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UNECE to initiate work on the Country Profile on the Housing Sector in Ukraine

UNECE will initiate work on the Country Profile on the Housing Sector in Ukraine This is the main outcome of a research mission conducted on 17 – 25 March 2012  in Ukraine by a delegation consisting of the UNECE Secretariat and international experts. The study, which should be ready in May 2013,  will cover, in particular, the existing housing stock and new housing construction, the socio-economic framework of the housing sector, land management, and the institutional, legal and financial framework. Based on the results of the study, UNECE experts will formulate policy recommendations to the Ukrainian Government, who will then develop a national implementation plan.

Ukraine faces major housing challenges, including poor energy efficiency and low affordability. Ukraine is also one of the most energy-intensive economies in the world. According to World Bank estimates, the energy consumption of Ukrainian buildings is around 250 – 275 Kilowatt hour per square meter (kWh/m2), which is at least double that of Western Europe's average of around 120 kWh/m2. In spite of growing energy prices, the residential sector's energy consumption has not changed during the last 20 years.

Affordability is also a key concern. According to the International Housing Affordability Index, which looks at urban housing prices within the context of local wage rates, housing affordability in Kiev, capital of Ukraine (index value 6.0), is close to levels in the largest world megapolises such as London (6.9) and New York (6.2) and is even higher than in Moscow, capital of the neighbouring Russian Federation (5.0). There is also a housing shortage in Ukraine compared to most European countries.

As a result, housing policy is high on Ukraine’s government agenda. In 2011, the Government adopted a state programme for the construction of affordable housing for 2010–2017. There is good potential for the development and effective implementation of housing policies in Ukraine due to their relatively high level of human capital, a solid institutional framework for the housing policy; and a legal framework that is being regularly updated.

At the closing meeting of the research mission, the Minister of Regional Development, Construction and Municipal Economy, Mr. Anatoly Bliznyuk welcomed the Country Profile as an opportunity to receive an independent review of the housing situation and policy in Ukraine and he called for wider application of best international practices in the housing sector. He also expressed hope for continued cooperation with the UNECE beyond the work on the Country Profile, for example in the review of draft laws and strategic documents related to the housing sector. 

For more information on the Country Profiles on the Housing Sector, please contact
Ms. Gulnara Roll
Head, Housing and Land Management Unit
Email : [email protected]
Tel. +41 (0)22 9172257

For more information on the Country Profiles, please visit:
For more information on the energy consumption of Ukrainian buildings, see:

For information on the Demographia International Housing Affordability Index:

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