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UNECE Sustainable Energy Week 2024

16 September (10:00) - 20 September (18:00) 2024
Palais des Nations Geneva Switzerland

This year’s UNECE Sustainable Energy Week features several in-person events, including the: 

  • 20th session of the Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems (16-17 September) 
  • 11th session of the Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (16-17 September) 
  • 11th session of the Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency (16-17 September) 
  • 33rd session of the Committee on Sustainable Energy (18-20 September) 


The Sustainable Energy Week will focus on building resilient energy systems for a just energy transition in the UNECE region. This year’s Sustainable Energy Week is bringing together a diverse community of experts, policymakers and other stakeholders to collaboratively chart the course for developing resilient energy systems in pursuit of a fair energy transition. It will feature targeted discussions, sharing of experiences, formulation of recommendations, and presentations highlighting country policies and actions to accelerate a just energy transition across the UNECE region.  

Join us in person at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Simultaneous interpretation in English, French and Russian will be provided.

Group of Experts on Energy Efficiency (eleventh session)

61482 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.6/2024/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the eleventh session _ 392661 _ English _ 773 _ 416510 _ pdf
61482 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.6/2024/3, ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2024/3 - Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the digital and data transformation in the electricity sector _ 392662 _ English _ 773 _ 416511 _ pdf
61482 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.6/2024/4 - Increasing energy resilience, saving costs, and curbing emissions with systemic efficiency approaches _ 392663 _ English _ 773 _ 416512 _ pdf

Group of Experts on Renewable Energy (eleventh session)

61483 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.7/2024/1 - Annotated provisional agenda for the eleventh session _ 392658 _ English _ 773 _ 416507 _ pdf
61483 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.7/2024/3 - Biofuel quality standards: Challenges, impacts and possible pathways towards harmonization _ 392659 _ English _ 773 _ 416508 _ pdf
61483 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.7/2024/4 - Case studies for a dedicated energy efficiency and renewable energy agency in Georgia _ 392660 _ English _ 773 _ 416509 _ pdf

Group of Experts on Cleaner Electricity Systems (twentieth session)


61484 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2024/1 - Annotatated provisional agenda for the twentieth session _ 392598 _ English _ 773 _ 416420 _ pdf


61484 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.6/2024/3, ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2024/3 - Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the digital and data transformation in the electricity sector _ 392664 _ English _ 773 _ 416513 _ pdf


61484 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2024/4 - Outline for a Roadmap for a Regionally Interconnected Energy System in Central Asia _ 392599 _ English _ 773 _ 416421 _ pdf


61484 _ ECE/ENERGY/GE.5/2024/5 - Creating favourable conditions for effective transformation of electricity systems _ 392600 _ English _ 773 _ 416422 _ pdf

Committee on Sustainable Energy (thirty-third session)



61485 _ ECE/ENERGY/152 - Annotated provisional agenda for the thirty-third session _ 392590 _ English _ 773 _ 416406 _ pdf



61485 _ ECE/ENERGY/2024/1 - Draft Programme of work of the sustainable energy subprogramme for 2025 _ 392591 _ English _ 773 _ 416409 _ pdf



61485 _ ECE/ENERGY/2024/2 - Provisional calendar of meetings of the sustainable energy subprogramme for 2025 _ 392592 _ English _ 773 _ 416411 _ pdf



61485 _ ECE/ENERGY/2024/3 - Report on regional advisory services in sustainable energy _ 392593 _ English _ 773 _ 416412 _ pdf



61485 _ ECE/ENERGY/2024/6 - Revised Mandate and Terms of Reference of the Expert Group on Resource Management _ 392595 _ English _ 773 _ 416414 _ pdf



61485 _ ECE/ENERGY/2024/7 - Revised Terms of Reference of the Task Force on Industrial Energy Efficiency _ 392596 _ English _ 773 _ 416415 _ pdf