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The eighth Steering Committee meeting and Stakeholder meeting

23 - 24 October 2012
Bishkek Kyrgyzstan

Both meetings were organised by the Department of Water Management and Melioration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Melioration of Kyrgyzstan in cooperation with UNECE and OECD in the framework of the EUWI NPD. These were the first meetings chaired by the new NPD Chair – the Deputy Director of the Department of Water Management and Melioration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Melioration Mr. Abdybai Dzhailoobaev.

The stakeholder meeting on 23 October was the first formal NPD stakeholder meeting organized in Kyrgyzstan. It allowed having a broader discussion on the issues under the NPD and other issues of water policy with a different audience than in the official Steering Committee meetings. The Steering Committee on 24 October defined priority areas for the National Policy Dialogue in the end of 2012 and in the year 2013.

Download the Protocol of the Steering Committee meeting:

Download the agenda and list of participants of the Stakeholders meeting:

Please see the press-release of the meeting in English and in Russian.

Background document "Setting targets in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health in Kyrgyzstan" (interim report) in Russian



In English

OECD contribution to implementation of the National Policy Dialogue in Kyrgyzstan: plans till the end of 2012 and for 2013. Mr. Alexandre Martoussevitch, OECD

Project proposal for the development of the Chu River Basin Management Plan. Mr. Leif Iversen, consultant, Grontmij


In Russian

Introduction to the National Policy Dialogues: goals and objectives, work plan for 2012-2012. Ms. Iulia Trombitcaia, UN Economic Commission for Europe

Protocol on Water and Health to the UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes. Main goals and objectivesMr. Rainer Enderlein, UNECE consultant

Implementation of the project on target setting in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health in Kyrgyzstan. Mr. Harsha Ratnaweera, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Setting targets in the context of the Protocol on Water and Health in Kyrgyzstan. Ms. Nina Vashneva, consultant

OECD contribution to implementation of the National Policy Dialogue in Kyrgyzstan: plans till the end of 2012 and for 2013. Mr. Alexandre Martoussevitch, OECD

National strategy on adaptation to climate change. Water sector. Ms. Ekaterina Sakhaeva, Department of Water Management and Melioration

Adaptation of water resources to climate change in the Chu-Talas Basin. Mr. Shamil Iliasov, consultant

Project proposal for the development of the Chu River Basin Management Plan. Mr. Leif Iversen, consultant, Grontmij

Development of National Policy Dialogue in Tajikistan. Mr. Bakhrom Gafarov, Tajikistan

Support to the Government of Kyrgyzstan in assessment and reform of water harmful subsidies (presentation of the next OECD project): project goals, team, work plan, methodology and technical requirements. Mr. Tom Wood, Project leader, Atkins

UNECE: support to transboundary water cooperation in Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia. Ms. Iulia Trombitcaia, UN Economic Commission for Europe

Experience of transboundary water resources management in Central Asia in implementation of IWRM elements in the Isfara River Basin. Ms. Mayya Nurmamedova, GIZ program