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Press Releases

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UNECE and the Republic of Albania to strengthen cooperation on sustainable housing

Housing is a fundamental human need that can influence public health, security and wellbeing of both present and future generations. With over 50% of Albania’s inhabitants currently residing in urban areas, the transition toward more sustainable housing in the country…

Call for films to compete in 2017 Global Road Safety Film Festival

UNECE and the Laser International Foundation Europe (LIFE) are putting the call out to filmmakers across the globe to submit their films to the 2017 Global Road Safety Film Festival, taking place on 20 and 21 February at Palais des Nations in Geneva.

La UNECE reçoit le Prix international de la sécurité routière Prince Michael

La UNECE a reçu le Prix international de la sécurité routière Prince Michael en récompense de sa contribution exceptionnelle à l'amélioration de la sécurité routière. Les prix ont été remis aujourd'hui lors d'une cérémonie à Londres.

Son Altesse…

UNECE receives Prince Michael International Road Safety Award

UNECE received the Prince Michael International Road Safety Award, in acknowledgement of its outstanding contribution to improving road safety. The awards were presented at a ceremony in London today.

His Royal Highness Prince Michael of Kent…

Georgia is exploring ways to develop renewable energy

What are the policy changes needed to overcome the political, legal, regulatory, institutional and technical barriers to the development of renewables in Georgia? What needs to change for the private sector to invest in renewable energy? How to stimulate investments to…

40 countries in Europe reaffirm their commitment to cooperate in preventing industrial accidents

Prevention of industrial accidents and preparedness to respond promptly if they occur were at the heart of the discussions in Ljubljana this week at the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Transboundary…

Draft proposal for a UN Road Safety Fund launched for consultations

Every year 1.25 million people are killed and around 50 million injured in road traffic crashes, which makes it one of the most pressing health emergencies and development issues of our time. Every day 500 children lose their lives because of road crashes. It is the…

Member States encourage accession to the UNECE Water Convention at Security Council meeting

On 22 November 2016, on the initiative of the current Council President (Senegal), for the first time the United Nations Security Council held an open debate on water, peace and security. In his opening remarks, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon highlighted the role of the…

SPECA becomes an intergovernmental regional platform to support the achievement of SDGs

Central Asia faces numerous security, economic and environmental challenges in the new global situation. It becomes evident that all countries in the region need regional cooperation in order to face these challenges and secure sustainable development. This is why the…

The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations receives 2016 GlobalNCAP Consumer Champion award for promoting vehicle safety

The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations received Global NCAP’s Annual Award in recognition of its role promoting global regulations for vehicle safety in the interests of consumer protection.   

The award was handed…

UNECE and WHO/Europe call for renewed action on water, sanitation and health in the pan-European region

In the pan-European region, diarrhoeal diseases still cause an estimated 14 deaths per day due to inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene. Renewed momentum is therefore needed to address these persisting challenges.  An ambitious programme of work aimed at addressing these is to be adopted…

Funding sources identified for the transition to smart sustainable cities

More than half of the global population lives in cities. The current world population is projected to reach more than 9 billion by 2050, with 70% to 80% living in cities by then. If cities are to ensure that the right infrastructure and service provision for a growing…

UNECE signs Partnership for Sustainable Development with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: United Nations Strategy for 2016-2020

UNECE and the United Nations Country Team announced today that they will continue their support to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’s development efforts over the next five years. This will be achieved through the implementation of a Partnership for Sustainable…

Further integration and cooperation needed to achieve sustainable development in Europe

We live in uncertain times with strong divisive forces and global processes at play. Amid this uncertainty, the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda provides a strong vision that defines our ambitions and is shaping policy actions –at the national, regional and global…

UNECE signs United Nations Programme of Cooperation for Sustainable Development for 2017-2021 with Albania

In the framework of a United Nations Programme of Cooperation for Sustainable Development, UNECE will provide technical assistance to Albania in a variety of areas including housing and urban development and energy efficiency. This will also include increasing the…

The 21st Century will be the century of wood

How will the world look 50 years from now? Visions of life in the future often show shiny cityscapes of glass and steel. Cities with tall buildings of flowing shapes. It would seem that wood is not what we associate with our future yet “the 21st Century will be seen as…

Baku Call for action: governments and international partners are asked to work on implementation of energy-related Sustainable Development Goals

At the closing session of the Seventh International Forum on Energy for Sustainable Development, the delegates called on the governments and international organizations to take urgent steps for transformation of energy systems. There is a gap between current actions taken…

UNECE updates its Best Practice Guidance for Effective Methane Drainage and Use in Coal Mines

The coal industry, national governments, trade unions, and worker safety advocates are concerned with the frequency and severity of methane explosions in coal mines, especially in emerging economies. No mine, even in the most developed countries, is free from safety risks…

Mayors of global cities commit to cooperate on the regional implementation of the New Urban Agenda

Today 54 per cent of the world’s population lives in urban areas. By 2050, almost three quarters of the world’s population will live in urban areas – this will be the Century of the City. The New Urban Agenda to be adopted by Habitat III, the United Nations Conference on…

UNECE region accounts for 87% of the world’s certified forest area

The certified forest area coverage extended across 11% of global forests in 2015. The UNECE region, with about 40% (1.6 billion hectares) of the global forest estate, accounted for 87% of the total global certified forest area (graph 1). Of the global certified forest…