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Practical application of the Draft Law of the Republic of Moldova on Strategic Environmental Assessment to urban plans and programmes: SEA scoping and baseline analysis workshops

30 - 31 July 2014
Chisinau Republic of Moldova

The training workshop on the practical application of the Draft law on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) to urban plans and programmes in the Republic of Moldova is organised by the Ministry of Environment and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) back to back with the round-table to discuss the draft law with national stakeholders. The logistical support for the event is provided by the United Nations Development Programme in the Republic of Moldova.

The workshop will support implementation of the pilot project on application of SEA to the Orhei town Master Plan development process.  It is targeted for practitioners who will help develop the SEA system in the Republic of Moldova, environmental experts, urban planners and representatives of the Orhei municipality. Interested and qualified participants will be invited to become experts on the national team to carry out the pilot SEA for the Master Plan.

The participants of the workshop will get familiar with key SEA procedural steps and SEA benefits. Particular attention will be paid to scoping or identification of the content of the SEA report, baseline analysis and requirements for carrying out consultations with environment and health authorities and public.

The activities were carried out with support of the EU funded Programme Greening Economies in the Eastern Neighbourhood (EaP-GREEN). 

Document Title


Provisional Agenda


List of participants




Background documents

Pilot project description ENG    
Orhei town master plan ENG   RO
Resource Manual to Support Application of the SEA Protocol ENG RUS  
General guidance on enhancing consistency between the Convention and environmental impact assessment within State ecological expertise in countries of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia ENG RUS  



EaP GREEN activities to support implementation of the UNECE Protocol on SEA to the Espoo Convention in the Republic of Molodva
Introduction to the pilot project on the application of the Draft Law on SEA to the Orhei town Master Plan development process


SEA benefits and key procedural steps
Introduction, SEA process in practice
Marina Khotuleva

Overview of strategic planning in Orhei town
Orhei town Master Plan: Key issues and expectations

SEA process of the Orhei town Master Plan
Marina Khotuleva

What is scoping and why do we do it?
Role of scoping, typical techniques of scoping, examples of SEA scope
Michal Musil
Public Health in SEA: Possibilities for the application in the context of SEA for the Orhei town Master Plan
Julia Nowacki, WHO
Introduction to the scoping exercise
Marina Khotueva, Michal Musil

Application of SEA: Baseline Analysis: relation to scoping, key challenges, practical examples
Michal Musil


Public consultations as a SEA tool
Outline of the content of the scoping report, timeframe and planned arrangements for the formal public scoping consultations
Marina Khotuleva


About the pilot project

The overall aim of the pilot project is to build capacities of the Republic of Moldova in application of SEA procedures at a national and local level, and to raise awareness of SEA benefits among various national stakeholders. The Orhei town Master Plan was selected as a pilot urban plan in order to:

  • test and demonstrate opportunities of practical application of the draft law on SEA in the Republic of Molodva
  • develop recommendations for further improvement of national legislative and institutional frameworks on SEA in a country.

Recommendations for environmental optimisation and modifications of the Orhei town Master Plan will also be developed to demonstrate SEA benefits in the planning process.

A pilot project will be conducted by a team of national experts with support from qualified international consultants and the UNECE secretariat. The project will be carried out in close cooperation with the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) of Moldova and the Orhei municipality.

The tentative timeframe of a pilot project extends from 30 June to 30 December 2014.

Pilot project description and plan is accessible here.

The project is funded by the European Commission through the four year Programme ‘Greening Economies in the European Neighborhood’ (EaP GREEN).