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International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies: Together for Clean Air

06 September 2023
Geneva, Switzerland

International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies: Together for Clean Air

6 September 2023, 8.30-9.45

Palais des Nations, building A, room III

According to WHO, almost everyone (99% of the global population) breathes polluted air. The transboundary nature of air pollution calls for local, national, regional, and global partnerships to tackle the problem. Although emissions of air pollutants have been reduced in Pan-European region over the last decades, exposure to air pollution levels that exceed WHO air quality guidelines is still high. While the decrease in some emissions, e.g. sulphur, has led to healthier forest soils, nitrogen emissions still threaten ecosystems in the region.

The theme for this year’s International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies, Together for Clean Air, highlights the urgent need for stronger partnerships, increased investment and redoubling of efforts for clean air. Collaboration with UN member states, development organizations, international and regional organizations, the private sector, and civil society is crucial to reducing pollution and improving air quality.

Everyone has a part to play in cleaning our air and protecting our health, and everyone can benefit from it: a safe, clean, healthy, and sustainable environment, including clean air, is critical to the full enjoyment of a wide range of human rights.

This side-event will discuss joint efforts by countries, the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, UNEP, and other UN organizations in taking action on clean air in the Pan-European region. The event was funded by the European Union, Germany, and the Nordic Council of Ministers.


8.00-8.30 Coffee

8.30-8.40 Welcome and introduction

Ms. Francesca Bernardini, Chief, Environment Division, UNECE

Mr. Arnold Kreilhuber, Director, UNEP Europe

8.40-8.50 Launch of the e-learning course on How to report emissions under the Convention (Russian version)

Ms. Ketevan Kordzakhia, UNECE

8.50-9.30 Panel discussion

Ms. Anna Engleryd, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Co-Chair of TFICAP

Mr. Noe Megrelishvili, Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, Georgia

Ms. Sophie Gumy, WHO

Ms. Albena Karadjova, UNECE

Mr. Tomas Marques, UNEP

Mr. Nathan Borgford-Parnell, CCAC

Mr. Lorenzo Labrador, WMO

9.30-9.40 Q&A

9.40-9.45 Conclusion

Moderator: Ms. Kimber Scavo, Chair, Executive Body for the Air Convention

Registration: Please register here.

Twitter: #WorldCleanAirDay and #TogetherForCleanAir