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Forests in the UNECE region: UN works as one

On 6 February, UNECE confirmed its commitment to its work on forests in partnership with FAO in the region, with the Executive Committee’s decision to approve the UNECE-FAO Integrated Programme of Work on forests for the period 2014-17…

Social housing back on countries’ political agendas in the UNECE region

Social housing in Europe is back on the political agenda of UNECE member States. The social housing sector in the majority of European Union member states has been shrinking since the 1980s.[1]

More than thirty years of deregulation…

UNECE to help Azerbaijan finalize its water sector strategy

At a 23 January 2014 meeting in Baku, key stakeholders of the National Policy Dialogue (NPD) Steering Committee of Azerbaijan agreed to finalize the State water strategy within the next few months. Development of the strategy has been supported by the United Nations…

ЕЭК ООН поможет Азербайджану завершить разработку водной стратегии

На совещании, прошедшем 23 января 2014 года в Баку, основные заинтересованные стороны Координационного совета Национального диалога по водной политике (НДП) Азербайджана договорились о завершении разработки Государственной водной стратегии в течение ближайших нескольких…

Состояние мировой экономики улучшается, но старые и новые препятствия способны затормозить рост, говорится в докладе Организации Объединенных Наций

Неравномерный отказ от политики количественного смягчения со стороны главных центральных банков создает риски для финансовой стабильности и роста мировой экономики


По данным…

L’économie mondiale se redresse, mais reste exposée à des contradictions anciennes et nouvelles qui pourraient atténuer la croissance, affirme un rapport de l’ONU

Une sortie agitée de la politique d’assouplissement monétaire des grandes banques centrales présente des risques pour la stabilité financière et la croissance mondiale

Il est raisonnable de penser que la croissance économique…

La economía mundial mejora, pero sigue siendo vulnerable a los nuevos y antiguos contratiempos que podrían obstaculizar el crecimiento, según un informe de las Naciones Unidas

Una salida desordenada de las medidas extraordinarias de liquidez monetaria de los principales bancos centrales presenta riesgos para la estabilidad financiera y el crecimiento mundial

El crecimiento económico mundial debería…

Global economy is improving, but remains vulnerable to new and old headwinds that could derail growth, says UN report

A bumpy exit from quantitative easing by major central banks poses risks for financial stability and global growth

Global economic growth should increase over the next two years with continuing signs of improvement, according to the United Nations World…

Selon un rapport de l’ONU, une lente reprise se dessine à l’horizon alors que l’Europe émerge de la récession

Le chômage, qui n’a jamais atteint un niveau aussi élevé, perdurera en Europe au cours des deux prochaines années

La fin de la récession en Europe occidentale entraînera un accroissement de l’activité économique dans la région en 2014, mais les progrès seront…

Slow recovery ahead as Europe emerges from recession, says UN report

Historically high unemployment will persist in Europe over next two years

The end of the recession in Western Europe will bring an increase in economic activity in the region in 2014, but growth will be slow and high unemployment will persist, according to the…

По данным доклада Организации Объединенных Наций, экономический рост в Содружестве Независимых Государств снизился, но должен набрать темп в 2014 году

Безработица снизилась, однако при этом темпы инфляции варьировались, а потоки капитала оставались нестабильными

По данным опубликованного сегодня Организацией Объединенных Наций доклада "Мировое экономическое положение и перспективы, 2014 год" (МЭПП…

Economic growth in Commonwealth of Independent States weakened, but should pick up in 2014, says UN report

Unemployment declined, while inflation rates varied and capital flows remained volatile

Economic growth in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Georgia weakened in 2013, but is expected to improve over the next two years, according to the United…

ЕЭК ООН помогает Азербайджану и Грузии сделать еще один шаг к устойчивому управлению бассейном реки Кура

В четверг, 16 января 2014 г., представители Азербайджана и Грузии встретились в Баку для переговоров по тексту проекта двустороннего соглашения по разделяемым водным ресурсам бассейна реки Кура в рамках проекта, реализуемого  совместно Европейской экономической…

UNECE assists Azerbaijan and Georgia to make another step towards sustainable management of the Kura River Basin

On Thursday, 16 January 2014, representatives of Azerbaijan and Georgia met in Baku to negotiate the text of a draft bilateral agreement on the shared water resources of the Kura River Basin as part of a joint United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) -…

The Republic of Moldova joins the UNECE Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers

Published: 8 January 2014

On 23 December 2013, the Republic of Moldova became the thirty-third Party to ratify the Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (Kyiv Protocol) to the Convention on Access to Information,…

Governments in the Middle East learning from UNECE experiences of land and property administration

A fully functioning and well regulated real estate market is essential to ensure sustainable housing and promote economic growth. It can accelerate economic recovery in the short term, as well as sustainable development and greener economies in the long term. Promoting…

The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine work together to adapt to climate change in the Dniester River Basin at meeting organized by OSCE and UNECE

Kyiv, 13 December 2013 – A draft strategic framework and priorities for international cooperation in adaptation to changing climate conditions in the Dniester Basin are the focus of the eighth meeting of the Working Group on Flood Management and Climate Change Adaptation…

Priority areas for water and health targets set in Armenia

The eleventh meeting of the Steering Committee of the Armenian National Policy Dialogue on water resources was held in Yerevan on Thursday, 12 December 2013. The meeting, which was organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe…

Forest community agrees to take joint action towards greening the economy

The Rovaniemi Action Plan – a milestone for a sustainable forest sector

Rovaniemi, 11 December 2013 - The Rovaniemi Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy was adopted today by the UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest…

Grow more trees, use more wood

At Metsä2013, the joint session of the UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry and the FAO European Forestry Commission, representatives of numerous forest sector stakeholders met to consider market and policy developments in wood and non-wood forest…