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Webinar on e-Business and Blockchain - UNECE, ISO, IEC, ITU

22 October 2021 12:00 - 14:45
Conference Call (Webinar) Geneva Switzerland

The Blockchain technology used by digital currencies has begun to spread across the global economy as a reliable way to store and verify data for other types of transaction. Indeed, it can be seen as a practical solution to many business and sustainability challenges, e.g. banking, energy, supply chain management, data accountability, and anti-counterfeit pharma, as well as facilitating international trade procedures.

For any pioneering technology to work globally, it needs to be built on strong foundations. There is also a need to understand environmental and other implications for blockchain to move beyond cryptocurrency and into the wider context. This is where standards can play a vital role, helping to ensure that blockchain interactions follow agreed ways of working to improve security, authenticity, traceability, privacy, scalability, sustainability and interoperability.

It is important that standards development organizations work together and share expertise to ensure the relevance and usability of the resulting standards.

The e-business Memorandum of Understanding Management Group between ISO, IEC, ITU and UNECE will host a webinar on blockchain to delve into questions such as:

  • What are the success stories for blockchain standards in e-business so far, and what are their transferable lessons learned?
  • What are the barriers to wider adoption of blockchain technologies and how can standards mitigate them?
  • (For example, blockchain-based e-business platforms, interoperability of information exchange across chains, a common semantic understanding of data in business processes implemented by smart contracts, the use of trustworthy digital ID for online transactions, environmental implications, understanding of how records management systems can utilise DLT and how DLT systems can support or enhance records management practices, fulfilment of burden of proof and long-term preservation in DLT especially in high regulated environments, PII and data privacy in DLT especially in Europe regarding GDPR.)
  • What future opportunities do we foresee for standardization in blockchain and e-business?
  • Areas of usage of blockchain/DLT beyond cryptocurrencies and the financial industry.

Experts from the four signatory organizations on blockchain related to e-business are welcome to join this webinar. For the connection details, please contact the corresponding secretariat of one of the four signatories (ISO, IEC, ITU or UNECE-TFS).

Useful link
The ISO Website


12:00 – 12:10 : Introduction
Ms. Laura Mathew, Technical Group Manager, ISO

12:10 - 12:55  ISO Speakers
Update on standards development for blockchain and DLT
  Mr. Craig Dunn, Chair ISO/TC 307, Blockchain
Adapting existing ISO standards to distributed ledger technologies and decentralized finance
  Mr. Jim Northey, Chair ISO/TC 68, Financial services

12:55 - 13:40  ITU Speakers
DLT-based Web3.0 digital economy, and standardization considerations from future network perspective--SG11 input
  Ms. Xiaoou Liu, Editor, SG 11
Overview on DLT work in SG 13
   Ms. Yuan Zhang, Rapporteur, SG 13
Progress of DLT and e-services from a standards perspective
  Mr. Kai Wei, Rapporteur, SG 16
SG17 DLT security work relevant to e-business
  Mr. Heung-Youl Youm, Chair, SG 17
Trustworthy Internet of Value with Blockchain
  Mr. Gyu Myoung Lee, Rapporteur, SG 20
Triple entry Accounting using Blockchain for e-Business: Transactions, Transparency and Trust
  Mr. Mc Sathish Kumar, Expert, SG3

13:40 - 14:25  UNECE/CEFACT
UNECE-UN/CEFACT General approach to blockchain  PPT
  Ms. Maria Ceccarelli, Chief of Section
  Mr. Tahseen Khan, UN/CEFACT Vice Chair
UN/CEFACT project on inter-ledger interoperability and preferential certificates of origin
  Mr. Steve Capell, Project Leader, UN/CEFACT   PPT
UN/CEFACT chain project
  Ms. Nena Dokuzov, Project Leader, UN/CEFACT   PPT
UN/CEFACT Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records (MLETR) -compliant records project
  Mr. Kay Ren Yuh, Project Leader, UN/CEFACT
UNECE Cotton Value Chain pilot
  Ms. Maria-Teresa Pisani, Economic Affairs Officer, UNECE  PPT

14:25 - 14:45  Q&A Discussion