contribuera activement au 6ème Forum Mondial sur l’eau

La CEE-ONU contribuera activement aux débats du 6ème Forum Mondial de l'Eau qui se tiendra du 12 au 17 Mars à Marseille (France). Le Forum Mondial, qui est le plus grand rendez-vous mondial de l'eau rassemble tous les trois ans plus de 25.000 acteurs de la communauté internationale de l'eau, y…

UNECE to contribute actively to 6th World Water Forum

UNECE will present its work and actively contribute to discussions at the 6th World Water Forum, to be held on 12- 17 March in Marseille, France. The largest water event in the world, the Forum brings together, every three years, more than 25,000 stakeholders from the worldwide water community,…

Public-Private Partnerships can deliver critical infrastructure if developing countries tackle financing and governance issues

GenevaDeveloping countries must do more to create transparent, accountable business conditions if they are to raise the capital needed to finance critical infrastructure.  This was a key theme underscored at PPP Days 2012, the premier global meeting for senior policy makers on Public…

UNECE and OSCE launch a handbook of best practices at border crossings

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) launched a jointly produced handbook on border crossing policies in Vienna, Austria on 22 February 2012. The Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings – A Trade and…

Национальный обзор по жилищному сектору Кыргызстана ведет к принятию страной новых обязательств

В Кыргызстане на каждую тысячу жителей приходится только 210 единиц жилья, что представляет собой менее половины средней ЕС, которая составляет 446. Средняя жилая площадь на душу населения является чрезмерно низкой (около 5 кв.метров, в то время…

Kyrgyzstan’s Country Profile on Housing leads to new commitments in the country

In Kyrgyzstan for every 1000 inhabitants there are only 210 housing units. This is less than half the EU average, which is 446. Average floor space per capita is also extremely low (around 5 m2, compared to Europe, the United States and China, where floor space per capita is around 48, 81 and 26…

Globalization of the UNECE Water Convention will be one of the key priorities until 2015 and beyond

GenevaThe consequences of the opening of the UNECE Water Convention to non-UNECE countries - its “globalization” - and its implications for the future programme of work will be a key priority for the future of the Convention. This was one of the main conclusions of a strategic…

UNFC: enhanced energy security and sustainability

Bangkok Mr. Hongpeng Liu, Chief of the Energy Security and Water Resources Section at ESCAP, opened a workshop on the United Nations Framework Classification for Fossil Energy and Mineral Reserves and Resources 2009 (UNFC) in Bangkok on 9 February. Mr. Liu highlighted the critical role of…

Leading the way in Public-Private Partnerships: PPP Days 2012

Geneva From 21st to 24th February, the United Nations office in Geneva will host over 500 delegates representing more than 80 governments at the premier global event in the public-private partnerships calendar, ‘PPP Days 2012’. This event is being jointly organized by the United Nations…

Wood confirmed as the primary source of renewable energy in Europe

GenevaWood energy accounts for 3% of the total primary energy supply (TPES) and 47% of the renewable energy supply (RES) in the UNECE region[1] in 2009, confirming its role as the leading source of renewable energy. Wood covered almost 20% of the total energy demands of Sweden, Finland…

UNECE Water Convention to introduce Implementation Committee

On 1 February 2012, following two years of negotiations, the Legal Board of the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) finalized the proposal for a mechanism to facilitate implementation of and compliance with the…

Green economy: UNECE walks the talk and prepares for Rio

GenevaThe spotlight will be on the green economy at Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in Rio de Janeiro in June 2012.  Much has been published and discussed about this new concept and how it might shape the future of humanity and its…

UNECE and World Bank organize Sustainable Real Estate Markets Forum in Moscow


The Forum on “Sustainable Real Estate Markets: Principles and Guidance for Development” was held today to draw attention to ways in which secure and well protected property rights, and accurate and accessible information, can attract greater investment…

UNECE to adopt new ceilings of emissions for trucks and buses

GenevaOn 19 January 2012, the Working Party on Pollution and Energy, approved a proposal for an amendment to Regulation No. 49, concerning more stringent emission requirements for heavy duty vehicle engines. The proposal will be submitted to the World Forum in June 2012 for its final…

Le cancer de la dette souveraine constitue une menace pour l'économie européenne et mondiale - Nations Unies

Genève/BrusselsLes programmes d'austérité fiscale en vigueur à travers l'Europe et la crise de la dette souveraine qui a éclaté en Grèce en mai dernier — et s'est ensuite étendue, d'abord à l'Irlande et au Portugal, puis à l'Espagne et à l'Italie — ont ébranlé l'économie européenne…

Sovereign debt cancer threatens European and global economies - UN

Geneva/BrusselsFiscal austerity programmes in force across Europe and the sovereign debt crisis that erupted in Greece last May — which subsequently spread, first to Ireland and Portugal, then to Spain and Italy — have shaken the European economy and raise the chances of another global…