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UNECE Resource Management Week 2024 illustration

Harmonization of UN Framework and CRIRSCO Template will support more transparent and comparable mineral project reporting

Accurate mineral reporting and classification in the global mining industry is needed to ensure transparency, reliability, and comparability of data, facilitating informed investment and decision-making by governments and all stakeholders for sustainable resource management practices.

Electric vehicle charging

G7 ministers recognize UNECE’s leading role in reducing GHG emissions from inland transport and introducing connected vehicles

In the declaration issued following their latest meeting in Milan, G7 transport ministers have recognized the role of UNECE in advancing sustainable low-carbon mobility. In particular, they welcomed the recently adopted UNECE Strategy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Inland Transport,…

Cornish mining landscape

Cornwall, UK, applies UN Resource Management System to support sustainability of Critical Raw Materials mining

In Cornwall, United Kingdom, a pioneering initiative is underway to optimize resource management for critical raw materials projects. Applying the United Nations Resource Management System (UNRMS) is helping to transform the region's approach to resource extraction, processing, and…

The UN global road safety campaign in Mongolia

UN Special Envoy Jean Todt to launch the new global campaign for road safety in Mongolia

The United Nations Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, will visit Mongolia from 27 to 30 March to launch the new UN global campaign for road safety #MakeASafetySatement, in partnership with JCDecaux. The event will be hosted by the Mongolian Government, with the objective to contributing…


Water for peace on World Water Day: momentum builds for cross-border cooperation through UN Water Convention

“Action for water is action for peace…Achieving it relies on far greater cooperation…We must accelerate efforts to work together across borders, and I urge all countries to join and implement the United Nations Water Convention – which promotes managing shared water resources sustainably.”  …

International Day of Forests 2024

International Day of Forests: Forest talk unveils innovations for a greener future

In a world grappling with the escalating crisis of global warming – evidenced by the accelerated melting of glaciers worldwide – the imperative for action has never been greater. Carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion are the foremost contributor to global warming, accounting for a…

Methane flare

Global Methane Forum calls to turn commitments into action on path to COP29

Tackling emissions of methane now is essential to meet the Paris Agreement goal of limiting temperature rise to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels by 2050. With political momentum building fast for methane mitigation and, as emissions measurement continues to sharpen through satellite and other…

circular economy meaasurement guidelines cover

UNECE issues guidelines for measuring the circular economy

Moving to a more circular economy is increasingly recognized as vital to sustainable development, decarbonization, resource efficiency and competitiveness. More and more countries are adopting national policies that are directly or indirectly related to the sustainable management of natural…

RFSD 2024 opening

2024 Regional Forum on Sustainable Development: harnessing opportunities in key SDG transition areas

The 2024 UNECE Regional Forum on Sustainable Development brought together over 800 participants to generate momentum for a regional push for SDG acceleration. Governments and other stakeholders exchanged and learned from each other on effective policies for speeding up progress towards SDG…

Uzbekistan project launch

Uzbekistan commits to improving water and health governance and safe management of industrial and tailings facilities, with support from UNECE and Switzerland

Today, a new project to be implemented by UNECE with the support of Switzerland was launched in Tashkent, underscoring Uzbekistan's commitment to improving water and health governance and safe management of industrial and tailing facilities.  

Uzbekistan, the most populous Central Asian…

GCM regional review meeting

UN Network on Migration and UNECE host review of Global Compact for Migration implementation

More than 280 member state representatives, partners and stakeholders met on 11 March in Geneva for the Regional Review of efforts to implement the guiding principles and 23 objectives of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in the United Nations Economic Commission…


UN Environment Assembly highlights rising global role of UNECE Multilateral Environmental Agreements to address triple planetary crisis   

Faced with increasing impacts of climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss, which together constitute the “triple planetary crisis”, no country can act alone. Like nature itself, these challenges know no borders, which makes international cooperation a crucial part of action to address…

Road safety Cote d'Ivoire

L’Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies pour la sécurité routière en visite en Côte d'Ivoire pour promouvoir les gestes qui sauvent sur les routes

L'Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies pour la sécurité routière, Jean Todt, se rendra en Côte d'Ivoire (29 février-3 mars) pour y soutenir les actions des autorités nationales en faveur de la sécurité routière. L'Envoyé spécial participera notamment au lancement africain de la…

Road safety Cote d'Ivoire

The UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety is visiting Côte d'Ivoire to raise awareness on life saving actions

The United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, will visit Côte d'Ivoire (29 February - 3 March 2024) to support national authorities' road safety initiatives. In particular, the Special Envoy will launch the United Nations Global Campaign for Road Safety, in…

River flow

UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention releases a position paper on state repression of environmental protest and civil disobedience

On 28 February 2024, the UN Special Rapporteur on Environmental Defenders under the Aarhus Convention, Michel Forst, released a position paper on state repression of environmental protest and civil disobedience: a major threat to human rights and democracy.

The position paper provides an…

ITC_group photo_2024

United Nations adopts landmark global decarbonization strategy in transport by road, rail and inland waterway 

UN member States took a decisive step towards sustainable low carbon mobility with the adoption on 23 February of the Inland Transport Committee’s (ITC) Strategy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Inland Transport. 

Transport accounts for some 23% of annual GHG emissions. Inland…

Road safety campaign 24 Seconds

24Seconds: mobilizing brands for safer roads through the UN Road Safety Fund

Every year approximately 1.19 million people die, and 50 million people are left with life-altering injuries. The urgency is clear: road crashes are not just statistics; they are a global epidemic affecting children, young adults, and communities at large. If current trends continue, road…

UNEA-6 background

Executive Secretary to highlight global relevance of UNECE Multilateral Environmental Agreements at UN Environment Assembly

Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) will be at the forefront of discussions at the sixth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) on how to tackle the triple planetary crisis. 

Executive Secretary Tatiana Molcean will lead a UNECE delegation to UNEA-6, the…


Кризисы еще больше замедляют устойчивое развитие в Европе, Северной Америке и Центральной Азии, предупреждается в докладе ЕЭК ООН о прогрессе в достижении ЦУР

Усилия по достижению Целей устойчивого развития (ЦУР) к 2030 году сталкиваются с сильными препятствиями, связанными с последствиями пандемии COVID-19, потрясениями, вызванными изменением климата и войной против Украины, высокими процентными ставками и сохраняющейся высокой инфляцией.  


Crises are further slowing sustainable development in Europe, North America and Central Asia, warns UNECE report

Efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 are facing strong headwinds from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, shocks arising from climate change and the war against Ukraine, high interest rates and still-elevated inflation.  

New data available for this year’s…